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Showing 54,851 through 54,875 of 100,000 results

Japan: A Documentary History

by David J. Lu

An updated edition of David Lu's acclaimed "Sources of Japanese History", this two volume book presents in a student-friendly format original Japanese documents from Japan's mythological beginnings through 1995. Covering the full spectrum of political, economic, diplomatic as well as cultural and intellectual history, this classroom resource offers insight not only into the past but also into Japan's contemporary civilisation. This volume covers up to the late 18th century. Three major criteria used in the document selection were that: the selection avoids duplication with other collections - 75% of the documents presented here are newly translated; a document accurately reflects the spirit of the times and the life-styles of the people; and emphasis is on the development of social, economic and political institutions.

Japan: Economics in Everyday Life

by James Mak Shigeyuki Abe Kazuhiro Igawa Shyam Sunder

All you could possibly want to know about the Japanese and Japanese economy.

Japan: Travel and Researches

by J. J. Rein

First published in 1884, this remains a compelling and authoritative overview of Japan at the turn of the century. Encompassing physical geography, flora and fauna, history, social conditions, ethnography, and topography, many of the observations in this classic study hold true in modern Japan.

Japan, 1972: Visions of Masculinity in an Age of Mass Consumerism

by Yoshikuni Igarashi

By the early 1970s, Japan had become an affluent consumer society, riding a growing economy to widely shared prosperity. In the aftermath of the fiery political activism of 1968, the country settled down to the realization that consumer culture had taken a firm grip on Japanese society. Japan, 1972 takes an early-seventies year as a vantage point for understanding how Japanese society came to terms with cultural change.Yoshikuni Igarashi examines a broad selection of popular film, television, manga, and other media in order to analyze the ways Japanese culture grappled with this economic shift. He exposes the political underpinnings of mass culture and investigates deeper anxieties over questions of agency and masculinity. Igarashi underscores how the male-dominated culture industry strove to defend masculine identity by looking for an escape from the high-growth economy. He reads a range of cultural works that reveal perceptions of imperiled Japanese masculinity through depictions of heroes’ doomed struggles against what were seen as the stifling and feminizing effects of consumerism. Ranging from manga travelogues to war stories, yakuza films to New Left radicalism, Japan, 1972 sheds new light on a period of profound socioeconomic change and the counternarratives of masculinity that emerged to manage it.

Japan and a New World Economic Order (Routledge Library Editions: Japan)

by Kyoshi Kojima

President Nixon’s new economic policy of August 1971, aggravated by the oil problem since October 1973 caused chaos and uncertainty in the international trade and currency system. There were fears of another 1930s style depression. In addition, a world food shortage and strident claims by developing countries for perpetual sovereignty over resources added another set of difficulties. This volume, written from Japan’s standpoint, suggests a new direction for the world and regional economic order. The book tackles two major issues in international economics: Firstly, traditional international trade theory aims only at static maximization in the use of world human and material resources, but, the author stresses more attention should be paid to such dynamic or developmental elements as population growth, immigration, natural resource development, improvement in transfer of technology, economies of scale, direct foreign investment and economic integration in order to create development centres or sectors in the world economy. Secondly, the author discusses how to combine a global and regional approach to economic integration.

Japan and Africa: Globalization and Foreign Aid in the 21st Century (Routledge Contemporary Asia Series)

by Howard P. Lehman

Since the early 1990s, Japan has played an increasingly important and influential role in Africa. A primary mechanism that has furthered its influence has been through its foreign aid policies. Japan’s primacy, however, has been challenged by changing global conditions related to aid to Africa, including the consolidation of the poverty reduction agenda and China’s growing presence in Africa. This book analyzes contemporary political and economic relations in foreign aid policy between Japan and Africa. Primary questions focus on Japan’s influence in the African continent, reasons for spending its limited resources to further African development, and the way Japan’s foreign aid is invested in Africa. The context of examining Japan’s foreign aid policies highlights the fluctuation between its commitments in contributing to international development and its more narrow-minded pursuit of its national interests. The contributors examine Japan’s foreign aid policy within the theme of a globalized economy in which Japan and Africa are inextricably connected. Japan and many African countries have come to realize that both sides can obtain benefits through closely coordinated aid policies. Moreover, Japan sees itself to represent a distinct voice in the international donor community while Africa needs foreign aid from all sources.

