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Jane Austen and Representations of Regency England

by Roger Sales

In Jane Austen and Representations of Regency England, Roger Sales looks at Jane Austen's entire oeuve, and views her historically as a Regency writer voicing concerns on the condition of England. Examining Austen's literary works; her letters - in the context of those of other Regency women; as well as contemporary texts such as television adaptations of her work, Jane Austen and Representations of Regency England reconstructs the breadth of Jane Austen's writing. It also examines: * her representations of dandyism and masculine identities * the events of the Regency crisis of 1810-12 * the way in which Austen engaged in topical debates such as healthcare in both Emma and Persuasion.

Jane Austen and the Reformation: Remembering the Sacred Landscape

by Roger Emerson Moore

Jane Austen's England was littered with remnants of medieval religion. From her schooling in the gatehouse of Reading Abbey to her visits to cousins at Stoneleigh Abbey, Austen faced constant reminders of the wrenching religious upheaval that reordered the English landscape just 250 years before her birth. Drawing attention to the medieval churches and abbeys that appear frequently in her novels, Moore argues that Austen's interest in and representation of these spaces align her with a long tradition of nostalgia for the monasteries that had anchored English life for centuries until the Reformation. Converted monasteries serve as homes for the Tilneys in Northanger Abbey and Mr. Knightley in Emma, and the ruins of the 'Abbeyland' have a prominent place in Sense and Sensibility. However, these and other formerly sacred spaces are not merely picturesque backgrounds, but tangible reminders of the past whose alteration is a source of regret and disappointment. Moore uncovers a pattern of critique and commentary throughout Austen's works, but he focuses in particular on Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, and Sanditon. His juxtaposition of Austen's novels with sixteenth- and seventeenth-century texts rarely acknowledged as relevant to her fiction enlarges our understanding of Austen as a commentator on historical and religious events and places her firmly in the long national conversation about the meaning and consequences of the Reformation.

Jane Austen and Vampires: Love, Sex and Immortality in the New Millennium (Palgrave Gothic)

by Eric Parisot

Jane Austen and Vampires is the first book to investigate the literary convergence of Jane Austen and vampires in Austen fanfic after the success of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight (2005) and Seth Grahame-Smith’s Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2009). It asks how the shifting cultural values of Austen and the vampire have aligned, and what their connection might mean for their respective contemporary legacies. It also makes a case for reading “low brow” Austen fanfic attentively, as a way to gain meaningful insight directly from Austen fans into the tensions and anxieties surrounding contemporary notions of love, sex, femininity, and Austen’s modern currency. Offering close readings of Austen’s vampire-slaying heroines, vampiric retellings of Pride and Prejudice, and the transformation of Austen herself into a vampire, this book reveals Austen-vampire mashups as messy, complex entanglements that creatively and self-reflexively interrogate modern fantasies of vampire romance. By its unique intersection of Jane Austen with the vampire, the Gothic, fan culture and popular romance, Jane Austen and Vampires adds a new chapter to the history of Austen’s reception, for fans, students and scholars alike.

Jane Austen: pocket GIANTS (Pocket GIANTS)

by Caroline Sanderson

There’s something about Jane… Jane Austen lived only just into her forties, never married, never had children, lived all her life in the south of England and rarely strayed far from the genteel and orthodox social circle into which she was born. She completed only six novels, and achieved little fame in her lifetime. Yet 200 years after her death, she remains one of our most revered writers, and one of the most regularly adapted for television and film. Her novels are beloved by readers all over the world who continue to be inspired, beguiled and delighted by her often comic, and always shrewd insights into the calculations, and complexities of human hearts and minds. This short biography aims to get to the heart of the enigmatic woman who was Jane Austen, and to the enduring qualities in her work which make it so universally loved and admired.

