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Les Industries lithiques taillées de Franchthi: Présentation générale et industries Paléolithiques, Fascicle 3 [General Presentation and Paleolithic Industries] (Excavations at Franchthi Cave, Greece)

by Catherine Perlès

With the long-awaited publication of these three volumes we have the first thorough documentation of one of the most important prehistoric sites in the Mediterranean, that of Franchthi Cave in the Argolid Peninsula of Greece." —American Anthropologist... an exceptional contribution to the hitherto very inadequate knowledge of this period in Greece." —Antiquity... the archaeological and paleoenvironmental data from Franchthi Cave are unique in providing a site-specific record of the cultural responses to great environmental changes." —Quarterly ResearchPerlès's study is impressive in the systematic application of a well-thought-out methodology." —American AntiquityThis study of chipped/flaked stone tools found in the excavations at Franchthi Cave is the first of its kind in Greek archaeology, if not in the whole of southeastern European prehistory.

Les Industries lithiques taillées de Franchthi: Du Néolithique ancien au Néolithique final, Fascicle 13 [From the Earliest Neolithic to the End of the Neolithic] (Excavations at Franchthi Cave, Greece)

by Catherine Perlès

With the long-awaited publication of these three volumes we have the first thorough documentation of one of the most important prehistoric sites in the Mediterranean, that of Franchthi Cave in the Argolid Peninsula of Greece." —American Anthropologist ... an exceptional contribution to the hitherto very inadequate knowledge of this period in Greece." —Antiquity ... the archaeological and paleoenvironmental data from Franchthi Cave are unique in providing a site-specific record of the cultural responses to great environmental changes." —Quarterly Research Perlès's study is impressive in the systematic application of a well-thought-out methodology." —`w` This study of the thousands of chipped/flaked stone tools found in the excavations at Franchthi Cave is the first of its kind in Greek archaeology, if not in the whole of southeastern European prehistory.This is the third of three comprehensive reports on the flaked stone industries from the site, focusing on the Neolithic. Catherine Perlès is Emeritus Professor at the University of Nanterre and holds an honorary degree from Indiana University. She is author of several books, including The Early Neolithic in Greece and Ornaments and Other Ambiguous Artifacts from Franchthi: Volume 1, The Palaeolithic and the Mesolithic (IUP, 2018)

Les Industries lithiques taillées de Franchthi: Les Industries du Mésolithique et du Néolithique Initial, Fascicle 5 [The Mesolithic and Early Neolithic Industries] (Excavations at Franchthi Cave, Greece)

by Catherine Perlès Vaughan Patrick C Colin Renfrew Arnold Aspinall

With the long-awaited publication of these three volumes we have the first thorough documentation of one of the most important prehistoric sites in the Mediterranean, that of Franchthi Cave in the Argolid Peninsula of Greece." —American Anthropologist ... an exceptional contribution to the hitherto very inadequate knowledge of this period in Greece." —Antiquity ... the archaeological and paleoenvironmental data from Franchthi Cave are unique in providing a site-specific record of the cultural responses to great environmental changes." —Quarterly Research Perlès's study is impressive in the systematic application of a well-thought-out methodology." —`w` This study of the thousands of chipped/flaked stone tools found in the excavations at Franchthi Cave is the first of its kind in Greek archaeology, if not in the whole of southeastern European prehistory.This is the second of three comprehensive reports on the flaked stone industries from the site, focusing on the Mesolithic. Catherine Perlès is Emeritus Professor at the University of Nanterre and holds an honorary degree from Indiana University. She is author of several books, including The Early Neolithic in Greece and Ornaments and Other Ambiguous Artifacts from Franchthi: Volume 1, The Palaeolithic and the Mesolithic (IUP, 2018)

