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Italian Contemporary Screen Performers: Training, Production, Prestige

by Luca Barra Cristina Formenti Mariapaola Pierini Francesco Pitassio

Bringing together performance studies, celebrity studies, and media production studies, this open access book offers a comprehensive understanding of the multi-layered condition of film and television performers within the contemporary Italian screen media landscape. By focusing on a selection of stars who reached success from 2000 onwards, the collection highlights how the renewal of the Italian media industry in the late 1990s impacted different aspects of Italian screen performers’ professional lives, from training to promotion and validation strategies.

Italian Cultural Lineages

by Jonathan White

In Italian Cultural Lineages, Jonathan White seeks answers to the elusive questions: what is Italian culture and what is the Italian identity? By tracing Italian life and art through several themes ? viewing and spectatorship, fantasy, passion, justice, reputation, and lifestyles ? White offers new ways of perceiving an ancient cultural tradition in the twenty-first century. In doing so, he challenges readers to discern rich poetic seams that bind together his varied subject matter. Italian Cultural Lineages is primarily concerned with factors that unify Italians, however geographically dispersed they may be. Drawing on extensive archival and historical research, White shows how oftentimes Italian cultural traditions that appear to be extinct are, in fact, enduring ? pushed out of the mainstream or submerged at some given point in history, only to re-surface and take on new meanings at a later date. Other, more marginal currents might disrupt and fragment Italian identity, politically and socially. However, White proposes that the challenge to Italy in these new and difficult lessons in tolerance has the potential to produce a much stronger culture, primed to welcome the marginal into an expanded spirit of all that counts as Italian. Ideally suited to course use, and written with great lucidity, Italian Cultural Lineages will prove fascinating to students, academics, and general readers alike.

Italian Cultural Studies: An Introduction

by David Forgacs Robert Lumley

This illustrated introduction to the study of modern Italian culture brings together specialists in the fields of language; politics; religious, ethnic, and gender identities; the mass media; cultural policy; and movie stars. In four thematic sections, the contributors elucidate their own slice of Italian culture. Geographies questions received notions of the Italian nation, the family, the "South" and corruption; it also looks at anthropological approaches to culture and at Italy's linguistic pluralism. Identities examines gender, religion, politics, and ethnicity as a means by which people define themselves and others. Media explores the press, literature, television, and cinema. Culture and Society brings together historical analyses of cultural policy, stars and style, and popular music. The book includes guidance for further reading and a chronology of political and cultural events since 1900.

Italian Days

by Barbara Grizzuti Harrison

"Italian Days" is one of the richest and most absorbing travel books written--a journey that traverses the Italian peninsula and immerses readers in a culture which provides the reader with a definition of the good life. "Harrison's wonderful journal will make you update your passport and dream of subletting your job, home, etc. . . . "

The Italian Diaspora in South Africa: Nostalgia, Identity, and Belonging in the Second and Third Generations (Routledge Studies in Development, Mobilities and Migration)

by Maria Chiara Marchetti-Mercer Anita Virga

This book investigates the experiences of second- and third-generation Italians living in South Africa, exploring how nostalgia for Italy influences their sense of identity and belonging. The Italian community in South Africa is a unique diaspora, with a complex history, including roots in Italian colonial activities in Africa, and in World War II. This book looks at how the descendants of these early migrants take pride in being Italian and value the Italian language. They also ascribe much importance to their family roots, and have often created a romanticized image of Italy, mostly based on childhood vacation visits. The longing for an imaginary idealized version of Italy is closely linked to their wider search for a sense of identity and belonging against the backdrop of South African society, currently still grappling with its own multicultural identity. Interdisciplinary by design, this book draws on insights from both cultural studies and psychology in order to shine a light on an important and under-studied diasporic community. The book will be of interest to scholars from across migration studies and the Humanities in general.