Jane Austen, Young Author

by Juliet McMaster

In her lively and accessibly written book, Juliet McMaster examines Jane Austen’s acute and frequently uproarious juvenile works as important in their own right and for the ways they look forward to her novels. Exploring the early works both collectively and individually, McMaster shows how young Austen’s fictional world, peopled by guzzlers and unashamed self-seekers, operates by an ethic of energy rather than the sympathy that dominates the novels. A fully self-conscious artist, young Jane experimented freely with literary modes - the epistolary, the omniscient, the drama. Early on, she developed brilliantly pointed dialogue to match her characters. Literary parody impels her creativity, and McMaster’s sustained study of Love and Friendship shows the same intricate relation of the parody to the work it parodies that we later see with Northanger Abbey and the Gothic novel. As an illustrator herself, McMaster is especially attuned to the explicit and sometimes hilarious descriptions of bodies that preceded Austen’s famous reticence about physicality. Rather than focusing on the immaturities of the juvenilia, McMaster maps the gradual shifts in tone and emphasis that signpost Austen’s journey as a writer. She shows, for instance, how the shameless husband-hunting in The Three Sisters and the vigorous partisanship of The History of England lead on to Pride and Prejudice. Her book will appeal to Austen’s critics and to passionate general readers, as well as to scholars working in the fields of juvenilia, children’s literature, and childhood studies.

Jane Austen's England

by Lesley Adkins Roy Adkins

A cultural snapshot of everyday life in the world of Jane Austen Jane Austen, arguably the greatest novelist of the English language, wrote brilliantly about the gentry and aristocracy of two centuries ago in her accounts of young women looking for love. Jane Austen’s England explores the customs and culture of the real England of her everyday existence depicted in her classic novels as well as those by Byron, Keats, and Shelley. Drawing upon a rich array of contemporary sources, including many previously unpublished manuscripts, diaries, and personal letters, Roy and Lesley Adkins vividly portray the daily lives of ordinary people, discussing topics as diverse as birth, marriage, religion, sexual practices, hygiene, highwaymen, and superstitions. From chores like fetching water to healing with medicinal leeches, from selling wives in the marketplace to buying smuggled gin, from the hardships faced by young boys and girls in the mines to the familiar sight of corpses swinging on gibbets, Jane Austen’s England offers an authoritative and gripping account that is sometimes humorous, often shocking, but always entertaining. .

Jane Campion (Routledge Film Guidebooks)

by Deb Verhoeven

Jane Campion is one of the most celebrated auteurs of modern cinema and was the first female director to be awarded the prestigious Palme d'Or. Throughout her relatively short career, Campion has received extraordinary attention from the media and scholars alike and has provoked fierce debates on issues such as feminism, colonialism, and nationalism. In this detailed account of Jane Campion's career as a filmmaker, Deb Verhoeven examines specifically how contemporary film directors 'fashion' themselves as auteurs – through their personal interactions with the media, in their choice of projects, in their emphasis on particular filmmaking techniques and finally in the promotion of their films. Through analysis of key approaches to Campion's films, such as The Piano; In the Cut; Sweetie; An Angel at My Table; and Holy Smoke Deb Verhoeven introduces students to the passionate debates surrounding this controversial and often experimental director Featuring a career overview, a filmography, scene by scene analysis and an extended interview with Campion on her approach to creativity, this is a great introduction to one of the most important directors of contemporary cinema.

Jane Eyre's Fairytale Legacy at Home and Abroad: Constructions and Deconstructions of National Identity

by Abigail Heiniger

Exploring the literary microcosm inspired by Brontë's debut novel, Jane Eyre's Fairytale Legacy at Home and Abroad focuses on the nationalistic stakes of the mythic and fairytale paradigms that were incorporated into the heroic female bildungsroman tradition. Jane Eyre, Abigail Heiniger argues, is a heroic changeling indebted to the regional, pre-Victorian fairy lore Charlotte Brontë heard and read in Haworth, an influence that Brontë repudiates in her last novel, Villette. While this heroic figure inspired a range of female writers on both sides of the Atlantic, Heiniger suggests that the regional aspects of the changeling were especially attractive to North American writers such as Susan Warner and L.M. Montgomery who responded to Jane Eyre as part of the Cinderella tradition. Heiniger contrasts the reactions of these white women writers with that of Hannah Crafts, whose Jane Eyre-influenced The Bondwoman's Narrative rejects the Cinderella model. Instead, Heiniger shows, Crafts creates a heroic female bildungsroman that critiques fairytale narratives from the viewpoint of the obscure, oppressed workers who remain forever outside the tales of wonder produced for middle-class consumption. Heiniger concludes by demonstrating how Brontë's middle-class American readers projected the self-rise ethic onto Jane Eyre, miring the novel in nineteenth-century narratives of American identity formation.

