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Reparable Harm: Executive Summary

by Lois M. Davis Dana Schultz M. Rebecca Kilburn

The summary discusses some of the greatest disparities for boys and men of color relative to their white counterparts across specific socioeconomic, health, safety, and school readiness indicators in California and provides information about different strategies for reducing the disparities--including effective programs, practices, and policies--that can begin making an important difference in changing the life course of boys and men of color.

Reparable Harm

by Lois M Davis Dana Scultz M. Rebecca Kilburn

The Los Angeles area has the most severe traffic congestion in the United States. Trends in many of the underlying causal factors suggest that congestion will continue to worsen in the coming years, absent significant policy intervention. Excessive traffic congestion detracts from quality of life, is economically wasteful and environmentally damaging, and exacerbates social-justice concerns. Finding efficient and equitable strategies for mitigating congestion will therefore serve many social goals. The authors recommend strategies for reducing congestion in Los Angeles County that could be implemented and produce significant improvements within about five years. To manage peak-hour auto travel, raise transportation revenue, improve alternative transportation options, and use existing capacity more efficiently, they recommend 10 primary strategies: improve signal control and timing; restrict curb parking on busy thoroughfares; implement paired one-way streets; promote ride-sharing, telecommuting, and flexible work schedules; develop a high-occupancy toll-lane network; vary curb-parking rates with demand, enforce the current parking cash-out law; promote deep-discount transit passes; expand bus rapid transit and bus-only lanes; and implement a regionally connected bicycle network. In addition, three recommendations may help, depending on the outcome of current events: evaluate arterial incident management, consider cordon congestion tolls, and levy local fuel taxes to raise transit revenue. Given that some of the recommendations may prove controversial, the authors also outline complementary strategies for building political consensus.

Reparation for Victims of Crimes against Humanity: The healing role of reparation (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice)

by Jo-Anne M. Wemmers

Each year, countless people fall victim to crimes against humanity. These include widespread occurrences of systematic murder, torture, rape, disappearances, forced deportation and political persecution. Crimes against humanity constitute an attack on human dignity and as such they violate the human rights of the victim, as well as the laws of humanity. In recent years, following the creation of the International Criminal Court, there has been a growing interest in the prosecution of offenders and, in particular, in reparation following crimes against humanity. While such measures are meant to provide justice for victims, victims are often forgotten or lost in legal debates about what constitutes reparation and who is eligible to receive it. This book reaches beyond the boundaries of law and psychology and takes a multidisciplinary approach to the question of reparation for victims of crimes against humanity. Law does not take place in a vacuum and it is important to consider the impact of the law on the psychology of the victim, as well as the legal principles themselves. Herein lies the originality of this book, which bridges the gaps between psychology, victimology, criminology and law and will be of key interest to academics and students engaged in the study of these areas.

Reparations and Anti-Black Racism: A Criminological Exploration of the Harms of Slavery and Racialized Injustice

by Angus Nurse

The Black Lives Matter movement has exposed the state violence and social devaluation that Black populations continue to suffer. Police shootings and incarceration inequalities in the US and UK are just two examples of the legacy of slavery today. This book offers a criminological exploration of the case for slavery and anti-Black racism reparations in the context of the enduring harms and differential treatment of Black citizens. Through critical analysis of legal arguments and reviewing recent court actions, it refutes the policy perspectives that argue against reparations. Highlighting the human rights abuses inherent to and arising from slavery and ongoing racism, this book calls for governments to take responsibility for the impact of ongoing racialized injustice.

