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Scurvy: The Disease of Discovery

by Jonathan Lamb

Scurvy, a disease often associated with long stretches of maritime travel, generated sensations exceeding the standard of what was normal. Eyes dazzled, skin was morbidly sensitive, emotions veered between disgust and delight. In this book, Jonathan Lamb presents an intellectual history of scurvy unlike any other, probing the speechless encounter with powerful sensations to tell the story of the disease that its victims couldn't because they found their illness too terrible and, in some cases, too exciting.Drawing on historical accounts from scientists and voyagers as well as major literary works, Lamb traces the cultural impact of scurvy during the eighteenth-century age of geographical and scientific discovery. He explains the medical knowledge surrounding scurvy and the debates about its cause, prevention, and attempted cures. He vividly describes the phenomenon and experience of "scorbutic nostalgia," in which victims imagined mirages of food, water, or home, and then wept when such pleasures proved impossible to consume or reach. Lamb argues that a culture of scurvy arose in the colony of Australia, which was prey to the disease in its early years, and identifies a literature of scurvy in the works of such figures as Herman Melville, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Francis Bacon, and Jonathan Swift.Masterful and illuminating, Scurvy shows how the journeys of discovery in the eighteenth century not only ventured outward to the ends of the earth, but were also an inward voyage into the realms of sensation and passion.


by Marianne Govers Hopman

What's in a name? Using the example of a famous monster from Greek myth, this book challenges the dominant view that a mythical symbol denotes a single, clear-cut 'figure' and proposes instead to define the name 'Scylla' as a combination of three concepts – sea, dog and woman – whose articulation changes over time. While archaic and classical Greek versions usually emphasize the metaphorical coherence of Scylla's components, the name is increasingly treated as a well-defined but also paradoxical construct from the late fourth century BCE onward. Proceeding through detailed analyses of Greek and Roman texts and images, Professor Hopman shows how the same name can variously express anxieties about the sea, dogs, aggressive women and shy maidens, thus offering an empirical response to the semiotic puzzle raised by non-referential proper names.

Scythe and the City: A Social History of Death in Shanghai

by Christian Henriot

The issue of death has loomed large in Chinese cities in the modern era. Throughout the Republican period, Shanghai swallowed up lives by the thousands. Exposed bodies strewn around in public spaces were a threat to social order as well as to public health. In a place where every group had its own beliefs and set of death and funeral practices, how did they adapt to a modern, urbanized environment? How did the interactions of social organizations and state authorities manage these new ways of thinking and acting? Recent historiography has almost completely ignored the ways in which death created such immense social change in China. Now, Scythe and the City corrects this problem. Christian Henriot's pioneering and original study of Shanghai between 1865 and 1965 offers new insights into this crucial aspect of modern society in a global commercial hub and guides readers through this tumultuous era that radically redefined the Chinese relationship with death.

The Scythian Empire: Central Eurasia and the Birth of the Classical Age from Persia to China

by Christopher I. Beckwith

A rich, discovery-filled history that tells how a forgotten empire transformed the ancient worldIn the late 8th and early 7th centuries BCE, Scythian warriors conquered and unified most of the vast Eurasian continent, creating an innovative empire that would give birth to the age of philosophy and the Classical age across the ancient world—in the West, the Near East, India, and China. Mobile horse herders who lived with their cats in wheeled felt tents, the Scythians made stunning contributions to world civilization—from capital cities and strikingly elegant dress to political organization and the world-changing ideas of Buddha, Zoroaster, and Laotzu—Scythians all. In The Scythian Empire, Christopher I. Beckwith presents a major new history of a fascinating but often forgotten empire that changed the course of history.At its height, the Scythian Empire stretched west from Mongolia and ancient northeast China to northwest Iran and the Danube River, and in Central Asia reached as far south as the Arabian Sea. The Scythians also ruled Media and Chao, crucial frontier states of ancient Iran and China. By ruling over and marrying the local peoples, the Scythians created new cultures that were creole Scythian in their speech, dress, weaponry, and feudal socio-political structure. As they spread their language, ideas, and culture across the ancient world, the Scythians laid the foundations for the very first Persian, Indian, and Chinese empires.Filled with fresh discoveries, The Scythian Empire presents a remarkable new vision of a little-known but incredibly important empire and its peoples.

