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Gestaltung digitaler und politischer Wirklichkeiten (Würzburger Beiträge zur Designforschung)

by Christian Bauer Martin Niederauer Gerhard Schweppenhäuser

Dieser Sammelband zeigt welchen Beitrag Design für den Umgang mit globalen gesellschaftspolitischen, ökologischen und sozialen Herausforderungen leisten kann. Die Konzeption ist dabei innovativ: Exzellente Entwurfs-Arbeiten des Nachwuchses werden mit Studien renommierter Expertinnen und Experten aus den Designwissenschaften kombiniert. Ergänzt wird das Buch durch einen Gastbeitrag über die Perspektive eines deskriptiv kontrollierten und normativ reflektierten Designs.​

The Gestural Communication of Apes and Monkeys

by Josep Call; Michael Tomasello

The Gestural Communication of Apes and Monkeys is an intriguing compilation of naturalistic and experimental research conducted over the course of 20 years on gestural communication in primates, as well as a comparison to what is known about the vocal communication of nonhuman primates. The editors also make systematic comparisons to the gestural communication of prelinguistic and just-linguistic human children. An enlightening exploration unfolds into what may represent the starting point for the evolution of human communication and language. This especially significant read is organized into nine chapters that discuss:*the gestural repertoire of chimpanzees;*gestures in orangutans, subadult gorillas, and siamangs;*gestural communication in Barbary macaques; and*a comparison of the gestures of apes and monkeys. This book will appeal to psychologists, anthropologists, and linguists interested in the evolutionary origins of language and/or gestures, as well as to all primatologists. A CD insert offers video of gestures for each of the species.

Gesture and Power: Religion, Nationalism, and Everyday Performance in Congo

by Yolanda Covington-Ward

In Gesture and Power Yolanda Covington-Ward examines the everyday embodied practices and performances of the BisiKongo people of the Lower Congo to show how their gestures, dances, and spirituality are critical in mobilizing social and political action. Conceiving of the body as the center of analysis, a catalyst for social action, and as a conduit for the social construction of reality, Covington-Ward focuses on specific flash points in the last ninety years of Congo's troubled history, when embodied performance was used to stake political claims, foster dissent, and enforce power. In the 1920s Simon Kimbangu started a Christian prophetic movement based on spirit-induced trembling, which swept through the Lower Congo, subverting Belgian colonial authority. Following independence, dictator Mobutu Sese Seko required citizens to dance and sing nationalist songs daily as a means of maintaining political control. More recently, embodied performance has again stoked reform, as nationalist groups such as Bundu dia Kongo advocate for a return to precolonial religious practices and non-Western gestures such as traditional greetings. In exploring these embodied expressions of Congolese agency, Covington-Ward provides a framework for understanding how embodied practices transmit social values, identities, and cultural history throughout Africa and the diaspora.


by Vilém Flusser Nancy Ann Roth

Throughout his career, the influential new media theorist Vilém Flusser kept the idea of gesture in mind: that people express their being in the world through a sweeping range of movements. He reconsiders familiar actions--from speaking and painting to smoking and telephoning--in terms of particular movement, opening a surprising new perspective on the ways we share and preserve meaning. A gesture may or may not be linked to specialized apparatus, though its form crucially affects the person who makes it.These essays, published here as a collection in English for the first time, were written over roughly a half century and reflect both an eclectic array of interests and a durable commitment to phenomenological thought. Defining gesture as "a movement of the body or of a tool attached to the body for which there is no satisfactory causal explanation," Flusser moves around the topic from diverse points of view, angles, and distances: at times he zooms in on a modest, ordinary movement such as taking a photograph, shaving, or listening to music; at others, he pulls back to look at something as vast and varied as human "making," embracing everything from the fashioning of simple tools to mass manufacturing. But whatever the gesture, Flusser analyzes it as the expression of a particular form of consciousness, that is, as a particular relationship between the world and the one who gestures.

