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Rising Islamic Conservatism in Indonesia: Islamic Groups and Identity Politics (Politics in Asia)

by Leonard C. Sebastian, Syafiq Hasyim and Alexander R. Arifianto

This edited volume argues that the rise of Islamic conservatism poses challenges to Indonesia’s continued existence as a secular state, with far-reaching implications for the social, cultural and political fortunes of the country. It contributes a model of analysis in the field of Indonesian and Islamic studies on the logic of Islamic conservative activism in Indonesia. This volume presents informative case studies of discourses and expressions of Islamic conservatism expressed by leading mainstream and upcoming Indonesian Islamic groups and interpret them in a nuanced perspective. All volume contributors are Indonesian-based Islamic Studies scholars with in-depth expertise on the Islamic groups they have studied closely for years, if not decades. This book is an up-to-date study addressing contemporary Indonesian politics that should be read by Islamic Studies, Indonesian Studies, and more broadly Southeast Asian Studies specialists. It is also a useful reference for those studying Religion and Politics, and Comparative Politics.

The Rising of the Women: Feminist Solidarity and Class Conflict, 1880-1917

by Meredith Tax

How working-class socialist women changed the course of American history, with a foreword by labor journalist Sarah Jaffe.In this landmark study, Meredith Tax charts the actions of women in working-class, feminist, and socialist movements during the first upsurge of the American labor movement. From the pioneering efforts of Chicago women in the 1880s to the unprecedented New York City shirtwaist strike in 1909 to the 1912 &“bread and roses&” strike of immigrant textile workers in Lawrence, Massachusetts, and from the Socialist Party to the Industrial Workers of the World, Tax gives us a rich narrative of women workers&’ struggles.Caught between the hostility of male trade unionists, the sexism of male socialist organizers, and the assumptions of middle-class feminists, women workers forged their own demands for economic and political justice. In doing so, Tax argues, a unique form of socialist-feminist class consciousness was created, whose ripples touched the suffrage movement. First published in 1980, The Rising of the Women is a classic of feminist labor history, presented here with a new introduction by the author and a new foreword by Sarah Jaffe.

Rising Out of Hatred: The Awakening of a Former White Nationalist

by Eli Saslow

From a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, the powerful story of how a prominent white supremacist changed his heart and mindDerek Black grew up at the epicenter of white nationalism. His father founded Stormfront, the largest racist community on the Internet. His godfather, David Duke, was a KKK Grand Wizard. By the time Derek turned nineteen, he had become an elected politician with his own daily radio show - already regarded as the "the leading light" of the burgeoning white nationalist movement. "We can infiltrate," Derek once told a crowd of white nationalists. "We can take the country back." Then he went to college. Derek had been home-schooled by his parents, steeped in the culture of white supremacy, and he had rarely encountered diverse perspectives or direct outrage against his beliefs. At New College of Florida, he continued to broadcast his radio show in secret each morning, living a double life until a classmate uncovered his identity and sent an email to the entire school. "Derek Black...white supremacist, radio host...New College student???" The ensuing uproar overtook one of the most liberal colleges in the country. Some students protested Derek's presence on campus, forcing him to reconcile for the first time with the ugliness his beliefs. Other students found the courage to reach out to him, including an Orthodox Jew who invited Derek to attend weekly Shabbat dinners. It was because of those dinners--and the wide-ranging relationships formed at that table--that Derek started to question the science, history and prejudices behind his worldview. As white nationalism infiltrated the political mainstream, Derek decided to confront the damage he had done. Rising Out of Hatred tells the story of how white-supremacist ideas migrated from the far-right fringe to the White House through the intensely personal saga of one man who eventually disavowed everything he was taught to believe, at tremendous personal cost. With great empathy and narrative verve, Eli Saslow asks what Derek's story can tell us about America's increasingly divided nature. This is a book to help us understand the American moment and to help us better understand one another.

Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How It Changed America

by John M. Barry

A New York Times Notable Book of the Year, winner of the Southern Book Critics Circle Award and the Lillian Smith Award.An American epic of science, politics, race, honor, high society, and the Mississippi River, Rising Tide tells the riveting and nearly forgotten story of the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927. The river inundated the homes of almost one million people, helped elect Huey Long governor and made Herbert Hoover president, drove hundreds of thousands of African Americans north, and transformed American society and politics forever. The flood brought with it a human storm: white and black collided, honor and money collided, regional and national powers collided. New Orleans&’s elite used their power to divert the flood to those without political connections, power, or wealth, while causing Black sharecroppers to abandon their land to flee up north. The states were unprepared for this disaster and failed to support the Black community. The racial divides only widened when a white officer killed a Black man for refusing to return to work on levee repairs after a sleepless night of work. In the powerful prose of Rising Tide, John M. Barry removes any remaining veil that there had been equality in the South. This flood not only left millions of people ruined, but further emphasized the racial inequality that have continued even to this day.

Rising Tide: Gender Equality and Cultural Change Around the World

by Ronald Inglehart Pippa Norris

The twentieth century gave rise to profound changes in traditional sex roles. This study reveals how modernization has changed cultural attitudes towards gender equality and analyzes the political consequences. It systematically compares attitudes towards gender equality worldwide, comparing almost 70 nations, ranging from rich to poor, agrarian to postindustrial. This volume is essential reading to gain a better understanding of issues in comparative politics, public opinion, political behavior, development and sociology.

Rising Tides: Climate Refugees in the Twenty-First Century (Encounters: Explorations in Folklore and Ethnomusicology)

by John R. Wennersten and Denise Robbins

&“Deals masterfully with a neglected crisis, how climate change is driving migration . . . The work broaches solutions both practical . . . and political.&”—Christopher E. Goldthwait, former US Ambassador With global climate change upon us, it is imperative to start thinking about the massive numbers of people who will be displaced by environmental crises. The rise in sea levels alone will account for hundreds of millions of refugees around the globe. In Rising Tides, John R. Wennersten and Denise Robbins face the difficult questions that will have to be answered: How will people be relocated and settled? Is it possible to offer environmental refugees temporary or permanent asylum? Will these refugees have any collective rights in the new areas they inhabit? And lastly, who will pay the costs of all the affected countries during the process of resettlement? Offering an essential, continent-by-continent look at these dangers, Rising Tides is &“a passionately argued, well-documented wake-up call on the dire, current and undeniable human fallout from climate change. Looking behind the headlines, it connects the dots in a way that will inform and should alarm us all&” (Eugene L. Meyer, author of Five for Freedom). &“This chilling and urgent call to action spares no detail in its mission to present the facts on a looming humanitarian disaster. Climate-change warning messages too often focus on the environment without going into specifics of how humans will be hurt by global warming. Rising Tides singlehandedly rectifies this issue.&”—Foreword Reviews &“A must read for policymakers and those in positions of power, especially the ones who remain in a state of denial about climate change and refuse to do enough to address the crisis.&”—The Hindu

Rising Up, Living On: Re-Existences, Sowings, and Decolonial Cracks (On Decoloniality)

by Catherine E. Walsh

In Rising Up, Living On, Catherine E. Walsh examines struggles for existence in societies deeply marked by the systemic violences and entwinements of coloniality, capitalism, Christianity, racism, gendering, heteropatriarchy, and the continual dispossession of bodies, land, knowledge, and life, while revealing practices that contest and live in the cracks of these matrices of power. Through stories, narrations, personal letters, conversations, lived accounts, and weaving together the thought of many—including ancestors, artists, students, activists, feminists, collectives, and Indigenous and Africana peoples—in the Americas, the Global South, and beyond, Walsh takes readers on a journey of decolonial praxis. Here, Walsh outlines individual and collective paths that cry out and crack, ask and walk, deschool, undo the nation-state, and break down boundaries of gender, race, and nature. Rising Up, Living On is a book that sows re-existences, nurtures relationality, and cultivates the sense, hope, and possibility of life otherwise in these desperate times.

