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Routledge Revivals: Rural Radicalism in Norfolk 1870-1923 (Routledge Revivals: History Workshop Series)

by Alun Howkins

First published in 1985, this book presents the first detailed account of the relationship between the farmworkers, trades unionism, and political and social radicalism. Rural radicalism, one of the most important new features of late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century politics, was particularly strong in Norfolk and as such provides the focus for this study. The author shows the how relationship between ‘master and man’ and ‘man’ and ‘work’ was changing in the period from the 1870s to the 1920s — ending with the great strike of 1923. The main themes are the shifts from religion to politics, from Liberalism to Labour, and in more general terms from local to national consciousness. The book shows men at work and the ways in which politics meshed — or failed to mesh — together. Based on detailed local research and on many hours of recorded interviews, it enables the voice of the labourer to be heard, and a real sense of hope, fear and aspiration to come through.

Routledge Revivals: An Ethnomethodological Study of Australian Aboriginal People (Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis)

by Kenneth Liberman

First published in 1985, this book gives an intimate account of the cultural-political conflict between Australian Aboriginal people and Anglo-Australians, presenting the Australian social world from the perspective of the Aboriginal person. Adopting a rigorous ethnomethodological analysis and the techniques of ethnolinguistics, Liberman looks at the interactional detail of the everyday life of traditionally oriented Australian Aboriginals. He uses tape transcripts of actual interaction to identify chief characteristics of Aboriginal social life. Liberman goes on to show how differences in systems of interaction have influenced relations between Australian Aboriginals and Anglo-Australians. With its account of the politics of cultural conflict in a multi-cultural environment, this book is an apt extension of ethnomethodological issues to political concerns. It also exposes Aboriginal perceptions of Anglo-Australian/Aboriginal interaction to a degree not previously achieved in any sociological or anthropological study. As such, this book will be a valuable case study to students of social anthropology, race relations, intercultural communication and sociolinguistics.

Routledge Revivals: Police Suspects and the Construction of Criminality (Routledge Revivals)

by Mike McConville Andrew Sanders Roger Leng

Originally published in 1991, The Case for the Prosecution examines the entire process of arrest through to conviction.

Routledge Revivals: Immigrant Intellectuals in Britain (Routledge Revivals)

by Bhikhu Parekh

First published in 1974, this book gives a detailed and thoughtful examination on immigration in Britain, specifying the experiences of non-white intellectuals. In the first section – Viewpoint – each contributor, who was born and raised outside Britain, articulates and analyses the tensions generated by the conflict between his own native culture and that dominant in Britain, and the way in which, and the degree to which, he has coped with them. Each contributor observes English culture, elucidating its distinctive characteristics, and analysing the extent to which he feels sympathetic to them. In the second section – Response – distinguished philosophers, sociologists, and students of English character respond to the problems raised by immigrant intellectuals in their essays. This book is indispensable to everyone interested in creating a peaceful and culturally rich society in Britain.

Routledge Revivals: Pit Villages and the Miners' Strike of 1984-5 (Routledge Revivals: History Workshop Series)

by Raphael Samuel, Barbara Bloomfield & Guy Boanas

First published in 1986, this book challenges the notion that the miners’ strike of 1984-5 was ‘Scargill’s Strike’. It shows some of the ways in which the strike, though nominally directed from above, was determined from below by multitudinous and often contradictory pressures — the lodge, the village and the home. The focus is essentially logical and gives particular attention to family economy, kin networks and intergenerational solidarity. At the same time it is concerned with the mentality of the strike — its ruling fears and passions. The first-hand testimonies that comprise the book attest to the attachment to ‘traditional ways’ as well as the potency of the influences corroding them.

Routledge Revivals: Volume II: Minorities and Outsiders (Routledge Revivals: History Workshop Series)

by Raphael Samuel

First published in 1989, this is the second of three volumes exploring the changing notions of patriotism in British life from the thirteenth century to the late twentieth century and constitutes an attempt to come to terms with the power of the national idea through a historically informed critique. This volume examines how national identity has competed with alternative, more personal forms of belonging — such as Roman Catholicism, Judaism and Nonconformism — as well looking at femininity in relation to the state. Contemporary British society’s capacity to create outsiders is discussed and the introductory essay shows how this may shape our misunderstanding of earlier phases of national development.

