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Recipes for Good Luck: The Superstitions, Rituals, and Practices of Extraordinary People
by Ellen WeinsteinA visual compendium of good luck habits implemented by influential people from history.What did Maya Angelou do to keep the words flowing? How do NASA engineers ensure a successful launch? What was Audrey Hepburn’s lucky number? How does Thom Yorke get ready for a concert? How did Björn Borg prepare for Wimbledon?This charmingly illustrated book reveals the real-life creative processes, superstitions, curious practices, and performance routines of influential leaders from every walk of life—artists, writers, scientists, politicians, musicians, actors, and more—who forged their own path and left an indelible mark on the world. It is a celebration of all the many weird and wonderful ways we find the courage to boldly go forth. So, get out there and start making some good luck of your own!
Reciprocal Ethnography and the Power of Women's Narratives
by Elaine J. LawlessFolklorist Elaine J. Lawless has devoted her career to ethnographic research with underserved groups in the American Midwest, including charismatic Pentecostals, clergywomen, victims of domestic violence, and displaced African Americans. She has consistently focused her research on women's speech in these contexts and has developed a new approach to ethnographic research which she calls "reciprocal ethnography," while growing a detailed corpus of work on women's narrative style and expressive speech. Reciprocal ethnography is a feminist and collaborative ethnographic approach that Lawless developed as a challenge to the reflexive turn in anthropological fieldwork and research in the 1970s, which was often male-centric, ignoring the contributions by and study of women's culture. Collected here for the first time are Lawless's key articles on the topics of reciprocal ethnography and women's narrative which influenced not only folklore, but also the allied fields of anthropology, sociology, performance studies, and women's and gender studies. Lawless's methods and research continue to be critically relevant in today's global struggle for gender equality.
Reciprocal Relationships and Well-being: Implications for Social Work and Social Policy (Routledge Advances in Social Work)
by Carol Munn-Giddings Maritta Törrönen Laura TarkiainenA sense of participation and opportunities to share and participate in activities or groups that are important to them are crucial factors in human wellbeing. This book provides a robust empirical and theoretical analysis of reciprocity and its implications for social work and social policy practices by discussing how ideas of reciprocity can be understood and applied to welfare policy and social care practices, as well as how the act of reciprocity supports the wellbeing of citizens. Contributions from Finland, Germany, Russia, the UK, the USA and Canada illuminate the ways in which socio-political contexts influence the power relations between citizens, practitioners and the state, and the potential (or otherwise) for reciprocity to flourish. It will be essential reading for social care practitioners, researchers and educationalists as well as postgraduate students in social work and related social care and community-oriented professions and social policy makers.
Reciprocity and Dependency in Old Age
by Sue ThompsonThis book highlights (1) the significance of reciprocity for the maintenance of self-esteem in old age and (2) the negative implications for the well-being of dependent older people when that significance goes unrecognized and, as a consequence, opportunities to give back to society, as well as take from it, are not facilitated by those in a position to do so. The discussion draws on research undertaken in the UK and Southern India into the extent to which having the self-perception of being valued in the world is important to older people in receipt of care support and whether, in their experience, this is recognized by others. The author presents an analysis of theoretical insights from leading thinkers across a broad range of literature and from several disciplines, including social theory, social work, philosophy, and gerontology. The author also gives voice to the perspectives of those dependent older people not often heard because of marginalizing and disempowering processes that contribute to their having little opportunity to be heard in the first place. The emphasis of this book is on aspiration to a meaningful life and continuing personal growth as offering a challenge to dominant discourses the equate old age with decline.
Reciprocity in Human Societies: From Ancient Times to the Modern Welfare State
by Antti Kujala Mirkka DanielsbackaPresenting new insights into reciprocity, this book combines Marcel Mauss’s well-known gift theory with Barrington Moore’s idea of mutual obligations linking rulers and the ruled. Teasing out the interrelatedness of these approaches, Reciprocity in Human Societies suggests that evolutionary psychology reveals a human tendency for reciprocity and collaboration, not only in a mutually cooperative way but also through increasing retributive moral emotions. The book discusses various historical societies and the different models of the current welfare state—Nordic (social democratic), conservative, and liberal— and the repercussions of the neoliberal policies of tax havens, tax cuts, and austerity with a cross-disciplinary approach that bridges evolutionary psychology, sociology, and social anthropology with history.
