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Leonardo to the Internet: Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present

by Thomas J. Misa

The image of the lone inventor transforming society from the outside has a strong hold on the public's imagination. In reality, though, technologies are products of ongoing social and cultural processes.

Leonardo to the Internet: Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present (Johns Hopkins Studies in the History of Technology)

by Thomas J. Misa

Historian Thomas J. Misa’s sweeping history of the relationship between technology and society over the past 500 years reveals how technological innovations have shaped—and have been shaped by—the cultures in which they arose. Spanning the preindustrial past, the age of scientific, political, and industrial revolutions, as well as the more recent eras of imperialism, modernism, and global security, this compelling work evaluates what Misa calls "the question of technology."Misa brings his acclaimed text up to date by examining how today's unsustainable energy systems, insecure information networks, and vulnerable global shipping have helped foster geopolitical risks and instability. A masterful analysis of how technology and culture have influenced each other over five centuries, Leonardo to the Internet frames a history that illuminates modern-day problems and prospects faced by our technology-dependent world

Leonardo to the Internet: Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present (Johns Hopkins Studies in the History of Technology)

by Thomas J. Misa

Now updated — A comprehensive, 500-year history of technology in society.Historian Thomas J. Misa's sweeping history of the relationship between technology and society over the past 500 years reveals how technological innovations have shaped—and have been shaped by—the cultures in which they arose. Spanning the preindustrial past, the age of scientific, political, and industrial revolutions, as well as the more recent eras of imperialism, modernism, and global security, this compelling work evaluates what Misa calls "the question of technology."In this edition, Misa brings his acclaimed text up to date by drawing on current scholarship while retaining sharply drawn portraits of individual people, artifacts, and systems. Each chapter has been honed to relate to contemporary concerns. Globalization, Misa argues, looks differently considering today's virulent nationalism, cultural chauvinism, and trade wars. A new chapter focuses on the digital age from 1990 to 2016. The book also examines how today's unsustainable energy systems, insecure information networks, and vulnerable global shipping have helped foster geopolitical risks and instability and takes a look at the coronavirus pandemic from the perspective of Wuhan, China's high-tech district. A masterful analysis of how technology and culture have influenced each other over five centuries, Leonardo to the Internet frames a history that illuminates modern-day problems and prospects faced by our technology-dependent world.

Leonardo's Foot

by Carol Ann Rinzler

A Selection of the Scientific American, History, and BOMC2 Book Clubs"An in-depth look at the anatomy and history of feet reveals their often overlooked importance in human evolution, medicine and art." -Science News"Stylish, informative, entertaining, and pleasantly personal . . . Whether Rinzler is exploring how our feet explain or illuminate such topics as evolution, disability, racism, diet, or desire, she maintains a fascinating perspective on the peculiarities of being human." -Rain Taxi Review of Books"This neat little book draws a clear picture of our feet, providing understanding that extends far beyond the obvious. Readers often like to walk away from a book feeling they learned something-that the author left them with a new way to look at an old idea, and this book fulfills that need." -City Book Review"Rinzler lifts the lowly human foot to new heights in this appealing book." -Booklist (starred review)Leonardo's Foot stretches back to the fossil record and forward to recent discoveries in evolutionary science to demonstrate that it was our feet rather than our brains that first distinguished us from other species within the animal kingdom. Taking inspiration from Leonardo da Vinci's statement that "the human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art," Carol Ann Rinzler leads us on a fascinating stroll through science, medicine, and culture to shed light on the role our feet have played in the evolution of civilization.Whether discussing the ideal human form in classical antiquity, the impressive depth of the arching soles on the figures in Sandro Botticelli's Birth of Venus, an array of foot maladies and how they have affected luminaries from Lord Byron to Benjamin Franklin, or delving into the history of foot fetishism, Rinzler has created a wonderfully diverse catalog of details on our lowest extremities. This is popular science writing at its most entertaining-page after page of fascinating facts, based around the playful notion that appreciating this often overlooked part of our body is essential to understanding what it is to be human.Carol Ann Rinzler, a former nutrition columnist for the New York Daily News, has contributed to a number of publications, including the New York Times. She is the author of more than twenty books on health and medicine, including Nutrition for Dummies, an international bestseller translated into fourteen languages.

