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Schizophrenia and Common Sense: Explaining the Relation Between Madness and Social Values (Studies in Brain and Mind #12)

by João G. Pereira Jorge Gonçalves Inês Hipólito

This book explores the relationship between schizophrenia and common sense. It approaches this theme from a multidisciplinary perspective. Coverage features contributions from phenomenology, cognitive neuroscience, philosophy of mind, psychology, and social cognition. The contributors address the following questions: How relevant is the loss of common sense in schizophrenia? How can the study of schizophrenia contribute to the study of common sense? How to understand and explain this loss of common sense? They also consider: What is the relationship of practical reasoning and logical formal reasoning with schizophrenia? What is the relationship between the person with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and social values? Chapters examine such issues as rationality, emotions, self, and delusion. In addition, one looks at brain structure and neurotransmission. Others explore phenomenological and Wittgensteinian theories. The book features papers from the Schizophrenia and Common Sense International Workshop, held at New University of Lisbon, November 2015. It offers new insights into this topic and will appeal to researchers, students, as well as interested general readers.

Schizophrenia Is a Misdiagnosis

by C. Raymond Lake

Schizophrenia is the most widely known and feared mental illness worldwide, yet a rapidly growing literature from a broad spectrum of basic and clinical disciplines, especially epidemiology and molecular genetics, suggests that schizophrenia is the same condition as a psychotic bipolar disorder and does not exist as a separate disease. The goal is to document and interpret these data to justify eliminating the diagnosis of schizophrenia from the nomenclature. The author reviews the changing diagnostic concepts of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder with a historical perspective to clarify how the current conflict over explanations for psychosis has arisen. That two disorders, schizophrenia and bipolar, known as the Kraepelinian dichotomy, account for the functional psychoses has been a cornerstone of Psychiatry for over 100 years, but is questioned because of substantial similarities and overlap between these two disorders. Literature in the field demonstrates that psychotic patients are frequently misdiagnosed as suffering from the disease called schizophrenia when they suffer from a psychotic mood disorder. Such patients, their families, and their caretakers suffer significant disadvantages from the misdiagnosis. Psychotic patients misdiagnosed with schizophrenia receive substandard care regarding their medications, thus allowing their bipolar conditions to worsen. Other adverse effects are substantial and will be included. Liability for medical malpractice is of critical importance for the mental health professionals who make the majority of the diagnoses of schizophrenia. The concept put forward in this work will have a discipline-altering impact.

Schizotypy and Schizophrenia: The View from Experimental Psychopathology

by Mark Lenzenweger

This compelling book argues that all people with schizophrenia share a personality organization known as schizotypy. Presented is a novel framework for understanding schizophrenia through the study of individuals who may never develop the disorder, but who nonetheless harbor a liability for it. Mark F. Lenzenweger comprehensively reviews current knowledge about schizotypy while exploring broader questions of how to think about and conduct psychopathology research, making the book useful and relevant for both researchers and students. He demonstrates state-of-the-art strategies for combining clinical observations, psychometric and psychophysiological measures, neuroimaging, and genetic analyses, and for analyzing the results using advanced statistical techniques.

Schlechthin böse?: Tötungslogik und moralische Legitimität von Terrorismus

by Marcel Baumann

Globale Phänomene wie politische Gewalt oder Terrorismus zu verstehen, ist eine große Herausforderung. Dieses Buch leistet hierzu einen Beitrag, indem die Problematik der Legitimität und Legitimation von Gewalt in den Mittelpunkt gestellt wird. Die Frage, unter welchen Bedingungen Gewalt legitim ist, wird aus der Perspektive der Gewaltakteure gestellt. Denn Legitimität ist keine für immer garantierte Eigenschaft, sondern sie muss stets aufs Neue geschaffen werden. Deshalb müssen sich "Terroristen" permanent der legitimitätssuchenden Selbstverständigung stellen: die Rechtfertigung des eigenen Gewalthandelns in den Augen der Gemeinschaft. Die Analyse möchte dazu beitragen, politische Gewalt anders sehen zu lernen. Sie ist interdisziplinär angelegt, indem sie Politische Philosophie, verstehende Soziologie und Moralphilosophie integriert.