SDG11, Sustainable Cities and Communities (Towards Sustainable Futures)

by Shyama V. Ramani Hiroshan Hettiarachchi

This book explores Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11, providing insights into viable pathways and policy designs for a transition towards sustainable, inclusive and resilient cities. The volume discusses existing scientific literature on SDG 11 and provides conceptual frameworks relating to systemic transitions, sectoral transitions and behavioural transitions for overcoming challenges related to governance and implementation. Through detailed case studies from cities and settlements, in Europe, Middle East and Asia, it showcases the dynamic processes involved in urban transformations. Drawing from these comparative analyses, the book provides robust frameworks and tools for better solutions and viable pathways to achieve SDG targets in diverse urban settings. Rich in empirical data, this book will be useful for scholars and researchers of development studies, environment studies, urban studies, urban sociology, political economy, political studies, public policy and sociology. It will also be useful for policy makers, professionals, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and think tanks working in the area of sustainable development and urban planning.

SDG18 Communication for All, Volume 1: The Missing Link between SDGs and Global Agendas (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Jan Servaes Muhammad Jameel Yusha’u

The 2030 agenda for development, or what is known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is the most ambitious agenda collectively agreed upon by 193 countries in human history. In 2015, the UN Member States adopted the 17 SDGs as a framework that would help address the challenges being faced by humanity. From eradicating poverty, ending hunger, providing universal access to healthcare and education, and addressing climate change; to the partnering of individuals, communities, and nation-states to achieve global goals. Yet, the framers of the 2030 agenda forgot to dedicate one goal focused on the role of communication in achieving the SDGs. It is nearly impossible to achieve the SDGs without the articulation and embrace of the role of communication in development. Today, development has become a communication issue, and communication is a development issue. How could such a vital pillar of life be missing in the UN's Sustainable Development Goals? Volume 1 provides an overview of what the contributors have termed as the 'missing link' between existing SDGs: Communication for All.

SDG18 Communicaton for All, Volume 2: Regional Perspectives and Special Cases (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Jan Servaes Muhammad Jameel Yusha’u

The 2030 agenda for development, or what is known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is perhaps the most ambitious agenda collectively agreed upon by 193 countries in human history. Yet, the framers of the 2030 agenda for development forgot to dedicate one goal focused on the role of communication in achieving the SDGs. Such oversight has attracted the attention of media and communication scholars alike, journalists, and policymakers who understand that it is nearly impossible to achieve the SDGs without the articulation and embrace of the role of communication in development. Volume 2 provides in-depth and specific explorations into regional perspectives concerning communication and the SDGs, with research on a rich array of sources, including Latin America, Africa, Australia, as well as special cases relating to timely studies such as social media, COVID-19, marginalized voices, and women's equality.

SDGs in Africa and the Middle East Region (Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Regional Perspectives)

by Walter Leal Filho

Africa is one of the most vulnerable regions, and one where the implementation of the SDGs is particularly urgent. Underinvestments in natural conservation are increasing the vulnerability of people across many African countries, whose well-being is endangered by deteriorating socio-economic and environmental conditions. This volume provides a contribution towards showcasing how natural resources may be more efficiently used and investments may be mobilised to augment the limited public sector funds available to achieve the SDGs.This book is part of the "100 papers to accelerate the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals initiative".

