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Researching Geography: The Indian context
by Gopal Krishan Nina SinghThis book is a one-stop comprehensive guide to geographical inquiry. A step-by-step account of the hows and the whys of research methodology. Introduces students to the complexities of geographical perspective and thought, essentials of fieldwork, formulation of research topics, data collection, analysis and interpretation as well as presentation and dissemination. Includes inputs and specific examples to help practitioners negotiate between theory and practice. Uses a lucid, engaging and literary style. It will be an essential companion for researchers and students of geography, social sciences, and South Asian studies.
Researching Geography: The Indian context
by Nina Singh Gopal KrishanThis book is a one-stop comprehensive guide to geographical inquiry. A step-by-step account of the hows and the whys of research methodology; Introduces students to the complexities of geographical perspective and thought, essentials of fieldwork, formulation of research topics, data collection, analysis and interpretation as well as presentation and dissemination; Includes inputs and specific examples to help practitioners negotiate between theory and practice; The second edition reflects updates in current trends in sampling, data interpretation, and data analysis. Lucid, engaging and accessible, this book will be an essential companion for researchers and students of geography, social sciences, and South Asian studies.
Researching Happiness: Qualitative, Biographical and Critical Perspectives
by Mark CieslikIn the past, happiness studies has been dominated by the work of philosophers, economists and psychologists, but more recently there has been a growing interest from social scientist into the natures of happiness and wellbeing. This original collection draws on the latest empirical research to explore the practical challenges facing happiness researchers today, such as how to conduct happiness research in different cultural contexts, how to theorise wellbeing or how to operationalise definitions of happiness in qualitative and biographical research. By uniquely combining the critical approach of sociology with techniques from other disciplines, the contributors illuminate new approaches to the study of happiness and well-being.
Researching Hate as an Activist: Exploring LGBTQ+ Online Hate, Its Impacts, and Our Responsibility Towards Equality (Palgrave Hate Studies)
by Rachel KeighleyThis book examines research as activism through a case study of online hate targeting LGBTQ+ young people. It focuses on key issues concerning defining online hate, LGBTQ+ young people’s experiences of and the harms of online hate. The book introduces the reader to research as activism, exploring how academic research has an obligation to be accountable to the communities we serve. It presents a reconsideration of researching hate that prioritizes the knowledge and expertise of community members above the academic researcher. Drawing on empirical data, the book is a call to action which argues for a moral and personal duty to address social injustices using our privilege as academics. Research as activism requires you to go beyond the four walls of your university to actively respond to socio-political injustices. Thus, the book discusses how researchers can use their academic tools for change. It speaks to academics, students, and practitioners interested in LGBTQ+ identities, hate studies, online safety, and research as activism.
Researching Human Geography
by Anna Davies Loretta Lees Keith HoggartResearching Human Geography is an essential new text for any geography student about to embark on a research project. An understanding of how different theories of knowledge have influenced research methodologies is crucial in planning and designing effective research; this book makes this link clear and explores how various philosophical positions, from positivism to post-structuralism, have become associated with particular methodologies.The book gives an overview of a wide range of methods and data collection, both quantitative and qualitative, and explores their strengths and weaknesses for different kinds of research. 'Researching Human Geography' also looks at the various techniques available for the analysis of data, which is presented as an integral and ongoing part of the research process. Clearly written, with extensive use of examples from previous research to show 'methodology in action', this new text is an invaluable addition to both the theory and method of research in human geography.
Researching in the Age of COVID-19 Vol 1: Volume I: Response and Reassessment
by Helen Kara and Su-ming KhooAs the COVID-19 pandemic hit researchers’ plans, discussion swiftly turned to adapting research methods for a locked-down world. The ‘big three’ methods – questionnaires, interviews and focus groups – can only be used in a few of the same ways as before the pandemic. Researchers around the world have responded in diverse, thoughtful and creative ways – from adapting their data collection methods, to fostering researcher resilience and rethinking researcher-researched relationships. This book, part of a series of three Rapid Responses, showcases new methods and emerging approaches. Focusing on Response and Reassessment, it has three parts: the first looks at the turn to digital methods; the second reviews methods in hand and the final part reassesses different needs and capabilities. The other two books focus on Care and Resilience, and Creativity and Ethics. Together they help academic, applied and practitioner-researchers worldwide adapt to the new challenges COVID-19 brings.
