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Italians of Stark County (Images of America)

by J. A. Musacchia

Images of America: Italians of Stark County focuses on Italian immigration into Stark County beginning in the late 1800s. At the time, Stark County's urban hub of Canton and the surrounding communities were in the middle of a thriving expansion driven by industry, transportation, and manufacturing. Along with this growth came the need for labor, with immigration filling many of those needs. Italians came to Stark County to work in the steel mills, in the coal mines, and on the railroad, as well as to start their own small businesses. Once established, Italian families began to replicate the community foundations from their native land, and in turn these foundations reinforced embedded values: family, food, religion, music, and freedom.

The Italic People of Ancient Apulia

by T. H. Carpenter K. M. Lynch E. G. D. Robinson T. H. Carpenter K. M. Lynch

The focus of this book is on the Italic people of Apulia during the fourth century BC, when Italic culture seems to have reached its peak of affluence. Scholars have largely ignored these people and the region they inhabited. During the past several decades archaeologists have made significant progress in revealing the cultures of Apulia through excavations of habitation sites and un-plundered tombs, often published in Italian journals. This book makes the broad range of recent scholarship - from new excavations and contexts to archaeometric testing of production hypotheses to archaeological evidence for reconsidering painter attributions - available to English-speaking audiences. In it thirteen scholars from Italy, the United States, Great Britain, France, and Australia present targeted essays on aspects of the cultures of the Italic people of Apulia during the fourth century BC and the surrounding decades.

Italo-Romance Dialects in the Linguistic Repertoires of Immigrants in Italy (Palgrave Studies in Minority Languages and Communities)

by Francesco Goglia Matthias Wolny

This edited book brings together experts on the sociolinguistics of immigration with a focus on the Italo-Romance dialects. Sociolinguistic research on immigrant communities in Italy has widely studied the acquisition and use of Italian as L2 by first-generation immigrants, the maintenance of immigrant languages and code-switching between Italian and the immigrant languages. However, these studies have mostly ignored or neglected to investigate immigrant speakers’ use of Italo-Romance dialects, their awareness of the sociolinguistic situation of majority and minority languages, and their attitudes towards them. Given the important role of Italo-Romance dialects in everyday communication and as a marker of regional identity, this book aims to fill this gap and understand more about the role that these languages play in the linguistic repertoire of immigrants. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of sociolinguistics, minority languages, multilingualism, migration, and social anthropology.

Italoamericana: The Literature of the Great Migration, 1880-1943

by Anthony Julian Tamburri Francesco Durante James J. Periconi Robert Viscusi

To appreciate the life of the Italian immigrant enclave from the great heart of the Italian migration to its settlement in America requires that one come to know how these immigrants saw their communities as colonies of the mother country. Edited with extraordinary skill, Italoamericana: The Literature of the Great Migration, 1880-1943 brings to an English-speaking audience a definitive collection of classic writings on, about, and from the formative years of the Italian-American experience. Originally published in Italian, this landmark collection of translated writings establishes a rich, diverse, and mature sense of Italian-American life by allowing readers to see American society through the eyes of Italian-speaking immigrants. Filled with the voices from the first generation of Italian-American life, the book presents a unique treasury of long-inaccessible writing that embodies a literary canon for Italian-American culture—poetry, drama, journalism, political advocacy, history, memoir, biography, and story—the greater part of which has never before been translated. Italoamericana introduces a new generation of readers to the “Black Hand” and the organized crime of the 1920s, the incredible “pulp” novels by Bernardino Ciambelli, Paolo Pallavicini, Italo Stanco, Corrado Altavilla, the exhilarating “macchiette” by Eduardo Migliaccio (Farfariello) and Tony Ferrazzano, the comedies by Giovanni De Rosalia, Riccardo Cordiferro’s dramas and poems, the poetry of Fanny Vanzi-Mussini and Eduardo Migliaccio. Edited by a leading journalist and scholar, Italoamericana introduces an important but little-known, largely inaccessible Italian-language literary heritage that defined the Italian-American experience. Organized into five sections—“Annals of the Great Exodus,” “Colonial Chronicles,” “On Stage (and Off-Stage),” “Anarchists, Socialist, Fascists, Anti-Fascists,” and “Apocalyptic Integrated / Integrated Apocalyptic Intellectuals”—the volume distinguishes a literary, cultural, and intellectual history that engages the reader in all sorts of archaeological and genealogical work. The original volume in Italian: Italoamericana Vol II: Storia e Letteratura degli Italiani negli Stati Uniti 1880-1943

