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Showing 54,976 through 55,000 of 100,000 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
The Japanese in the Western Mind: A Psychological History of the Cultural Other 5341403 Perry R Hinton 9781000893236 2020
The Japanese Industrial Economy: Late Development and Cultural Causation (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia) 4940856 Ian Inkster 9781134532940 2004 Contains images
Japanese Industrial Governance: Protectionism and the Licensing State (Routledge Studies in Asia's Transformations #Vol. 1) 4646325 Yul Sohn 9781134312658 2004
Japanese Industrialisation: Historical and Cultural Perspectives (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia) 5334595 Ian Inkster 9781134541768 2001 Contains images
Japanese Industry in the American South 5085390 Choong Soon Kim 9781136665820 1995 Contains images
Japanese Influence on American Children's Television: Transforming Saturday Morning 2672094 Gina O’Melia 9783030174163 2019
Japanese Influences and Presences in Asia (Nias Studies In Asian Topics Ser. #No.25) 5084520 Ian Reader Marie Soederberg 9781136819766 2000 Contains images
Japanese Inn 16797 Oliver Statler 1961
Japanese Investment in Manchurian Manufacturing, Mining, Transportation, and Communications, 1931-1945 (Routledge Library Editions: Business and Economics in Asia #21) 3566528 Ann Rasmussen Kinney 9780429768262 1982 Contains images
A Japanese Joint Venture in the Pacific: Foreign bodies in tinned tuna (Routledge Contemporary Japan Ser.) 4320053 Kate Barclay 9781134078431 2008 Contains images
Japanese Labour and Management in Transition: Diversity, Flexibility and Participation 5685223 Mari Sako Hiroki Sato 9781135097073 1997 Contains images
Japanese Language Teaching in the Nineties: Materials and Course Design 5387797 Stefan Kaiser 9781134239214 1995 Contains images
Japanese Lessons: A Year in a Japanese School Through the Eyes of An American Anthropologist and Her Children 2954020 Gail R. Benjamin 9780814786123 1997 Contains images
Japanese Lessons: A Year in a Japanese School Through the Eyes of An American Anthropologist and Her Children 6416691 Gail R. Benjamin 9780814723401 1998 Contains images
Japanese LGBT Diasporas: Gender, Immigration Policy and Diverse Experiences 2957900 Masami Tamagawa 9783030310301 2020
The Japanese LGBTQ+ Community in the World: The COVID-19 Pandemic, Challenges, and the Prospects for the Future (Global Gender) 5209536 Masami Tamagawa 9781000827996 2023 Contains images
Japanese Love Hotels: A Cultural History (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series #Vol. 15) 3288227 Sarah Chaplin 9781134118687 2007 Contains images
Japanese Manufacturing Investment in Europe: Its Impact on the UK Economy (International Business Series) 3491653 Roger Strange 9781134951123 1993 Contains images
Japanese Media and the Intelligentsia after Fukushima: Disaster Culture (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series) 4430809 Katsuyuki Hidaka 9781000544992 2022 Contains images
Japanese Media at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Consuming the Past (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series) 5480278 Katsuyuki Hidaka 9781134988778 2017 Contains images
The Japanese Mind 981669 Osamu Ikeno Roger Davies 9781462900510 2002 Contains images
Japanese Models Of Conflict Reso 4927905 Eisenstadt 9781136150104 1990
Japanese Modernisation and Mingei Theory: Cultural Nationalism and Oriental Orientalism 5334288 Yuko Kikuchi 9781134429554 2004 Contains images
The Japanese Monarchy, 1931-91: Ambassador Grew and the Making of the "Symbol Emperor System" (Japan In The Modern World Ser.) 5287666 Masanori Nakamura 9781315485911 1993 Contains images
Japanese Moratorium on the Death Penalty 1516274 Mika Obara-Minnitt 9781137558220 2016 Contains images

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