Researching in the Age of COVID-19 Vol 2: Volume II: Care and Resilience
by Helen Kara and Su-ming KhooAs researchers have begun to adapt to the continuing presence of COVID-19, they have also begun to reflect more deeply on fundamental research issues and assumptions. Researchers around the world have responded in diverse, thoughtful and creative ways – from adapting data collection methods to fostering researcher and community resilience, while also attending to often urgent needs for care. This book, part of a series of three Rapid Responses, connects themes of care and resilience, addressing their common concern with wellbeing. It has three parts: addressing researchers’ wellbeing, considering participants’ wellbeing, and exploring care and resilience as a shared and mutually entangled concern. The other two books focus on Response and Reassessment, and Creativity and Ethics. Together they help academic, applied and practitioner-researchers worldwide adapt to the new challenges COVID-19 brings.
Researching in the Age of COVID-19 Vol 3: Volume III: Creativity and Ethics
by Helen Kara and Su-ming KhooAs researchers continue to adapt, conduct and design their research in the presence of COVID-19, new opportunities to connect research creativity and ethics have opened up. Researchers around the world have responded in diverse, thoughtful and creative ways –adapting data collection methods, fostering researcher and community resilience, and exploring creative research methods. This book, part of a series of three Rapid Responses, explores dimensions of creativity and ethics, highlighting their connectedness. It has three parts: the first covers creative approaches to researching. The second considers concerns around research ethics and ethics more generally, and the final part addresses different ways of approaching creativity and ethics through collaboration and co-creation. The other two books focus on Response and Reassessment, and Care and Resilience. Together they help academic, applied and practitioner-researchers worldwide adapt to the new challenges COVID-19 brings.
Researching in the Former Soviet Union: Stories from the Field (BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies)
by Jasmin Dall’Agnola Allyson Edwards Marnie HowlettWritten for early-career scholars still in the planning stages of their research, this book explores some of the challenges researchers face when conducting fieldwork in the former Soviet region. It addresses key questions, including: What difficulties do scholars, especially females, encounter when researching in the region? How does an early-career scholars’ positionality – especially their nationality, ethnicity, and sexuality – contribute to their experiences of inclusion, exclusion, and access while conducting fieldwork? How do early-career scholars navigate issues of personal safety in the field? How do junior academics successfully conduct high-risk research? The book includes contributors from both the region and Western countries, paying particular attention to the ways researchers’ subjectivities shape how they are received in the region, which, in turn, influence how they write about and disseminate their research. The book also explores ways to continue research away from the field through the use of digital methods when physical access is not possible.
Researching Institutions in Natural Resource Governance: Methods and Frameworks (Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management)
by Fiona NunanThis book presents an overview of different data collection methods and approaches that have been used to identify and analyse institutions associated with natural resource governance.Institutions as rules of the game are fundamental to the management, governance and use of renewable natural resources, such as fisheries, forests and water. Yet researching institutions, particularly informal institutions, can be challenging as they can be difficult to identify, investigate and understand. This volume tackles this challenge head on. The innovative collection brings together contributions from different disciplines and traditions reporting and reflecting on a range of qualitative and quantitative research methods and experiences. The book begins by reviewing definitions and typologies of institutions and introduces different approaches to researching institutions in natural resource governance, namely the Bloomington School, associated with Elinor Ostrom, and Critical Institutionalism. Following this, each chapter provides an overview and example of application of research approaches and methods, including mixed methods, institutional grammar, fuzzy cognitive mapping, network analysis, assemblage and ethnography. The concluding chapter identifies key insights into institutions and lessons on researching institutions. From these, the chapter provides a set of observations on researching institutions in natural resource governance, with the aim of providing guidance for new and experienced researchers.The volume provides an essential introduction for students and researchers into the range of methods and approaches, and their practical application, that can be used to research institutions associated with natural resource governance.
