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ESO14 Bhartiya Samaj me Varg - IGNOU
by IgnouIn this section 7 we know the thinking of different category of Indian Societies. In this section there are four units and every units describe the different category.
ESO14 Jaatiya Strikaran - IGNOU
by IgnouIn this section after reading we would know about ethnicity of every ethnic group is important in their life. This section is also described in four sections.
ESO14 Samajik Strikaran ka Parichay - IGNOU
by IgnouIn the first curriculum it has been introduce about society and social stratification. The aspect of various important ideas of social stratification and basic fundamentals and social sex thinking and social gender(Gender) and understand the implications ethnicity have tried many innovative.
ESO14 Samajik Strikaran ka Varnan - IGNOU
by IgnouThis section is described into four units in it some new ideas about social stratification will get to read. The idea of Marx and weber social classical ideas by own method to be presented.
ESO14 Samajik Vibhedan Aur Jaatiyata - IGNOU
by IgnouIn this section it is though about question of accompanied resolution of social gender. In this section it is discussed about the different social gender it is important in their society.
ESO14 Upekshit Samudaye aur Strikaran - IGNOU
by IgnouIn this section we will teach about social stratifications and neglected community.
Esoteric Mysteries of the Underworld: The Power and Meaning of Subterranean Sacred Spaces
by Jean-Pierre BayardA comprehensive guide to the ancient beliefs and spiritual power of subterranean spaces • Examines in depth the myths, symbology, deities, and beliefs connected to the underworld from many different cultures and mystery traditions • Investigates the role of the underworld in initiatory rites and mystical practices, such as the Orphic Mysteries, the chambers of reflections in Freemasonry, the cult of the Black Madonna, and the cult of Isis • Discusses the telluric currents that run through ley lines, the significance of underground waterways, Hollow Earth theory, and the denizens of the subterranean realms, such as dragons, gnomes, and dwarfs Ancient cultures around the world understood the spiritual powers of the underworld. For millennia, natural caves and caverns were turned into sacred underground temples and, from holy mountains and cliffs, churches were beautifully carved into solid rock. Offering a guide to the spiritual energies that flourish beneath the surface of the Earth, Jean-Pierre Bayard explores the esoteric mysteries of the underworld, including the symbolic significance of caves, caverns, and underground temples. He examines in depth the myths, symbology, deities, and beliefs connected to the underworld from many different cultures and mystery traditions, from ancient Egypt to Scandinavia and Europe to the Middle East and India. He investigates the role of the underworld in initiatory rites, such as the Orphic Mysteries and Christ&’s descent into hell, revealing that at the heart of these teachings is the transformative power of a hero&’s descent into and return from the underworld. The author connects the esoteric attributes of the world below with the cult of the Black Madonna and the earlier cult of Isis. He discusses the telluric currents that run through ley lines, the significance of underground waterways, the esoteric properties of gems and stones, and the &“mineral blood&” of the alchemists. He also looks at Hollow Earth theory and the denizens of the subterranean realms, such as dragons, gnomes, and dwarfs. Explaining how the Earth is the womb of the world, Bayard shows how initiatic descent into the sacred subterranean realms reflects the descent of spirit into matter and its slow crystallization. By entering the body of the Earth Mother we are transformed, initiated into primordial wisdom and reborn as spiritual beings.
Esoteric Orders and Their Work
by Dion FortuneFrom the British occultist and author, a classic study of what esoteric orders are and what they can offer initiates.People have been interested in secret traditions since the beginning of time. Fraternal brotherhoods and sisterhoods, and secret orders of varying degrees exist in every country, race, and religion.In Esoteric Orders and Their Work, author Dion Fortune gets to the root of exactly what esoteric orders are, leaving no stone unturned. The chapter “Esotericism, Occultism, and Mysticism” defines what esotericism is in relation to exotericism—in layman’s terms, the inner life versus the outer one. In “The Origin of the Mysteries,” she looks at how esotericism grew hand-in-hand with the evolution of humankind, discussing how humans evolved from a group soul (still present in animals today, i.e.: packs of wolves) into a singular soul. “The Paths of the Western Tradition” is a discussion on the different schools that have developed (known as Rays) and how students, after having formed a solid base of knowledge, work through each ray on their way to becoming closer to an esoteric ideal. She expounds upon Masters in “The Evolution and Functions of the Masters.” We discover that they are not so much superhuman entities as beings who have learned all they need to know on the physical plane and now teach from the ethereal. Chapters such as “The Right and Left-Hand Paths” and “The Use and Power of Ritual” explain the differences between Black and White Occultism, and how long-kept-secret rituals taught only to initiates are used to further the order’s members along their paths.Today, in the centers of the civilized world, there is renewed interest in esoteric schools, and although they may be misunderstood by the mainstream, some of the noblest people have been among their advocates. This book removes the shroud of mystery and fear from esotericism and makes the Western Mystery Tradition accessible to anyone who has ever been curious about this fascinating spiritual path!Revised edition contains a new foreword by Gareth Knight, and an index.