Schlüsselbegriffe der Sozialplanung und ihre Kritik (Sozialraumforschung und Sozialraumarbeit #23)

by Mario Rund Friedhelm Peters

Sozialplanung kann eine wichtige Grundlage für die Gestaltung der Lebensbedingungen in denen Städten, Kreisen und Regionen sowie für die Sicherung der kommunalen Daseinsvorsorge darstellen. Wie sie diese Funktion jedoch wahrnimmt, wird maßgeblich von ihren politisch-administrativen Einbettungen sowie ihren inhärenten Rationalitäten und Wissensbeständen bestimmt.Ihre diskursiv verfasste Praxis gilt es gesellschaftstheoretisch und -politisch zu verstehen und zu kontextualisieren. Hierzu möchte der vorliegende Band Anregungen bieten. Daher versammelt er 15 zentrale Begriffe mit denen das Professions- und Handlungsfeld erschlossen werden kann.Der InhaltBeratung – Digitalisierung – Geschlecht / Gender – Gleichwertigkeit – Governance – Integrierte Planung – Kommunale Sozialpolitik – Mobilität – Netzwerke – Partizipation – Sozialberichterstattung – Sozialraum – Sozialraumentwicklung – Steuerung – WirkungDie ZielgruppenLehrende und Studierende der Sozialen Arbeit, der Politik-, Kultur- und Verwaltungswissenschaften sowie der Architektur und der Raumplanung.Praktiker*innen der Sozialplanung, der Sozialen Arbeit, der Sozialraumarbeit, der Stadtteilarbeit, der Gemeinwesenarbeit, des Quartiermanagements u. Ä.Die HerausgeberDr. Mario Rund ist Professor für Soziale Arbeit im Gemeinwesen an der Hochschule Darmstadt.Dr. Friedhelm Peters ist em. Professor für Theorien Sozialer Arbeit an der Fachhochschule Erfurt und der Ev. Hochschule Dresden.

Schlüsselwerke der Emotionssoziologie

by Konstanze Senge Rainer Schützeichel Veronika Zink

Emotionen sind wichtig. Wissenschaftler debattieren disziplinenübergreifend über die Bedeutung von Emotionen in zentralen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen wie dem Finanz- und Wirtschaftsbereich, der Familie und der Religion, der Politik und der Kunst sowie den Medien und der Unterhaltungsindustrie. Der Band greift diesen „emotional turn“ auf und stellt die wichtigen Arbeiten der deutschen und der internationalen Emotionssoziologie und der philosophischen, psychologischen, neurowissenschaftlichen und sozialwissenschaftlichen Emotionsforschung vor. Klassische Autoren werden ebenso berücksichtigt wie zeitgenössische Positionen, theoretische Konzepte ebenso wie empirische Forschungen. Der Band möchte in einer systematischen Weise einen Überblick über den aktuellen Forschungsstand geben.

Schlüsselwerke der Journalismusforschung

by Wiebke Loosen Armin Scholl

Wie in anderen Forschungsfeldern gibt es auch in der Journalismusforschung Schlüsseltexte, die ein Forschungsgebiet erschlossen haben, auf dem weitere Forschung aufbaut. Der Band versammelt solche Schlüsselwerke und stellt sie in Kurzbeschreibungen vor. Zusätzlich werden sie in den Forschungskontext eingebettet und ihre Wirkung auf den weiteren Fortgang der Forschungstradition erläutert. Schließlich werden sie in Bezug auf ihre Bedeutung für aktuelle Fragen und Themen der Journalismusforschung eingeschätzt.

