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by Wednesday Martin

Wednesday Martin nos proyecta desde una perspectiva personal y científica algunos temas que han estado castigados por la sociedad durante siglos: la infidelidad, la monogamia, la lujuria, las mujeres y el sexo.Una visualización moderna que muestra la diferencia entre la sexualidad masculina y la femenina que teme a las consecuencias construidas por la sociedad a través de entrevistas realizadas a expertos y mujeres reales que han experimentado de cerca la monogamia y la infidelidad. Infiel, es una mirada fascinante a la sexualidad femenina que puede alejarnos de nuestra zona de confort y sin duda cambiará nuestra forma de pensar acerca del sexo y las mujeres para siempre.

Los infiltrados: El narco dentro de los gobiernos

by David Aponte

Le cortaron un dedo por haberse quedado con dinero de La Barbie, uno de los miembros más sanguinarios de la organización dirigida por los hermanos Beltrán Leyva. Desde entonces, fue conocido en el narco como El 19. Sus patrones le perdonaron la falta y andando el tiempo le encomendaron una misión especial: Trabajar como enganchador. Comprar a policías federales, militares y ex elementos del Ejército, para que accedieran a "colaborar" con los cabecillas del cártel de Sinaloa... El libro detalla diversos casos como el de "Felipe", un testigo protegido del gobierno de EU descubierto desde su puesto en la oficina de la DEA en México, robando información que entregaba a los hermanos Beltrán Leyva. O el testimonio de "Alonso", otro testigo protegido, que gira en torno a las redes de protección al trasiego de cocaína desde Colombia hasta México. La infiltración no es privativa de las agrupaciones policiacas. El libro habla de una investigación que llevó a detectar a un infiltrado en el área de inteligencia de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional, que durante el sexenio de Vicente Fox vendió información sobre operativos al cártel de Juárez.

Los infiltrados

by David Aponte

Hace poco más de dos años la dea detectó una filtración en la embajadade Estados Unidos en México por parte de operadores del cártel deSinaloa. Desde entonces, se ha descubierto la intricada trama deespionaje y complicidades existente entre militares, policías y elcrimen organizado, que va desde lo más simple como comprar ladesaparición de un expediente, hasta lo más absurdo: delincuentesofreciendo apoyo tecnológico para que las fuerzas de seguridadinvestiguen y terminen con la actividad de sus competidores; una guerrade criminales dentro de la batalla institucional contra los capos delnarco.Sin embargo, en este libro del periodista David Aponte lo que menosimporta son las suspicacias o ideas de conspiración que puedan despertaren el lector; los retratos de Los infiltrados les devuelve a estostestigos protegidos su condición de seres de carne y hueso, mostrando elenjambre de codicia que los envuelve desde que cruzan de bando, hasta laendeble estructura que busca juzgarlos, que debe protegerlos y queotorga privilegios, inmunidad y dinero de las arcas oficiales.Este libro recoge los testimonios de algunos de estos personajes quefueron detenidos en la Operación Limpieza, un proceso en el cual sedescubrió la red de venta de información y compra de favores por partede militares y policías entre los que están procesados penalmenteincluso miembros de la casta más alta (como el ex subprocurador de laPGR, Noé Ramírez Mandujano, y el ex director técnico de la SIEDO, MiguelColorado González). Aponte nos revela lo que puede ser el mayor hueco enel combate al crimen organizado: el poder de corrupción del narco, ladebilidad de las estructuras de los organismos de seguridad y lafragilidad de sus sistemas de control, que a la larga han provocadooperativos fallidos y una guerra que cada día parece más perdida.

Infinite Autonomy: The Divided Individual in the Political Thought of G. W. F. Hegel and Friedrich Nietzsche

by Jeffrey Church

G. W. F. Hegel and Friedrich Nietzsche are often considered the philosophical antipodes of the nineteenth century. In Infinite Autonomy, Jeffrey Church draws on the thinking of both Hegel and Nietzsche to assess the modern Western defense of individuality—to consider whether we were right to reject the ancient model of community above the individual. The theoretical and practical implications of this project are important, because the proper defense of the individual allows for the survival of modern liberal institutions in the face of non-Western critics who value communal goals at the expense of individual rights. By drawing from Hegelian and Nietzschean ideas of autonomy, Church finds a third way for the individual—what he calls the “historical individual,” which goes beyond the disagreements of the ancients and the moderns while nonetheless incorporating their distinctive contributions.