Jane Eyre's Sisters

by Jody Gentian Bower

Joseph Campbell's model of the hero's journey doesn't work for women, says author Jody Bower. We need a different model to do justice to a woman's experience of moving beyond the expectations of conventional societal roles to find her true, creative self.To explore the pattern of the woman's heroic journey in contrast to a man's, Bower draws from 19th century novels written by women as well as from ancient mythology, traditional folk tales, and work by contemporary women writers.She also brings her background in Jungian psychology to bear in discussing important archetypes such as the Witch, the Odd Woman, and the aletis, Greek for "wandering heroine."Readers of both genders will learn much about the feminine process of inner development in this lively, warm, and insightful book.

Jane Grey Swisshelm: An Unconventional Life, 1815-1884

by Sylvia D. Hoffert

Nineteenth-century newspaper editor Jane Grey Swisshelm (1815-1884) was an unconventionally ambitious woman. While she struggled in private to be a dutiful daughter, wife, and mother, she publicly critiqued and successfully challenged gender conventions that restricted her personal behavior, limited her political and economic opportunities, and attempted to silence her voice. As the owner and editor of newspapers in Pittsburgh; St. Cloud, Minnesota; and Washington, D.C.; and as one of the founders of the Minnesota Republican Party, Swisshelm negotiated a significant place for herself in the male-dominated world of commerce, journalism, and politics. How she accomplished this feat; what expressive devices she used; what social, economic, and political tensions resulted from her efforts; and how those tensions were resolved are the central questions examined in this biography. Sylvia Hoffert arranges the book topically, rather than chronologically, to include Swisshelm in the broader issues of the day, such as women's involvement in politics and religion, their role in the workplace, and marriage. Rescuing this prominent feminist from obscurity, Hoffert shows how Swisshelm laid the groundwork for the "New Woman" of the turn of the century.

Jane on the Brain: Exploring The Science Of Social Intelligence With Jane Austen

by Wendy Jones

An Austen scholar and therapist reveals Jane Austen's intuitive ability to imbue her characters with hallmarks of social intelligence—and how these beloved works of literature can further illuminate the mind-brain connection. Why is Jane Austen so phenomenally popular? Why do we read Pride and Prejudice again and again? Why do we delight in Emma’s mischievous schemes? Why do we care that Anne Elliot of Persuasion suffers? We care because it is our biological destiny to be interested in people and their stories—the human brain is a social brain. And Austen’s characters are so believable, that for many of us, they are not just imaginary beings, but friends whom we know and love. And thanks to Austen's ability to capture the breadth and depth of human psychology so thoroughly, we feel that she empathizes with us, her readers. Humans have a profound need for empathy, to know that we are not alone with our joys and sorrows. And then there is attachment, denial, narcissism, and of course, love, to name a few. We see ourselves and others reflected in Austen’s work. Social intelligence is one of the most highly developed human traits when compared with other animals How did is evolve? Why is it so valuable? Wendy Jones explores the many facets of social intelligence and juxtaposes them with the Austen cannon. Brilliantly original and insightful, this fusion of psychology, neuroscience, and literature provides a heightened understanding of one of our most beloved cultural institutions—and our own minds.

Janelle Monáe’s "Dirty Computer" (Palgrave Science Fiction and Fantasy: A New Canon)

by Dan Hassler-Forest

This book offers an in-depth analysis of Janelle Monáe’s Dirty Computer, an Afrofuturist project that appeared simultaneously as a concept album and a visual album or “emotion picture” in spring 2018. In the previous decade, Janelle Monáe has developed into a global media personality who effortlessly unites speculative world-building with social and political activism. Across the intersecting album and film that together make up Dirty Computer, Monáe brings together the science-fictional themes that informed her previous work, resulting in a powerfully focused artistic and political statement. While the music on the album can be enjoyed as an accessible collection of pop tracks, the accompanying film, music videos, and media paratexts add layers of meaning that combine speculative world-building with anti-racist activism. This unique convergence of energies, ideas, and media platforms has made Dirty Computer a new classic of Afrofuturist science fiction.