Leonardo's Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies

by Ben Shneiderman

2003 IEEE-USAB Award for Distinguished Literary Contributions Furthering Public Understanding of the Profession. and Selected as a Finalist in the category of Computer/Internet in the 2002 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPYs) presented by Independent Publisher Magazine Ben Shneiderman's book dramatically raises computer users' expectations of what they should get from technology. He opens their eyes to new possibilities and invites them to think freshly about future technology. He challenges developers to build products that better support human needs and that are usable at any bandwidth. Shneiderman proposes Leonardo da Vinci as an inspirational muse for the "new computing." He wonders how Leonardo would use a laptop and what applications he would create. Shneiderman shifts the focus from what computers can do to what users can do. A key transformation is to what he calls "universal usability," enabling participation by young and old, novice and expert, able and disabled. This transformation would empower those yearning for literacy or coping with their limitations. Shneiderman proposes new computing applications in education, medicine, business, and government. He envisions a World Wide Med that delivers secure patient histories in local languages at any emergency room and thriving million-person communities for e-commerce and e-government. Raising larger questions about human relationships and society, he explores the computer's potential to support creativity, consensus-seeking, and conflict resolution. Each chapter ends with a Skeptic's Corner that challenges assumptions about trust, privacy, and digital divides.

Leopards and Leaders: Constitutional Politics among a Cross River People

by Malcolm Ruel

This study of politics and government among a West African people, the Banyang of the Upper Cross River, covers the end of the period of Colonial administration. The book: · Shows the inter-relationship between the structure of the small forest communities and the highly autonomous processes by which they were governed · Analyses the relationship between residence and common descent as principles of corporate grouping · Includes a case study of the political struggle involved in one community's claims to independence. Originally published in 1969.

Leopold Koppel: Einfluss und Macht eines Financiers im Hintergrund (1854–1933)

by Hans H. Lembke

Leopold Koppel (1854 –1933) war zu seiner Zeit eine der bedeutendsten Persönlichkeiten des deutschen Wirtschaftslebens, als Investor und Stifter. Sein erster großer Coup gelang ihm in der Gasbeleuchtung, sein zweiter mit elektrischem Licht – und der Marke Osram. Mittels Übernahme chancenreicher Unternehmen besetzte er auch in der Hotellerie und Gastronomie erste Plätze. Neue Dimensionen erschloss er sich als Wissenschaftsmäzen mit Allerhöchster Anerkennung. Als erstrangiger Financier der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft setzte er auf die Physikalische Chemie, die er auch rüstungs-industriell nutzte. In den Weimarer Jahren schwanden Tatkraft und Bedeutung, doch selbst den Rückbau seines Konzerns unternahm er strategisch. Leopold Koppel starb im Spätsommer 1933; die Enteignung blieb ihm erspart. Zwei Enkel wurden im US-Exil zu erfolgreichen Unternehmern, ebenfalls mit Zugang zum politischen Gipfel.Der Inhalt​Biografie eines Unternehmers im HalbschattenDer Selfmademan aus fast namenloser FamilieDer Wettlauf zwischen Strom- und GaslichtDer Durchbruch der elektrischen LichttechnikDie Investitionschancen in umkämpften ZukunftszweigenDie Hotelbetriebs-Gesellschaft Der Wissenschaftsmäzen in kaiserlicher GunstDie Expansion in die Kriegswirtschaft Der Konzernumbau in den zwanziger Jahren Der Niedergang Die Unternehmensrelikte und Bruchstücke des VermögensDer AutorProf. Dr. Hans H. Lembke lehrte Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Technischen Hochschule Brandenburg.

