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The Rural South In Crisis: Challenges For The Future

by Lionel J Beaulieu

This book captures the views of students of rural America on the serious state of affaire in rural South areas and on the strategies for stimulating improvements in the well-being of rural Southerners. It spurs policymakers, leaders, and rural residents to redress the ills of the rural South.

Rural Tax Reform in China: Policy Processes and Institutional Change (Routledge Studies on China in Transition)

by Linda Chelan Li

This book examines questions of change and inertia in the context of the longstanding grievances over excessive taxation in rural China. How can some changes be sustained, whilst others cannot? How can a longstanding administrative practice be changed or even terminated, especially when previous attempts at change have failed? Using extensive interview data with local and central bureaucrats, Li's findings highlight the role of parallel developments and agency in the change process, as well as the prevalence of contingency and uncertainty. It also elegantly blends the narrative of the rural tax and administrative reforms with theoretical discussions to deepen our understanding of policy process and institutional change in 21st century China. Despite the authoritarian political system, the Chinese state-in-action which emerges from this book sees actions stemming from both the central and local levels, mediated by strategic design as well as contingency. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of Chinese Studies, political science and policy and development studies.

Rural Tourism: New Concepts, New Research, New Practice

by Bernard Lane and Elisabeth Kastenholz

This book describes, analyses, celebrates and interrogates the rise of rural tourism in the developed world over the last thirty years, while explaining its need to enter a new, second generation of development if it is to remain sustainable in all senses of that word. Contributors include 29 leading researchers, practitioners and commentators from ten countries around the world. Subjects covered include the ongoing evolution of rural tourism as a genre; its numerous niche markets, and market trends; community involvement, and its impacts on rural landscape conservation and society. Special attention is paid to product development in rural tourism, including food and beverage tourism, avitourism and landscape appreciation. Management Issues are also dealt with, as is the impact of internet booking systems on both commercial performance and regional and national rural tourism governance. There is a review of trends in academic research in rural tourism with an analysis of 1848 refereed and published research papers since 2000. This book is a worthy successor to Bramwell & Lane’s pioneering 1994 publication, Rural Tourism and Sustainable Rural Development. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Sustainable Tourism.

Rural Transformation in the Post Liberalization Period in Gujarat: Economic And Social Consequences

by Niti Mehta

The book examines the pattern of non-farm development at the national level and identifies the correlates and determinants of occupational diversification for the major states. It is one of the few studies that unravels the dynamic processes associated with growth and development at the sub-national level; wherein it elucidates changes in rural employment pattern and its implications for urban growth. The book fills a crucial gap in current research, notably, an understanding of conditions that enable large villages to assume an urban character. By providing micro-level study of census towns to capture the nuances of the dynamic situation in the countryside, the book would offer useful insights and provide reference material on the social and economic impacts of urban growth, thereby satisfying the needs of students, researchers and practitioners of regional economics, rural development, and sustainable urbanization. The book is the outcome of financial support received under the Research Programme Scheme of the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi, India.

Rural Transformations: Globalization and Its Implications for Rural People, Land, and Economies (Perspectives on Rural Policy and Planning)

by Holly Barcus Roy Jones Serge Schmitz

This book focuses on the transformation of rural places, peoples, and land endemic to the contemporary manifestations of globalization. Migration, global economic restructuring, and climate change are rapidly transforming rural places across the globe. Yet, global attention characteristically focuses on urban social and economic issues, neglecting the continued roles of rural people and places. Organized around the three core themes of demographic change, rural-urban partnerships and innovations, and landscape change, the case studies included in this volume represent both the Global North and Global South and underscore the complexity and multi-scalar nature of these contemporary challenges in rural development, planning, and sustainability. This book would be valuable supplementary reading for both students and professionals in the fields of rural land management and rural planning.

Rural Transformations and Rural Crime: International Critical Perspectives in Rural Criminology (Research in Rural Crime)

by Matt Bowden and Alistair Harkness

What are the theoretical and conceptual framings of rural criminology across the world? Thinking creatively about the challenges of rural crime and policing, in this stimulating collection of essays experts in this emerging field draw from theories of modernity, feminism, climate change, left realism and globalisation. This first book in the Research in Rural Crime series offers state-of-the-art scholarship from across the globe, and considers the future agenda for the discipline.