Gestures of Concern (a Cultural Politics book)

by Chris Ingraham

In Gestures of Concern Chris Ingraham shows that while gestures such as sending a “Get Well” card may not be instrumentally effective, they do exert an intrinsically affective force on a field of social relations. From liking, sharing, posting, or swiping to watching a TED Talk or wearing an “I Voted” sticker, such gestures operate as much through affective registers as they do through overt symbolic action. Ingraham demonstrates that gestures of concern are central to establishing the necessary conditions for larger social or political change because they give the everyday aesthetic and rhetorical practices of public life the capacity to attain some socially legible momentum. Rather than supporting the notion that vociferous public communication is the best means for political and social change, Ingraham advances the idea that concerned gestures can help to build the affective communities that orient us to one another with an imaginable future in mind. Ultimately, he shows how acts that many may consider trivial or banal are integral to establishing those background conditions capable of fostering more inclusive social or political change.

Gesundheit – Konventionen – Digitalisierung: Eine politische Ökonomie der (digitalen) Transformationsprozesse von und um Gesundheit (Soziologie der Konventionen)

by Valeska Cappel Karolin Eva Kappler

Die Open Access Publikation nimmt die Mobilisierung von Gesundheit als Kategorie in den Fokus. Dem pragmatischen Zugang zu Digitalisierung und Gesundheit der Économie des Conventions folgend, wird situativ aufgezeigt, welche Rolle bestehende und neue Formen, Konventionen und Objekte spielen, insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit digitalen Transformationen. Der Sammelband setzt sich damit von einer salutogenetischen oder pathologischen Betrachtungsweise, die den bisherigen soziologischen Blick auf Gesundheitsverhältnisse mitunter geprägt hat, ab und zeichnet die Pluralität der Konventionen im Gesundheitsfeld nach.

Gesundheit – Teilhabechancen – Diskriminierungsrisiken: Health in All Policies als Querschnittsaufgabe bei Beeinträchtigungen und Behinderung (Gesundheitsförderung - Rehabilitation - Teilhabe)

by Elisabeth Wacker Iris Beck Martina Brandt Swantje Köbsell Sonia Lippke Mathilde Niehaus

Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.Das Recht auf Gesundheit und Wohlergehen steht allen Menschen zu, unabhängig von Alter, Geschlecht, Beeinträchtigung oder anderen Vielfaltsmerkmalen. Auf die enge Verknüpfung von gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe und bestmöglicher Gesundheit macht das Gemeinschaftswerk aufmerksam. Es weist auf Exklusions- und Isolationsrisiken hin, zeigt Erfahrungen aus der Coronapandemie auf und öffnet Wege, um Benachteiligungen abzubauen, auch für den demografischen Wandel. Vielfache wissenschaftliche Expertise (aus dem Wissenschaftlichen Beirat der Bundesregierung zur Teilhabeberichterstattung) und zukunftsweisende fachliche Debatten werden unterlegt mit neuesten Daten und dem Blick auf die globalen Gesundheitsziele.

Gesundheit als gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe: Das Konzept Health in All Policies und seine Umsetzung in Deutschland

by Katharina Böhm Stefan Bräunling Raimund Geene Heike Köckler

Dieser Band ist das erste Standardwerk zum Thema Health in All Policies (HiAP) in Deutschland. Das Buch beschreibt Idee und Grundanliegen sowie Kernmerkmale von HiAP und skizziert die gesetzlichen und politischen Rahmenbedingungen sowie die aktuelle Umsetzung. Es schildert die Perspektive unterschiedlicher Politikfelder (z.B. Bildung, Umwelt, Verkehr) auf Gesundheit und gibt einen Einblick in Potentiale, Hindernisse und Chancen einer gesamtgesellschaftlichen Berücksichtigung. Der Sammelband enthält zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele der Umsetzung von HiAP und zeigt auf, wie Gesundheit zu einem wesentlichen Leitbild in allen Politikbereichen werden kann.