Leopold Zunz: Creativity in Adversity (Jewish Culture and Contexts)

by Ismar Schorsch

In 1818, with a single essay of vast scope and stunning detail, Leopold Zunz launched the turn to history in modern Judaism. Despite unending setbacks, he persevered for more than five decades to produce a body of enduring scholarship that would inspire young Jews streaming into German universities and alter forever the understanding of Judaism. By the time of his death in 1886, his vision and labor had given rise to a historical discourse and intellectual movement that devolved into vibrant sub-fields as it expanded to other geographic centers of Jewish life.Yet Zunz was a part-time scholar, at best, in search of employment that would leave him time to study. In addition to his pioneering scholarship, he was as deeply engaged in ending the political tutelage of German Christians as the civil disabilities of German Jews. And to his credit, these commitments did not come at the expense of his loyalty to the Jewish community, which he was ever ready to serve.Zunz once quipped that "those who have read my books are far from knowing me." To complement his books, Zunz left behind a treasure trove of notes, letters and papers, documents that the distinguished scholar of German Jewish culture, Ismar Schorsch, has zealously utilized to write this, the first full-fledged biography of a remarkable man.

The Leprechaun's Story

by Richard Kennedy

from the book jacket: "Beside a certain road in the heart of Ireland, a leprechaun sat working away at his cobbling when along came a tradesman. The man was looking for a way to make his fortune when his eye fell on the leprechaun. As anyone knows, a leprechaun must lead you to a pot of gold; but keep your eye on him all the while, or he will disappear. The tradesman was clever and greedy, a match for the leprechaun. The leprechaun was wily--leading the tradesman a merry chase over the countryside until the pot of gold was almost in sight. Then the leprechaun played the meanest trick of all. A master storyteller, Richard Kennedy amuses, sometimes startles, and always challenges his readers. Marcia Sewall matches his wit with her own clever pencil."

Leprosy in China: A History (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University)

by Angela Ki Leung

Angela Ki Che Leung's meticulous study begins with the classical annals of the imperial era, which contain the first descriptions of a feared and stigmatized disorder modern researchers now identify as leprosy. She then tracks the relationship between the disease and China's social and political spheres (theories of contagion prompted community and statewide efforts at segregation); religious traditions (Buddhism and Daoism ascribed redemptive meaning to those suffering from the disease), and evolving medical discourse (Chinese doctors have contested the disease's etiology for centuries). Leprosy even pops up in Chinese folklore, attributing the spread of the contagion to contact with immoral women.Leung next places the history of leprosy into a global context of colonialism, racial politics, and "imperial danger." A perceived global pandemic in the late nineteenth century seemed to confirm Westerners' fears that Chinese immigration threatened public health. Therefore battling to contain, if not eliminate, the disease became a central mission of the modernizing, state-building projects of the late Qing empire, the nationalist government of the first half of the twentieth century, and the People's Republic of China. Stamping out the curse of leprosy was the first step toward achieving "hygienic modernity" and erasing the cultural and economic backwardness associated with the disease. Leung's final move connects China's experience with leprosy to a larger history of public health and biomedical regimes of power, exploring the cultural and political implications of China's Sino-Western approach to the disease.

Leprosy, Racism, And Public Health: Social Policy In Chronic Disease Control

by Zachary Gussow

This volume focuses on leprosy in a country with which this 'tropical' disease is rarely associated in the professional or public mind; the United States. An important scholarly contribution where Gussow argues that academic neglect and absence of comparative studies of lepraphobia have been fuelled by default the myth that aversion to leprosy is and has been universal.

Lern- und Arbeitstechniken für das Studium

by Friedrich Rost

Das in der jetzt 8., vollständig überarbeiteten und aktualisierten Auflage vorliegende Arbeitsbuch von Friedrich Rost motiviert dazu, neue und vielfältige Lernchancen zu nutzen, die ein Studium bietet. In verständlicher Sprache liefert das Buch notwendige Grundlagenkenntnisse – z. B. zu den Themen Wahrnehmen, Denken, Lernen und Informationsverarbeitung. Kompetenzorientierung, wie sie in den Bachelor-/Master-Studiengängen erwartetet wird, wird unterstützt, indem alle Aspekte des Studiums – von dessen Beginn bis zur Examensarbeit und den mündlichen Prüfungen – Schritt für Schritt thematisiert werden. Neben dem Einsatz der neuen Medien bilden Mitarbeit in Lehrveranstaltungen, Recherchieren und Lesen weitere Schwerpunkte. Da den Modulprüfungen in den sozial- und geisteswissenschaftlichen Studiengängen eine notenrelevante Bedeutung zukommt, werden die einzelnen Typen schriftlicher Leistungsnachweise ausführlich behandelt.