Rising Wind

by Brenda Gayle Plummer

African Americans have a long history of active involvement and interest in international affairs, but their efforts have been largely ignored by scholars of American foreign policy. Gayle Plummer brings a new perspective to the study of twentieth-century American history with her analysis of black Americans' engagement with international issues, from the Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 through the wave of African independence movements of the early 1960s. Plummer first examines how collective definitions of ethnic identity, race, and racism have influenced African American views on foreign affairs. She then probes specific developments in the international arena that galvanized the black community, including the rise of fascism, World War II, the emergence of human rights as a factor in international law, the Cold War, and the American civil rights movement, which had important foreign policy implications. However, she demonstrates that not all African Americans held the same views on particular issues and that a variety of considerations helped shape foreign affairs agendas within the black community just as in American society at large.

Risk: Living With Perils In The 21st Century (Advances In Natural And Technological Hazards Research Ser. #33)

by John Adams

Risk compensation postulates that everyone has a "risk thermostat" and that safety measures that do not affect the setting of the thermostat will be circumvented by behaviour that re-establishes the level of risk with which people were originally comfortable. It explains why, for example, motorists drive faster after a bend in the road is straightened. Cultural theory explains risk-taking behaviour by the operation of cultural filters. It postulates that behaviour is governed by the probable costs and benefits of alternative courses of action which are perceived through filters formed from all the previous incidents and associations in the risk-taker's life.; "Risk" should be of interest to many readers throughout the social sciences and in the world of industry, business, engineering, finance and public administration, since it deals with a fundamental part of human behaviour that has enormous financial and economic implications.

Risk and Acceptability (Social Research Perspectives Ser. #11)

by Mary Douglas

First published in 1985, Mary Douglas intended Risk and Acceptability as a review of the existing literature on the state of risk theory. Unsatisfied with the current studies of risk, which she found to be flawed by individualistic and psychologistic biases, she instead uses the book to argue risk analysis from an anthropological perspective. Douglas raises questions about rational choice, the provision of public good and the autonomy of the individual.

Risk and Adaptation in a Cancer Cluster Town (Nature, Society, and Culture)

by Laura Hart

In disease cluster communities across the country, environmental contamination from local industries is often suspected as a source of disease. But civic action is notoriously hampered by the slow response from government agencies to investigate the cause of disease and the complexities of risk assessment. In Risk and Adaptation in a Cancer Cluster Town, Laura Hart examines another understudied dimension of community inaction: the role of emotion and its relationship to community experiences of social belonging and inequality. Using a cancer cluster community in Northwest Ohio as a case study, Hart advances an approach to risk that grapples with the complexities of community belonging, disconnect, and disruption in the wake of suspected industrial pollution. Her research points to a fear driven not only by economic anxiety, but also by a fear of losing security within the community—a sort of pride that is not only about status, but connectedness. Hart reveals the importance of this social form of risk—the desire for belonging and the risk of not belonging—ultimately arguing that this is consequential to how people make judgements and respond to issues. Within this context where the imperative for self-protection is elusive, affected families experience psychosocial and practical conflicts as they adapt to cancer as a way of life. Considering a future where debates about risk and science will inevitably increase, Hart considers possibilities for the democratization of risk management and the need for transformative approaches to environmental justice.

Risk and Ageing (Routledge Revivals)

by C. Paul Brearley

First published in 1982, Risk and Ageing is an exploration of practical issues involved in helping older people who are exposed to substantial risks. Paul Brearley argues that if we are to make appropriate provision for older people it is essential that policy and practice should be informed by the growing body of theory and research as well as by the pragmatic, day-to-day experience of practitioners. The book therefore brings these perspectives together in relation to the general theme of risk analysis and management. The book includes special chapters on mental disorder and on healthcare, and will be of value to workers in the health and social services, in addition to a social work audience.