Reparations and Reparatory Justice: Past, Present, and Future

by Sundiata Keita Cha-Jua Mary Frances Berry V. P. Franklin A. J Davis Ron Daniels Jesse Jackson Sr Danny Glover Earl Ofari Hutchinson Sheila Jackson Lee Kamm Howard Hilary McDonald Beckles National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America New Afrikan Peoples Organization/Malcolm X Grassroots Movement Malcolm X Grassroots Movement National African American Reparations Commission Adom Gretachew James B Stewart Chuck Collins Dedrick Asante-Muhammad Brian Jones Charles P. Henry

Changes at the global, federal, state, and municipal level are pushing forward the reparations movement for people of African descent. The distinguished editors of this volume have gathered works that chronicle the historical movement for reparations both in the United States and around the world. Sharing a focus on reparations as an issue of justice, the contributors provide a historical primer of the movement; introduce the philosophical, political, economic, legal and ethical issues surrounding reparations; explain why government, corporations, universities, and other institutions must take steps to rehabilitate, compensate, and commemorate African Americans; call for the restoration of Black people’s human and civil rights and material and psychological well-being; lay out specific ideas about how reparations can and should be paid; and advance cutting-edge interpretations of the complex long-lasting effects that enslavement, police and vigilante actions, economic discrimination, and other behaviors have had on people of African descent. Groundbreaking and innovative, Reparations and Reparatory Justice offers a multifaceted resource to anyone wishing to explore a defining moral issue of our time. Contributors: Dedrick Asante-Muhammad, Hilary McDonald Beckles, Mary Frances Berry, Sundiata Keita Cha-Jua, Chuck Collins, Ron Daniels, V. P. Franklin, Danny Glover, Adom Gretachew, Charles Henry, Kamm Howard, Earl Ofari Hutchinson, Jesse Jackson, Sr., Brian Jones, Sheila Jackson Lee, James B. Stewart, the Movement 4 Black Lives, the National African American Reparations Commission, the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America, the New Afrikan Peoples Organization/Malcolm X Grassroots Movement

Reparations by Non-State Armed Groups under International Law: From Conflict to Repair in Colombia and Beyond (ISSN)

by Olivia Herman

This book examines whether and how non-state armed groups might be required to provide reparations for the harm caused by their violations of international law committed during situations of non-international armed conflict.Most of today’s armed conflicts are waged between states and non-state armed groups or between such groups. Societies ravaged by these conflicts endure extensive harm resulting from violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law. This reality prompts a series of pressing questions. Akin to states, should non-state armed groups be held responsible for making reparation when violating international law? And if so, what measures can these groups take to repair the harm they have caused? The book begins by clarifying if there exists, in contemporary international law, a duty for armed groups to provide reparation. It considers whether non-state armed groups have primary international obligations as distinct duty bearers, and whether reparation can be one of the legal consequences when violating these obligations. Subsequently, the book sheds new light on how non-state armed groups’ duty of reparation can be operationalised in international law. This involves elucidating both the conceptualisation and practical application of this duty. Combining this legal analysis with practical perspectives, the book unveils important insights for international law, drawn from an in-depth analysis of Colombia’s experiences with reparations by armed groups in the context of transitional justice.This book will be of interest to scholars and practitioners working in the fields of international law related to armed conflict, accountability and redress, and transitional justice more broadly.

Reparations to Palestinian Refugees: A Comparative Perspective (Routledge Studies on the Arab-Israeli Conflict)

by Shahira Samy

This book delves into the issue of reparations in relation to Palestinian refugees in their search for a solution to their displacement and dispossession. Highlighting the broad spectrum of reparations available as forms of remedy for a historical injustice, the author probes the reasons behind the failure to reach a reparations agreement till the present day and discusses the significance of issues of apology, recognition and acknowledgement of responsibility. In its approach, the book departs from traditional and modern perceptions of reparations as featuring in international law, history, politics and philosophy. The analysis is focused on a comparative study of two other cases - the German-Jewish reparations agreement of 1952 and the Cypriot conflict - in search of parameters that may constitute a framework to a potential reparations model applicable to the case of Palestinian refugees. When compared to the history of negotiations over reparations in the Israeli-Palestinian case, the findings of the comparison shed light on why reparations are still illusive. The book thus offers an explanation of why reparations to Palestinian refugees have failed, and offers suggestions on how to enhance prospects for reparations to Palestinian displacement and dispossessions. A unique contribution to the study of the Arab-Israeli peace process, this book will be an important reference for scholars of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and for students and scholars of politics, conflict resolution and history.