Lern- und Arbeitstechniken für das Studium

by Friedrich Rost

Ein Studium bietet vielfältige neue Lernchancen. Das Arbeitsbuch von Friedrich Rost motiviert dazu, diese zu entdecken und zu nutzen. Dazu werden die notwendigen Grundlagenkenntnisse vermittelt, z. B. zu den Themen Wahrnehmen, Lernen, Gedächtnis und Informationsverarbeitung. In Bezug auf die zu entwickelnden Arbeitstechniken ist das Buch auch in den BA-/MA-Studiengängen vom ersten Semester an ein kompetenter Begleiter. In der Neubearbeitung wurde noch umfassender auf die schriftlichen Leistungsnachweise und die Möglichkeiten des PC-Einsatzes eingegangen. In verständlicher Sprache und auf unterhaltsame Weise wird all das vermittelt, was von der Mitarbeit in Lehrveranstaltungen bis hin zu den (Modul-)Prüfungen in einem geistes- oder sozialwissenschaftlichen Studium von den Studierenden erwartet wird. Mit Hilfe des umfassenden Sachregisters kann dieses Buch auch als verlässliches Nachschlagewerk genutzt werden.

Lern- und Bildungsprozesse beim Übergang in die Elternschaft (Lernweltforschung #45)

by Marina Gebbers

Dieses Buch beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie die Einzelnen den Übergang in die Elternschaft durchlaufen. Insbesondere beim ersten Kind birgt der Übergang diverse krisenhaft besetzte Veränderungen, zu denen sich die Eltern irgendwie verhalten müssen. Auf diese unterschiedlichen Lernherausforderungen wird mit Lern- und Bildungsprozessen reagiert, mit deren Themenkomplex sich dieses Buch beschäftigt. Interessant ist dabei, wie die Personen sich in die neue Rolle als Eltern hineinfinden und wie die gesamte (Lern-)Entwicklung beziehungswiese Lerngeschichte der Person in ihrer Spezifik, aber auch in ihrer Gesamtheit abläuft. Dafür werden narrativ-biographische Interviews mit Eltern, deren erstes Kind zum Zeitpunkt des Interviews zwei Jahre alt ist, analysiert. Dabei wird mit einem biographieanalytischen Verfahren gearbeitet und ein Vorschlag zur theoretischen Weiterentwicklung und zur Veralltäglichung von Lern- und Bildungsprozessen entwickelt.

Lernen zu lernen: Lernstrategien wirkungsvoll einsetzen

by Werner Metzig Martin Schuster

Wer wirkungsvoll lernen will, findet in diesem Buch die richtige Lernmethode für seinen Lernstoff. Jede Lerntechnik wird so beschrieben, dass man sie direkt anwenden kann. Ihre Wirkungsweise wird auf dem Hintergrund der Gedächtnispsychologie erklärt und ihre Wirksamkeit anhand von wissenschaftlichen Studien bewertet. Hinweise zur erfolgreichen Prüfungsvorbereitung sind ebenso enthalten wie Hilfen zum Umgang mit der Angst vor Misserfolgen und mit Lernblockaden.Die vorliegende 10. Auflage ist aktualisiert und enthält ein neues Kapitel zum "Lernen im Alltag".Die AutorenWerner Metzig und Martin Schuster sind Psychologen, die bis zu ihrer Pensionierung als Akademischer Rat bzw. Professor an der Universität zu Köln tätig waren.Stimmen zum Buch:Metzig und Schuster ... geben einen umfassenden und aktuellen Überblick über die Befunde der Lern- und Gedächtnispsychologie, beschreiben effektive Lerntechniken und zeigen mit Alltags-Beispielen ihre praktische Relevanz. ekz-Informationsdienst 3/2010Außerdem gibt das sehr flüssig geschriebene und gut zu lesende Buch viele nützliche Tipps, wie man das Lernen organisiert und Prüfungsangst und Lernblockaden überwindet. ... Ein Buch, das man sich möglichst schon im ersten Semester zulegen sollte. Studium 86/2010Effektive Lerntechniken werden mit Hilfe von Alltags-Beispielen plausibel erläutert und neue Informationen zur Lernmotivation machen das Buch zu einer echten Hilfe für Schüler und Studenten. 2/2011

