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Letters to Penthouse XVIII: The Hottest Sex Just this Side of Legal! (Penthouse Adventures #18)

by Penthouse International

Another collection of erotic stories from Penthouse magazine.

Letters to Sam: A Grandfather's Lessons on Love, Loss, and the Gifts of Life

by Daniel Gottlieb

The author and radio host shares an inspiring collection of letters to his grandson about family, growing up, and living with disability.When his grandson was born, Daniel Gottlieb began writing a series of letters for Sam to read later in life. He planned to cover everything from dealing with your parents and handling bullies to falling in love and coping with death. Ever since a car accident left Daniel quadriplegic, he knew not to take anything for granted. He wrote the letters in case he wasn’t around to see Sam reach adulthood.Then, when Sam was only fourteen months old, he was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disability, a form of autism, and suddenly everything changed. Now the grandfather and grandson were bound by something more: a disability. And Daniel’s special understanding of what that means became invaluable. Letters to Sam is a lovingly written, emotionally gripping book that offers unique—and universal—insights into what it means to be human.

Letters to Santa Claus

by The Elves Emily Weisner Thompson Pat Koch

For years, children and adults have stuffed their candid dreams, wishes, and promises into envelopes addressed to Santa Claus. Whether the envelopes come with stamps or without, are addressed to "The Big Red Guy at Jingle Bells Lane" or simply "To Santa," for over 100 years, millions of these letters have poured into Santa Claus, Indiana. Arriving from all corners of the globe, the letters ask for toys, family reunions, snow, and help for the needy--sometimes the needy being the writers themselves. They are candid, heartfelt, and often blunt. Many children wonder how Santa gets into their chimneyless homes. One child reminds Santa that she has not hit her brothers over 1,350 times that year, and another respectfully requests two million dollars in "cold cash." One child hopes to make his life better with a time machine, an adult woman asks for a man, and one miscreant actually threatens Santa's reindeer! Containing more than 250 actual letters and envelopes from the naughty and nice reaching back to the 1930s, this moving book will touch readers' hearts and bring back memories of a time in our lives when the man with a white beard and a red suit held out the hope that our wishes might come true.<P><P> Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. To explore further access options with us, please contact us through the Book Quality link on the right sidebar. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.

Letters to the Editor: Comparative and Historical Perspectives

by Allison Cavanagh John Steel

This book provides an account of current work on letters to the editor from a range of different national, cultural, conceptual and methodological perspectives. Letters to the editor provide a window on the reflexive relationship between editorial and readership identities in historical and international contexts. They are a forum through which the personal and the political intersect, a space wherein the implications of contemporaneous events are worked out by citizens and public figures alike, and in which the meaning and significance of unfolding media narratives and events are interpreted and contested. They can also be used to understand the multiple and overlapping ways that particular issues recur over sometimes widely distinct periods. This collection brings together scholars who have helped open up letters to the editor as a resource for scholarship and whose work in this book continues to provide new insights into the relationship between journalism and its publics.

Letters with Smokie: Blindness and More-than-Human Relations

by Rod Michalko Dan Goodley

Leave it to a dog to put the “human” back in “humanities” In September 2020, Rod Michalko wrote to friend and colleague Dan Goodley, congratulating him on the release of his latest book, Disability and Other Human Questions. Joking that his late guide dog, Smokie, had taken offense to the suggestion that disability was purely a human question, Michalko shared a few thoughts on behalf of his dog. When Goodley wrote back—to Smokie—so began an epistolic exchange that would continue for the next seven months. As the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the world and the realities of lockdown-imposed isolation set in, the Smokie letters provided the friends a space in which to come together in a lively exploration of human-animal relationships and to interrogate disability as disruption, disturbance, and art. Just as he did in life, Smokie guides. In these pages, he offers wisdom about the world, love, friendship, and even The Beatles. His canine observations of human experience provide an avenue into some of the ways blindness might be reconceptualized and “befriended.” Uninhibited by the trappings of traditional academic inquiry, Michalko and Goodley are unleashed, free to wander, to wonder, and to provoke within the bonds of trust and respect. Funny and thoughtful, the result is a refreshing exploration and re-evaluation of learned cultural misunderstandings of disability.

Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark

by Mary Wollstonecraft

"The art of travelling is only a branch of the art of thinking," Mary Wollstonecraft wrote in one of her many reviews of works of travel writing. A Short Residenceis her own travel memoir. In a series of letters addressed to an unnamed lover, the work narrates Wollstonecraft's journey through Scandinavia in 1795, on much of which she was accompanied by her infant daughter. Passionate and personal, A Short Residenceis at once a moving epistolary travel narrative, a politically-motivated ethnographic tract, a work of scenic tourism, and a sentimental journey. It is both as much a work of political thought as Wollstonecraft's better known treatises, and a brilliant, innovative, and influential work in the genre. This Broadview edition provides a helpful introduction and extensive appendices that contextualize this remarkable text in relation to key political and aesthetic debates. It also includes a significant selection from Wollstonecraft's travel reviews.

Letting Go?: Sharing Historical Authority in a User-Generated World

by Bill Adair Benjamin Filene Laura Koloski

Letting Go? investigates path-breaking public history practices at a time when the traditional expertise of museums seems challenged at every turn-by the Web and digital media, by community-based programming, by new trends in oral history and by contemporary art. In this anthology of 19 thought pieces, case studies, conversations and commissioned art, almost 30 leading practitioners such as Michael Frisch, Jack Tchen, Liz Sevcenko, Kathleen McLean, Nina Simon, Otabenga Jones and Associates, and Fred Wilson explore the implications of letting audiences create, not just receive, historical content. Drawing on examples from history, art, and science museums, Letting Go? offers concrete examples and models that will spark innovative work at institutions of all sizes and budgets. This engaging new collection will serve as an introductory text for those newly grappling with a changing field and, for those already pursuing the goal of "letting go," a tool for taking stock and pushing ahead.

Letting Go: A Girl's Guide to Breaking Free of Stress and Anxiety

by Christine Fonseca

Do you ever feel like you'll never be perfect? Do you worry that what you say or do or wear will be how people remember you? It's time to let go of those worries and embrace who you are. Letting Go: A Girl's Guide to Breaking Free of Stress and Anxiety has everything you need to help you understand and manage the very real pressures you're facing from life. Designed to provide strategies for managing stress and anxiety, this book is filled with practical evidence-based advice and stories from teen and young adult women like you who have found ways to manage their anxieties. Every chapter features a discussion of different types of stress and anxiety so you can understand better what you're experiencing, activities to help you remember all the things you love about yourself and to help you understand yourself better, strategies for combating both stress and anxiety, and a stories of other girls who've learned to move past their stress and love their lives— and themselves — to the fullest.

Letting Go: Feminist and Social Justice Insight and Activism

by Donna King Catherine G. Valentine

At a time when women are being exhorted to "lean in" and work harder to get ahead, Letting Go: Feminist and Social Justice Insight and Activism encourages both women and men to "let go" instead. The book explores alternatives to the belief that individual achievement, accumulation, and attention-seeking are the road to happiness and satisfaction in life. Letting go demands a radical recognition that the values, relationships, and structures of our neoliberal (competitive, striving, accumulating, consuming, exploiting, oppressive) society are harmful both on a personal level and, especially important, on a social and environmental level.There is a huge difference between letting go and "chilling out." In a lean-in society, self-care is promoted as something women and men should do to learn how to "relax" and find a comfortable work-life balance. By contrast, a feminist letting-go and its attendant self-care have the potential to be a radical act of awakening to social and environmental injustice and a call to activism.

Letting Go: Feminist and Social Justice Insight and Activism

by Unknown

At a time when women are being exhorted to "lean in" and work harder to get ahead, Letting Go: Feminist and Social Justice Insight and Activism encourages both women and men to "let go" instead. The book explores alternatives to the belief that individual achievement, accumulation, and attention-seeking are the road to happiness and satisfaction in life. Letting go demands a radical recognition that the values, relationships, and structures of our neoliberal (competitive, striving, accumulating, consuming, exploiting, oppressive) society are harmful both on a personal level and, especially important, on a social and environmental level. There is a huge difference between letting go and "chilling out." In a lean-in society, self-care is promoted as something women and men should do to learn how to "relax" and find a comfortable work-life balance. By contrast, a feminist letting-go and its attendant self-care have the potential to be a radical act of awakening to social and environmental injustice and a call to activism.

