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The Rational Politician: Exploiting the Media in New Democracies (Routledge Revivals)
by Andrew MiltonThis title was first published in 2000: An examination of the way in which post-communist political actors have persisted in exploiting, controlling and manipulating the media, in spite of rhetorical commitments to freer and more independent media.
The Rational Politician: Exploiting the Media in New Democracies (Routledge Revivals)
by Andrew K MiltonThis title was first published in 2000: An examination of the way in which post-communist political actors have persisted in exploiting, controlling and manipulating the media, in spite of rhetorical commitments to freer and more independent media.
Rational Ritual: Culture, Coordination, and Common Knowledge
by Michael Suk-Young ChweWhy do Internet, financial service, and beer commercials dominate Super Bowl advertising? How do political ceremonies establish authority? Why does repetition characterize anthems and ritual speech? Why were circular forms favored for public festivals during the French Revolution? This book answers these questions using a single concept: common knowledge. Game theory shows that in order to coordinate its actions, a group of people must form "common knowledge." Each person wants to participate only if others also participate. Members must have knowledge of each other, knowledge of that knowledge, knowledge of the knowledge of that knowledge, and so on. Michael Chwe applies this insight, with striking erudition, to analyze a range of rituals across history and cultures. He shows that public ceremonies are powerful not simply because they transmit meaning from a central source to each audience member but because they let audience members know what other members know. For instance, people watching the Super Bowl know that many others are seeing precisely what they see and that those people know in turn that many others are also watching. This creates common knowledge, and advertisers selling products that depend on consensus are willing to pay large sums to gain access to it. Remarkably, a great variety of rituals and ceremonies, such as formal inaugurations, work in much the same way. By using a rational-choice argument to explain diverse cultural practices, Chwe argues for a close reciprocal relationship between the perspectives of rationality and culture. He illustrates how game theory can be applied to an unexpectedly broad spectrum of problems, while showing in an admirably clear way what game theory might hold for scholars in the social sciences and humanities who are not yet acquainted with it. In a new afterword, Chwe delves into new applications of common knowledge, both in the real world and in experiments, and considers how generating common knowledge has become easier in the digital age.
Rational Suicide in the Elderly
by Robert E. Mccue Meera BalasubramaniamThis book provides a comprehensive view of rational suicide in the elderly, a group that has nearly twice the rate of suicide when chronically ill than any other demographic. Its frame of reference does not endorse a single point-of-view about the legitimacy of rational suicide, which is evolving across societies with little guidance for geriatric mental health professionals. Instead, it serves as a resource for both those clinicians who agree that older people may rationally commit suicide and those who believe that this wish may require further assessment and treatment. The first chapters of the book provides an overview of rational suicide in the elderly, examining it through history and across cultures also addressing the special case of baby boomers. This book takes an ethical and philosophical look at whether suicide can truly be rational and whether the nearness of death in late-life adults means that suicide should be considered differently than in younger adults. Clinical criteria for rational suicide in the elderly are proposed in this book for the first time, as well as a guidelines for the psychosocial profile of an older adult who wants to commit rational suicide. Unlike any other book, this text examines the existential, psychological, and psychodynamic perspectives. A chapter on terminal mental illness and a consideration of suicide in that context and proposed interventions even without a diagnosable mental illness also plays a vital role in this book as these are key issues in within the question of suicide among the elderly. This book is the first to consider all preventative measures, including the spiritual as well as the psychotherapeutic, and pharmacologic. A commentary on modern society, aging, and rational suicide that ties all of these elements together, making this the ultimate guide for addressing suicide among the elderly. Rational Suicide in the Elderly is an excellent resource for all medical professionals with potentially suicidal patients, including geriatricians, geriatric and general psychiatrists, geriatric nurses, social workers, and public health officials.
Rationalitäten des Kinderschutzes
by Thomas Marthaler Mark Schrödter Pascal Bastian Ingo BodeFragen des Kinderschutzes sind so aktuell wie auch Gegenstand heißer Kontroversen. Soziale Interventionen in diesem Bereich werden durch verschiedene Zugänge und Handlungsansätze geprägt, die eine Vielfalt von Rationalitäten widerspiegeln. In dem Band wird aufgezeigt, wie diese Rationalitäten die Praxis des Feldes, dessen politisch-administrative und rechtliche Normierung und die von den beteiligten Akteuren genutzten Konzeptionen beeinflussen. Die Autorinnen und Autoren analysieren sozialpädagogische, juristische, politisch-administrative und managerielle Diskurse, aber auch und vor allem deren Interdependenzen - mit dem Ergebnis eines besseren emprischen Verständnisses und einer gestärkten Reflexivität der Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit.
