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Schöne Momente pflegender Angehöriger in der Pflege und Begleitung von Menschen mit Demenz: Eine Tagebuchstudie
by Anna KieferIn diesem Open Access-Buch wird gezeigt, wie pflegende Angehörige mit Hilfe einer Tagebuchvorlage auf die Wahrnehmung schöner Momente in der Begleitung ihrer an Demenz erkrankten Familienmitglieder sensibilisiert werden können. Tagebücher sind eine beliebte Möglichkeit zur Verarbeitung und Bewältigung von Krisensituationen und können dabei der Selbstreflexion und Belastungsverarbeitung dienen. Insbesondere positives Schreiben kann durch das Erinnern und Reflektieren schöner Momente und Emotionen nachweislich zu einem höheren Wohlbefinden und zur Steigerung der Selbstwirksamkeit führen. Die Begleitung eines Menschen mit Demenz geht für pflegende Angehörige häufig mit einer Vielzahl an Belastungen und Herausforderungen einher, weshalb diese häufig aus der Belastungsperspektive erlebt wird. Schöne Momente innerhalb der Sorgebeziehung zwischen pflegenden Angehörigen und Menschen mit Demenz werden dabei seltener bewusst wahrgenommen. Die Ergebnisse der Tagebuchstudie zeigen individuelle Auswirkungen der Wahrnehmung und Sensibilisierung schöner Momente.
Schöner fremder Klang – Wie exotische Musik nach Deutschland kam: Band 2: Samba, Mambo, Bossa & Co. (1945–1975)
by Claus SchreinerIn seiner großen Geschichte der ‚exotischen‘ populären Musik beschreibt Claus Schreiner den transatlantischen Weg all der uns heute vertrauten Musikstile von ihren Ursprüngen nach Europa und Deutschland. Der zweite Teil beginnt mit der Nachkriegszeit. Die Isolation Deutschlands von vormals verbannten ‚exotischen‘ Einflüssen endet. Träume von einsamen Inseln werden im Nachkriegs- und Wirtschaftswunderland nicht nur von einfältigen Schlagertexten, sondern auch von Samba, Baião und Bossa Nova aus Brasilien bedient, dann kommen Mambo und Chachachá aus New York und Kuba und der Calypso. Auf deutschen Bühnen zeigen Tanz-Ensembles aus den jungen afrikanischen Staaten, aus Brasilien, Mexiko und Korea Mischungen aus Folklore und Ballett. Aus den USA weht die Folk-Welle herüber und initiiert nicht nur Festivals wie Waldeck, sondern auch erste Begegnungen mit internationaler Folklore, denen Protestsongs mit den Krisen der sechziger Jahre folgen, an die sich in einer Welle der Solidarität Musik chilenischer Exilgruppen und der Künstler aus anderen lateinamerikanischen Diktaturen anschließt. Mit El Condor Pasa beginnt die Invasion der Poncho-Gruppen in die Fußgängerzonen.
Schöner fremder Klang – Wie exotische Musik nach Deutschland kam: Band 1: Ragtime, Tango, Rumba & Co. (1855–1945)
by Claus SchreinerIn seiner großen Geschichte der ‚exotischen‘ populären Musik beschreibt Claus Schreiner den transatlantischen Weg all der uns heute vertrauten Musikstile von ihren Ursprüngen nach Europa und Deutschland. Er berichtet im ersten von drei Bänden, wann und wie es zu ersten Begegnungen von Europäern mit afroamerikanischen Künstlern kommt und wie Charleston, Ragtime, Jazz, Tango, Maxixe, Rumba, Biguine in Kolonialzeiten und in den Küstenstädten Lateinamerikas entstehen. Die Aufnahme, Anverwandlung und Amalgamierung der vielen fremden Musikstile in den Metropolen Europas wird im Hauptteil des Buches lebendig und mit vielen Künstlerbiographien, Songtexten und Geschichten beschrieben. Wie gingen die Deutschen zwischen Kaiserreich und NS-Staat mit den exotischen Tänzen und den Künstlerinnen und Künstlern um? Welche Rolle spielten Musikethnologie, Unterhaltungsindustrie, Zeitgeist und die Folgen von Krieg, Kolonialzeit und Nationalsozialismus? Das Buch zeichnet ein deutliches Bild von der überragenden Rolle der ‚exotischen‘ Musik für die populäre Kultur der Moderne.