Janelle Monáe’s Queer Afrofuturism: Defying Every Label (Global Media and Race)

by Dan Hassler-Forest

Singer. Dancer. Movie star. Activist. Queer icon. Afrofuturist. Working class heroine. Time traveler. Prophet. Feminist. Android. Dirty Computer. Janelle Monáe is all these things and more, making her one of the most fascinating artists to emerge in the twenty-first century. This provocative new study explores how Monáe’s work has connected different media platforms to strengthen and enhance new movements in art, theory, and politics. It considers not only Monáe’s groundbreaking albums The ArchAndroid, The Electric Lady, and Dirty Computer, but also Monáe’s work as an actress in such films as Hidden Figures and Antebellum, as well as her soundtrack appearances in socially-engaged projects ranging from I May Destroy You to Us. Examining Monáe as a cultural icon whose work is profoundly intersectional, this book maps how she is actively reshaping discourses around race, gender, sexuality, and capitalism. Tracing Monáe’s performances of joy, desire, pain, and hope across a wide range of media forms, it shows how she imagines Afrofuturist, posthumanist, and postcapitalist utopias, while remaining grounded in the realities of being a Black woman in a white-dominated industry. This is an exciting introduction to an audacious innovator whose work offers us fresh ways to talk about identity, desire, and power.

Janesville: An American Story

by Amy Goldstein

* Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year * Winner of the J. Anthony Lukas Book Prize​ * 800-CEO-READ Business Book of the Year * A New York Times Notable Book * A Washington Post Notable Book * An NPR Best Book of 2017 * A Wall Street Journal Best Book of 2017 * An Economist Best Book of 2017 * A Business Insider Best Book of 2017 * &“A gripping story of psychological defeat and resilience&” (Bob Woodward, The Washington Post)—an intimate account of the fallout from the closing of a General Motors assembly plant in Janesville, Wisconsin, and a larger story of the hollowing of the American middle class.This is the story of what happens to an industrial town in the American heartland when its main factory shuts down—but it&’s not the familiar tale. Most observers record the immediate shock of vanished jobs, but few stay around long enough to notice what happens next when a community with a can-do spirit tries to pick itself up. Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter Amy Goldstein spent years immersed in Janesville, Wisconsin, where the nation&’s oldest operating General Motors assembly plant shut down in the midst of the Great Recession. Now, with intelligence, sympathy, and insight into what connects and divides people in an era of economic upheaval, Goldstein shows the consequences of one of America&’s biggest political issues. Her reporting takes the reader deep into the lives of autoworkers, educators, bankers, politicians, and job re-trainers to show why it&’s so hard in the twenty-first century to recreate a healthy, prosperous working class. &“Moving and magnificently well-researched...Janesville joins a growing family of books about the evisceration of the working class in the United States. What sets it apart is the sophistication of its storytelling and analysis&” (Jennifer Senior, The New York Times). &“Anyone tempted to generalize about the American working class ought to meet the people in Janesville. The reporting behind this book is extraordinary and the story—a stark, heartbreaking reminder that political ideologies have real consequences—is told with rare sympathy and insight&” (Tracy Kidder, Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The Soul of a New Machine).

The January 6th Report: The Report of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol

by Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the US Capitol

The most important political investigation since Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III&’s probe into Russian influence on the 2016 election of Donald J. Trump. The full report by the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol will feature facts, circumstances, and causes related to the assault on the Capitol Complex. Formed on July 1, 2021, the Select Committee has issued over one hundred subpoenas and held over a thousand witness interviews. The report will provide the results of investigations into interference with the peaceful transfer of power; the preparedness and response of the United States Capitol police and other federal, state, and local law enforcement; and the influencing factors that fomented the insurrection and attack on American representative democracy engaged in a constitutional process. The Select Committee investigation and the January 6th report will join the Mueller Report, the 9/11 Commission Report, the Warren Report, the Starr Report, and Watergate as one of the most important in history. The January 6th Report will be required reading for everyone with interest in American politics, for every 2020 voter, and every American. It is available here as an affordable paperback, featuring a foreword by Elizabeth Holtzman, a lawyer and political leader who was a Democratic Congresswoman from New York. Holtzman has a unique perspective on the situation, as she served on the House Judiciary Committee charged with investigating the Watergate scandal and prepared articles of impeachment that precipitated the resignation of President Nixon.