Italian Ecocinema: Beyond the Human (New Directions in National Cinemas)

by Elena Past

Ecocriticism and film studies unite in this examination of five Italian films and the environmental questions they raise.Entangled in the hybrid fields of ecomedia studies and material ecocriticism, Elena Past examines five Italian films shot on location and ponders the complex relationships that the production crews developed with the filming locations and the nonhuman cast members. She uses these films—Red Desert (1964), The Winds Blows Round (2005), Gomorrah (2008), Le quattro volte (2010), and Return to the Aeolian Islands (2010)—as case studies to explore pressing environmental questions such as cinema’s dependence on hydrocarbons, the toxic waste crisis in the region of Campania, and our reliance on the nonhuman world. Dynamic and unexpected actors emerge as the subjects of each chapter: playful goats, erupting volcanoes, airborne dust particles, fluid petroleum, and even the sound of silence. Based on interviews with crew members and close readings of the films themselves, Italian Ecocinema Beyond the Human theorizes how filmmaking practice—from sound recording to location scouting to managing a production—helps uncover cinema’s ecological footprint and its potential to open new perspectives on the nonhuman world.“[Past] uniquely and innovatively combines film studies and material ecocriticism with a focus on Italy. Such weaving of tales brings the films to life and reads them as ecological documents and Italian stories.” —Heather I. Sullivan, author of The Intercontextuality of Self and Nature in Ludwig Tieck’s Early Works“A timely and incisive study that interrogates a new, though growing, trend in film criticism and makes an important and rich contribution to Italian film studies, Italian cultural studies, and ecocriticism.” —Bernadette Luciano, author (with Susanna Scarparo) of Reframing Italy: New Trends in Italian Women’s Filmmaking“Part memoir, part close analysis of the films themselves, and illustrated with numerous excellent frame grabs, Past’s book casts a dreamlike spell as it contemplates the past, present, and future of the cinema and moves smoothly between environmental issues and aesthetic and practical concerns.” —Choice

Italian Ecocinema: Beyond the Human (New Directions in National Cinemas)

by Elena Past

Ecocriticism and film studies unite in this examination of five Italian films and the environmental questions they raise.Entangled in the hybrid fields of ecomedia studies and material ecocriticism, Elena Past examines five Italian films shot on location and ponders the complex relationships that the production crews developed with the filming locations and the nonhuman cast members. She uses these films—Red Desert (1964), The Winds Blows Round (2005), Gomorrah (2008), Le quattro volte (2010), and Return to the Aeolian Islands (2010)—as case studies to explore pressing environmental questions such as cinema’s dependence on hydrocarbons, the toxic waste crisis in the region of Campania, and our reliance on the nonhuman world. Dynamic and unexpected actors emerge as the subjects of each chapter: playful goats, erupting volcanoes, airborne dust particles, fluid petroleum, and even the sound of silence. Based on interviews with crew members and close readings of the films themselves, Italian Ecocinema Beyond the Human theorizes how filmmaking practice—from sound recording to location scouting to managing a production—helps uncover cinema’s ecological footprint and its potential to open new perspectives on the nonhuman world.“[Past] uniquely and innovatively combines film studies and material ecocriticism with a focus on Italy. Such weaving of tales brings the films to life and reads them as ecological documents and Italian stories.” —Heather I. Sullivan, author of The Intercontextuality of Self and Nature in Ludwig Tieck’s Early Works“A timely and incisive study that interrogates a new, though growing, trend in film criticism and makes an important and rich contribution to Italian film studies, Italian cultural studies, and ecocriticism.” —Bernadette Luciano, author (with Susanna Scarparo) of Reframing Italy: New Trends in Italian Women’s Filmmaking“Part memoir, part close analysis of the films themselves, and illustrated with numerous excellent frame grabs, Past’s book casts a dreamlike spell as it contemplates the past, present, and future of the cinema and moves smoothly between environmental issues and aesthetic and practical concerns.” —Choice

The Italian Economy at the Dawn of the 21st Century

by Massimo Di Matteo and Paolo Piacentini

This title was first published in 2003. Most of the essays collected in this volume are the revised versions of the reports presented at a conference held at the University of Tokyo in October 2001, organised as part of the initiatives of the "Italian Year" in Japan, and supported by the Foundation Italy in Japan 2001, the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, the Italian Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of Higher Education, and the University of Tokyo. The essays, which aim at a fact-based presentation, provide a thorough survey of the relevant problems and aspects of present-day Italian economy and society. Those peculiar features of the Italian economy, such as its dualistic industrial structure and territorial divide, are analysed at length, with an eye to open policy options. The economic analyses are complemented by presentations of some of the central topics on the Italian social framework, such as the role of family and the "Third Sector".