Japan and Asia: Business, Political and Cultural Interactions (Advances in Japanese Business and Economics #29)

by Mariko Tanigaki

This book aims to review the postwar interactions of Japan with Asia. The Japanese factory production system, kaizen, has been shared in Asia. This book collects more diverse topics from Japan’s interactions with China, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Hong Kong. Each chapter provides details on how the business, political, and cultural interactions enrich both sides. The findings are then used to suggest the possibility of a de-facto Asian Community and Japan’s role in the present and post-COVID-19 world.

Japan and Asia-Pacific Integration: Pacific Romances 1968-1996 (The University of Sheffield/Routledge Japanese Studies Series)

by Pekka Korhonen

Japan and Asia Pacific Integration is a study of regional integration in the greater Pacific area during 1968-1996. It examines the political rationale of such international organisations as the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) forum, and the East Asian Economic Caucus (EAEC). There is a focus on Japanese conceptions of regionalism and integration, but the attitudes of other countries such as the United States, Australia, Malaysia and China are also explored.

Japan And Asian Modernities

by Raud

The effect of Japan on the challenges and complexities of the modernisation process that globalisation has brought to the fore in Asia are the subject of this interdisciplinary volume by leading scholars in the field. Using fascinating examples drawn from current business and organisational practice in Asia, it focuses on the impact that Japanese modernity has made in Asia as a model to be imitated because of its apparent success in adopting western technologies while retaining its own cultural identity. At the same time, Japan itself is a dominant force in modernity in East and South East Asia, exporting its own type of modernisation, management and business practices, and models of 'traditional' social relations which do not necessarily correspond to the traditions of other Asian cultures.This adds another element to the conventional model of modernity as a dialogue between West and East; without considering Japan's special significance in the region, any critical assessment of the modernising process in Asia would not be possible. This emphasis is the special contribution of this innovative work which aims to show the extent to which the experiences of one non-Western modernity can influence others; to highlight the problems of cultural identity that must be faced by modernising societies; and, above all aims to contribute to the larger debates on intercultural communication that are vital for achieving genuine understanding between representatives of different cultures, traditions and world views.Besides Asian and Japanese Studies specialists, "Japan and Asian Modernities" is addressed to a larger audience of academics and specialists working in the areas of history of ideas, political science, the sociology and anthropology of business, comparative cultural studies and economics or other disciplines related to contemporary East and South-East Asia where the subject of alternative modernities is relevant.

Japan and Britain after 1859: Creating Cultural Bridges

by Olive Checkland

In the years following Japan's long period of self-imposed isolation from the world, Japan developed a new relationship with the West, and especially with Britain, where relations grew to be particularly close. The Japanese, embarrassed by their perceived comparative backwardness, looked to the West to learn modern industrial techniques, including the design and engineering skills which underpinned them. At the same time, taking great pride in their own culture, they exhibited and sold high quality products of traditional Japanese craftsmanship in the West, stimulating a thirst for, and appreciation of, Japanese arts and crafts. This book examines the two-way bridge-building cultural exchange which took place between Japan and Britain in the years after 1859 and into the early years of the twentieth century. Topics covered include architecture, industrial design, prints, painting and photographs, together with a consideration of Japanese government policy, the Japan-Britain Exhibition of 1910, and commercial spin-offs. In addition, there are case studies of key individuals who were particularly influential in fostering British-Japanese cultural bridges in this period.

Japan and Britain at War and Peace (The University of Sheffield/Routledge Japanese Studies Series)

by Hugo Dobson Kosuge Nobuko

Since the events of the Second World War the relationship between Japan and Britain has undergone an extraordinary transformation, from bitter conflict to peaceful alliance. Japan and Britain at War and Peace is a multilayered examination of this bilateral relationship with an emphasis on the issue of reconciliation. Reconciliation is explored in a broad sense and in a number of areas from economic cooperation and conflict, common concerns in the international system, public and media perceptions of each country, and the efforts of individuals, non-governmental organizations and governments to promote mutual understanding and find strategies to deal with dilemmas. With chapters from an international team of contributors from the UK, Japan, and Australia, this book will appeal to students and scholars of Japanese and British history and international politics.

Japan and Britain in the Contemporary World: Responses to Common Issues (The University of Sheffield/Routledge Japanese Studies Series)

by Glenn D. Hook Hugo Dobson

Britian and Japan in the Contemporary World provides up-to-date analyses of these two countries in terms of economics, politics, security and identity on the global, regional, subnational and civic levels.The book moves beyond an analysis of state-to-state relations between Britain and Japan by examining the role of civil society in the relationship and analyzing the way the two countries deal with common issues, such as the 'special relationship' both maintain with the US; the relationship with the continents that both of these island nations border; the question of the degree of decentralization to allow within their contested borders. Both countries also face the pressures of globalization, as seen by the responses of the global cities of London and Tokyo.The editors have brought a selection of top scholars in a collection of chapters aimed at examining the similarities and differences in the way Britian and Japan respond to issues of common concern on these different levels.