Infinite Bandwidth: Encountering Christ in the Media

by Eugene Gan Mitch Pacwa

<p>Franciscan University of Steubenville Professor Eugene Gan authors this first-of-its-kind Catholic roadmap for the digital age: Infinite Bandwidth: Encountering Christ in the Media. He navigates you faithfully through the digital world, encouraging frustrated parents not to throw out cell phones, ban the Internet, chuck computers, or pitch portable media devices. That would be a mistake and believe it or not would be going against more than seven decades of Catholic teaching. From Church documents on social communications, Gan extracts seven principles or "media keys" of how to approach and use media. The Church and Gan say that we must enter into the modern day "Areopagus," the social and intellectual hub of ancient Athens where Paul preached to pagans, and use the media tools God has given us to make truth known and serve mankind. Cardinal John Patrick Foley says, "Frankly, I wish that such a book had existed when I was president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications as a text which I could have recommended. The important thing, however, is that it exists now to provide a text, context, and challenge for those who wish to bring both Christian principles and professional excellence to their work in the media." <p>Gan offers chapter after chapter of real-life experience of how to assess movies, games, and gadgets for you and your teens. Of how to judge the merits of a film like Saving Private Ryan, and what sets it apart from Nightmare on Elm Street. Can the one be acceptable viewing and the other not? Definitely. And Gan details why. Infinite Bandwidth: Encountering Christ in the Media is way out front of the newest gizmo and will stay there thanks to its timeless principles that can be applied in all digital terrain, now and the future. Parents, educators, and students will put this book down with an entirely different attitude about the relationship between faith and media use.</p>

Infinite Country: A Novel

by Patricia Engel

A REESE&’S BOOK CLUB PICK&“A knockout of a novel…we predict [Infinite Country] will be viewed as one of 2021&’s best.&” —O, The Oprah Magazine "An exquisitely told story of family, war, and migration, this is a novel our increasingly divided country wants and needs to read." --R.O. Kwon, Electric LiteratureNamed a Most Anticipated Book of 2021 from Esquire, O, The Oprah Magazine, Elle, GMA, New York Post, Ms. Magazine, The Millions, Electric Literature, LitHub, AARP, Refinery29, BuzzFeed, Autostraddle, She Reads, Alma, and more.I often wonder if we are living the wrong life in the wrong country. Talia is being held at a correctional facility for adolescent girls in the forested mountains of Colombia after committing an impulsive act of violence that may or may not have been warranted. She urgently needs to get out and get back home to Bogotá, where her father and a plane ticket to the United States are waiting for her. If she misses her flight, she might also miss her chance to finally be reunited with her family in the north. How this family came to occupy two different countries, two different worlds, comes into focus like twists of a kaleidoscope. We see Talia&’s parents, Mauro and Elena, fall in love in a market stall as teenagers against a backdrop of civil war and social unrest. We see them leave Bogotá with their firstborn, Karina, in pursuit of safety and opportunity in the United States on a temporary visa, and we see the births of two more children, Nando and Talia, on American soil. We witness the decisions and indecisions that lead to Mauro&’s deportation and the family&’s splintering—the costs they&’ve all been living with ever since. Award-winning, internationally acclaimed author Patricia Engel, herself a dual citizen and the daughter of Colombian immigrants, gives voice to all five family members as they navigate the particulars of their respective circumstances. And all the while, the metronome ticks: Will Talia make it to Bogotá in time? And if she does, can she bring herself to trade the solid facts of her father and life in Colombia for the distant vision of her mother and siblings in America? Rich with Bogotá urban life, steeped in Andean myth, and tense with the daily reality of the undocumented in America, Infinite Country is the story of two countries and one mixed-status family—for whom every triumph is stitched with regret, and every dream pursued bears the weight of a dream deferred.