An Italian Education: The Further Adventures of an Expatriate in Verona

by Tim Parks

Tim Parks's best seller, Italian Neighbors, offered a sparkling, witty, and acutely observed account of an expatriate's life in a small village outside of Verona. Now in An Italian Education, Parks continues his chronicle of adapting to Italian society and culture, while raising his Italian-born children. With the exquisite eye for detail, character, and intrigue that has brought him acclaim as a novelist, Parks creates an enchanting portrait of Italian parenthood and family life at home, in the classroom, and at church. Shifting from hilarity to despair in the time it takes to sing a lullaby, Parks learns that to be a true Italian, one must live by the motto "All days are one.”

Italian Fashion since 1945: A Cultural History (Italian and Italian American Studies)

by Emanuela Scarpellini

In the course of the twentieth century, Italy succeeded in establishing itself as one of the world's preeminent fashion capitals, despite the centuries-old predominance of Paris and London. This book traces the story of how this came to be, guiding readers through the major cultural and economic revolutions of twentieth-century Italy and how they shaped the consumption practices and material lives of everyday Italians. In order to understand the specific character of the “Italian model,” Emanuela Scarpellini considers not only aspects of craftsmanship, industrial production and the evolution of styles, but also the economic and cultural changes that have radically transformed Italy and the international scene within a few decades: the post-war economic miracle, the youth revolution, the consumerism of the 1980s, globalization, the environmentalism of the 2000s and the Italy of today. Written in a lively style, full of references to cinema, literature, art and the world of media, this work offers the first comprehensive overview of a phenomenon that has profoundly shaped recent Italian history.

Italian Goth Subculture: Kindred Creatures and Other Dark Enactments in Milan, 1982-1991 (Palgrave Studies in the History of Subcultures and Popular Music)

by Simone Tosoni Emanuela Zuccalà

This book is the first in-depth investigation of the Goth subculture in Italy, focusing in particular on the city of Milan. It grows out of a three year research project - the first in Italy of this scope on the topic - based on the life histories of two dozen participants. In light of this, Simone Tosoni and Emanuela Zuccalà propose an innovative approach to the study of spectacular subcultures: contrarily to the most common accounts of the spectacular subcultures of the 80s, this book describes the experience of subcultural belonging as plural and internally diversified. In particular, three different variations - or 'enactments' - of goth are described in-depth: the politically engaged one; the one typical of the scene of the alternative music clubs spread all over northern Italy; and the one, common in the little towns surrounding Milan (but not limited to it), where participants used to 'enact' the dark subculture alone or in small groups. Their book argues that while these three different variations of goth shared the same canon of subcultural resources (music, style, patterns of cultural consumptions), they differed under relevant points of view, like forms of socialization, stance toward political activism, identity construction processes, and even their relationship with urban space. Yet, contrarily to the stress on individual differences in 'subcultural' belonging typical of post-subcultural theorists, the Milanese variations of goth appear to have been socially shared, as socially shared were the different 'practices of enactment' of the subculture that characterized each of them.

An Italian Grows in Brooklyn

by Jerry Della Femina Charles Sopkin

A funny, touching, and bitter memoir about myths and misconceptions of being Italian American. Within a thirty-year span in the early 19th century, the Delia Femina family nearly empties their Italian village near Naples and migrates to Brooklyn's Gravesend neighborhood in the United States. The Italian's inability to let anyone leave the family meant the family moved intact to the United States as they kept their village habits and customs.

