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Showing 55,276 through 55,300 of 100,000 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Jews and Journeys: Travel and the Performance of Jewish Identity (Jewish Culture and Contexts) 4198112 Joshua Levinson and Orit Bashkin 9780812297935 2021 Contains images
Jews and Judaism in Modern China (Routledge Jewish Studies Series) 3240681 M. Avrum Ehrlich 9781135214425 2009 Contains images
The Jews and Modern Capitalism 3566217 Werner Sombart 9781351480420 1982 Contains images
Jews and Muslims in German Print Media: Integration and Multiculturalism Versus Antisemitism and Islamophobia 5905637 Jolanda van der Noll Katharina F. Gallant 9783031469626 2024 Contains images
Jews and Poles in the Holocaust Exhibitions of Kraków, 1980–2013: Between Urban Past and National Memory 3399660 Janek Gryta 9783030389796 2020 Contains images
Jews and the American Religious Landscape: A Comparative Study 3514609 Uzi Rebhun 9780231541497 2016 Contains images
Jews and the American Slave Trade 3435611 Saul Friedman 9781351510752 1998 Contains images
Jews and the American Soul: Human Nature in the Twentieth Century 3891204 Andrew R. Heinze 9780691227917 2004 Contains images
Jews and the Ends of Theory 6416306 Shai Ginsburg, Martin Land, and Jonathan Boyarin 9780823282012 2019 Contains images
Jews and the Mediterranean (Sephardi And Mizrahi Studies) 6381591 Matthias B. Lehmann Jessica M. Marglin 9780253048004 2020 Contains images
Jews and the Qur'an 6087815 Meir M. Bar-Asher 9780691232584 2021
Jews and Their Roman Rivals: Pagan Rome's Challenge to Israel 6059586 Katell Berthelot 9780691220420 2021 Contains images
Jews and Words 580346 Fania Oz-Salzberger Amos Oz 9780300156775 2012 Contains images
Jews, Antisemitism, and the Middle East 5597049 Michael Curtis 9781351510721 2013
The Jews as a Chosen People: Tradition and transformation (Routledge Jewish Studies Series) 3236488 S. Leyla Gurkan 9781134037063 2009
Jews at Work: Their Economic Progress in the American Labor Market (Studies of Jews in Society #2) 3548099 Barry R. Chiswick 9783030412432 2020 Contains images
The Jew's Body 4563219 Sander Gilman 9781136038785 1992 Contains images
Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Mediterranean World After 1492 4923833 Alisa Meyuhas Ginio 9781135299811 1992
Jews, Cinema and Public Life in Interwar Britain 2297083 Gil Toffell 9781137569318 2018 Contains images
Jews, Germans, and Allies: Close Encounters in Occupied Germany 6261823 Atina Grossmann 9781400832743 2007 Contains images
Jews, Germans and Allies: Close Encounters in Occupied Germany 745063 Atina Grossmann 9780691143170 2009
The Jews in America: The Roots, History And Destiny Of American Jews 3535901 Max I. Dimont 9781497626997 1978 Contains images
The Jews in America Trilogy: "Our Crowd," The Grandees, and "The Rest of Us" 6336458 Stephen Birmingham 9781504038959 1967 Contains images
Jews in Britain 653243 Michael Leventhal 9780747813606 2013 Contains images
Jews in Contemporary Visual Entertainment: Raced, Sexed, and Erased 4534677 Carol Siegel 9780253060259 2022 Contains images

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