Les Juifs de la Révolution tranquille: Regards d’une minorité religieuse sur le Québec de 1945 à 1976 (Études canadiennes)

by Simon-Pierre Lacasse

La communauté juive québécoise occupe une position politique et culturelle unique en Amérique du Nord et au Canada. Pour cette raison, une identité juive montréalaise distincte de l’identité juive canadienne et états-unienne s'est développée. Peu étudiée dans l’histoire contemporaine québécoise, la période d’après-guerre, jusqu’au milieu des années 1970, voit des changements décisifs s’opérer au sein de la communauté juive québécoise. Dès le lendemain de la guerre, les débats sociopolitiques québécois et les contacts croissants avec les Québécois d’origine canadienne-française influencent le positionnement idéologique de la communauté juive montréalaise. Dans une société largement clivée sur le plan confessionnel entre catholiques et protestants – les « deux solitudes » –, les activistes juifs luttent pour la reconnaissance de leur communauté et incitent les acteurs politiques à réfléchir plus largement à ce que l’on appelle aujourd’hui le « vivre-ensemble ». Loin de demeurer en marge des espaces public et politique, plusieurs activistes communautaires du Montréal juif prennent la parole et défendent une société québécoise émergente au sein de laquelle le pluralisme occupe un espace grandissant.Préface de Pierre Anctil.Mention Spéciale, Canadian Jewish Literary Awards (2023)

Les marchands

by Guido Galeano Vega Julien Saunier

L’éducation appropriée de valeurs sociales humaines est la priorité dans le monde. N’importe qui ayant administré et mené l’économie mondiale, consciemment ou non, de manière intentionnelle ou non, est focalisé sur l’industrie de la mort sur la planète. Cela peut se percevoir par tous les évènements violents que notre génération, supposée évoluée, a souffert. En un siècle, des millions et des millions de ressources ont été gaspillées, et millions et des millions de personnes ont été tuées, en pleine force de l’âge. Apparemment, une partie de l’humanité a perdu l’amour de la vie, et se rue dans les bras de la mort, comme serviteur volontaire pour tuer. Ceux qui tuent sont ceux qui privent la société de recevoir les fruits positifs de la productivité globale. Ce sont ceux qui accumulent les fruits de l’effort et du sacrifice des autres. Ceux qui tuent sont ceux qui investissent les ressources de la planète dans l’industrie de la mort.

Les Miserables (Fawcett Premier)

by Victor Hugo

Few novels ever swept across the world with such overpowering impact as Les Misérables. Within 24 hours, the first Paris edition was sold out. In other great cities of the world it was devoured with equal relish. Sensational, dramatic, packed with rich excitement and filled with the sweep and violence of human passions, Les Misérables is not only superb adventure but a powerful social document. The story of how the convict Jean-Valjean struggled to escape his past and reaffirm his humanity, in a world brutalized by poverty and ignorance, became the gospel of the poor and the oppressed.

Les Peuplades de L'Entre Congo-Ubangi (Ngbandi, Ngbaka, Mbandja, Ngombe et Gens D'Eau): Central Africa Belgian Congo Part IV

by H Burssens

Routledge is proud to be re-issuing this landmark series in association with the International African Institute. The series, published between 1950 and 1977, brings together a wealth of previously un-co-ordinated material on the ethnic groupings and social conditions of African peoples. Concise, critical and (for its time) accurate, the Ethnographic Survey contains sections as follows: Physical Environment Linguistic Data Demography History & Traditions of Origin Nomenclature Grouping Cultural Features: Religion, Witchcraft, Birth, Initiation, Burial Social & Political Organization: Kinship, Marriage, Inheritance, Slavery, Land Tenure, Warfare & Justice Economy & Trade Domestic Architecture Each of the 50 volumes will be available to buy individually, and these are organized into regional sub-groups: East Central Africa, North-Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, West Central Africa, Western Africa, and Central Africa Belgian Congo. The volumes are supplemented with maps, available to view on or available as a pdf from the publishers.

Les Sauvages Américains

by Gordon M. Sayre

Algonquian and Iroquois natives of the American Northeast were described in great detail by colonial explorers who ventured into the region in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Beginning with the writings of John Smith and Samuel de Champlain, Gordon Sayre analyzes French and English accounts of Native Americans to reveal the rhetorical codes by which their cultures were represented and the influence that these images of Indians had on colonial and modern American society. By emphasizing the work of Pierre Franaois-Xavier Charlevoix, Joseph-Franaois Lafitau, and Baron de Lahontan, among others, Sayre highlights the important contribution that French explorers and ethnographers made to colonial literature. Sayre's interdisciplinary approach draws on anthropology, cultural studies, and literary methodologies. He cautions against dismissing these colonial texts as purveyors of ethnocentric stereotypes, asserting that they offer insights into Native American cultures. Furthermore, early accounts of American Indians reveal Europeans' serious examination of their own customs and values: Sayre demonstrates how encounters with natives' wampum belts, tattoos, and pelt garments, for example, forced colonists to question the nature of money, writing, and clothing; and how the Indians' techniques of warfare and practice of adopting prisoners led to new concepts of cultural identity and inspired key themes in the European enlightenment and American individualism.