Schöner fremder Klang – Wie exotische Musik nach Deutschland kam: Band 3: Afrobeat, Salsa, Reggae & Co. (1975-2000)
by Claus SchreinerIn seiner großen Geschichte der ‚exotischen‘ populären Musik beschreibt Claus Schreiner den transatlantischen Weg all der uns heute vertrauten Musikstile von ihren Ursprüngen nach Europa und Deutschland. Der dritte Band beginnt mit der Musik Afrikas und ihrer Ankunft in Europa. Back to Africa: Reggae-Wurzeln und die deutsche Szene, wo das Interesse nicht nur an den Urvätern des Reggae wächst. Man will mehr Originale erleben, traditionell oder populär, und schafft neue Festivals, die oft mit Workshops und Informationen begleitet werden. Das New Age-Zeitalter beginnt und lässt Musiker in esoterischen Quellen schöpfen. Japanische Trommelgruppen lassen Konzertsäle erbeben und Butoh-Tänzer erinnern an den Ausdruckstanz der zwanziger Jahre. Musik aus vielen ‚exotischen‘ Wurzeln bietet sich als Alternative zu Belanglosem in Spaßgesellschaft, Disco und Neuer Deutscher Welle und als Begleitung von Aktionen gegen Rassismus, Hungersnöte und Fremdenfeindlichkeit an. Salsa aus Puerto Rico und New York bringt endlich mehr Körperlichkeit in deutsche Tanzclubs und bereitet den Boden für nostalgisches Buena Vista-Feeling, das von Modetänzen wie Lambada, Merengue und Zouk abgelöst wird. Latinmusic sorgt auch in Deutschland für Hits. Am Ende des Jahrhunderts ist das Angebot überreichlich vorhanden und man nennt es Weltmusik.
School-Age Pregnancy and Parenthood: Biosocial Dimensions
by Beatrix A. HamburgThis important work examines in detail and depth how, as a consequence of changing technologies, diet, patterns of reproduction, and work, relations between children and parents have altered.The editors and contributors hold that biosocial science is particularly relevant to research on human family systems and parenting behavior. The family is the universal social institution in which the care of children is based and the turf where cultural tradition, beliefs, and values are transmitted to the young as they fulfill their biological potential for growth, development and reproduction. The biosocial perspective takes into account the biological substratum and the social environment as critical co-determinants of behavior and pinpoints areas in which contemporary human parental behavior exhibits continuities with and departures from, patterns evident throughout history.This work crosses disciplinary lines without ignoring their relevance to the broader themes of the book. School age pregnancy and parenthood is a powerful anchor for the dissection of large scale issues. The contributors deal in turn with ethnic and historical experience, examine normative and ethical issues, and cast new light on methodological concerns. What the editors call culturally-defined responses to basic needs helps explain both dramatic improvements in this area, and how they expand the challenge of teen reproduction. Contributors emphasize new demands for training and education to research this growing phenomenon. The book contributes to humane concerns as well as the scientific imagination.
The School and Society & The Child and the Curriculum (Centennial Publications Of The University Of Chicago Press Ser.)
by John DeweyOne of the most influential forces in the shaping of American education, the famed philosopher and psychologist John Dewey (1859–1952) believed in "viewing the education of the child in the light of the principles of mental activity and processes of growth made know by modern psychology." As the administrator of the University of Chicago's laboratory school — which he established in 1896 and which was one of the first such schools in the United States — Dewey came to the realization that learning was a process starting from uncertainty and growing from the impulse which must begin with experience, and the curriculum must be made to relate to the students' interests.The two books in this volume — both short, but extremely influential — grew out of Dewey's hands-on experience with the laboratory school and represent the earliest authoritative statement of his revolutionary emphasis on education as an experimental, child-centered process, In The School and Society, he declares that we must "make each one of our schools an embryonic community life, active with types of occupations that reflect the life of the larger society and permeated with the spirit of art, history, and science." In The Child and the Curriculum, he stresses the importance of the curriculum as a means of determining the environment of the child, and allowing the teacher to guide children in asserting themselves, exercising their capacities, and fulfilling the destinies of their own nature.Gathered in this single convenient volume, these thought-provoking contributions by one of America's greatest thinkers in the field of pedagogy will be immense interest to educators, psychologists, parents, and anyone interested in the psychology and philosophy of childhood education.
School Around the World (Customs Around the World)
by Mary MeinkingLearning is important no matter where you are. But some classrooms are very different than others. Discover all types of schools around the world in this fun, engaging series that develops kids' understanding of our diverse global community and their place in it.
