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Empirische Bildungsforschung: Aktuelle Themen der Bildungspraxis und Bildungsforschung (Meet the Expert: Wissen aus erster Hand)

by Birgit Spinath

Sind Jungen die neuen Bildungsverlierer? Werden die Deutschen immer dümmer? Hat PISA die Schulen besser gemacht?Entscheiden sich die Richtigen für ein Lehramtsstudium?Diese und weitere Themen sind gesellschaftlich hoch relevant. Täglich berichten Medien über Bildung - mal mehr, mal weniger fundiert. Oft wird dabei ein überpointiertes, verzerrtes Bild gezeichnet, so dass es schwer ist, sich eine eigene Meinung zu bilden. Das vorliegende Buch greift aktuelle Themen aus Bildungsforschung und Bildungspraxis auf und stellt in kurzer, übersichtlicher Form den Forschungsstand dar. Sie lernen nicht nur die Fakten, sondern auch die Personen kennen, die sich diesen Fragen in Forschung und Praxis widmen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Interviews mit Expertinnen und Experten geführt, die in diesem Buch nachzulesen sind, aber auch als Videos angeschaut werden können. Zu Wort kommen führende Bildungsforscherinnen und –forscher aus Psychologie, Erziehungswissenschaft, Soziologie und Bildungsökonomie.ZielgruppeDas Buch kann von allen mit Gewinn gelesen werden, die sich für Bildung interessieren. Studierende verschiedener Fachrichtungen, Referendarinnen und Referendare sowie Lehrerinnen und Lehrer finden in diesem Buch viele Themen, die ihre Arbeit direkt betreffen. Die Lektüre kann auch Grundlage für eine Seminargestaltung in Fächern sein, die sich mit Bildungsforschung beschäftigen (Psychologie, Erziehungswissenschaft, Soziologie, Bildungsökonomie, Empirische Bildungsforschung etc.). Durch den Interview-Stil ist das Buch angenehm zu lesen und daher auch als Freizeitlektüre geeignet.

Empirische Bildungsforschung: Aktuelle Themen der Bildungspraxis und Bildungsforschung (Meet the Expert: Wissen aus erster Hand)

by Birgit Spinath

Sind Jungen die neuen Bildungsverlierer? Werden die Deutschen immer dümmer? Hat PISA die Schulen besser gemacht?Entscheiden sich die Richtigen für ein Lehramtsstudium?Diese und weitere Themen sind gesellschaftlich hoch relevant. Täglich berichten Medien über Bildung - mal mehr, mal weniger fundiert. Oft wird dabei ein überpointiertes, verzerrtes Bild gezeichnet, so dass es schwer ist, sich eine eigene Meinung zu bilden. Das vorliegende Buch greift aktuelle Themen aus Bildungsforschung und Bildungspraxis auf und stellt in kurzer, übersichtlicher Form den Forschungsstand dar. Sie lernen nicht nur die Fakten, sondern auch die Personen kennen, die sich diesen Fragen in Forschung und Praxis widmen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Interviews mit Expertinnen und Experten geführt, die in diesem Buch nachzulesen sind, aber auch als Videos angeschaut werden können. Zu Wort kommen führende Bildungsforscherinnen und –forscher aus Psychologie, Erziehungswissenschaft, Soziologie und Bildungsökonomie.ZielgruppeDas Buch kann von allen mit Gewinn gelesen werden, die sich für Bildung interessieren. Studierende verschiedener Fachrichtungen, Referendarinnen und Referendare sowie Lehrerinnen und Lehrer finden in diesem Buch viele Themen, die ihre Arbeit direkt betreffen. Die Lektüre kann auch Grundlage für eine Seminargestaltung in Fächern sein, die sich mit Bildungsforschung beschäftigen (Psychologie, Erziehungswissenschaft, Soziologie, Bildungsökonomie, Empirische Bildungsforschung etc.). Durch den Interview-Stil ist das Buch angenehm zu lesen und daher auch als Freizeitlektüre geeignet.

