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Japanese Capitalism Since 1945: Critical Perspectives
by Tessa Morris-Suzuki Seiyama TakuroThis book introduces students of the Japanese economy to a broad range of critical contemporary Marxian analyses by Japanese economists. Each of the five essays - on economic policy, agriculture, big business, labour relations, and foreign trade and investment - is written by a specialist in the field. The introduction places the essays in the wider context of contrasting theories of Japanese economic development. While such writings constitute an important part of the economic literature in Japan, virtually none of the great body of Marxian writing on Japanese capitalism has heretofore been available in English.
Japanese Capitals in Historical Perspective: Place, Power and Memory in Kyoto, Edo and Tokyo
by Paul Waley Nicolas FiévéJapan's ability to develop its own brand of modernity has often been attributed in part to the sophistication of its cities. Concentrating on Kyoto, Edo and Tokyo, the contributors to this volume weave together the links between past and future, memory and vision, symbol and structure, between marginality and power, and between Japan's two great capital cities.
Japanese Celebrations
by Betty ReynoldsThis multicultural children's book is full of Japanese holidays, culture, language and stories!The people of Japan love to celebrate. In fact, they love it so much they have a day of celebration, whether it's a change in season, a religious observance, or just a special moment in life, every month of the year. Brimming with ancient traditions, exotic decorations, and delicious, seasonal foods, Japanese Celebrations will take you on a month-by-month tour of some of Japan's best-loved festivals.Beautifully illustrated and full of fascinating facts about Japanese holidays and celebrations, this 48-page picture book offers a vivid picture of some of Japan's most festive events including New Year's, Children's Day, Cherry Blossom Season, Harvest Moon Viewing, Christmas in Japan and many more.With simple but informative text and illustrations that explain the significance of the dress, decoration, food, gifts and activities associated with these events, Japanese Celebrations promises to delight and educate young readers and parents alike.
Japanese Celebrations
by Betty ReynoldsThe people of Japan love to celebrate! In fact, they love it so much they have a day of celebration, whether it's a change in season, a religious observance, or just a special moment in life, every month of the year. Brimming with ancient traditions, exotic decorations, and delicious, seasonal foods, Japanese Celebrations will take you on a month-by-month tour of some of Japan's best-loved festivals. Beautifully illustrated and full of fascinating facts about Japanese holidays and celebrations, this 48-page picture book offers a vivid picture of some of Japan's most festive events including New Year's, Children's Day, Cherry Blossom Season, Harvest Moon Viewing, Christmas in Japan and many more. With simple but informative text and illustrations that explain the significance of the dress, decoration, food, gifts and activities associated with these events, Japanese Celebrations promises to delight and educate young readers and parents alike.
Japanese Celebrations
by Betty ReynoldsThe people of Japan love to celebrate! In fact, they love it so much they have a day of celebration, whether it's a change in season, a religious observance, or just a special moment in life, every month of the year. Brimming with ancient traditions, exotic decorations, and delicious, seasonal foods, Japanese Celebrations will take you on a month-by-month tour of some of Japan's best-loved festivals.Beautifully illustrated and full of fascinating facts about Japanese holidays and celebrations, this 48-page picture book offers a vivid picture of some of Japan's most festive events including New Year's, Children's Day, Cherry Blossom Season, Harvest Moon Viewing, Christmas in Japan and many more.With simple but informative text and illustrations that explain the significance of the dress, decoration, food, gifts and activities associated with these events, Japanese Celebrations promises to delight and educate young readers and parents alike.
Japanese Childcare: Culture, Organization And Emotions In A Preschool
by Eyal Ben-AriFirst published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Japanese Cinema: Texts and Contexts (Critical Concepts In Media And Cultural Studies)
by Alastair Phillips Julian StringerJapanese Cinema includes twenty-four chapters on key films of Japanese cinema, from the silent era to the present day, providing a comprehensive introduction to Japanese cinema history and Japanese culture and society. Studying a range of important films, from Late Spring, Seven Samurai and In the Realm of the Senses to Godzilla, Hana-Bi and Ring, the collection includes discussion of all the major directors of Japanese cinema including Ozu, Mizoguchi, Kurosawa, Oshima, Suzuki, Kitano and Miyazaki. Each chapter discusses the film in relation to aesthetic, industrial or critical issues and ends with a complete filmography for each director. The book also includes a full glossary of terms and a comprehensive bibliography of readings on Japanese cinema. Bringing together leading international scholars and showcasing pioneering new research, this book is essential reading for all students and general readers interested in one of the world’s most important film industries.