School-Based Drug Prevention
by Jonathan P. Caulkins Rosalie Liccardo Pacula Susan M. Paddock James ChiesaSchool-based drug prevention, popular with the public and politicians alike, is now a nearly universal experience for American youth. Analysis has shown that the best programs can reduce use of a wide range of substances. But questions remain regarding how to think about and, hence, fund, these programs. Should they be viewed principally as weapons in the war against illicit drugs, or, at the other extreme, do prevention programs benefit students and society most by reducing use of alcohol and tobacco? The authors address these questions by comparing for the first time the social benefits of school-based prevention programs' long-run impacts on a diverse set of different substances.
School-Based Observation: A Practical Guide to Assessing Student Behavior
by Amy M. Briesch Robert J. Volpe Randy G. FloydWidely used to assess social–emotional and behavioral referral concerns in grades PreK–12, systematic direct observation is an essential skill for school psychologists and other educators. This accessible book helps practitioners conduct reliable, accurate observations using the best available tools. Chapters present effective coding systems for assessing student classroom behavior, the classroom environment, behavior in non-classroom settings, and behavior in a functional assessment context; also provided are guidelines for developing new codes when an appropriate one does not already exist. Procedures for summarizing, graphing, and interpreting data for different assessment purposes are detailed. In a large-size format with lay-flat binding for easy photocopying, the book includes 13 reproducible coding forms. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by T. Chris Riley-Tillman.
School Behavioral Health: Interconnecting Comprehensive School Mental Health and Positive Behavior Support
by Mark D. Weist Kathleen B. Franke Robert N. StevensThis book examines the prevalence of emotional and behavioral problems in youth and the implications of little or low-quality mental health services available for them. It describes aspects of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and school mental health (SMH) that work together to form a comprehensive service delivery model called the Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF). The term school behavioral health (SBH) is used to describe SMH and PBIS working together, as in the ISF. The book examines perspectives of key stakeholders through a series of research forums, during which participants identified critical themes for the advancement of SBH in South Carolina and the southeast region of the United States. Chapters address key themes of school behavioral health from these forums, such as collaboration, schoolwide approaches, quality of services, and support for specific populations, including military families and youth involved in the juvenile justice and child welfare systems. The book addresses barriers to providing behavioral health services at school as well as recommendations from key stakeholders for advancing SBH along these critical dimensions. This volume is a must-have resource for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as practitioners, clinicians, and therapists across such interrelated disciplines as clinical child and school psychology, educational policy and politics, social work, public health, school counseling, family studies, juvenile justice, child and adolescent psychiatry, and child welfare and well-being services.
School Broadcasting in Canada
by Richard LambertThis book describes the origin, growth, and achievements of school broadcasting in Canada. Sections are devoted to the start of school broadcasting in each province, the establishment of national school broadcasts, and the work of the National Advisory Council on School Broadcasting. In the story, the part played by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in initiating and promoting the work of teaching by radio and in providing the facilities upon which it is based, is a significant one. The book is the first authoritative description, by the man largely responsible for its success, of an important and fruitful experiment in federal-provincial co-operation in the thorny field of education. To this co-operation is due the high standard of the school broadcasts which have earned for Canada world-wide recognition and appreciation. The book also describes the international aspects of this cooperation, particularly between Canada and Australia, Great Britain, and the United States.
School Consultation
by Brian K. Martens William P. ErchulSince its emergence during the 1960s, school consultation has become an important vehicle for delivering psychological and educational services. Cooperative efforts between skilled consultants and teachers, rooted in the principles of problem solving, social influence, and professional development, enhance student learning and adjustment while encouraging consultees to be more effective and proactive in their practice. The Third Edition of School Consultation: Conceptual and Empirical Bases of Practice shows in expert detail how this relationship works by synthesizing mental health and behavioral models of consultation with the most effective evidence-based practices (e.g., implementation support, response to intervention) informing the field today. The authors provide real-world contexts for all participants in the equation--consultants, teachers, students, staff, and the school itself--and thoroughly review consultation processes and outcomes for a contemporary practice-oriented approach suited to the new consultant, trainee, or researcher. Key features of the Third Edition include: An integrated mental health/behavioral model for school consultation.An organizational study of the school as a setting for consultation.Assessment issues and strategies particularly relevant to school consultation.Approaches to providing teachers with implementation support. Conceptual models for selecting academic and behavioral interventions.Administrative perspectives on school consultation.A real, transcribed case study analyzed by the authors.In the tradition of its predecessors, School Consultation, Third Edition, is a confidence-building tool for practitioners in school psychology, clinical child psychology, educational specialties, school counseling, special education, and school social work as well as a trusted reference for researchers in these fields.