Italy (Major European Union Nations)

by Ademola O. Sadek

Italy is a tourist destination for thousands of people every year. It was also a founding member of the EU in 1952. Italy has a long history, from the Romans to the Renaissance. Today it faces modern-day issues such as immigration, women's rights, and the economic recession. Discover more about this exciting, modern nation!

Italy and the Mediterranean

by Norma Bouchard Valerio Ferme

The Mediterranean has always loomed large in the history and culture of Italy, and since the 1980s this relationship has been represented in ever more varied forms as both national and regional identities have evolved within a globalized context. This interdisciplinary volume puts Italian artists (writers, musicians, and filmmakers) and intellectuals (philosophers, sociologists, and political scientists) in conversation with each other to explore Italy's Mediterranean identity while questioning the boundaries between Self and Other, and between native and foreign bodies. By moving beyond nation-centric models of cultural and ethnic homogeneity based on myths of progress and rationality, these wide-ranging contributions fashion new ways of belonging that transcend the cultural, economic, religious, and social categories that have characterized post Cold War Italy and Europe.

Italy and the Military: Cultural Perspectives from Unification to Contemporary Italy (Italian and Italian American Studies)

by Mattia Roveri

This book sheds new light on the role of the military in Italian society and culture during war and peacetime by bringing together a whole host of contributors across the interdisciplinary spectrum of Italian Studies. Divided into five thematic units, this volume examines the continuous and multifaceted impact of the military on modern and contemporary Italy. The Italian context offers a particularly fertile ground for studying the cultural impact of the military because the institution was used not only for defensive/offensive purposes, but also to unify the country and to spread ideas of socio-cultural and technological development across its diverse population.

Italy - Culture Smart!

by Barry Tomalin

Italy delights and stimulates with its magnificent cities and monuments, its stunningly beautiful landscapes, the glory of its art and architecture, the richness and variety of its food, the elegance of its design and fashion, and the vitality and charm of its people. Italian style and culture have been exported all over the world. What is it like at home? Almost ten years after the 2008 banking crisis, Italy struggles to maintain its standard of living, the stability of the currency, and its ability to provide jobs for its school leavers and university graduates, many of whom now leave to work elsewhere in Europe. In addition, the influx of refugees from southeast Europe and across the Mediterranean is putting pressure on both its security and its economy. How are traditional Italian society and politics changing to deal with these challenges, with its most famous political personality of the last ten years, the former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, still apparently waiting in the wings? The Italians are the most European-minded of nations, having emerged from a long history of regional fragmentation. Culture Smart! Italy introduces you to their history and culture and offers an insider's guide to their daily lives, passions, and preoccupations. This is your chance to get to know them better.

Italy in the American Imagination

by Ian J. Bickerton

It is almost impossible to imagine the United States without making reference to Italy. There is scarcely any aspect of American culture untouched by Italy—its history, art, architecture, fashion, film, music, the mafia, or even more viscerally its food. Italy occupies a space of near mythical proportion in the American imagination. When many Americans think of, or dream about and imagine, the good life, how and where they would like to live, they think most often of Italy; the beauty, the life-style, the romance, the excitement and sense of adventure that Italy offers.By looking at the fluid and multi-dimensional imaginative interactions Americans have with Italian culture and society, this comprehensive and robust volume offers a new and novel way of exploring the influence of Italy upon the United States. University of New South Wales historian Ian James Bickerton argues that if we wish to understand the United States, and how Americans define themselves and their nation, it is vital to examine how they imagine themselves, and he demonstrates that throughout U.S. history one of the most powerful stimulants shaping the imaginary world of Americans has been Italy.

