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Rasch Models for Solving Measurement Problems: Invariant Measurement in the Social Sciences (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences)
by George Engelhard Jue WangThis book introduces current perspectives on Rasch measurement theory with an emphasis on developing Rasch-based scales. Rasch measurement theory represents a paradigm shift in measurement theory away from classical test theory and creates a framework for scaling that can yield invariant measurement. Rasch Models for Solving Measurement Problems: Invariant Measurement in the Social Sciences is a broadly accessible text. Authors George Engelhard Jr and Jue Wang introduce Rasch measurement theory step by step, with chapters on scale construction, evaluation, maintenance, and use. Points are illustrated and techniques are demonstrated through an extended example: The Food Insecurity Experience (FIE) Scale. The Rasch analyses in the book are run using the Facets computer program. Facets syntax, and R code for the ERMA program created by the authors to obtain parameter estimates and to examine model-data fit, together with sample data sets are all available on a website for the book.
Rashomon Effects: Kurosawa, Rashomon and their legacies (Routledge Advances in Film Studies)
by Robert Anderson Blair Davis Jan WallsAkira Kurosawa is widely known as the director who opened up Japanese film to Western audiences, and following his death in 1998, a process of reflection has begun about his life’s work as a whole and its legacy to cinema. Kurosawa’s 1950 film Rashomon has become one of the best-known Japanese films ever made, and continues to be discussed and imitated more than 60 years after its first screening. This book examines the cultural and aesthetic impacts of Akira Kurosawa’s Rashomon, as well as the director’s larger legacies to cinema, its global audiences and beyond. It demonstrates that these legacies are manifold: not only cinematic and artistic, but also cultural and cognitive. The book moves from an examination of one filmmaker and his immediate social context in Japan, and goes on to explore how an artist’s ideas might transcend their cultural origins to ultimately provide global influences. Discussing how Rashomon’s effects began to multiply with the film being re-imagined and repurposed in numerous media forms in the decades that followed its initial release, the book also shows that the film and its ideas have been applied to a wider range of social and cultural phenomena in a variety of institutional contexts. It addresses issues beyond the realm of Rashomon within film studies, extending to the Rashomon effect, which itself has become a widely recognized English term referring to the significantly different interpretations of different eyewitnesses to the same dramatic event. As the first book on Rashomon since Donald Richie's 1987 anthology, it will be invaluable to students and scholars of film studies, film history, Japanese cinema and communication studies. It will also resonate more broadly with those interested in Japanese culture and society, anthropology and philosophy.
Rassismus in der Polizei: Eine wissenschaftliche Bestandsaufnahme
by Daniela Hunold Tobias SingelnsteinDer Open Access-Band arbeitet das Themenfeld Polizei und Rassismus umfassendauf. In 33 Beiträgen werden behandelt:• Grundlagen zum Phänomen Rassismus,• relevante Befunde zur Polizei als Organisation und zu ihrer Praxis,• Entstehungszusammenhänge und Folgen von Rassismus in der Polizei,• Methoden der wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung und• Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Umgangs mit dem Problem.Angestoßen durch die Geschehnisse und Diskussionen in den USA beschäftigt Rassismus als mit der Polizei assoziiertes Problem auch hierzulande die öffentliche Debatte äußerst intensiv. Dabei wird offenbar, dass die Organisation Polizei in der diversen Gesellschaft vor besonderen Problemen und Herausforderungen steht, denen sie bislang nur in Ansätzen begegnet und wenig gewachsen zu sein scheint. Zugleich fehlt es im deutschen Kontext bisher an einem hinreichend breiten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisstand zu Rassismusin der Polizei. Vor diesem Hintergrund bietet der Band eine Grundlage für die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema, indem er den Forschungsstand aus verschiedenen Disziplinen zusammenführt und systematisch aufarbeitet. Die Beiträge können als Ausgangspunkt für weitere Forschung dienen, sollen aber auch eine Übersetzung der Befunde der Rassismusforschung in Richtung Polizei leisten.
