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Rwandan Women Rising

by Swanee Hunt

In the spring of 1994, the tiny African nation of Rwanda was ripped apart by a genocide that left nearly a million dead. Neighbors attacked neighbors. Family members turned against their own. After the violence subsided, Rwanda's women—drawn by the necessity of protecting their families—carved out unlikely new roles for themselves as visionary pioneers creating stability and reconciliation in genocide's wake. Today, 64 percent of the seats in Rwanda's elected house of Parliament are held by women, a number unrivaled by any other nation. While news of the Rwandan genocide reached all corners of the globe, the nation's recovery and the key role of women are less well known. In Rwandan Women Rising, Swanee Hunt shares the stories of some seventy women—heralded activists and unsung heroes alike—who overcame unfathomable brutality, unrecoverable loss, and unending challenges to rebuild Rwandan society. Hunt, who has worked with women leaders in sixty countries for over two decades, points out that Rwandan women did not seek the limelight or set out to build a movement; rather, they organized around common problems such as health care, housing, and poverty to serve the greater good. Their victories were usually in groups and wide ranging, addressing issues such as rape, equality in marriage, female entrepreneurship, reproductive rights, education for girls, and mental health. These women's accomplishments provide important lessons for policy makers and activists who are working toward equality not only in Africa and other postconflict societies, but around the globe. Their stories, told in their own words via interviews woven throughout the book, demonstrate that the best way to reduce suffering and to prevent and end conflicts is to elevate the status of women throughout the world.

Rx Appalachia: Stories of Treatment and Survival in Rural Kentucky

by Lesly-Marie Buer

&“Riveting . . . A necessary book for those seeking to understand the opioid crisis and the broader political economy of which it is part.&” —Jessica Wilkerson, author of To Live Here, You Have to Fight Prescription opioids are associated with rising rates of overdose deaths and hepatitis C and HIV infection in the US, including in rural Central Appalachia. Yet, despite extensive media attention, there is a dearth of studies examining rural opioid use. Challenging popular understandings of Appalachia spread by such pundits as JD Vance, Rx Appalachia documents how women, families, and communities cope with generational systems of oppression. Using the narratives of women who use or have used drugs, RX Appalachia explores the gendered inequalities that situate women&’s encounters with substance abuse treatment as well as additional state interventions targeted at them in one of the most impoverished regions in the United States.

Ryan Murphy's Queer America

by Brenda R. Weber David Greven

Ryan Murphy is a self-described "gay boy from Indiana," who has grown up to forge a media empire. With an extraordinary list of credits and successful television shows, movies, and documentaries to his name, Murphy can now boast one of the broadest and most successful careers in Hollywood. Serving as writer, producer, and director, his creative output includes limited-run dramas (such as Feud, Ratched, and Halston), procedural dramas (such as 9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lonestar), anthology series (such as American Crime Story, American Horror Story, and American Horror Stories), sit-coms (such as The New Normal) and long-running serial narratives (such as Glee, Nip/Tuck, and Pose). Each of these is infused in different ways with a distinctive form of queer energy and erotics, animating their narratives with both campy excess and poignant longing and giving new meaning to the American story. This collection takes up Murphy as auteur and showrunner, considering the gendered and sexual politics of Murphy’s wide body of work. Using an intersectional framework throughout, an impressive list of well-known and emerging scholars engages with Murphy’s diverse output, while also making the case for Murphy’s version of a queer sensibility, a revised notion of queer time, cultural memory, and the contributions his own production company makes to a politics of LGBTQ+ representation and evolving gender identities. This book is suitable for students of Gender and Media, LGBTQ+ Studies, Media Studies, and Communication Studies.

S. Weir Mitchell, 1829–1914: Philadelphia's Literary Physician

by Nancy Cervetti

This modern biography provides a comprehensive and balanced view of a legendary figure in American medicine. Controversial because of his fierce fight against women’s rights, S. Weir Mitchell achieved stunning success through his experimentation with venomous snakes, treatment of Civil War soldiers with phantom limbs and burning pain, and creation of the rest cure to treat hysteria and neurasthenia. Mitchell’s life was extraordinary—interesting in its own right and as a case study in the larger inquiry into nineteenth-century medicine and culture.