Rural Transport In Developing Countries

by I. Barwell G. A. Edmonds J.D.G.F. Howe J. De Veen

For more than three decades investment in the transport sector has been a priority for developing country governments. With a few exceptions, roads have accounted for the major part of these investments. The explicit, and often articulated, assumption upon which the decision to allocate such large sums of money to road transport has been made is that road transport and development are inextricably linked. The implicit, and rarely articulated assumption is that the provision of suitable roads will lead to the operation of an adequate level of road transport services. If roads do not actually produce economic development, it has been argued, they certainly play a major role. This belief in the ben-eficial effects of roads is not wholly unsubstantiated. Clearly the provision of some form of access is vital for the development of the rural economy. Nevertheless, the studies carried out over the last 10-15 years on the impact of highway investment have sounded a cautionary note. George W. Wilson, writing in the concluding chapter of the Brookings Institution studies on transport and development, suggested that* 'A much more sceptical attitude towards transport appears essential and far more attention needs to be devoted to the set of circumstances surrounding expansion of transport capacity'. 1 The suggestion of a more restrained attitude reflected a growing concern that transport, and in particular roads, was only one factor amongst a large number that needed to be integrated for effective development. The concern to see road transport in a wider context partly explains the move towards the evaluation of the social, as well as strictly economic, benefits of road construction.

The Rural Transport Problem: The History Of A Subculture (Routledge Library Edtions: Global Transport Planning #18)

by David St John Thomas

Originally published in 1963, this book was the first to survey the rural transport problem as a whole, and it includes the results of extensive research in an important but until then neglected field. The issues of increased car ownership and the reduction of train and bus services and the social impact of this is discussed, as well the question of subsidies in the UK as a whole. Three area specific studies deal with the Lake District, Northumberland and Devon.

Rural-Urban Dynamics: Livelihoods, mobility and markets in African and Asian frontiers (Routledge Studies in Human Geography)

by Jytte Agergaard Niels Fold Katherine Gough

It has increasingly been recognised that rural and urban areas are inextricably interlinked. This book adopts a fresh approach to the issue of rural-urban dynamics through a study of the changing nature of livelihoods, mobility and markets in ten study sites across four countries of Africa and Asia. Building on detailed fieldwork conducted in Ghana, Tanzania, Vietnam and Thailand, the authors explore how settlements and livelihoods are being transformed as long-term inhabitants and recent migrants embrace new economic activities many of which are linked to global markets. The book is structured around the concept of ‘frontier’ which is conceptualized as being a dynamic space where the forces of economic, demographic and social change are brought to bear. The study sites include agricultural frontiers (coffee, cocoa, pineapples and fresh fruit), handicraft and manufacturing frontiers, and mining frontiers (gold and diamonds). In all of the cases, global value chain dynamics have played a pivotal role in shaping local livelihoods. Some settlements are developing into new urban centres whilst others are suffering from a boom and bust experience due to the unreliability of export markets. The similarities and differences between the frontier settlements are drawn out by comparing frontiers of similar types and by highlighting the theoretical and policy implications of the findings from all the frontier types. The originality of the book lies in its combination of conceptual clarity, methodological coherence and empirical richness. By combining detailed empirical findings with theoretical insight from debates on livelihoods, global value chains, mobility patterns, settlement dynamics and rural-urban relations, the book sheds new light on these issues within an overall framework of development trajectories in Africa and Asia. Given scholars’ and international agencies’ current interest in the spatial dimensions of economic development, this contribution is particularly timely with its fresh geographical approach to development issues; this book is a pertinent and authoritative read for anyone researching or learning in the field of development.

Rural Urban Integration in Java: Consequences for Regional Development and Employemnt (Routledge Revivals)

by Vincent L. Rotgé Ida Bagoes Mantra Ryanto Rijanta

This title was first published in 2000. Yogyakarta Special Region (known as Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta in Bahasa Indonesia, or DIY) is located in the centre of the southern coast of Java. The region has a very long history and has undergone many changes and developments in agriculture, irrigation, population and immigration movements. Organized into four main sections, this text aims to provide a study of rural-urban integeration in the area, with particular reference to the consequences of development and employment. It introduces the region in geographical and economic terms, looking at the communities where fieldwork has been conducted. The results of these field studies are then presented, along with possible regional development policies geared towards encouraging the regional integration process. The important questions and implications of increasing rural-urban linkages for urban and societal changes in monsoon Asia are then reviewed on the basis of the lessons learned from the case studies in the DIY. Special attention is given to the consequences for employment and metropolitan changes in the wake of the changes taking place in this region.