Rassismuserfahrungen von Schüler*innen: Institutionelle Grenzziehungen an Schulen (Pädagogische Professionalität und Migrationsdiskurse)
by Aylin KarabulutDas Buch thematisiert den Erfahrungsraum von Schülerinnen und Schülern im Hinblick auf rassismusrelevante Ungleichheiten in schulischen Bildungsinstitutionen – eine Forschungsperspektive, die bisher kaum im Fokus erziehungswissenschaftlicher Forschung steht. Die Autorin verschränkt Rassismuskritik und Ansätze der Bildungsungleichheitsforschung und zeigt in den Differenzen zu außerschulischen Rassismuserfahrungen die Spezifik institutionell verankerter schulischer Rassismuserfahrungen auf.
Rassismuskritische Fachdidaktiken: Theoretische Reflexionen und fachdidaktische Entwürfe rassismusskritischer Unterrichtsplanung (Pädagogische Professionalität und Migrationsdiskurse)
by Karim Fereidooni Nina SimonDer Anspruch, Theorie und Praxis mit Blick auf rassismuskritische Fachdidaktiken zu verzahnen, ist für die Konzeption dieses Bandes handlungsleitend. Die Beiträge bestehen aus jeweils zwei Teilen: Im ersten Teil wird die Rassismusrelevanz eines bestimmten Sachverhalts des jeweiligen Unterrichtsfaches dargestellt, im zweiten Teil wird die rassismuskritische Vermittlung in Form von allgemeinen Erläuterungen zur fachdidaktischen Transformation des Unterrichtsgegenstandes thematisiert.
Rastafari: The Evolution of a People and Their Identity
by Charles PriceIlluminates how the Rastafari movement managed to evolve in the face of severe biases Misunderstood, misappropriated, belittled: though the Rastafari feature frequently in media and culture, they have most often been misrepresented, their political and religious significance minimized. But they have not been vanquished.Charles Price’s Rastafari: The Evolution of a People and Their Identity reclaims the rich history of this relatively new world religion. Charting its humble and rebellious roots in Jamaica’s backcountry in the late nineteenth century to the present day, Price explains how Jamaicans’ obsession with the Rastafari wavered from campaigns of violence to appeasement and cooptation. Indeed, he argues that the Rastafari as a political, religious, and cultural movement survived the biases and violence they faced through their race consciousness and uncanny ability to ride the waves of anti-colonialism and Black Power. This social movement traveled throughout the Caribbean, Africa, Central America, and the United States, capturing the heart and imagination of much of the African diaspora. Rastafari spans the movement’s struggle for autonomy, its multiple campaigns for repatriation to Africa, and its leading role in the Black consciousness movements of the twentieth century. Not satisfied with simply narrating the past, Rastafari also takes on the challenges of gender equality and the commodification of Rastafari culture in the twenty-first century without abandoning its message of equality and empowering the downpressed. Rastafari shows how this cultural and political context helped to shape the development of a Black collective identity, demonstrating how Rastafarians confronted society-wide ridicule and oppression and emerged prouder and more united, steadfast in their conviction that they were a chosen people.
Rastafari and the Arts: An Introduction
by Darren J. MiddletonDrawing on literary, musical, and visual representations of and by Rastafari, Darren J. N. Middleton provides an introduction to Rasta through the arts, broadly conceived. The religious underpinnings of the Rasta movement are often overshadowed by Rasta’s association with reggae music, dub, and performance poetry. Rastafari and the Arts: An Introduction takes a fresh view of Rasta, considering the relationship between the artistic and religious dimensions of the movement in depth. Middleton’s analysis complements current introductions to Afro-Caribbean religions and offers an engaging example of the role of popular culture in illuminating the beliefs and practices of emerging religions. Recognizing that outsiders as well as insiders have shaped the Rasta movement since its modest beginnings in Jamaica, Middleton includes interviews with members of both groups, including: Ejay Khan, Barbara Makeda Blake Hannah, Geoffrey Philp, Asante Amen, Reggae Rajahs, Benjamin Zephaniah, Monica Haim, Blakk Rasta, Rocky Dawuni, and Marvin D. Sterling.