S. Weir Mitchell, 1829–1914: Philadelphia's Literary Physician

by Nancy Cervetti

This modern biography provides a comprehensive and balanced view of a legendary figure in American medicine. Controversial because of his fierce fight against women’s rights, S. Weir Mitchell achieved stunning success through his experimentation with venomous snakes, treatment of Civil War soldiers with phantom limbs and burning pain, and creation of the rest cure to treat hysteria and neurasthenia. Mitchell’s life was extraordinary—interesting in its own right and as a case study in the larger inquiry into nineteenth-century medicine and culture.

The S Word: A Memoir About Secrets

by Paolina Milana

In accordance with her Sicilian Catholic family&’s unspoken code, Paolina Milana learned at an early age to keep her secrets locked away where no one could find them. Nobody outside the family needed to know about the voices her Mamma battled in her head; or about how Paolina forged her birth certificate at thirteen so she could get a job at The Donut Shop; or about the police officer twenty-six years her senior whose promise to her Papà to &“keep an eye on her&” quickly translated into something sinister. And perhaps that&’s why no one saw it coming when—on the eve of her sweet sixteen, pushed to edge—Paolina attempted to take her own mother&’s life. Raw and compelling, The S Word is the true story of a girl who nearly suffocates in the silence she was taught to value above all else—until she finally finds the strength to break free of the secrets binding her and save herself.

Saamaka Dreaming

by Richard Price Sally Price

When Richard and Sally Price stepped out of the canoe to begin their fieldwork with the Saamaka Maroons of Suriname in 1966, they were met with a mixture of curiosity, suspicion, ambivalence, hostility, and fascination. With their gradual acceptance into the community they undertook the work that would shape their careers and influence the study of African American societies throughout the hemisphere for decades to come. In Saamaka Dreaming they look back on the experience, reflecting on a discipline and a society that are considerably different today. Drawing on thousands of pages of field notes, as well as recordings, file cards, photos, and sketches, the Prices retell and comment on the most intensive fieldwork of their careers, evoke the joys and hardships of building relationships and trust, and outline their personal adaptation to this unfamiliar universe. The book is at once a moving human story, a portrait of a remarkable society, and a thought-provoking revelation about the development of anthropology over the past half-century.

Sables y utopías: Visiones de América Latina

by Mario Vargas Llosa

¿Cuáles son los postulados liberales de Vargas Llosa? ¿Cuál es su posición ante la realidad latinoamericana? ¿Son los peligros y esperanzas que vislumbra para el continente? ¿Cómo han tomado forma sus ideas y compromisos? El recorrido intelectual de Mario Vargas Llosa. «La selección de ensayos que compone este volumen pretende aclarar estas cuestiones. En ellos, además de verse reflejado el recorrido intelectual del escritor, se analizan todos los grandes acontecimientos que han marcado la historia reciente de América Latina. No están ordenados cronológicamente sino por temas, ilustrando las batallas que Vargas Llosa ha dado por la libertad, desde su oposición frontal a las dictaduras, su ilusión y posterior desencanto con las revoluciones, sus críticas al nacionalismo, al populismo, al indigenismo y a la corrupción 'mayor amenaza para la credibilidad de las democracias', hasta el descubrimiento de las ideas liberales, su defensa irrestricta del sistema democrático y su pasión por la literatura y el arte latinoamericanos.»Carlos Granés