Gesundheit in Sportunterricht und Sportlehrerbildung: Bestandsaufnahme, Intervention und Evaluation im Projekt ‚‘ (Bildung und Sport #21)

by Ralf Sygusch Hans Peter Brandl-Bredenbeck Susanne Tittlbach Katharina Ptack Clemens Töpfer

Der Band bietet qualitative und quantitative Befunde zum Thema Gesundheit in Sportunterricht und Lehrerbildung im Fach Sport. Das Projekt ‚‘ zielt auf eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der sportbezogenen Gesundheitskompetenz von Schülerinnen und Schülern. Dazu spannt das Projekt den Bogen vom Sportunterricht über die universitäre Sportlehrerbildung bis zum Vorbereitungsdienst. Im ersten Schritt wird eine Bestandsaufnahme zur Umsetzung des Themas Gesundheit in Sportunterricht und Sportlehrerbildung vorgenommen. Die anschließende Intervention folgt dem partizipativen Ansatz der Kooperativen Planung, in der alle beteiligten Stakeholder eines Settings involviert werden, um gemeinsam eine nachhaltige Implementation zu gewährleisten. Konzeption, Durchführung und Wirksamkeit der Intervention werden systematisch evaluiert.

Gesundheitsökonomische Evaluation von AAL-Technologien: Eine Analyse am Beispiel von intelligenten Rollatoren in der häuslichen Versorgung (Vechtaer Beiträge zur Gerontologie)

by Mareike Mähs

Um die Informationsbasis über AAL-Technologien zu erhöhen, wird Wissen über die Effektivität, den Nutzen und die Kosten dieser Technologien benötigt. Es fehlen jedoch gerade für AAL-Technologien qualitativ hochwertige gesundheitsökonomische Evaluationsstudien. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat deshalb das Ziel, gesundheitsökonomische Evaluationsverfahren hinsichtlich ihres Einsatzes zur Abschätzung der Wirksamkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit von AAL-Technologien zu untersuchen und eine geeignete Vorgehensweise zur Evaluationen von AAL-Technologien am Beispiel von intelligenten Rollatoren aufzuzeigen. Mareike Mähs zeigt, dass eine gesundheitsökonomische Evaluation von AAL-Technologien mit spezifischen Herausforderungen einhergeht. Dementsprechend sind vorhandene Verfahren an die Charakteristika der Technologie und ihrer Nutzerinnen sowie Nutzer anzupassen bzw. alternative Verfahren zu wählen. Aus diesem Grund wird ein Framework entwickelt, das eine Orientierung für eine strukturierte Vorgehensweise zur entwicklungsbegleitenden Evaluation von AAL-Technologien am Beispiel von intelligenten Rollatoren entlang deren Lebenszyklus bietet.

Gesundheitspsychologie: Eine Einführung – kompakt, prägnant und anwendungsorientiert (Angewandte Psychologie Kompakt)

by Peter Michael Bak

Dieses prägnante Lehrbuch aus der Lehrbuchreihe Angewandte Psychologie Kompakt enthält die wichtigsten psychologischen Theorien und Konzepte rund um das Trendthema Gesundheitspsychologie. Es ist speziell für Studierende konzipiert, die sich einen schnellen und eingängigen Überblick über die Thematik sowie einen starken Praxisbezug wünschen. Die sorgfältige Didaktik, Klausurfragen, digitale Zusatzmaterialien und Zusammenfassungen stellen eine optimale Grundlage für das Verstehen des Lehrstoffes und die Prüfungsvorbereitung im Bereich der Gesundheitspsychologie dar. Durch zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele, Reflexionsfragen, eingebundene Audioclips und Online-Zusatzmaterialien ist es in einzigartiger Weise anwendungsorientiert und weckt dadurch Lust, das Gelernte gedanklich weiterzuentwickeln und in verschiedensten Kontexten umzusetzen. Zusätzlich sind Fragen und Antworten zum Selbsttest über die SN Flashcards Lern-App inkludiert. Der Zugangscode befindet sich im gedruckten Buch.