España contra pronóstico: De cómo conquistamos nuestras libertades y del cuidado que requieren
by Aguilar, Miguel ÁngelUn libro lleno de verdad que repasa cada una de las señas de identidad de España, la economía y la clase política. Necesario y de actualidad. «Las reflexiones aquí recogidas parten de la fragilidad de la democracia. Sostienen la reversibilidad de sus logros. Salen al paso del entusiasmo que entre nosotros provocan los desastres. Alertan contra el regreso al cainismo de las dos Españas. Se dirigen a esa tercera España, la de los transterrados. Pero acusan, sin duda, su procedencia; la de un periodista con deberes de urgencia. Cumplen con el deber de molestar. Consideran que preguntar no ofende. Distinguen entre el principio de causalidad y el de contigüidad. Permiten deducir el coste de la no España».MIGUEL ÁNGEL AGUILAR El periodista Miguel Ángel Aguilar, colaborador habitual en diversos medios nacionales, examina con la lucidez que no empaña la pasión las instituciones de hoja perenne de la sociedad española desde elfinal del franquismo, los logros de la democracia y la situación actual. Y repasa con estilo periodístico irónico y certero la actualidad que tergiversa la realidad, la Constitución, la monarquía, las Fuerzas Armadas, la Iglesia, los partidos políticos, la respuesta de los ciudadanos en la calle, la justicia, el estado del bienestar o Europa, entre otras cuestiones fundamentales. España contra pronóstico es un libro lleno de verdad, irónico, necesario, que incentiva la reflexión sobre algunas de las señas de identidad de nuestro país y sirve al autor de exorcismo liberador.
España en serie. Cada serie cuenta una historia y todas juntas cuentan nuestra historia
by Álex MendíbilUn viaje a través del tiempo, la realidad y la ficción. Todas las series cuentan una historia y todas juntas cuentan nuestra historia. España en serie parte de un trabajo documental minucioso elaborado por Canal + durante un año y medio de producción, con más de 90 entrevistas a algunas de las actrices, actores, guionistas, directores y productores de televisión más importantes de las últimas décadas. Este libro reconstruye y amplía ese valioso material, que acapara los principales acontecimientos históricos y sociales de la ficción televisiva española, por y para los amantes de las series. La historia de España se cuenta a lo largo de estas páginas desde una nueva óptica, con un peculiar orden cronológico que empieza en Hispania para llegar a las series del futuro como Plutón BRB Nero, permitiendo así un análisis horizontal de cada época. Críticas de televisión, testimonios de los artistas, de los profesionales y un poderoso material gráfico completan un estudio pormenorizado y exquisito. De forma simultánea se alza en España en serie una visión sociológica ya que la interpretación de los acontecimientos varía en función de la década y de la situación del país. ¿Cómo se veía la España de los Reyes Católicos en los años del destape o de la movida y cómo se ve ahora con Isabel? ¿Cómo eran los personajes de las series de la Transición y cómo los ve Cuéntame? Gracias al oficio y a la prosa de Álex Mendíbil la lectura de este libro se convierte en una gratificante experiencia, en un recuerdo de los mejores momentos vividos enfrente del televisor. Un recorrido por más de 50 años de historia de la televisión y 23 siglos de historia de España, un viaje a través del tiempo, la realidad y la ficción. Los protagonistas han dicho... «La que llega a todos: esa es la serie buena». Antonio Resines «La teleme llevó a dedicarme a ser actriz». Carmen Machi «La ficción llegó para quedarse y se va a quedar. El público demanda cosas con las que se sienta identificado». Emilio Aragón «Hay momentos de éxtasis en la tele». Javier Cámara «Tenemos necesidad de conocer nuestra propia Historia». Josefina Molina «El espectador, finalmente, lo que tiene que hacer es conmoverse con lo que aparece por la tele». Juan Echanove «Somos la última generación que empezamos en blanco y negro. Y cuando desaparezcamos, ya sólo quedarán los archivos». José Sancho «Yo un día abrí El País y ponía que los tres personajes más populares de España eran Letizia Ortiz, Fernando Alonso y Fernando Tejero y a mí aquello me horrorizó». Fernando Tejero «España en serie cuenta la historia de un país a través de una nueva óptica y con un peculiar orden cronológico». El Siglo de Europa Reseñas: «Sobre emociones e historia, aunque contemporánea, gira el volumen de España en serie, escrito por Álex Mendíbil con motivo del programa del mismo título emitido recientemente por Canal + y en el que se recoge el archivo de la memoria para contar la historia de España en series». Diario de Noticias
La España nazi: Crónica de una colaboración ideológica e intelectual, 1931-1945
by Marco da CostaLa desconocida historia del respaldo al nazismo de los sectores intelectuales, políticos y periodísticos de la derecha española. Hasta la derrota de las tropas alemanas en Stalingrado en febrero de 1943, la España franquista fue ventajosamente hitleriana, más que filonazi, según afirma Marco da Costa. A partir de esa fecha se iniciaba una nueva coyuntura en la que el régimen español adoptaría ex profeso otras etiquetas ideológicas que le permitirían pervivir en la posguerra europea que se avecinaba e intentaría olvidar, de paso, sus coqueteos colaboracionistas con las potencias del Eje: un proceso de destotalitarización llevado a cabo por la mismaintelectualidad que, tan solo unos años antes, se había responsabilizado con orgullo de diseminar el ideario nacionalsocialista entre la prensa y el ensayismo de la época. La España nazi es un estudio ambicioso, original y ampliamente documentado sobre el papel de la intelectualidadcontrarrevolucionaria, falangista y conservadora a la hora de asimilar, interpretar y propagar la ideología del Tercer Reich en nuestro país. Marco da Costa realiza un apasionante recorrido por la historia intelectual de la España de los años treinta y cuarenta, desde la República española hasta el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, poniendo el foco sobre una amplia galería de figuras de distintos ámbitos profesionales e ideologías que, llegado el momento, no se alejarían demasiado del colaboracionismo intelectual de la Europa ocupada.
La España vacía
by Sergio del MolinoUn clásico de nuestra época, con nuevo prólogo y edición. «En el caso de Sergio del Molino y La España vacía se combinaron la magia de la literatura y la de la oportunidad».Ignacio Martínez de Pisón, La Vanguardia Llega al catálogo de Alfaguara un título que ya es historia reciente: el libro que cambió la mirada sobre la despoblación y la señaló como un fenómeno crucial para entender la España de hoy. La etiqueta «España vacía» generó una conversación nueva, llegó a los programas políticos, llenó librerías y espacios culturales, y ha acabado por convertirse en una sección fija de los medios y las agendas electorales. El asunto de «lo rural» y «lo urbano» volvió a ser un género literario que dio pie a una enorme bibliografía y revitalizó, además, el ensayo para la generación más joven de escritores y lectores. La España vacía hablade una gran parte de nuestro país, pero también de todo el mundo occidental, donde la vida en los pueblos se separa cada vez más de la urbana; habla de recursos, de política, de literatura y tradiciones, del pasado y del futuro, y de cada uno de nosotros, de nuestra historia y nuestras historias. Esta nueva edición incorpora un nuevo prólogo del autor escrito en 2022, junto a todo el contenido original revisado. Reseñas: «Del Molino usa la primera persona del singular de una manera que no es muy habitual en español, y menos todavía en España: no para hacer un personaje de sí mismo, ni para dar doctrina, ni para ejercer una halagadora impostura, sino para contar lo que es, lo que hace, lo que le gusta, lo que se le pasa por la cabeza, lo que le provoca sarcasmo o ternura, el tono de su vida, su amor por su familia y por su ocio».Antonio Muñoz Molina, Babelia (El País) «El ensayista más original e imprevisible de España».Carlos Alsina «Sergio del Molino mira donde nadie mira y por eso