Lernprozesse Erwachsener in migrationsbedingten Übergängen: Learning by Doing Migration (Theorie und Empirie Lebenslangen Lernens)

by Michael Bernhard

Erwachsene lernen nicht nur in intendiert-pädagogischen Settings, sondern auch durch die Bearbeitung lebensweltlicher Herausforderungen. Aus der Perspektive einer reflexiven Übergangsforschung, die sich für die Herstellung und Gestaltung von Übergängen interessiert, und mit einer Doing Migration Perspektive nimmt diese Studie das Lernen Erwachsener im Umgang mit Migrationsverhältnissen und die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen in den Blick. Als Forschungskontext fungiert die Migrationsgesellschaft Kanadas, die sich durch Ambivalenzen auszeichnet zwischen der Wahrnehmung als Immigration offen gegenüberstehendem Land einerseits und der Realität der oft subtilen Diskriminierung von als Migrant*innen gelesenen Personen andererseits. Der lernende Umgang mit diesen Ambivalenzen steht im Zentrum dieser Studie, die an pragmatistische und transformatorische Zugänge zu Lernen anknüpft und damit auf die Erweiterung des pädagogischen Lerndiskurses abzielt. Die empirischen Rekonstruktionen anhand der dokumentarischen Auswertung biographisch-narrativer Interviews zeigen, dass das Lernen Erwachsener in migrationsbedingten Übergängen als sozial situierte aneignende Auseinandersetzung mit Herausforderungen verstanden werden kann, die sich in einem relationalen Gefüge von Doing Migration vollziehen.

Les 10 compétences essentielles du fonctionnaire: Un manuel proposé par Shahid Hussain Raja

by Shahid Hussain Raja

Être fonctionnaire est à la fois un honneur et un privilège, mais aussi une grande responsabilité. S’acquitter fidèlement de ses fonctions exige que vous soyez très efficace dans la prestation de services, efficient dans son exécution et honnête dans votre action publique. Cet opuscule tente de répertorier les compétences qui peuvent vous aider à vous insérer dans ce moule. Heureusement, toutes ces compétences dont vous aurez besoin dans l’exercice de vos fonctions peuvent s’apprendre et non pas héritées. Il faut seulement un engagement sans réserve et des efforts dévoués pour les apprendre. Bien que le livre ait été écrit principalement pour guider les fonctionnaires, plutôt que les hauts responsables publics, il est toutefois extrêmement utile à tous ceux qui sont impliqués n’importe type de gestion (organismes gouvernementaux ou organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) et le secteur privé, l’entreprise.) En outre, il peut être utile pour les étudiants en gestion-administration publique ou en gestion des affaires ainsi que tout lecteur qui souhaite améliorer ses compétences en leadership et en gestion.

Les Anciens Royaumes de la Zone Interlacustre Meriodionale (Rwanda, Burundi, Buha): East Central Africa Part XIV

by M. d'Hertefelt A. Trouwborst J. Scherer

Routledge is proud to be re-issuing this landmark series in association with the International African Institute. The series, published between 1950 and 1977, brings together a wealth of previously un-co-ordinated material on the ethnic groupings and social conditions of African peoples. Concise, critical and (for its time) accurate, the Ethnographic Survey contains sections as follows: Physical Environment Linguistic Data Demography History & Traditions of Origin Nomenclature Grouping Cultural Features: Religion, Witchcraft, Birth, Initiation, Burial Social & Political Organization: Kinship, Marriage, Inheritance, Slavery, Land Tenure, Warfare & Justice Economy & Trade Domestic Architecture Each of the 50 volumes will be available to buy individually, and these are organized into regional sub-groups: East Central Africa, North-Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, West Central Africa, Western Africa, and Central Africa Belgian Congo. The volumes are supplemented with maps, available to view on or available as a pdf from the publishers.