The Rastafarians
by Leonard E. BarrettThis study will show the emergence and development of the Rastafarians cult from its inception in 1930 to the present. Particular attention will be paid to the socioeconomic conditions from which this cult emerged; its ideology; its function as a socio-religious movement within the Jamaican community; and its impact on the Western world. This book will also explore some of the myths surrounding the movement, as well as discussing some of the more serious contributions the Rastafarians have made to Jamaican society.
Rastaman: The Rastafarian Movement in England (Routledge Revivals)
by E. CashmoreFirst published in 1979, this book makes a detailed study of Rastafarianism. It traces the expansion of Rastafarian culture from its origins and development in Jamaica through to the growth of Rastafarian life in Britain. It looks at Rastafarian culture in England in the late 1970s based on the author’s intimate experiences and communications with followers of the movement.
Las rastreadoras: Mujeres sabueso en el infierno de un país que siembra cuerpos
by Tania Del RíoTania Del Río expone un reclamo social, una denuncia urgente para modificar este inventario actual, para solidarizarse con estos seres humanos y colectivos que, buscando a los suyos, suman fuerzas para superar esta muerte lenta. Las madres, esposas, hijas, hermanas, salen desesperadas a buscar a los suyos. A los que se llevaron. A los que están perdidos. A los que faltan. Los buscan en caminos, montes, desagües, sembradíos, casas abandonadas, pantanos, basureros; en las morgues, en prisiones y hasta en casas de seguridad. Ellas son un mundo de sobrevivientes; criminalizadas por las instituciones encargadas de proveer seguridad y justicia, son amenazadas por el crimen organizado y juzgadas por la sociedad. ¿Cómo es buscar a un ser querido desaparecido? ¿A qué se enfrentan cada día? Para los familiares que viven en esta lucha, el futuro es una palabra rota. El tiempo es un asesino. La vida no puede continuar porque en casa hay una silla vacía. Los días pasan y no basta con llorar,suplicar y maldecir. De la agitación llega la desesperanza. Pero su tenacidad es más fuerte, los anima a levantarse y salir a buscar. ¿Adónde llevan a los desaparecidos? Ante una fosa clandestina las lágrimas no piden permiso para salir, el corazón se acelera, el estómago se agita. Después de tanto buscar, con los meses y los años se desvanecen las esperanzas de hallarlos con vida. Entonces,de una tumba inhóspita surge el anhelo y se siente alegría de hallarlos, aunque sea en esas condiciones, de saber que ahora alguien descansará en paz. Las Rastreadoras comparte crónicas de sucesos reales, testimonios, datos duros e indagación periodística frontal. Compilación de reportajes especiales de periodistas independientes que decidieron nombrar esta situación.
El rastro de los cuerpos: Una novela
by José Miguel TomasenaCon maestría y un claro juego de espejos, José Miguel Tomasena hace un retrato de la impunidad y la violencia desde el punto de vista de las víctimas. Cuando el diario en el que trabajaba entra en crisis, la periodista Tania Vázquez decide filmar por su cuenta un documental sobre los desaparecidos. Así conoce, entre muchas personas, a Doña Gaby, cuya hija Marilyn fue secuestrada previo pago de un rescate de cien mil pesos, y a Magdalena Chávez, que perdió a sus tres hijos y que decide embarcarse en una aventura para conocer su paradero. Estas dos madres, más todos aquellos padres que buscan a sus seres queridos en morgues, cuarteles, hospitales y fosas clandestinas, serán los personajes que iremos construyendo a través de mirar las grabaciones y de la voz del novio de Tania; sin embargo, documentar la lucha de estas mujeres tendrá consecuencias que jamás habrían podido prever... Con maestría y un claro juego de espejos, José Miguel Tomasena hace un retrato de la impunidad y la violencia desde el punto de vista de las víctimas, sean residentes en las regiones asoladas por el narcotráfico que sufren de la persecución cotidiana, o los periodistas acosados por los caciques locales para que no investiguen sobre desapariciones que prefieren dejar en el olvido; pero también es una novela sobre el amor a los hijos, sobre la esperanza de poder hacer un cambio y los deseos de justicia. «¿Dónde están los desaparecidos?, se preguntan los que se quedan, los sobrevivientes, pero sobre todo se atormentan pensando qué pudieron haber hecho, en qué fallaron, si es que hubo alguna posibilidad de salvación, de que la historia fuera distinta. El rastro de los cuerpos es el relato descarnado de estas pérdidas, una exploración ética y moral sobre la culpa y la responsabilidad, sobre el sentido del heroísmo y su peligrosa vecindad con la temeridad. Una magnífica novela que ojalá algún día podamos leer como un thriller, como una estupenda novela policiaca o de suspenso, en un futuro de paz, cuando hayamos superado la epidemia de violencia que asola al país». Juan Pablo Villalobos, autor de Fiesta en la madriguera