Japan and China: Mutual Representations in the Modern Era (The\writings Of Ser. #7)

by Matsuda Wataru

This volume ties together the histories of Japan and China for the modern period prior to the 20th century. The chapters look at Chinese and Japanese works which were written in response to events in the other country. None of these works has received any sustained attention in the west. As a result we get a view of how Chinese and Japanese saw each other at a time when there were few personal contacts allowed. Many of these texts were built on fanciful embellishments of stories that migrated from one land to the other. But the unique qualities of the Sino-Japanese cultural bond seem to have conditioned the interaction so that these texts all reveal a fascinatingly well-defined area.

Japan and China in the World Political Economy (Politics in Asia)

by Saadia M. Pekkhanen Kellee S. Tsai

Two powers in East Asia today stand to define the region's economic and commercial future: Japan, which rose in a spectacular industrial burst to become at present the world's second largest economy; and China, which is rapidly advancing towards a market economy under the watchful eye of the world. While much has been made of Japan and China’s particular economic institutions and developmental paths, few works analyze them in a comparative framework. Including contributions from leading academics, the text focuses on the period from the 1980s to the onset of the 2000s, reviewing the experiences of Japan and China across the areas of development, trade, investment, finance and technology. Drawing on a combination of official documents, economic statistics, case studies and original fieldwork, this book will give political scientists, political economists, business concerns, and policy analysts a firmer grasp of the role Japan and China stand to play in the world political economy.

Japan and East Asian Monetary Regionalism: Towards a Proactive Leadership Role? (The University of Sheffield/Routledge Japanese Studies Series)

by Shigeko Hayashi

Based on original fieldwork including interviews held with Japanese officials, this text provides important new insight into Japan and East Asian relations, principally through the close examination of changes in Japan’s regional policy. Furthering discussions on Japan’s new regional activism, Hayashi explores how Japan and East Asian relations have developed, how Japan’s regional policy has changed, and why. In addition, the book challenges conventional views on Japanese foreign policy, arguing that it is not reactive but incrementally effective. The book incorporates three major case studies that provide detailed narratives and analysis of Japan and Washington’s diverging ideological approaches, Japan’s policies towards the East Asian financial crisis, and its policies towards East Asian regionalism.

Japan and East Asian Regionalism (Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies)

by S. Javed Maswood

This book studies specific regional issues and problems, exploring recent related political developments in Japan, and how these might impact on future foreign policy priorities and objectives. The expert body of contributors consider issues such as: the nexus between domestic politics and foreign policy; environmental aid and management; human rights and democracy and conflict management.

Japan and Germany as Regional Actors: Evaluating Change and Continuity after the Cold War (Politics in Asia)

by Alexandra Sakaki

The end of the Cold War and the bipolar era constituted a significant change in Germany's and Japan's foreign policy settings, granting both countries greater leeway to pursue policies divergent from Washington's strategy. This important book fills a gap in the existing literature by employing an explicitly comparative framework for analyzing and evaluating Germany's and Japan's post-Cold War regional foreign policy trajectories. Recent non-comparative studies diverge in their assessments of the extent to which the two countries' foreign policies are characterized by continuity or change, as while the majority of analyses on Germany find overall continuity in policies and guiding principles, prominent works on Japan see the country undergoing drastic change. Through a qualitative content analysis of key foreign policy speeches, this book traces and compares German and Japanese national role conceptions by identifying policymakers' perceived duties and responsibilities of their country in international politics. Further, through two case studies on missile defence policies and textbook disputes this study investigates actual foreign policy behaviour in order to question the assertion that post Cold War Germany and Japan are following very different paths. Providing a much needed new analysis of German and Japanese foreign policies, this book will be of great use to students and scholars interested in Japanese politics, German politics, comparative politics and international relations more generally.

Japan and Global Migration: Foreign Workers and the Advent of a Multicultural Society

by Mike Douglass Glenda Roberts

Japan and Global Migration brings together current research on foreign workers and households from a variety of different perspectives. This influx has had a substantial impact on Japan's economic, social and political landscape. The book asks three major questions: whether the recent wave of migration constitutes a new multicultural age challenging Japan's identity as homogenous society; how foreign workers confront the many difficulties living in Japan; how Japanese society is both resisting and accommodating the growing presence of foreign workers in their communities.This book contains the most up to date, original data on Japanese migrant culture available. Its inescapable conclusion is that the multicultural age has finally come to Japan; the question is whether foreign workers will be legally and socially assimilated into the fabric of Japanese society or will continue to be treated as temporary entrants with limited civil rights. The book is written with postgraduate students in Asian studies, Japanese studies, political science, sociology, anthropology and migration studies, in mind.