Rationality and Irrationality in Economics
by Brian Pearce Maurice GodelierThis book is the result of a research project begun by the author in 1958 with the aim of answering two questions:First, what is the rationality of the economic systems that appear and disappear throughout history--in other words, what is their hidden logic and the underlying necessity for them to exist, or to have existed?Second, what are the conditions for a rational understanding of these systems--in other words, for a fully developed comparative economic science?The field of investigation opened up by these two questions is vast, touching on the foundations of social reality and on how to understand them. The author, being a Marxist, sought the answers, as he writes, 'not in philosophy or by philosophical means, but in and through examining the knowledge accumulated by the sciences.' The stages of his journey from philosophy to economics and then to anthropology are indicated by the divisions of his book.Godelier rejects, at the outset, any attempt to tackle the question of rationality or irrationality of economic science and of economic realities from the angle of an a priori idea, a speculative definition of what is rational. Such an approach can yield only, he feels, an ideological result. Rather, he treats the appearance and disappearance of social and economic systems in history as being governed by a necessity 'wholly internal to the concrete structures of social life.
Rationality And Nature: A Sociological Inquiry Into A Changing Relationship
by Raymond MurphyFirst Published in 2018. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an Informa company.
Rationality and the Environment: Decision-making in Environmental Politics and Assessment
by Bo EllingEnvironmental assessment and management involve the production of scientific knowledge and its use in decision-making processes. The result is that within these essentially rational, political assessment frameworks, experts are creating and applying scientific knowledge for decision and management purposes that actually have strong ethical and aesthetic dimensions. Yet these rational political frameworks lack the tools to provide guidance on ethical and aesthetic issues that affect the wider public. This revolutionary work argues that ethical and aesthetic dimensions can only be brought into environmental politics and policies by citizens actively taking a stand on the specific matters in question. The author draws on Habermas? trisection of rationality as cognitive-instrumental, moral-practical and aesthetic-expressive, to suggest that truly effective environmental policy needs to activate all three approaches and not favour only the rational. To achieve this objective, the author argues that public participation in environmental policy and assessment is necessary to counteract the dictatorship of technical and economic instrumentality in environmental policy - the failure to take ethical and aesthetic rationalities into account - and, more importantly, how such policy is applied on the ground to shape our natural and material world.
Rationality, Democracy, and Justice
by Claudio López-Guerra Julia MaskivkerThis volume advances the research agenda of one of the most remarkable political thinkers of our time: Jon Elster. With an impressive list of contributors, it features studies in five topics in political and social theory: rationality and collective action, political and social norms, democracy and constitution making, transitional justice, and the explanation of social behavior. Additionally, this volume includes chapters on the development of Elster's thinking over the past decades. Like Elster's own writings, the essays in this collection are problem-driven, nonideal inquiries of practical relevance. This volume closes with lucid comments by Jon Elster.
Rationality in Social Science: Foundations, Norms, and Prosociality
by Ivar Krumpal Werner Raub Andreas TutićThe concept of rationality and its significance for theory and empirical research in social science are key topics of scholarly discussion. In the tradition of an analytical as well as empirical approach in social science, this volume assembles novel contributions on methodological foundations and basic assumptions of theories of rational choice. The volume highlights the use of rational choice assumptions for research on fundamental problems in social theory such as the emergence, dynamics, and effects of social norms and the conditions for cooperation and prosociality.
The Rationality of Rural Life: Economic and Cultural Change in Tuscany (Studies in Anthropology and History #Vol. 17.)
by Jeff PrattThis monograph analyzes the developments in rural life in detail and at the same time places them in a wider context, exploring the strengths and weaknesses of theoretical writings on modern agriculture. What is revealed is a profound transformation in the rationality of farming, one which touches every aspect of the lives of rural people.