SDGs, Transformation, and Quality Growth: Insights from International Cooperation (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Akio Hosono

This is an Open Access book. The primary objective of this book is to seek out insights into the concept of high-quality growth (HQG). It explores the essential attributes of HQG, such as inclusiveness, sustainability, and resilience, as well as its relationship with transformation, by drawing principally on illustrative cases and instances of international cooperation. The United Nations document on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) states that “We resolve to create conditions for sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and decent work for all.” As such, the concept of quality growth is inherent in many aspects of the SDGs. A similar approach can be seen in the Development Cooperation Charter announced by the Japanese government in 2015. According to the Charter, one of the most important challenges of development is quality growth and the reduction of poverty achieved through such growth. The approach in the Charter emphasizes inclusiveness, sustainability, and resilience.This volume is a pioneering study on quality growth as well as its relationship with SDGs and transformation. Comprehensive studies on quality growth are very few. The case study approach distinguishes the present volume from some previous literature that discussed quality growth within the framework of general policy. Instead, in this book, concrete cases and experiences provide insights into hands-on “ingredients”. Through the case studies, it can be seen more clearly that transformation and quality growth are phenomena that do not occur automatically but, rather, ones that require specific, properly designed strategies and approaches. Another unique feature of this book is that it aims to make explicit some of the consistent, but implicit, principles of Japan’s international cooperation.

Sé fuerte: 365 días del año

by Demi Lovato

La popular actriz y cantante, Demi Lovato, comparte con sus lectores sus reflexiones, opiniones y puntos de vista sobre diferentes aspectos de la vida. Para la superestrella Demi Lovato la vida ha sido un viaje, una etapa en donde ha alcanzado logros deslumbrantes y ha sufrido pérdidas desgarradoras. Este es un libro para todas las personas, de todas partes, que están en un viaje personal y que necesitan consuelo, inspiración y una razón cada día para ser fuertes. Demi Lovato es una artista premiada con numerosos discos de platino, estrella de televisión y actriz. Se ha enfrentado con problemas que abarcan desde la adicción a la depresión. Todo mientras atravesaba por una fase de autodescubrimiento y búsqueda de la felicidad. Demi ha relatado la crónica de su viaje en los medios de comunicación, en las letras de sus canciones y en twitter, con millones de seguidores. Sus tweets han evolucionado hasta convertirse en Sé fuerte, una poderosa colección de 365 días donde se recogen los puntos de vista más sinceros, valientes y esperanzados de Demi. Cada día a lo largo de este año de reflexión, se alimenta con una frase significativa para la autora y una meta a lograr por el lector en los momentos difíciles. Aquí están sus palabras, las citas que la inspiran, sus reflexiones y metas personales. Un libro para disfrutar cualquier año, en cualquier momento de la vida para sentirse fuerte.

Sé fuerte. 365 días del año

by Demi Lovato

Este es un libro para todas las personas, de todas partes, que están en un viaje personal y que necesitan consuelo, inspiración y una razón cada día para ser fuertes. «Da las gracias por tu viaje, porque solo es tuyo».Para la superestrella Demi Lovato la vida ha sido un viaje, una etapa en donde ha alcanzado logros deslumbrantes y ha sufrido pérdidas desgarradoras. Demi es una artista premiada con numerosos discos de platino, estrella de televisión y actriz. Se ha enfrentado con problemas que abarcan desde la adicción a la depresión. Todo mientras atravesaba por una fase de autodescubrimiento búsqueda de la felicidad. Demi ha relatado la crónica de su viaje en los medios de comunicación, en las letras de sus canciones y en twitter, con millones de seguidores.Sus tweets han evolucionado hasta convertirse en Sé fuerte, una poderosa colección de 365 días donde se recogen los puntos de vista más sinceros, valientes y esperanzados de Demi. Cada día a lo largo de este año de reflexión, se alimenta con una frase significativa para la autora y una meta a lograr por el lector en los momentos difíciles.Aquí están sus palabras, las citas que la inspiran, sus reflexiones y metas personales. Un libro para disfrutar cualquier año, en cualquier momento de la vida para sentirse fuerte.