Italy on the Pacific: San Francisco's Italian Americans (Italian and Italian American Studies)

by Sebastian Fichera

This book details the Italian immigrant experience in San Francisco from the Gold Rush to the Mayoralty of George Moscone - which is to say the entire life cycle of the Italian community - and defines the concept of community in a way never seen before.

Italy, Yugoslavia, and the Controversy over the Adriatic Region, 1915-1920: Strategic Expectations and Geopolitical Realities in the Aftermath of the Great War (Routledge Studies in the History of Russia and Eastern Europe)

by Bianchini, Edited by Stefano

This book explores the path that led to the Treaty of Rapallo (1920) between Italy and the new Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, later the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, in the aftermath of the First World War, when the territories of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire were allotted to new and existing states, with regard as far as possible to the nationalities of the people living in the various territories in addition to the future of Montenegro and Albania.Based on vast archival documentation and published sources, the contributors to this book discuss the nature of the disputes which arose in the Adriatic area, often as the result of the inhabitants of the different territories being of several nationalities, and examine how the disputes were concluded. The book charts the disappointments of both Italians and Yugoslavs, the Italians disappointed that the terms of the Treaty of London of 1915, which promised Dalmatia to Italy in return for Italy entering the war against the Austro-Hungarian Empire, were not fulfilled. The Yugoslavs were disappointed loosing territories containing large Yugoslav populations. The volume considers public opinion, the words, positions and actions of leading politicians, and the continuing consequences of the settlement, many of them adverse consequences for particular cities and localities.Presenting a comprehensive approach to the Adriatic controversy, this book will be of interest to those studying European history of international relations, diplomatic negotiations and nationalism, modern history, Central Asian, Eastern European and Russian Studies.

Italy’s Contemporary Politics (Europa Introduction to...)

by James L. Newell

In early 2020 Italy was a country whose political parties stood as significant obstacles in the way of resolution of its social and economic problems. The purpose of this book is to help the reader to understand how Italian politics had reached this point. It does this by tracing the most significant processes of political, economic and social change to have marked Italian history in recent years back to their roots in the Italian political system as it emerged at the end of the Second World War. Starting with the restoration of democracy, the volume discusses the post-war party system and how it came under increasing pressure from the mid-1970s. From there it discusses the political upheavals of the early 1990s and the transformations they led to, the rise and fall of Silvio Berlusconi, and the watershed election of 2018. In short, the book provides a narrative. Narratives tell us who we are, where we have come from, where we are now and where we are going. Without them, we cannot make sense of the world. At the end of this narrative, if it has done its job properly, Italian politics and current affairs should ‘make sense’ if before they seemed confusing.

Italy's Jews from Emancipation to Fascism

by Shira Klein

How did Italy treat Jews during World War II? Historians have shown beyond doubt that many Italians were complicit in the Holocaust, yet Italy is still known as the Axis state that helped Jews. Shira Klein uncovers how Italian Jews, though victims of Italian persecution, promoted the view that Fascist Italy was categorically good to them. She shows how the Jews' experience in the decades before World War II - during which they became fervent Italian patriots while maintaining their distinctive Jewish culture - led them later to bolster the myth of Italy's wartime innocence in the Fascist racial campaign. Italy's Jews experienced a century of dramatic changes, from emancipation in 1848, to the 1938 Racial Laws, wartime refuge in America and Palestine, and the rehabilitation of Holocaust survivors. This cultural and social history draws on a wealth of unexplored sources, including original interviews and unpublished memoirs.

Italy's Many Diasporas: Elites, Exiles And Workers Of The World (Global Diasporas)

by Donna R. Gabaccia

Italy's residents are a migratory people. Since 1800 well over 27 million left home, but over half also returned home again. As cosmopolitans, exiles, and 'workers of the world' they transformed their homeland and many of the countries where they worked or settled abroad. But did they form a diaspora? Migrants maintained firm ties to native villages, cities and families. Few felt much loyalty to a larger nation of Italians. Rather than form a 'nation unbound,' the transnational lives of Italy's migrants kept alive international regional cultures that challenged the hegemony of national states around the world.This ambitious and theoretically innovative overview examines the social, cultural and economic integration of Italian migrants. It explores their complex yet distinctive identity and their relationship with their homeland taking a comprehensive approach.

