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Safeguarding Adults in Social Work (Transforming Social Work Practice Series)

by Andy Mantell Terry Scragg

Safeguarding adults has a long history of neglect and scandal, but it is finally starting to gain the recognition it deserves. This book helps students and practitioners to understand this evolving field and to identify ways in which they can develop their own good practice. The first part of the book explores the evolution of concepts and policies for safeguarding adults, with particular reference to the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Capacity Act 2005. In the second section, the focus shifts to good practice in empowering vulnerable adults. The final section focuses on developing effective professional and interprofessional practice.

Safeguarding Adults in Social Work

by Andy Mantell Terry Scragg

Safeguarding adults has a long history of neglect and scandal, but it is finally starting to gain the recognition it deserves. This book helps students and practitioners to understand this evolving field and to identify ways in which they can develop their own good practice. The first part of the book explores the evolution of concepts and policies for safeguarding adults, with particular reference to the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Capacity Act 2005. In the second section, the focus shifts to good practice in empowering vulnerable adults. The final section focuses on developing effective professional and interprofessional practice.

Safeguarding Adults Online: Perspectives on Rights to Participation

by Emma Bond Andy Phippen

This much-needed volume fills an overlooked gap in adult safeguarding – the digital arena – in providing a comprehensive overview of policy and practice in supporting vulnerable adults online. Providing an essential analysis illustrated by recent court rulings and case studies, the authors advocate for the effective support of adults with learning disabilities and/or mental capacity issues in their digital lives without compromising their privacy and participation rights. The text balances a theoretical exploration of the tensions between participation and protection, legislation, human rights, professional biases and social wrongs. It encourages a critical approach in adopting both a practical and realistic understanding for policy makers, professionals and students in social work, law and adult social care.

Safeguarding Adults Under the Care Act 2014: Understanding Good Practice (Knowledge In Practice Ser.)

by Emily White David Orr Martin Stevens Trish Hafford-Letchfield Rebecca Johnson Michael Preston-Shoot Suzy Braye Marilyn Taylor Sarah Carr Jill Manthorpe Fiona Bateman Jane Lawson Lee-Ann Fenge Adi Cooper Antony Botting Caroline Norrie Daniel Baker Dr Lindsey Pike Dr Sally Lee Dr Tony Stanley John Gunner Linda Tapper Lyn Romeo Nicki Norman Professor Keith Brown Sean Olivier Stephen Martineau Tish Elliott

Practice in safeguarding adults is changing, with a shift in approach to ensure it is person-centred and outcome-focused. The Care Act 2014 introduced new safeguarding duties for local authorities, and this book describes what up-to-date practice should look like, and how to provide the best quality care and support for adults who may be at risk of abuse or neglect. Chapters cover core areas of practice according to Care Act and adult safeguarding principles, identify the fundamental skills and knowledge practitioners working in this area should be able to utilise and introduce the emerging challenging issues in the workplace. As well as being invaluable to practitioners working directly in this field, this is also ideally suited to be a text for any social work course or programme on adult safeguarding practice.

Safeguarding Against Statelessness at Birth: International Law and Domestic Legal Frameworks of ASEAN Member States

by Rodziana Mohamed Razali

This book covers the essential aspects of prevention of childhood statelessness focusing on norms governing the subject through the rights to acquire a nationality and to birth registration, two vital safeguards to prevent statelessness among children. Its unique feature lies in its exposition of the international legal norms focusing on prevention of childhood statelessness and systematic analyses of domestic legal frameworks on nationality and birth registration of the 10 ASEAN Member States. This book is designed for a wide range of readers comprising academics, advocates, students, policy makers, and other stakeholders working on statelessness affecting children, especially in Southeast Asia.

