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Intergenerational Programs: Understanding What We Have Created

by Valerie Kuehne

Intergenerational Programs: Understanding What We Have Created focuses on research efforts to design, improve, and evaluate activities among younger and older individuals while examining how intergenerational activities impact children, families, and older adult participants. The first single volume to reflect the current state of research knowledge in this area, this vital guide provides practitioners, program developers, researchers, and students with case studies, research findings, and models and examples of productive activities. It will help you guide short- and long-term program development, document activity effectiveness, and ensure program survival during fiscal hardships to give participants constructive and positive experiences. Discussing the opportunity to transfer experience and knowledge of older persons in our society to future generations, Intergenerational Programs: Understanding What We Have Created examines the challenges that may arise in providing meaningful activities for younger and older persons. This helpful book explores research methods, such as qualitative approaches with large, national data sets; observations; program histories; and qualitative analyses of interviews with small numbers of program participants to help you create appropriate activities and foster interdependence between these two age groups. Intergenerational Programs: Understanding What We Have Created will help you research programs and produce successful activity outcomes with such techniques as: using an ethnographic approach, involving a holistic perspective and using field-based data collection methods, to meet the challenges of creating programs among two different age groups and the social problems each group faces using constructivist and sociocultural orientations, which are traditionally applied to a “classroom learning,” to offer new ways of viewing and assessing learning in community-based programs understanding the positive effects grandparents can have on their grandchildren, including helping parents resolve children's behavioral problems and assisting in providing positive environments incorporating knowledge of drug abuse issues, problem-solving skills, feelings of self-worth, and academic goals into programs to benefit youths developing elder-care services in conjunction with businesses to improve the quality of life for the elderly and the workers, as well as decreasing workers’absenteeism, mistakes, and time used to make personal calls to elderly relatives who need careComprehensive and intelligent, this current book contains studies and research that explore the negative and positive aspects of certain activities, allowing you to learn from the experiences of others. This book provides research methods and evaluation measures to help you decide what kinds of activities are needed in order to best benefit participants. As a result, you will be able to create relevant programs, assess their effectiveness, and help join different generations in working together for an improved quality of life for all group members.

Intergenerational Relationships: Conversations on Practice and Research Across Cultures

by Richard Goff Sally M Newman Elizabeth Larkin Dov Friedlander

Understand how multigenerational family relationships can benefit all generations!Intergenerational Relationships: Conversations on Practice and Research Across Cultures focuses on how family and community relationships are affected by pressing social problems. Respected international authorities reveal how cultures from Africa, Asia, the US, and Europe value connections among people of different ages and how these relationships are used to address crucial social problems. Insightful research bridges multiple disciplines to provide a unique perspective demonstrating the benefits of intergenerational relationships.Intergenerational Relationships: Conversations on Practice and Research Across Cultures presents a variety of approaches to social and intergenerational issues from international authors. The book discusses issues in two intergenerational categories: relationships in families and relationships in communities. The diverse range of content presents an enlightened view of the transformation of societies by modern technologies and illustrates the importance of maintaining a firm cultural identity through the relationships of different age groups. The view that the interdependence of multiple generations and society's common goals are inseparable is discussed in papers that explore rites of passage, language transfer, art and literature, community events, and research. Intergenerational Relationships: Conversations on Practice and Research Across Cultures explores: the devastation of intergenerational relationships in Nigeria because of AIDS intergenerational cultural transmission among the Akan of Ghana African views of elders in folklore and literature transitional changes in contemporary intergenerational relationships in India the construction of future theories of intergenerational relationships intergenerational initiatives in Sweden faith-based health and wellness programs in the US intergenerational relationships in US communities relationships between differing age groups among the Tumbuka of northern Malawi transformations over time in generational relationships in Africa intergenerational developments in England Intergenerational Relationships: Conversations on Practice and Research Across Cultures is an important text for educators and students in intergenerational studies; researchers delving into intergenerational relationships, cultural transfer, and social change; international policymakers; and interdisciplinary scholars in developmental psychology, education, gerontology, sociology, and political science.