Researching Internal Migration
by S. Irudaya Rajan R. B. BhagatResearching Internal Migration is a comprehensive guide for researchers and professionals to study internal migration in developing and underdeveloped economies. This book: • Explains key theoretical concepts related to migration • Guides students and researchers on how to design surveys and the utility of census data • Unravels the complexities of large data sets and their interpretation • Includes techniques for indirect measurement • Presents methodology for estimating remittances at the sub-national and national levels • Acquaints the impact of migration during emergency situations or pandemics like COVID-19 • Offers perspectives and tools for evaluating the policy impact of migration Accessibly written, this book will be an essential theoretical and empirical guide for researchers in development studies, public policy, population studies, human geography and migration and diaspora studies.
Researching International Migration: Lessons from the Kerala Experience
by K. C. Zachariah S. Irudaya RajanInternational migration and workers’ remittances have, of late, become a significant economic and social phenomena affecting the fortunes of millions of families in the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Yet, the measurements and methods of analysis of their impact on the individuals, families, economy, and society have not received the attention they deserve. A first-of-its-kind study of international migration, based on large-scale surveys across a span of 15 years of fieldwork, this book: includes methods of conducting field surveys, estimating migration, and analysing migration trends, remittances, selectivity, and differentials; assesses other demographic, socio-economic phenomenon, such as education, employment and women’s status; provides a methodology to evaluate remittances and their influence on the economy; and examines social costs of migration on those left behind — parents, wives and children — a neglected area in the field of migration. This handbook will be invaluable to scholars and students of migration studies, demography, development studies and sociology as well as policy-makers, administrators, academics, and non-governmental organisations in the field.
Researching Justice: Engaging with Questions and Spaces of (In)Justice through Social Research (Spaces and Practices of Justice)
by Richard White Don Mitchell Simon Springer Andrew McGregor Elizabeth Mavroudi Corine Wood-Donnelly Jen Dickinson Jennifer Balint Deepti Chatti Barbora Adlerova Ana Moragues Faus Ophélie Véron Natasha Uwimanzi Kate DericksonUnderstanding justice, for many, begins with questions of injustice. This volume pushes us to consider the extent to which our scholarly and everyday practices are, or can become, socially just. In this edited collection, international contributors reflect on what the practice of ‘justice’ means to them, and discuss how it animates and shapes their research across diverse fields from international relations to food systems, political economy, migration studies and criminology. Giving insights into real life research practices for scholars at all levels, this book aids our understanding of how to employ and live justice through our work and daily lives.
Researching Language, Gender and Sexuality: A Student Guide
by Helen SauntsonResearching Language, Gender and Sexuality leads students through the process of undertaking research in order to explore how gender and sexuality are represented and constructed through language. Drawing on international research, Sauntson incorporates a fluid understanding of genders and sexualities and includes research on a diverse range of identities. This accessible guidebook offers an outline of the practical steps and ethical guidelines involved when gathering linguistic data for the purpose of investigating gender and sexuality. Each chapter contains up-to-date information and empirical case studies that relate to a range of topics within the field of language, gender and sexuality, as well as suggestions for how students could practically research the areas covered. Student-friendly, this is essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students of English language, linguistics and gender studies.
Researching Later Life and Ageing: Expanding Qualitative Research Horizons
by Miranda LeontowitschThis collection on researching later life and ageing critically reflects upon the qualitative methods used in gaining knowledge of under-researched groups of older people and sets out future research agendas.
Researching Later Life and Ageing: Expanding Qualitative Research Horizons
by Miranda LeontowitschThis collection on researching later life and ageing critically reflects upon the qualitative methods used in gaining knowledge of under-researched groups of older people and sets out future research agendas.