Rural-Urban Interaction in the Developing World (Routledge Perspectives on Development)

by Kenny Lynch

Sustaining the rural and urban populations of the developing world has been identified as a key global challenge for the twenty-first century. Rural-Urban Interaction in the Developing World is an introduction to the relationships between rural and urban places in the developing world and shows that not all their aspects are as obvious as migration from country to city. There is now a growing realization that rural-urban relations are far more complex. Using a wealth of student-friendly features including boxed case studies, discussion questions and annotated guides to further reading, this innovative book places rural-urban interactions within a broader context, thus promoting a clearer understanding of the opportunities, as well as the challenges, that rural-urban interactions represent.

The Rural-Urban Interface: An Interdisciplinary Research Approach to Urbanisation Processes Around the Indian Megacity Bengaluru (The Urban Book Series)

by Ellen Hoffmann Andreas Buerkert Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel Kotrakere Basegowda Umesh Prasannakumar Pethandlahalli Shivaraj Prem José Vazhacharickal

Bengaluru is one of the fastest growing megacities in India. As such, it provides an in-situ laboratory for studying rural-urban transitions. While urbanization is most evident in the changing landscape with increasing built-up areas, it comes along with changes in ecosystem functions, new economic opportunities, changes in social organization and individual attitudes and behavior. All of these processes are interlinked and mutually depend on each other. This book attempts to integrate studies from a wide scope of disciplinary perspectives and at different spatial scales under the framework of complex social-ecological systems.Agriculture is the prime example of a system in which humans interact with their biophysical environment, and the production systems in the rural-urban interface are profoundly affected by urbanisation. Intensification and diversification of agriculture are immediate responses to urban pressures and demands, and are linked as much to resource (over-)use as to commercialisation. Yet, little is known about the spatial patterns of agricultural transformation in areas of urban sprawl.The focus of the contributions here is explicitly on the interface, in-between the rural and urban systems. It thus differs from the urban-centered perspective of city planners as well as from the rural predominance in most of the agricultural research. In the present volume this focus is implemented by analysing samples along a spatial gradient representing different stages of urbanization. Ongoing time series analyses and a panel study will complement the spatial approach by a temporal dimension.

Rural-Urban Linkages for Sustainable Development (The Dynamics of Economic Space)

by Edited by Armin Kratzer and Jutta Kister

This book critically examines different forms of urban-rural links for sustainable development in different countries. As intertwined processes of globalization, digitalization, environmental challenges and the search for sustainable development continue, rural and urban areas around the world become increasingly interconnected and interdependent. This book contributes to understanding the role of this growing interconnectedness from an economic geographical perspective. It does so by theoretically and empirically addressing the various existing linkages, such as food networks, value chains, and regional governance at local, regional, national and international levels. In doing so, contributions extend and contrast existing approaches dealing with urban and rural areas separately by considering the interplay between these two as well as their consequences for sustainability transition pathways. This edited volume adds to the academic and policy debate by bringing together a variety of concepts and themes in order to shift the research and policy agenda away from simple dichotomy to different notions of rural-urban linkages. Offering multidisciplinary insights into rural-urban linkages, the book will be of interest to decision-makers, practitioners and researchers in the fields of economic geography, regional planning, food studies and economics.

Rural Urban Migration and Policy Intervention in China: Migrant Workers' Coping Strategies

by Li Sun

This book examines rural-urban migration policies in China, and considers how Chinese workers cope with migration events in the context of these policies. It explores the contribution of migrant workers to the Chinese economy, the impact of changes within the ‘hukou’ system (household registration) and the impact of recent migration policies promoting rural-urban migration and targeting key events during migrant workers’ migration trajectories - job-seeking, wage exploitation, work injuries and illness - namely the corresponding ‘Skills Training Program for Migrant Workers’, the ‘Circular on Managing Wage Payment to Migrant Workers’, the ‘Circular on Migrant Workers Participating in Work-Related Injury Insurance’, and the ‘New Rural Medical Cooperative Scheme’ (Health Insurance). Through in-depth interviews, it examines how when facing such challenges, migrant workers choose to either make a claim under existing policies, or use other coping strategies. The book notably proposes a typology of “coping” which includes a variety of administrative coping, political coping and social coping, and considers how workers in China harness the power of civil groups and social networks.