Italy's Margins

by David Forgacs

Italy's Margins explores how certain places and social groups in Italy have been defined as marginal or peripheral since unification. This marginalization involves not only concrete policies but also ways of perceiving people and places as outside society's centre. The author looks closely at how photography and writing have supported political and social exclusion and, conversely, how they have been enlisted to challenge it. Five cases are examined: the peripheries of Italy's major cities after unification; its East African colonies in the 1930s; the less developed areas of its south in the 1950s; its psychiatric hospitals before the reforms of the late 1970s; and its 'nomad camps' after 2000. Each chapter takes its lead from a symptomatic photograph and is followed by other pictures and extracts from written texts. These allow the reader to examine how social marginalization is discursively performed by cultural products.

Italy's 'Southern Question': Orientalism in One Country

by Jane Schneider

The ‘Southern Question' has been a major topic in Italian political, economic and cultural life for a century and more. During the Cold War, it was the justification for heavy government intervention. In contemporary Italy, a major part of the appeal of the Lombard League has been its promise to dissociate the South from the North, even to the point of secession. The South also remains a resonant theme in Italian literature. This interdisciplinary book endeavours to answer the following: - When did people begin to think of the South as a problem? - Who - intellectuals, statisticians, criminologists, political exiles, novelists (among them some important southerners) - contributed to the discourse about the South and why? - Did their view of the South correspond to any sort of reality? - What was glossed over or ignored in the generalized vision of the South as problematic? - What consequences has the ‘Question' had in controlling the imaginations and actions of intellectuals and those with political and other forms of power? - What alternative formulations might people create and live by if they were able to escape from the control of the ‘Question' and to imagine the political, economic and cultural differences within Italy in some other way? This timely book reveals how Southern Italians have been affected by distorted versions of a complex reality similar to the discourse of ‘Orientalism'. In situating the devaluation of Southern Italian culture in relation to the recent emergence of ‘anti-mafia' ideology in the South and the threat posed to national unity by the Lombard League, it also illuminates the world's stiff inter-regional competition for investment capital.

The Itch

by Benilde Little

From the author of the smashing debut bestseller Good Hair comes The Itch, the stirring story of a crisis-torn woman who discovers a depth of character and a sense of self she never knew she possessed.Abra Lewis Dixon is the envy of the fashionable, professional women of her well-heeled social circle. She leads a charmed life -- having attended all the right schools, married the right man, and started a successful film production company with her best friend, Natasha Coleman -- and seems like an ambassador from the world of perfection. It is only when her impeccable marriage turns suddenly shaky that her utopia is left in pieces.

Itihas Aur Nagrik Shastra class 8 - Maharashtra Board: इतिहास और नागरिक शास्त्र ८वीं कक्षा - महाराष्ट्र बोर्ड

by Maharashtra Rajya Pathyapustak Nirmiti Va Abhysakram Sanshodhan Mandal Pune

यह पुस्तक आठवीं कक्षा के विद्यार्थियों के लिए आधुनिक भारत के इतिहास और नागरिकशास्त्र की मूलभूत जानकारी प्रदान करती है। इतिहास भाग में ब्रिटिश शासन के प्रभाव, स्वतंत्रता संग्राम, सामाजिक सुधार आंदोलनों और आधुनिक भारत के निर्माण को विस्तार से समझाया गया है। इसमें 1857 का स्वतंत्रता संग्राम, राष्ट्रवादी आंदोलनों, महात्मा गांधी और अन्य स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों के योगदान, तथा भारत की स्वतंत्रता प्राप्ति की घटनाओं पर प्रकाश डाला गया है। नागरिकशास्त्र भाग में भारत की संसदीय शासन प्रणाली, संविधान, कानून, न्यायपालिका, केंद्र और राज्य सरकार की संरचना, लोकतंत्र, मौलिक अधिकार और कर्तव्य जैसे विषयों को शामिल किया गया है। यह पुस्तक संविधान के अनुच्छेद 51(A) में उल्लिखित नागरिकों के मूल कर्तव्यों को भी समझाती है, जिसमें पर्यावरण संरक्षण, वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण अपनाने और राष्ट्रीय एकता बनाए रखने की जिम्मेदारी शामिल है। चित्र, मानचित्र और गतिविधियों के माध्यम से यह पुस्तक छात्रों को इतिहास और नागरिकशास्त्र की व्यावहारिक समझ विकसित करने में मदद करती है, जिससे वे एक जागरूक और जिम्मेदार नागरिक बन सकें।

