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Japan and Okinawa: Structure and Subjectivity (The University of Sheffield/Routledge Japanese Studies Series)
by Glenn D. Hook Richard SiddleJapan and Okinawa provides an up-to-date, coherent and theoretically informed examination of Okinawa from the perspective of political economy and society. It combines a focus on structure and subjectivity as a way to analyze Okinawa, Okinawans and their relationship with global, regional and national structures. The book draws on a range of disciplines to provide new insights into both the contemporary and historical place of Okinawa and the Okinawans.The first half of the book examines Okinawa as part of the global, regional and national structures which impose constraints as well as offer opportunities to Okinawa. Leading specialists examine in detail topics such as Okinawa as a frontier region, Okinawa's Free Trade Zones and response to globalization, and Okinawa as part of the Japanese 'construction state', being particularly concerned with how Okinawa can chart its own course. The second half focuses on questions of identity and subjectivity, examining the multitude of vibrant cultural practices that breathe life into the meaning of being Okinawan and inform their social and political responses to structural constraints.The originality of this book can be found in its elucidation of how the structural constraints of Okinawa's precarious position in the world, the region and as part of Japan impact on subjectivity. For many Okinawans, in the past as now, acceptance and rationalization of their dependency has made them collaborators in their own subordination. At the same time, however, they have demonstrated a capacity to give voice to a separate identity, inscribing cultural practices marking them as different from mainland Japanese.
Japan And The Pacific Quadrille: The Major Powers In East Asia
by Herbert J. EllisonThis book is based on the papers presented at the 1983 Tokyo conference on East Asian politics. It provides an analytic context for understanding Northeast Asian politics and deals with Japanese foreign policy, with focus on the political challenges Japan faced and its changing international role.
Japan and Protection: The Growth of Protectionist Sentiment and the Japanese Response (Routledge Library Editions: Business and Economics in Asia #19)
by Syed Javed MaswoodIn the 1980s, the extent of Japanese export penetration into other Western economies, particularly the USA, became a matter of international concern. There were demands for Japan to reciprocate on imports, for the Japanese market to be 'opened up' and, by some people, for sanctions or a trade war if the Japanese did not respond. This book, first published in 1989, examines the growth of protectionist sentiment and the Japanese response to it. It examines in detail the debates within Japan and discusses the measures which the Japanese took, including the voluntary export restraint measure in the motor sector. It concludes that, broadly, the Japanese did indeed respond to world demands for their market to be opened up but that successful exporting to Japan depended equally on efforts by Western companies to service that market, which they were slow to do.
Japan and Singapore in the World Economy: Japan's Economic Advance into Singapore 1870-1965 (Routledge Studies In The Modern History Of Asia Ser.)
by Hitoshi Hirakawa Hiroshi ShimizuThis pioneering work examines Japan's economic activities in Singapore from 1870 to 1965. Drawing upon a wide range of published and unpublished sources, the authors shed new light on issues such as:* prostitution* foreign trade by Kobe's overseas Chinese* fishermen in the inter-war period* Japanese economic activities during the Pacific War* Japan
Japan and the Asian Pacific Region: Profile of Change (Routledge Library Editions: Japan's International Relations #1)
by Masahide ShibusawaThis book, first published in 1984, examines the spectacular economic growth of the Asia Pacific region in the 1970s and 1980s. How did a group of non-Western nations, in an area plagued by war, achieve such success, so quickly? Japan was the driving force in the region, and a dominant influence on the world economy, but had no clearly defined role in the politics of the region or the world. This book considers Japan’s position, the problems it faced and how it perceived and responded to events in the region. It provides clues to understanding the basic pattern of Japan’s relations, its evolving role in the region and the world, and how this role might develop in the future.