El sabor del chocolate: Lujo, moda y buen gusto en el siglo XVIII

by Piero Camporesi

EL RELATO DELICIOSO Y ELEGANTE DE CÓMO EL CHOCOLATE DESATÓ EL FRENESÍ UNIVERSAL Y OTROS CAMBIOS EN EL COMER Y EL BEBER EN EL SIGLO XVIII Este delicioso libro nos traslada al paisaje sensual del Siglo de las Luces. Como un viajero gastronómico, Piero Camporesi, uno de los ensayistas italianos más originales y prestigiosos, nos describe con gran riqueza y maravillosos detalles una sociedad en plena ebullición en el siglo XVIII. Bajo la luz cálida de los candelabros, asistimos al tintineo de las copas y al baile de platos en los comedores donde las élites europeas, obsesionadas con la búsqueda de lo exótico y aparentemente frívolas, ansiaban dejar atrás el legado de los siglos salvajes que precedieron a favor de un modo de vida más etéreo y refinado. Camporesi examina el paso a una dieta mucho más ligera y funcional, que enfatizaba alimentos exóticos como el té, el café y el chocolate, libre de las carnes pesadas, los sabores fuertes y los condimentos excesivamente vigorosos (queso, cebolla, ajo) que caracterizaban la antigua cocina, y da cuenta con brillantez de cómo este cambio refleja las profundas transformaciones en la moda y los hábitos que tuvieron lugar en Europa durante la Ilustración. Este gusto renovado se adaptaba a los paladares sensibles, era agradable a la vista y estaba en perfecta sintonía con la nueva preferencia por la delgadez y la ropa ajustada. Casaba también con el escaso apetito de las damas delicadas, noctámbulas y golosas (pero no glotonas) que conversaban hasta la extenuación en los salones literarios mientras saboreaban un buen tazón de chocolate. La crítica ha dicho...«Es, esencialmente, una reconstrucción del gusto y la cocina del siglo XVII que marcó el éxito de cocineros, platos, técnicas y de la práctica culinaria francesa en Europa.»Corriere della Sera «Este extraordinario intelectual resurge hoy con toda su carga subversiva y anticipatoria, especialmente a la luz de las transformaciones de los últimos veinte años. Con su manera inimitable de combinar registros disonantes y hacerlos resonar de un modo visionario, indisciplinado y sin precedentes, hace de la comida el eje alrededor del cual fluye la historia».MARINO NIOLA, La Reppublica

Sabre Rattling in Space: A South Asian Perspective

by Ahmad Khan Eligar Sadeh

This book offers historical and theoretical context of the path followed by States, from space militarization to weaponization, and deconstructs traditional security paradigm myths to prove that a paradigm shift has been brought because of deadly space weapons developed by major space powers. It reconciles that the strategic distrust between two leading space competitors, U.S. and China, has prompted them to pursue counter-space capabilities. The ripple effect of this troubling relation in space is not limited at the global level, but has witnessed a trickledown effect on regional security. In relation to this, the book offers details of the Indian space program including its military space ambitions, and provides information about Pakistan’s objectives in space. It offers an overview of challenges to international space governance and how the structural flaws help states to aggressively follow a path toward space weaponization. Additionally, it discusses the UN negotiating arms control measures in space and the politics of states not to negotiate prevention of an arms race in outer space. The book is a useful contribution to space security, from both traditional and contemporary approaches, covering history, theory, and application. It provides an academic as well as practical approach carrying appeal for professionals, experts, opinion makers, industry, academics, teachers, policy makers, politicians and masses from other walks of life who are interests in space security.

Sacagawea's Nickname: Essays on the American West

by Larry Mcmurtry

In these 11 essays, all originally published in "The New York Review of Books", McMurtry brings his unique narrative gift and dry humor to a variety of western topics.