Empirische Forschung in den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften klipp & klar (WiWi klipp & klar)

by Hariet Köstner

Dieses Buch vermittelt das erforderliche Hintergrundwissen, das für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung eines empirischen Projektes nötig ist. Neben der grundsätzlichen Diskussion über das Wesen empirischer Forschung werden alle Phasen, die ein Projekt typischerweise durchläuft, abgehandelt: Besonderheiten unterschiedlicher Erhebungsmethoden, eine anwendungsorientierte Darstellung der Stichprobentheorie sowie die umsetzungsorientierte Gestaltung von Fragebögen. Der zweite Teil legt den Fokus auf die statistische Datenanalyse, ohne sich in Formeln zu verlieren. Praktische Umsetzung und Interpretation nehmen diesem – teils gefürchteten – Teil der empirischen Arbeit den Schrecken und machen die Notwendigkeit solider statistischer Analyse deutlich. Die Interpretation erfolgt überwiegend anhand von Outputs, die mit dem Auswertungsprogramm SPSS erzeugt wurden. Im Vordergrund steht aber nicht die technische Durchführung, sondern der kompetente Umgang mit den Ergebnissen. Ob diese mit SPSS oder einem der vielen anderen statistischen Auswertungsprogramme erzeugt werden, ist letztlich nachrangig. Entscheidend ist die Fähigkeit, die Ergebnisse richtig zu interpretieren und darauf aufbauend praxisrelevante Ableitungen zu entwickeln, um das Projekt zu einem erfolgreichen Abschluss zu bringen.Durch die anwendungsorientierte Gestaltung der Fallbeispiele, die sich durch das gesamte Buch ziehen, wird das Verständnis und die Übertragung auf eigene Fragestellungen erleichtert. Reflektionen über ethisch-moralische Aspekte der empirischen Forschung – Stichwort Datenschutz – regen zum kritischen Hinterfragen eigener Projekte an.

Empirische Solidaritätsforschung: Ein Überblick (essentials)

by Stefan Wallaschek

​Solidarität gehört zu den Grundbegriffen der Sozialwissenschaften. Gleichzeitig haben die jüngsten Krisen in Europa wie die Eurokrise oder Migrationskrise eine neue Debatte um die Idee der Solidarität entfacht. Das Feld der empirischen Solidaritätsforschung ist in den letzten zwei Dekaden erheblich angewachsen und hat sich stark ausdifferenziert. Das vorliegende Buch fasst die Hauptstränge der empirischen Forschung zusammen, indem zwischen struktur-, akteurs- und diskurs-zentrierten Ansätzen unterschieden wird, und stellt zentrale Forschungsergebnisse zu Solidarität vor. Abschließend werden die Vor- und Nachteile der drei Ansätze diskutiert und zukünftige Forschungsthemen der empirischen Solidaritätsforschung dargestellt. Damit bietet der Band den Leser*innen einen konzisen Einblick sowie eine Orientierungshilfe in einem schnell wachsenden und hoch aktuellen Themenfeld.

Empirische Sozialforschung: Eine Einführung

by Michael Häder

Sozialwissenschaftliche Methoden wie Befragungen, Beobachtungen und Inhaltsanalysen kommen in der Marktforschung, bei Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, in der Stadtplanung und in der Kommunikationsforschung zum Einsatz. Erst recht werden sie von Soziologen und empirisch arbeitenden Politikwissenschaftlern benötigt. Egal, ob im Rahmen der Evaluation eines Präventionsprogramms oder für die Erhebung des Gesundheitsverhaltens oder für eine Studie zur sozialen Mobilität, die sichere Handhabung des sozialwissenschaftlichen Instrumentariums ist stets die Voraussetzung, um belastbare Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Das Buch stellt wichtige Informationen für die Anwender und Entwickler dieser Instrumente zur Verfügung. Es behandelt die theoretischen Grundlagen der Methoden, die Schritte bei der Konzipierung und Umsetzung eines Projekts, die vielfältigen Varianten der Datenerhebung, die bei der Auswahl der Untersuchungseinheiten einzusetzenden Methoden ebenso wie die Prinzipien, die bei der Auswertung und Dokumentation der Befunde zu beachten sind. Mithilfe zahlreicher Beispiele gelingt eine besonders anschauliche Darstellung.In der vierten, aktualisierten Auflage hat im Rahmen der Auswahlverfahren nun auch das River Sampling Eingang gefunden, werden verstärkt auch digitale Methoden vorgestellt sowie vor dem Hintergrund der neuen Datenschutzverordnung auch die Forschungsethik und der Datenschutz aktualisiert.