Letting Go: How to Heal Your Hurt, Love Your Body and Transform Your Life

by Emma Woolf

Exploring the issues of love, loss, healing and happiness, this manifesto for freedom from one of feminism’s liveliest voices will guide you on the path to feeling newly, truly confident.

Letting Go of Stress

by J. S. Jackson R. W. Alley

Children aren't immune to stress. Kids are especially prone to feel fear before stressful events in their lives. Family, school, and team sports' schedules have been crammed into their daily activities so extensively that many children are robbed of their free recreational "growth" time, and an alarming number of kids are experiencing high levels of stress because of this. All of these realities can lead to our children having the same kinds of fears and concerns we adults have, especially about things they often have no control over. In this invaluable book, author J. S. Jackson helps children explore attitudes and ideas to try and diminish some of the stress they feel in their lives.

Letting Stories Breathe: A Socio-Narratology

by Arthur W. Frank

Stories accompany us through life from birth to death. But they do not merely entertain, inform, or distress us—they show us what counts as right or wrong and teach us who we are and who we can imagine being. Stories connect people, but they can also disconnect, creating boundaries between people and justifying violence. In Letting Stories Breathe, Arthur W. Frank grapples with this fundamental aspect of our lives, offering both a theory of how stories shape us and a useful method for analyzing them. Along the way he also tells stories: from folktales to research interviews to remembrances. Frank’s unique approach uses literary concepts to ask social scientific questions: how do stories make life good and when do they endanger it? Going beyond theory, he presents a thorough introduction to dialogical narrative analysis, analyzing modes of interpretation, providing specific questions to start analysis, and describing different forms analysis can take. Building on his renowned work exploring the relationship between narrative and illness, Letting Stories Breathe expands Frank’s horizons further, offering a compelling perspective on how stories affect human lives.

Lettres à un frère immigrant

by Franklin A. Díaz Lárez

Tu as parfois imaginé quitter ton pays? Tu penses tout laisser derrière toi pour commencer un nouvelle vie ailleurs dans le monde? As-tu une idée, extrêment claire, de ce à quoi tu t'affrontes? Un texte écrit sous forme de lettres plaisantes adressées à un frère qui rêve d'émigrer Le frère va soulever ses doutes, ses inquiétudes et ses interrogations, et l'auteur y répond une a une dans un langage simple, clair et transparent, essayant ainsi que celui-ci prenne conscience des obstacles et des difficultés qui l'attendent, d'un côté, et de l'autre, des multiples opportunités qui se présenteront à lui, et qu'en raison des émotions ou de l'inconnu il n'est pas capable de prévoir.

The Levant in Transition: No. 4 (The Palestine Exploration Fund Annual)

by P.J. Parr

The latter part of the 3rd millennium BC witnessed severe dislocations in the social, economic and political structures of the lands at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea - the Levant. In the south, in what is now Israel, the Palestinian Territories and Jordan, hitherto thriving urban centres disappeared, to be replaced for several centuries

Levantones. Historias reales de desaparecidos y víctimas del narco

by Javier Valdez Cárdenas

Un libro conmovedor y profundamente sincero, Javier Valdez Cárdenas detalla el momento en que las víctimas son tomadas por asalto y ejecutadas, con la misma fuerza descriptiva relata las averiguaciones con la policía y los momentos en que los cuerpos son encontrados sin vida. De Javier Valdez Cárdenas, Premio Internacional a la Libertad de Expresión, autor de Miss Narco y Los morros del narco. Levantones es una obra imprescindible para entender aún más el contexto del narcotráfico y también aspectos sombríos de nuestra condición humana. Para nadie es un secreto que las acciones del narcotráfico han llenado de sangre, crimen y maldad a la sociedad mexicana. Diariamente crecen las cifras de muertos, desaparecidos, levantados y víctimas de esta lucha de poder sangrienta e implacable. Javier Valdez Cárdenas, periodista de Sinaloa y quien conoce las entrañas de estos hechos terribles, entrega en Levantones una serie de crónicas y reportajes sobre hombres que viven de estas actividades ilícitas a salto de mata, madres y esposas que suplican justicia por sus hijos y esposos desaparecidos, ciudadanos cuyo destino les impuso trágicamente el lugar equivocado y, ante todo, ofrece la voz amarga, dolorida de seres anónimos que recorren los ministerios públicos, los forenses, cementerios y calles de sus entidades en busca de sus hijos, hombres y mujeres que lloran a sus muertos, imploran justicia y padecen cotidianamente el dolor que la guerra del narco ha sembrado en el país. Pocos testimonios en nuestro periodismo contemporáneo revelan con tanta fidelidad el dolor humano, la orfandad y el desamparo, pero Javier Valdez Cárdenas tiene una virtud aún mayor que comparte en sus páginas: al encontrarse frente a frente con los seres desdichados extrae del sufrimiento también los anhelos por hallar a sus hijos o hermanos; su pluma atrapa breves destellos de ilusión de quienes desean encontrar con vida a sus seres queridos y, lo más increíble, expresa con enorme fuerza la gran capacidad de los seres humanos que luchan hasta el final por saber la verdad.