Reparative Futures and Transformative Learning Spaces

by Melanie Walker Alejandra Boni Diana Velasco

This edited book draws on an international cohort of authors, all working towards sustainable, decolonizing human development for more just futures in a variety of learning spaces. Integrating sustainable human development with ‘reparative futures’, the chapters present diverse examples of how transformative learning spaces can be created through different participatory methodologies and with different stakeholders. The book will be of interest to researchers, graduate students, practitioners and policymakers in the areas of higher education, development studies and transformative innovation.

Reparieren, Selbermachen und Kreislaufwirtschaften: Alternative Praktiken für nachhaltigen Konsum (Kritische Verbraucherforschung)

by Michael Jonas Sebastian Nessel Nina Tröger

Repair & Do-It-Yourself Aktivitäten auf der einen Seite und Diskussionen über die Kreislaufwirtschaft auf der anderen Seite gelten aktuell als vielversprechende Beispiele, wie derzeitige Konsumtions- und Produktionsweisen im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Gesellschaft reorganisiert und umgestaltet werden können. Der Band diskutiert sowohl aus wissenschaftlicher als auch aus praxisbezogener Perspektive die Relevanz, die Wechselwirkungen wie auch die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der genannten Phänomene des Reparierens, Selbermachens und Länger Nutzens einerseits und des Kreislaufwirtschaftens andererseits.

Repatriation, Exchange, and Colonial Legacies in the Gulf of Papua: Moving Pictures

by Lara Lamb Christopher Lee

This book explores the people of the Kikori River Delta, in the Gulf of Papua, as established historical agents of intercultural exchange. One hundred years after they were made, Frank Hurley’s colonial-era photographic reproductions are returned to the descendants of the Kerewo and Urama peoples, whom he photographed. The book illuminates how the movement, use, and exchange of objects can produce distinctive and unrecognised forms of value. To understand this exchange, a nuanced history of the conditions of the exchange is necessary, which also allows a reconsideration of the colonial legacies that continue to affect the social and political worlds of people in the twenty-first century.

Repatriation of Indigenous Cultural Heritage: Experiences of Return in Central Australia (Museums in Focus)

by Jason M. Gibson

Repatriation of Indigenous Cultural Heritage examines how returned materials - objects, photographs, audio and manuscripts - are being received and reintegrated into the ongoing social and cultural lives of Aboriginal Australians. Combining a critical examination of the making of these collections with an assessment of their contemporary significance, the book exposes the opportunities and challenges involved in returning cultural heritage for the purposes of maintaining, preserving or reviving cultural practice. Drawing on ethnographic work undertaken with Aboriginal communities and the institutions that hold significant collections, the author reveals important new insights about the impact of return on communities. Technological advances, combined with the push towards decolonising methodologies in Indigenous research, have resulted in considerable interest in ensuring that collections of cultural value are returned to Indigenous communities. Gibson challenges the rhetoric of museum repatriation, arguing that, while it has been tremendously important to advancing Indigenous interest, it is too often over-simplified. Repatriation of Indigenous Cultural Heritage offers a timely, critical perspective on current museum practice and its place within processes of cultural production and transmission. The book is sure to resonate in other international contexts where questions about Indigenous re-engagement and decolonisation strategies are being debated and will be of interest to students and scholars of Museum Studies, Indigenous Studies and Anthropology.