The Infinite Desire for Growth

by Daniel Cohen Jane Todd

Why society’s expectation of economic growth is no longer realisticEconomic growth--and the hope of better things to come—is the religion of the modern world. Yet its prospects have become bleak, with crashes following booms in an endless cycle. In the United States, eighty percent of the population has seen no increase in purchasing power over the last thirty years and the situation is not much better elsewhere. The Infinite Desire for Growth spotlights the obsession with wanting more, and the global tensions that have arisen as a result. Amid finite resources, increasing populations, environmental degradation, and political unrest, the quest for new social and individual goals has never been so critical.Leading economist Daniel Cohen provides a whirlwind tour of the history of economic growth, from the early days of civilization to modern times, underscoring what is so unsettling today. The new digital economy is establishing a "zero-cost" production model, inexpensive software is taking over basic tasks, and years of exploiting the natural world have begun to backfire with deadly consequences. Working hard no longer guarantees social inclusion or income. Drawing on economics, anthropology, and psychology, and thinkers ranging from Rousseau to Keynes and Easterlin, Cohen examines how a future less dependent on material gain might be considered and, how, in a culture of competition, individual desires might be better attuned to the greater needs of society.At a time when wanting what we haven't got has become an obsession, The Infinite Desire for Growth explores the ways we might reinvent, for the twenty-first century, the old ideal of social progress.

An Infinite History: The Story of a Family in France over Three Centuries

by Emma Rothschild

An innovative history of deep social and economic changes in France, told through the story of a single extended family across five generationsMarie Aymard was an illiterate widow who lived in the provincial town of Angoulême in southwestern France, a place where seemingly nothing ever happened. Yet, in 1764, she made her fleeting mark on the historical record through two documents: a power of attorney in connection with the property of her late husband, a carpenter on the island of Grenada, and a prenuptial contract for her daughter, signed by eighty-three people in Angoulême. Who was Marie Aymard? Who were all these people? And why were they together on a dark afternoon in December 1764? Beginning with these questions, An Infinite History offers a panoramic look at an extended family over five generations. Through ninety-eight connected stories about inquisitive, sociable individuals, ending with Marie Aymard’s great-great granddaughter in 1906, Emma Rothschild unfurls an innovative modern history of social and family networks, emigration, immobility, the French Revolution, and the transformation of nineteenth-century economic life.Rothschild spins a vast narrative resembling a period novel, one that looks at a large, obscure family, of whom almost no private letters survive, whose members traveled to Syria, Mexico, and Tahiti, and whose destinies were profoundly unequal, from a seamstress living in poverty in Paris to her third cousin, the cardinal of Algiers. Rothschild not only draws on discoveries in local archives but also uses new technologies, including the visualization of social networks, large-scale searches, and groundbreaking methods of genealogical research.An Infinite History demonstrates how the ordinary lives of one family over three centuries can constitute a remarkable record of deep social and economic changes.

Infinite Progress: How The Internet and Technology Will End Ignorance, Disease, Poverty, Hunger, and War

by Byron Reese

[from inside flaps] "For years we've been inundated with bleak forecasts about the future. But in this electrifying new book, author Byron Reese debunks the pessimistic outlook as dangerous, and shows instead how technology will soon create a dramatically better world for every person on earth, beyond anything we have dared to imagine. With the art of a storyteller, Reese synthesizes history, technology, and sociology into an exciting, fast-moving narrative that shows how technological change has had dramatic effects on humanity in the past. He then looks forward at the technological changes we know are coming--from genetics, nanotechnology, robotics, and many other fields--and explores how they will vastly increase wealth, prolong our lifespans, redefine human rights, and alter the social fabric of the world. Reese explains how the Internet, human ingenuity, and technological innovation will help us forever end the five historic plagues of human existence: ignorance, disease, poverty, hunger, and war. With a rational and researched optimism, Reese sees the future not as a world in a downward spiral, but as destined for progress beyond our imaginations. As Reese looks forward, he notes that "we are gaining speed, not winding down. We are blossoming, not withering, as we leverage the greatest natural resource on the planet: the human mind." The future of Earth's inhabitants has never been brighter. If you want to get excited about the road ahead, then this is the book for you."