Routledge Revivals: Volume III: National Fictions (Routledge Revivals: History Workshop Series)

by Raphael Samuel

First published in 1989, this is the third of three volumes exploring the changing notions of patriotism in British life from the thirteenth century to the late twentieth century and constitutes an attempt to come to terms with the power of the national idea through a historically informed critique. This volume studies some of the leading figures of national myth, such as Britannia and John Bull. One group of essays looks at the idea of distinctively national landscape and the ways in which it corresponds to notions of social order. A chapter on the poetry of Edmund Spenser explores metaphorical representations of Britain as a walled garden, and the idea of an enchanted national space is taken up in a series of essays on literature, theatre and cinema. An introductory piece charts some of the startling changes in the image of national character, from the seventeenth-century notion of the English as the most melancholy people in Europe, to the more uncertain and conflicting images of today.

Routledge Revivals: Volume I: History and Politics (Routledge Revivals: History Workshop Series)

by Raphael Samuel

First published in 1989, this is the first of three volumes exploring the changing notions of patriotism in British life from the thirteenth century to the late twentieth century and constitutes an attempt to come to terms with the power of the national idea through a historically informed critique. This volume deals with the role of politics, history, religion, imperialism and race in the formation of English nationalism. In chapters dealing with a wide range of topics, the contributors demystify the prevailing conceptions of nationalism, suggesting ‘the nation’ has always been a contested idea, and only one of a number of competing images of collectivity.

Routledge Revivals: Germany and World-Historical Evolution (Routledge Revivals)

by Oswald Spengler

First published in 1934, the majority of this book was developed just prior to the Nazi seizure of power, with additional material which reflects on its aftermath. It assessed the decline of European power and the crisis of Western civilization in the face of conflict between the ruling class and the lower classes, arguing that only by adherence to their inherited ‘Prussianism’ would Germany have the solidity to be able to combat these dangers. Despite the influence of his previous writings on key Nazi figures, his criticisms of National Socialism led to the book being banned, although not before it had been widely distributed throughout Germany. This work will be of interest to students of 20th century German and European history.

Routledge Revivals: Varieties Of Residential Experience (1975) (Routledge Revivals)

by Jack Tizard Ian Sinclair R.V.G. Clarke

First published in 1975, this book compiles a number of studies concerning institutional care and children, which address the question of why institutions that serve apparently similar functions differ so much. The book uses comparative methods such as measurement of different ‘dimensions’ of institutional care and analysis of interrelationships among specific structural and functional features which characterise particular institutions. As a result, the book draws broad conclusions about the importance of factors that have dynamic influence on the manner in which institutions function and the reasons why they differ. The editors reject the ‘steampress’ model which postulates that institutions are more or less alike. They discuss ideological and organisational variation, differences in staffing and the manner in which children respond to them, and consider these issues as factors that influence the way in which an institution functions ‘as a whole’. Subsequent chapters describe comparative studies carried out in institutions for the mentally handicapped, approved schools, residential nurseries, probation hostels, other ‘correctional’ institutions and units for autistic children. The book enables the reader to appreciate achievements and shortcomings of contemporary research and thinking in this field.

Routledge Revivals: Working-Class Politics in Britain and Sweden (Routledge Revivals: History Workshop Series #9)

by Stephen Yeo

First published in 1988, this book sets out to reinterpret the changing place of working-class association in capitalist Britain. It argues that in combination, co-operation and association constitutes labour’s power — what is has to work with and who to work for — yet social historians have tended to overlook such views in a co-operative setting. What was the struggle, what form did it take, who were the protagonists and what relevance did they have to the community co-operators of the 1980s? The essays collected in this book explore class potential and class conflict within and against co-operative thought and practice.

Routledge Revivals: The Trobriand Islands 1915-18 (Routledge Revivals)

by Michael W. Young

Bronislaw Malinowski is one of the founding fathers of modern social anthropology and the innovator of the technique of prolonged and intensive fieldwork. His writings about the Trobriand Islands of Papua were in their time the most formative influence on the work of British social anthropologists and are of perennial interest and importance. They produced a revolution in the aims and field techniques of social anthropologists, and the method he created is that now normally used by anthropologists in the field. Malinowski’s field material remains compulsory reading for students. First published in 1979, this book draws from the major monographs of Malinowski to compile a selection of his writings on the Trobriand Islanders. In presenting a concise Trobriand ethnography in one volume, the author gives balanced coverage of economic life, kinship, marriage and land tenure, and to the system of ceremonial exchange known as the Kula. He also provides, in an introductory essay, a critical assessment of Malinowski the ethnographer, and gives a brief account of the Trobriands in a modern perspective.