Risk and Blame: Collected Works (Collected Works)

by Mary Douglas Professor Mary Douglas

First published in 1992, this volume follows on from the programme for studying risk and blame that was implied in Purity and Danger. The first half of the book Douglas argues that the study of risk needs a systematic framework of political and cultural comparison. In the latter half she examines questions in cultural theory. Through the eleven essays contained in Risk and Blame, Douglas argues that the prominence of risk discourse will force upon the social sciences a programme of rethinking and consolidation that will include anthropological approaches.

Risk and Blame: Essays in Cultural Theory

by Professor Mary Douglas

Risk and danger are culturally conditioned ideas. They are shaped by pressures of social life and accepted notions of accountability. The risk analyses that are increasingly being utilised by politicians, aid programmes and business ignore the insights to be gained from social anthropology which can be applied to modern industrial society.In this collection of recent essays, Mary Douglas develops a programme for studying risk and blame that follows from ideas originally proposed in Purity and Danger. She suggests how political and cultural bias can be incorporated into the study of risk perception and in the discussion of responsibility in public policy.

Risk and Cognition

by Jean-Marc Mercantini Colette Faucher

This book presents recent research using cognitive science to apprehend risk situations and elaborate new organizations, new systems and new methodological tools in response. The book demonstrates the reasons, advantages and implications of the association of the concepts of cognition and risk. It is shown that this association has strong consequences on how to apprehend critical situations that emerge within various activity domains, and how to elaborate responses to these critical situations. . The following topics are covered by the book: · Influence of the culture in risk management, · Influence of the risk communication in risk management, · User-centred design to improve risk situation management, · Designing new tools to assist risk situation management, · Risk prevention in industrial activities.

Risk and Crisis Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Muddled Messages (Routledge Research in Communication Studies)

by Martin N. Ndlela

This book examines the challenges of communicating risk and crisis messages during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide recommendations for managing future global health crises. Given that outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics are global crises that require global solutions, the book suggests that the world community needs to build resilient crisis management institutions and message management systems. Through international case studies, in-depth interviews, textual, content, narrative and document analysis, the book provides comprehensive accounts of how normative risk communication strategies were invoked, applied, disrupted, questioned, and changed during the COVID- 19 pandemic. It explores themes including crisis preparedness, outbreak communication, lockdown messages, communication uncertainty, risk message strategies and the challenges of information disorders to show that trust in supranational and national institutions is crucial for the effective management of future global public health crises. A thorough assessment of the multiple challenges faced by public health authorities and audiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, this book will be of interest to researchers, practitioners, and students in the field of Risk, Crisis and Health Communication and Public Health and Disaster Management.

Risk and Harm in Youth Sexting: Young People’s Perspectives (Routledge Studies in Crime and Society)

by Emily Setty

This book explores young people’s perspectives on risk and harm in youth sexting, specifically privacy violations and unwanted, pressured and coerced sexting. This book engages with key debates, academic literature and evidence, as well as findings of a study into young people’s perceptions of, attitudes toward and experiences of sexting. It challenges predominant assumptions that youth sexting is inherently risky and deviant and sets out the specific contexts in which privacy violations and unwanted sexting occur. It explores the sociocultural contexts underpinning harm, including gender, sexism, sexuality, status and power, and associated constructs of risk and shame, as well as broader youth cultural contexts that create and giving meaning to sexters and sexting practices, particularly related to victim-blaming, social shaming, bullying, harassment and abuse. Finally, it discusses young people’s attitudes and beliefs about interventions to reduce the prevalence of youth sexting. In doing so, the book critically engages with young people’s perspectives in order make practical recommendations for encouraging a ‘digital sexual ethics’ based on rights to bodily and sexual expression, autonomy and integrity, positive bystander intervention, and anti-victim blaming and abuse messages. This book will be of great interest to scholars and students of criminology, education, social care, sociology and health. It will also be a valuable resource for those working in educational and social care settings such as sex educators, youth and social workers, youth counsellors and mental health professionals.