Sachkunde im Bewachungsgewerbe (IHK): Lehrbuch für Prüfung und Praxis

by Robert Schwarz

Dieses Lehrbuch behandelt systematisch alle Fachgebiete der IHK-Sachkundeprüfung nach dem aktuellen Rahmenstoffplan. Besonderen Wert hat der Autor dabei auf den oft als schwierig empfundenen Rechtsteil gelegt: Zahlreiche Abbildungen und Beispiele veranschaulichen die Gesetzestexte und ihre Bedeutung für die Praxis, erleichtern das Stoffverständnis und das Lernen. Übersichtlich und verständlich erläutert das Buch die Grundprinzipien der Rechtsordnung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und deren Anwendung, wichtige Fachbegriffe und die Stellung der privaten Sicherheit. So bietet das Werk die optimale Prüfungsvorbereitung - Schritt für Schritt. Die korrigierte und aktualisierte 4. Auflage wurde dem aktuellen Rahmenstoffplan im Frühjahr 2020 angepasst, insbesondere bezüglich der Verordnung über das Bewachungsgewerbe (BewachV).

Sachkunde im Bewachungsgewerbe (IHK): Lehrbuch für Prüfung und Praxis

by Robert Schwarz

Dieses Lehrbuch behandelt systematisch alle Fachgebiete der IHK-Sachkundeprüfung nach dem aktuellen Rahmenstoffplan. Besonderen Wert hat der Autor dabei auf den oft als schwierig empfundenen Rechtsteil gelegt: Zahlreiche Abbildungen und Beispiele veranschaulichen die Gesetzestexte und ihre Bedeutung für die Praxis, erleichtern das Stoffverständnis und das Lernen. Übersichtlich und verständlich erläutert das Buch die Grundprinzipien der Rechtsordnung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und deren Anwendung, wichtige Fachbegriffe und die Stellung der privaten Sicherheit. So bietet das Werk die optimale Prüfungsvorbereitung – Schritt für Schritt. Die gründlich durchgesehene und verbesserte 5. Auflage entspricht dem aktuellen Rahmenstoffplan 2020/2021 und berücksichtigt auch die Verordnung über das Bewachungsgewerbe (BewachV).

Sachkunde im Bewachungsgewerbe (IHK): Lehrbuch für Prüfung und Praxis

by Robert Schwarz

Dieses Lehrbuch behandelt systematisch alle Fachgebiete der IHK-Sachkundeprüfung nach dem aktuellen Rahmenstoffplan. Besonderen Wert hat der Autor dabei auf den oft als schwierig empfundenen Rechtsteil gelegt: Zahlreiche Abbildungen und Beispiele veranschaulichen die Gesetzestexte und ihre Bedeutung für die Praxis, erleichtern das Stoffverständnis und das Lernen. Übersichtlich und verständlich erläutert das Buch die Grundprinzipien der Rechtsordnung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und deren Anwendung, wichtige Fachbegriffe und die Stellung der privaten Sicherheit. So bietet das Werk die optimale Prüfungsvorbereitung – Schritt für Schritt. Die überarbdeitete 6. Auflage entspricht dem aktuellen Rahmenstoffplan der DIHK vom Mai 2021.

Sachkunde im Bewachungsgewerbe (IHK) - Übungsbuch: 250 Fragen mit Antworten und 10 Übungsfälle mit Lösungen

by Robert Schwarz

Dieses Übungsbuch ergänzt das gleichnamige Lehrbuch. Es schließt die Lücke zwischen dem Unterrichts- und Lernstoff und der Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung. Mit Hilfe der Fragen und Antworten können Lernende den wichtigen Prüfungsstoff strukturiert wiederholen, den eigenen Lernfortschritt kontrollieren und sich gründlich auf die Prüfung vorbereiten. Zehn Übungsfälle mit ausführlichen Lösungen stellen Zusammenhänge her und vertiefen das Gelernte. Die aktualisierte 3. Auflage wurde gründlich durchgesehen.

Sachkunde im Bewachungsgewerbe (IHK) - Übungsbuch: 250 Fragen mit Antworten und 10 Übungsfälle mit Lösungen

by Robert Schwarz

Dieses Übungsbuch ergänzt das gleichnamige Lehrbuch. Es schließt die Lücke zwischen dem Unterrichts- und Lernstoff und der Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung. Mit Hilfe der Fragen und Antworten können Lernende den wichtigen Prüfungsstoff strukturiert wiederholen, den eigenen Lernfortschritt kontrollieren und sich gründlich auf die Prüfung vorbereiten. Zehn Übungsfälle mit ausführlichen Lösungen stellen Zusammenhänge her und vertiefen das Gelernte. Die aktuelle 4. Auflage wurde sorgfältig durchgesehen.