Infinite Reality: The Hidden Blueprint of Our Virtual Lives

by Jeremy Bailenson Jim Blascovich

“Enough with speculation about our digital future. Infinite Reality is the straight dope on what is and isn’t happening to us right now, from two of the only scientists working on the boundaries between real life and its virtual extensions.”—Douglas Rushkoff, author of Program or Be ProgrammedCan our brains recognize where "reality" ends and "virtual" begins? Where will technology lead us in five, fifty, or five hundred years? An unrivaled guide to our digital future that has been cited by the Supreme Court, Infinite Reality is a mind-bending "journey through the virtual universe" (Wall Street Journal). Jim Blascovich and Jeremy Bailenson, two pioneering authorities, explore the profound potential of emerging technologies and reveal how our brains behave in digital worlds.Along the way, Bailenson and Blascovich examine the timeless philosophical questions of the self and "reality" that arise through the digital experience; explain how virtual reality's latest and future forms—including immersive video games and social-networking sites—will soon be seamlessly integrated into our lives; show the many surprising practical applications of virtual reality, from education and medicine to sex and warfare; and probe further-off possibilities like "total personality downloads" that would allow your great-great-grandchildren to have a conversation with "you" a century or more after your death.Equally fascinating, farsighted, and profound, Infinite Reality is an essential guide to our virtual future, where the experience of being human will be deeply transformed.

Infinite Repertoire: On Dance and Urban Possibility in Postsocialist Guinea

by Adrienne J. Cohen

In Guinea’s capital city of Conakry, dance is everywhere. Most neighborhoods boast at least one dance troupe, and members of those troupes animate the city’s major rites of passage and social events. In Infinite Repertoire, Adrienne Cohen shows how dance became such a prominent—even infrastructural—feature of city life in Guinea, and tells a surprising story of the rise of creative practice under a political regime known for its authoritarianism and violent excesses. Guinea’s socialist state, which was in power from 1958 to 1984, used staged African dance or “ballet” strategically as a political tool, in part by tapping into indigenous conceptualizations of artisans as powerful figures capable of transforming the social fabric through their manipulation of vital energy. Far from dying with the socialist revolution, Guinean ballet continued to thrive in Conakry after economic liberalization in the 1980s, with its connection to transformative power retrofitted for a market economy and a rapidly expanding city. Infinite Repertoire follows young dancers and percussionists in Conakry as they invest in the present—using their bodies to build a creative urban environment and to perform and redefine social norms and political subjectivities passed down from the socialist generation before them. Cohen’s inventive ethnography weaves the political with the aesthetic, placing dance at the center of a story about dramatic political change and youthful resourcefulness in one of the least-studied cities on the African continent.

Infinite Repertoire: On Dance and Urban Possibility in Postsocialist Guinea

by Adrienne J. Cohen

In Guinea’s capital city of Conakry, dance is everywhere. Most neighborhoods boast at least one dance troupe, and members of those troupes animate the city’s major rites of passage and social events. In Infinite Repertoire, Adrienne Cohen shows how dance became such a prominent—even infrastructural—feature of city life in Guinea, and tells a surprising story of the rise of creative practice under a political regime known for its authoritarianism and violent excesses. Guinea’s socialist state, which was in power from 1958 to 1984, used staged African dance or “ballet” strategically as a political tool, in part by tapping into indigenous conceptualizations of artisans as powerful figures capable of transforming the social fabric through their manipulation of vital energy. Far from dying with the socialist revolution, Guinean ballet continued to thrive in Conakry after economic liberalization in the 1980s, with its connection to transformative power retrofitted for a market economy and a rapidly expanding city. Infinite Repertoire follows young dancers and percussionists in Conakry as they invest in the present—using their bodies to build a creative urban environment and to perform and redefine social norms and political subjectivities passed down from the socialist generation before them. Cohen’s inventive ethnography weaves the political with the aesthetic, placing dance at the center of a story about dramatic political change and youthful resourcefulness in one of the least-studied cities on the African continent.

Infinite Repertoire: On Dance and Urban Possibility in Postsocialist Guinea

by Adrienne J. Cohen

In Guinea’s capital city of Conakry, dance is everywhere. Most neighborhoods boast at least one dance troupe, and members of those troupes animate the city’s major rites of passage and social events. In Infinite Repertoire, Adrienne Cohen shows how dance became such a prominent—even infrastructural—feature of city life in Guinea, and tells a surprising story of the rise of creative practice under a political regime known for its authoritarianism and violent excesses. Guinea’s socialist state, which was in power from 1958 to 1984, used staged African dance or “ballet” strategically as a political tool, in part by tapping into indigenous conceptualizations of artisans as powerful figures capable of transforming the social fabric through their manipulation of vital energy. Far from dying with the socialist revolution, Guinean ballet continued to thrive in Conakry after economic liberalization in the 1980s, with its connection to transformative power retrofitted for a market economy and a rapidly expanding city. Infinite Repertoire follows young dancers and percussionists in Conakry as they invest in the present—using their bodies to build a creative urban environment and to perform and redefine social norms and political subjectivities passed down from the socialist generation before them. Cohen’s inventive ethnography weaves the political with the aesthetic, placing dance at the center of a story about dramatic political change and youthful resourcefulness in one of the least-studied cities on the African continent.