Rationality, Representation, and Race
by Deborah K. HeikesDuringthe Enlightenment, rationality becomes not a property belonging to all humansbut something that one must achieve. This transformation has the effect ofexcluding non-whites and non-males from the domain of reason. Heikes seeks touncover the source of this exclusion, which she argues stems from the threat ofsubjectivism inherent in modern thinking. As an alternative, she considers post-Cartesian reactions of modernrepresentationalism as well as ancient Greek understandings of mind as simplyone part of a functionally diverse soul. In the end, she maintains thattreating rationality as an evolutionarily situated virtue concept allows for anunderstanding of rationality that recognizes diversity and that groundssubstantive moral concepts.
Rationalizing Culture: IRCAM, Boulez, and the Institutionalization of the Musical Avant-Garde
by Georgina BornAnthropologist Georgina Born presents one of the first ethnographies of a powerful western cultural organization, the renowned Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM) in Paris. As a year-long participant-observer, Born studied the social and cultural economy of an institution for research and production of avant-garde and computer music. She gives a unique portrait of IRCAM's composers, computer scientists, technicians, and secretaries, interrogating the effects of the cultural philosophy of the controversial avant-garde composer, Pierre Boulez, who directed the institute until 1992.Born depicts a major artistic institution trying to maintain its status and legitimacy in an era increasingly dominated by market forces, and in a volatile political and cultural climate. She illuminates the erosion of the legitimacy of art and science in the face of growing commercial and political pressures. By tracing how IRCAM has tried to accomodate these pressures while preserving its autonomy, Born reveals the contradictory effects of institutionalizing an avant-garde.Contrary to those who see postmodernism representing an accord between high and popular culture, Born stresses the continuities between modernism and postmodernism and how postmodernism itself embodies an implicit antagonism toward popular culture.
Rationed Life: Science, Everyday Life, and Working-Class Politics in the Bohemian Lands, 19141918
by Rudolf KučeraFar from the battlefront, hundreds of thousands of workers toiled in Bohemian factories over the course of World War I, and their lives were inescapably shaped by the conflict. In particular, they faced new and dramatic forms of material hardship that strained social ties and placed in sharp relief the most mundane aspects of daily life, such as when, what, and with whom to eat. This study reconstructs the experience of the Bohemian working class during the Great War through explorations of four basic spheres-food, labor, gender, and protest-that comprise a fascinating case study in early twentieth-century social history.
Rationing Justice: Poverty Lawyers and Poor People in the Deep South (Making the Modern South)
by Kris ShepardEstablished in 1964, the federal Legal Services Program (later, Corporation) served a vast group of Americans desperately in need of legal counsel: the poor. In Rationing Justice, Kris Shepard looks at this pioneering program's effect on the Deep South, as the poor made tangible gains in cases involving federal, state, and local social programs, low-income housing, consumer rights, domestic relations, and civil rights. While poverty lawyers, Shepard reveals, did not by themselves create a legal revolution in the South, they did force southern politicians, policy makers, businessmen, and law enforcement officials to recognize that they could not ignore the legal rights of low-income citizens. Having survived for four decades, America's legal services program has adapted to ever-changing political realities, including slashed budgets and severe restrictions on poverty law practice adopted by the Republican-led Congress of the mid-1990s. With its account of the relationship between poverty lawyers and their clients, and their interaction with legal, political, and social structures, Rationing Justice speaks poignantly to the possibility of justice for all in America.
A Rat’s Nest of Rails: Tundra, Ice, Mosquitoes, and Permafrost: Saga of the Alaska Railroad
by Steve LeviThat the Alaska Railroad was ever built is astonishing. It was constructed over the most treacherous terrain in the world during the most violent political era in US history. The workforce included anarchists, Bolsheviks, socialists, syndicalists, and labor union organizers against the backdrops of the First World War, Spanish Influenza, the Russian Revolution, American troops in Siberia to keep Russian Socialism from our shore, Japan's relentless gobbling of colonies from Southeast Asia to Siberia, and the Great Red Scare. It was built by the United States military to supply the United States Navy with coal and, in the process, closed coal mining in the Territory of Alaska – to the great anger of the private sector. Then there were the scammers, land speculators, Natives and their land claims, blacks and discrimination, sedition, wages in scrip, permafrost, freezeup/breakup, ration stamps, and environmental damage. A Rate's Nest of Rails is an in-the-weeds look at what it took to construct the only government-funded railway in American history.