Sachkunde im Bewachungsgewerbe (IHK) - Übungsbuch: 250 Fragen mit Antworten und 10 Übungsfälle mit Lösungen

by Robert Schwarz

Dieses Übungsbuch ergänzt das gleichnamige Lehrbuch. Es schließt die Lücke zwischen dem Unterrichts- und Lernstoff und der Vorbereitung auf die Prüfung. Mit Hilfe der Fragen und Antworten können Lernende den wichtigen Prüfungsstoff strukturiert wiederholen, den eigenen Lernfortschritt kontrollieren und sich gründlich auf die Prüfung vorbereiten. Zehn Übungsfälle mit ausführlichen Lösungen stellen Zusammenhänge her und vertiefen das Gelernte. Die überarbeitete 5. Auflage entspricht dem aktuellen Rahmenstoffplan vom Mai 2021.

Sacrament of Bodies (African Poetry Book)

by Romeo Oriogun

In this groundbreaking collection of poems, Sacrament of Bodies, Romeo Oriogun fearlessly interrogates how a queer man in Nigeria can heal in a society where everything is designed to prevent such restoration. With honesty, precision, tenderness of detail, and a light touch, Oriogun explores grief and how the body finds survival through migration.

Sacred 5 Of China

by William Edgar Gell

First published in 2007. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Sacred and Profane: Unusual Customs and Strange Rituals

by G.S. Sachdeva

The battle between scientific temper and superstition has raged since ages. One may believe that unusual rituals and customs are extinct in the times of artificial intelligence and bots, but it is far from the truth as this book will prove. As bizarre as it might seem, in France one can marry a dead person, and in Africa a married woman can marry another married woman as a practical way of solving the social problem of old-age neglect. This book is a collection of unusual superstitions, rituals and customs that are practiced by ordinary people all around the world. It should be read to build awareness about these rituals and to know about the many shades of faith in this world we inhabit. Sacred and Profane is not a religious exposition or vindication of rituals; it aims to arouse human curiosity about such beliefs while shedding light on some important social issues.

Sacred Art: Catholic Saints and Candomblé Gods in Modern Brazil

by Henry Glassie Pravina Shukla

Sacred art flourishes today in northeastern Brazil, where European and African religious traditions have intersected for centuries. Professional artists create images of both the Catholic saints and the African gods of Candomblé to meet the needs of a vast market of believers and art collectors.Over the past decade, Henry Glassie and Pravina Shukla conducted intense research in the states of Bahia and Pernambuco, interviewing the artists at length, photographing their processes and products, attending Catholic and Candomblé services, and finally creating a comprehensive book, governed by a deep understanding of the artists themselves.Beginning with Edival Rosas, who carves monumental baroque statues for churches, and ending with Francisco Santos, who paints images of the gods for Candomblé terreiros, the book displays the diversity of Brazilian artistic techniques and religious interpretations. Glassie and Shukla enhance their findings with comparisons from art and religion in the United States, Nigeria, Portugal, Turkey, India, Bangladesh, and Japan and gesture toward an encompassing theology of power and beauty that brings unity into the spiritual art of the world.

The Sacred Art of Brujeria: A Path of Healing & Magic

by Katrina Rasbold

Answer Brujería's Call and Become a Magical HealerFeaturing hands-on exercises, simple techniques, and how-to instruction from a professional bruja, this beginner-friendly guide is the best choice for understanding and practicing Brujería—the healing witchcraft of Mexico and the American Southwest. The Sacred Art of Brujería is adapted from a twelve-month series of classes and presents a wide variety of topics, including magical tools, the body's energetic systems, and effective spellcasting.This practical book covers everything from the history and divine figures of Brujería to the healing, protection, and money magic that you can use in daily life. Explore power words and breath work, treat spiritual maladies, perform different types of limpias (cleansings and clearings), and learn about Brujería as a business. Katrina Rasbold gives you an insider's look at this sacred practice and how it helps others as well as yourself.