Intergenerational Solidarity

by María Amparo Cruz-Saco Sergei Zelenev

This volume analyzes intergenerational solidarity from diverse interdisciplinary angles within the social sciences. It provides analytical tools to advance research and documents how societies are adjusting to major changes that affect the core of the social fabric.

Intergenerational Solidarity in Children’s Literature and Film (Children's Literature Association Series)

by Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak and Zoe Jaques

Winner of the 2023 Edited Book Award from the International Research Society for Children's LiteratureContributions by Aneesh Barai, Clémentine Beauvais, Justyna Deszcz-Tryhubczak, Terri Doughty, Aneta Dybska, Blanka Grzegorczyk, Zoe Jaques, Vanessa Joosen, Maria Nikolajeva, Marek Oziewicz, Ashley N. Reese, Malini Roy, Sabine Steels, Lucy Stone, Björn Sundmark, Michelle Superle, Nozomi Uematsu, Anastasia Ulanowicz, Helma van Lierop-Debrauwer, and Jean Webb Intergenerational solidarity is a vital element of societal relationships that ensures survival of humanity. It connects generations, fostering transfer of common values, cumulative knowledge, experience, and culture essential to human development. In the face of global aging, changing family structures, family separations, economic insecurity, and political trends pitting young and old against each other, intergenerational solidarity is now, more than ever, a pressing need. Intergenerational Solidarity in Children’s Literature and Film argues that productions for young audiences can stimulate intellectual and emotional connections between generations by representing intergenerational solidarity. For example, one essayist focuses on Disney films, which have shown a long-time commitment to variously highlighting, and then conservatively healing, fissures between generations. However, Disney-Pixar’s Up and Coco instead portray intergenerational alliances—young collaborating with old, the living working alongside the dead—as necessary to achieving goals. The collection also testifies to the cultural, social, and political significance of children’s culture in the development of generational intelligence and empathy towards age-others and positions the field of children’s literature studies as a site of intergenerational solidarity, opening possibilities for a new socially consequential inquiry into the culture of childhood.

Intergenerational Space (Routledge Studies in Human Geography)

by Nancy Worth Robert Vanderbeck

Intergenerational Space offers insight into the transforming relationships between younger and older members of contemporary societies. The chapter selection brings together scholars from around the world in order to address pressing questions both about the nature of contemporary generational divisions as well as the complex ways in which members of different generations are (and can be) involved in each other’s lives. These questions include: how do particular kinds of spaces and spatial arrangements (e.g. cities, neighbourhoods, institutions, leisure sites) facilitate and limit intergenerational contact and encounters? What processes and spaces influence the intergenerational negotiation and contestation of values, beliefs, and social memory, producing patterns of both continuity and change? And if generational separation and segregation are in fact significant social problems across a range of contexts—as a significant body of research and commentary attests—how can this be ameliorated? The chapters in this collection make original contributions to these debates drawing on original research from Belgium, China, Finland, Poland, Senegal, Singapore, Tanzania, Uganda, the United States and the United Kingdom. .

Intergenerational Support and Old Age in Africa

by Isabella Aboderin

In most societies, of the world, including in Africa, responsibility for the material support of older people, unable to sustain themselves through work or investments, has originally resided with their younger generational family members - especially their adult children. Aboderin explores this topic specifically for Africa. In the wake of social or economic change, societies experience shifts in the degree in which families support their elders. Questions about the proper balance of family and state responsibilities, however, persist, especially in the light of socio-demographic trends and constraints in public expenditure. In most of sub-Saharan Africa, in contrast to other world regions, economic security policies for older people have not yet been formulated, despite declines in material family support along with rising poverty to which a growing elderly population is particularly exposed. In part, this betrays the crucial lack of understanding about how and why these shifts in support have occurred in African societies - and, thus, a profound uncertainty about what balance of individual, family and state responsibilities will be culturally appropriate and effective in ensuring economic security for older Africans both now and in the future. Abdorein aims to address these gaps in understanding. She provides an empirical and theoretical analysis of the micro and macro level processes that have underpinned recent declines in old age family support in African societies and likely parameters of future familial support. She also addresses more fundamental theoretical questions about how we should think about the relationships between intergenerational support, norms and values, and societal change. "Intergenerational Support in Africa" should be of interest to anyone interested in the subjects of African studies, economic policy and theory concerning elder care as well as those interested in sociology and social welfare development.

