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Showing 54,576 through 54,600 of 100,000 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Israel in the Making: Stickers, Stitches, and Other Critical Practices 1582282 Hagar Salamon 9780253023285 2017 Contains images
Israel in the Post Oslo Era: Prospects for Conflict and Reconciliation with the Palestinians (Routledge Studies on the Arab-Israeli Conflict) 2502516 As'ad Ghanem Mohanad Mustafa Salim Brake 9780429762437 2019 Contains images
Israel in the World: Legitimacy and Exceptionalism 4820850 Emanuel Adler 9781136166662 2013
Israel Odyssey: Coming of Age and Finding Peace in the Middle East 6326066 P. David Hornik 9781504096751 2024 Contains images
Israel-Palestine: Lands and Peoples 4247007 Omer Bartov 9781800731301 2021 Contains images
Israel-Palestine: Lands and Peoples 6037798 Omer Bartov 9781805394402 2021 Contains images
Israel, Palestine and the Queer International 2010393 Sarah Schulman 9780822353737 2012
The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Parallel Discourses (UCLA Center for Middle East Development (CMED) series) 4929961 Elizabeth G. Matthews 9781136884313 2011 Contains images
Israel, the Arabs and Iran: International Relations and Status Quo, 2011-2016 (Israeli History, Politics and Society) 2551400 Ehud Eilam 9781351604925 2018
Israel, the West Bank and International Law 4944914 Allan Gerson 9781136277603 1978 Contains images
Israel, Turkey and Greece: Uneasy Relations in the East Mediterranean 5504575 Amikam Nachmani 9781135779115 1987
Israel Under Netanyahu: Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy 3002195 Robert O. Freedman 9781000751765 2020 Contains images
Israel Under Rabin 3480177 Robert O Freedman 9780429720376 1995 Contains images
The Israeli-American Connection: Its Roots in the Yishuv, 1914-1945 (American Holy Land Series) 2322520 Michael Brown 9780814344583 1996 Contains images
The Israeli Central Bank: Political Economy, Global Logics and Local Actors (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Economies) 4930671 Daniel Maman Zeev Rosenhek 9781136822360 2011 Contains images
The Israeli Conflict System: Analytic Approaches (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics) 4938182 Stanley Dubinsky Harvey Starr 9781317431459 2016 Contains images
The Israeli Defence Forces and the Foundation of Israel: Utopia in Uniform 3362454 Ze'ev Drory 9781135753986 2005
The Israeli Diaspora (Global Diasporas) 3366689 Steven J. Gold 9781135433871 2002 Contains images
Israeli Diplomacy and the Quest for Peace (Israeli History, Politics and Society) 5086915 Mordechai Gazit 9781135285814 2002 Contains images
The Israeli Economy: Dreams and Realities (Routledge Revivals) 4816155 Yair Aharoni 9781317950875 1991
The Israeli Economy 3506830 Paul Rivlin 9781000302707 1992 Contains images
Israeli-Egyptian Relations, 1980-2000 (Israeli History, Politics and Society #Vol. 13) 5282574 Ephraim Dowek 9781135279370 2001 Contains images
Israeli Folk Narratives: Settlement, Immigration, Ethnicity 5295513 Haya Bar-Itzhak 9780814339916 2005 Contains images
Israeli Holocaust Research: Birth and Evolution (Routledge Jewish Studies Series) 5281938 Boaz Cohen 9781136218828 2013 Contains images
Israeli Identities: Jews and Arabs Facing the Self and the Other 1779358 Yair Auron 9780857453068 2012 Contains images

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