Levantones, narcofosas y falsos positivos

by José Reveles

En el contexto de los atroces saldos que ha dejado la "guerra contra el narcotráfico" en nuestro país, José Reveles documenta con gran oficio periodístico una impactante serie de casos sobre levantones, narcofosas y falsos positivos. "En México la corrupción política al más alto nivel es el principal motor de la violencia encarnizada y de las violaciones masivas de los derechos humanos, fenómenos que José Reveles presenta en este libro con el más fino detalle." Edgardo Buscaglia Los saldos de la guerra contra el crimen organizado en México ya han alcanzado la categoría de tragedia: el país se ha convertido en una tumba colectiva de sus propios ciudadanos. Frente a este desolador panorama, en el presente libro se buscan explicaciones: por qué tanta muerte, tantos entierros clandestinos, tantos desaparecidos. Por medio de testimonios de primera mano y análisis de expertos, José Reveles pone en evidencia no sólo que el Estado mexicano ha sido rebasado por las corporaciones delictivas, también que cada día la población civil es más vulnerable a la violencia desmedida. Abundan las víctimas inocentes: los asesinados en retenes militares, en bares, en centros de rehabilitación o en fiestas familiares; los levantados y los falsos positivos (culpables fabricados). A partir de datos apabullantes sobre la realidad criminal, esta investigación periodística advierte sobre la aparición de escuadrones de exterminio y limpieza social, describe abusos de soldados y marinos, nombra a los perpetradores y confirma el establecimiento de una política que arrastra a la muerte a muchos "prescindibles", "desechables" y personas comunes que "pasaban por ahí". Después de terribles hechos como la masacre de 72 indocumentados en San Fernando, Tamaulipas, ocurrida en 2010, impactó el hallazgo de cuantiosos cadáveres en las llamadas narcofosas; peor aún, en estas páginas se demuestra que hay varios cientos más diseminados a lo largo del territorio nacional. José Reveles, autor de El cártel incómodo, asegura que el verdadero infierno apenas se vislumbra.

Level 1 Introduction to Health & Social Care and Children & Young People's Settings

by Corinne Barker Emma Ward

Make real progress with this introduction which guides you through your course with easy-to-read language and helpful images.Suitable for all awarding bodies and written by experts currently teaching Level 1 students, this book provides detailed support by following the specification clearly and simply. It covers all mandatory and nine optional units across both Health & Social Care and Early Years and is suitable for the Award, Certificate and Diploma. The colourful design, easy-to-read language and helpful images will ensure the relevant knowledge is easily accessed. - Generate all the required evidence by using the links between assessment criteria and activities- Stay on top of new concepts with definitions, summaries, examples and a glossary- Matches the specification completely with strong links to the assessment criteria throughout.

Level 1 Introduction to Health & Social Care and Children & Young People's Settings, Second Edition

by Corinne Barker Emma Ward

Make real progress with the brand-new, updated edition of this introductory guide.Written in easy-to-read language, this guide has a refreshed design, updated tasks and activities, and a focus on matching and signposting the specification.Suitable for all awarding bodies and written by experts, it will reflect the most recent legislation presented in a colourful design with helpful images to ensure the relevant knowledge is easily accessed.- Now includes addidional five optional units- Clear signposting to the qualification specification criteria- Updated legislation included and explained- New tasks and activities