Intergruppenverhalten: Diskriminierung von Menschen verschiedener sexueller und geschlechtlicher Identitäten (essentials)

by Jan Westerbarkei

Die Bildungsplanreform 2015 in Baden-Württemberg hat eine neue Debatte über die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz sexueller Vielfalt ausgelöst. Die Landesregierung plant, fächerübergreifend die Pluralität sexueller Lebensformen im Schulunterricht zu thematisieren, um Akzeptanz gegenüber Menschen verschiedener sexueller und geschlechtlicher Identitäten zu fördern. Allerdings hat sich in einer Petition im Internet eine Protestbewegung formiert, die gegen eine vermeintliche ideologisch geprägte Umerziehung ihrer Kinder aufbegehrt. Aufgrund der hohenZahl von Unterzeichnern konnte die Petition großes mediales und politisches Aufsehen erregen. Jan Westerbarkei wertet in diesem Band die Kommentare der Unterstützer der Petition anhand von Theorien zu Intergruppenverhalten aus. DieBildung vorurteilsbehafteter Aussagen durch wahrgenommene Bedrohungen inGruppenkonflikten stellt dabei den Kern der Analyse dar.

El interior

by Martín Caparrós

El Interior logra describir con más eficacia que cualquier imagen un país deshecho y, al mismo tiempo, siempre por hacer. El Interior es la aventura de recorrer y descubrir buena parte de la Argentina. Los espacios más maravillosos, los personajes más diversos, los esfuerzos por hacer un país que se deshace, los rasgos de cada lugar, sus diferencias, sus comidas y bebidas y canciones, sus historias de crímenes y corruptelas, sus santitos y santitas y demonios,el vacío que amenaza en todas partes: un país que todavía no termina de construirse y que, tan a menudo, se asoma al precipicio. En sus páginas, poemas y reflexiones, análisis y datos, diálogos y situaciones, paisajes y personajes se combinan para armar el gran rompecabezas. Su forma, donde se encuentran tantos recursos de la mejor literatura, ha sido retomada por los mejores cronistas de la lengua. Críticas:«El interior es una road movie en forma de libro que puede ser leída como la "gran novela argentina". Esa que se espera y nunca llega».Jorge Fernández Díaz, La Nación «Martín Caparrós quiso meter un país entero -la Argentina, nada menos- en una sola obra, y esos esfuerzos no toleran términos medios: un país solo cabe en un aforismo o en un tocho de setecientas páginas y letra chata. La opción fue la segunda, y el resultado, excepcional».Nadal Suau, El Cultural«Un mapa de tribulación social, un espacio que, a pesar de la alborotada época de información en que vivimos, permanecía oculto, desconocido, y que Caparrós ha decidido conocer confrontándolo con ojos, oídos y la terquedad de entender lo incomprensible».Francisco Solano, Babelia

Interkulturelle Kompetenz online vermitteln (Key Competences for Higher Education and Employability)

by Gundula Gwenn Hiller Ulrike Zillmer-Tantan Reema Fattohi

Bei interkulturellen Trainings geht es um den Erwerb des kommunikativen Handlungswissens sowie die Arbeit an der inneren Haltung. Voraussetzungen dafür sind eine vertrauensvolle Atmosphäre und Interaktion. Wie lässt sich das online umsetzen? Dieses Buch liefert darauf Antworten, in 3 Teilen:• Theoretische Grundlagen vermitteln didaktische Prinzipen • Praxisberichte inspirieren zur Umsetzung innovativer Lehr-Lernkonzepte, und • Eine praxiserprobte Methoden-Sammlung von über 50 Trainer*innen liefert eine breite Auswahl an Tools für interkulturelles Lernen. Trainer*innen und Lehrende finden hier solides handwerkliches Wissen mit konkreten Umsetzungstipps.