Safeguarding and Child Protection 5th Edition: Linking Theory and Practice

by Jennie Lindon Janet Webb

Ensure your students link theory with practice with this updated version of the authoritative and accessible series from Jennie LindonLinking Theory and Practice has helped thousands of students make the right connections between their lectures and the real settings that they go on to work in. This latest edition of Safeguarding and Child Protection provides a useful overview of the subject in straightforward language that allows novices to access the more complicated concepts. Jennie Lindon's trademark approach provides a trusted and authoritative voice for a wide range of courses, including undergraduate and foundation degrees in Early Years and Early Childhood, PGCEs and BEd programmes.· Includes detailed references for further reading with descriptions of 'key texts' for each chapter· 'Pause for reflection' feature provides numerous opportunities to think about the impact of their own role.- Provides an essential practical toolkit for anyone who works with children.

Safeguarding and Child Protection 5th Edition: Linking Theory and Practice

by Jennie Lindon Janet Webb

Ensure your students link theory with practice with this updated version of the authoritative and accessible series from Jennie LindonLinking Theory and Practice has helped thousands of students make the right connections between their lectures and the real settings that they go on to work in. This latest edition of Safeguarding and Child Protection provides a useful overview of the subject in straightforward language that allows novices to access the more complicated concepts. Jennie Lindon's trademark approach provides a trusted and authoritative voice for a wide range of courses, including undergraduate and foundation degrees in Early Years and Early Childhood, PGCEs and BEd programmes.· Includes detailed references for further reading with descriptions of 'key texts' for each chapter· 'Pause for reflection' feature provides numerous opportunities to think about the impact of their own role.- Provides an essential practical toolkit for anyone who works with children.

Safeguarding and Mental Health Support in Contemporary Childhood: How the Deserving/Undeserving Paradigm from the Past Overshadows the Present

by Wendy Sims-Schouten

Approaches regarding safeguarding and mental health in childhood have been in constant flux. Framed within a critical realist ontology, this book provides insight into causal factors (individual, material, institutional) and social structures that impact on the continued legacy of the ‘deserving/undeserving' paradigm. Drawing on historical data from children taken into care by the Waifs and Strays Society (1881–1918) and contemporary data from interviews with young care leavers and safeguarding practitioners/professionals, this book shows how at present and in the past, certain children and families miss(ed) out on support and interventions due to complex needs, financial cuts and ever-changing thresholds. It is the group of children referred to as ‘victims’, a term used for the most disadvantaged children who have spent time in care, have complex mental health needs and have had the most damaging pre-care family experiences, who are the focus of this book. This book shows that in an attempt to provide services where there are ever increasing thresholds for access and cuts to resources, a resurgence of the ‘deserving/undeserving’ paradigm reflects a contemporary justification regarding who is 'entitled' to help and who is not. This book will be of interest to all scholars and students of social work, social policy, childhood studies, sociology and education policy.

Safeguarding and Promoting the Well-being of Children, Families and Communities

by Jane Scott Harriet Ward

Improving the well-being of children is more effective when social care professionals work with the children's parents, families and communities. This collection brings together innovative interventions designed to nurture children's health and welfare, and analyses which types of programmes are most effective and why. The contributors explore the impact of poverty on children's development and assess national initiatives set up to assess and reduce need. They present examples from the UK, US, Canada and Australia of specific interventions to counter or prevent difficulties in the domains of child development, parenting capacity and wider environmental factors. Many contributions demonstrate the importance of engaging with service users and helping communities to shape and direct their own programmes for change. The final section of the book presents useful approaches to assessing and evaluating services. Demonstrating the need for close inter-agency collaboration and `joined up' services, this book is essential reading for policy makers, managers and practitioners in child welfare agencies, and social work academics and students.

Safeguarding Autistic Girls: Strategies for Professionals

by Carly Jones

This honest, to-the-point guide illuminates the experience of young Autistic girls and explores the situations they can easily fall victim to.Powerful case studies show how easily misunderstandings can arise for Autistic girls and help the reader to identify common patterns of abuse.Providing professionals with access to safeguarding strategies that are straightforward to implement and highly effective, this is essential reading for everyone who wants to better understand the challenges faced by this vulnerable group, and ensure they have access to the same opportunities to secure a good education and build safe and happy relationships as their peers.