The Sea Commands: Community and Perception of the Environment in a Portuguese Fishing Village (EASA Series #40)

by Paulo Mendes

Azenha do Mar is a fishing community on the southwest coast of Portugal. It came into existence around forty years ago, as an outcome of the abandonment of work in the fields and of propitious ecological conditions. This book looks at the migration processes since the founding of the community and how they relate to the social inequalities for property and labour which prevail today. The book also reflects upon the personal experience of the ethnographer in the field balancing the importance of methodology on the one hand and fieldwork as a research process on the other.

The Sea-Craft of Prehistory

by Paul Johnstone

The nautical dimension of prehistory has not so far received the attention it deserves. It is also too often assumed that early man was land bound, yet this is demonstrably not the case. Recent research has shown that man travelled and tracked over greater distances and at a much earlier date than has previously been thought possible. Some of these facts can be explained only by man's mastery of water transport from earliest times. This book, by an acknowledged expert on prehistoric sea-craft, examines these problems looking at the new archaeological information in the light of the author's nautical knowledge. The result is a detailed account of man's use of inland and ocean-going craft from earliest times until the dawn of recorded history. All forms of evidence are critically assessed, from the vessels of Ancient Egypt to the Chinese junk, to present of comprehensive picture of the vessels men have built through the ages, and of the variety of ways in which they have been used.

The Sea Hunters I: True Adventures with Famous Shipwrecks

by Clive Cussler

A nonfiction work by the creator of Dirk Pitt, this book tells thirteen tales of searches for shipwrecks. The circumstances surrounding each are described in detail along with the searches. This book reads like a novel. Among the shipwrecks are the C.S.S. Hunley, a confederate submarine-- the first to sink a ship in battle, The Leopoldville, a troop transport torpedoed by a German U-boat on Christmas eve, 1944 and the discovery of U-20, the German sub that sank the Lusitania in 1915.

A Sea in Flames: The Deepwater Horizon Oil Blowout

by Carl Safina

Carl Safina has been hailed as one of the top 100 conservations of the 20th century (Audubon Magazine) andA Sea in Flamesis his blistering account of the months-long manmade disaster that tormented a region and mesmerized the nation. Traveling across the Gulf to make sense of an ever-changing story and its often-nonsensical twists, Safina expertly deconstructs the series of calamitous misjudgments that caused theDeepwater Horizonblowout, zeroes in on BP’s misstatements, evasions, and denials, reassesses his own reaction to the government’s crisis handling, and reviews the consequences of the leak-and what he considers the real problems, which the press largely overlooked. Safina takes us deep inside the faulty thinking that caused the lethal explosion. We join him on aerial surveys across an oil-coated sea. We confront pelicans and other wildlife whose blue universe fades to black. Safina skewers the excuses and the silly jargon-like “junk shot” and “top kill”-that made the tragedy feel like a comedy of horrors-and highlighted Big Oil’s appalling lack of preparedness for an event that was inevitable. Based on extensive research and interviews with fishermen, coastal residents, biologists, and government officials,A Sea In Flameshas some surprising answers on whether it was “Obama’s Katrina,” whether the Coast Guard was as inept in its response as BP was misleading, and whether this worst unintended release of oil in history was really America’s worst ecological disaster. Impassioned, moving, and even sharply funny,A Sea in Flamesis ultimately an indictment of America’s main addiction. Safina writes: “In the end, this is a chronicle of a summer of pain-and hope. Hope that the full potential of this catastrophe would not materialize, hope that the harm done would heal faster than feared, and hope that even if we didn’t suffer the absolutely worst-we’d still learn the big lesson here. We may have gotten two out of three. That’s not good enough. Because: there’ll be a next time. ” From the Hardcover edition.