ve lo que nadie ve. Y lo cuenta con trazo de escritor grande.»Iñaki Gabilondo «Todas las obras de extraordinario calado literario tienen algo en común: parecen, por un lado, la demostración evidente del talento individual de quien las ha escrito y, por otro, una supuración genérica de lo humano, algo natural y perteneciente a todos, como una roca, o un estrato. Era necesario que alguien se sentara a escribir este libro que no existía. Lo ha hecho Sergio del Molino.»Andrés Barba, El Cultural «Del Molino contó el drama de España, de la mitad de España sin la cual no podría ser ni existir la otra mitad.»Andrés Trapiello, El Mundo «Es un libro fascinante. [...]. Qué libro tan gracioso, tan divertido y tan bonito.»Santiago Lorenzo, autor de Los asquerosos, Jot Down «En su intento de buscarse y contarse a sí mismo, [el autor] ha encontrado en el camino a su propio país.»Javier Villuendas, ABC Cultural «Un libro puede anunciar y dar forma a una inquietud que late silenciosa bajo la superficie. [...] En el caso de Sergio del Molino y La España vacía también se combinaron la magia de la literatura y la de la oportunidad. Ese libro reclamaba nuestra atención sobre algo muy grande, enorme, que estaba ahí delante, a la vista de todos, pero en lo que, como en las adivinanzas, sólo reparamos cuando nos dicen la solución.»Ignacio Martínez de Pisón, La Vanguardia Sobre Contra la España vacía «La novela de un país en busca de sí mismo.»Pedro Javaloyes, Le Monde Diplomatique «Un gran tipo [...]. Del Molino, un hombre grande, del género úrsido, tiene el puño de hierro cuando le da la gana, pero en general trata con cariño a su prójimo, aunque lo deteste».Félix de Azúa, El País «Libros se escriben muchos, pero no hay tantos que se lean. Si, además, generanref
Espanol medico y sociedad: Un libro para estudiantes de espanol en el tercer ano de estudios (Revised Edition)
by Alicia GiraltEspanol medico y sociedad/ Medical Spanish and Society is an innovative textbook that fulfills the needs of upper-division Spanish students who are pursuing degrees in the health professions, plan to become medical interpreters or just want to improve their proficiency in the language. It provides multiple opportunities to learn vocabulary related to the medical field, reviews hard-to-understand grammatical concepts, describes health-related cultural competence and presents opportunities to discuss issues of concern about the health of Hispanic communities in the US and abroad.
Esperanto and Its Rivals
by Roberto GarvíaThe problems of international communication and linguistic rights are recurring debates in the present-day age of globalization. But the debate truly began over a hundred years ago, when the increasingly interconnected world of the nineteenth century fostered a desire for the development of a global lingua franca. Many individuals and social movements competed to create an artificial language unencumbered by the political rivalries that accompanied English, German, and French. Organizations including the American Philosophical Society, the International Association of Academies, the International Peace Bureau, the Comintern, and the League of Nations intervened in the debate about the possibility of an artificial language, but of the numerous tongues created before World War II, only Esperanto survives today.Esperanto and Its Rivals sheds light on the factors that led almost all artificial languages to fail and helped English to prevail as the global tongue of the twenty-first century. Exploring the social and political contexts of the three most prominent artificial languages--Volapük, Esperanto, and Ido--Roberto Garvía examines the roles played by social movement leaders and inventors, the strategies different organizations used to lobby for each language, and other early decisions that shaped how those languages spread and evolved. Through the rise and fall of these artificial languages, Esperanto and Its Rivals reveals the intellectual dilemmas and political anxieties that troubled the globalizing world at the turn of the twentieth century.