Japanese Cinema and Otherness: Nationalism, Multiculturalism and the Problem of Japaneseness (The University of Sheffield/Routledge Japanese Studies Series)
by Mika KoOver the last 20 years, ethnic minority groups have been increasingly featured in Japanese Films. However, the way these groups are presented has not been a subject of investigation. This study examines the representation of so-called Others – foreigners, ethnic minorities, and Okinawans – in Japanese cinema. By combining textual and contextual analysis, this book analyses the narrative and visual style of films of contemporary Japanese cinema in relation to their social and historical context of production and reception. Mika Ko considers the ways in which ‘multicultural’ sentiments have emerged in contemporary Japanese cinema. In this respect, Japanese films may be seen not simply to have ‘reflected’ more general trends within Japanese society but to have played an active role in constructing and communicating different versions of multiculturalism. In particular, the book is concerned with how representations of ‘otherness’ in contemporary Japanese cinema may be identified as reinforcing or subverting dominant discourses of ‘Japaneseness’. the author book also illuminates the ways in which Japanese films have engaged in the dramatisation and elaboration of ideas and attitudes surrounding contemporary Japanese nationalism and multiculturalism. By locating contemporary Japanese cinema in a social and political context, Japanese Cinema and Otherness makes an original contribution to scholarship on Japanese film study but also to bridging the gap between Japanese studies and film studies.
Japanese Civilization, its Significance and Realization: Nichirenism and the Japanese National Principles (Trubner's Oriental Ser.)
by Kishio SatomiAn introduction to Japanese spiritual civilization,its significance and realization; Nichirenism (the true Mahayana Buddhism) and Japanese national principles.
The Japanese Communist Party: Permanent Opposition, but Moral Compass (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series)
by Peter Berton Sam AthertonThis book provides an historical overview of the Japanese Communist Party from its foundation to the present. It outlines the development of the party, explores its stance on key issues and discusses how the party has set a high moral tone, avoiding compromising coalitions with other parties, being intolerant of corruption within its own ranks, and frequently and consistently opposing the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. The book also considers the internal nature of the party, which continues to have a mass membership, and which in recent years has softened its former somewhat rigid approach. The book emphasizes the importance for Japan of this moral approach as the conscience of the nation, especially as the present Abe government moves Japan to the right, even though the Japanese Communist Party has never gained power and is never likely to.
The Japanese Community in Pre-War Britain: From Integration to Disintegration
by Keiko ItohExplores the origins of the community, and compares the experience of the Japanese to that of other national groups. The book discusses the community's involvement in the arts, religion and sport; intermarriage; and the second generation, and concludes by considering the impact of deteriorating relations in the 1930s and of the Second World War.
Japanese Company in Crisis (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series)
by Fiona GrahamJapanese white-collar workers have been characterised by their intense loyalty and life-long commitment to their companies. This book is based on very extensive ethnographic research inside a Japanese insurance company during the period when the company was going through a major crisis which ended in the company's bankruptcy and collapse. It examines the attitudes of Japanese employees towards their work, their company and related issues at a time when the established order and established attitudes were under threat. The wide range and detail of the reporting of workers' attitudes, often in their own words, sustained over a considerable timescale, makes this study a particularly valuable resource.