Empirische Sozialforschung: Eine Einführung

by Michael Häder

Sozialwissenschaftliche Methoden wie Befragungen, Beobachtungen und Inhaltsanalysen kommen in der Marktforschung, bei Studien zur Zeitgeschichte, in der Stadtplanung und in der Kommunikationsforschung zum Einsatz. Erst recht werden sie von Soziologen und empirisch arbeitenden Politikwissenschaftlern benötigt. Egal, ob im Rahmen der Evaluation eines Präventionsprogramms oder für die Erhebung des Gesundheitsverhaltens oder für eine Studie zur sozialen Mobilität, die sichere Handhabung des sozialwissenschaftlichen Instrumentariums ist stets die Voraussetzung, um belastbare Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Das Buch stellt wichtige Informationen für die Anwender und Entwickler dieser Instrumente zur Verfügung. Es behandelt die theoretischen Grundlagen der Methoden, die Schritte bei der Konzipierung und Umsetzung eines Projekts, die vielfältigen Varianten der Datenerhebung, die bei der Auswahl der Untersuchungseinheiten einzusetzenden Methoden ebenso wie die Prinzipien, die bei der Auswertung und Dokumentation der Befunde zu beachten sind. Mithilfe zahlreicher Beispiele gelingt eine besonders anschauliche Darstellung.

Empirische Sozialforschung für die Polizei- und Verwaltungswissenschaften: Eine Einführung

by Stefan Hollenberg Claudia Kaup

Entscheidungen in Polizei, Politik und Verwaltung sollen adäquat theoretisch fundiert sein und auf einer soliden empirischen Basis gründen. Um diese Grundlagen zu entwickeln, sind Kenntnisse der wesentlichen Grundzüge empirischer Sozialforschung unverzichtbar. Dieses Lehrbuch bietet daher neben einer allgemeinen Einführung in die sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung praxisbezogene und beispielgestützte Hinweise für die Konzeption, Durchführung, Auswertung und Darstellung von zahlreichen quantitativen, qualitativen und mixed-methods- Ansätzen. Der Nutzen, aber auch Grenzen sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung für die Polizei und die öffentliche Verwaltung wird in weiteren Kapiteln aufgezeigt.

Empirische Studien lesen: Einführung in die Praxis der quantitativen Sozialforschung

by Markus Tausendpfund

Die Fähigkeit, empirische Studien lesen zu können, ist ein zentrales Ziel der sozialwissenschaftlichen Ausbildung. Deshalb macht dieser Band erstens mit der Struktur quantitativer Studien in Fachzeitschriften vertraut und vertieft zweitens die Kenntnisse, die erforderlich sind, um lineare und logistische Regressionsmodelle angemessen interpretieren und bewerten zu können. Dabei werden die erforderlichen Kenntnisse nicht abstrakt vermittelt, sondern anhand empirischer Befunde zu zentralen sozialwissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen. Zusätzliche Fragen per App: Laden Sie die Springer Nature Flashcards-App kostenlos herunter und nutzen Sie exklusives Zusatzmaterial, um Ihr Wissen zu prüfen.