Les Bali et les Peuplades Apparentées (Ndaka-Mbo-Beke-Lika-Budu-Nyari): Central Africa Belgian Congo Part V

by H. Van Geluwe

Routledge is proud to be re-issuing this landmark series in association with the International African Institute. The series, published between 1950 and 1977, brings together a wealth of previously un-co-ordinated material on the ethnic groupings and social conditions of African peoples. Concise, critical and (for its time) accurate, the Ethnographic Survey contains sections as follows: Physical Environment Linguistic Data Demography History & Traditions of Origin Nomenclature Grouping Cultural Features: Religion, Witchcraft, Birth, Initiation, Burial Social & Political Organization: Kinship, Marriage, Inheritance, Slavery, Land Tenure, Warfare & Justice Economy & Trade Domestic Architecture Each of the 50 volumes will be available to buy individually, and these are organized into regional sub-groups: East Central Africa, North-Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, West Central Africa, Western Africa, and Central Africa Belgian Congo. The volumes are supplemented with maps, available to view on or available as a pdf from the publishers.

Les Bira et les Peuplades Limitrophes: Central Africa Belgian Congo Part II

by H. Van Geluwe

Routledge is proud to be re-issuing this landmark series in association with the International African Institute. The series, published between 1950 and 1977, brings together a wealth of previously un-co-ordinated material on the ethnic groupings and social conditions of African peoples. Concise, critical and (for its time) accurate, the Ethnographic Survey contains sections as follows: Physical Environment Linguistic Data Demography History & Traditions of Origin Nomenclature Grouping Cultural Features: Religion, Witchcraft, Birth, Initiation, Burial Social & Political Organization: Kinship, Marriage, Inheritance, Slavery, Land Tenure, Warfare & Justice Economy & Trade Domestic Architecture Each of the 50 volumes will be available to buy individually, and these are organized into regional sub-groups: East Central Africa, North-Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, West Central Africa, Western Africa, and Central Africa Belgian Congo. The volumes are supplemented with maps, available to view on or available as a pdf from the publishers.

Les Cultural Studies dans les mondes francophones (Études culturelles, africaines et diasporiques)

by de B'béri, Boulou Ebanda

Depuis trois décennies le monde anglo-saxon a considéré sérieusement les Cultural Studies comme une analyse des pratiques quotidiennes et de la production de sens. Mais la production analytique en français dans cette discipline est restée presque absente. Les mondes francophones ont déjà vécu plusieurs événements qui auraient intéressé les Cultural Studies au XXIe siècle : les manifestations sociales de l’hiver 2006 et de l’automne 2007 en France, les mouvements migratoires d’Africains vers l’Europe et le débat sur « les accommodements raisonnables » au Québec entre autres. Pour tous ces événements, nous avions entendu s’élever plusieurs voix qui offraient des articulations généralistes de différentiation de nous à l’autre et des idiomes comme « ces gens-là », « les enfants issus d’immigration », « nous ne voulons pas accueillir la misère du monde » et bien d’autres. Nous n’avions pas entendu s’élever des perspectives provenant des Cultural Studies dans leur compréhension particulière d’événements politiques, ni en France, ni en Belgique, ni en Suisse, encore moins au Québec. Ces perspectives nous invitent à tenir compte des rapports entre discours et représentations, de placer les contextes politiques des pratiques quotidiennes comme prémisses de nos analyses, d’ouvrir les identités aux pratiques de production de sens et de revoir les groupes et formations identitaires. Cet ouvrage a pour but de souligner les repères utiles des Cultural Studies pour mieux comprendre les milieux politiques et culturels de la francophonie au XXIe siècle.