Repatriation of Sacred Indigenous Cultural Heritage and the Law: Lessons from the United States and Canada (Studies in Art, Heritage, Law and the Market #3)

by Vanessa Tünsmeyer

This book examines the ways in which law can be used to structure the return of indigenous sacred cultural heritage to indigenous communities, referred to as repatriation in this volume. In particular, it aims at developing legal structures that align repatriation with contemporary international human rights standards. To do so, it gathers the most valuable lessons learned from different repatriation laws and frameworks adopted in the United States and Canada. In both countries, very different ways of approaching repatriation have been used for several decades, highlighting the context-dependent nature of repatriation. The volume is divided into four parts, looking first at international law, then at the national legal landscape in the United States, followed by Canada, before the different repatriation models are evaluated against the backdrop of human rights law standards. Emphasis is placed not only on repatriation-specific legislation but also on the legal context in which it was developed and operates. In turn, the fourth part develops various models on the basis of these experiences that can be aligned with contemporary indigenous and cultural rights. The book ends by considering the models’ suitability for international repatriation and the lessons that can be learned from them. The primary audience includes those addressing the legal hurdles to repatriation, be they researchers, policymakers, communities, or museums.

Repatriation, Science and Identity (Routledge Studies in the Repatriation and Restitution of Human Remains and Cultural Objects)

by Cressida Fforde Hilary Howes Gareth Knapman Lyndon Ormond-Parker

Repatriation, Science, and Identity explores the entanglement of race, history, identity and ethics inherent in the application of scientific techniques to determine the provenance of Indigenous Ancestral Remains in repatriation claims and processes. The book considers how these issues relate to collections of Indigenous Ancestral (bodily) Remains but also their resonance with emerging concerns about the relatively unknown history of scientific interest in Indigenous hair and blood samples. It also explores the more recent practice of sampling for the purposes of DNA analysis and issues concerning the data that has been produced from all of the above types of research. Placing recent interest in applying scientific techniques to repatriation in their historical context, it enables discourses of identity and scientific authority, an assessment of their efficacy and an exploration of ethical and practical challenges and opportunities. In doing so, this book reveals new histories about scientific interest in Indigenous biology and the collections that resulted, as well as providing reflection for all repatriation practitioners considering scientific investigation when faced with the challenges inherent in the repatriation of unprovenanced or poorly provenanced Ancestral Remains. Providing the reader with a means to approach the value, or otherwise, of the scientific information they may encounter, Repatriation, Science, and Identity is an invaluable resource for researchers and professionals working with Indigenous Ancestral Remains.

Repealing the 8th: Reforming Irish abortion law

by Fiona De Londras Mairead Enright

Available Open Access under CC-BY licence. Irish law currently permits abortion only where the life of the pregnant woman is at risk. Since 1983, the 8th Amendment to the Constitution has recognised the “unborn” as having a right to life equal to that of the “mother”. Consequently, most people in Ireland who wish to bring their pregnancies to an end either import the abortion pill illegally, travel abroad to access abortion, or continue with the pregnancy against their will. Now, however, there are signs of change. A constitutional referendum will be held in 2018, after which it will be possible to reimagine, redesign, and reform the law on abortion. Written by experts in the field, this book draws on experience from other countries, as well as experiences of maternal medical care in Ireland, to call for a feminist, woman-centered, and rights-based radical new approach to abortion law in Ireland. Directly challenging grounds-based abortion law, this accessible guide brings together feminist analysis, comparative research, human rights law, and political awareness to propose a new constitutional and legislative settlement on reproductive autonomy in Ireland. It offers practical proposals for policymakers and advocates, including model legislation, making it an essential campaigning tool leading up to the referendum.