Rat Pack Confidential: Frank, Dean, Sammy, Peter, Joey and the Last Great Show Biz Party
by Shawn LevyFor the first time, the full story of what happened when Frank Sinatra brought his best pals to party in a land called Vegas.January 1960. Las Vegas is at its smooth, cool peak. The Strip is a jet-age theme park, and the greatest singer in the history of American popular music summons a group of friends there to make a movie.One is an insouciant singer of Italian songs, ex-partner to the most popular film comedian of the day. One is a short, black, Jewish, one-eyed, singing, dancing wonder. One is an upper-crust British pretty boy turned degenerate B-movie actor, brother-in-law to an ascendant politician. And one is a stiff-shouldered comic with the quintessential Borscht Belt emcee's knack for needling one-liners.The architectonically sleek marquee of the Sands Hotel announces their presence simply by listing their names: FRANK SINATRA.DEAN MARTIN.SAMMY DAVIS, JR.PETER LAWFORD.JOEY BISHOP.Around them an entire cast gathers: actors, comics, singers, songwriters, gangsters, politicians, and women, as well as thousands of starstruck everyday folks who fork over pocketfuls of money for the privilege of basking in their presence. They call themselves The Clan. But to an awed world, they are known as The Rat Pack.They had it all. Fame. Gorgeous women. A fabulous playground of a city and all the money in the world. The backing of fearsome crime lords and the blessing of the President of the United States. But the dark side--over the thin line between pleasure and debauchery, between swinging self-confidence and brutal arrogance--took its toll. In four years, their great ride was over, and showbiz was never the same.Acclaimed Jerry Lewis biographer Shawn Levy has written a dazzling portrait of a time when neon brightness cast sordid shadows. It was Frank's World, and we just lived in it.From the Hardcover edition.
Rated A: Soft-Porn Cinema and Mediations of Desire in India (Feminist Media Histories #8)
by Darshana Sreedhar MiniA free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press's Open Access publishing program. Visit www.luminosoa.org to learn more. In the 1990s, India's mediascape saw the efflorescence of edgy soft-porn films in the Malayalam-speaking state of Kerala. In Rated A, Darshana Sreedhar Mini examines the local and transnational influences that shaped Malayalam soft-porn cinema—such as vernacular pulp fiction, illustrated erotic tales, and American exploitation cinema—and maps the genre's circulation among blue-collar workers of the Indian diaspora in the Middle East, where pirated versions circulate alongside low-budget Bangladeshi films and Pakistani mujra dance films as South Asian pornography. Through a mix of archival and ethnographic research, Mini also explores the soft-porn industry's utilization of gendered labor and trust-based arrangements, as well as how actresses and production personnel who are marked by their involvement with a taboo form negotiate their social lives. By locating the tense negotiations between sexuality, import policy, and censorship in contemporary India, this study offers a model for understanding film genres outside of screen space, emphasizing that they constitute not just industrial formations but entire fields of social relations and gendered imaginaries.
Rates of Evolution (Routledge Library Editions: Evolution #2)
by K. S. W. Campbell M. F. DayOriginally published in 1987 Rates of Evolution is an edited collection drawn from a symposium convened to bring together palaeontologists, geneticists, molecular biologists and developmental biologists to examine some aspects of the problem of evolutionary rates. The book asks questions surrounding the study of evolution, such as did large morphological changes really occur rapidly at various times in the geological past, or is the fossil record too imperfect to be of value in assessing rates of morphological change? What is the measure of ‘rapid’ change? Is stasis at any taxonomic level established? Is it possible to relate genomic and morphological change? What is the role of regulatory and executive genes in controlling evolutionary change? Does the transfer of genetic material between different taxa provide the possibility of increasing evolutionary rates? Featuring contributions from leading researchers, this book will interest anthropologists, palaeontology and scientists of evolution and genetics.
