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Showing 54,926 through 54,950 of 100,000 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Japan - A State Strategy for the Twenty-First Century 3378207 Yasuhiro Nakasone 9781136870934 2002
Japan Through the Lens of the Tokyo Olympics Open Access 3327918 Barbara Holthus Isaac Gagné Wolfram Manzenreiter Franz Waldenberger 9781000057713 2020 Contains images
Japan To-day (Routledge Revivals) 5283149 James A. Scherer 9781317431060 1904 Contains images
Japan Under Taisho Tenno: 1912-1926 (Routledge Library Editions: Japan) 3176763 A Morgan Young 9781136917455 2011
Japan Unmasked: The Character & Culture of the Japanese (Tuttle Classics) 984085 Boye Lafayette De Mente 9781462900497 2005 Contains images
Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture Has Invaded the U. S. 1922271 Roland Kelts 9781403984760 2008
Japanamerica: How Japanese Pop Culture Has Invaded the U.S. 6273925 Roland Kelts 9780230602038 2008 Contains images
The Japanese A Cultural Portrait 977304 Robert S. Ozaki 9781462904532 1978
The Japanese Adult Video Industry (Routledge Culture, Society, Business in East Asia Series) 2507427 Heung-Wah Wong Hoi-yan Yau 9781134485680 2018 Contains images
Japanese Adult Videos in Taiwan (Routledge Culture, Society, Business in East Asia Series) 4476523 Heung-Wah Wong Hoi-yan Yau 9781317817871 2014 Contains images
A Japanese Advertising Agency: An Anthropology of Media and Markets (ConsumAsian Series #No. 3) 5685252 Brian Moeran 9781136795404 1996 Contains images
Japanese Aid and the Construction of Global Development: Inescapable Solutions (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series) 3220438 David Leheny Kay Warren 9781135196998 2010 Contains images
Japanese American Celebration and Conflict: A History of Ethnic Identity and Festival, 1934-1990 333157 Lon Kurashige 9780520227439 2002
Japanese-American Civilian Prisoner Exchanges and Detention Camps, 1941-45 (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia #3) 3304584 Bruce Elleman 9781134321827 2006
Japanese American Ethnicity: In Search of Heritage and Homeland Across Generations 6467746 Takeyuki Tsuda 9781479807208 2016 Contains images
Japanese American Internment Camps (Cornerstones of Freedom, 2nd Series) 86075 Gail Sakurai 9780516222769 2002
Japanese American Midwives: Culture, Community, and Health Politics, 1880-1950 1376739 Susan L. Smith 9780252092435 2005 Contains images
Japanese American Millennials: Rethinking Generation, Community, and Diversity (Asian American History & Cultu #204) 2908009 Michael Omi Dana Y. Nakano Jeffrey T. Yamashita 9781439918265 2019 Contains images
Japanese-American Relocation in World War II: A Reconsideration 2077086 Roger W. Lotchin 9781108317573 2018 Contains images
Japanese American Resettlement through the Lens: Hikaru Iwasaki and the WRA's Photographic Section, 1943-1945 3749553 Lane Ryo Hirabayashi Kenichiro Shimada 9780870819711 2009 Contains images
Japanese American Resettlement Through the Lens 552577 Kenichiro Shimada Lane Ryo Hirabayashi 9781457109720 2009 Contains images
Japanese Americans and the Racial Uniform: Citizenship, Belonging, and the Limits of Assimilation (Asian American Sociology) 6423828 null Dana Y. Nakano 9781479816392 2023 Contains images
The Japanese and Europe: Images and Perceptions 5336775 Bert Edstrom 9781136638954 2000 Contains images
Japanese and Hong Kong Film Industries: Understanding the Origins of East Asian Film Networks (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia) 3219888 Shuk-ting, Kinnia Yau 9781135219468 2010 Contains images
The Japanese and the Jesuits: Alessandro Valignano in Sixteenth Century Japan 4803610 Mr J Moran J. F. Moran 9781134881123 1992 Contains images

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