Schlüsselwerke der Medienwissenschaft

by Ivo Ritzer

Der Band stellt ausgewählte Positionen und zentrale Ideen im disziplinären Rahmen der Medienwissenschaft vor. Schwerpunkte liegen auf medienphilosophischen Ansätzen und einer kulturtheoretischen Perspektive, die sich vor einem dezidiert geisteswissenschaftlichen Horizont konturiert. Dabei versteht der Band sich nicht nur als Handbuch und Nachschlagewerk für Studierende wie Lehrende, er soll vielmehr auch einen eigenen Beitrag zur medienwissenschaftlichen Theoriebildung leisten.

Schlüsselwerke der Werbeforschung

by Tino G. K. Meitz Nils S. Borchers Brigitte Naderer

Werbung spiegelt als zentraler Gradmesser die disruptiven Veränderungen unserer Medienlandschaft wider. Das vorliegende Werk möchte eine Reflexion dieser Veränderungen und des damit einhergehenden gesellschaftlichen Wandels bieten. Die „Schlüsselwerke der Werbeforschung“ präsentieren daher über einen hundertjährigen Forschungszeitraum die zentralen Werke der Werbeforschung. Sie geben den unterschiedlichen Perspektiven Raum, die die Forschung an die Werbung heranträgt: Von der Entschlüsselung persuasiver Strategien über die kritische Reflexion des gesellschaftlichen Nutzens der Werbung bis zum Beitrag der Werbeforschung in der Methodenentwicklung moderner empirischer Sozialwissenschaften versammeln sie einen umfassenden und interdisziplinären Aufriss der Werbe- und Persuasionsforschung.

Schlüsselwerke: Theorien (in) der Kommunikationswissenschaft

by Ralf Spiller Christian Rudeloff Thomas Döbler

Der Band gibt eine kompakte Übersicht zu zentralen Theorien (in) der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Insgesamt werden 28 Schlüsselwerke aus der Mikro-, Meso und Makro-Ebene vorgestellt. Ziel ist es, Studierende und Dozierende in den Stand zu versetzen, ein wesentliches Werk in dessen Kontext zu verstehen und in die jeweilige Fachdiskussion einzuordnen. Darüber hinaus wird in diesem Band die Frage diskutiert, welches analytische und empirische Potenzial von den „Klassikern“ in Zeiten digitaler Kommunikation ausgeht.

Schneider on Schneider: The Conversion of the Jews and Other Anthropological Stories

by David M. Schneider Richard Handler

To listen to David M. Schneider is to hear the voice of American anthropology. To listen at length is to hear much of the discipline's history, from the realities of postwar practice and theory to Schneider's own influence on the development of symbolic and interpretive anthropology in the 1970s and 1980s. Schneider on Schneider offers readers this rare opportunity, and with it an engrossing introduction into a world of intellectual rigor, personal charm, and wit.In this work, based on conversations with Richard Handler, Schneider tells the story of his days devoted to anthropology--as a student of Clyde Kluckhohn and Talcott Parsons and as a writer and teacher whose work on kinship and culture theory revolutionized the discipline. With a master's sense of the telling anecdote, he describes his education at Cornell, Yale, and Harvard, his fieldwork on the Micronesian island of Yap and among the Mescalero Apache, and his years teaching at the London School of Economics, Berkeley, and the University of Chicago. Musing on the current state and the future of anthropology, Schneider's cast of characters reads like a who's who of postwar social science. His reflections on anthropological field research and academic politics address some of the most pressing ethical and epistemological issues facing scholars today, while yielding tales of unexpected amusement.With its humor and irony, its wealth of information and searching questions about the state of anthropology, Schneider on Schneider not only provides an important resource for the history of twentieth-century social science, but also brings to life the entertaining voice of an engaging storyteller.