The Italian Home for Children

by Christopher F. Small

As it ravaged the world, the influenza epidemic of 1918 devastated Boston's congested North End and left hundreds of orphans in its wake. Touched by this crisis, a Roman Catholic priest and a group of Italian Americans founded the first home for Italian children in Massachusetts. Franciscan Sisters devoted 24 hours a day to providing the children with a safe, loving, and spiritual environment. In addition, the home provided educational support for its residents. Over time, the changing needs of children mandated that the agency change the nature of its services from custodial care to treatment. In 1974, in response to the changing political and social climate, the agency became the Italian Home for Children. Today, it is a nonprofit, nonsectarian residential treatment facility with a capacity for 61 children of all races, nationalities, and religions. The images in The Italian Home for Children document milestones in the organization's history: the devastating influenza epidemic, the Missionary Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, Christmas plays, a visit from Joe DiMaggio, trips to Canobie Lake Park in the summer, the Tony Martin benefit performance at Boston Garden, and the home as it is today--a refuge for children in the most severe crises.

Italian Identity in the Kitchen, or Food and the Nation (Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History)

by Massimo Montanari

Massimo Montanari draws readers into the far-flung story of how local and global influences came to flavor Italian identity. The fusion of ancient Roman cuisine—which consisted of bread, wine, and olives—with the barbarian diet—rooted in bread, milk, and meat—first formed the basics of modern eating across Europe. From there, Montanari highlights the importance of the Italian city in the development of gastronomic taste in the Middle Ages, the role of Arab traders in positioning the country as the supreme producers of pasta, and the nation's healthful contribution of vegetables to the fifteenth-century European diet. Italy became a receiving country with the discovery of the New World, absorbing corn, potatoes, and tomatoes into its national cuisine. As disaster dispersed Italians in the nineteenth century, new immigrant stereotypes portraying Italians as "macaroni eaters" spread. However, two world wars and globalization renewed the perception of Italy and its culture as unique in the world, and the production of food constitutes an important part of that uniqueness.

The Italian Invert: A Gay Man’s Intimate Confessions to Émile Zola

by with William A. Peniston

“Each of us has his tastes inscribed in his brain and heart; whether he fulfills his urges with regret or with joy, he must fulfill them. He should let others act according to their own nature. It’s fate that creates us and guides us throughout our lives: to fight against it would be little more than fruitless, foolish, and reckless!”In the late 1880s, a dashing young Italian aristocrat made an astonishing confession to the novelist Émile Zola. In a series of revealing letters, he frankly described his sexual experiences with other men—including his seduction as a teenager by one of his father’s friends and his first love affair, with a sergeant during his military service—as well as his “extraordinary” personality. Judging it too controversial, Zola gave it to a young doctor, who in 1896 published a censored version in a medical study on sexual inversion, as homosexuality was then known. When the Italian came across this book, he was shocked to discover how his life story had been distorted. In protest, he wrote a long, daring, and unapologetic letter to the doctor defending his right to love and to live as he wished.This book is the first complete, unexpurgated version in English of this remarkable queer autobiography. Its text is based on the recently discovered manuscript of the Italian’s letter to the doctor. It also features an introduction tracing the textual history of the documents, analytical essays, and additional materials that help place the work in its historical context. Offering a striking glimpse of gay life in Europe in the late nineteenth century, The Italian Invert brings to light the powerful voice of a young man who forthrightly expressed his desires and eloquently affirmed his right to pleasure.

Italian Jewish Musicians and Composers under Fascism: Let Our Music Be Played (Italian and Italian American Studies)

by Alessandro Carrieri Annalisa Capristo

This book is the first collection of multi-disciplinary research on the experience of Italian-Jewish musicians and composers in Fascist Italy. Drawing together seven diverse essays from both established and emerging scholars across a range of fields, this book examines multiple aspects of this neglected period of music history, including the marginalization and expulsion of Jewish musicians and composers from Italian theatres and conservatories after the 1938–39 Race Laws, and their subsequent exile and persecution. Using a variety of critical perspectives and innovative methodological approaches, these essays reconstruct and analyze the impact that the Italian Race Laws and Fascist Italy’s musical relations with Nazi Germany had on the lives and works of Italian Jewish composers from 1933 to 1945. These original contributions on relatively unresearched aspects of historical musicology offer new insight into the relationship between the Fascist regime and music.