Récits inachevés: Réflexions sur les défis de la recherche qualitative (Santé et société)
by d’Isabelle Perreault et de Marie-Claude ThifaultQue dire et quoi écrire sur des personnes qui laissent peu de traces ou qui, lorsqu’elles en laissent, les inscrivent souvent en marge des normes? Quand et comment faut-il mettre en narration « scientifique » des discours singuliers se rapportant à des individus qui, eux-mêmes, « échappent » à la fois aux systèmes et aux récits dominants? Comment extraire avec acuité et fidélité l’essence de témoignages des travailleurs du sexe, des personnes vivant avec le VIH/sida ou faisant partie des minorités sexuelles et de genre, et cela, sans modifier leurs propos ni trahir les pensées qu’ils ont consenti à dévoiler? Comment retracer l’itinéraire de patients dans un contexte de déshospitalisation psychiatrique alors que les archives semblent introuvables? Comment rendre compte avec justesse de la parole délirante de ceux qu’on a coutume d’appeler les « fous » (malades mentaux, suicidés, criminels)? Comment faire parler les « derniers » témoignages des suicidés? Voilà quelques-unes des questions auxquelles se heurtent fréquemment les spécialistes des sciences sociales et humaines. Afin de trouver des pistes de réponses, des professeurs et des chercheurs en histoire, en sociologie, en criminologie, en travail social et en santé s’appuient sur des approches méthodologiques variées (analyse documentaire, ethnométhodologie, narration sociologique, histoire orale/entretiens/témoignages, théorisation ancrée), tout en abordant les questions d’éthique et l’importance des affects dans leur travail/pratique professionnelle.
Reckless and Other Plays
by Craig LucasThis volume combines some of Craig Lucas' best known work, including Reckless ("a bittersweet fable for our time"--Frank Rich, The New York Times) and Blue Window (". . . the clarity of a Mozart quintet. And it is faultlessly spun. "--Dan Sullivan, The Los Angeles Times) with his newest play, Stranger. The three plays continue the author's exploration of the nature of relationships in an ever increasingly distant society. Craig Lucas is the author of Prelude to a Kiss, both a success on Broadway and as a motion picture, The Dying Gaul, God's Heart, Missing Persons and Longtime Companion. He is currently at work on numerous projects for theatre and film. Also available by Craig Lucas What I Meant Was: New Plays and Selected One Acts PB $17. 95 1-55936-159-X * USA Prelude to a Kiss and Other Plays PB $16. 95 1-55936-193-X * USA
Reckless and Other Plays
by Craig LucasThis volume combines some of Craig Lucas' best known work, including Reckless ("a bittersweet fable for our time"--Frank Rich, The New York Times) and Blue Window ("...the clarity of a Mozart quintet. And it is faultlessly spun."--Dan Sullivan, The Los Angeles Times) with his newest play, Stranger. The three plays continue the author's exploration of the nature of relationships in an ever increasingly distant society.Craig Lucas is the author of Prelude to a Kiss, both a success on Broadway and as a motion picture, The Dying Gaul, God's Heart, Missing Persons and Longtime Companion. He is currently at work on numerous projects for theatre and film.Also available by Craig Lucas What I Meant Was: New Plays and Selected One Acts PB $17.95 1-55936-159-X * USA Prelude to a Kiss and Other Plays PB $16.95 1-55936-193-X * USA
A Reckless Desire: Breconridge Brothers Book 3 (Breconridge Brothers)
by Isabella BradfordFor fans of Julia Quinn, Eloisa James and Sarah MacLean, comes Isabella Bradford's enthralling new trilogy of London's most scandalous rakes, the Breconridge Brothers, who are about to lose their hearts...Though charming and handsome, Lord Rivers Fitzroy, the youngest Breconridge brother, is more inclined to dusty books than brazen women. But when his father insists he marries, he vows to make the most of his last days as a bachelor.And what better way than in the company of a troupe of Italian dancers, where he's challenged to a wager he can't resist: turn the players' meek and mousy cousin into the first lady of the London stage.But he gets more than he bargained for with Lucia di Rossi. She has her own past to overcome and her own starlit aspirations. As the lines between performance and passion become blurred will finding the spotlight mean losing their hearts?Catch the rest of the dazzling series! Don't miss A Wicked Pursuit and A Sinful Decption. Before the Breconridge Brothers, came the Wylder sisters. Don't miss a moment of the romantic and captivating debut trilogy from Isabella Bradford: When You Wish Upon a Duke, When The Duchess Said Yes and When The Duke Found Love.