Itinerant Ideas: Race, Indigeneity and Cross-Border Intellectual Encounters in Latin America (1900-1950)

by Joanna Crow

This book explores how ideas about race travelled across national borders in early twentieth-century Latin America. It builds on a vast array of scholarly works which underscore the highly contingent and flexible nature of race and racism in the region. The framework of the nation-state dominates much of this scholarship, in part because of the important implications of ideas about race for state policies. This book argues that we need to investigate the cross-border elaboration of ideas that informed and fed into these policies. It is organized around three key policy areas – labour, cultural heritage, and education – and focuses on conversations between Chilean and Peruvian intellectuals about the ‘indigenous question’. Most historical scholarship on Chile and Peru draws attention to the wars fought in the nineteenth century and their long-term consequences, which reverberate to this day. Relations between the two countries are therefore interpreted almost exclusively as antagonistic and hostile. Itinerant Ideas challenges this dominant historical narrative.

Itineraries in Conflict: Israelis, Palestinians, and the Political Lives of Tourism

by Rebecca L. Stein

In Itineraries in Conflict, Rebecca L. Stein argues that through tourist practices--acts of cultural consumption, routes and imaginary voyages to neighboring Arab countries, culinary desires--Israeli citizens are negotiating Israel's changing place in the contemporary Middle East. Drawing on ethnographic and archival research conducted throughout the last decade, Stein analyzes the divergent meanings that Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel have attached to tourist cultures, and she considers their resonance with histories of travel in Israel, its Occupied Territories, and pre-1948 Palestine. Stein argues that tourism's cultural performances, spaces, souvenirs, and maps have provided Israelis in varying social locations with a set of malleable tools to contend with the political changes of the last decade: the rise and fall of a Middle East Peace Process (the Oslo Process), globalization and neoliberal reform, and a second Palestinian uprising in 2000. Combining vivid ethnographic detail, postcolonial theory, and readings of Israeli and Palestinian popular texts, Stein considers a broad range of Israeli leisure cultures of the Oslo period with a focus on the Jewish desires for Arab things, landscapes, and people that regional diplomacy catalyzed. Moving beyond conventional accounts, she situates tourism within a broader field of "discrepant mobility," foregrounding the relationship between histories of mobility and immobility, leisure and exile, consumption and militarism. She contends that the study of Israeli tourism must open into broader interrogations of the Israeli occupation, the history of Palestinian dispossession, and Israel's future in the Arab Middle East. Itineraries in Conflict is both a cultural history of the Oslo process and a call to fellow scholars to rethink the contours of the Arab-Israeli conflict by considering the politics of popular culture in everyday Israeli and Palestinian lives.

It's a Boy: Women Writers on Raising Sons

by Andrea J. Buchanan

The most popular question any pregnant woman is asked - aside from "When are you due?" - has got to be "Are you having a girl or a boy?" When author Andrea Buchanan, already a mom to a little girl, was pregnant with her second child, she marveled at the response of friends and total strangers alike: "Boys are wonderful," "Boys are so much better than girls," "Boys love their mothers differently than girls." This constant refrain led her to explore the issue herself, with help from her fellow writers and moms, many of whom had had the same experience.The result is It's A Boy, a wide-ranging, often-humorous, and honest collection of essays about the experience of mothering boys. Taking on topics like aggression, parenting a teenage boy, and wishing for a daughter but getting a son, It's A Boy explores what it's like to mother sons and how that experience may be different, but no less satisfying, than mothering girls.