Rattlesnake Romeo
by Joy WellmanVicki Lyn Robinson, 49, wasn't the type of woman to go missing. The divorced mother of two teenage girls, she was a successful realtor and steady churchgoer. When her boyfriend reported her disappearance on June 27, 1998, friends and family feared the worst. Her house in a Tampa, Florida suburb was empty. Her younger daughter Valessa, 15, was also gone without a trace. RATTLESNAKE Valessa was a troubled teen with a trouble-making boyfriend, Adam "Rattlesnake" Davis, 19, a drug dealer with a record for burglary and auto theft. She'd last been seen with him and his buddy Jon Whispel, also 19. Now all three were on the run. BUSTED A multi-state dragnet for the fugitive teen trio ended in their capture in Texas after a high-speed car chase. They confessed that they'd been tripping on acid when Valessa had suggested they kill her mom for trying to break up her romance with Davis. Davis then fatally stabbed Vicki Robinson. This is their story-a tale of the kind of real-life terror that can come out of nowhere and destroy a family forever.
Rauchen, ein ganz normales Konsumverhalten?
by Thomas WimmerAusgangspunkt dieser Arbeit ist ein ökonomischer Ansatz, bei dem unterstellt wird, dass es sich bei Zigaretten um ein nutzenstiftendes Konsumgut handelt. Um Erklärungen für Variationen im Rauchverhalten zu finden, arbeitet Thomas Wimmer entsprechende Restriktionen wie z. B. Zigarettenpreise und Nichtrauchernormen heraus, die zum Ausbleiben bzw. zur Einschränkung des Konsums führen sollten. Untersucht werden diese Vermutungen im Rahmen zahlreicher empirischer Analysen auf der Individual- und Aggregatebene.
Raum in den Internationalen Beziehungen: Ein Überblick (essentials)
by Susanne Buckley-Zistelessentials liefern aktuelles Wissen in konzentrierter Form. Die Essenz dessen, worauf es als „State-of-the-Art“ in der gegenwärtigen Fachdiskussion oder in der Praxis ankommt. essentials informieren schnell, unkompliziert und verständlichals Einführung in ein aktuelles Thema aus Ihrem Fachgebietals Einstieg in ein für Sie noch unbekanntes Themenfeldals Einblick, um zum Thema mitreden zu könnenDie Bücher in elektronischer und gedruckter Form bringen das Expertenwissen von Springer-Fachautoren kompakt zur Darstellung. Sie sind besonders für die Nutzung als eBook auf Tablet-PCs, eBook-Readern und Smartphones geeignet. essentials: Wissensbausteine aus den Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften, aus Technik und Naturwissenschaften sowie aus Medizin, Psychologie und Gesundheitsberufen. Von renommierten Autoren aller Springer-Verlagsmarken.
Raum und Bild - Strategien visueller raumbezogener Forschung
by Raphaela Kogler Jeannine WintzerDer Sammelband Raum und Bild gibt Einblick in die Verortung und Erforschung visueller Kommunikation über Raum und der damit einhergehenden (Re)Produktion von Raum durch die Präsentation von empirischen Projekten aus aktueller sozial-, kultur- und raumbezogener Forschung. Im Zuge dessen wir das Verhältnis von Raum und Bild aus zwei Perspektiven betrachtet. Im Teil I Bilder (er-)öffnen Raum werden Arbeiten vorgestellt, in welchen Bilder einen Zugang zu Raum bieten und in unterschiedlichster Form (Foto, Karte, Film, Video) Verwendung finden. Dies mit dem Ziel Raum erkunden, verstehen und übersetzen zu können und einen Zugang zu räumlichen Alltagspraktiken zu gewähren. Im Teil II Bilder (re-)konstruieren Raum versammeln sich Beiträge, die Raumbilder als Mittel der Wirklichkeitskonstruktion verhandeln. Hier werden Beiträge vorgestellt, die Bilder als imaginäre Bilder in den Mittelpunkt stellen. So zum Beispiel produziert kartographisches Material Raumvorstellungen, Imaginationen verändern Raumpraktiken und mediale Bilder beeinflussen lebensweltbezogene Handlungsprozesse. Der Sammelband richtet sich an Forschende, die sich mit Strategien raumgezogener, visueller Ansätze auseinandersetzen und sich der Vielfalt räumlicher Bilder und bildlicher Räume widmen.