Get a Better Grade: Seven Steps to Excellent Essays and Assignments (SAGE Study Skills Series)

by Professor Mal Leicester Denise Taylor

Not sure how to start your essay or prepare for a presentation? Worried about how to structure your report? Questioning what a good assignment actually looks like? With encouraging, jargon-free advice and a clearly defined seven-step plan to getting better grades, this book takes the fear out of academic writing and gives you the tools you need to succeed. Punchy and packed with the dos and don’ts of good writing, it helps you improve your grades quickly and with minimal hassle. Covering not just essays, but also group work, reports, reviews, research projects, journaling, and presentations, it provides effective tips on: Defeating writers’ block Identifying and using relevant sources Planning and outlining strategies Building arguments and providing evidence Developing critical and analytical thinking Cultivating writing style Mastering presentation. Focused on explaining and demonstrating the core requirements of academic assignments through detailed examples, this book provides all the support you need to build confidence and produce high-quality assignments. SAGE Study Skills are essential study guides for students of all levels. From how to write great essays and succeeding at university, to writing your undergraduate dissertation and doing postgraduate research, SAGE Study Skills help you get the best from your time at university. Visit the SAGE Study Skills hub for tips, resources and videos on study success!

Get a Better Grade: Seven Steps to Excellent Essays and Assignments (SAGE Study Skills Series)

by Denise Taylor Professor Mal Leicester

Not sure how to start your essay or prepare for a presentation? Worried about how to structure your report? Questioning what a good assignment actually looks like? With encouraging, jargon-free advice and a clearly defined seven-step plan to getting better grades, this book takes the fear out of academic writing and gives you the tools you need to succeed. Punchy and packed with the dos and don’ts of good writing, it helps you improve your grades quickly and with minimal hassle. Covering not just essays, but also group work, reports, reviews, research projects, journaling, and presentations, it provides effective tips on: Defeating writers’ block Identifying and using relevant sources Planning and outlining strategies Building arguments and providing evidence Developing critical and analytical thinking Cultivating writing style Mastering presentation. Focused on explaining and demonstrating the core requirements of academic assignments through detailed examples, this book provides all the support you need to build confidence and produce high-quality assignments. SAGE Study Skills are essential study guides for students of all levels. From how to write great essays and succeeding at university, to writing your undergraduate dissertation and doing postgraduate research, SAGE Study Skills help you get the best from your time at university. Visit the SAGE Study Skills hub for tips, resources and videos on study success!

Get a Job: Labor Markets, Economic Opportunity, and Crime (New Perspectives in Crime, Deviance, and Law #11)

by Robert D. Crutchfield

Are the unemployed more likely to commit crimes? Does having a job make one less likely to commit a crime? Criminologists have found that individuals who are marginalized from the labor market are more likely to commit crimes, and communities with more members who are marginal to the labor market have higher rates of crime. Yet, as Robert Crutchfield explains, contrary to popular expectations, unemployment has been found to be an inconsistent predictor of either individual criminality or collective crime rates. In Get a Job, Crutchfield offers a carefully nuanced understanding of the links among work, unemployment, and crime. Crutchfield explains how people's positioning in the labor market affects their participation in all kinds of crimes, from violent acts to profit-motivated offenses such as theft and drug trafficking. Crutchfield also draws on his first-hand knowledge of growing up in a poor, black neighborhood in Pittsburgh and later working on the streets as a parole officer, enabling him to develop a more complete understanding of how work and crime are related and both contribute to, and are a result of, social inequalities and disadvantage. Well-researched and informative, Get a Job tells a powerful story of one of the most troubling side effects of economic disparities in America.