Les think tanks et le discours expert sur les politiques publiques au Canada: (1890-2015) (Politique et politiques publiques)

by Julien Landry

Ce livre retrace l’histoire des groupes de réflexion ou think tanks canadiens, tout en inscrivant ceux-ci dans un contexte plus large permettant de mieux comprendre les rapports entre la politique, les sciences sociales et l’analyse des politiques publiques en Amérique du Nord. Les efforts des think tanks pour influencer les débats publics et affermir les identités politiques transparaissent alors que les acteurs sociaux mobilisent des perspectives et des ressources organisationnelles pour imposer leur vision des problèmes sociaux et du rôle de l’État. Julien Landry présente une analyse sociohistorique de l’émergence et de l’évolution des think tanks canadiens qui s’étend sur plus d’un siècle. Il intègre également le cas des États-Unis à cette analyse et propose une nouvelle synthèse de la littérature sur les think tanks, les sciences sociales et l’action publique. Il se penche plus particulièrement sur l’organisation et l’ascension des sciences sociales, la consolidation de leurs fonctions technocratiques et la généralisation du recours à leur langage pour analyser les politiques publiques et intervenir dans les débats sociaux. Cette histoire des rapports entre les sciences sociales et l’action publique au Canada, qui s’appuie sur le cas américain, montre l’émergence et l’évolution des think tanks en fonction de l’ascension, de la consolidation et de la généralisation des discours d’expertise dans les débats publics et dans l’élaboration des politiques. Elle comble une importante lacune dans l’histoire des think tanks canadiens en intégrant celle-ci au cheminement sociopolitique du XXe siècle. Publié en français.

Les Tribus Ba-Kuba et les Peuplades Apparentées: Central Africa Belgian Congo Part I

by Jan Vansina

Routledge is proud to be re-issuing this landmark series in association with the International African Institute. The series, published between 1950 and 1977, brings together a wealth of previously un-co-ordinated material on the ethnic groupings and social conditions of African peoples. Concise, critical and (for its time) accurate, the Ethnographic Survey contains sections as follows: Physical Environment Linguistic Data Demography History & Traditions of Origin Nomenclature Grouping Cultural Features: Religion, Witchcraft, Birth, Initiation, Burial Social & Political Organization: Kinship, Marriage, Inheritance, Slavery, Land Tenure, Warfare & Justice Economy & Trade Domestic Architecture Each of the 50 volumes will be available to buy individually, and these are organized into regional sub-groups: East Central Africa, North-Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, West Central Africa, Western Africa, and Central Africa Belgian Congo. The volumes are supplemented with maps, available to view on or available as a pdf from the publishers.

Lesbian: Politics, Culture, Existence

by Susan Hawthorne

Across almost 50 years of writing, Susan Hawthorne' s essays on lesbian culture and politics take the reader on a journey through the concerns of radical feminists engaged in the Women' s Liberation Movement. Not only does she trace the experiments of lesbians creating a vibrant woman-loving culture, but she also traces the backlash against lesbians and a history of violence perpetrated by the state, corporations and individual men. She begins with a recollection of a rape in her pre-feminist days, followed by a critique of the institution of heterosexuality and the role of lesbian feminism as a strategy. She is soon asking questions about lesbian existence. The essays span reflections on lesbian literature and the development of lesbian culture, including the politics of physical expression in circus. Susan Hawthorne writes about cultural appropriation, depoliticization and the erasure of lesbian inventiveness. She researches violence against lesbians including rape, torture and murder and the way in which this violence is ignored and often distorted by the media. Her investigations include lesbian refugees, lesbian economics, violation of lesbian human rights and the impact of the transgender industrial complex on the existence of lesbians as a political force.