The January 6th Report: The Report of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol

by Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the US Capitol

The most important political investigation since Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III&’s probe into Russian influence on the 2016 election of Donald J. Trump. The full report by the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol features facts, circumstances, and causes related to the assault on the Capitol Complex. Formed on July 1, 2021, the Select Committee has issued over one hundred subpoenas and held over a thousand witness interviews. The report will provides the results of investigations into interference with the peaceful transfer of power; the preparedness and response of the United States Capitol police and other federal, state, and local law enforcement; and the influencing factors that fomented the insurrection and attack on American representative democracy engaged in a constitutional process. The Select Committee investigation and the January 6th report joins the Mueller Report, the 9/11 Commission Report, the Warren Report, the Starr Report, and Watergate as one of the most important investigations in US history. The January 6th Report will be required reading for everyone with interest in American politics, for every 2020 voter, and every American.

The Janus Stone: The Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries 2 (The Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries #2)

by Elly Griffiths

Dr Ruth Galloway's forensic skills are called upon when builders, demolishing an old house in Norwich, uncover the bones of a child - minus the skull - beneath a doorway. Is it some ritual sacrifice or just plain straightforward murder? Ruth links up with DCI Harry Nelson to investigate. The house was once a children's home. Nelson traces the Catholic priest who used to run the place. He tells him that two children did go missing forty years before - a boy and a girl. They were never found. When carbon dating proves that the child's bones predate the home and relate to a time when the house was privately owned, Ruth is drawn ever more deeply into the case. But as spring turns into summer it becomes clear that someone is trying hard to put her off the scent by frightening her to death...(P)2011 Quercus Editions Ltd

The Janus Stone: The Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries 2 (The Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries #2)

by Elly Griffiths

A gruesome discovery at an old children's home lays bare terrible secret's from Norwich's past in the second gripping mystery for Dr Ruth Galloway.'The setting is enticingly atmospheric . . . a really intelligent murder story' IndependentDr Ruth Galloway's forensic skills are called upon when builders, demolishing an old house in Norwich, uncover the bones of a child - minus the skull - beneath a doorway. Is it some ritual sacrifice or just plain straightforward murder? Ruth links up with DCI Harry Nelson to investigate. The house was once a children's home. Nelson traces the Catholic priest who used to run the place. He tells him that two children did go missing forty years before - a boy and a girl. They were never found. When carbon dating proves that the child's bones predate the home and relate to a time when the house was privately owned, Ruth is drawn ever more deeply into the case. But as spring turns into summer it becomes clear that someone is desperate to put her off the scent by frightening her to death...

The Janus Stone: The Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries 2 (The Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries #2)

by Elly Griffiths

A gruesome discovery at an old children's home lays bare terrible secret's from Norwich's past in the second gripping mystery for Dr Ruth Galloway.'The setting is enticingly atmospheric . . . a really intelligent murder story' IndependentDr Ruth Galloway's forensic skills are called upon when builders, demolishing an old house in Norwich, uncover the bones of a child - minus the skull - beneath a doorway. Is it some ritual sacrifice or just plain straightforward murder? Ruth links up with DCI Harry Nelson to investigate. The house was once a children's home. Nelson traces the Catholic priest who used to run the place. He tells him that two children did go missing forty years before - a boy and a girl. They were never found. When carbon dating proves that the child's bones predate the home and relate to a time when the house was privately owned, Ruth is drawn ever more deeply into the case. But as spring turns into summer it becomes clear that someone is desperate to put her off the scent by frightening her to death...

Japan: The Hungry Guest

by G C Allen

Written after the outbreak of war between Japan and China but putting aside British sentiments of suspicion, dislike and a sense of competition, G C Allen bases his observations of Japanese social, political and economic life on his first-hand experience of living and working in the country for a number of years. He argues that the economic expansion of Japan was regarded as a greater threat to Britain because of Japan’s political aims and aggressive territorial expansion, but he is at pains to explain the Japanese domestic circumstances which gave rise to this situation. He also argues that the expansion of the British Empire has some parallels with Japanese expansion, without condoning Japanese methods. Overall the author emphasizes the extent to which judgments about the qualities of the Japanese people have been influenced by the political views of writers in Western countries.