Japan and the Contemporary Middle East (SOAS/Routledge Studies on the Middle East)
by Kaoru Sugihara J. A. AllanJapan is an economic power of global significance; it is also the world's largest single national importer of oil. These two facts alone are sufficient to indicate the significance of Japan's relationship with the Middle East. But in fact, Japan's particularly strong interests in the Middle East extend well beyond oil, and include banking, investment, and an increasing concern with economic assistance.The studies in this book deal with the relevant period of the twentieth century and especially with the rapid transformation of Japan's relationship with the region since 1973. It provides access in English to the current economic and political analysis by Japanese specialists concerned with the Middle East, and it will assist anyone interested in Japan's relationship with the region. The dependence of Japan on Middle Eastern oil is examined together with the changing nature of Japan's energy consumption policies at home, and its involvement in joint ventures in the Middle East. Japan's role as a major provider of economic assistance is reviewed, and its future potential role in this area is emphasised.
Japan and the Dutch 1600-1853
by Grant K. GoodmanThis is the history of Dutch influence on Japan during the so-called 'closed centuries' between 1640 and 1853. Dutch maritime traders provided the only commercial link which Japan maintained with the west, and were thus the sole channel for western ideas and knowledge to reach neo-Confucian society. Professor Goodman explains the circumstances of the Dutch themselves in Japan during the seventeenth century, and the historical and intellectual milieu within which 'Dutch studies' were nurtured. He traces the initial interest of the Shogun government in European astronomy and medicine, and the gradual development of interest in wider spheres of western knowledge and culture.
Japan and the Enemies of Open Political Science (The\nissan Institute/routledge Japanese Studies)
by David WilliamsThe central argument of Japan and the Enemies of Open Political Science is that Eurocentric blindness is not a moral but a scientific failing. In this wide-ranging critique of Western social science, Anglo-American philosophy and French theory, Williams works on the premise that Japan is the most important political system of our time. He explains why social scientists have been so keen to ignore or denigrate Japan's achievements. If social science is to meet the needs of the `Pacific Century', it requires a sustained act of intellectual demolition and subsequent renewal.
Japan and the G7/8: 1975-2002 (The University of Sheffield/Routledge Japanese Studies Series)
by Hugo DobsonThis book analyses Japan's international relations and participation in the multilateral forum, the G8, since its creation in 1975. The author explores the motivation of the Japanese government and non-governmental actor's aims and objectives and examines how and to what extent they have been achieved. Presenting a wealth of new research this theoretically informed book will be of interest to those studying interntional relations and Japanese politics.
Japan and the High Treason Incident: Japan And The High Treason Incident (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series)
by Masako Gavin Ben MiddletonThe ‘High Treason Incident’ rocked Japanese society between 1910 and 1911, when police discovered that a group of anarchists and socialists were plotting to assassinate the Emperor Meiji. Following a trial held in camera, twelve of the so-called conspirators were hanged, but while the executions officially brought an end to the incident, they were only the initial outcome as the state became increasingly paranoid about national ideological cohesion. In response it deployed an array of new technologies of integration and surveillance, and the subsequent repression affected not only political movements, but the whole cultural sphere. This book shows the far reaching impact of the high treason incident for Japanese politics and society, and the subsequent course of Japanese history. Taking an interdisciplinary and global approach, it demonstrates how the incident transformed modern Japan in numerous and unexpected ways, and sheds light on the response of authoritarian states to radical democratic opposition movements elsewhere. The contributors examine the effects of the incident on Japanese history, literature, politics and society, as well as its points of intersection with broader questions of anarchism, colonialism, gender and governmentality, to underline its historical and contemporary significance. With chapters by leading Western and Japanese scholars, and drawing on newly available primary sources, this book is a timely and relevant study that will be of great interest to students and scholars working in the fields of Japanese history, Japanese politics, Japanese studies, as well as those interested in the history of social movements.
Japan and the New Silk Road: Diplomacy, Development and Connectivity (Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies)
by Nikolay MurashkinThis book presents a study of Japanese involvement in post-Soviet Central Asia since the independence of these countries in 1991, examining the reasons for progress and stagnation in this multi-lateral relationship. Featuring interviews with decision-makers and experts from Japan, China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, and the Philippines, this book argues that Japan’s impact on Central Asia and its connectivity has been underappreciated. It demonstrates that Japan’s infrastructural footprint in the New Silk Road significantly pre-dated China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and that the financial and policy contribution driven by Japanese officials was of a similar order of magnitude. It also goes on to show that Japan was the first major power outside of post-Soviet Central Asia to articulate a dedicated Silk Road diplomacy vis-à-vis the region before the United States and China, and the first to sponsor pivotal assistance. Being the first detailed analytical account of the diplomatic impact made on the New Silk Road by various Japanese actors beyond formal diplomacy, this book will be useful to students and scholars of Japanese politics, as well as Asian politics and international politics more generally.