Italian Jewish Networks from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century: Bridging Europe and the Mediterranean

by Francesca Bregoli Carlotta Ferrara degli Uberti Guri Schwarz

The volume investigates the interconnections between the Italian Jewish worlds and wider European and Mediterranean circles, situating the Italian Jewish experience within a transregional and transnational context mindful of the complex set of networks, relations, and loyalties that characterized Jewish diasporic life. Preceded by a methodological introduction by the editors, the chapters address rabbinic connections and ties of communal solidarity in the early modern period, and examine the circulation of Hebrew books and the overlap of national and transnational identities after emancipation. For the twentieth century, this volume additionally explores the Italian side of the Wissenschaft des Judentums; the role of international Jewish agencies in the years of Fascist racial persecution; the interactions between Italian Jewry, JDPs and Zionist envoys after Word War II; and the impact of Zionism in transforming modern Jewish identities.

Italian Jewish Women in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (Italian and Italian American Studies)

by Monica Miniati

This book investigates one of the major issues that runs through the history of Italian Judaism in the aftermath of emancipation: the correlation between integration, seen as the acquisition of citizenship and culture without renouncing Jewish identity, and assimilation, intended as an open refusal of Judaism of any participation in the community. On account of that correlation, identity has become one of the crucial problems in the history of the Italian Jewish community. This volume aims to discuss the setting of construction and formation--the family-- and focuses on women's experiences, specifically. Indeed, women were called through emancipation to ensure the continuity of Jewish religious and cultural heritage. It speaks to the growing interest for Women's and Gender Studies in Italy, and for the research on women's organizations which testify to the strong presence of Jewish women in the emancipation movement. These women formed a sisterhood that fought to obtain rights that were until then only accorded to men, and they were deeply socially engaged in such a way that was crucial to the overall process of the integration of Jews into Italian society.

Italian Lessons: Fifty Things We Know About Life Now

by Beppe Severgnini

One-of-a-kind timeless lessons for handling challenges and living with joy, the Italian way—&“with unparalleled insight and brilliant wit, Severgnini&’s book not only transports us to Italy but deep into the Italian mind and spirit" (Stanley Tucci, host of Searching for Italy).Is there an Italian way to deal with life? Can we all learn something from the Italians? Italy often arouses in Americans a unique mix of attraction and bafflement, moderate disapproval and incredible allure. From the Italians' love of poetry to an innate desire to socialize to the regional differences between the north and the south, Beppe Severgnini, who has dedicated his career to the meticulous observation of his compatriots, embarks on an enthralling quest to identify a core Italian identity and explore how that identity has evolved since the global pandemic. Told with the warmth and humor of a longtime friend, Severgnini touches upon patience, endurance, and wisdom, and offers a one-of-a-kind set of timeless lessons for overcoming trials, the Italian way.

Italian Louisiana: History, Heritage, & Tradition (American Heritage Ser.)

by Alan G Gauthreaux

A history of the Italian immigrant communities in Louisiana at the close the nineteenth century and the difficulty the faced acclimating to American society.Though the Italian contribution to Louisiana&’s culture is palpable and celebrated, at one time ethnic Italians were constantly embroiled in scandal, sometimes deserved and sometimes as scapegoats. The new immigrants hoped that they would be welcomed and see for themselves the &“streets paved with gold.&” Their new lives, however, were difficult. Italians in Louisiana faced prejudice, violence and political exile for their refusal to accept the southern racial mores. Author and historian Alan Gauthreaux documents the experience of those Italians who arrived in Louisiana over one hundred years ago.&“This historical survey was no easy task, and the presentation of this intriguing chapter in Louisiana&’s rich history is quite impressive. Any Louisiana library would be incomplete without Italian Louisiana, an extensively researched, evenly paced, and well-balanced account of the unique Italian experience in Louisiana.&” —Florent Hardy, Jr., Ph.D., state archivist for Louisiana State Archives &“Immigration historians have largely focused on the northeast and California when studying the history of Italian Americans in this country. We are therefore grateful to Alan Gauthreaux for his well-researched study on how Italian immigrants to Louisiana fared. More than a hundred years ago, thousands of Italians, mainly from Sicily, were &“imported&” to Louisiana to work in the sugar cane fields that the newly freed slaves avoided. The Italians faced serious obstacles, including prejudice and violence. In fact, the biggest mass lynching in American history occurred in 1891, when a New Orleans mob slaughtered 11 Italians, including a teen-age boy, after they had been found innocent of murdering a police officer. But Gauthreaux also explores how, through hard work and strong values, these immigrants eventually secured a much brighter future for themselves and their descendants. A &“must-read&” for anyone interested in Italian Americans and their story.&” —Dona De Sanctis, PhD, editor-in-chief, Italian America Magazine