The Repeater Book of Heroism

by Tariq Goddard & Alex Niven

In these impactful first-person essays, a selection of Repeater authors come together to write about what heroism means to them, trying to imagine a new kind of hero figure for the twenty-first century."I don&’t have any heroes, they&’re all useless", opined John Lydon in 1976. As a spokesperson of sorts for the punk generation, Lydon was giving voice to a nihilistic, deconstructive impulse which, for better or worse, would go on to dominate the next half-century or so of intellectual, cultural and political life. But isn&’t one of the problems with the modern world that we no longer have any real sense of what heroism is? What if we recovered heroism from the hands of the fascists and the neoliberal ideologues, and proclaimed that – despite everything – a hero can and should be something to be? In these personal, provocative essays, the authors behind the uncompromising project that is Repeater Books come together to redefine the idea of the hero for a twenty-first-century public which desperately needs something to believe in. From Eric Cantona to Wile E Coyote, Bruno Latour to Paula Rego, forgotten legends and anonymous family members, this compendium of extraordinary human behaviour is essential reading for anyone who has ever thought that, despite what Jean-Paul Sartre said, heaven is other people.

The Repeating Body: Slavery's Visual Resonance in the Contemporary

by Kimberly Juanita Brown

Haunted by representations of black women that resist the reality of the body's vulnerability, Kimberly Juanita Brown traces slavery's afterlife in black women's literary and visual cultural productions. Brown draws on black feminist theory, visual culture studies, literary criticism, and critical race theory to explore contemporary visual and literary representations of black women's bodies that embrace and foreground the body's vulnerability and slavery's inherent violence. She shows how writers such as Gayl Jones, Toni Morrison, Audre Lorde, and Jamaica Kincaid, along with visual artists Carrie Mae Weems and María Magdalena Campos-Pons, highlight the scarred and broken bodies of black women by repeating, passing down, and making visible the residues of slavery's existence and cruelty. Their work not only provides a corrective to those who refuse to acknowledge that vulnerability, but empowers black women to create their own subjectivities. In The Repeating Body, Brown returns black women to the center of discourses of slavery, thereby providing the means with which to more fully understand slavery's history and its penetrating reach into modern American life.

The Repeating Island: The Caribbean and the Postmodern Perspective Second Edition

by Antonio Benítez-Rojo

In this second edition of The Repeating Island, Antonio Bentez-Rojo, a master of the historical novel, short story, and critical essay, continues to confront the legacy and myths of colonialism. This co-winner of the 1993 MLA Katherine Singer Kovacs Prize has been expanded to include three entirely new chapters that add a Lacanian perspective and a view of the carnivalesque to an already brilliant interpretive study of Caribbean culture. As he did in the first edition, Bentez-Rojo redefines the Caribbean by drawing on history, economics, sociology, cultural anthropology, psychoanalysis, literary theory, and nonlinear mathematics. His point of departure is chaos theory, which holds that order and disorder are not the antithesis of each other in nature but function as mutually generative phenomena. Bentez-Rojo argues that within the apparent disorder of the Caribbean--the area's discontinuous landmasses, its different colonial histories, ethnic groups, languages, traditions, and politics--there emerges an "island" of paradoxes that repeats itself and gives shape to an unexpected and complex sociocultural archipelago. Bentez-Rojo illustrates this unique form of identity with powerful readings of texts by Las Casas, Guilln, Carpentier, Garca Mrquez, Walcott, Harris, Buitrago, and Rodrguez Juli.

Repeating Ourselves: American Minimal Music as Cultural Practice

by Robert Fink

Where did musical minimalism come from―and what does it mean? In this significant revisionist account of minimalist music, Robert Fink connects repetitive music to the postwar evolution of an American mass consumer society. Abandoning the ingrained formalism of minimalist aesthetics, Repeating Ourselves considers the cultural significance of American repetitive music exemplified by composers such as Terry Riley, Steve Reich, and Philip Glass. Fink juxtaposes repetitive minimal music with 1970s disco; assesses it in relation to the selling structure of mass-media advertising campaigns; traces it back to the innovations in hi-fi technology that turned baroque concertos into ambient "easy listening"; and appraises its meditative kinship to the spiritual path of musical mastery offered by Japan's Suzuki Method of Talent Education.