Rathgar: A History
by Maurice CurtisRathgar may well be the most fascinating area of Dublin. Its red-brick Georgian and Victorian terraces, the fruits of the architectural experimentation of the nineteenth century, are home to some of the most impressive houses, churches and schools in Ireland. Rathgar’s residents have also proved to be some of the most influential in Irish political, social and cultural life, with at least four Nobel Prizewinners boasting strong ties with the area.A unique district with a rich and august history, this book serves as a timely record of an area that has had a profound influence on so many people.
Rating-Agenturen im Finanzmarktkapitalismus: Genese – Praktiken – Felder
by Thomas MatysDie hier vorgelegte Studie über Rating-Agenturen fasst jene als die relevanten Akteure auf Finanzmärkten, die eine kulturelle Praxis des Bewertens im Sinne eines organisationalen Zahlengebrauchs historisch vermittels kalkulativer Praktiken sowie ein globales Netzwerk zur Beherrschung des Finanzmarktes standardisiert und institutionalisiert haben. Hier sind dreierlei Weisen zentral: Das Rating von Organisationen selbst, das von sog. "strukturierten Finanzprodukten" sowie das ganzer Volkswirtschaften. Nachgezeichnet wird der historischee Konstitutionsprozess des Ratens bzw. der Rating-Agenturen, der in den USA des 19. Jhds. beginnend seine globale Dynamik entfaltete. Sodann werden organisationale kalkulative - zunehmend digitalisierte - Praktiken sowie das globale Rating-Netzwerk dargelegt. Insgesamt ist so ein "Finanzmaktkapitalismus" entstanden, der seinerseits in einen "Organisationalen Neoliberalismus" eingebettet ist.
Rating Professors Online: How Culture, Technology, and Consumer Expectations Shape Modern Student Evaluations (Marketing and Communication in Higher Education)
by Pamela LeongThis book explores the emerging trends and patterns in online student evaluations of teaching and how online reviews have transformed the teacher-student relationship as developments in technology have altered consumer behaviors. While consumers at large rely more and more on web-based platforms to purchase commercial products and services, they also make highly personal decisions regarding the choice of service providers in health care, higher education, and other industries. The chapters assess the challenges that web-based platforms such as RateMyProfessors.com pose for service providers in higher education and other industries, and the role of these online consumer review sites in driving consumer expectations. In framing her argument, the author considers the validity of online rating systems and the credibility and trustworthiness of online consumer reviewers. She also evaluates cultural trends that play a role in perpetuating systems of inequality such as racism, sexism, and ageism in online consumer reviews.
Ratings Analysis: Audience Measurement and Analytics
by James Webster Patricia Phalen Lawrence LichtyThis 4th edition of Ratings Analysis describes and explains the current audience information system that supports economic exchange in both traditional and evolving electronic media markets. Responding to the major changes in electronic media distribution and audience research in recent years, Ratings Analysis provides a thoroughly updated presentation of the ratings industry and analysis processes. It serves as a practical guide for conducting audience research, offering readers the tools for becoming informed and discriminating consumers of audience information. This updated edition covers: International markets, reflecting the growth in audience research businesses with the expansion of advertising into new markets such as China. Emerging technologies, reflecting the ever increasing ways to deliver advertising electronically and through new channels (social media, Hulu) Illustrates applications of audience research in advertising, programming, financial analysis, and social policy; Describes audience research data and summarizes the history of audience measurement, the research methods most often used, and the kinds of ratings research products currently available; and Discusses the analysis of audience data by offering a framework within which to understand mass media audiences and by focusing specifically to the analysis of ratings data. Appropriate for all readers needing an in-depth understanding of audience research, including those working in advertising, electronic media, and related industries, Ratings Analysis also has much to offer academics and policy makers as well as students of mass media.