Schnittstellen der Kinder- und Jugendmedienforschung: Aktuelle Positionen und Perspektiven (Studien zu Kinder- und Jugendliteratur und -medien #1)

by Ute Dettmar Caroline Roeder Ingrid Tomkowiak

Zwischen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur- und -medienforschung und anderen Fachdisziplinen bestehen zahlreiche Schnittstellen. Von diesen ausgehend, werden in dem Band unterschiedliche Perspektiven und Theorieansätze diskutiert und deren Potential für eine literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlich ausgerichtete Kinder- und Jugendliteratur- und -medienforschung beleuchtet. Die 17 Beiträge stellen grundlegende, theoriegeleitete und methodenreflektierte analytische Zugänge zu verschiedenen Untersuchungsgegenständen und Fragestellungen vor. Dabei geht es zum einen darum, den Standort von Kinder- und Jugendliteratur bzw. -medien als Handlungs- und Symbolsystem im kulturellen Archiv auszuloten. Zum anderen werden Ziele gegenwärtiger Forschung diskutiert sowie Aufgaben und Perspektiven zukünftiger Forschungen zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur entwickelt.

Schnittstellen in der Sozialpolitik: Analysen am Beispiel der Felder Berufsorientierung und Rehabilitation

by Sybille Stöbe-Blossey Martin Brussig Susanne Drescher Marina Ruth

Schnittstellen entstehen, wenn es für Menschen in sozialen Risikosituationen Hilfen von unterschiedlichen Institutionen gibt. Das Buch präsentiert empirische Ergebnisse zur Arbeit an Schnittstellen in den Feldern „Berufsorientierung“ und „Rehabilitation“ und legt einen übergreifenden Analyserahmen zur Gestaltung von Schnittstellen im entwickelten Sozialstaat vor.

Schoenberg's Chamber Symphonies: The Crystallization and Rediscovery of a Style

by Catherine Dale

This title was first published in 2000: In this detailed study, Dale (music, U. of Hull) identifies the two chamber symphonies (Opus 9 and Opus 38) that she considers to be pivotal moments in Schoenberg's musical development, and how Opus 38 seeks a reconciliation of tonality and atonality. In addition to analyzing the works, she examines those which preceded Opus 9 and indicate the composer's progression towards atonality. In a similar exploration of pieces surrounding Opus 38, she provides an assessment of the triadic language that became available to the composer in his late tonal and serial works. She also makes reference to Schoenberg's musical sketches, several of which are reproduced in this volume along with other examples from scores.

The Scholar and the Struggle: Lawrence Reddick's Crusade for Black History and Black Power

by David A. Varel

Lawrence Reddick (1910–1995) was among the most notable African American intellectuals of his generation. The second curator of the Schomburg Library and a University of Chicago PhD, Reddick helped spearhead Carter Woodson's black history movement in the 1930s, guide the Double Victory campaign during World War II, lead the Southern Christian Leadership Conference during the Cold War, mentor Martin Luther King Jr. throughout his entire public life, direct the Opportunities Industrialization Center Institute during the 1960s, and forcefully confront institutional racism within academia during the Black Power era. A lifelong Pan-Africanist, Reddick also fought for decolonization and black self-determination alongside Kwame Nkrumah, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Leopold Senghor, and W. E. B. Du Bois. Beyond participating in such struggles, Reddick documented and interpreted them for black and white publics alike.In The Scholar and the Struggle, David A. Varel tells Reddick's compelling story. His biography reveals the many essential but underappreciated roles played by intellectuals in the black freedom struggle and connects the past to the present in powerful, unforgettable ways.