Japan and Her People: Vol. I (Routledge Revivals)

by Anna C. Hartshorne

First published in 1902, this volume emerged contemporaneously with the Anglo-Japanese Treaty and explored the nation of Britain’s newest allies from an American perspective. Anna Hartshorne took her readers from experiencing Japan as unreal to utterly normal. She provided a thorough traveller’s guide including the voyage and first impressions, major locations and Japan’s peoples, culture and history. This is presented in two volumes along with 50 illustrations.

Japan and Her People: Vol. II (Routledge Revivals)

by Anna C. Hartshorne

This book provides an overview of Japan in late 19th century and its history. It also provides an insight of Japanese society as it moved from the traditional Edo period lifestyle towards industrialization and explores Japan's lifestyles, customs, culture, and everyday behavior.

Japan And Its Art

by Huish

Originally published in 1892 by the Fine Art Society in London and simultaneously in Yokohama, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, this book shows the context and growing interest in the arts and crafts of this newly discovered burgeoning country with such artistry central to its everyday life. The work looks at every aspect of Japanese art and looks at its relation to Japanese culture and society.

Japan and Japonisme in Late Nineteenth Century Literature (Asia, Europe, and Global Connections)

by Naomi Charlotte Fukuzawa

This book examines the transnational phenomenon of Japonisme in the exoticist and “autoexoticist” literature of the late nineteenth century.Focusing on the way in which reciprocal processes of transcultural acquisition – by Japan and from Japan – were portrayed in the medium of literature, the book illustrates how literary Japonisme and the wider processes whereby Japan, with its alien exotic culture and unique refined aestheticism, was absorbing Western civilization in its own way in the late nineteenth century at the same time as the phenomenon of Japonisme was occurring in Western fine arts, which were inspired by traditional Japanese artistic practices. Specifically, the book focuses on the literary works of Lafcadio Hearn and Pierre Loti, who travelled from France and America, respectively, to Japan, and Mori Ōgai and Natsume Sōseki, who in turn went, respectively, to Germany and England from Japan.Exploring the eclectic hybridity of Japan’s modernization during the late nineteenth century, this book will appeal to students and scholars of Japanese Studies, Postcolonial Studies and Comparative Literature.

Japan and Korea: An Annotated Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations in Western Languages 1877-1969

by Frank Joseph Shulman

First Published in 1971. This annotated bibliography of doctoral dissertations on Japan and Korea grew out of a decision to expand and bring up to date an earlier list entitled Unpublished Doctoral Dissertations Relating to Japan, Accepted in the Universities of Australia, Canada, Great Britain, and the United States, 1946-1963, compiled by Peter Cornwall and issued by the Center for Japanese Studies in 1965.

Japan and National Anthropology: A Critique (Routledge/Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) East Asian Series #Vol. 6)

by Sonia Ryang

Japan and National Anthropology: A Critique is an empirically rich and theoretically sophisticated study which challenges the conventional view of Japanese studies in general and the Anglophone anthropological writings on Japan in particular. Sonia Ryang explores the process by which the postwar anthropology of Japan has come to be dominated by certain conceptual and methodological and exposes the extent to which this process has occluded our view of Japan.

Japan And The New Ocean Regime

by Robert L. Friedheim

The regime under which humankind has governed its uses of the ocean is in the process of change—shifting away from the traditional freedom of the seas toward a “mixed†system in which most of the valuable near-shore resources come under coastal jurisdiction. The transition to a new regime has been difficult for many states, most notably Japan, whose rights to use the entire ocean were well protected by the traditional regime. Japan’s response to the need to develop a modern ocean policy— to adapt to the emerging ocean management regime—is the subject of this multiauthor volume. U.S. and Japanese scholars look at what Japan is doing, how, and with what results. They first assess general trends in ocean management, then examine the role of Japan in the international political economy of the oceans, and finally look at Japan’s ocean policy in various sectors: shipbuilding, fisheries, mineral resources, offshore petroleum, and nuclear power generation. Given Japan’s importance in ocean affairs, the authors point out that the lessons that can be learned from its experience are of prime international importance.

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