The Japanese Conspiracy: The Oahu Sugar Strike of 1920
by Masayo Umezawa DuusIn early 1920 in Hawaii, Japanese sugar cane workers, faced with spiraling living expenses, defiantly struck for a wage increase to $1.25 per day. The event shook the traditional power structure in Hawaii and, as Masayo Duus demonstrates in this book, had consequences reaching all the way up to the eve of World War II.By the end of World War I, the Hawaiian Islands had become what a Japanese guidebook called a "Japanese village in the Pacific," with Japanese immigrant workers making up nearly half the work force on the Hawaiian sugar plantations. Although the strikers eventually capitulated, the Hawaiian territorial government, working closely with the planters, cracked down on the strike leaders, bringing them to trial for an alleged conspiracy to dynamite the house of a plantation official. And to end dependence on Japanese immigrant labor, the planters lobbied hard in Washington to lift restrictions on the immigration of Chinese workers. Placing the event in the context of immigration history as well as diplomatic history, Duus argues that the clash between the immigrant Japanese workers and the Hawaiian oligarchs deepened the mutual suspicion between the Japanese and United States governments. Eventually, she demonstrates, this suspicion led to the passage of the so-called Japanese Exclusion Act of 1924, an event that cast a long shadow into the future.Drawing on both Japanese- and English-language materials, including important unpublished trial documents, this richly detailed narrative focuses on the key actors in the strike. Its dramatic conclusions will have broad implications for further research in Asian American studies, labor history, and immigration history.
Japanese Consumer Behaviour: From Worker Bees to Wary Shoppers (ConsumAsian Series)
by John McCreeryWhat role does consumption play in Japanese lives that are more than study, work and shopping? How have those lives changed since World War II as Japan has wrestled with the meaning of white-collar careers, women spreading their wings, changing family values, a shrinking birth rate, an aging population? This book explores Japan through the eyes of Japanese researchers and discovers patterns of change that are both uniquely Japanese and shared by consumers in other advanced industrial nations.
Japanese Contemporary Politics (Routledge Studies on Comparative Asian Politics)
by Akio IgarashiIn the postwar period, Japanese politics has evolved considerably, with issues of gender, representation, and household economics becoming increasingly salient. Meanwhile, since the end of the Cold War, Japan has joined other developed states in the process of decentralization and deindustrialization. Yet, its restructuring has come at a slower pace, as the Japanese bureaucracy attempts to retain a more traditional approach. This book, a translated and updated version of the author's 2010 monograph Nihon seijiron, traces these developments in Japanese politics from the end of the Asia Pacific wars to the present day. Examining each of the key stages of transition, it looks at four aspects of Japanese politics: high politics, interest-centered politics, life-centered politics, and globalization. It also provides up-to-date analysis of contemporary themes, including the Abe administration’s challenge to international politics and coverage of nuclear issues. Written by an experienced Japanese scholar, this book ultimately demonstrates how globalization has transformed the nature of local politics, as well as national security. However, as seen in the recent triple disaster of 2011 (a chapter on which has been added), Japanese politics retains traditional practices that have led to corruption, scandal, and political mistrust among the electorate. Offering a comprehensive introduction to Japanese politics, this book will be invaluable reading for students and scholars of Japanese politics and comparative and Asia politics in general.
Japanese Contract and Anti-Trust Law: A Sociological and Comparative Study
by Willem Visser t'HooftLittle has been written on Japanese contract law and anti-trust law in Western languages. This book describes the role of this law in protecting the distributor against unilateral terminations of distribution agreements. There have been significant pressures both to lower prices and restructure distribution channels in Japan which have strained many distribution agreements. This volume, based primarily on Japanese language legal material, not only involves a study of applicable black-letter law, but also a sociological study of its application in practice. Detailed analysis has been made in particular of famous legal termination cases during the 1990s in the Japanese luxury cosmetics distribution system which generated influential decisions by the higher courts and the Fair Trade Commission, providing new insights into whether or not there are distinct Japanese attitudes towards contracts.
Japanese Culture: The Religious and Philosophical Foundations
by Roger J. DaviesJapanese Culture: The Religious and Philosophical Foundations takes readers on a detailed and thoroughly researched journey through Japan's cultural history.This much-anticipated sequel to Roger Davies's best-selling The Japanese Mind provides a comprehensive overview of the religion and philosophy of Japan. This cultural history of Japan explains the diverse cultural traditions that underlie modern Japan and offers readers deep insights into Japanese manners and etiquette. Davies begins with an investigation of the origins of the Japanese, followed by an analysis of the most important approaches used by scholars to describe the essential elements of Japanese culture. From there, each chapter focuses on one of the formative elements: Shintoism, Buddhism, Taoism, Zen, Confucianism, and Western influences in the modern era.Davies concludes each chapter with extensive endnotes along with thought-provoking discussion activities, making this volume ideal for individual readers and for classroom instruction. Anyone interested in pursuing a deeper understanding of this complex and fascinating nation will find Davies's work an invaluable resource.