Interkulturelle Pädagogik und Sprachliche Bildung

by Sara Fürstenau

Interkulturelle Pädagogik und Sprachliche Bildung sind Querschnittsaufgaben der Lehrerbildung. Wie können Lehrkräfte und andere pädagogische Fachkräfte angemessen auf den Umgang mit Differenz und Ungleichheit im Kontext sprachlich-kultureller Heterogenität vorbereitet werden? Der Band sammelt Antworten aus einer interdisziplinären Perspektive: Die Beiträge fragen explizit nach Innovationen der Lehrerbildung oder vertiefen ausgewählte Fragestellungen, Konzepte, Forschungs- oder Praxisprojekte, deren Inhalte für eine innovative Lehrerbildung relevant sind.

Interkulturelle Qualifizierung neu gedacht: Entwicklung und Durchführung zielgruppengerechter Seminare dargestellt am Beispiel chinesischer DaF-Studierender

by Florian Rossbach

Dieses Buch stellt sich der Herausforderung, ein zielgruppengerechtes interkulturelles Seminar zu konzipieren sowie eine Anleitung zu erarbeiten, wie derartige Seminare auch für andere vergleichbare Bildungskontexte entwickelt werden können. Im Mittelpunkt des Forschungsvorhabens steht die Frage, wie eine zielgruppenadäquate Vermittlung von interkultureller Kompetenz für chinesische Studierende an deutschen Hochschulen aussehen könnte. Mit dem Versuch, in theoretischer wie methodischer Hinsicht und in Bezug auf die praktische Anwendung ein neues, innovatives Seminarkonzept zu entwerfen, stellt die vorliegende Arbeit nicht nur höchste Ansprüche an ihre Zielsetzung und ihre interdisziplinäre Ausrichtung, sondern kann zugleich als Pionierleistung gewertet werden, die auch für die Strategie der Internationalisierung der Hochschulen in Deutschland von Relevanz ist. Die Arbeit liefert grundlegende Ansätze und wichtige Impulse für die Optimierung des interkulturellen Trainings aus einer neuartigen Sicht und bereitet damit der Förderung von interkultureller Kompetenz neue Wege.

Interlacing Water and Human Health

by Jayati Chourey Anjal Prakash Saravanan V S

An increasing recognition of the need to understand the complex systems in the health sector has raised the demand for an examination of water and health from a systemic perspective. Analyzing the various discourses on the subject, the volume revolves around this central question: What are the linkages between water and health in South Asia? The interlacing of water and health exists wherever human health is adversely affected, directly or indirectly, by changes in the quality and quantity of water. These adverse effects are linked with poverty, environment, and infrastructure in the overall socio-political and economic-developmental context. The book looks at the linkage between water and health in an integrated manner, and is not based on the 'absence of disease' syndrome. The curative, preventive, and adaptive aspects of the public-health problem have also been delved into. Among other areas, the articles deal with water and health with reference to water supply, sanitation, water pollution, natural disasters, urbanization, and industrialization. Armed with the latest research and case studies from South Asia, the book calls for a comprehensive understanding and better integration of water and health issues in the region. Interlacing Water and Human Health is the third volume in the Water in South Asia Series published by SAGE and South Asia Consortium for Interdisciplinary Water Resources Studies (SaciWATERs).