Lesbian Academic Couples

by Michelle Gibson

Learn how lesbian couples deal with political, social, and legal issues related to their relationships-and their professions Lesbian Academic Couples is a collection of writings by scholars who examine-in theory and in narrative-issues faced by partners working in the academic field, including the politics of spousal hiring, discrimination in hiring practices, collaboration between partners, long-distance relationships, team teaching, and job sharing. This unique book presents firsthand accounts from senior faculty with lengthy credentials in LGBT scholarship who have been able to land academic positions not compromised by outing, from established academics who have been outed to negative effect, from junior scholars with a queer specialty, and from faculty whose work is constantly shifting and unpredictable. The format of Lesbian Academic Couples is unique. Authors well known to the lesbian communities in the United States, Canada, and Australia, present essays that "converse" with one another, offering opposing positions that represent a diversity of approaches on vital issues. The book offers candid accounts of the experiences of lesbian couples fortunate enough to work in supportive academic environments and from those discouraged from being out on campus or from doing academic work in the area of LGBT studies. This groundbreaking book is especially timely given current lawsuits and legislation involving civil unions and domestic partner benefits, enforcement of domestic violence statutes, and the rights of unmarried older couples.Lesbian Academic Couples includes the stories of couples who: achieved scholarly success and a reaffirmed relationship were separated when they couldn&’t find viable academic positions in the same geographical area abandoned the security of tenured positions for the sake of their relationship were professionally marginalized because of their same-sex, mixed-race relationship wrote under the pen name "Michael Field" in the nineteenth centuryIn addition, Lesbian Academic Couples examines the critical issues of: state sanctioning through marriage spousal hiring package plans sexual orientation nondiscrimination policiesLesbian Academic Couples have existed, as long as there have been female academics. This powerful book gives voice to their successes and struggles.

Lesbian Activism in the (Post-)Yugoslav Space: Sisterhood and Unity

by Bojan Bilić Marija Radoman

This book intertwines academic and activist voices to engage with more than three decades of lesbian activism in the Yugoslav space. The empirically rich contributions uncover a range of lesbian initiatives and the fundamental, but rarely acknowledged, role that lesbian alliances have played in articulating a feminist response to the upsurge of nationalism, widespread violence against women, and high levels of lesbophobia and homophobia in all of the post-Yugoslav states. By offering a distinctly intergenerational and transnational perspective, this collection does not only shed new light on a severely marginalised group of people, but constitutes a pioneering effort in accounting for the intricacies – solidarities, joys, and tensions – of lesbian activist organising in a post-conflict and post-socialist environment. With a plethora of authorial standpoints and innovative methodological approaches, the volume challenges the systematic absence of (post-)Yugoslav lesbian activist enterprises from recent social science scholarship.Lesbian Activism in the (Post-)Yugoslav Space will be of interest to students and scholars across a range of disciplines, including gender studies, history, politics, anthropology, and sociology.

Lesbian and Bisexual Identities: Constructing Communities, Constructing Selves

by Kristin G. Esterberg

This book examines the stories of lesbian and bisexual women in a Northeast community who share who they are, how they have come to see themselves as lesbian or bisexual, and what those identities mean to them. Drawing on social constructionist approaches to identity, Kristin G. Esterberg argues that identities are multiple and contingent. Created within the context of specific communities and within specific relationships, lesbian and bisexual identities are ways of sorting through experiences of desires and attractions, relationships, and politics. Their meanings change over time as women grow older and have more varied experiences, as the communities and sociopolitical worlds in which they live change, and as their life circumstances alter. In interviews conducted over a four-year time period, women describe the lesbian community they live in; how they see its structure, its social groups, its informal rules and norms for behavi and their places inside -- or on the margins of -- the community. Lesbian and Bisexual Identities reveals how women fall in and out of love, how they "perform" lesbian or bisexual identity through clothing, hairstyle, body language, and talk, and many other aspects typically not considered. The women present a variety of accounts. Some consider themselves "lesbian from birth" and have constructed their lives accordingly, while others have experienced significant shifts in their identities, depending on the influences of feminism, progressive politics, the visibility of the lesbian community, and other factors. Esterberg offers vivid accounts that defy the stereotypes so commonly offered. Lesbian and Bisexual Identities not only presents women's stories in their own words, it moves beyond storytelling to understand how these accounts resonate with social science theories of identity and community.