Japanese Culture: Its Development and Characteristics
by Robert J Smith Richard K BeardsleyThis book presents an authoritative and illuminating insight into the development and most important characteristics of Japanese society and culture. Approaching the subject from a number of different points of view. Originally published in 1963.
Japanese Culture Through Videogames (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series)
by Rachael HutchinsonExamining a wide range of Japanese videogames, including arcade fighting games, PC-based strategy games and console JRPGs, this book assesses their cultural significance and shows how gameplay and context can be analyzed together to understand videogames as a dynamic mode of artistic expression. Well-known titles such as Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Street Fighter and Katamari Damacy are evaluated in detail, showing how ideology and critique are conveyed through game narrative and character design as well as user interface, cabinet art, and peripherals. This book also considers how ‘Japan’ has been packaged for domestic and overseas consumers, and how Japanese designers have used the medium to express ideas about home and nation, nuclear energy, war and historical memory, social breakdown and bioethics. Placing each title in its historical context, Hutchinson ultimately shows that videogames are a relatively recent but significant site where cultural identity is played out in modern Japan. Comparing Japanese videogames with their American counterparts, as well as other media forms, such as film, manga and anime, Japanese Culture Through Videogames will be useful to students and scholars of Japanese culture and society, as well as Game Studies, Media Studies and Japanese Studies more generally.
Japanese Cybercultures (Asia's Transformations/Asia.com)
by Nanette Gottlieb Mark McLellandJapan is rightly regarded as one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, yet the development and deployment of Internet technology in Japan has taken a different trajectory compared with Western nations. This is the first book to look at the specific dynamics of Japanese Internet use. It examines the crucial questions:* how the Japanese are using the Internet: from the prevalence of access via portable devices, to the fashion culture of mobile phones* how Japan's "cute culture" has colonized cyberspace* the role of the Internet in different musical subcultures* how different men's and women's groups have embraced technology to highlight problems of harassment and bullying* the social, cultural and political impacts of the Internet on Japanese society* how marginalized groups in Japanese society - gay men, those living with AIDS, members of new religious groups and Japan's hereditary sub-caste, the Burakumin - are challenging the mainstream by using the Internet.Examined from a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives, using a broad range of case-studies, this is an exciting and genuinely cutting-edge book which breaks new ground in Japanese studies and will be of value to anyone interested in Japanese culture, the Internet and cyberculture.
Japanese Demon Lore: Oni from Ancient Times to the Present
by Noriko ReiderOni, ubiquitous supernatural figures in Japanese literature, lore, art, and religion, usually appear as demons or ogres. Characteristically threatening, monstrous creatures with ugly features and fearful habits, including cannibalism, they also can be harbingers of prosperity, beautiful and sexual, and especially in modern contexts, even cute and lovable. There has been much ambiguity in their character and identity over their long history. Usually male, their female manifestations convey distinctivly gendered social and cultural meanings. Oni appear frequently in various arts and media, from Noh theater and picture scrolls to modern fiction and political propaganda, They remain common figures in popular Japanese anime, manga, and film and are becoming embedded in American and international popular culture through such media. Noriko Reiderýs book is the first in English devoted to oni. Reider fully examines their cultural history, multifaceted roles, and complex significance as "others" to the Japanese.
Japanese Design
by Patricia J. GrahamWhat exactly is the singular attraction of Japanese design? And why does it speak so clearly to so many people all over the world? The Japanese sensibility often possesses an intuitive, emotional appeal, whether it's a silk kimono, a carefully raked garden path, an architectural marvel, a teapot, or a contemporary work of art. This allure has come to permeate the entire culture of Japan-it is manifest in the most mundane utensil and snack food packaging, as well as in Japanese architecture, and fine art. In Japanese Design, Asian art expert and author Patricia J. Graham explains how this aesthetic based in fine craftsmanship and simplicity developed. Her unusual, full-color presentation reveals the Japanese design aesthetic in an absorbing way, using a combination of insightful explanations and more than 160 stunning photos. Focusing upon ten elements of Japanese design, Graham explores how visual qualities, the cultural parameters and the Japanese religious traditions of Buddhism and Shinto have impacted the appearance of its arts. Japanese Design is a handbook for the millions of us who have felt the special allure of Japanese culture, crafts, and art. Art and design fans and professionals have been clamoring for this-a book that fills the need for an intelligent, culture-rich overview of what Japanese design is and means.