Routledge Revivals (1909): or India in Transition

by Henry Cotton

First published in 1909, the purpose of this book was to draw attention to the political, social and religious changes that were taking place in India and detail how this should inform British colonial policy. The author argues that the political situation demanded decisive action as several factors had caused increasing difficulties in administration: waning enthusiasm on the part of English officials, greater tension between the governors and the governed — often caused by colonial arrogance which had been brought into sharper relief by spread of education and the growth of patriotic feeling. He also argues that the crux of India’s economic difficulties was the poverty of its people and asserts that the solution to both problems was the ‘sympathetic and systematic encouragement of her legitimate aspirations and patriotic tendencies’. In regard to the social and religious changes, the author observes that the changes are not less considerable and advises that the government should, as far as was possible, maintain the existing basis by a policy of ‘wise conservation’. This book will be of interest to students of Indian history and colonialism.

Routledge Revivals (1929): Including Selections from his Writings

by C.F. Andrews

First published in 1929, this book was intended to explain, "with documentary evidence", the main principles and ideas for which Gandhi had stood over the course of his career up until that point. The author draws upon his long and intimate personal relationship with Gandhi to give an authoritative and individual account of a man whose politics and philosophy has invited continuing analysis — extended with illustrative selections from his speeches and writings. The context in which Gandhi’s ideas were formed and developed provides the focus for this book with the first part examining the religious environment and the second the historical setting.

Routledge Revivals (1932): A Contribution to a Philosophy of Life

by Oswald Spengler

First published in 1932, this book, based on an address delivered in 1931, presents a concise and lucid summary of the philosophy of the author of The Decline of the West, Oswald Spengler. It was his conviction that the technical age — the culture of the machine age — which man had created in virtue of his unique capacity for individual as well as racial technique, had already reached its peak, and that the future held only catastrophe. He argued it lacked progressive cultural life and instead was dominated by a lust for power and possession. The triumph of the machine led to mass regimentation rather than fewer workers and less work — spelling the doom of Western civilization.

Routledge Revivals (1935): A Plea for Understanding

by C.F. Andrews

First published in 1935, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the 1934 Nepal-Bihar earthquake, giving a background to the earthquake zone, describing the event itself and surveying the ensuing devastation. The author also looks at the government’s actions and the response of India’s other states as well as the religious and social dimension to the reaction — exemplified by Mahatma Gandhi. The book examines how the earthquake was compounded by a severe flood that occurred shortly before, how preparations for the monsoon season were made in an attempt to limit further destruction and the subsequent recommendations for more earthquake resistant urban planning.

Routledge Revivals (1937): A Contribution to World Peace

by C.F. Andrews

First published in 1937, this book grew out of the author’s belief that there needed to be a ‘drastic revision’ of British policy on the North-West Frontier of India (now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan) in order to achieve a lasting peace. The author examined the causes of continued hostility and non-military methods that might prevent further outbreaks of war — reducing or removing British troops and leaving the settlement of disputes to Indians. He traces the changing attitudes of Indians towards British rule and the increasing popularity of calls for independence while also detailing the wider Indian context. This book will be of interest to students of Indian and colonial history.

Routledge Revivals (1938): The Rise And Growth Of The Congress In India (1938)

by C.F. Andrews Girija Mookerjee

First published in 1938, this book aims to provide a history of the rise and growth of the Indian National Congress for the general reader, covering the period from its foundation in 1885 until the beginning of the non-co-operation movement in 1920. It was intended to extend the official history of the Congress by Pattabhi Sitarammayya by making it more accessible to western readers while also giving more space to the religious and social forces in Indian history during the nineteenth century which led to the birth of the congress. It also looks at forerunner organisations like The British Indian Association before examining the history and evolution of the congress in several phases.

Routledge Revivals (1939): A Plea for Understanding

by C.F. Andrews

First published in 1939, this book sets out to refute some of the ‘unjust charges laid at India’s door’ and correct the ‘false impressions’ that prevailed at the time. The author argues that the distorted view of the social conditions in India in the contemporary press and literature were detrimental to the relationships between East and West. Attempting to give a picture of the true state of affairs, they show that Hinduism was reforming from within and that it was unjust to still equate it with earlier periods. The Depressed classes, women’s rights, child marriage, Caste and Kalighat are all examined in detail. The book will be interest to students of colonial India and social history.