The Sea in the Greek Imagination

by Marie-Claire Beaulieu

The sea is omnipresent in Greek life. Visible from nearly everywhere, the sea represents the life and livelihood of many who dwell on the islands and coastal areas of the Mediterranean, and it has been so since long ago—the sea loomed large in the Homeric epics and throughout Greek mythology. The Greeks of antiquity turned to the sea for food and for transport; for war, commerce, and scientific advancement; and for religious purification and other rites. Yet, the sea was simultaneously the center of Greek life and its limit. For, while the sea was a giver of much, it also embodied danger and uncertainty. It was in turns barren and fertile, and pictured as both a roadway and a terrifying void. The image of the sea in Greek myth is as conflicting as it is common, with sea crossings taking on seemingly incompatible meanings in different circumstances.In The Sea in the Greek Imagination, Marie-Claire Beaulieu unifies the multifarious representations of the sea and sea crossings in Greek myth and imagery by positing the sea as a cosmological boundary between the mortal world, the underworld, and the realms of the immortal. Through six in-depth case studies, she shows how, more than a simple physical boundary, the sea represented the buffer zone between the imaginary and the real, the transitional space between the worlds of the living, the dead, and the gods. From dolphin riders to Dionysus, maidens to mermen, Beaulieu investigates the role of the sea in Greek myth in a broad-ranging and innovative study.

Sea Log: Indian Ocean to New York (Changing Mobilities)

by May Joseph

The ocean has always been the harbinger of strangers to new shores. Migrations by sea have transformed modern conceptions of mobility and belonging, disrupting notions of how to write about movement, memory and displaced histories. Sea Log is a memory theater of repressive hauntings based on urban artifacts across a maritime archive of Dutch and Portuguese colonial pillage. Colonial incursions from the sea, and the postcolonial aftershocks of these violent sea histories, lie largely forgotten for most formerly colonized coastal communities around the world. Offering a feminist log of sea journeys from the Malabar Coast of South India, through the Atlantic to the North Sea, May Joseph writes a navigational history of postcolonial coastal displacements. Excavating Dutch, Portuguese, Arab, Asian and African influences along the Malabar Coast, Joseph unearths the undertow of colonialism’s ruins. In Sea Log, the Bosphorus, the Tagus and the Amstel find coherence alongside the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. Written in a clear and direct style, this volume will appeal to historians of transnational communities, as well as students and scholars of cultural studies, anthropology of space, area studies, maritime history and postcolonial studies.

Sea Monsters: A Voyage around the World's Most Beguiling Map

by Joseph Nigg

The mythic creature expert and author of Phoenix takes readers through a bestiary of sea monsters featured on the famous 16th century map Carta Marina. In the sixteenth century, sea serpents, giant man-eating lobsters, and other monsters were thought to swim the waters of Norther Europe, threatening seafarers who ventured too far from shore. Thankfully, Scandinavian mariners had Olaus Magnus, who in 1539 charted these fantastic marine animals in his influential map of the Nordic countries, the Carta Marina. In Sea Monsters, mythologist Joseph Nigg brings readers face-to-face with these creatures and other magnificent components of Magnus&’s map. Nearly two meters wide in total, the map&’s nine wood-block panels comprise the largest and first realistic portrayal of the region. But in addition to its important geographic significance, Magnus&’s map goes beyond cartography to scenes both domestic and mystic. Close to shore, Magnus shows humans interacting with common sea life—boats struggling to stay afloat, merchants trading, children swimming, and fisherman pulling lines. But from the offshore deeps rise some of the most terrifying sea creatures imaginable—like sea swine, whales as large as islands, and the Kraken. In this book, Nigg draws on Magnus&’s own text to further describe and illuminate these inventive scenes and to flesh out the stories of the monsters.Sea Monsters is a stunning tour of a world that still holds many secrets for us land dwellers, who will forever be fascinated by reports of giant squid and the real-life creatures of the deep that have proven to be as bizarre and otherworldly as we have imagined for centuries. It is a gorgeous guide for enthusiasts of maps, monsters, and the mythic. &“[A] beautiful new exploration of the Carta Marina.&”—Wired

Sea of Faith: The Shared Story of Christianity and Islam in the Medieval Mediterranean World

by Stephen O'Shea

Author explains the meeting of minds and the collisions of armies that marked the interaction of Cross and Crescent in the Middle Ages. He also recounts seven battles between the forces of Christianity and Islam that shaped the Mediterranean world.