Safeguarding Black Children: Good Practice in Child Protection

by Derek Kirton Danielle Turney June Thoburn Joanne Westwood Perlita Harris Carlene Firmin Elizabeth Lewinson Anna Gupta Jenny Pearce Jean Clarke Stefan Brown Prospera Tedam Jonathan Scourfield Claudia Bernard Frank Keating Ravinder Barn

Providing an exploration of the key issues, this book offers practical advice on how to improve the safeguarding and welfare of black children and young people in need. With contributions from academics, researchers and practitioners, it promotes an understanding of the particular cultural and social issues that affect black children in relation to child protection. It highlights how race and racism, as well as culture, faith and gender, can influence the ways need and risk are interpreted and responded to. Drawing on insights from research evidence, case examples and practice guidelines, it outlines the range of factors that contribute to the vulnerability of black children and describes how to improve techniques of working with minority ethnic families. The book covers issues such as the effects of parental mental health problems, living with domestic violence, child maltreatment, and demonstrates how these might be understood differently for black children and young people. There are also chapters on topics such as female genital mutilation, witchcraft and forced marriage. Essential reading for all social workers and child protection workers, as well as students and support managers, Safeguarding Black Children provides the tools and understanding needed to better support these children.

Safeguarding Children Across Services

by Harriet Ward Carolyn Davies


Safeguarding Children and Schools

by Emma Westcott Lyn Tett William Baginsky Felicity Fletcher-Campbell Enid Hendry Abigail Taylor Yvonne Coppard Simon Hackett Louise Laskey Ann Raymond John Guest David Miller Brigid Daniel Susan Mcginnis Graham Music Mary Baginsky Ken Mcculloch

Safeguarding Children and Schools explains how schools are able to contribute to keeping children safe from harm and promoting their welfare, in line with Government Every Child Matters guidelines. The contributors, who are all experts in the field of child protection, put the potentially daunting task faced by schools in context, explaining relevant policy, the latest research findings and offering practical examples to help schools to be more proactive and meet their responsibilities successfully. Areas discussed include the roles of local education authority services and schools in child protection, working with particularly vulnerable or difficult children, the relationship between safeguarding and the curriculum, and training school staff to safeguard children. At a time when expectations of the role of schools are evolving, this book provides guidance and support for teachers, managers and social care professionals. Best Practice in Working with Children Series Edited by Brigid Daniel, Professor of Social Work, Department of Applied Social Science, University of Stirling The titles in the Best Practice in Working with Children series are written for the multi-agency professionals working to promote children's welfare and protect them from harm. Each book in the series draws on current research into what works best for children, providing practical, realistic suggestions as to how practitioners in social work, health and education can work together to promote the resilience and safety of the children in their care. Brigid Daniel is Professor of Social Work in the Department of Applied Social Science at the University of Stirling. She is co-author of several textbooks and practice resources on child care and protection. She was a member of the multi-disciplinary team that carried out a national ministerial review of child protection practice in Scotland.

Safeguarding Children and Young People (The Social Work Skills Series)

by Stella Coleman Corinne May-Chahal

What does the novice practitioner or the experienced practitioner moving into child care work from another sector need to know to practice effectively? What skills do they need to call on?In this valuable addition to The Social Work Skills Series, Stella Coleman and Corinne May-Chahal bring together their considerable teaching and practice experience to provide a reliable and practical guide to child protection work. Topics covered include: the legal and procedural context the professional context explanatory theoretical frameworks and models of practice managing risk evidence-based practice social work interventions parents, carers and families continuing professional development. This is an essential text for all students, teachers and professionals working with children and families.