The Sacred Band: Three Hundred Theban Lovers Fighting to Save Greek Freedom

by James Romm

From classicist James Romm comes a &“striking…fascinating&” (Booklist) deep dive into the last decades of ancient Greek freedom leading up to Alexander the Great&’s destruction of Thebes—and the saga of the greatest military corps of the time, the Theban Sacred Band, a unit composed of 150 pairs of male lovers.The story of the Sacred Band, an elite 300-man corps recruited from pairs of lovers, highlights a chaotic era of ancient Greek history, four decades marked by battles, ideological disputes, and the rise of vicious strongmen. At stake was freedom, democracy, and the fate of Thebes, at this time the leading power of the Greek world. The tale begins in 379 BC, with a group of Theban patriots sneaking into occupied Thebes. Disguised in women&’s clothing, they cut down the agents of Sparta, the state that had cowed much of Greece with its military might. To counter the Spartans, this group of patriots would form the Sacred Band, a corps whose history plays out against a backdrop of Theban democracy, of desperate power struggles between leading city-states, and the new prominence of eros, sexual love, in Greek public life. After four decades without a defeat, the Sacred Band was annihilated by the forces of Philip II of Macedon and his son Alexander in the Battle of Chaeronea—extinguishing Greek liberty for two thousand years. Buried on the battlefield where they fell, they were rediscovered in 1880—some skeletons still in pairs, with arms linked together. From violent combat in city streets to massive clashes on open ground, from ruthless tyrants to bold women who held their era in thrall, The Sacred Band recounts &“in fluent, accessible prose&” (The Wall Street Journal) the twists and turns of a crucial historical moment: the end of the treasured freedom of ancient Greece.

The Sacred Bee in Ancient Times and Folklore

by Hilda M. Ransome

No creature has provided man with so much wholesome food as the honey bee. Equally impressive is the number of beliefs and superstitions the industrious insect has inspired. Its honey, which was known to the ancient Greeks as the “food of the Gods,” played an important role in early religious rites and was also mentioned in the folklore of many peoples. Hilda Ransome's well-documented and copiously illustrated study of bees focuses on this valuable byproduct of nature and its creator — the "sacred" bee.Chapters cover the folklore of bees and bee culture — from Egyptian, Babylonian, Chinese, Hittite, and other ancient sources as well as practices in modern England, France, and Central Europe. Thirty-five plates of rare black-and-white illustrations depict bees, hives, and beekeepers as they appear in ancient paintings and sculpture, on coins, jewelry, and Mayan glyphs; and carved into African tree trunks. Folk stories from Finland and the bee in America are also described. Hailed by The New York Times as possessing an "oddity, beauty, and broad scholarly interest," this unusual book will attract a wide audience — nature lovers and folklore enthusiasts included.

The Sacred Citizens and the Secular City: Political Participation of Protestant Ministers in Hong Kong (Routledge Revivals)

by Tinming Ko

This title was first published in 2000. This study addresses the political participation of Protestant ministers in Hong Kong. It aims to describe and explain the pattern of political participation of these ministers. The book focuses on a number of key questions. What kind of political participation did Protestant ministers involve themselves in during the years preceding the return to Chinese sovereignty? How extensive was their political involvement? Why were some ministers active and energetic political participants whereas some of their colleagues were inactive? How did the activists see their role as Christian ministers? What impact did the political activism of the Protestant clergy have on the social, political and religious development of Hong Kong? Dr Ko's findings offer insights into the political beliefs, values and activities of a sample of the Protestant clergy of Hong Kong and into their thinking about their political responsibilities.

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