Repensar la pobreza: Un giro radical en la lucha contra la desigualdad global

by Abhijit Banerjee Esther Duflo

Esther Duflo y Abhijit Banerjee, ganadores del Premio Nobel de Economía 2019. El libro que cambiará nuestra manera de pensar sobre la pobreza y lo que debemos hacer para aliviarla. ¿Cómo se vive con menos de un dólar al día? ¿Por qué los microcréditos resultan útiles pero no son el milagro que algunos esperaban? ¿Por qué los pobres dejan pasar las campañas de vacunación gratuita pero pagan por medicinas que a menudo no necesitan? ¿Por qué sus hijos pueden ir a la escuela año tras año y no aprender nada? ¿Por qué no siempre invierten en obtener más calorías, sino calorías que saben mejor? Nuestra tendencia a reducir a los pobres a un conjunto de clichés nos ha impedido hasta ahora comprender los problemas a los que se enfrentan a diario. Dado que poseen tan poco, hemos asumido que no hay nada de interés en su vida económica. Las políticas gubernamentales destinadas a ayudarles muchas veces fracasan porque se fundamentan en suposiciones erradas con respecto a sus circunstancias y su conducta. Repensar la pobreza supone un revolucionario giro en el modo de abordar la lucha global contra la pobreza. Sus autores, dos consagrados economistas del MIT, han acudido directamente a los protagonistas para comprender cómo funciona de verdad la economía de los pobres, cuáles son sus motivaciones y aspiraciones. Los resultados de sus observaciones contradicen muchas de nuestras creencias más arraigadas. El innovador planteamiento de este libro empieza por cambiar las preguntas. A partir de ahí, ofrece las respuestas y, con ellas, un gran potencial transformador y una guía esencial para políticos, activistas y cualquier persona preocupada por construir un mundo sin desigualdad. Reseñas:«Un libro maravillosamente lúcido sobre la naturaleza real de la pobreza.»Amartya Sen, Premio Nobel de Economía «El ensayo más interesante que he leído en mucho tiempo. Está lleno de sorpresas y va a cambiar nuestra manera de pensar sobre la pobreza y lo que se debe hacer para aliviarla.»Moisés Naím en «Lea este libro», El País «Este libro debe ser de lectura obligada para cualquier persona que se preocupe por la pobreza en el mundo. Representa lo mejor que la economía puede ofrecer.»Steven D. Levitt, autor de Freakonomics «Vayamos al grano: es el mejor libro que he leído sobre el tema.No hay truco. El enfoque es directo y honesto. Y algunas de las conclusiones son sorprendentes, incluso desconcertantes.»The Economist «Un logro profundo: reúne lo mejor de la nueva economía y de la antigua. Se han sumergido en el mundo que los rodea, negándose a aceptar la idea de que la economía es unamera extensión de las matemáticas.»David Leonhardt, The New York Times «Maravilloso. Han luchado por conquistar, con honestidad y rigor, un puesto de avanzada hacia la observación, el análisis y la complejidad en un mundo, el de la ayuda, que tiende a preferir los panfletos y las fotografías de famosos. Merecen ser felicitados y leídos.»William Easterly, The Wall Street Journal

Repetitive and Restricted Behaviors and Interests in Autism Spectrum Disorders: From Neurobiology to Behavior (Autism and Child Psychopathology Series)

by Nurit Yirmiya Eynat Gal

This volume examines repetitive and restrictive behaviors and interests (RRBIs) affecting individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The various aspects of RRBIs, an umbrella term for a broad class of behaviors linked by repetition, rigidity, invariance, and inappropriateness to place and context are reviewed by an international team of expert leaders in the field. Key topics of coverage include:Neurological Mechanisms Underlying Repetitive: Animal and human modelsUnderlying mechanisms of RRBs across typical and atypical developmentThe relationship between RRBI and other characteristics of ASD (communication, social, sensory aspects) RRBIs and adults with ASDDiagnosing RRBIs An RRBI intervention modelThe book bridges the gap between the neurobiological and neurocognitive bodies of knowledge in relation to RRBIs and their behavioral aspects and examines associations with other domains of ASD. In addition, the volume addresses related assessment and treatment of RRBI in ASD. This is an essential resource for researchers, graduate students, clinicians and related therapists and professionals in developmental psychology, behavioral therapy/rehabilitation, social work, clinical child and school psychology, child and adolescent psychiatry, pediatrics, occupational therapy and special education.