Emplaced Resistance in Palestine and Israel: The Cases of Hebron, Silwan and al-Araqib (Routledge Studies on the Arab-Israeli Conflict)

by Marion Lecoquierre

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict gravitates constantly around the question of territorial control due to the settler-colonial principle present at the core of the Zionist project. Acknowledging space as a central tool of domination used by the Israeli authorities, this volume sheds light on the way space can become both a resource for and an outcome of protest, with an emphasis placed on the way it is used and produced through practices of resistance by subaltern groups. The research relies on a comparative approach, relying on data collected in the course of fieldwork conducted between 2012 and 2015 in Palestine and Israel. It focuses on three "sites of contention", which include the H2 area in Hebron (the occupied Old City, under Israeli authority), the "core" neighbourhoods of Silwan (Wadi Hilwe and al-Bustan) and the unrecognized Bedouin village of al-Araqib, in the Negev desert. Through these three case studies, the book tackles different strategies that engage with the materiality of space, place, sense of place, territory, landscape, network and scale, showing the mobilization of a real "spatial repertoire" of contention. The different regimes of control give rise to strategies that are first and foremost emplaced, i.e. rooted in the local. Providing an original comparison between flashpoints of the Palestinian resistance against the Israeli politics of dispossession and expulsion, the book is a key resource for scholars and readers interested in political geography, political science, sociology, and the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Employability Revisited: Strengths- and Life-phase-oriented Human Resource Management (Human Resource Management)

by Anne Rosken

One of the most pressing issues in current and future human resource management is the inclusion of strengths and life stages within human resource structures. This book examines in a multi-perspective, innovative and participatory way the conditioning factors for persistent stereotyping processes in the context of age and work. Levers for change as well as the circular model for optimizing or implementing life-phase oriented human resource management are presented. The book is valuable for lecturers and students with a focus on corporate and human resources management. It also offers practical assistance for corporate leaders and human resources managers for the implementation of a strength-oriented human resources management.

Employee Assistance Programs in Higher Education

by R. Paul Maiden; Sally B. Philips

Understand the challenges faced by university based EAPs and the strategies to effectively meet needs-and discover what works and what does not Academia is a diverse workplace unlike any other, and subsequently, employee assistance program (EAP) issues are unique. Employee Assistance Programs in Higher Education focuses on the unique challenges of employee assistance service delivery in a university setting. This handy resource discusses the evolution, development, and strategies in managing an EAP in academia while comparing the substantial differences in program application between academic settings and corporate settings. Discussions include outsourcing, support groups, implementation of services, and effective model frameworks. Employee Assistance Programs in Higher Education explores in depth how the difference of being an academic institution influences the administration of an EAP. Reducing costs, assessing the value of an EAP, faculty resistance to accessing EAPs, organizational and interpersonal problems, manager support groups to reduce stress, developing &’soft skills&’, and addressing the deaths of faculty, staff, and students are examined in detail. This unique resource is extensively referenced and includes tables to clearly present data. Topics in Employee Assistance Programs in Higher Education include: the evolution of the IAEAPE university EAP response to traumas on campus enhancing faculty access university EAPs and outsourcing creating a specialized EAP program comparison between academic and corporate cultures case study of the University of Saskatchewan EAP and more! Employee Assistance Programs in Higher Education is a comprehensive resource for academic administrators; benefit plan managers; university based EAP managers and directors; EAP, work/life, and wellness professionals; members of International Association of Employee Assistance Professionals in Education; Employee Assistance Professionals Association; Employee Assistance Society of North America; Association of Work Life Professionals; Society for Human Resource Management Schools of Social Work; educators in schools of social work, psychology, counseling education, and business.