Get Back in the Box: How Being Great at What You Do Is Great for Business

by Douglas Rushkoff

Douglas Rushkoff was one of the first social commentators to identify the new culture around the internet. He has spent nearly a decade advising companies on the ways they can re-orient their businesses to the transformations the internet has caused. Through his speaking and consulting, Rushkoff has discovered an important and unrecognized shift in American business. Too many companies are panicked and operating in survival mode when the worst of the crisis has already passed. Likening the internet transformation to the intellectual and technological ferment of the Enlightment, Rushkoff suggests we have a remarkable opportunity to re-integrate our new perspective with the work we actually do. Instead of running around trying to "think out of the box," Rushkoff demonstrates, now is the time to "get back in the box" and improve the way we do our jobs, run our operations and drive innovation from the ground up. Combining stories gleaned from his consulting with a thrilling tour of history's dramatic moments and clever readings of cultural shift we've just experienced, Rushkoff offers a compelling vision of the simple and effective ways businesses can re-invigorate themselves.

Get The F*ck Out Your Own Way: A Guide to Letting Go of the Sh*t that's Holding You Back

by MJ Harris

Amazon Editors Pick for Best Biographies & MemoirsIt ain&’t easy getting your shit together, but this book is the solution. And Tabitha Brown says, &“you can trust him.&” If any of this sounds like you, it&’s best you start reading this book now! You seek more fulfilling relationships and dating experiences You&’re ready to shake off shame about past mistakes and step into your power You want to say &“see ya&” to the toxic people and emotional gut-punchers Your &“people pleaser&” days are over and it&’s time to learn how to effectively say no MJ Harris has got a lot of &“best friends&”—over five million to be exact. His hilarious, straightforward, raw advice has made him the go-to person across social media for everything you need to know about getting your shit together. MJ knows you need help—whether financial, spiritual, or in a relationship—but because you never learned how to properly handle the hurt and anger you&’ve experienced in the past, it has become the emotional trash in the way of being your best self. Don&’t nobody want that! Whether it&’s fixing your family issues, relationships, situationships, money, or frenemies, MJ offers sage advice about how to stop blocking yourself from bigger and better. This isn&’t your gentle guide on breathing or journaling. MJ serves up no holds barred principles on how to navigate your emotions that will help you disrupt cycles of trauma, create boundaries, and transform into a goddess of emotional wholeness. Get the F*ck Out Your Own Way will help you learn how make better decisions that will set you on the right path for a happier emotional life once and for all.

Get Involved!: Stories of Bahamian Civil Society (Critical Caribbean Studies)

by Kim Williams-Pulfer

Philanthropy is commonly depicted as a universal practice and is either valued for supporting community transformation or critiqued for limiting social justice. However, dominant definitions and even popular connotations tend to privilege wealthy Western approaches. Using the Caribbean as a rich site of observance and concentrating on the island nation-state of The Bahamas, Get Involved! uncovers the hidden and under-documented activities of “philanthropy from below,” revealing a broader conception of philanthropy and civil society, especially within Black and other historically marginalized populations. Kim Williams-Pulfer draws on narrative analysis from enslavement to the current post-post-colonial moment, depicting the repertoires and practices of primarily Afro-Bahamians through the stories emerging from history (including the transnational observations of Zora Neale Hurston, social movements, and political and social institution building), the arts (from Junkanoo, literature, and visual practices), to the lived experiences of contemporary civil society leaders. Get Involved! shows the long history and continued significance of civil society and philanthropic engagement in The Bahamas, the circum-Caribbean, and the wider African Diaspora. Junkanoo is the national cultural festival of The Bahamas. It fosters a sense of community pride, identity, companionship, spirituality and unity. Watch a video about Junknoo:

Get on Your Knee Replacements and Pray!: If You're Not Dead, You're Not Done

by Kris Kandel Schwambach Karen Kandel Kizlin Kathie Kandel Poe Linda Kandel Mason

Blending humor and faith, the four Kandel sisters encourage senior adults to be mission focused and never let age block opportunities to serve and minister to others.With wry humor, they inspire you to investigate possibilities for your next assignment from God. If you have retired or are considering retirement, you will chuckle as they motivate you to look into new opportunities to serve God with that unhinged schedule, wisdom gained from experience, and perhaps even some discretionary income.Cheerleaders encouraging the no-longer-young to stay in the game, the Kandels let you laugh out loud at their own real-life mishaps. They prove that age isn't years, it is mind-set, and they offer a lighthearted challenge to seek new ways to serve God.Do not let your number of birthdays stand in the way of your eternal impact. The big music for intentional, mission-focused living can begin even when you are well advanced in years.