Replacing Misandry: A Revolutionary History of Men

by Katherine K. Young Paul Nathanson

In the first three volumes of this series, Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young challenge theories about patriarchy that ideological forms of feminism have promoted.<P><P> In this volume, they argue that we must replace those misandric theories with one that takes seriously the needs and problems of boys and men no less than those of girls and women; at the same time, they add, we must maintain the reforms that egalitarian forms of feminism have promoted. With both factors in mind, they trace the history of men - that is, culturally organized perceptions of the male body and its masculine functions - over the past ten thousand years. They show how these perceptions have evolved in connection with a series of technological and cultural revolutions: horticultural, agricultural, industrial, military, and now reproductive. This new approach sets the stage for understanding a profound and growing problem that our society must face: the increasing inability of boys and men to create or sustain a healthy collective identity. The authors define this as an identity that is distinctive, necessary, and therefore publicly valued. Without a healthy and positive identity, two current trends will continue: giving up (dropping out of school, society, or even life itself) and attacking a society that has no room for men specifically as men, believing that even a negative identity, acted out in antisocial ways, is better than none at all.

Replanting Cultures: Community-Engaged Scholarship in Indian Country (SUNY series, Tribal Worlds: Critical Studies in American Indian Nation Building)

by Chief Benjamin J. Barnes; Stephen Warren

Replanting Cultures provides a theoretical and practical guide to community-engaged scholarship with Indigenous communities in the United States and Canada. Chapters on the work of collaborative, respectful, and reciprocal research between Indigenous nations and colleges and universities, museums, archives, and research centers are designed to offer models of scholarship that build capacity in Indigenous communities. Replanting Cultures includes case studies of Indigenous nations from the Stó:lō of the Fraser River Valley to the Shawnee and Miami tribes of Oklahoma, Ohio, and Indiana. Native and non-Native authors provide frank assessments of the work that goes into establishing meaningful collaborations that result in the betterment of Native peoples. Despite the challenges, readers interested in better research outcomes for the world's Indigenous peoples will be inspired by these reflections on the practice of community engagement.

Replenished Ethnicity

by Tomás R. Jiménez

Unlike the wave of immigration that came through Ellis Island and then subsided, immigration to the United States from Mexico has been virtually uninterrupted for one hundred years. In this vividly detailed book, Tomas R. Jimenez takes us into the lives of later-generation descendents of Mexican immigrants, asking for the first time how this constant influx of immigrants from their ethnic homeland has shaped their assimilation. His nuanced investigation of this complex and little-studied phenomenon finds that continuous immigration has resulted in a vibrant ethnicity that later-generation Mexican Americans describe as both costly and beneficial. "Replenished Ethnicity" sheds new light on Americas largest ethnic group, making it must reading for anyone interested in how immigration is changing the United States.

Replenished Ethnicity: Mexican Americans, Immigration, and Identity

by Tomás R. Jiménez

This book shows how the ethnic identity formation of later-generation Mexican Americans is shaped by ongoing immigration, while also considering the factors that other research has identified as central to the Mexican-origin experience: race, class, a history of colonization, the proximity of the border.

The Repopulation of New Orleans After Hurricane Katrina

by Kevin F. Mccarthy Michael Pollard D. J. Peterson Narayan Sastry

In November 2005, New Orleans city leaders asked RAND to estimate the repopulation of the city in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The Bring New Orleans Back Commission needed estimates of the city's population in the immediate and near-term future to guide the redevelopment planning process. An assessment of flood damage to housing based on the depth of floodwater and the likely pace of reconstruction of damaged housing guided the estimates.

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