El infinito no tiene prisa

by Pedro Marangoni Annie Ceron

El infinito no tiene prisa presenta una visión crítica sobre la actual sociedad y sus tendencias en el ámbito pólitico, religioso, social, evolutivo etc.

Infinity Blues

by Ryan Adams

"Ryan Adams, one of America's most consistently interesting singer/songwriters, has written a passionate, arresting, and entertaining book of verse. Fans are going to love it, and newcomers will be pleased and startled by his intensity and originality. The images are vivid and the voice is honest and powerful."--Stephen King, author of Duma Key"Ryan Adams writes with equal parts precision and recklessness; the blood he draws from the text is easily as unnerving as its unapologetic tenderness. He is proof that poetry will find its writer."--Mary-Louise Parker, actress"Infinity Blues is Ryan Adams at his personal, unforgettable best. Strong and beautiful and funny and pure. Like all his work, it's soul poetry of the highest order."--Cameron Crowe, filmmaker"This is much better than reading a friend's journal. It's more like watching somebody you love in the bathtub talking to himself. You're like, wow, he's even good at taking a bath. After reading Infinity Blues (which I think is a great title), I give Ryan Adams the best compliment I ever got--and the only reason for reading anyone's poetry. Ryan, I really like your mind."--Eileen Myles, author of Cool for YouRyan Adams may be known primarily for acclaimed albums such as Cardinology, Heartbreaker, Gold (which includes the popular hit songs "When the Stars Go Blue" and "New York, New York"), Love Is Hell, Cold Roses, Jacksonville City Nights, and Easy Tiger, but the world renowned singer/songwriter has always been a poet and fiction writer at heart. With the release of Infinity Blues, his nonmusical writing is for the first time ever unveiled in book form. Mr. Adams's work rings of an emotional authenticity that provides perhaps an even deeper insight into the man than is revealed through the songs that have resonated with his hundreds of thousands of fans the world over.RYAN ADAMS is usually performing in some city on the globe at any given moment with his longtime band the Cardinals. Adams is known for his prolific nature, which in the last ten years has produced various international hit albums. Adams has also produced Willie Nelson's Songbird album and contributed to records by Toots and the Maytals, Beth Orton, the Wallflowers, Counting Crows, and Cowboy Junkies; additionally, he has appeared on CMT's Crossroads with Elton John. He was a longtime Manhattan resident before relocating to France in 2009, and he listens to A LOT of heavy metal.

Inflamed: Abandonment, Heroism, and Outrage in Wine Country's Deadliest Firestorm

by Anne E. Belden Paul Gullixson

The dramatic story of hundreds of senior citizens left in the path of a ferocious firestorm and what the quest for accountability reveals about the increasing risks to our most vulnerable population. &“…a powerful work of investigative journalism about a particularly vulnerable segment of the population…. Alongside an engrossing account of the emergency as it unfolded in Sonoma County, Belden and Gullixson provide a definitive account of management&’s woefully inadequate response at the two sister facilities. Their findings are a lesson to other care facilities —here&’s what not to do.&” —San Francisco ChronicleJust after midnight on October 9, 2017, as one of the nation&’s deadliest and most destructive firestorms swept over California&’s Wine Country, hundreds of elderly residents from two posh senior living facilities were caught in its path. The frailest were blind, in wheelchairs, or diagnosed with dementia, and their community quickly transformed from a palatial complex that pledged to care for them to one that threatened to entomb them. The rescue of the final 105 seniors left behind on an inflamed hillside depended not on employees, but strangers whose lives intersected in a riveting tale of terror and heroism. Headlines blamed caregivers for abandonment and neglect, but the truth proved far more complex—leading to a battle for accountability that stretched from the courtroom to the state legislature, and ultimately, to the ballot box. Inflamed: Abandonment, Heroism, and Outrage in Wine Country&’s Deadliest Firestorm is the gripping and emotional narrative detailing what happened to these seniors, employees, and rescuers before, during, and after the Tubbs Fire decimated portions of Santa Rosa, including Oakmont Senior Living Villa Capri and part of Varenna at Fountaingrove. Anne Belden and Paul Gullixson are professional journalists and Sonoma County residents who spent three years recording each phase of the disaster in agonizing detail—from the botched evacuation and its excruciating aftermath to the investigations, lawsuits, and breakdowns that followed. They tell this harrowing story with a veracity and compassion only achieved by experienced reporters with local roots. Their narrative revisits the horrors of 2017 but also asks the reader to look to the future and consider how their community&’s most vulnerable will fare as ten thousand Baby Boomers retire each day, the for-profit assisted living industry rapidly expands, and the climate becomes more volatile. If this travesty can happen at high-end senior living complexes, it can happen anywhere.

Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice

by Rupa Marya Raj Patel

Raj Patel, the New York Times bestselling author of The Value of Nothing, teams up with physician, activist, and co-founder of the Do No Harm Coalition Rupa Marya to reveal the links between health and structural injustices--and to offer a new deep medicine that can heal our bodies and our world.The Covid pandemic and the shocking racial disparities in its impact. The surge in inflammatory illnesses such as gastrointestinal disorders and asthma. Mass uprisings around the world in response to systemic racism and violence. Rising numbers of climate refugees. Our bodies, societies, and planet are inflamed.Boldly original, Inflamed takes us on a medical tour through the human body—our digestive, endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, immune, and nervous systems. Unlike a traditional anatomy book, this groundbreaking work illuminates the hidden relationships between our biological systems and the profound injustices of our political and economic systems. Inflammation is connected to the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the diversity of the microbes living inside us, which regulate everything from our brain’s development to our immune system’s functioning. It’s connected to the number of traumatic events we experienced as children and to the traumas endured by our ancestors. It’s connected not only to access to health care but to the very models of health that physicians practice.Raj Patel, the renowned political economist and New York Times bestselling author of The Value of Nothing, teams up with the physician Rupa Marya to offer a radical new cure: the deep medicine of decolonization. Decolonizing heals what has been divided, reestablishing our relationships with the Earth and one another. Combining the latest scientific research and scholarship on globalization with the stories of Marya’s work with patients in marginalized communities, activist passion, and the wisdom of Indigenous groups, Inflamed points the way toward a deep medicine that has the potential to heal not only our bodies, but the world.

Inflammation, Aging and Cancer

by Mahin Khatami

This book was prepared as extension of author's accidental discoveries on experimental models of acute and chronic ocular inflammatory diseases that were established at the University of Pennsylvania in 1980's. Analyses of original data suggest a series of first evidence for direct link between inflammation and developmental phases of immune dysfunction in multistep tumorigenesis and angiogenesis. The only evidence presented on initial events for interactions and synergies between activated host and recruiting cells toward tumorigenesis. Effective immunity was defined as balance between two highly regulated and biologically opposing arms, Yin and Yang of acute inflammation, an amazingly precise signal communications between immune and non-immune systems requiring differential bioenergetics. Unresolved inflammation is a common denominator mapping aging process and induction of 'mild', 'moderate' or 'severe' immune disorders including cancers. Our knowledge of the fascinating biology of immunity in health or chronic diseases is fragmentary, chaotic and confusing, particularly for cancer science. Lack of progress in curing majority of chronic diseases or cancer is primarily due to the fact that scientists work on isolated molecules/cells or topics that are funded and promoted by decision makers in medical/cancer establishment. Despite existence of over 25 million articles on cancer-related topics, cancer biology and cure remain mysteries to be solved. After a century of cancer research, the failure rates of therapies for solid tumors are 90% (+/-5). Current reductionist views on cancer science are irresponsible, shut-gun approaches and create chaos. Outcomes are loss of millions of precious lives and economic drain to society. Very little is known about initial events that disturb effective immunity whose function is to monitor and arrest growth of cancerous cells or defend against other external or internal hazardous agents that threaten body's survival. The author demonstrates the serious need for systematic understanding of how immune disruptors and aging process would alter effective immunity. Outcomes of proposed orderly studies are expected to provide logical foundations for cost-effective strategies to promote immunity toward a healthier society. The policy makers and medical/cancer establishment are urged to return to the common sense that our Forefathers used to serve the public.

Inflation and Disinflation in Turkey (Routledge Revivals)

by Aykut Kibritçioǧlu Libby Rittenberg Faruk Selçuk

This title was first published in 2002. Since the 1990s Turkey has experienced a number of disasters, both physical and economic. The result has been a decrease in economic performance compared to other European states. This study addresses the country's ongoing economic struggles.