Researching Life Stories and Family Histories (Introducing Qualitative Methods series)
by Robert Lee Miller`A comprehensive, balanced and judicious treatment of biographical methods in social research, made all the more useful to students by its careful delineation of the practicalities involved′ - Raymond M Lee, Royal Holloway, University of London Specifically designed for those carrying out biographical, life history or family history research, this concise guide covers the methods and issues involved. The author demonstrates that biographical research is a distinctive way of conceptualizing social activity. The three main approaches to biographical and family history research are covered: - Realist - focused around grounded-theory techniques of interviewing; - Neo-positivist - more structured interview techniques; - Narrative - with emphasis on the active construction of life stories through the interplay between interviewer and interviewee. An invaluable introduction to the field, which contains much that will be of interest to the experienced practitioner, the book will be ideal for researchers in sociology, psychology, political science, social policy or anthropology.
Researching Lived Experience: Human Science for an Action Sensitive Pedagogy
by Max van ManenBestselling author Max van Manen’s Researching Lived Experience introduces a human science approach to research methodology in education and related fields. The book takes as its starting point the "everyday lived experience" of human beings in educational situations. Rather than rely on abstract generalizations and theories in the traditional sense, the author offers an alternative that taps the unique nature of each human situation. First published in 1990, this book is a classic of social science methodology and phenomenological research, selling tens of thousands of copies over the past quarter century. Left Coast is making available the second edition of this work, never before released outside Canada. Researching Lived Experience offers detailed methodological explications and practical examples of inquiry. It shows how to orient oneself to human experience in education and how to construct a textual question which evokes a fundamental sense of wonder, and it provides a broad and systematic set of approaches for gaining experiential material which forms the basis for textual reflections. The author: -Discusses the part played by language in educational research-Pays special attention to the methodological function of anecdotal narrative in research-Offers approaches to structuring the research text in relation to the particular kinds of questions being studied
Researching Local History: The Human Journey (Approaches to Local History)
by M. WilliamsThis practical but inspiring book considers what local history is, why researching it is valuable and rewarding, and how we should go about it. Issues addressed include: getting oral and documentary evidence; keeping records; the nature of data, information and knowledge; and their use to create the different products of local history research. Michael Williams is both a professional scientist and a local historian of long standing, and he uses both sides of his experience in a text that is at once rigorous about the historical process, and also a fascinating - and often moving - account of his adventures into the past of his own family and community. He demonstrates local history methodology through his research into ancestry, migration, work, war and religion in the towns and villages of England and Wales. It is richly illustrated throughout.
Researching Marginalized Groups (Routledge Advances in Research Methods #14)
by Kalwant Bhopal Ross DeucharThis edited collection explores issues that arise when researching "hard-to-reach" groups and those who remain socially excluded and marginalized in society, such as access, the use of gatekeepers, ethical dilemmas, "voice," and how such research contributes to issues of inclusion and social justice. The book uses a wide range of empirical and theoretical approaches to examine the difficulties, dilemmas and complexities surrounding research methodologies with particular groups. It emphasizes the importance of national and international perspectives in such discussions, and suggests innovative methodological procedures.
Researching Marketing Decisions: The Indian Context
by Ritu MehtaThis book looks at customer value creation through marketing decisions and analyses the critical phases of theoretical and methodological advancements in solving certain problems and customer-centric issues that firms face. The chapters highlight how theories have been borrowed from sociology, psychology and economics to understand phenomena such as customer preferences and decision-making, and how operations research and statistical tools have been applied to take optimal decisions on marketing-related issues such as channel management and pricing. <p><p>The volume covers an array of topics including marketing orientation, consumer behaviour, and marketing mix comprising the elements of product, price, promotion and place. The articles offer both methodological and theoretical contributions, and also discuss some key results of implementation of marketing strategies by various firms. <p><p>This book will be of interest to researchers and students of marketing, consumer behaviour, business management, economics, finance, international marketing, services marketing and international business.