Esperanto Revolutionaries and Geeks: Language Politics, Digital Media and the Making of an International Community
by Guilherme FiansThis book explores how Esperanto – often regarded as a future-oriented utopian project that ended up confined to the past – persists in the present. Constructed in the late nineteenth century to promote global linguistic understanding, this language was historically linked to anarchism, communism and pacifism. Yet, what political relevance does Esperanto retain in the present? What impacts have emerging communication technologies had on the dynamics of this speech community? Unpacking how Esperanto speakers are everywhere, but concentrated nowhere, the author argues that digital media have provided tools for people to (re)politicise acts of communication, produce horizontal learning spaces and, ultimately, build an international community. As Esperanto speakers question the post-political consensus about communication rights, this language becomes an ally of activism for open-source software and global social justice. This book will be of relevance to students and scholars researching political activism, language use and community-building, as well as anyone with an interest in digital media more broadly.
Esperanza Speaks: Confronting a Century of Global Change in Rural Panama (Teaching Culture: UTP Ethnographies for the Classroom)
by Gloria RudolfEsperanza Speaks examines a century-long process of socioeconomic change in rural Panama through the experiences of one woman, Esperanza Ruiz, and four generations of her family. The intimate narrative shows how ordinary people, through their choices and actions, are affected by and, in turn, can affect how history unfolds. Readers see Esperanza’s family as both victims and protagonists in their own histories. Born into rural poverty with limited options, they still find small openings to try to improve their lives. Sometimes successful, sometimes not, they survive by drawing on their only abundant resource: each other. Based on twenty field visits over the course of fifty years, Esperanza Speaks is the result of a dedicated anthropologist’s long-term engagement with the individuals of a single community, and a beautiful example of ethnographic storytelling.
Una espía en el reino de Galicia
by Manuel RivasUn ejemplo de periodismo que reivindica el humor, y que con mucha ironía y una pizca de saudade apuesta por la rebelión contra el «estado de excepción mental», el dominio del partido conformista y el imperio de lo absurdo. ¿Por qué los gallegos aman las curvas? ¿Qué hacen en mitad de la escalera? ¿Por qué adoran al Santo Octopus? He aquí una etnografía irónica, una subversión de los tópicos. Después de Galicia, Galicia, Manuel Rivas ofrece en este libro una nueva geografía gallega, metáfora del mundo, que consta de cuatro lugares comunicados por caminos en el tiempo y en el espacio: «Galicia contada a un extraterrestre», amplio informe dirigido a un alien llamado Gof Oscar Delta sobre los hemisferios de la Galicia de hoy. «La espía (primera parte)» y «La espía (segunda parte)», informes de las investigaciones de una espía enviada a desentrañar los secretos del país de los gallegos; y «El blog de Rumbar», anotaciones sobre el presente en un cuaderno electrónico. Un libro en el que Galicia se concibe como célula madre, como matria y como lugar de encuentro continental y trasatlántico.
ESPN: The Making of a Sports Media Empire
by Travis VoganOnce a shoestring operation built on plywood sets and Australian rules football, ESPN has evolved into a media colossus. A genius for cross-promotion and its near-mystical rapport with its viewers empower the network to set agendas and create superstars, to curate sports history even as it mainstreams the latest cultural trends. Travis Vogan teams archival research and interviews with an all-star cast to pen the definitive account of how ESPN turned X's and O's into billions of $$$. Vogan's institutional and cultural history focuses on the network since 1998, the year it launched a high-motor effort to craft its brand and grow audiences across media platforms. As he shows, innovative properties like SportsCentury, ESPN The Magazine , and 30 for 30 built the network's cultural caché. This credibility, in turn, propelled ESPN's transformation into an entity that lapped its run-of-the-mill competitors and helped fulfill its self-proclaimed status as the "Worldwide Leader in Sports." Ambitious and long overdue, ESPN: The Making of a Sports Media Empire offers an inside look at how the network changed an industry and reshaped the very way we live as sports fans.
Esports in the Asia-Pacific: Ecosystem, Communities, and Identities (Palgrave Series in Asia and Pacific Studies)
by Filippo Gilardi Paul MartinThis is an edited book that fills a gap in knowledge by providing a comprehensive view of esports practice from the Asia and Pacific region. The volume looks at the development of esports through the interconnections between institutions, industries, players, and society, across the Asia-Pacific. Over the last two decades, the Asia-Pacific region has been central to the growth and development of esports. The value of this book lies in its ability to provide a view of esport from countries that are currently underrepresented in the literature such as Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and Australia while still integrating chapters looking at more well-researched countries such as China, Korea, and Japan. Through its diverse case studies, the book serves as a resource for scholars and educators worldwide who seek diverse examples with which to improve understanding of the esports phenomenon and the inclusiveness of media and communication curricula. chapters “Introduction to Esports in the Asia-Pacific” and “Conclusions to Esports in the Asia–Pacific” are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.