Safeguarding Children and Young People: A Guide for Professionals Working Together

by Nick Frost

Safeguarding Children and Young People offers students and practitioners an accessible and multi-disciplinary guide to working together with other professionals to deliver a child-centred and co-ordinated approach to safeguarding, in line with the Working Together to Safeguard Children guidance. Taking a ‘whole systems’ approach, and offering support on prevention, assessment, intervention, systems, and leadership, the book reflects on recent challenges including contextual abuse, child sexual exploitation and cyber-abuse. The book includes case studies, activities and points for reflection to aid learning and test understanding.

Safeguarding Children and Young People: A Guide for Professionals Working Together

by Nick Frost

Safeguarding Children and Young People offers students and practitioners an accessible and multi-disciplinary guide to working together with other professionals to deliver a child-centred and co-ordinated approach to safeguarding, in line with the Working Together to Safeguard Children guidance. Taking a ‘whole systems’ approach, and offering support on prevention, assessment, intervention, systems, and leadership, the book reflects on recent challenges including contextual abuse, child sexual exploitation and cyber-abuse. The book includes case studies, activities and points for reflection to aid learning and test understanding.

Safeguarding Children and Young People Online: A Guide for Practitioners

by Claudia Megele

Drawing on the latest research, theory and practice, this is the first book to provide social workers with an evidence-based, practical guide to safeguarding children and young people from abuse, in a world of sexting, selfies and snap chat. It presents an overview of the key e-safety and online risks to children and young people, including dark play, digital self-harm, and online grooming, sexualisation, bullying, offending and radicalisation. It also examines online boundaries, relationships and identity and the future of technologies. Case study examples and discussion of key principles will help social workers consider, mitigate and manage online risks and their effects for safeguarding children and young people, and their families and carers.

Safeguarding Children from Abroad: Refugee, Asylum Seeking and Trafficked Children in the UK

by Savita De Sousa Heaven Crawley Emma Kelly Mina Fazel Nadine Finch Phil Ishola Farhat Bokhari Stefan Stoyanov Hannah Pearce Ruth Reed Catherine Shaw

Children from abroad who are alone in the UK are vulnerable and at increased risk of harm without the care and protection of their parents or caregivers. They may be unaccompanied asylum seekers, refugees, or victims of trafficking. This book examines the issues and problems faced by these children, what their needs are, and how these needs should be met in order to ensure their effective safeguarding. It demonstrates that these children often receive a different level of service to children who are UK citizens, and examines how these gaps in services can be addressed. Chapters cover the identification and age assessment of separated children, accommodation provision, private fostering, mental health, detention and returns, and the role of the guardian. Case studies and best practice points are included throughout the book. This important book will be essential reading for all those who encounter separated children, including social workers, counsellors, health care professionals and those working in the voluntary sector.

Safeguarding Children Living with Trauma and Family Violence: Evidence-Based Assessment, Analysis and Planning Interventions

by Arnon Bentovim Brigid Daniel Antony Cox Stephen Pizzey Liza Bingley Miller

Offering a systematic approach to evidence-based assessment and planning for children living with trauma and family violence, this practical book shows how to assess and analyse the needs of the child, make specialist assessments where there are continuing safeguarding concerns (using the Assessment Framework) and plan effective child-centred and outcome-focused interventions. The authors analyse the impact of exposure to a climate of trauma and family violence on a child's bioneurological development and on their capacity to form attachments and to develop and reflect on relationships through childhood and adolescence into adulthood. They bring together the assessment of children in need with the evaluation of significant harm and risk, and potential for rehabilitation, and also explore the application of evidence-based approaches to intervention. This book is an essential tool for all front-line practitioners working with child protection, including social workers, child and adolescent mental health practitioners, police officers, probation workers and domestic violence organizations. It is also suitable for undergraduate, postgraduate and post-qualifying students.