Japan and the Pacific Free Trade Area (The University of Sheffield/Routledge Japanese Studies Series)
by Pekka KorhonenAs the end of the century approaches, the Asian-Pacific region is becoming the most important economic area in the world. Pekka Korhonen examines the nature of Japan's economic rise since World War II, and its relations with other countries in the Pacific area. This in turn led to an optimistic world outlook for Japan, in which military tension was wiped away in the light of sustained economic growth and the formation of an inter-dependent structure for Asian-Pacific countries.
Japan and the Politics of Techno-globalism
by Gregory P. Corning"Techno-globalism" is the term used by policymakers to describe the process of opening government and Research and Development programs to foreign participation. This book focuses on Japan's approach to techno-globalism, in particular the policies of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). It also explores the politics underlying the approach to this issue in the triad of leading R&D centers - Japan, the United States, and the European Union. The author examines various theoretical approaches to the political economy of globalization, and he describes systems of innovation in Japan, the United States, and the European Union, emphasizing research linkages among forms, national labs, and universities.
Japan And Things Japanese
by Mock JoyaFirst published in 2006. For over fifty years, the Japanese-born Western-trained author of this remarkable volume devoted himself to explaining Japanese traditions and customs to foreigners through his newspaper columns, talks and four short books. The comprehensive work presented here, drawn from all these sources deals with all aspects of Japanese life and material culture - apparel and utensils; cures and medicines; houses and buildings; fetes and festivals; fish, birds and animals; folk tales; food, sake and tobacco; living habits; marriage, funerals and memorials; natural phenomena; plants and flowers; popular beliefs and traditions; recreation and entertainment; religious rites and social customs. With over seven hundred and thirty separate entries, this unique volume is the definitive work on all Japanese things.
Japan and UN Peacekeeping: New Pressures and New Responses
by Hugo DobsonJapan's postwar constitution in which the Japanese government famously renounced war forever has meant that the country has been reluctant, until recently, to commit its armed forces in the international arena. However, in the last decade or so, Japan has played a much more active role in peacekeeping and its troops have been deployed as part of UN
Japan And The United States: Economic And Political Adversaries
by Leon HollermanThe current economic policy debate between the United States and Japan, increasingly assuming the attributes of an adversary proceeding, has roots in divisive issues that have simmered for years. In this first book to specifically address these issues, U.S. and Japanese scholars, government officials, and business executives provide a basis for und
Japan as (Anything but) Number One
by WoronoffA full scale examination of the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War - the events that led to it, the Cold War aftermath, and the implications for the region and beyond.
Japan Aspects & Destinies: Aspects And Destinies (1904)
by WatsonFirst published in 2007. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Japan at Play (Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies)
by Joy Hendry Massimo RaveriThis book explores the myth, so abused by the mass media, that the Japanese are a grey, anonymous mass of efficient, obedient workers. The articles shed light on a Japan outside officialdom, a lively Japan of tumultuous and independent thought, inefficient and aesthetic, pleasure-loving, aggressive and wasteful, creative and anti-authoritarian. The book's truly international contributors examine the role in modern Japanese society of a range of leisure and play activities, from drinking to travel, football to karaoke, tattoos to rock fandom. They explore how things which seem like play in one context are deadly serious in another, and how the fun and enjoyment may be achieved in unexpected ways. They also draw attention to the importance of such activities in understanding the deeper structure and meaning pervading all areas of the society in which they take place. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of Japanese Studies, Sociology, Anthropology and Cultural Studies.
Japan at the Summit: Its Role in the Western Alliance and in Asian Pacific Cooperation (Routledge Library Editions: Japan's International Relations #2)
by Shiro SaitoThis book, first published in 1990 and written from a Japanese perspective, examines the gradual transformation of Japan's traditional role in world politics since the Second World War. With Japan's postwar economic success came calls from many quarters for it to match its economic involvement with an equal commitment to international political relations. The book discusses in detail the realization by Japan's leadership that international cooperation must take place on many diverse levels, and focuses on Japan's involvement in Western affairs during the 1980s, through participation in the seven-power economic and political summits and dialogue at the meetings of ASEAN.