School Counseling Classroom Guidance: Prevention, Accountability, and Outcomes (Counseling and Professional Identity)
by Dr Jolie Ziomek-DaigleIntended for school counselors to aid in the learning of developmental classroom guidance, School Counseling Classroom Guidance: Prevention, Accountability, and Outcomes by Jolie Ziomek-Daigle teaches the fundamentals, strategies, and research outcomes of classroom guidance programming for comprehensive, developmentally appropriate school counseling programs. The content of this book looks at the history and fundamentals of classroom guidance, how these activities meet CACREP and ASCA standards, how and why activities should be aligned to the larger academic curriculum and state/national teaching standards, recommendations on how to develop and assess classroom guidance units, a sampling of units and lessons, techniques in managing the classroom, and outcome research and trends. School Counseling Classroom Guidance: Prevention, Accountability, and Outcomes is part of the Counseling and Professional Identity Series, which targets specific competencies identified by CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Programs). To learn more about each text in the Series, please visit www.sagepub.com/vip/cpiseries.
School Counseling Classroom Guidance: Prevention, Accountability, and Outcomes (Counseling and Professional Identity)
by Jolie Ziomek-DaigleIntended for school counselors to aid in the learning of developmental classroom guidance, School Counseling Classroom Guidance: Prevention, Accountability, and Outcomes by Jolie Ziomek-Daigle teaches the fundamentals, strategies, and research outcomes of classroom guidance programming for comprehensive, developmentally appropriate school counseling programs. The content of this book looks at the history and fundamentals of classroom guidance, how these activities meet CACREP and ASCA standards, how and why activities should be aligned to the larger academic curriculum and state/national teaching standards, recommendations on how to develop and assess classroom guidance units, a sampling of units and lessons, techniques in managing the classroom, and outcome research and trends. School Counseling Classroom Guidance: Prevention, Accountability, and Outcomes is part of the Counseling and Professional Identity Series, which targets specific competencies identified by CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Programs). To learn more about each text in the Series, please visit www.sagepub.com/vip/cpiseries.
School Crisis Intervention: An Essential Guide for Practitioners (The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series)
by Scott Poland Sara FergusonProviding vital tools to enhance preparedness in any school setting (K–12), this book is grounded in state-of-the-art research and real-world experience. Foremost authority Scott Poland and frontline clinician Sara Ferguson address all aspects of team-based crisis intervention and postvention. With a key focus on prevention, the book describes ways to identify risk factors and enhance students' mental health, connectedness, and resilience. Best practices are outlined for responding effectively to specific crises, including unexpected deaths in the school community, youth suicide, school violence, and natural disasters. In a convenient large-size format, the book includes firsthand perspectives from other experts in the field, hands-on strategies to support daily practice, and 23 reproducible forms that can be downloaded and printed. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
School Education in India: Market, State and Quality
by Manish Jain Archana Mehendale Rahul Mukhopadhyay Padma M. Sarangapani Christopher WinchThis volume examines how the public and private domains in school education in India are informed and mediated by current market realities. It moves beyond the simplistic dichotomy of pro-state versus promarket factors that define most current debates in the formulations of educational reform agendas to underline how they need to be interpreted in the larger context. The chapters in the volume present a series of conceptual and empirical investigations to understand the growth of private schools in India; investigate the largely uncontested claims made by the private sector regarding provision of superior quality of education; and their ability to address the educational needs of the poor. Further, the book looks at how the private–public dichotomy has been extended to professional identity of teachers and teaching practices as well. <P><P>Rich in primary data and supported by detailed case studies, this volume will be of interest to teachers, scholars and researchers dealing with education, educational policy, school education and public policy. It will also interest policy makers, think tanks and civil society organisations.