Safeguarding Children, Young People and Families (Post-Qualifying Social Work Practice Series)

by Vida Douglas Julie Fourie

Keeping children and young people safe is everybody’s responsibility. This requires health, social care and education professionals to make sense of complex family situations that are placing a child or young person at risk of harm. This is no easy feat. The actions we take matter and we need to get this right if we are to truly make things better and improve outcomes for children and young people. Using case studies, reflective questions and checklists for practice, this hands-on guide will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to effectively and confidently make a difference to the lives of children and young people. This series of books from Learning Matters is aimed at busy social work and health care practitioners, particularly in the context of integrated health and social care, who are looking to enhance their skills and extend their knowledge. Written from a practical point of view, they have clear links to both qualifying training as well as CPD. They are up-to-date, accessible and totally skills focused.

Safeguarding Children, Young People and Families (Post-Qualifying Social Work Practice Series)

by Vida Douglas Julie Fourie

Keeping children and young people safe is everybody’s responsibility. This requires health, social care and education professionals to make sense of complex family situations that are placing a child or young person at risk of harm. This is no easy feat. The actions we take matter and we need to get this right if we are to truly make things better and improve outcomes for children and young people. Using case studies, reflective questions and checklists for practice, this hands-on guide will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to effectively and confidently make a difference to the lives of children and young people. This series of books from Learning Matters is aimed at busy social work and health care practitioners, particularly in the context of integrated health and social care, who are looking to enhance their skills and extend their knowledge. Written from a practical point of view, they have clear links to both qualifying training as well as CPD. They are up-to-date, accessible and totally skills focused.

Safeguarding in Social Work Practice: A Lifespan Approach (Transforming Social Work Practice Series)

by Charlotte Chisnell Caroline Kelly

Safeguarding is a serious and complex area of social work practice and for all students, demonstrating an understanding of important safeguarding theory, law, policy and skills for practice is essential. Students need to understand what safeguarding is and means across the life course, and this new text brings together common themes and knowledge in safeguarding across children, young people and adult social work to do just that. This approach will encourage students to approach the subject from a holistic perspective, helping them develop their understanding of core themes and transferable skills for practice.

Safeguarding in Social Work Practice: A Lifespan Approach (Transforming Social Work Practice Series)

by Charlotte Chisnell Caroline Kelly

Safeguarding is a serious and complex area of social work, and demonstrating an understanding of important theory, law, policy and skills for practice is essential and it is vital that this understanding extends across the lifespan. This book brings together common safeguarding themes and knowledge across social work with children, young people and adults to help do just that.

Safeguarding in Social Work Practice: A Lifespan Approach (Transforming Social Work Practice Series)

by Charlotte Chisnell Caroline Kelly

Safeguarding is a serious and complex area of social work, and demonstrating an understanding of important theory, law, policy and skills for practice is essential and it is vital that this understanding extends across the lifespan. This book brings together common safeguarding themes and knowledge across social work with children, young people and adults to help do just that.

Safeguarding Intangible Heritage: Practices and Politics (Key Issues in Cultural Heritage)

by Laurajane Smith Natsuko Akagawa

The UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage came into force in 2006, framing the international and national practices and policies associated with intangible cultural heritage. This volume critically and reflexively examines these practices and policies, providing an accessible account of the different ways in which intangible cultural heritage has been defined and managed in both national and international contexts. As Safeguarding Intangible Heritage reveals, the concept and practices of safeguarding are complicated and often contested, and there is a need for international debate about the meaning, nature and value of heritage and what it means to ‘safeguard’ it. Safeguarding Intangible Heritage presents a significant cross section of ideas and practices from some of the key academics and practitioners working in the area, whose areas of expertise span anthropology, law, heritage studies, linguistics, archaeology, museum studies, folklore, architecture, Indigenous studies and history. The chapters in this volume give an overarching analysis of international policy and practice and critically frame case studies that analyze practices from a range of countries, including Australia, Canada, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, New Zealand, Taiwan, the UK and Zimbabwe. With a focus on conceptual and theoretical issues, this follow-up to Intangible Heritage, by the same editors, will be of great interest to students, scholars and professionals working in the fields of heritage and museum studies, heritage conservation, heritage tourism, global history, international relations, art and architectural history, and linguists.

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