The Interloper: Lessons from Resistance in the Field

by Michel Anteby

A practical and theoretical guide for field researchers struggling with accessResistance is the bane of all field researchers, who are often viewed as interlopers when they enter a community and start asking questions. People obstruct investigations and hide evidence. They shelve complaints, silence dissent, and even forget their own past and deny having done so. How can we learn about a community when its members resist so strongly? The answer is that the resistance itself is sometimes the key.Michel Anteby explains how community members often disclose more than intended when they close ranks and create obstacles. He draws insights from diverse stories of resistance by uncooperative participants—from Nazi rocket scientists and Harvard professors to Disney union busters and people who secure cadavers for medical school dissection—to reveal how field resistance manifests itself and how researchers can learn from it. He argues that many forms of resistance are retrospectively telling, and that these forms are the routine products, not by-products, of the field. That means that resistance mechanisms are not only indicative of something else happening; instead, they often are the very data points that can shed light on how participants make sense of their worlds.An essential guide for ethnographers, sociologists, and all field researchers seeking access, The Interloper shares practical and theoretical insights into the value of having the door slammed in your face.

The Interloper: Lee Harvey Oswald Inside the Soviet Union

by Peter Savodnik

Lee Harvey Oswald’s assassination of President Kennedy in 1963 remains one of the most horrifying and hotly debated crimes in American history. Just as perplexing as the assassination is the assassin himself; the 24-year-old Oswald’s hazy background and motivations#151;and his subsequent murder at the hands of Jack Ruby#151;make him an intriguing yet frustratingly enigmatic figure. Because Oswald briefly defected to the Soviet Union, some historians allege he was a Soviet agent. But as Peter Savodnik shows in The Interloper, Oswald’s time in the U. S. S. R. reveals a stranger, more chilling story. Oswald ventured to Russia at the age of 19, after a failed stint in the U. S. Marine Corps and a childhood spent shuffling from address to address with his unstable, needy mother. Like many of his generation, Oswald struggled for a sense of belonging in postwar American society, which could be materialistic, atomized, and alienating. The Soviet Union, with its promise of collectivism and camaraderie, seemed to offer an alternative. While traveling in Europe, Oswald slipped across the Soviet border, soon settling in Minsk where he worked at a radio and television factory. But Oswald quickly became just as disillusioned with his adopted country as he had been with the United States. He spoke very little Russian, had difficulty adapting to the culture of his new home, and found few trustworthy friends; indeed most, it became clear, were informing on him to the KGB. After nearly three years, Oswald returned to America feeling utterly defeated and more alone than ever#151;and as Savodnik shows, he began to look for an outlet for his frustration and rage. Drawing on groundbreaking research, including interviews with Oswald’s friends and acquaintances in Russia and the United States, The Interloper brilliantly evokes the shattered psyche not just of Oswald himself, but also of the era he so tragically defined.

The Interlopers: Early Stuart Projects and the Undisciplining of Knowledge

by Vera Keller

A reframing of how scientific knowledge was produced in the early modern world.Many accounts of the scientific revolution portray it as a time when scientists disciplined knowledge by first disciplining their own behavior. According to these views, scientists such as Francis Bacon produced certain knowledge by pacifying their emotions and concentrating on method. In The Interlopers, Vera Keller rejects this emphasis on discipline and instead argues that what distinguished early modernity was a navigation away from restraint and toward the violent blending of knowledge from across society and around the globe.Keller follows early seventeenth-century English "projectors" as they traversed the world, pursuing outrageous entrepreneurial schemes along the way. These interlopers were developing a different culture of knowledge, one that aimed to take advantage of the disorder created by the rise of science and technological advances. They sought to deploy the first submarine in the Indian Ocean, raise silkworms in Virginia, and establish the English slave trade. These projectors developed a culture of extreme risk-taking, uniting global capitalism with martial values of violent conquest. They saw the world as a riskscape of empty spaces, disposable people, and unlimited resources.By analyzing the disasters—as well as a few successes—of the interlopers she studies, Keller offers a new interpretation of the nature of early modern knowledge itself. While many influential accounts of the period characterize European modernity as a disciplining or civilizing process, The Interlopers argues that early modernity instead entailed a great undisciplining that entangled capitalism, colonialism, and science.