The Scholar Denied

by Aldon Morris

In this groundbreaking book, Aldon D. Morris's ambition is truly monumental: to help rewrite the history of sociology and to acknowledge the primacy of W. E. B. Du Bois's work in the founding of the discipline. Calling into question the prevailing narrative of how sociology developed, Morris, a major scholar of social movements, probes the way in which the history of the discipline has traditionally given credit to Robert E. Park at the University of Chicago, who worked with the conservative black leader Booker T. Washington to render Du Bois invisible. Morris uncovers the seminal theoretical work of Du Bois in developing a "scientific" sociology through a variety of methodologies and examines how the leading scholars of the day disparaged and ignored Du Bois's work.The Scholar Denied is based on extensive, rigorous primary source research; the book is the result of a decade of research, writing, and revision. In exposing the economic and political factors that marginalized the contributions of Du Bois and enabled Park and his colleagues to be recognized as the "fathers" of the discipline, Morris delivers a wholly new narrative of American intellectual and social history that places one of America's key intellectuals, W. E. B. Du Bois, at its center.The Scholar Denied is a must-read for anyone interested in American history, racial inequality, and the academy. In challenging our understanding of the past, the book promises to engender debate and discussion.

Scholarly Crimes and Misdemeanors: Violations of Fairness and Trust in the Academic World

by Mark S. Davis Bonnie Berry

This book explores the problem of scientific dishonesty and misconduct – a problem that affects all disciplines, yet whose extent remains largely unknown and for which established standards for reporting, prevention, and punishment are absent. Presenting examples of research misconduct, the authors examine the reasons for its occurrence and address the experience of victimization that is involved, together with the perpetrators’ reactions to being accused. With consideration of the role of witnesses and bystanders, such as book and journal editors and reviewers, students and professional organizations, the book covers the many forms of academic misconduct, offering a theorization of the phenomenon in criminological terms as a particular form of crime, before examining the possibilities that exist for the prevention and control of scholarly crime, as well as implications for further research. An accessible treatment of a problem that remains largely hidden, Scholarly Crimes and Misdemeanors will appeal to readers across disciplines, and particularly those in the social sciences with interests in academic life, research ethics and criminology.

Scholarly Virtues in Nineteenth-Century Sciences and Humanities: Loyalty and Independence Entangled

by Christiaan Engberts

Reflecting a growing interest in the history of knowledge, this book explores the importance of scholarly virtues during the late nineteenth century. The practice of science is moulded on notions of scholarly values, such as diligence, impartiality, meticulousness and patience, but here, the author focuses on the virtues of collegial loyalty and critical independence. By analysing how virtues were reflected in day-to-day scholarly work, and examining the possibility that these virtues may have come into conflict with each other, this book sheds light on what is often described as ‘the moral economy of scholarship,’ a metaphor which draws attention to the changeability of the expectations raised by virtue. Highlighting the pre-eminence and exemplary nature of German scholarship during the nineteenth century, the author provides a detailed analysis of four evaluative practices used by scholars across the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences in a number of German universities.This allows a nuanced understanding of the complex relationship between collegial loyalty and critical independence in the academic working environment, and draws comparisons across varying disciplines. A welcome contribution to a growing field of research, this book provides a comparative and transdisciplinary overview of scholarly virtues and will be of interest to those researching the history of science and the humanities.

Scholarly Writing And Publishing: Issues, Problems, And Solutions

by Mary Frank Fox

This book is a major project of the Research and Publications Committee of Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS). SWS has supported the project from its very start with organizational resources and the intellectual contributions of its members. For her early support of the project, we especially thank Roberta Cohen, SWS president, 1982-1984. All royalties from this book will return to SWS. With a belief in the importance of scholarly publishing, the contributors' skill and responsiveness, and the support of SWS and of Westview's staff (especially Deborah Lynes, Jeanne Campbell, Christine Arden, and Sandi Genova), I have found it a pleasure to produce this collection.

Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk (Why the Sciences of the Ancient World Matter #2)

by Christine Proust John Steele

This volume explores how scholars wrote, preserved, circulated, and read knowledge in ancient Mesopotamia. It offers an exercise in micro-history that provides a case study for attempting to understand the relationship between scholars and scholarship during this time of great innovation. The papers in this collection focus on tablets written in the city of Uruk in southern Babylonia. These archives come from two different scholarly contexts. One is a private residence inhabited during successive phases by two families of priests who were experts in ritual and medicine. The other is the most important temple in Uruk during the late Achemenid and Hellenistic periods. The contributors undertake detailed studies of this material to explore the scholarly practices of individuals, the connection between different scholarly genres, and the exchange of knowledge between scholars in the city and scholars in other parts of Babylonia and the Greek world. In addition, this collection examines the archives in which the texts were found and the scribes who owned or wrote them. It also considers the interconnections between different genres of knowledge and the range of activities of individual scribes. In doing so, it answers questions of interest not only for the study of Babylonian scholarship but also for the study of ancient Mesopotamian textual culture more generally, and for the study of traditions of written knowledge in the ancient world.

Scholars' Guide to Humanities and Social Sciences in the Soviet Union and the Baltic States: The Academies of Sciences of Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Moldova, the Transcaucasian and Central Asian Republics and Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (Studies of Central Asia and the Caucasus)

by Tigran Martirosyan Silvia Maretti S. Frederick Starr

In the years since the first edition of the "Guide" was published, the research institutions of the academies of sciences of the USSR and the republics have undergone several, sometimes radical, reorganizations and reaffiliations. This guide to academy institutions supplies names, addresses, and historical, research, and organizational profiles for each institution, with summary information on staffing, current projects, special facilities, and libraries. The end of the Cold War has brought with it many changes of attitude and policy in the political arena; however, nowhere has change been so emotionally charged as in the area of politically-based emigration. Refugee policy is the driving force behind many of today's headlines, influencing both foreign and domestic policy. In Desperate Crossings, authors Norman L. and Naomi Flink Zucker chronicle and analyze the phenomenon of mass escape that began with the Haitians, but exploded into the American consciousness in the spring of 1980 with the Mariel boatlift and the subsequent mass exodus from Central America, and was most recently manifested in the Haitian and Cuban exoduses of 1994. In a compelling and carefully documented narrative, they identify the troika of interests - foreign policy, domestic pressures, and costs - that have controlled and determined the American response to refugees since before the Second World War, continuing until today. Desperate Crossings concludes by proposing a comprehensive and politically palatable approach to future refugee flows, both in our hemisphere and for the world community-at-large - including Europe and Asia. The authors suggest how, by changing the course of its refugee policies and programs, the United States can better respond to both the needs of refugees and the demands of its citizens.

Scholarship, Money, and Prose: Behind the Scenes at an Academic Journal

by Michael Chibnik

An illuminating guide to publishing a scholarly journal written by a former editor-in-chiefAmerican Anthropologist is the flagship journal of the American Anthropological Association, published quarterly, reaching more than 12,000 readers with each issue and representing four distinct subfields. The journal publishes articles that add to, integrate, synthesize, and interpret anthropological knowledge; commentaries and essays on issues of importance to the discipline; and reviews of books, films, sound recordings, and exhibits. From 2012 to 2016, Michael Chibnik was editor-in-chief of American Anthropologist. In Scholarship, Money, and Prose, he writes a candid account of the complex and challenging work entailed in its production.Providing detailed ethnographic and historical descriptions of the operations of a major journal and behind-the-scenes anecdotes of his experiences, Chibnik makes transparent the work of an editor-in-chief. He reveals how he assembled diverse materials, assessed contradictory peer reviews of manuscripts submitted for publication, and collaborated with authors to improve the legibility and clarity of their articles. He also examines controversies that emerged from his columns on open access and biological anthropology and the inclusion of politically charged material in the journal.Scholarship, Money, and Prose sheds light on two aspects of successful editing that are common to academic journals whatever their subject matter. The first task is to strike a balance among different theoretical perspectives and topical specialties. This pressure is particularly salient in a field like anthropology in which scholars differ greatly in the extent to which they adopt a scientific or humanistic perspective. Second, editors must attend carefully to the need to keep costs down and revenues up in an economic environment in which libraries are cutting subscriptions and publishers are considering the future sustainability of journals. Relevant to a wide range of disciplines, Scholarship, Money, and Prose serves as a window onto the past, present, and future of scholarly publishing.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Criminology