Räumliche Ungleichheit-wie ein Föderalstaat sehen: Entwicklung und Folgen einer quantifizierenden Territorialpolitik in Deutschland
by Walter BartlRäumliche Ungleichheiten innerhalb von Staaten haben jüngst an Bedeutung gewonnen, wie die geografische Verteilung von Wahlergebnissen in vielen Ländern zeigt. Das Buch analysiert die Rolle von Indikatoren sowohl für die Messung von räumlichen Disparitäten als auch für die Steuerung kompensatorischer Interventionen des Staates. Indikatoren vermessen Raum typischerweise in einem territorialen Schema, was nicht unbedingt den durch Praktiken konstituierten Räumen entspricht. Der Band untersucht die Territorialpolitik staatlicher Akteure in den Politikfeldern Kommunalfinanzen, Bildungsinfrastruktur, Regionalförderung und Asylverwaltung primär am Beispiel Deutschlands. Er zeigt, dass Indikatoren nur in einigen dieser Politikfelder eine Schlüsselstellung erreicht haben.
Raus aus dem Regiment der Rollenzuschreibungen: Von weiblicher Ohnmacht zu machtvollen Lösungen in Karriere, Partnerschaft und Familie
by Martina LacknerDieses Buch ist kein gewöhnlicher Ratgeber für Frauen. Es spiegelt schonungslos, was die persönliche Weiterentwicklung von Frauen in Partnerschaft, Familie und Beruf ausbremst – mit messerscharfer Analyse verborgener Wechselwirkungen und Traumata. So können Frauen vorhandene Fallen und Hemmnisse, Ängste, Schuldgefühle und weitere tiefsitzende Emotionen erkennen, um sich im Spagat zwischen Partner*in, Kind und Karriere einen Weg aus dem Gefängnis der Rollenzuschreibungen zu bahnen.Frauen sehen sich oft als Opfer des Patriarchats. Doch dass es ihnen an Bewusstsein für die eigene Macht und an Bereitschaft mangelt, sich diese zuzugestehen, dass Frauen die eigene Macht oft weder wahrnehmen noch akzeptieren, ist für die Autorin der Hauptgrund, warum Frauen in tradierten Rollen bleiben, denn Augenhöhe erfordert souveräne Eigenmacht. Dieses Buch lässt erfahrene Führungsfrauen zu Wort kommen, regt zum Nachdenken an und bietet Lösungswege aus scheinbar schwierigen Situationen. Handlungsempfehlungen für entscheidende Weichenstellungen auf dem Weg zur weiblichen Ermächtigung lassen den Leserinnen keine Rückzugsmöglichkeiten in gewohnte und trainierte Gegenargumente. Ein Buch, das sowohl zur Selbstreflektion anregt wie zur öffentlichen Diskussion.Der Inhalt• Das verborgene Mindset: Der Einfluss der Vergangenheit auf weibliche Karrieren• Am Anfang war die Herkunftsfamilie: Familienkonstellationen und ihre Bedeutung • Pubertät: Die Hormone übernehmen die Führung• Der Spagat beginnt: Partnerschaft, Mutterschaft und Karriere• Führung im Widerstreit: Diskrepanz zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit
Rautahi: The Maoris of New Zealand
by Joan MetgeA comprehensive study of the Maori in New Zealand, this book covers Maori history and culture, language and art and includes chapters on the following: · Basic concepts in Maori culture · Land · Kinship · Education · Association · Leadership & social control · The Marae · Hui · Maori and Pakeha · Maori spelling and pronunciation There is an extensive glossary, bibliography and index. First published in 1967. This edition reprints the revised edition of 1976.
Rave Culture and Religion (Routledge Advances in Sociology #Vol. 8)
by Graham St JohnThe collection provides insights on developments in post-traditional religiosity (especially 'New Age' and 'Neo-Paganism') through studies of rave's Gnostic narratives of ascensionism and re-enchantment, explorations of the embodied spirituality and millennialist predispositions of dance culture, and investigations of transnational digital-art countercultures manifesting at geographic locations as diverse as Goa, India, and Nevada's Burning Man festival. Contributors examine raving as a new religious or revitalization movement; a powerful locus of sacrifice and transgression; a lived bodily experience; a practice comparable with world entheogenic rituals; and as evidencing a new Orientalism. Rave Culture and Religion will be essential reading for advanced students and academics in the fields of sociology, cultural studies and religious studies.
Raven A Trickster Tale from the Pacific Northwest: A Trickster Tale From The Pacific Northwest
by Gerald McDermottRaven, a Pacific Coast Indian trickster, sets out to find the sun.