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Showing 55,251 through 55,275 of 100,000 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Jewish Traditions: JPS Guide (A JPS Guide) 3470476 Dr. Ronald L. Eisenberg 9780827614260 2004 Contains images
Jewish-Transjordanian Relations 1921-1948: Alliance of Bars Sinister 4924527 Yoav Gelber 9781135245214 1997
Jewish Travellers 5503605 Elkan Nathan Adler 9781134286058 2004 Contains images
The Jewish Wars: Reflections By One Of The Belligerents 3183522 Edward Alexander 9781351480451 2011
Jewish West Virginia (Images of America) 5067738 Julian H. Preisler 9781439626290 2010 Contains images
Jewish Wit and Wisdom (Dover Thrift Editions: Speeches/Quotations) 5641633 Herb Galewitz 9780486110141 2001
Jewish Women: Between Conformity and Agency (Routledge Jewish Studies Series) 5773578 Katharina Galor 9781003805557 2024 Contains images
Jewish Women in Therapy: Seen But Not Heard 4660394 Ellen Cole Rachel J Siegel 9781317765585 1991
Jewish Women Writers in Britain 5295534 Nadia Valman 9780814339145 2014 Contains images
Jewish Women Writers in the Soviet Union (Routledge Studies in the History of Russia and Eastern Europe) 4658749 Rina Lapidus 9781136645464 2011
Jewish Women's Torah Study: Orthodox Religious Education and Modernity (Routledge Jewish Studies Series) 5282576 Ilan Fuchs 9781134642977 2014
The Jewish World of Alexander Hamilton 5132595 Andrew Porwancher 9780691212708 2021 Contains images
Jewish Writers/Irish Writers: Selected Essays on the Love of Words 5396082 Maurice Wohlgelernter 9781351510844 1999
Jewish Youth and Identity in Postwar France: Rebuilding Family and Nation (The Modern Jewish Experience) 6392774 Daniella Doron 9780253017468 2015 Contains images
Jews Across the Americas: A Sourcebook, 1492–Present (Goldstein-Goren Series in American Jewish History) 6421661 Adriana M. Brodsky and Laura Arnold Leibman 9781479819348 2023 Contains images
Jews Against Themselves 2608604 Edward Alexander 9781351510813 2015
Jews Among the Nations 5599652 Erich Kahler 9781351317221 1988
Jews and Christians in Thirteenth-Century France 1524627 Elisheva Baumgarten Judah D. Galinsky 9781137312822 2015 Contains images
Jews and Crime in Medieval Europe 3674049 Ephraim Shoham-Steiner 9780814345603 2020 Contains images
Jews and Feminism: The Ambivalent Search for Home 4824174 Laura Levitt 9781136046469 1997 Contains images
Jews and Genes: The Genetic Future in Contemporary Jewish Thought 2022450 Rabbi Elliot N. Dorff Dr Laurie Zoloth 9780827611924 2015 Contains images
Jews and Gentiles: A Historical Sociology of Their Relations 5602530 Werner J. Cahnman 9781351510783 2003
Jews and Germans: Promise, Tragedy, and the Search for Normalcy 3622863 Guenter Lewy 9780827618497 2020 Contains images
Jews and India: Perceptions and Image (Routledge Jewish Studies Series) 3289129 Yulia Egorova 9781134146543 2007
Jews and Jewish Life in Russia and the Soviet Union 5689099 Yaacov Ro'I 9781135205171 1995 Contains images

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Showing 55,251 through 55,275 of 100,000 results