by Darren Palmer

This book is the first dedicated collection aimed at examining teaching and learning issues within criminology. This collection of essays identifies how criminological practices are being shaped by larger developments and changes within the field of scholarship on teaching and learning. Changes include an increased university focus on ‘good teaching’ rankings and the associated emphasis on the professional development of teaching staff in order to shape them. In the past decade government funding for teaching and learning awards, and the move to sector funding on the basis of ‘good teaching’ outcomes (student satisfaction, completion rates, etc.), have further fostered developments in teaching and learning practices and the associated scholarship. However, criminology lags behind in responding to these changes. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Criminology aims to fill this gap by examining teaching practices in the hope of fostering a new generation of publications dedicated to scholarship on teaching and learning within the field.

Schöne Momente pflegender Angehöriger in der Pflege und Begleitung von Menschen mit Demenz: Eine Tagebuchstudie

by Anna Kiefer

In diesem Open Access-Buch wird gezeigt, wie pflegende Angehörige mit Hilfe einer Tagebuchvorlage auf die Wahrnehmung schöner Momente in der Begleitung ihrer an Demenz erkrankten Familienmitglieder sensibilisiert werden können. Tagebücher sind eine beliebte Möglichkeit zur Verarbeitung und Bewältigung von Krisensituationen und können dabei der Selbstreflexion und Belastungsverarbeitung dienen. Insbesondere positives Schreiben kann durch das Erinnern und Reflektieren schöner Momente und Emotionen nachweislich zu einem höheren Wohlbefinden und zur Steigerung der Selbstwirksamkeit führen. Die Begleitung eines Menschen mit Demenz geht für pflegende Angehörige häufig mit einer Vielzahl an Belastungen und Herausforderungen einher, weshalb diese häufig aus der Belastungsperspektive erlebt wird. Schöne Momente innerhalb der Sorgebeziehung zwischen pflegenden Angehörigen und Menschen mit Demenz werden dabei seltener bewusst wahrgenommen. Die Ergebnisse der Tagebuchstudie zeigen individuelle Auswirkungen der Wahrnehmung und Sensibilisierung schöner Momente.

Schöner fremder Klang – Wie exotische Musik nach Deutschland kam: Band 2: Samba, Mambo, Bossa & Co. (1945–1975)

by Claus Schreiner

In seiner großen Geschichte der ‚exotischen‘ populären Musik beschreibt Claus Schreiner den transatlantischen Weg all der uns heute vertrauten Musikstile von ihren Ursprüngen nach Europa und Deutschland. Der zweite Teil beginnt mit der Nachkriegszeit. Die Isolation Deutschlands von vormals verbannten ‚exotischen‘ Einflüssen endet. Träume von einsamen Inseln werden im Nachkriegs- und Wirtschaftswunderland nicht nur von einfältigen Schlagertexten, sondern auch von Samba, Baião und Bossa Nova aus Brasilien bedient, dann kommen Mambo und Chachachá aus New York und Kuba und der Calypso. Auf deutschen Bühnen zeigen Tanz-Ensembles aus den jungen afrikanischen Staaten, aus Brasilien, Mexiko und Korea Mischungen aus Folklore und Ballett. Aus den USA weht die Folk-Welle herüber und initiiert nicht nur Festivals wie Waldeck, sondern auch erste Begegnungen mit internationaler Folklore, denen Protestsongs mit den Krisen der sechziger Jahre folgen, an die sich in einer Welle der Solidarität Musik chilenischer Exilgruppen und der Künstler aus anderen lateinamerikanischen Diktaturen anschließt. Mit El Condor Pasa beginnt die Invasion der Poncho-Gruppen in die Fußgängerzonen.

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