Japan, Australia and Asia-Pacific Security (Routledge Security in Asia Pacific Series)
by Brad Williams Andrew NewmanThe threats to security in Southeast Asia have been serious and constant since the end of the Second World War. The book provides an absorbing account of the evolution of a key axis of regional stability - defence contacts between Japan and Australia, tracing the relationship from the early post-war period to the post-9/11 present. Though most works have focused on their economic nexus, Japan and Australia’s defences and security ties have assumed increasing importance since the mid-1990s. With problems such as North Korea’s nuclear program and the China-Taiwan standoff threatening regional stability, the two countries have sought to strengthen bilateral relations, and indications are that this relationship is likely to grow in the future. Japan, Australia and Asia-Pacific Security explores the evolution of their relationship in the broader context of Asia-Pacific security, addressing regional, sub-regional and transnational issues. This captivating book will be welcomed by those with an interest in Asian politics, international relations, and security studies.
Japan-Bashing: Anti-Japanism since the 1980s (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series)
by Narrelle MorrisThe aim of this book is to examine and analyse the phenomenon of ‘Japan-bashing’, from its invention and popularisation in the United States in the late 1970s to the emergence of other national variants, including in Australia and Japan, to its gradual decline in the late 1990s. It is the first major book-length study of ‘Japan-bashing from a multinational perspective, one that attempts to place ‘Japan-bashing’ in its proper historical context and to examine its operation and legacy in the twenty-first century. Despite its importance in the study of discourses about Japan, as well as in understanding broader global changes in the late twentieth century and beyond, the phenomenon of ‘Japan-bashing’ remains largely neglected in published writings. Moreover, it is a far more complex phenomenon than has been assessed thus far. While, on first glance, ‘Japan-bashing’ merely seems to recall other periods in which Japan has been viewed as a dangerous ‘other’ to ‘the West’, such as the Western emphasis on the ‘yellow peril’ from the late nineteenth century as well as Allied anti-Japanese propaganda during World War II, ‘Japan-bashing’ also had its own distinctive characteristics. Moreover, while ‘Japan-bashing’ is often described as a quaint historical, rather than a pressing contemporary, phenomenon, it is actually by no means extinct. The ongoing influence of ‘Japan-bashing’ also has parallels in other ‘bashing’ phenomena, such as ‘China-bashing’. This book will be of interest to scholars and postgraduate students in Japanese studies and international relations.
Japan: The Basics (The Basics)
by Christopher P. HoodJapan: The Basics is an engaging introduction to the culture, society, and global positioning of Japan. Starting by looking at the common stereotypes, clichés, and tropes associated with Japan, this accessible introduction to the country is designed to arm readers with key skills and knowledge for their study of Japan. This new edition covers topics including: How do we go about studying Japan? What can be learnt about Japan from looking at its transportation system? What is the impact of an aging society? What are the connections between popular culture and wider Japanese society? How does Japan respond to disasters? How are core values about identity formed and what are their implications? How did Japan respond to the COVID-19 pandemic? With exercises, discussion points, and reflective questions throughout, Japan: The Basics is an ideal starting point for all those studying Japan.
Japan Between Asia and the West: Economic Power and Strategic Balance
by Ming WanJapan seeks economic competitiveness vis-a-vis the West and economic dominance in Asia, but it mainly competes through cooperative use of economic resources, which facilitates realization of the goals of partner nations. This book studies Japan's balance between the United States and East Asia by focusing on the use of economic power - defense spending, consumption, and investment - to advance Japan's political and strategic as well as economic interests. It also investigates Japan's direct use of economic resources, namely, aid and sanctions, and by extension, discusses Japan's relations with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank.
Japan: Beyond the End of History (Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies)
by David WilliamsIn this analysis of Japan's policy-making, David Williams places his argument within the debates about Japanese political economy in the United States and Britain, debates previously polarised between `market' and `ministry' views. He presents Japanese-style nationalist development as a serious challenge to Western values and theory.