The Reckoning: From the Second Slavery to Abolition, 1776-1888
by Robin Blackburn"Tremendously impressive, the result of a lifetime of learning. Historical writing at its best."—Marcus Rediker, author of The Slave ShipA history of 19th century slavery in the US, Brazil and Cuba from a critically acclaimed historian of slavery in the Americas The Reckoning offers the first rounded account of the rise and fall of the Second Slavery—largescale plantation slavery in nineteenth-century Brazil, Cuba and the US South. Robin Blackburn shows how a fusion of industrial capitalism and transatlantic war and revolution turbo-charged racial oppression and the westwards expansion of the United States. Blackburn identifies the new territories, new victims and new battle cries of the Second Slavery. He emphasises the role of financial credit in the spread of plantation agriculture, traces the connections between slavery and the US Civil War, and asks why Brazil threw off Portuguese rule whereas Cuba became one of imperial Spain&’s final outposts. The Second Slavery faced a fearful reckoning in the 1860s and after when the supposedly invincible Slave Power was defied by extraordinary cross-class, international and interracial alliances. Blackburn narrates the abolitionists&’ difficult victory over the enslavers, while documenting the racial backlash which brought on Jim Crow and cheated the freedmen and freedwomen of the fruits of their struggle.
Reckoning: The Epic Battle Against Sexual Abuse and Harassment
by Linda HirshmanThe first history—incisive, witty, fascinating—of the fight against sexual harassment, from the author of the New York Times bestseller Sisters in LawLinda Hirshman, acclaimed historian of social movements, delivers the sweeping story of the struggle leading up to #MeToo and beyond: from the first tales of workplace harassment percolating to the surface in the 1970s to the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal—when liberal women largely forgave Clinton, giving men a free pass for two decades. Many liberals even resisted the movement to end rape on campus. And yet, legal, political, and cultural efforts, often spearheaded by women of color, were quietly paving the way for the takedown of abusers and harassers. Reckoning delivers the stirring tale of a movement catching fire as pioneering women in the media exposed the Harvey Weinsteins of the world, women flooded the political landscape, and the walls of male privilege finally began to crack. This is revelatory, essential social history.
The Reckoning
by Randall RobinsonIn The Reckoning, Robinson provides startling insights into prominent Americans' roles in the crime and poverty that grip much of urban America, and rallies black Americans to speak out-and reach back-to ensure that the largely forgotten poor of black America get their chance at the American dream. The Reckoning grew out of Robinson's work with gang members, ex-convicts, and others profoundly scarred by environments of extreme poverty and its unshakable shadow-crime. The Reckoning pays homage to residents of these neighborhoods waging heroic struggles to free their communities from economic blight and social pathology. Robinson calls on black Americans of all ages and classes to join this crucial battle to bring the residents of America's inner cities to safe harbor.