Lesbian and Bisexual Women's Mental Health

by Robin M. Mathy and Shelly K. Kerr

Examine the psychosocial factors that affect lesbian and bisexual women&’s mental healthThis essential guide presents up-to-date, evidence-based information that can be implemented to improve mental health services for lesbian and bisexual women in a variety of settings. It examines the systemic factors that play a role in their psychological and emotional well-being, and presents new research on protective factors that play an important role when lesbian/bisexual women face depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders.Lesbian and Bisexual Women&’s Mental Health reviews the past literature on mental health and sexual orientation-citing biased and inadequate assessment, diagnosis, and treatment approaches currently in use in the care of lesbian and bisexual women. This essential guide for clinicians and researchers presents new empirical research on lesbian/bisexual women&’s mental health. It explores specific challenges that face various lesbian and bisexual female populations, with research on: dysthymia depression and anxiety-including a chapter on depressive distress among African-American women the way that community size and religiosity impact lesbian/bisexual women&’s psychosexual development the relationship between shame and a client&’s attachment style the mental health implications of same-sex marriage mental health in Taiwan&’s T-Po lesbian community-with a focus on community members&’ sexual orientation, gender roles, and gender identity the interconnectedness of sexual fantasies, psychological adjustment, and close relationship functioning in lesbian/bisexual women body image and eating issuesAs the diversity of this population becomes progressively more evident, so does the necessity for deeper exploration of the mental health problems facing lesbians and bisexuals. Whether you are a student, an educator, or an experienced clinician, Lesbian and Bisexual Women&’s Mental Health is an essential resource for relevant and meaningful information that focuses much-needed attention on the mental health of lesbian and bisexual women.

The Lesbian and Gay Movement and the State: Comparative Insights into a Transformed Relationship

by David Paternotte

By analyzing the relationship between lesbian and gay movements and the state, this ground-breaking book addresses two interconnected issues: to what extent is the lesbian and gay movement influenced by the state and, to a lesser extent, whether the lesbian and gay movement has somehow influenced the state, for instance by altering forms of sexual regulation. Given the diversity in national trajectories, this book covers fifteen countries. This enables the volume to shed light on different kinds of relationships between these groups and the state, as well as on the way they have evolved in recent decades. The Lesbian and Gay Movement and the State: Comparative Insights into a Transformed Relationship fills an important gap in the literature on lesbian and gay activism. However, this book also provides important and innovative insights into broader issues in international political science, public policy and comparative politics, as well as issues in social movement studies. These include the role of the state in constructing citizen identities, the heteronormative way in which many traditional citizen entitlements and benefits were constructed, state - civil society relations, judicial activism, the impact of federalism, and the increasing globalization of sexual identities.

The Lesbian and Gay Movements

by Craig A. Rimmerman

An exploration of whether to embrace assimilationist or liberationist strategies in lesbian and gay movements in both contemporary and historical contexts, describing the sources of these conflicts, to what extent the conflicts have been resolved, and how they might be resolved in future.

The Lesbian and Gay Movements

by Craig A. Rimmerman

Throughout their relatively short history, lesbian and gay movements in the United States have endured searing conflicts over whether to embrace assimilationist or liberationist strategies. The Lesbian and Gay Movements explores this dilemma in both contemporary and historical contexts. Rimmerman tackles the challenging issue of what constitutes movement "effectiveness" and how "effective" the assimilationist and liberationist strategies have been in three contentious policy arenas: the military ban, same-sex marriage, and AIDS. Since the first edition in 2007, the landscape of lesbian and gay movements and rights has seen enormous changes. The thoroughly revised second edition includes updated discussion of LGBT movements' undertakings in, as well the Obama administration’s response to, HIV/AIDS policy, the fight to legalize same-sex marriage and overturn the Defense of Marriage Act, and the repeal of "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. "

The Lesbian and Gay Movements: Assimilation or Liberation? (Dilemmas In American Politics Ser. #16)

by Craig A Rimmerman

Throughout their relatively short history, lesbian and gay movements in the United States have endured searing conflicts over whether to embrace assimilationist or liberationist strategies. The Lesbian and Gay Movements explores this dilemma in both contemporary and historical contexts, describing the sources of these conflicts, to what extent the conflicts have been resolved, and how they might be resolved in future. Rimmerman also tackles the challenging issue of what constitutes movement 'effectiveness' and how 'effective' the assimilationist and liberationist strategies have been in three contentious policy arenas: the military ban, same-sex marriage, and AIDS. Considerable attention is devoted to how policy elites (presidents, federal and state legislatures, courts) have responded to the movements' grievances. Since the publication of the first edition in 2007, there have been enormous changes in the landscape of lesbian and gay movements and rights. The thoroughly revised second edition includes updated discussion of LGBT movements' undertakings in, as well the Obama administration's response to, AIDS/HIV policy, the fight to legalize same-sex marriage and overturn the Defense of Marriage Act, and the repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'.