Level 1 Introduction to Health & Social Care and Children & Young People's Settings, Second Edition

by Corinne Barker Emma Ward

Make real progress with the brand-new, updated edition of this introductory guide. Written in easy-to-read language, this guide has a refreshed design, updated tasks and activities, and a focus on matching and signposting the specification.Suitable for all awarding bodies and written by experts, it will reflect the most recent legislation presented in a colourful design with helpful images to ensure the relevant knowledge is easily accessed.- Now includes addidional five optional units- Clear signposting to the qualification specification criteria- Updated legislation included and explained- New tasks and activities

Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Child Development (J809): Second Edition

by Miranda Walker

Trust highly experienced author, Miranda Walker to guide you through the refreshed Cambridge National Level 1/Level 2 in Child Development (for first teaching in September 2022). This brand-new edition will strengthen your understanding of the content and boost the skills required to tackle the NEA with confidence.This Student Textbook is: > Comprehensive - gain in-depth knowledge of the examined unit with clear explanations of every concept and topic, plus improve understanding of the non-examined units with easy-to-follow chapters. > Accessible, reliable and trusted - structured to match the specification and provide the information required to build knowledge, understanding and skills. > Designed to support you - boost confidence when tackling the internal and external assessment with plenty of activities to test and consolidate knowledge. > Our go-to guide - the expert author has carefully designed tasks and activities to build skillset in order to aid progression and questions to assess understanding.

Level 2 Health & Social Care Diploma Evidence Guide

by Maria Ferreiro Peteiro

Ensure you have all the help you need inbetween assessor visits with this easy-to-use quick-reference guide for assessment.Covering more optional units than any textbook, this easy-to-understand guide for the Health and Social Care Diploma explains in simple terms what competencies you need to demonstrate and how to generate all the required knowledge-evidence for your course. With brief, one-page summaries for every assessment criterion and guidance on how to gather your evidence, this resource will help you when your assessor is not available.- Keep it simple for your learners with this one-page summary per assessment criterion, covering knowledge and competence.- Covers far more optional units than any textbook.- We've kept the price down to ensure accessibility for all learners - if they only have one resource, make sure it is this one.

Level 2 Health & Social Care Diploma Evidence Guide

by Maria Ferreiro Peteiro

Ensure you have all the help you need inbetween assessor visits with this easy-to-use quick-reference guide for assessment. Covering more optional units than any textbook, this easy-to-understand guide for the Health and Social Care Diploma explains in simple terms what competencies you need to demonstrate and how to generate all the required knowledge-evidence for your course. With brief, one-page summaries for every assessment criterion and guidance on how to gather your evidence, this resource will help you when your assessor is not available. - Keep it simple for your learners with this one-page summary per assessment criterion, covering knowledge and competence. - Covers far more optional units than any textbook. - We've kept the price down to ensure accessibility for all learners - if they only have one resource, make sure it is this one.

Level 4: Industrial Ecology (Pearson English Graded Readers Ser.)

by Wangari Maathi

Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading. Well-written stories entertain us, make us think, and keep our interest page after page. Pearson English Readers offer teenage and adult learners a huge range of titles, all featuring carefully graded language to make them accessible to learners of all abilities. Through the imagination of some of the world’s greatest authors, the English language comes to life in the pages of our Readers. Students have the pleasure and satisfaction of reading these stories in English, and at the same time develop a broader vocabulary, greater comprehension and reading fluency, improved grammar, and greater confidence and ability to express themselves.

A Level Media Studies: The Essential Introduction

by Pete Bennett Sarah Casey Benyahia Jerry Slater

A Level Media Studies is a comprehensive guide to the subject content of AS and A Level Media Studies, across all examining boards. It is specifically designed to meet the needs of both students and teachers with an accessible writing style, helpful notes on key theories and theorists and a range of learning exercises. The book’s overall approach is gradual immersion, assuming no prior knowledge of the subject. Starting with an overview of the discipline, the book moves on to develop increasingly sophisticated ideas whilst repeatedly reinforcing the basic principles of media studies. Each component of media studies is illustrated with practical examples and guided exercises that demonstrate the application of theories and concepts. In addition, numerous case studies offer examples of media studies in practice. Working through these examples, students will acquire the skill set and confidence to tackle the analysis of media products and the discussion of media issues to the standard required at A Level. The focus is on contemporary media, but there is also full acknowledgement of historical precedents, as well as the significance of social, cultural, political and economic contexts. With its clear structure and integrative approach, A Level Media Studies is the ideal introductory resource for students and teachers.

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