Intermarriage from Central Europe to Central Asia: Mixed Families in the Age of Extremes (Borderlands and Transcultural Studies)

by Adrienne Edgar Benjamin Frommer

Intermarriage from Central Europe to Central Asia examines the practice and experience of interethnic marriage in a range of countries and eras, from imperial Germany to present-day Tajikistan. In this interdisciplinary volume Adrienne Edgar and Benjamin Frommer have drawn contributions from anthropologists and historians. The contributors explore the phenomenon of intermarriage both from the top down, in the form of state policies and official categories, and from the bottom up, through an intimate look at the experience and agency of mixed families in modern states determined to control the lives and identities of their citizens to an unprecedented degree. Contributors address the tensions between state ethnic categories and the subjective identities of individuals, the status of mixed individuals and families in a region characterized by continual changes in national borders and regimes, and the role of intermarried couples and their descendants in imagining supranational communities. The first of its kind, Intermarriage from Central Europe to Central Asia is a foundational text for the study of intermarriage and ethnic mixing in Eastern Europe and Eurasia.

InterMedia in South Asia: The Fourth Screen

by Rajinder Dudrah Sangita Gopal Amit S. Rai Anustup Basu

The emergence of new media today in South Asia has signalled an event, the meaning of which remains obscure but whose reality is rapidly evolving along gradients of intensity and experience. Contemporary media in and from South Asia have come to sense a new arrangement of value, sensation, and force - new forms of becoming that might be usefully termed as 'media ecologies'. This evolution from nation-based forms of communication (Doordarshan, All India Radio, the "national" feudal romance) to simultaneous global ones conform and mutate the structures of feeling of local, national, diasporic and transnational belonging. This collection of original essays is concerned with understanding how people are making meaning from the new media and how subaltern tinkering (pirating, peer to peer file sharing, hacking, noise jamming, indymedia, etc.) does things to and in the new media. This exciting works helps us to make sense of the creation of new publics, new affects and new experiences of pleasure and value in convergences of intermedia in a fast developing South Asia context.This book was originally published as a special issue of South Asian Popular Culture.

Intermediaries in the Criminal Justice System: Improving Communication for Vulnerable Witnesses and Defendants

by Joyce Plotnikoff Richard Woolfson

This is the first book about the intermediary scheme, criminal justice’s untold ‘good news story’. Intermediaries are independent communication specialists who assist children and vulnerable adults at police interviews and trials, helping to improve the quality of their evidence and providing access to justice for those who previously had been excluded. Richly illustrated with case examples through intermediaries’ own descriptions of their work, the book also includes feedback from justice system personnel and over 70 judges. This unique book provides a comprehensive explanation of how intermediaries work in practice and gives ‘behind the scenes’ insights into the criminal process. It will be of interest to practitioners and the wider public in England and Wales and encourage consideration of the scheme elsewhere.

Intermediate First Year Civics Intermediate English Medium - Telangana Board

by Prof B.V.Raghavulu Dr V. Vasundhara Devi Sri V. Bhogendracharyulu Sri K. Girirao Sri Kssn Reddy Sri K. Apparao G. Madhavi

This is the prescribed text book for Intermediate First Year students for the subject Civics in English Medium

An Intermediate Guide to SPSS Programming: Using Syntax for Data Management

by Sarah E. Boslaugh

An Intermediate Guide to SPSS Programming: Using Syntax for Data Management introduces the major tasks of data management and presents solutions using SPSS syntax. This book fills an important gap in the education of many students and researchers, whose coursework has left them unprepared for the data management issues that confront them when they begin to do independent research. It also serves as an introduction to SPSS programming. All the basic features of SPSS syntax are illustrated, as are many intermediate and advanced topics such as using vectors and loops, reading complex data files, and using the SPSS macro language.

Intermediate Quantities: Logic, Linguistics and Aristotelian Semantics

by Philip Peterson

This title was first published in 2000: Intermediate quantifiers express logical quantities which fall between Aristotle's two quantities of categorical propositions - universal and particular. "Few", "many" and "most" express the most commonly referred to intermediate quantifiers, but this book argues that an infinite number can be understood through a deeper examination of the logical nature of all intermediate quantifiers. Presenting and analyzing the logical and linguistic features of intermediate quantifiers, in a fashion typical of traditional logic, Philip L. Peterson presents an account integrating the logic and semantics of intermediate quantifiers with the two traditional quantities by traditional methods. Having introduced the basic idea of how to approach the task in the first chapter, with heavy emphasis on the linguistic meanings and ordinary uses of English intermediate quantifier expressions, Peterson then undertakes the task of completely integrating the three basic intermediate quantities into traditional logic in the following chapter.