Japan: A Postindustrial Power--third Edition, Revised And Updated (Crowell Comparative Government Ser.)

by Ardath W. Burks

Japan has been among the first of the handful of countries to move "beyond modern," and in this third edition of a much-praised book, Ardath Burks brings the blur of the nation's rapid change into focus. In his newly revised and updated Japan, Professor Burks also traces the history of the Japanese, exploring their traditions, their continuity, and their cultural heritage. He devotes a chapter to the remarkable "introspection boom" (Nihonron): the Japanese asking, "Who are we Japanese?" In discussing the country's swift modernization, the author looks not only at the initial transition from primary agriculture to an industrial economy but also at the current evolution into a service-centered society. On both domestic and international levels, the book evaluates the maturing of Japanese industry and its growing investment abroad, as well as the global tensions fueled by Japan's enormous trade surpluses. In response to the intense trade pressure it feels, the country is beginning to shift from export-driven growth to a consumer-oriented economy, a shift that will demand the building of a heretofore neglected, yet essential, infrastructure of housing and transportation. The author analyzes domestic political developments including the regime of Nakasone Yasuhiro and the fall of Takeshita Noboru and Uno Sousuke, precipitated by financial scandal within the majority Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). Burks assesses the formidable tasks facing the revamped ruling LDP as its new generation of younger leaders grapples with an evolving economy, an expanding regional role, and the dissatisfaction of women and young people who have begun to rebel against the growth ethic and their marginalized role in society. In his well-drawn, lucid portrait of this complex country, Professor Burks reflects on Japan as a nation in historical transition, envisioning a postindustrial future filled with friction and promise. As he writes in his introduction, "Americans and Japanese too often look

Japan: Its Architecture, Art, and Art Manufactures

by Christopher Dresser

First Published in 2001. As an architect and ornamentist by profession, the author of this volume has specialist knowledge of many manufacturing processes and presents his observations on architectural edifices and Japanese art. Includes photos and commissioned drawings.

Japan: From Bullet Train To Symbol Of Modern Japan (The Basics #Vol. 5)

by Christopher P. Hood

Japan: The Basics, is an engaging introduction to the culture, society and the global positioning of Japan. Taking a fresh look at stereotypes associated with Japan, it provides a well-rounded introduction to a constantly evolving country. It addresses such questions as: • How do we go about studying Japan? • What are the connections between popular culture and wider Japanese society? • How are core values about identity formed and what are their implications? • How does Japan react to natural and manmade disasters? • How does nature influence Japanese attitudes to the environment? With exercises and discussion points throughout and suggestions for further reading, Japan: The Basics is an ideal starting point for all those studying Japan in its global, cultural context.

Japan: The Crisis of Motherhood

by Muriel Jolivet

Disillusioned by long hours at home alone and by demands from the older generation, Japanese women are marrying later, resulting in a sharp decline in the Japanese birth rate. Muriel Jolivet considers the reasons why Japanese women are finding it increasingly difficult to accept the terms and conditions of motherhood.Japan: The Childless Society explores the major factors contributing to maternal malaise in Japan including:* the 'Ten Commandments of the Good Mother'* the changing role of the father* education and careers* nostalgia from older generationsDrawing on extensive interviews with Japanese women and translated into English for the first time, this innovative study examines the implications behind the declining birth rate and looks towards the future of a country that is in danger of becoming a 'childless society'.

Japan: A Documentary History

by David J. Lu

An updated edition of David Lu's acclaimed "Sources of Japanese History", this two volume book presents in a student-friendly format original Japanese documents from Japan's mythological beginnings through 1995. Covering the full spectrum of political, economic, diplomatic as well as cultural and intellectual history, this classroom resource offers insight not only into the past but also into Japan's contemporary civilisation. This volume covers from the late 18th century up to 1995. Three major criteria used in the document selection were that: the selection avoids duplication with other collections - 75% of the documents presented here are newly translated; a document accurately reflects the spirit of the times and the life-styles of the people; and emphasis is on the development of social, economic and political institutions.

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