Employee Assistance Programs in Managed Care

by William Winston Norman Winegar

Make sense of the managed care systems that dominate the world of EAP professionals and programs today!Employee Assistance Programs in Managed Care gives you a valuable overview of modern employee assistance programs. It compares and contrasts EAPs with managed behavioral care products and examines how EAPs are often provided in conjunction with managed care services. This timely book, vital in today’s ever-changing EAP climate, will familiarize you with essential managed behavioral technology such as the application of medical necessity criteria. This is especially important today in an environment dominated by employer- or insurer-sponsored managed care systems. You also get a helpful directory of EAP/managed care companiesEmployee Assistance Programs in Managed Care is your guidebook to today’s EAPs, providing vital information about: the services modern EAPs offer to employers and employees participating in networks to provide both therapy and EAP services how EAPs interface with managed behavioral care organizations how EAPs are sold how EAPs are marketed and managed today professional issues--certification, credentials, ethics, and more ways that counseling professionals can participate in them to the advantage of their clients--and to their professional practicesEAP professionals, clinical social workers, professional counselors, psychologists, benefit consultants, insurance brokers, psychiatric nurses, and clinical nurse specialists can all improve their practices and stay current with Employee Assistance Programs in Managed Care.

Employee-Centric IT: Advancing the Digital Era Through Extraordinary IT Experience

by Mark Ghibril

Global surveys from McKinsey, BCG, Gartner, and others show that less than 30% of digital transformation programs succeed in their missions to improve a company’s performance and employee productivity. This is due to the fact that IT efforts within the company do not center around the employee. This book will provide concrete steps to allow both IT professionals and business leaders to transform the way they deliver IT to employees – with the employee (the human) centered in their transformation.The concepts, models, checklists, and playbook you'll review are based on the author's many years of experience, lessons learned, and proven outcomes. IT organizations want to improve their employee experience but don’t know how and this is the “must have” book for those who don’t know where to start. More than two-thirds of today’s jobs require good digital and IT skills from employees. The expectations of management, who invest in these big digital transformations, is that the employees will become more productive, effective and help the bottom line. However, this can only happen through active and proactive change of IT operations and transformations that center the employee, rather than technology or senior management. This book reveals the benefit of moving towards an approach where employees gain technology aptitude, are up for technology change, and are willing to learn more for their benefit and even provide feedback on ways to improve these tools, trainings and support. You'll see how employee engagement and experience research, concepts, and implementations are growing rapidly across many organizations and taking a key role in their global strategies. Employee-centric IT will transform employees to own their digital literacy and development, and this in turn reduces or even eliminates the shadow IT need and allows the organization to drive and implement successful digital transformation.What You'll LearnUnderstand the value of being employee-centric in IT departments versus current modelsTake steps to win IT team’s acceptance of the changes needed to achieve employee-centricityBe proactive in providing training & information on digital & productivity toolsWho This Book Is ForBusiness leaders, IT and digital leaders as well as IT employees who would like to transform their current IT and Digital teams to be more employee centric and drive highest level of value, adoption and satisfaction for their IT/digital programs, transformations and investment.

Employee Engagement 2.0: How To Motivate Your Team For High Performance - A Real-world Guide For Busy Managers

by Kevin Kruse

This isn't just another ivory tower book on leadership. Employee Engagement 2.0 is the result of both massive research and real-world experience. The author, Kevin Kruse, is a former Best Place to Work winner, serial entrepreneur, and New York Times best-selling author. He has advised dozens of organizations, from Fortune 500 companies like SAP, to startups and non-profits, and even to the US Marines.

Employee Engagement in Media Management

by Stavros Georgiades

This book explores a major media management topic on the basis of case study research conducted in European, US and Brazilian media companies. More specifically, it examines the dynamics of employee engagement, aiming at organizational development through change. The book contemplates the discipline of Media Management through a management lens and focuses on the concept of employee involvement and its value with regard to successfully introducing change and achieving organizational development. It concentrates on providing the necessary information and organizational arrangements from the points of view of media managers and employees and highlights how this involvement can encourage employees to create and innovate. The book is directed towards researchers and students, as well as practitioners/professionals involved with media organizations.