Researching Non-Heterosexual Sexualities
by Constantinos N. PhellasAfter widespread neglect over many years, the study of human sexuality has recently come to the forefront of many of the most important debates in contemporary society and culture. This book addresses seriously the issue of how to improve the methodological basis of research into non-heterosexual sexualities, exploring the key question of what different methodological and theoretical uses of intersectionality contribute to our understandings of non-heterosexual sexualities. Bringing together research from the UK, USA, Europe and Australasia, this innovative collection rethinks traditional methodologies, creating new epistemologies and applying new approaches, whilst critically examining key issues, including communities, identities, relationships, sexualities, homosexual parenthood, fostering, civil marriage, and politics. As such, it will be of interest to researchers, scholars and students across the social sciences and health professionals.
Researching Organizations: The Practice of Organizational Fieldwork
by Matthew JonesAlthough there are plenty of books that discuss the principles, the philosophy and the techniques of research in organisations, it is much harder to find information on what doing research in organisations actually involves in practice. Yet this is often one of the most challenging, but also most interesting, aspects of a study. Drawing on examples and debates from a broad range of disciplines (such as criminology, education and social anthropology as well management) Researching Organisations explores the issues that researchers may encounter when carrying out fieldwork in organisations. From getting in to an organisation at the start of the research to getting out and maybe back again at the end, the book offers systematic guidance to help researchers navigate the messy reality of fieldwork. Researching Organisations is designed for graduate level researchers who may be undertaking fieldwork for the first time, but also for those who wish to gain an understanding of research practice.
Researching Popular Entertainment (Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies)
by Kim Baston Jason PriceResearching Popular Entertainment is an essential volume for scholars delving into the vibrant yet complex world of popular entertainment.Written by a global network of experts, this book addresses the unique challenges researchers face in this field. The often-dismissed status of popular entertainment, coupled with its reliance on physicality and improvisation over scripted performances, has meant archival and textual sources tend to be more limited than in related theatre and performance disciplines. This scarcity requires historians to find alternative pathways through the available materials to recuperate seemingly insignificant figures and performance forms from our cultural past. This book provides a candid look into the research processes of its authors, highlighting some of the approaches they have adopted to overcome these challenges. It emphasises that reading performance as entertainment is a deliberate methodological choice. Regardless of whether a work is deemed high or low art, legitimate or illegitimate, understanding how it captivates its audience is central to the study of entertainment.Readers will benefit from its in-depth analysis and practical guidance, making it an indispensable resource for anyone studying popular entertainment.
Researching Poverty and Austerity: Theoretical Approaches, Methodologies and Policy Applications (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy)
by Caroline Moraes Morven G. McEachern Deirdre O’LoughlinPoverty is a complex global challenge rooted in intertwined social, economic and political factors, which excludes people from participating fully in normalised social and market-based activities. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated poverty-related issues such as food insecurity, and growing numbers of people are having to rely on welfare assistance. This pandemic, coupled with austerity measures implemented across many European countries over the past years, has impacted negatively on towns, cities, regions and countries, leaving places and communities depleted. This edited volume curates a collection of relevant research addressing the challenges of poverty and the political-economic measures that perpetuate it. It adopts a cross-disciplinary approach to covering relevant theories, methodologies and policy-oriented research, highlighting the interlinkages between poverty and austerity that have resulted since the 2008 financial crisis. In particular, the book focuses on food insecurity as one of the most extreme manifestations of poverty but also addresses interconnected issues such as unemployment, homelessness and poor health. The contributors primarily utilise diverse qualitative methods that give voice to lived experiences of poverty while also considering quantitative approaches that are essential for measuring food insecurity and modelling the impacts of austerity. The book will be of significant interest to anyone researching poverty and austerity with an interest in social policy, human and cultural geography, marketing and consumer culture, economic policy, public health and sustainability.