Rural-Urban Migration in Vietnam (Population Economics)

by Amy Y. Liu Xin Meng

This edited volume provides a comprehensive overview of rural-urban migration in Vietnam. It addresses a wide range of important topics, including Vietnam’s household registration system (ho khau), migration trends, remittance behaviour and social networking. In addition, it examines migrants’ earnings, their children’s schooling, housing issues and their families’ consumption behaviour in their destination cities.The book is mainly based on new data from the Australian National University's ‘Study of Rural-Urban Migration in Vietnam with Insights from China and Indonesia’ (VRUM) project, which identifies migrants from the large-scale, representative ‘Vietnam Household Living Standards Survey’ 2012 (VHLSS2012). In addition to the data from the VRUM project, the book draws on other widely used data sources to provide a comprehensive picture of rural-urban migrants in Vietnam.By highlighting the issues and challenges brought about by the large-scale rural-urban migration in Vietnam, the book helps researchers and policymakers more effectively formulate policies to respond to those challenges. Moreover, Vietnam’s experience can serve as lessons learnt to other transitional/developing countries.

The Rural-Urban Nexus in India's Economic Transformation (Routledge New Horizons in South Asian Studies)

by Tsukasa Mizushima

This book describes and analyzes the transformation of Indian economy taking into account historical changes and present dynamics of the rural-urban nexus. India has recently experienced a period as a high-performing economy, with the great improvement of indices of human development, including literacy rates, life expectancy, child mortality rates and others. In contrast to this bright outlook, features such as the retarded growth of women’s average height, the noticeable gap between male and female population, the overwhelming proportion of informal employment in the manufacturing sector, or increasing pollution overshadow India’s future, in some cases pose a threat to lifestyle and environment. Examining the rural–urban nexus where the new transformative dynamics of Indian socio-economy is most conspicuous, the contributors to this book shed light on the actual changes taking place at the bottom of Indian society through regional comparisons and spatial differentiation. The book offers unique perspectives on the topic produced mostly by Japanese scholars, including analysis of original data, that have hitherto been unavailable and inaccessible to an international audience. As the first book published on the rural–urban nexus in India, this book will be of interest to researchers studying South Asian History, Economics, Politics, Geography, Sociology and Anthropology, Development Studies and Economic History.

Rural Victims of Crime: Representations, Realities and Responses (Routledge Studies in Rural Criminology)

by Rachel Hale Alistair Harkness

Rural Victims of Crime offers a pioneering sustained assessment of ‘the rural victim’. It does so by examining and analysing the conceptual constructs of a victim and challenging the urban bias of victimisation and victimology in criminological study. Indeed, far too much criminological scholarship is based on the false assumption that rural areas are relatively crime free – and thus free, too, of victims. Providing international perspectives, chapters in this edited collection focus centrally on notions of place and space, and constructions of rural victims in a variety of contexts, exploring the impact that geographic location has on the type and prevalence of victimisation. The concept of victimisation is often considered in terms of interpersonal relationships between humans, neglecting the potent impact of victimisation of non-humans and the natural and built environment. Rural Victims of Crime discusses existing notions of victimology in relation to non-human subjects, broadening conceptualisations of the victim and associated impacts resulting from victimisation. Structured in three parts, Rural Victims of Crime conceptualises the rural victim, enhances understanding of the realities of rural victimisation and considers both formal and informal responses to rural victimisation. Chapters are accompanied by practical, contemporary case studies to connect theory with praxis. This book is an essential and valuable resource for academics, students and practitioners alike in the fields of criminology, criminal justice, rural studies, victimology, geography, sociology and spatiality.

Rural Vietnam: The Small World of Khanh Hau

by James B. Hendry

Vietnam is a land whose features change dramatically within short distances--from mountains and high plateaus to coastal plains and inland swamps. To the south, the large delta formed by the Mekong and Lesser river systems inches forward yearly into the South China Sea. This delta, while hardly typical of all Vietnam, is one of the most fertile rice-producing regions of Southeast Asia. Its importance lies not only in the substantial contribution this area can, and will, provide, but it is also the area of most recent settlement by the Vietnamese. The study of its institutions reveals much about the prospects for social and economic change.The analysis of economic change in underdeveloped areas is beset with many complex questions: what factors account for economic activity? Among many signs of change, which are significant? How may one predict the probabilities of future economic development? Rural Vietnam: The Small World of Khanh Hau answers these questions for a Vietnamese rural community, in a detailed study that emphasizes the economic and non-economic factors that shape its present level of material well-being and its chances for future development.The author identifies a variety of forces that influence the economic activity of individuals and finds that these farmers display many more traits of rational economic calculation than is usually assumed to be the case among the peasantry. The book is thus at least a partial refutation of those who hold that village life is so bound by tradition and immersed in lethargy that it cannot be subjected to the kind of economic analyses and policies developed in industrial societies. During the Vietnam war period, Khanh Hau was subject to pressures from far beyond its boundaries, and this study illuminates the problems the conflict engendered throughout Vietnam.