Intermediate Quantities: Logic, Linguistics and Aristotelian Semantics

by Philip L Peterson

This title was first published in 2000: Intermediate quantifiers express logical quantities which fall between Aristotle's two quantities of categorical propositions - universal and particular. "Few", "many" and "most" express the most commonly referred to intermediate quantifiers, but this book argues that an infinite number can be understood through a deeper examination of the logical nature of all intermediate quantifiers. Presenting and analyzing the logical and linguistic features of intermediate quantifiers, in a fashion typical of traditional logic, Philip L. Peterson presents an account integrating the logic and semantics of intermediate quantifiers with the two traditional quantities by traditional methods. Having introduced the basic idea of how to approach the task in the first chapter, with heavy emphasis on the linguistic meanings and ordinary uses of English intermediate quantifier expressions, Peterson then undertakes the task of completely integrating the three basic intermediate quantities into traditional logic in the following chapter. Drawing on the work of Robert carnes and taking a critical look at James McCawley's grammatical analysis, the author then provides ruther revisions, extensions and explorations into logical inference, linguistic meaning, algebraic methods and rules of infinite-quality syllogism to reach the conclusion that a new approach to foundations of mathematics, based on the syllogistic logic of quantifiers, is possible to produce a new explanation of classical distribution and an extension of "infinite-quantity" syllogistic to relations. Considerable attention has been paid over the years to "generalized quantifiers" and this completion of an explanation for extending traditional syllogistic logic to handle intermediate quantifiers offers insights for those studying across areas of logic, linguistics and the philosophy or semantics of natural language.

The Intermediate Sex: A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women (Routledge Revivals: The Collected Works of Edward Carpenter)

by Edward Carpenter

The Intermediate sex collates papers from Edward Carpenter on his ideas about intermediate types. Carpenter claims that there are those in societies who hold an intermediate position between the two sexes and may have an inner sex in their mind that is different from their biological sex. Originally published in 1908, this version in1941, these papers present early observations about gender fluidity in both men and women, studying certain ‘types’ of intermediate people that he claimed were begin to emerge more obviously at the time of writing. This title will be of interest to students of gender studies.

Intermediate Types among Primitive Folk: A Study in Social Evolution (Routledge Revivals: The Collected Works of Edward Carpenter)

by Edward Carpenter

Intermediate Types among Primitive Folk expands on Carpenter’s idea of the Intermediate type; a person of mixed sexes such as a feminine body with a masculine mind or vice versa. Originally published in 1914, this text explores the role that intermediate types played amongst early civilisations as well as in religion and military situations. Whilst later civilisations tended to look down on those who did not fit into traditional gender roles, some early peoples saw intermediate types as important figures in their social organisation. This title will be of interest to students of sociology, gender studies and anthropology.

Internal and International Migration: Chinese Perspectives (Chinese Worlds)

by Frank N. Pieke Hein Mallee

Comparing migration in China itself to Chinese migration to Europe, this book critically assesses received ideas, perceptions and theories concerning internal and international migration.Comparing migration in China itself to Chinese migration to Europe, this book critically assesses received ideas, perceptions and theories concerning internal and international migration. The book argues for the emergence of a Chinese world system in which internal and international mobility is a central and heterogenous feature. The book presents an unusually rich case study of migration and transnationalism of migrants from southern Zhejiang province in Chinese and European cities, studies of rural-urban migration in booming southern China, implementation of the birth control policy among migrants in Beijing, discrimination and stereotypisation of rural migrants in Shanghai, contract worker teams in Beijing, and forced urban-rural migration during the Cultural Revolution.

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