Routledge Revivals (1988): A Stage History and a Primary and Secondary Bibliography

by Philip C. Kolin

In the twenty years that preceded the publication of this book in 1988, David Rabe was in the vanguard of playwrights who shaped American theatre. As the first full-length work on Rabe, this book laid the groundwork for later critical and biographical studies. The first part consists of an essay that covers three sections: a short biography, a summary and evaluation of his formative journalism for the New Haven Register, and a detailed and cohesive stage history of his work. The second part presents the most comprehensive and authoritative primary bibliography of Rabe to date, with the third section containing a secondary bibliography — including a section on biographical studies.

Routledge Revivals (1989): Correctional Officers at Work

by Lucien X. Lombardo

First published in 1989, Guards Imprisoned provides an in-depth look into the work and working life of prison guards as they perceive and experience it. The author, who was a teacher at Auburn Prison, New York, discovered that little was known about the guard’s perceptions of his "place" in the prison community and set out to explore the dynamics of this key correctional occupation from the perspective of those who do it. The raw data was provided by over 160 hours of interviews with guards and is presented in the order of a "natural history" — from their prerecruitment images of prison to the search for satisfaction as experienced guards. The book also includes a follow-up with the officers who were originally interviewed in 1976, assessing patterns of change and stability in their attitudes and behaviors. The Auburn Correctional Facility (renamed from Auburn Prison in 1970) was the second state prison in New York, the site of the first execution by electric chair in 1890, and the namesake of the famed "Auburn System" replicated across the country, in which people worked in groups during the day, were housed in solitary confinement at night, and lived in total silence. The facility is celebrating the 200th anniversary of its groundbreaking in 2016.

Routledge Revivals (1989): The Ameurunculus Letters

by Michael Phillipson

First published in 1988, this book attempts to tackle the problem of how to write about art, culture, and the issues of postmodernism in a style appropriate to what is being claimed. The letters are written on art’s behalf to a range of institutions and individuals, and have as their recurring concern the relation between art, culture and representation — both art as representation and how art is represented to, and for, the surrounding culture. They explore the context and viability of art through a range of themes, including writing, the aestheticisation of everyday life, style, design pleasure, fragmentation, hyphenation, technology, and the museum — drawing on materials from the visual arts, music, literature, post-structuralism, contemporary criticism, philosophy, and sociology.

Routledge Revivals (1989): An Interdisciplinary Approach

by Ruth Taplin

First published in 1989, this book provides a macro-micro approach to economic development — taking account of multi-level linkages, both inter and intra, that had been missed by previous analyses. The author argues that these linkages demonstrate that social and economic change may occur from the "bottom up" household/family level and not just from the "top down" economic order level — using women as a vehicle to illustrate this. In the first section, the expansive body of development literature is summarised and critically reviewed — isolating the primary strengths and weaknesses. Case studies of Malaysia, the Chinese Commune and the Israeli Kibbutz demonstrate that a theory which combines the analysis of the organisation of work, kinship and ethnicity can accommodate the experience of women in an integrated manner that traditional development theory has failed to achieve.

Routledge Revivals (1991): An Annotated Bibliography

by Diane Foxhill Carothers

First published in 1991, this book presents a comprehensive annotated bibliography of radio broadcasting. Its eleven chapter-categories cover almost the entire range of radio broadcasting — with the exception of radio engineering due to its technical complexity although some of the historical volumes do encompass aspects, thus providing background material. Entries are primarily restricted to published books although a number of trade journals and periodicals are also included. Each entry includes full bibliographic information, including the ISBN or ISSN where available, and an annotation written by the author with the original text in hand.

Routledge Revivals: Chinese Art (1935)

by Leigh Ashton

First published in 1935, this book was intended to provide westerners with a more definite and comprehensive understanding of Chinese Art and its achievements. Newly available opportunities to study authentic examples, such as the Royal Academy exhibition that provided the impetus for this volume, allowed for greater opportunities to conduct in-depth examination than had previously been possible. Following an introduction giving an overview of Chinese art and its history in the west, six chapters cover painting and calligraphy, sculpture and lacquer, ‘the potter’s art’, bronzes and cloisonné enamel, jades, and textiles — supplemented by a chronology of Chinese epochs, a selected bibliography and 25 images.

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