Rural Violence in Contemporary Nigeria: The State, Criminality and National Security (Routledge Studies in Peace, Conflict and Security in Africa)

by Usman A. Tar and Bashir Bala

The book explores the pressing problem of rural violence in contemporary Nigeria by assessing the changing patterns of conflict and response across the country. Rural violence in Nigeria is becoming an increasingly pressing concern, with cattle rustling, banditry, kidnapping and farmer-herder conflicts putting immense pressure on the state’s institutional preparedness and the response capacity of the government, military and other security agencies. Drawing from the expertise of a wide range of African development, governance and security researchers and practitioners, this book assesses the severity of the current problem of rural violence, and provides a critical analysis of the various national and state responses to rural violence in Nigeria. Ultimately, the book aims to provide suggestions for restoring peace, security and development in Nigeria. This book will be of interest to scholars, researchers and administrators across Political Science, Security Studies, Rural Studies, and Regional Studies in Africa.

Rural Woman Battering and the Justice System: An Ethnography

by Neil Websdale

The backbone of this book derives from lengthy conversations with 50 rural battered women, resident in various spouse abuse shelters in Kentucky.

Rural Women in the Soviet Union and Post-Soviet Russia (Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series)

by Liubov Denisova

This is the first full-length history of Russian peasant women in the 20th century in English. Filling a significant gap in the literature on rural studies and gender studies of the twentieth century Russia, it is the first to take the story into the twenty-first century. It offers a comprehensive overview of regulations concerning rural women: their employment patterns; marriages, divorces and family life; issues with health and raising children. Rural lives in the Soviet Union were often dramatically different from the common narrative of the Soviet history, and even during the Khrushchev "Thaw" in the late 1950s and early 1960s, rural women were excluded from its reforms and liberating policies. The author, Luibov Denisova - a leading expert in the field of rural gender history in Russia - includes material from previously unavailable or unpublished collections and archives; interviews; sociological research and oral traditions. Overall, the book is a history of all rural women, from ordinary farm girls to agrarian professionals to prostitutes and paints a unique picture of rural women’s life in the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia.

Rural Women in Urban China: Gender, Migration, and Social Change

by Tamara Jacka

Based on in-depth ethnographic research - and using an approach that seeks to understand how migration is experienced by the migrants themselves - this is a fascinating study of the experiences of women in rural China who joined the vast migration to Beijing and other cities at the end of the twentieth century. It focuses on the experiences of rural-urban migrants, the particular ways in which they talk about those experiences, and how those experiences affect their sense of identity. Through first-hand accounts of actual migrant workers, the author provides valuable insights into how rural women negotiate rural/urban experiences; how they respond to migration and life in the city; and how that experience shapes their world view, values, and relations with others. The book makes a major contribution to our understanding of the relationship between gender and social change, and of the ways in which globalization and modernity are experienced at the most personal level.

Rural Women's Health

by Belinda Leach Wilfreda Thurston Beverly Leipert

The well-being of rural communities affects the well-being of those who reside in towns and cities because of rural-urban connections through food, drinking water, infectious disease, extreme environmental events, recreation, and for many, retirement residence. In rural areas themselves, women play a critical role in the health of their families and communities, yet women's health is often marginalized or ignored. There have been limited studies to date about rural women and health in Canada. Filling an important gap in scholarship, this collection identifies priority issues that must be addressed to ensure these women's well-being and offers innovative theoretical and methodological ideas for improvement.Rural Women's Health integrates perspectives from rural practitioners, residents, and scholars in a variety of fields, including nursing, sociology, anthropology, and geography, to tackle issues relevant to diverse settings across the country. As such, it presents a national perspective on the nature of women's health while respecting internal and regional diversity, as well as viewpoints from international scholarship.

Rural Women’s Power in South Asia

by Pashington Obeng

This book investigates how women's power and caste cleavages often continue to transcend and crosscut the boundaries of caste/tribe, gender, age, class and religion in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh It examines the gendered divisions of labor in rural communities and how countervailing forces have restricted women's status and roles in South Asia.

Rural Workers, Sindicatos and Collective Bargaining in Rio Grande do Sul

by Davide Carbonai

This Palgrave Pivot provides an overview of rural labour relations in different regions of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in southern Brazil. Based on rich ethnographic research, through interviews with a long list of rural workers and union members, among others, the study highlights the toughness faced by salaried workers, who deal with difficulties in union representation and, above all, suffer different types of exploitation. Using a systemic approach, this book connects rural workers, union representation, and labour regulation to examine where society has failed and what can be done to protect rural workers.

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