Reckoning Day: Race, Place, and the Atom Bomb in Postwar America
by Jacqueline FoertschToo often lost in our understanding of the American Cold War crisis, with its nuclear brinkmanship and global political chess game, is the simultaneous crisis on the nation's racial front. Reckoning Day is the first book to examine the relationship of African Americans to the atom bomb in postwar America. It tells the wide-ranging story of African Americans’ response to the atomic threat in the postwar period. It examines the anti-nuclear writing and activism of major figures such as W.E.B. Du Bois, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Lorraine Hansberry as well as the placement (or absence) of black characters in white-authored doomsday fiction and nonfiction. Author Jacqueline Foertsch analyzes the work of African American thinkers, activists, writers, journalists, filmmakers, and musical performers in the "atomic" decades of 1945 to 1965 and beyond. Her book tells the dynamic story of commitment and interdependence, as these major figures spoke with force and eloquence for nuclear disarmament, just as they argued unstintingly for racial equality on numerous other occasions. Foertsch also examines the location of African American characters in white-authored doomsday novels, science fiction, and survivalist nonfiction such as government-sponsored forecasts regarding post-nuclear survival. In these, black characters are often displaced or absented entirely: in doomsday narratives they are excluded from executive decision-making and the stories' often triumphant conclusions; in the nonfiction, they are rarely envisioned amongst the "typical American" survivors charged with rebuilding US society. Throughout Reckoning Day, issues of placement and positioning provide the conceptual framework: abandoned at "ground zero" (America's inner cities) during the height of the atomic threat, African Americans were figured in white-authored survival fiction as compliant servants aiding white victory over atomic adversity, while as historical figures they were often perceived as "elsewhere" (indifferent) to the atomic threat. In fact, African Americans' "position" on the bomb was rarely one of silence or indifference. Ranging from appreciation to disdain to vigorous opposition, atomic-era African Americans developed diverse and meaningful positions on the bomb and made essential contributions to a remarkably American dialogue.
Reckoning Day: Race, Place, and the Atom Bomb in Postwar America
by Jacqueline FoertschToo often lost in our understanding of the American Cold War crisis, with its nuclear brinkmanship and global political chess game, is the simultaneous crisis on the nation's racial front. Reckoning Day is the first book to examine the relationship of African Americans to the atom bomb in postwar America. It tells the wide-ranging story of African Americans' response to the atomic threat in the postwar period. It examines the anti-nuclear writing and activism of major figures such as W.E.B. Du Bois, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Lorraine Hansberry as well as the placement (or absence) of black characters in white-authored doomsday fiction and nonfiction. Author Jacqueline Foertsch analyzes the work of African American thinkers, activists, writers, journalists, filmmakers, and musical performers in the "atomic" decades of 1945 to 1965 and beyond. Her book tells the dynamic story of commitment and interdependence, as these major figures spoke with force and eloquence for nuclear disarmament, just as they argued unstintingly for racial equality on numerous other occasions. Foertsch also examines the location of African American characters in novels, science fiction, and survivalist nonfiction such as government-sponsored forecasts regarding post-nuclear survival. In these, black characters are often displaced or absented entirely: in doomsday narratives they are excluded from executive decision-making and the stories' often triumphant conclusions; in the nonfiction, they are rarely envisioned amongst the "typical American" survivors charged with rebuilding US society. Throughout Reckoning Day, issues of placement and positioning provide the conceptual framework: abandoned at "ground zero" (America's inner cities) during the height of the atomic threat, African Americans were figured in white-authored survival fiction as compliant servants aiding white victory over atomic adversity, while as historical figures they were often perceived as "elsewhere" (indifferent) to the atomic threat. In fact, African Americans' "position" on the bomb was rarely one of silence or indifference. Ranging from appreciation to disdain to vigorous opposition, atomic-era African Americans developed diverse and meaningful positions on the bomb and made essential contributions to a remarkably American dialogue.
The Reckoning of Pluralism: Political Belonging and the Demands of History in Turkey
by Kabir TambarThe Turkish Republic was founded simultaneously on the ideal of universal citizenship and on acts of extraordinary exclusionary violence. Today, nearly a century later, the claims of minority communities and the politics of pluralism continue to ignite explosive debate. The Reckoning of Pluralism centers on the case of Turkey's Alevi community, a sizeable Muslim minority in a Sunni majority state. Alevis have seen their loyalty to the state questioned and experienced sectarian hostility, and yet their community is also championed by state ideologues as bearers of the nation's folkloric heritage. Kabir Tambar offers a critical appraisal of the tensions of democratic pluralism. Rather than portraying pluralism as a governing ideal that loosens restrictions on minorities, he focuses on the forms of social inequality that it perpetuates and on the political vulnerabilities to which minority communities are thereby exposed. Alevis today are often summoned by political officials to publicly display their religious traditions, but pluralist tolerance extends only so far as these performances will validate rather than disturb historical ideologies of national governance and identity. Focused on the inherent ambivalence of this form of political incorporation, Tambar ultimately explores the intimate coupling of modern political belonging and violence, of political inclusion and domination, contained within the practices of pluralism.