Italian Masculinity as Queer Melodrama

by John Champagne

Offering queer analyses of paintings by Caravaggio and Puccini and films by #65533;zpetek, Amelio, and Grimaldi, Champagne argues that Italian masculinity has often been articulated through melodrama. Wide in scope and multidisciplinary in approach, this much-needed study shows the vital role of affect for both Italian history and masculinity studies.

Italian Men: Love & Sex

by Andrea Blanch

From Armani to Zefferelli, Italian men have long been synonymous with fashion, style, and sensuality. In this collection of fascinating personal reflections and photographs, Italian men-be they aristocrats, world-class designers, international businessmen, or men on the street-divulge their deeper thoughts on lust, love, and romance. These Icons harbor wildly divergent, yet always passionate views on matters of the heart: Luciano Pavoratti explores the power of love while Olympic gold medallist Alberto Tomba boasts of sexual conquests. Bernardo Bertolucci, Harry Cipriani, and Leonardo Mondadori-as well as Armani and Zefferelli-are among those striking poses in this high-style expos of Italian male magnetism.

Italian Mobilities (Changing Mobilities)

by Ruth Ben-Ghiat Stephanie Malia Hom

The Italian nation-state has been defined by practices of mobility. Tourists have flowed in from the era of the Grand Tour to the present, and Italians flowed out in massive numbers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries: Italians made up the largest voluntary emigration in recorded world history. As a bridge from Africa to Europe, Italy has more recently been a destination of choice for immigrants whose tragic stories of shipwreck and confinement are often in the news. This first-of-its-kind edited volume offers a critical accounting of those histories and practices, shedding new light on modern Italy as a flashpoint for mobilities as they relate to nationalism, imperialism, globalization, and consumer, leisure, and labor practices. The book’s eight essays reveal how a country often appreciated for what seems immutable - its classical and Renaissance patrimony - has in fact been shaped by movement and transit.

Italian Modernism

by Mario Moroni Luca Somigli

Italian Modernism was written in response to the need for an historiographic and theoretical reconsideration of the concepts of Decadentismo and the avant-garde within the Italian critical tradition. Focussing on the confrontation between these concepts and the broader notion of international modernism, the essays in this important collection seek to understand this complex phase of literary and artistic practices as a response to the epistemes of philosophical and scientific modernity at the end of the nineteenth century and in the first three decades of the twentieth.Intellectually provocative, this collection is the first attempt in the field of Italian Studies at a comprehensive account of Italian literary modernism. Each contributor documents how previous critical categories, employed to account for the literary, artistic, and cultural experiences of the period, have provided only partial and inadequate descriptions, preventing a fuller understanding of the complexities and the interrelations among the cultural phenomena of the time.

Italian National Cinema (National Cinemas)

by Pierre Sorlin

From such films as La Dolce Vita and Bicycle Thieves to Cinema Paradiso and Dear Diary, Italian cinema has provided striking images of Italy as a nation and a people. In the first comprehensive study of Italian cinema from 1886-1996, Pierre Sorlin explores the changing relationship of Italian cinema and Italian society and asks whether the national cinema really does represent Italian interests and culture.

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