A Rational Approach to Animal Rights: Extensions in Abolitionist Theory
by Corey WrennApplying critical sociological theory, this book explores the shortcomings of popular tactics in animal liberation efforts. Building a case for a scientifically-grounded grassroots approach, it is argued that professionalized advocacy that works in the service of theistic, capitalist, patriarchal institutions will find difficulty achieving success.
Rational Choice (Readings in Social & Political Theory)
by Jon ElsterThis series brings together a carefully edited selection of the most influential and enduring articles on central topics in social and political theory. Each volume contains ten to twelve articles and an introductory essay by the editor.
Rational Choice and Criminal Behavior: Recent Research and Future Challenges (Current Issues In Criminal Justice Ser. #32)
by Alex R. Piquero Stephen G. TibbettsRational Choice and Criminal Behavior" is a collection of essays by experts in the field of criminal justice examines various aspects of the rational choice framework, which deals with the degree to which criminal behavior represents a rational choice. The editors also include essays that cover specific policy approaches that stem from this framewo
Rational Choice and Situational Crime Prevention: Theoretical Foundations
by Graeme Newman Ronald V. ClarkeA collection of original papers examining the theoretical and philosophical bases of the perspective of situational crime prevention. Among issues examined are: the status of situational crime prevention as a theory; the theoretical traditions and context of SCP; the relationship of rational choice to SCP; utilitarianism and SCP; and the ethical./policy implications of SCP.
Rational Choice Theory And Large-Scale Data Analysis
by Hans-peter Blossfeld Gerald PreinThe relationship between rational choice theory and large-scale data analysis has become an important issue for sociologists. Though rational choice theory is well established in both sociology and economics, its influence on quantitative empirical sociology has been surprisingly limited. This book examines why there is hardly a link between the t
Rational Landscapes and Humanistic Geography (Routledge Revivals)
by Edward RelphThis book, first published in 1981, explores why it is that the modern built environment, while successfully providing material comfort and technical efficiency, none the less breeds despair and depression rather than inspires hope and commitment. The source of this paradox, where material benefits appear to have been gained only at the expense of intangible values and qualities is found in humanism, the persistent and powerful belief that all problems can be solved through the use of human reason. But humanism has become increasingly confused, rationalistic, callously devoted to efficiency, and authoritarian. These confusions and contradictions, together with the anti-nature stance of humanism and its failure to teach humane behaviour, lead the author to conclude that humanism is best rejected. Such rejection does not advocate the inhuman and anti-human, but requires instead a return to the ‘humility’ that lies at the origin of humanism – a respect for objects, creatures, environments and people. This ‘environmental humility’ is explored in the context of individuality of settings, ways of seeing landscapes, appropriation and ways of building places. This title will be of interest to students of human geography.
The Rational Optimist
by Matt RidleyLife is getting better—and at an accelerating rate. Food availability, income, and life span are up; disease, child mortality, and violence are down — all across the globe. Though the world is far from perfect, necessities and luxuries alike are getting cheaper; population growth is slowing; Africa is following Asia out of poverty; the Internet, the mobile phone, and container shipping are enriching people’s lives as never before. The pessimists who dominate public discourse insist that we will soon reach a turning point and things will start to get worse. But they have been saying this for two hundred years.<P><P> Yet Matt Ridley does more than describe how things are getting better. He explains why. Prosperity comes from everybody working for everybody else. The habit of exchange and specialization—which started more than 100,000 years ago—has created a collective brain that sets human living standards on a rising trend. The mutual dependence, trust, and sharing that result are causes for hope, not despair.<P> This bold book covers the entire sweep of human history, from the Stone Age to the Internet, from the stagnation of the Ming empire to the invention of the steam engine, from the population explosion to the likely consequences of climate change. It ends with a confident assertion that thanks to the ceaseless capacity of the human race for innovative change, and despite inevitable disasters along the way, the twenty-first century will see both human prosperity and natural biodiversity enhanced. Acute, refreshing, and revelatory, The Rational Optimist will change your way of thinking about the world for the better.<P> Chosen for Mark Zuckerberg's "A Year of Books"