The Lesbian and Gay Movements: Assimilation or Liberation?

by Craig A Rimmerman

Throughout their relatively short history, the lesbian and gay movements in the United States have endured searing conflicts over whether to embrace assimilationist or liberationist strategies. This new book explores this dilemma in both contemporary and historical contexts, describing the sources of these conflicts, to what extent the conflicts have been resolved, and how they might be resolved in future.<P> The text also tackles the challenging issue of what constitutes movement "effectiveness" and how "effective" the assimilationist and liberationist strategies have been in three contentious policy arenas: the military ban, same-sex marriage, and AIDS. Considerable attention is devoted to how policy elites--most notably Presidents Reagan, Bush, and Clinton; Congress; and the Supreme Court--have responded to the movements' grievances. The book examines the George W. Bush presidency with an eye to assessing how political opportunities have informed the broader lesbian and gay movements' strategies, and also details the response of the Christian Right to the movements' various assimilationist and liberationist strategies.

The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader

by Henry Abelove

Bringing together forty-two groundbreaking essays--many of them already classics--The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader provides a much-needed introduction to the contemporary state of lesbian/gay studies, extensively illustrating the range, scope, diversity, appeal, and power of the work currently being done in the field. Featuring essays by such prominent scholars as Judith Butler, John D'Emilio, Kobena Mercer, Adrienne Rich, Gayle Rubin, and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader explores a multitude of sexual, ethnic, racial, and socio-economic experiences. Ranging across disciplines including history, literature, critical theory, cultural studies, African American studies, ethnic studies, sociology, anthropology, psychology, classics, and philosophy, this anthology traces the inscription of sexual meanings in all forms of cultural expression. Representing the best and most significant English language work in the field, The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader addresses topics such as butch-fem roles, the cultural construction of gender, lesbian separatism, feminist theory, AIDS, safe-sex education, colonialism, S/M, Oscar Wilde, Gertrude Stein, children's books, black nationalism, popular films, Susan Sontag, the closet, homophobia, Freud, Sappho, the media, the hijras of India, Robert Mapplethorpe, and the politics of representation. It also contains an extensive bibliographical essay which will provide readers with an invaluable guide to further reading.Contributors: Henry Abelove, Tomas Almaguer, Ana Maria Alonso, Michele Barale, Judith Butler, Sue-Ellen Case, Danae Clark, Douglas Crimp, Teresa de Lauretis, John D'Emilio, Jonathan Dollimore, Lee Edelman, Marilyn Frye, Charlotte Furth, Marjorie Garber, Stuart Hall, David Halperin, Phillip Brian Harper, Gloria T. Hull, Maria Teresa Koreck, Audre Lorde, Biddy Martin, Deborah E. McDowell, Kobena Mercer, Richard Meyer, D. A. Miller, Serena Nanda, Esther Newton, Cindy Patton, Adrienne Rich, Gayle Rubin, Joan W. Scott, Daniel L. Selden, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Barbara Smith, Catharine R. Stimpson, Sasha Torres, Martha Vicinus, Simon Watney, Harriet Whitehead, John J. Winkler, Monique Wittig, and Yvonne Yarbro-Bejarano