Risk and Public Policy in East Asia

by Mutsuko Takahashi

Contemporary Asian society is marked by social processes associated with the loss of stable economic growth and high employment; family structures capable of caring for family members in need; and governmental economic and political competence. Post-financial crisis job uncertainty and income and labor market polarization have become important issue in Asian societies. Family structures are viewed as have been weakened, with a corresponding rise in divorce and domestic violence. Trust in the government is in decline. Against this backdrop it is timely to review three critical issues: 1) policies addressing work-related risks and socio-economic security; 2) changes regarding the structure and stability of families; and 3) issues concerning governance in times of weakened state capacity, declining trust, and the emergence of new politics. Containing chapters written by international scholars, this book introduces the concepts and theoretical approaches of risk and risk and governance and places them within the context of Asian societies.

Risk and Reliability Analysis: Theory and Applications

by Paolo Gardoni

This book presents a unique collection of contributions from some of the foremost scholars in the field of risk and reliability analysis. Combining the most advanced analysis techniques with practical applications, it is one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date books available on risk-based engineering. All the fundamental concepts needed to conduct risk and reliability assessments are covered in detail, providing readers with a sound understanding of the field and making the book a powerful tool for students and researchers alike. This book was prepared in honor of Professor Armen Der Kiureghian, one of the fathers of modern risk and reliability analysis.

Risk and Resilience in Childhood: An Ecological Perspective

by Mark W. Fraser

"Literature is replete with stories of children who recover against impossible odds. No less dramatic are real-life accounts in social work case files. But why are some children so resilient when others are not? How can social work practice appropriate these positive forces on behalf of more children? This book takes a major leap forward from other social work texts to probe not only risk but resilience and the protective factors that promote positive developmental outcomes. Firmly research based, it bridges the gap between ecological theory and strengths-based practice and provides a foundation for developing case-specific interventions. <P><P>Building on the concepts and models articulated so expertly in the best-selling first edition, the authors of Risk and Resilience, 2nd Edition introduce a framework and interdisciplinary language for understanding and conceptualizing social and health problems of children and their families. Readers will easily draw implications for practice from its clear and organized presentation. Using an ecological and multisystems perspective, each chapter examines risk and protective factors for specific social problems and disorders in childhood, including drug abuse, school failure, adolescent pregnancy, and delinquency. <P><P> This book is a compelling and rich resource for practitioners, scholars, and educators.Special Features * Summarizes and distills for social work practice the latest research on risk factors for childhood problems. * Devotes a full chapter to suicidal behaviors among youth. * Describes how to tailor interventions on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation."

Risk and Resilience in the Era of Climate Change

by Vinod Thomas

This book presents essential insights on the interaction between rising risks and raising the bar for resilience during the climate crisis. Its timeliness lies in applying important findings on risk and resilience to runaway climate change. When risk and resilience are brought together in the context of climate catastrophes, three key messages emerge.The first is that accounting for the root causes of these calamities, and not just their symptoms, is essential to slowing the spike in these events. It is therefore vital to link carbon emissions from human activity to the sharp rise in climate disasters globally. The second is that growth economics and policy must factor in the failure of governments and businesses to tackle spillover harm from economic activities, as seen dramatically with global warming. With climate risks rising, this calls for a fundamental revision in the teaching and practice of business and economics. And third, prevention must become a far bigger part of resilience building, with greater preparedness for more intense destruction built into interventions. This emphasis on prevention deems disaster recovery as not just returning to how things were but building back better.