Get Out of My Life But First Could You Drive Me and Cheryl to the Mall? A Parent's Guide to the New Teenager

by Anthony E. Wolf

A practical guide to raising the new breed of teenagers. What worked two generations ago will not work today. The author gives practical ways to approach the issues with todays teenagers from discipline to sexuality.

Get Out of Your Own Way: A Skeptic’s Guide to Growth and Fulfillment

by Dave Hollis

Dave Hollis used to think that &“personal growth&” was just for broken people. Then he woke up.When Dave Hollis&’s wife, Rachel, began writing her #1 New York Times bestselling book, Girl, Wash Your Face, he bristled at her transparency and her willingness to talk about such intimate details of their life. But when a looming career funk, a growing drinking problem, and a challenging trek through therapy battered the Disney executive and father of four, Dave began to realize he was letting untruths about himself dictate his life. As he sank to the bottom of his valley, he had to make a choice. Would he push himself out of his comfort zone to become the best man he was capable of being, or would he play it safe and settle for mediocrity?In Get Out of Your Own Way,Dave tackles topics he once found it difficult to be honest about, things like his struggles with alcohol, problems in his marriage, and his insecurities about being a dad. Dave helps us see our own journeys more clearly as he unpacks the lies he once believed—such as &“I Have to Have It All Together,&” &“Failure Means You&’re Weak,&” and &“If They Doesn&’t Need Me, Will They Still Want Me?&”—and reveals the tools that helped him change his life.Offering encouragement, challenge, and a hundred moments to laugh at himself, Dave points the way for those of us who are, like he was, skeptical of self-help but wanting something more than status quo, and helps us drop bogus ideas about who we are supposed to be and finally start living as who we really are.

Get Rooted: Reclaim Your Soul, Serenity, and Sisterhood Through the Healing Medicine of the Grandmothers

by Robyn Moreno

The alchemy for real personal transformation lies in digging up your own medicine and tools. Your ancestors, with all their struggles, strength, and resilience, are your greatest guides. Anyone scrolling through Robyn Moreno&’s social media and seeing her with her adorable kids and taking the stage at empowerment conferences would have thought she had it all together. But the truth behind her well-curated pics was that Robyn was burnt out: in the midst of a full-on, midlife meltdown caused by that all-too-familiar working mom tightrope walk coupled with painful family drama. To save her soul, sanity, and family, Robyn quit her manic #mommyboss existence, and set out on a 260-day spiritual journey based on an ancient Mexica (Aztec) calendar, studying the medicine of her Mexican grandmothers: curanderismo. She learned about sustos—soul losses—and ser—your true essence. She reconnected with family she hadn&’t spoken to in ages, and learned fantastical stories about her great-grandmother, Mama Natalia, who was a curandera. She took cooking lessons with a tough but tender-hearted Mexican chef and found community, and joy, in hiking. She had dramatic moments with her sisters, her mom, her husband, and herself. And finally, she went into the jungle of Belize and found healing in the most unexpected way. Reckoning with the hidden stories and aspects of her family and her Mexican American culture that were transforming and heartbreaking brought Robyn to an unshakable understanding of who she is and how she fits into this world. And, by looking to her past to decide which traditions, which medicines, to pass on to her daughters—and which to leave behind—she began to root into the person she was meant to be.