Lesbian Communities: Festivals, RVs, and the Internet

by Esther D Rothblum Penny Sablove

"I had just witnessed women who shingled their own roofs, drove eighteen-wheeler trucks, and built their own houses-as well as kept them clean and cooked a damn good meal. On women&’s land I am a first-class citizen, I&’m treated as an equal. I now see the world with righteous anger and hope. Living in womyn&’s community has provided that lens for me."-Elizabeth Sturrus, third wave feministOne of the driving forces in the lives of many lesbians is the search for community in a society that favors heterosexuality and often turns a cold shoulder toward women who love women. Lesbian Communities: Festivals, RVs, and the Internet takes you inside flourishing lesbian communities-physical, spiritual, and virtual (online)-that provide practical help, emotional support, and much-needed outlets for creative expression. Exploring communities functioning in harmony with general American society as well as separatist groups, "festival communities" which form for short times annually, and informal online groups offering meaningful communication to physically isolated lesbians, this book offers a ray of light to those whose search is still ongoing. It also provides much-needed analysis of the current state of lesbian communities-some decades old now-for educators, researchers, and social scientists. In Lesbian Communities: Festivals, RVs, and the Internet, Susan Krieger revisits the vibrant community she first explored in The Mirror Dance. An African American member of Old Lesbians Organizing for Change shares the details of her search for a cooperative, caring space for aging lesbians-and what led to her eventual decision to create this space herself. And one of the founders of Hallomas, a back-to-the-land community that has survived in northern California since the late 1970s, reflects on that unique community&’s birth and life-with 13 photographs and illustrations. The book also bears witness to a life-changing encounter and dialogue between second-wave feminists from the woman's land collective of Arcadia and third wave feminists. You&’ll also learn about: the birth, joys, and tribulations of an online community that becomes physical each year at the Michigan Womyn&’s Music Festival the accidental birth of a lesbian community in isolated and fundamentalist-dominated West Texas the international online lesbian parenting community called MOMS (affectionately known as Dykes and Tykes)-how it began, what belonging to this community provides for its members, and a look toward the future the debate on inclusiveness versus exclusiveness (of bisexual women, transgender people, and the male children of lesbians) in lesbian communities the current decline of availability and dilution of the purity of lesbian-only space-and the rise of segregation (by social class and financial status) and oppression within the lesbian community the current plight of lesbian bookstores, which since the 1970s have served not only as gateways to a multitude of lesbian communities, but as the centers of lesbian communities themselves the online experience of lesbians searching for community in Japan the issues facing Jewish lesbians and the formation of Nice Jewish Girls, a Montreal group for anyone who identifies as a lesbian, bisexual, or queer woman and their non-Jewish partners and friends the power of myth and mythmaking to help women regain lost strength and reclaim lost history From the efforts of back-to-the-land groups creating "wimmin&’s space" to life in modern residential/retirement settings, this book explores the places created by and for lesbians. Photos and illustrations bring these women and their communities to life. Lesbian Communities: Festivals, RVs, and the Internet w

Lesbian Couples

by D. Merilee Clunis G. Dorsey Green

Written by two well-known lesbian psychologists, this book is a guide to developing and maintaining lesbian relationships. No matter how short or long your current relationship has been, a review of this book is always helpful.

Lesbian Couples: A Guide to Creating Healthy Relationships

by Ph.D. D.Merilee Clunis Ph.D. G. Dorsey Green

Written by two experienced lesbian therapists, Lesbian Couples covers a range of topics-commitment ceremonies and marriage, living arrangements, work, money, togetherness and separate identities, coming out to family and friends, resolving conflict and understanding each other-and uses a variety of helpful examples and problem-solving techniques, drawing from research done on lesbian couples over the past decade. The book pays special attention to differences of race, class, age and physical ability, and addresses the issues raised when one or both partners are recovering from alcohol, substance, or sexual abuse. The book also addresses differences that lesbians may encounter in their relationships regarding such issues as butch-femme, transgender identity, bisexuality, monogamy, and s/m. Thoroughly readable and extremely helpful, with an updated resource guide, Lesbian Couples is a book that every lesbian will want to own.

Lesbian Dames: Sapphism in the Long Eighteenth Century (Queer Interventions Ser.)

by Caroline Gonda

How are romantic and erotic relationships between women represented in the literature of the long eighteenth century? How does Sapphism surface in other contemporary discourses, including politics, pornography, economics and art? After more than a generation of lesbian-gay scholarship that has examined identities, practices, prohibitions and transgressions surrounding same-sex desire, this collection offers an exciting and indispensable array of new scholarship in gender and sexuality studies. The contributors - who include noted writers, critics and historians such as Emma Donoghue, George E. Haggerty, Susan S. Lanser and Valerie Traub - provide varied and provocative research into the dynamics and histories of lesbianism and Sapphism. They build on the work of scholarship on Sapphism and interrogate the efficacy of such a notion in describing the varieties of same-sex love between women during the long eighteenth century. This groundbreaking collection, the first multi-authored volume to examine lesbian representation and culture in this era, presents a diversity of theoretical and critical approaches, from close literary analysis to the history of reading and publishing, psychoanalysis, biography, historicism, deconstruction and queer theory.

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