Inflation Decade, 1910—1920: Americans Confront the High Cost of Living

by David I. Macleod

This book shows how inflation can disrupt politics and society. With no recent precedent, mild inflation spurred mass protests, myriad remedial schemes, and partisan political reversals between 1910 and 1914. Then wartime demand and inflationary fiscal policy doubled consumer prices from 1915 to 1920, triggering waves of strikes, food riots by immigrant housewives, class conflict, and elite fears of revolution. Middle-class households resented falling real incomes. Even more than today, food prices dominated consumer concerns. Yet farmers wanted high commodity prices. Accordingly, both sides blamed and attacked meatpackers, wholesalers, and retailers. Then as now, inflation hurt whichever party held the White House. Fumbling responses by Wilson’s administration and the Federal Reserve led to hesitant price controls, punitive raids and prosecutions, and a now-familiar fallback—high interest rates in 1920 and subsequent recession. An epilogue traces continuing popular and politicalresponses to changes in the consumer price index down to 2020.

Influence: How Women's Soaring Economic Power Will Transform Our World for the Better

by Maddy Dychtwald

In the United States and in very many nations around the world, women are on the cusp of new financial power--and evidence suggests that women will use this power to improve society in ways we can only begin to imagine. Through candid interviews and lively reporting, and with exclusive research, Dychtwald reveals a huge cultural transformation that is about to occur--a true tipping point--after which more children may have quality health care and education, workplaces may be more responsive to families, men may experience new freedoms and opportunities to pursue more meaningful careers, and more corporations and nations will be led by women, and they will thrive.Dychtwald and Larson give us a sneak peek at the world turned right-side-up by women. To read this book is to prepare oneself for an altered--and improved--way of life.

Influence and Behavior Analysis in Social Networks and Social Media (Lecture Notes in Social Networks)

by Mehmet Kaya Reda Alhajj

This timely book focuses on influence and behavior analysis in the broader context of social network applications and social media. Twitter accounts of telecommunications companies are analyzed. Rumor sources in finite graphs with boundary effects by message-passing algorithms are identified.The coherent, state-of-the-art collection of chapters was initially selected based on solid reviews from the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks, Analysis, and Mining (ASONAM '17). Chapters were then improved and extended substantially, and the final versions were rigorously reviewed and revised to meet the series standards. Original chapters coming from outside of the meeting round out the coverage. The result will appeal to researchers and students working in social network and social media analysis.

Influence of English on Indian Women Writers: Voices from Regional Languages

by K. Suneetha Rani

This book reveals English as culture, politics, lifestyle and social change in the context of Indian women. English as a symbol of modernity in India was first accessed by men, giving them a new image of masculinity while Indian languages were ‘feminized’—seen as meant for women. Among upper-caste women, English was a vehicle for social reform and for lessening seclusion, invisibility and economic dependence. For the so-called lower castes, the language was aspirational, indicating emancipation and empowerment possibilities, and threatening upper-caste dominance. English formed its own language of gender and made women’s voices stronger in regional languages, which can be seen in the flowering of women’s articles, fiction, biography and letters. This book records the different ways in which women responded to the coming of English into their lives.

The Influence Of Human Mobility In Muslim Societies

by Kuroki Hidemitsu

First Published in 2003. This volume explores various aspects of human mobility-both spatial and social-in Muslim societies from the earliest Islamic period to the present times. In general, a high mobility among Muslims has been observed throughout their history, to say nothing of the fact that the pilgrimage to Mecca is one of the five religious duties, or that many Muslim travelers such as Ibn Battuta moved over vast areas. However, the social and political impact of their movement, voluntary or forced, has rarely been analyzed in terms of a multi-disciplinary approach. Researchers specializing in history, anthropology, sociology, psychology and politics from eight countries have contributed their insights on both Muslim and non-Muslim mobility in this multi-faceted volume, which will shed new light on the meaning of mobility and the movement of human beings in the even more globalized world of today.

The Influence Of Individual Differences In Health And Illness

by Linas A Bieliauskas

The notion of individual differences in health and illness stems from the unique organization of behavior that profoundly affects how each individual maintains health, expresses and experiences symptoms of illness, and reacts to efforts at treatment. It is difficult to fully understand the interaction between personality and physical wellbeing beca

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