Japanese Design
by Patricia J. GrahamWhat exactly is the singular attraction of Japanese design? And why does it speak so clearly to so many people all over the world? The Japanese sensibility often possesses an intuitive, emotional appeal, whether it's a silk kimono, a carefully raked garden path, an architectural marvel, a teapot, or a contemporary work of art. This allure has come to permeate the entire culture of Japan-it is manifest in the most mundane utensil and snack food packaging, as well as in Japanese architecture, and fine art.In Japanese Design, Asian art expert and author Patricia J. Graham explains how this aesthetic based in fine craftsmanship and simplicity developed. Her unusual, full-color presentation reveals the Japanese design aesthetic in an absorbing way, using a combination of insightful explanations and more than 160 stunning photos. Focusing upon ten elements of Japanese design, Graham explores how visual qualities, the cultural parameters and the Japanese religious traditions of Buddhism and Shinto have impacted the appearance of its arts.Japanese Design is a handbook for the millions of us who have felt the special allure of Japanese culture, crafts, and art. Art and design fans and professionals have been clamoring for this-a book that fills the need for an intelligent, culture-rich overview of what Japanese design is and means.
Japanese Design
by Patricia J. GrahamWhat exactly is the singular attraction of Japanese design? And why does it speak so clearly to so many people all over the world? The Japanese sensibility often possesses an intuitive, emotional appeal, whether it's a silk kimono, a carefully raked garden path, an architectural marvel, a teapot, or a contemporary work of art. This allure has come to permeate the entire culture of Japan-it is manifest in the most mundane utensil and snack food packaging, as well as in Japanese architecture, and fine art.In Japanese Design, Asian art expert and author Patricia J. Graham explains how this aesthetic based in fine craftsmanship and simplicity developed. Her unusual, full-color presentation reveals the Japanese design aesthetic in an absorbing way, using a combination of insightful explanations and more than 160 stunning photos. Focusing upon ten elements of Japanese design, Graham explores how visual qualities, the cultural parameters and the Japanese religious traditions of Buddhism and Shinto have impacted the appearance of its arts.Japanese Design is a handbook for the millions of us who have felt the special allure of Japanese culture, crafts, and art. Art and design fans and professionals have been clamoring for this-a book that fills the need for an intelligent, culture-rich overview of what Japanese design is and means.
Japanese Development Cooperation: The Making of an Aid Architecture Pivoting to Asia (European Institute of Japanese Studies East Asian Economics and Business Series)
by André Asplund Marie SoderbergThe world order as we know it is currently undergoing profound changes, and in its wake, so is foreign aid. Donors of foreign aid, development assistance or development cooperation around the world are already facing new challenges in the changing development architecture. This is an architecture that globally seems to become increasingly forgiving of foreign aid as a win-win concept that also meets the donors’ own national interests—something that has been an unofficial Japanese trademark for many years. This book examines Japan’s development assistance as it transitions away from Official Development Assistance and towards Development Cooperation. In this transition, the strong and reciprocal relationships between Japanese development policy and comprehensive security, diplomacy, foreign, domestic and economic policies are likely to become even more consolidated and integrated. The utilization of, and changes within, Japanese development policy therefore affects not only recipients of foreign aid but also the relationships Japan enjoys with its allies and strategic partners, as well as the relations to competing donors and rivals in the region and around the world. Japanese foreign aid as such provides an extremely interesting case from where regional and even global changes can be understood. Written by a multidisciplinary team of contributors from the fields of political science, international relations, development, economics, public opinion and Japan studies, the book sets out to be innovative in capturing the essence of the changing patterns of development cooperation, and more importantly, Japan’s role in within it, in an era of great change. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of Japanese Politics, Foreign Policy and International Relations.