Risk and Resilience in the Era of Climate Change

by Vinod Thomas

This book presents essential insights on the interaction between rising risks and raising the bar for resilience during the climate crisis. Its timeliness lies in applying important findings on risk and resilience to runaway climate change. When risk and resilience are brought together in the context of climate catastrophes, three key messages emerge. The first is that accounting for the root causes, and not just their symptoms, is essential to slowing these events. It is therefore vital to link carbon emissions from human activity to the sharp rise in climate disasters globally. The second is that growth economics and policy must factor in the failure of governments and businesses to tackle spillover harm from economic activities, as seen strikingly with global warming AND BIODIVERSITY LOSS. With climate risks rising, this calls for a fundamental revision of the framing of growth in the teaching and practice of business and economics. And third, prevention must become a far bigger part of resilience building, with preparedness to avert or handle tougher eventualities built into interventions. Emphasis on prevention deems disaster recovery as not just returning to how things were but building back better.

Risk and Securitization in Japan: 1945-60 (The University of Sheffield/Routledge Japanese Studies Series)

by Piers R. Williamson

Since the early 1990s, there has been an emphasis in international relations theory on the shift from a Cold War rationality of ‘threat’, to a post-Cold War rationality of ‘risk’. However, in Risk and Securitization in Japan, 1945-1960, Piers R. Williamson argues that this assumption of a shift in rationality stems from a fundamental failure to distinguish between the concepts of threat and risk. By clarifying the concepts of threat and risk, this book challenges the prevailing hypothesis of a shift from threat to risk with the end of the Cold War, and in doing so presents a new explanatory model of risk that can be applied to Japan and elsewhere. In turn, it proposes that a full comprehension of the concept of risk can generate new understandings of political processes that would otherwise remain obscured. Williamson demonstrates how this can be done, proffering a new perspective on Japanese security discourse, especially the controversy between, on the one hand, early Japanese governments, prime ministers, Diet members, and those Japanese who drafted the Japanese proposal for the new constitution, and, on the other hand, intellectuals, peace movement activists, proponents of unarmed neutrality and the US-Japan security treaty. Including extensive archival material in the form of speeches, public statements and government documents, this book will be of huge interest to students and scholars of Japanese politics, international relations and history alike.

Risk and Social Work (Routledge Revivals)

by C Paul Brearley

First published in 1982, Risk and Social Work provides a useful framework for analysing risk in the social welfare context. Surprisingly, social work and other helping professions have hitherto given little attention to the use and meaning of ‘risk’, although the term is frequently employed, with clients and helpers being described as ‘at risk’, or ‘in danger’. The media have taken up these terms, noticeably in cases involving child abuse, the elderly and conditions in psychiatric institutions, often at the expense of our image of the social services. Paul Brearley’s discussion of the analysis and management of risk in social work will therefore be of value to people working in the helping professions. Mr. Brearley begins by establishing a series of definitions, drawing primarily from the commercial insurance field, and from the literature on scientific and workplace hazards. These definitions form the base for a framework of risk analysis which stresses the importance of values and the chance element in decision making about risk. He shows how this framework can be used in practice in emergency and risky situations, and looks at the management of hazards and uncertainty with particular reference to social work practice.

Risk and Substance Use: Framing Dangerous People and Dangerous Places

by Susanne MacGregor Betsy Thom

This interdisciplinary collection examines the role that alcohol, tobacco and other drugs have played in framing certain groups and spaces as ‘dangerous’ and in influencing the nature of formal responses to the perceived threat. Taking a historical and cross-national perspective, it explores how such groups and spaces are defined and bounded as well as the processes by which they come to be seen as ‘risky’. It discusses how issues of perceived danger highlight questions of control and the management of behaviours, people and environments, and it pays attention to the way in which sanctions and regulations have been implemented in a variety of often inconsistent ways that frequently impact differently on different sections of the population. Bringing together a range of case studies drawn from different countries and across different periods of time, the chapters collected here illustrate issues of marginalisation, stigmatisation, human rights and social expectations. It is of interest to a diverse audience of historians, philosophers, human geographers, anthropologists, sociologists and criminologists interested in substance use and misuse, deviance, risk and power among other topics.

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