Reckoning with Change in Yucatán: Histories of Care and Threat on a Former Hacienda (The Anthropology of History)
by Jason RamseyReckoning with Change in Yucatán engages with how best to look upon and respond to change, arguing that this debate is an important arena for negotiating local belonging and a force of transformation in its own right. For residents of Chunchucmil, a historic rural community in Yucatán, Mexico, history is anything but straightforward. Living in what is both a defunct 19th-century hacienda estate and a vibrant Catholic pilgrimage site, Chunchucmileños reckon past, present, and future in radically different ways. For example, while some use the aging estate buildings to weave a history of economic decline and push for revitalization by hotel developers, others highlight the growing fame of the Virgin of the Rosary in the attached church and vow to defend the site from developer interference. By exploring how past and future are channeled through changing built environments, landscapes, sacred relics, and legal documents, this ethnographic study details how the politics of change provide Chunchucmileños with a common language for debating commitments to place and each another in the present. Against Western notions of ‘History’ as a relatively coherent account of change, the book suggests we reframe it as an ongoing performance that is always fractured, democratic, and morally tinged.
Reckoning with Homelessness
by Kim Hopper"It must be some kind of experiment or something, to see how long people can live without food, without shelter, without security."--Homeless woman in Grand Central StationKim Hopper has dedicated his career to trying to address the problem of homelessness in the United States. In this powerful book, he draws upon his dual strengths as anthropologist and advocate to provide a deeper understanding of the roots of homelessness. He also investigates the complex attitudes brought to bear on the issue since his pioneering fieldwork with Ellen Baxter twenty years ago helped put homelessness on the public agenda.Beginning with his own introduction to the problem in New York, Hopper uses ethnography, literature, history, and activism to place homelessness into historical context and to trace the process by which homelessness came to be recognized as an issue. He tells the largely neglected story of homelessness among African Americans and vividly portrays various sites of public homelessness, such as airports. His accounts of life on the streets make for powerful reading.
Reckoning with Race: An Unfinished Journey
by Frederick AllenIn his fifty-year career as an award-winning journalist, CNN commentator, and author of multiple books, Rick Allen has had a front-row seat on dramatic change in race relations in America. In this collection of eighteen essays, he explores his ongoing efforts to understand the struggle of black and white Americans to navigate a shared history at once wicked and intimate, full of love and hate, as they seek to level an uneven playing field. Allen examines issues from the era of Reconstruction through Jim Crow, the Civil Rights movement, the rhythms of resistance and progress, into today&’s contentious debates over redlining, reparations, and critical race theory. Starting as a reporter with the Atlanta Constitution in 1972, Allen got to know and befriend legendary black political figures including Julian Bond, John Lewis, Andy Young, Hosea Williams, Maynard Jackson, Jesse Jackson, and Daddy King, the father of Martin Luther King, Jr. He also encountered ardent white segregationists, some of whom saw the light and others who took their racism to the grave. Drawing on his experience covering politics, he examines presidents from LBJ and Jimmy Carter to Obama and Trump. He explores the symbolism of Confederate flags, the controversy over Uncle Remus, the election of Atlanta&’s first black mayor, Maynard Jackson, and the tragic case of the Atlanta Child Murders. He has had first-hand encounters with white supremacy and violent black protest alike. Throughout his essays, Allen is candid about his own shortcomings as a white native Northerner learning gradually about the complexities of race in his adoptive South. The essays highlight his continuing journey toward understanding the forces that both hinder and promote equality and harmony between the races.