School Experiences of Gay and Lesbian Youth: The Invisible Minority
by Mary B HarrisSchool Experiences of Gay and Lesbian Youth: The Invisible Minority shows teachers, youth advocates, administrators, and academic researchers how to embrace the needs of sexual minority students. Through research and case studies, this book explains the ways in which schools are failing the vulnerable population of gay, lesbian, and bisexual youths. This text shows you how to take responsibility for recognizing and protecting the rights and needs of gays and lesbians and ridding schools of discrimination, harassment, and violence.As School Experiences of Gay and Lesbian Youth illustrates, the consequences of the cognitive, social, and emotional isolation that sexual minority youths experience as a result of homophobia and heterosexism can be devastating. With this book’s helpful suggestions, provocative insight, and open challenges, you can help gay and lesbian youths develop feelings of self-worth as well as positive aspirations for their futures. Experiences of Gay and Lesbian Youth will help social workers, psychologists, academics, counselors, and other professionals understand: the dearth of role models in the career development of lesbian and gay youths how to integrate sexual orientation into career counseling how to incorporate the topic of homosexuality into educational curricula forms of homophobia (from the victim’s and the agressor’s points of view) and heterosexism in the high school environment how to open discussions about gay and lesbian issues at school the importance of having visible lesbian, gay, and bisexual staff who can provide support for sexual minority youthSchool Experiences of Gay and Lesbian Youth also informs you on the experiences gay and lesbian adults who attended high school five to fifty years ago, as well as college students who have reported incidents of homophobic behavior in high school. In addition, this text discusses teachers’fears of being fired as a result of talking about sexual minority issues and how school environments can lead students to become drop outs. Experiences of Gay and Lesbian Youth will inform you on the issues facing gay and lesbian youth and provide you with suggestions on how to make the classroom a welcoming environment, regardless of sexual orientation.
School Farms: Feeding and Educating Children (Routledge Studies in Food, Society and the Environment)
by Alshimaa Aboelmakarem Farag, Samaa Badawi, Gurpinder Lalli, and Maya KamareddineThis book highlights the potential of school farms to fight hunger and malnutrition by providing access to locally produced, fresh, and healthy food as well as providing young students with educational opportunities to learn, interact with nature, and develop their skills. Hunger is one of the most pressing concerns we face today and there is a clear need to provide alternative sources of food to feed a fast-growing population. School farms offer a sustainable opportunity to produce food locally in order to feed underprivileged students who rely on school meals as an integral part of their daily diet. Approaching the concept of school farms through four themes, Problem, People, Process, and Place, the book shows how they can play an essential role in providing sustainable and healthy food for students, the critical role educational institutions can play in promoting this process, and the positive impact hands-on farming can have on students' mental and physical wellbeing. Utilizing the authors' personal hands-on experiences, and drawing on global case studies, the book provides a theoretical framework and practical guidance to help with the establishment of school farms and community-based gardening projects and an education system which promotes a sustainable and healthy approach to food, agriculture, and the environment. This book will be essential reading for students and scholars of food security, agriculture, healthy and sustainable diets, education for sustainable development, and urban studies. It will also be of great interest to practitioners and policymakers involved in food policy, developing school and community projects, global health and international development, as well as education professionals.
School Health, Nutrition, and Education for All: Levelling the Playing Field
by Matthew C. H. Jukes Lesley J. Drake Donald A. P. BundyProviding good quality education to all children in the poorest countries of the world is not a simple task. However, improving children's health and nutrition is one simple step that can be taken towards achieving this goal. Health and nutrition programs offer substantial benefits to children's education, helping them to attend school and learn while there. What is more, the education of the poorest in society benefits the most from such programs because the poor are more likely to suffer from ill health or poor nutrition and are also more likely to experience a disruption in their learning as a result. School health and nutrition programs make use of the education system to deliver simple treatments for common conditions. The result is a highly cost-effective way to reduce inequalities in education and to help all children around the world reach their educational potential. This argument is examined through a discussion of the challenges to child health and nutrition and the impact of these on education and an analysis of the costs, benefits and policy options involved in the implementation of health and nutrition programs in schools. Providing a simple and achievable solution to improving access, gender equity and the quality of basic education, this book will be essential to policy makers, educational and health organizations and researchers in international development, public health, psychology and education.