Get the Picture: A Mind-Bending Journey among the Inspired Artists and Obsessive Art Fiends Who Taught Me How to See

by Bianca Bosker

AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER&“Get the Picture is one of the funniest books I&’ve read . . . Brilliant.&” —The Washington Post &“A gripping and often hilarious investigation into the art world. . . . Bosker goes full Tom Wolfe.&” —TIME &“Funny, whip-smart, and gorgeously written, Get the Picture will forever transform the way you see. . . . I loved every word.&” —Suleika Jaouad, New York Times bestselling author of Between Two Kingdoms The New York Times bestselling author of Cork Dork takes readers on another fascinating, hilarious, and revelatory journey—this time burrowing deep inside the secretive world of art and artistsAn award-winning journalist obsessed with obsession, Bianca Bosker&’s existence was upended when she wandered into the art world—and couldn&’t look away. Intrigued by artists who hyperventilate around their favorite colors and art fiends who max out credit cards to show hunks of metal they think can change the world, Bosker grew fixated on understanding why art matters and how she—or any of us—could engage with it more deeply.In Get the Picture, Bosker throws herself into the nerve center of art and the people who live for it: gallerists, collectors, curators, and, of course, artists themselves—the kind who work multiple jobs to afford their studios while scrabbling to get eyes on their art. As she stretches canvases until her fingers blister, talks her way into A-list parties full of billionaire collectors, has her face sat on by a nearly-naked performance artist, and forces herself to stare at a single sculpture for hours on end while working as a museum security guard, she discovers not only the inner workings of the art-canonization machine but also a more expansive way of living.Probing everything from cave paintings to Instagram, and from the science of sight to the importance of beauty as it examines art&’s role in our culture, our economy, and our hearts, Get the Picture is a rollicking adventure that will change the way you see forever.

Get to Work: . . . And Get a Life, Before It's Too Late

by Linda R. Hirshman

Read Linda Hirshman's posts on the Penguin Blog.Does changing a toddler 's diapers count as a fulfilling job? Is the glass ceiling that keeps women from advancing in their careers actually located in the home? In Get to Work, a book that instantly ignited a firestorm of debate, Hirshman cogently argues that "opting out" of the workplace is a form of self-betrayal. Combining a hard-hitting critique of traditional feminism with practical advice to help stay-at-home moms find satisfying, well-paying work, this book will be as era-defining as The Feminine Mystique.

Get To Work

by Linda R. Hirshman

Read Linda Hirshman's posts on the Penguin Blog. Does changing a toddler ’s diapers count as a fulfilling job? Is the glass ceiling that keeps women from advancing in their careers actually located in the home? In Get to Work, a book that instantly ignited a firestorm of debate, Hirshman cogently argues that “opting out” of the workplace is a form of self-betrayal. Combining a hard-hitting critique of traditional feminism with practical advice to help stay-at-home moms find satisfying, well-paying work, this book will be as era-defining as The Feminine Mystique. .

Get Well Soon: History's Worst Plagues and the Heroes Who Fought Them

by Jennifer Wright

A witty, irreverent tour of history's worst plagues—from the Antonine Plague, to leprosy, to polio—and a celebration of the heroes who fought themIn 1518, in a small town in Alsace, Frau Troffea began dancing and didn’t stop. She danced until she was carried away six days later, and soon thirty-four more villagers joined her. Then more. In a month more than 400 people had been stricken by the mysterious dancing plague. In late-seventeenth-century England an eccentric gentleman founded the No Nose Club in his gracious townhome—a social club for those who had lost their noses, and other body parts, to the plague of syphilis for which there was then no cure. And in turn-of-the-century New York, an Irish cook caused two lethal outbreaks of typhoid fever, a case that transformed her into the notorious Typhoid Mary.Throughout time, humans have been terrified and fascinated by the diseases history and circumstance have dropped on them. Some of their responses to those outbreaks are almost too strange to believe in hindsight. Get Well Soon delivers the gruesome, morbid details of some of the worst plagues we’ve suffered as a species, as well as stories of the heroic figures who selflessly fought to ease the suffering of their fellow man. With her signature mix of in-depth research and storytelling, and not a little dark humor, Jennifer Wright explores history’s most gripping and deadly outbreaks, and ultimately looks at the surprising ways they’ve shaped history and humanity for almost as long as anyone can remember.

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