Reckoning with Slavery: Gender, Kinship, and Capitalism in the Early Black Atlantic
by Jennifer L. MorganIn Reckoning with Slavery Jennifer L. Morgan draws on the lived experiences of enslaved African women in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to reveal the contours of early modern notions of trade, race, and commodification in the Black Atlantic. From capture to transport to sale to childbirth, these women were demographically counted as commodities during the Middle Passage, vulnerable to rape, separated from their kin at slave markets, and subject to laws that enslaved their children upon birth. In this way, they were central to the binding of reproductive labor with kinship, racial hierarchy, and the economics of slavery. Throughout this groundbreaking study, Morgan demonstrates that the development of Western notions of value and race occurred simultaneously. In so doing, she illustrates how racial capitalism denied the enslaved their kinship and affective ties while simultaneously relying on kinship to reproduce and enforce slavery through enslaved female bodies.
Reckoning with the Devil: Nathan Bedford Forrest in Myth and Memory
by Court CarneyCourt Carney’s Reckoning with the Devil grapples with the troubled, complex legacy of Nathan Bedford Forrest—a slave trader, Confederate general, and prominent Klansman. More than a century after his death, Forrest’s image continues to resonate with certain groups and bear varied interpretations, reflecting the intricate interplay of history, memory, and a contested past. Carney explores how historical omissions and erasures continually reshape perceptions of Forrest as well as the Civil War.Central to Forrest’s narrative is his involvement in the slave trade, a key to his ascent in the southern social hierarchy. Carney traces Forrest’s trajectory from a prosperous slave trader in Memphis to a politician and eventual military leader in the Confederacy during the Civil War. Forrest’s postwar years reveal his struggle to rebuild his life, leading him to engage in various economic ventures and eventually join the Ku Klux Klan. Carney argues that the slave trade, the Fort Pillow massacre, and his Klan affiliation were the fundamental elements shaping Forrest’s image. Those elements, although steeped in racism and white supremacy, were marked by an ambiguity and malleability that allowed Forrest to attract admirers as well as detractors as his image was memorialized in postwar white southern culture.Carney covers distinct phases of Forrest’s memorialization, from the unveiling of statues in Memphis in 1905 to his representation in literature and media and the controversies surrounding his monuments in the 2010s. That history culminates with the removal of the Memphis statue in 2017, reflecting the evolving societal perspectives on symbols tied to racism. Forrest’s significance lies in his capacity to encompass conflicting narratives—hero and villain, rebel and patriot. Carney contends that understanding Forrest’s legacy is essential for comprehending the intricacies of the southern past and its enduring impact on American society. By exploring the fluidity of Forrest’s image, Carney’s work illuminates the nuanced interplay of history, memory, and the ongoing struggle to reckon with a tumultuous past.
Reckoning with the Past: Family Historiographies in Postcolonial Australian Literature (Memory Studies: Global Constellations)
by Joseph Cummins Ashley BarnwellThis is the first book to examine how Australian fiction writers draw on family histories to reckon with the nation’s colonial past. Located at the intersection of literature, history, and sociology, it explores the relationships between family storytelling, memory, and postcolonial identity. With attention to the political potential of family histories, Reckoning with the Past argues that authors’ often autobiographical works enable us to uncover, confront, and revise national mythologies. An important contribution to the emerging global conversation about multidirectional memory and the need to attend to the effects of colonisation, this book will appeal to an interdisciplinary field of scholarly readers.
Reckonings: Numerals, Cognition, and History
by Stephen ChrisomalisInsights from the history of numerical notation suggest that how humans write numbers is an active choice involving cognitive and social factors.Over the past 5,000 years, more than 100 methods of numerical notation--distinct ways of writing numbers--have been developed and used by specific communities. Most of these are barely known today; where they are known, they are often derided as cognitively cumbersome and outdated. In Reckonings, Stephen Chrisomalis considers how humans past and present use numerals, reinterpreting historical and archaeological representations of numerical notation and exploring the implications of why we write numbers with figures rather than words.