The School I Deserve: Six Young Refugees and Their Fight for Equality in America
by Jo NapolitanoUncovers the key civil rights battle that immigrant children fought alongside the ACLU to ensure equal access to education within a xenophobic nation Journalist Jo Napolitano delves into the landmark case in which the School District of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, was sued for refusing to admit older, non-English speaking refugees and sending them to a high-discipline alternative school. In a legal battle that mirrors that of the Little Rock Nine and Brown v. Board of Education, 6 brave refugee students fought alongside the ACLU and Education Law Center to demand equal access. The School I Deserve illuminates the lack of support immigrant and refugee children face in our public school system and presents a hopeful future where all children can receive an equal education regardless of race, ethnicity, or their country of origin.One of the students, Khadidja Issa, fled the horrific violence in war-torn Sudan with the hope of a safer life in the United States, where she could enroll in school and eventually become a nurse. Instead, she was turned away by the School District of Lancaster before she was eventually enrolled in one of its alternative schools, a campus run by a for-profit company facing multiple abuse allegations. Napolitano follows Khadidja as she joins the lawsuit as a plaintiff in the Issa v. School District of Lancaster case, a legal battle that took place right before Donald Trump&’s presidential election, when immigrants and refugees were maligned on a national stage. The fiery week-long showdown between the ACLU and the school district was ultimately decided by a conservative judge who issued a shocking ruling with historic implications. The School I Deserve brings to light this crucial and underreported case, which paved the way to equal access to education for countless immigrants and refugees to come.
School Leadership in India: Styles, Behaviours, Functions and Practices
by N. MythiliThis book explores how school leadership plays a significant role in addressing the issues of poor learning among students in India. It presents in-depth discussions on critical leadership practices that are influenced by the interaction between leadership styles, functions, behaviours and practices of school leaders using theoretical discourse. Besides, a conceptual framework is developed to understand the leadership phenomenon in the Indian context for the overall improvement of schools, student learning and self-development of leaders. While highlighting the issues and challenges faced by schools and school leaders, the book presents a number of vignettes created from the data on various aspects of school leadership practices indicating the styles, behaviours and functions in every chapter. The nature of the analysis is also unique to the discourse on educational leadership as it culminates in tracing the path traversed by the school leaders. The analysis is thematically organised into purpose-process-outcome that spreads across seven chapters. Besides the rigour of vast data that substantiates the arguments using mixed methods, it also vividly discusses the national initiatives undertaken in India to transform instructional and pedagogical leadership of principals and improve students learning in the past one decade or so.The book will be of interest to researchers of education, leadership education and development and school education in university departments of education, management, public administration, development studies and sociology that use interdisciplinary approaches. It will also be useful for school educators, academicians, school leaders, policymakers and teacher educators not only for teaching and research but also for school leadership development for practitioners.
School-Linked Services: Promoting Equity for Children, Families, and Communities
by Laura Bronstein Susan MasonThe evidence-based strategies in this volume close the achievement gap among students from all sociological backgrounds. Designed according to local needs assessments, they provide the services, programs, initiatives, and relationships that are crucial for children's success in school and life.These practices and programs include afterschool and summer sessions, early-childhood education, school-linked health and mental health services, family engagement, and youth leadership opportunities. This book addresses the policy and funding requirements that help these partnerships thrive and offers effective counterarguments against those who would question their value. The text describes strategies that work in both rural and urban contexts and includes a chapter evaluating school-community partnerships across the world. Because it involves collaborations across professions and organizations, the book's interdisciplinary approach will appeal to those in social work, education, psychology, public health, counseling, nursing, and public policy.
School of Architecture: EAAE Annual Conference—Turin 2023 (Springer Series in Design and Innovation #47)
by Michela Barosio Elena Vigliocco Santiago GomesThis open access book gathers the latest advances and innovations in the field of architectural education, as presented at the 2023 annual conference of the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE AC), “School of Architecture(s)”, held in Turin, Italy, on August 30–September 1, 2023.
School of Dreams
by Edward HumesWhat is the price of an education at a top public high school?Whitney High delivers everything we ask of a school: a love of learning, a sense of mission, and SAT scores to die for. But there are unintended consequences to attending the school of our dreams, as author Edward Humes found during his year inside this world of high achievement and high pressure.Students work nearly around the clock, building futures to please parents as much as themselves. Their drug of choice? Caffeine. Their goal? Getting into a top college. Their biggest fear? Not living up to their families' stratospheric expectations. But what these kids have going for them is the extraordinary community within Whitney High-- a school with doors open seven days a week, where teachers love teaching and the students linger long after the school day ends.
The School Of Dying Graces: Lessons On Living From Two Extraordinary ...
by Richard Felix Rob WilkinsThe School of Dying Graces is the deeply honest and beautifully written account of two very different spiritual journeys--the journey of Dr. Richard Felix, then president of Azusa Pacific University, and that of his beloved wife, Vivian, a terminal cancer patient. From observing his wife prepare herself spiritually for dying, Dr. Felix discovers that special gifts--living graces--come to those who persevere through suffering. In this thought-provoking and inspiring story forged through his wife's victorious dying, Dr. Felix offers profound truths for those who want to live victoriously.