An Essay on India (Routledge Revivals)
by Robert ByronFirst published in 1931, Robert Byron’s Essay on India evaluates the state of colonial rule in India and analyses the contemporary problems facing the country. Based upon Byron’s travelling experiences within India in 1929 as a correspondent for the Daily Express, the work explores political factors more fully than in Byron's earlier writings, evaluating the successes and failures of British colonialism in the region.
An Essay on Liberation
by Herbert MarcuseIn this concise and startling book, the author of One-Dimensional Man argues that the time for utopian speculation has come. Marcuse argues that the traditional conceptions of human freedom have been rendered obsolete by the development of advanced industrial society. Social theory can no longer content itself with repeating the formula, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs," but must now investigate the nature of human needs themselves. Marcuse's claim is that even if production were controlled and determined by the workers, society would still be repressive--unless the workers themselves had the needs and aspirations of free men. Ranging from philosophical anthropology to aesthetics An Essay on Liberation attempts to outline--in a highly speculative and tentative fashion--the new possibilities for human liberation. TheEssay contains the following chapters: A Biological Foundation for Socialism?, The New Sensibility, Subverting Forces--in Transition, and Solidarity.
An Essay on Man: An Introduction to a Philosophy of Human Culture
by Ernst CassirerCassirer explores the question "what is man?" and explores man in terms of his human culture.
An Essay on the Civilisations of India, China and Japan (Routledge Library Editions: Japan)
by G Lowes DickinsonThis volume presents an account of the author’s travels during 1912-13 making particular note of the characteristics of Indian, Chinese and Japanese societies and the effect upon them of contact with the West. Although inevitably dated in some of its views, the volume nonetheless provides an excellent starting point for comparisons between East and West and the strengths and weaknesses of the individual cultures, be it in politics, literature or the arts.
An Essay on the Principle of Population
by T. R. MalthusThe first major study of population size and its tremendous importance to the character and quality of society, this polemic examines the tendency of human numbers to outstrip their resources. Pivotal in establishing the field of demography, it remains crucial to understanding modern problems with food production and distribution. Anglican parson Thomas Robert Malthus wrote his famous essay in 1798 in response to speculations on social perfectibility aroused by the French Revolution. Because human powers of procreation so greatly exceed the production of food, Malthus explained, population will always exceed available resources, and many will inevitably live at the ragged edge of subsistence. His simple yet powerful argument -- demonstrating that scarcity and inequality arise even in a society purged of all unjust laws and institutions -- was highly controversial in its day. Many of Malthus' contemporaries despised him for dashing their hopes of social progress, and the grim logic of his "population principle" led Thomas Carlyle to dub economics "the dismal science. " Today, Malthus' name is practically synonymous with active concern about demographic and ecological prospects, and his classic remains ever relevant to issues of social policy, theology, evolution, and the environment.
An Essay on the Principle of Population
by T. R. MalthusThe first major study of population size and its tremendous importance to the character and quality of society, this polemic examines the tendency of human numbers to outstrip their resources. Pivotal in establishing the field of demography, it remains crucial to understanding modern problems with food production and distribution.Anglican parson Thomas Robert Malthus wrote his famous essay in 1798 in response to speculations on social perfectibility aroused by the French Revolution. Because human powers of procreation so greatly exceed the production of food, Malthus explained, population will always exceed available resources, and many will inevitably live at the ragged edge of subsistence. His simple yet powerful argument — demonstrating that scarcity and inequality arise even in a society purged of all unjust laws and institutions — was highly controversial in its day. Many of Malthus' contemporaries despised him for dashing their hopes of social progress, and the grim logic of his "population principle" led Thomas Carlyle to dub economics "the dismal science." Today, Malthus' name is practically synonymous with active concern about demographic and ecological prospects, and his classic remains ever relevant to issues of social policy, theology, evolution, and the environment.