Les de l'hoquei: L'estiu que ens va fer créixer

by Ana Anglada Laura Azemar Natalia Boadas

La novel·la de la sèrie d'èxit de TV3 que ens explica el que no veurem a les pantalles: l'estiu entre la primera i la segona temporada. Després d'una temporada dura, les jugadores del Club Patí Minerva han aconseguit salvar el seu equip d'hoquei i han demostrat que juntes són imparables. Però què passa quan acaben els entrenaments i comença el tan esperat estiu? Durant les vacances, l'Emma, la Laila, la Berta, la Raquel, la Lorena, la Flor i la Gina s'embarcaran en aventures de tota mena. Entre els concerts de festa major, els caps de setmana a la platja, les feines temporals i els viatges a l'altra punta del món, les de l'hoquei faran amistats sorprenents, exploraran la seva sexualitat, s'enfrontaran als reptes de fer-se grans i descobriran qui són quan no estan amb la resta de l'equip. Quan es retroben abans del correfoc que ha de posar punt i final a l'estiu, les Minerves s'adonen que créixer és un embolic i que, elque havia de ser el millor estiu de les seves vides, ha acabat posant a prova la seva amistat.

Les Écossais: The Pioneer Scots of Lower Canada, 1763-1855

by Lucille H. Campey

This is the first fully documented account, produced in modern times, of the migration of Scots to Lower Canada. Scots were in the forefront of the early influx of British settlers, which began in the late eighteenth century. John Nairne and Malcolm Fraser were two of the first Highlanders to make their mark on the province, arriving at La Malbaie soon after the Treaty of Paris in 1763. By the early 1800s many Scottish settlements had been formed along the north side of the Ottawa River, in the Chateauguay Valley to the southwest of Montreal, and in the Gaspe region. Then, as economic conditions in the Highlands and Islands deteriorated by the late 1820s, large numbers of Hebridean crofters settled in the Eastern Townships. The first group came from Arran and the later arrivals from Lewis. Les Ecossais were proud of their Scottish traditions and customs, those living reminders of the old country which had been left behind. In the end they became assimilated into Quebec’s French-speaking society, but along the way they had a huge impact on the province’s early development. How were les Ecossais regarded by their French neighbours? Were they successful pioneers? In her book, Lucille H. Campey assesses their impact as she unravels their story. Drawing from a wide range of fascinating sources, she considers the process of settlement and the harsh realities of life in the New World. She explains how Quebec province came to acquire its distinctive Scottish communities and offers new insights on their experiences and achievements.

Les écritures noires du Canada: L'Atlantique noir et la présence du passé (Études canadiennes)

by Winfried Siemerling

The Black Atlantic Reconsidered is the first comprehensive work to explore Black Canadian literature from its beginnings to the present in the broader context of the Black Atlantic world. Winfried Siemerling traces the evolution of black Canadian witnessing and writing from slave testimony in New France and the 1783 "Book of Negroes" through the work of contemporary black Canadian writers including Austin Clarke, George Elliott Clarke, Dionne Brand, Wayde Compton, and Esi Edugyan.Arguing that Black writing in Canada is deeply imbricated in a historic transnational network, Winfried Siemerling explores the powerful presence of Black Canadian history, slavery, the Underground Railroad, and the Black diaspora in the work of contemporary Black Canadian writers.Individual chapters examine the literature that has emerged from Quebec, Nova Scotia, the Prairies, and British Columbia, with attention to writing in both English and French.

Les Guerilleres

by Monique Wittig David Le Vay

One of the most widely read feminist texts of the twentieth century, and Monique Wittig's most popular novel, Les Guérillères imagines the attack on the language and bodies of men by a tribe of warrior women. Among the women's most powerful weapons in their assault is laughter, but they also threaten literary and linguistic customs of the patriarchal order with bullets. In this breathtakingly rapid novel first published in 1969, Wittig animates a lesbian society that invites all women to join their fight, their circle, and their community. A path-breaking novel about creating and sustaining freedom, the book derives much of its energy from its vaunting of the female body as a resource for literary invention.

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