Employer and Worker Collective Action

by Andrew G. Lawrence

"This book compares sources of worker and employer power in Germany, South Africa, and the United States in order to identify the sources of comparative U. S. decline in union power and to more precisely analyze the nature of labor-movement power. It finds that this power is not confined to allied parties, union confederations, or strikes, but rather consists of the capacity to autonomously translate power from one context to the next. By combining their product, labor market, and labor law advantages through their dominant employers' associations, leading firms are able to impose constraints on labor's free collective bargaining regionally and nationally, defeating employer interests that are more amenable to labor in the process. Through an examination of these patterns of interest organization, the book shows, however, that initial employer advantages prove to be contingent and unstable and that employers are forced to cede to more far-reaching demands of increasingly organized workers"--

Employers, Agencies and Immigration: Paying for Care (Research In Migration And Ethnic Relations Ser.)

by Anna Triandafyllidou Sabrina Marchetti

Exploring the performance by immigrants of domestic and care work in European households, this book places the employer centre-stage, examining the role of the employer and his or her agents in securing the balance between work, family and welfare needs, as well as investigating both who the employers are and the nature of their relationships with migrant workers. With attention to the dynamics of inequality, as class, ethnicity and gender become intertwined in a location that is at once home and workplace, this volume is organised into sections that deal with the subjectivities of employers and their relationships with their employees in the home; the re-organisation of welfare and care arrangements at state level; and the wider area of migrant domestic and care work, with the transformation of the au pair scheme. Bringing together the latest empirical work from across Europe, Employers, Agencies and Immigration will appeal to social scientists with interests in migration, ethnic and class relations, immigrant labour and domestic work and the sociology of the family.

Employers and Labour in the English Textile Industries, 1850-1939 (Routledge Library Editions: The Labour Movement #19)

by J. A. Jowitt A. J. Mcivor

First published in 1988. This collection of essays examines aspects of labour and industrial relations history in the textiles sector of Northern England during the mature phase of industrialisation before World War One and the period of retrenchment during the interwar economic recession. There are chapters on wool, worsted, silk, cotton spinning and weaving, and cotton finishing. The volume includes contributions by historians interested in employers’ organisations and management strategies, labour, trade union and women’s history. As such it provides a broader framework in which relationships between capital and labour are analysed. The book also incorporates some of the recent research on particularly neglected areas of social history, most notably on women workers and on the industrial relations policies of employers in textiles.

Employers' Associations in Asia: Employer Collective Action (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia)

by John Beson Ying Zhu Howard Gospel

Economic growth in Asia over the past half century has led to significant changes in societies, business organization and the nature of work. This has been accompanied by the rise in some countries of trade unions and also of employers’ associations. This book explores the nature of employers’ associations in the major countries of Asia. It considers how employers’ associations have developed in recent decades, how changes in market structures and the profile of economies have affected employers’ associations, how employers’ associations deal with issues to do with pay and employment conditions, and how they interact with regulation and the state. The book shows how the differing political and institutional contexts of different countries, and different economic conditions, greatly affect the nature of employers’ associations and also the wider context of labour markets and trade unions.

Employing People with Disabilities: Good Organisational Practices and Socio-cultural Conditions

by Ewa Giermanowska Mariola Racław Dorota Szawarska

Developing better employment and management practices for a diverse workplace is quickly becoming a major concern amongst most modern organisations; however, a lack of research into good practices has a limiting effect. Dealing specifically with disabilities, this pioneering work is based on international research spanning several European countries to demonstrate best practice. Aiming to fill a gap in knowledge, the authors offer interdisciplinary insights into managing diversity in the workplace, taking into account various social and cultural contexts. Providing analysis and recommendations for adapting organisational practices to different workplace settings, this Palgrave Pivot is a vital read for scholars of HRM and diversity management, as well as policy-makers and practitioners.