It's a Chick Thing: Celebrating the Wild Side of Women's Friendships

by Ame Mahler Beanland and Emily Miles Terry

“Dive into these gleeful glory stories about female friendships that reveal the secret ways in which we nourish one another.” —Vicki Leon, author of 4,000 Years of Uppity WomenIt’s a Chick Thing is a collection of forty spirited stories about the special and unique times that strengthen the bonds of women’s friendships and create shared history. It takes a look at women’s friendship at its wildest, adventurous best—the antics, the escapades, the risk taking, the loyalty, the irrepressible humor and merriment.Read about Dolly Parton’s escapades with her friends in high school, Fergie’s and Diana’s night on the town during Andrew’s bachelor party, how Sharon Stone literally gave Mimi Craven the shirt off her back, and the time when Patsy Cline and Loretta Lynn faced down the Coal Miner’s Daughter’s detractors. Readers will delight in reading about Cirque du Chien, a group of party-loving chicks who dress up like French poodles and drink French champagne. Or La Bella Mafia, a girl gang dedicated to glorious divadom who right wrongs and overdress for every occasion. It’s a Chick Thing also includes chick resources such as “Shoo Fly Be Gone,” a list of verbal comebacks for getting rid of those pesky men who interrupt your girls’ nights out and “Chick Stars,” an astrological guide to finding your most compatible (and incompatible) friends. There are also handy chickcentric lists including “Chicks That Rock,” “Chick Reads,” “Chick Flicks,” and “Chick Cliques.”“Full of fun and female frolic. Read it with your best friend and then cut loose.” —Alicia Alvrez, author of The Ladies’ Room Reader“Depicts female friendship at its fìnest.” —Autumn Stephens, author of Wild Women

It's a Continent: Unravelling Africa's history one country at a time ''We need this book.' SIMON REEVE

by Astrid Madimba Chinny Ukata

'We need this book' SIMON REEVE'Illuminating' FINANCIAL TIMESWhy is Africa often perceived as a single country? What role did African soldiers play in the Second World War?Who else led the charge against Apartheid in South Africa?How did an African man become one of the wealthiest people in history?It's a Continent unravels these untold stories and delves into the fascinating and diverse cultures of Africa's 54 nations.With its bold and colourful narrative, It's a Continent breaks down this vast and complex continent, chapter by chapter, focusing on each country's unique history. From ancient kingdoms to modern struggles for independence, from overlooked heroes to monumental achievements, this book shines a light on the pivotal moments that have shaped Africa's position on the global stage.This book is a corrective to the misconceptions and misrepresentations of Africa as a monolith. Through its pages, you'll discover Africa's diversity, beauty and complexity and gain a deeper appreciation for its rich heritage and contributions.

It's a Continent: Unravelling Africa's history one country at a time

by Astrid Madimba Chinny Ukata

'. . . we need this book. Of course Africa needs it as well, because no other huge area of the planet is treated as such a singular region, and that has to change. But the rest of the planet needs It's a Continent because we miss out by not recognising the individual majesty, the complexity, the beauty, the culture and the stories of the dozens of African countries. We owe it to ourselves and our history to put that right.' - Simon ReeveWhy is Africa still perceived as a single country?How did African soldiers contribute to World War II?Who else led the charge against Apartheid in South Africa?How did an African man become one of the wealthiest people in history?There are (hi)stories you were never taught in school.IT'S A CONTINENT delves into these stories and reveals an Africa as you've never read it before. Breaking down this vast, beautiful, and complex continent and exploring each nations' unique history and culture, IT'S A CONTINENT highlights the key historical moments that have shaped each nation and contributed to its modern global position.Each chapter focuses on a different country and uncovers stories that mainstream education doesn't address at its peril.This book aims to highlight the consequences of colonialism and how this legacy reverberates today, as well as how many African countries continue to re-build in its wake.IT'S A CONTINENT is a bold and colourful corrective to the perception of Africa as a monolith. It reveals the fascinating, often overlooked, histories of its 54 nation states too often misrepresented, its inhabitants and its place in the world too often neglected.

It's a Crime: Women and Justice, Second Edition

by Roslyn Muraskin

The roles women play and what they face in the criminal justice system, both as criminals and as employees.

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