The Reckonings: Essays
by Lacy M. JohnsonThis extraordinary, timely new collection of essays by the award-winning writer of The Other Side—rooted in her own experience with sexual assault—pursues questions of justice, sexual violence, and retribution.In 2014, Lacy Johnson was giving a reading from The Other Side, her “instant classic” (Kirkus Reviews) memoir of kidnapping and rape, when a woman asked her what she would like to happen to her rapist. This collection, a meditative extension of that answer, draws from philosophy, art, literature, mythology, anthropology, film, and other fields, as well as Johnson’s personal experience, to consider how our ideas about justice might be expanded beyond vengeance and retribution to include acts of compassion, patience, mercy, and grace. From “Speak Truth to Power,” about the condition of not being believed about rape and assault; to “Goliath,” about the concept of evil; to “Girlhood in a Semi-Barbarous Age,” about the sacred feminine, “ideal woman,” and feminist art, Johnson creates masterful, elaborate, gorgeously written essays that speak incisively about our current era. She grapples with justice and retribution, truth and fairness, and sexual assault and workplace harassment, as well as the broadest societal wrongs: the BP Oil Spill, government malfeasance, police killings. The Reckonings is a powerful and necessary work, ambitious in its scope, which strikes at the heart of our national conversation about the justness of society.
Reclaiming: Essays on finding yourself one piece at a time
by Yewande BialaReclaiming is a brilliantly written and thought-provoking book. Through amazing story telling, Yewande highlights the richness in her culture that so many other black women can relate to. It was extremely gripping right from beginning. -- Oloni'This book highlights the topics and issues we still face in our society daily, including some that I've struggled with myself. I think it's hugely important we keep having these conversations and this book certainly helps do just that.' -- Olivia Bowen'Reclaiming is comforting, yet inspiring. Yewande has admirably opened up about her experiences growing up and facing difficulties such as colourism and mental health problems, how she's so bravely over come them and found her voice. I whole heartedly recommend this book to anyone mixed up in this complex generation looking for a relatable, authentic and aspirational read.' -- Demi Jones'I absolutely loved it. I think it's clear to anyone who's read Yewande's earlier essay that she's a phenomenal writer and talent, and this is an incredible debut. Empowering, instructive, loving & honest...the kind of text that makes me excited to be a reader' -- Beth McColl'I'm so proud of the strong, intelligent woman Yewande is. She is using her platform and own experiences to educate, inspire, empower and to help others!' -- Amy Hart'A beautiful book - very relatable... a beautiful form of art.' -- Murad Merali'Reclaiming is more than just a book title. It's a statement. It's power. It's an announcement. It's a force I feel Yewande is making on behalf of all men and women of colour. Thank you Yewande.' -- Rachel Finni_____________________________________________________I am more than enough, and I am perfect with all my imperfections.In 2021, Yewande Biala wrote a searing viral essay on the debilitating effects of having your name constantly mispronounced or changed.From the incredible response to the essay, it was clear that there are still so many conversations to be had around the way that we as a society respond to each other, and the direct effect it is having on our sense of self. Reclaiming consists of interlinked essays covering a wide breadth of topics from struggling with your body image and mental health to navigating social media and dating apps without damaging your self-esteem.Each essay covers a different topic, affirming that maintaining your sense of self in a world that is not supportive of you is difficult, but not impossible. Nuanced, distinctly sharp, and full of wit, Reclaiming holds a mirror up to us all, and encourages us to like what we see.
Reclaiming: Essays on finding yourself one piece at a time ‘Yewande offers piercing honesty… a must-read book for anyone who has been on social media.’- The Skinny
by Yewande BialaRECLAIMING will cover a wide breadth of topics from the specific microaggressions black women encounter on dating apps to navigating a career that may seem impossible. Every step of Yewande's writing affirms that maintaining your sense of self in a world that is not supportive of you is difficult, but not impossible. The audiobook will be a thought provoking, sensitive, challenging and deeply moving collection of essays covering everything from identity to love and career choices, published in May 2022.RECLAIMING will serve as an inspiring love letter for anyone who has ever felt out of place, but strives to find success in every aspect of their lives.(P) 2022 Hodder & Stoughton Limited