Employment and Citizenship in Britain and France

by John Edwards Jean-Paul Révauger

This title was first published in 2000: One of the most significant features to emerge in the world of work during the past decade has been the change from long-term employment, often with one employer, to a pattern of short-term, flexible working arrangements involving short-term contracts, frequent spells of unemployment, rapid movement into and out of employment and greater labour mobility. This text examines the social and economic consequences of this employment flexibility. The book derives from the 2nd Anglo-French Conference on the Transferability of Social Policy held in 1998, which focused on the problems created by employment flexibility and the appropriate policy responses, it also presents commentaries on the consequences of flexibility in Britain and France. It brings together British and French perspectives on such policy questions as the impact on families and their ability to plan in an atmosphere of economic insecurity, the manner in which French and British welfare systems are adapting, the impact on citizens' rights, the need, in both countries, to make pension arrangements more adaptable, and the potential for a "European citizenship" approach to the problem.

Employment and Labour Market in North-East India: Interrogating Structural Changes

by Virginius Xaxa Debdulal Saha Rajdeep Singha

This book examines the structural changes in the labour market in North-East India. Going beyond the conventional study of tea and agricultural sectors, it focuses on the nature, pattern and structure of work and employment in the region as well as documents emerging shifts in the labour force towards farm to non-farm dynamics. The chapters explore historical developments in employment patterns, labour market policies, issues of gender and social-religious dimensions, as well as point to growing forms of casual, informal and contractual labour across sectors. Through large-scale data and detailed case studies on unfree labour in plantations and those employed in crafts, handloom and the manufacturing industry, the book provides insights into labour and employment in the region. It also delves into the temporal and spatial dimensions of non-farm employment and its relationship with rural income distribution and labour mobility. By bringing interdisciplinary perspectives from scholars working on North-East India, this work fills a major gap in the political economy of the labour market in the region. The volume will be useful to scholars and researchers of development studies, North-East India studies, labour studies, economics, sociology and political science as well to those involved with governance and policymaking.

Employment and Tourism: New Research Perspectives in the Social Sciences (SpringerBriefs in Sociology)

by Christophe Guibert Bertrand Réau

This book proposes a new and original analysis of tourism employment in order to understand the multiple dimensions (economic, cultural, temporal, geographical, etc.) of this cross-cutting sector. It offers an overview of French knowledge, mainly in sociology, anthropology, geography and law, in the light of singular empirical fields. The diversity of disciplinary approaches, methods and questions allows for comparisons between various segments of the tourism employment market in France and with other countries. Based on in-depth case studies, this book will be a valuable resource for students and academics who wish to understand the specificities of tourism employment and the methods for studying them, as well as for professionals in the sector and decision-makers in European tourist destinations who wish to enrich their approaches to these phenomena.

Employment and Work

by Susanne Marie Bruyère Linda Barrington

This volume in The SAGE Reference Series on Disability explores issues facing people with disabilities in employment and the work environment. It is one of eight volumes in the cross-disciplinary and issues-based series, which incorporates links from varied fields making up Disability Studies as volumes examine topics central to the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families. With a balance of history, theory, research, and application, specialists set out the findings and implications of research and practice for others whose current or future work involves the care and/or study of those with disabilities, as well as for the disabled themselves. The presentational style (concise and engaging) emphasizes accessibility. Taken individually, each volume sets out the fundamentals of the topic it addresses, accompanied by compiled data and statistics, recommended further readings, a guide to organizations and associations, and other annotated resources, thus providing the ideal introductory platform and gateway for further study. Taken together, the series represents both a survey of major disability issues and a guide to new directions and trends and contemporary resources in the field as a whole.

The Employment Contract and the Changed World of Work (Corporate Social Responsibility Series)

by Stella Vettori

The world of work has undergone major changes in the last two decades. This book examines these changes in their international context. It is argued that collective bargaining should no longer be viewed as the most important means of regulating the employment relationship. In the changed world of work such an approach is becoming less relevant. Instead, other means of protecting legitimate worker interests are explored. These include: an adaptation and extension of the general principles of the law of contract; a constitutional right to fair labour practices; and the pursuit of good corporate governance and corporate social responsibility. The conclusion is that these alternative means of addressing legitimate worker interests can play a valuable role in filling the vacuum left by the worldwide decline of trade unions.

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