Sea of Faith

by Stephen O'Shea

From the best-selling author of The Perfect Heresy, and in the spirit of Barbara Tuchman's A Distant Mirror, a rich narrative account of the millennium of religious wars that destroyed the Byzantine Empire while shaping the Muslim/Christian conflict that haunts us still.The Medieval Mediterranean was a sea of two faiths: Christianity and Islam. Though bitter rivals, they shared a common history. Here are the epochal moments during that 1000-year struggle: the fall of the Christian Middle East at Yarmuk, Martel's "wall of ice" at Poitiers, Byzantium's rout at Manzikert, all the way through to Saladin at Jerusalem, Lazar at Kosovo and the suicidal defence of Malta against the Ottomans. Stephen O'Shea tells a riveting story, which stretches from Syria and Israel to France and Morocco. Today, the two faiths again collide.Sea of Faith is a magnificent work of popular history and a timely reminder of our shared past.

Sea of Silk

by E. Jane Burns

The story of silk is an old and familiar one, a tale involving mercantile travel and commercial exchange along the broad land mass that connects ancient China to the west and extending eventually to sites on the eastern Mediterranean and along sea routes to India. But if we shift our focus from economic histories that chart the exchange of silk along Asian and Mediterranean trade routes to medieval literary depictions of silk, a strikingly different picture comes into view. In Old French literary texts from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, emphasis falls on production rather than trade and on female protagonists who make, decorate, and handle silk.Sea of Silk maps a textile geography of silk work done by these fictional women. Situated in northern France and across the medieval Mediterranean, from Saint-Denis to Constantinople, from North Africa to Muslim Spain, and even from the fantasy realm of Arthurian romance to the historical silkworks of the Norman kings in Palermo, these medieval heroines provide important glimpses of distant economic and cultural geographies. E. Jane Burns argues, in brief, that literary portraits of medieval heroines who produce and decorate silk cloth or otherwise manipulate items of silk outline a metaphorical geography that includes France as an important cultural player in the silk economics of the Mediterranean.Within this literary sea of silk, female protagonists who "work" silk in a variety of ways often deploy it successfully as a social and cultural currency that enables them to traverse religious and political barriers while also crossing lines of gender and class.

A Sea of Stories: The Shaping Power of Narrative in Gay and Lesbian Cultures: A Festschrift for John P. DeCecco

by John Dececco, Phd Sonya L Jones

Take a look at how narrative has shaped gay and lesbian cultureA Sea of Stories: The Shaping Power of Narrative in Gay and Lesbian Cultures: A Festschrift for John P. De Cecco is an unforgettable collection of personal narratives that explores the historical, psychological, and sociological contexts of homosexuality in locations ranging from Nazi Germany to Colorado. Some of the prominent authors in this collection include David Bergman, Louis Crew, Diana Hume George, and Ruth Vanita. Scholars in gay and lesbian studies, political movements, cultural studies, and narratology, and anyone interested in gay history will want to explore these intriguing narratives on topics such as sex and sin in the South, selling gay literature before Stonewall, growing up gay in India, and the story of an interracial male couple facing homophobic ignorance in a small town.A Sea of Stories also contains creative fiction and nonfiction love stories, war stories, oral stories, and bibliographies, and a beautiful post-Stonewell and post-modern narrative set on a South African seascape that tells the story of two professional men and the possibility of a kiss. For a complete list of contents, please visit our Web site at book offers you a variety of narratives that cover a wide range, including: memoirs of gay Holocaust survivors and the emergence of the first lesbian and gay book club in its wake homophobia in the workplace and the use of coming-out stories to enhance workplace diversity the establishment of a gay/straight alliance in a Salt Lake City high school that is heavily dominated by Mormons gay literary heritage that examines the works of Langston Hughes as well as Martin Duberman, Paul Monette, and Edmund White in relation to the lesbian 70s creative nonfiction about a woman's love for another woman, her lifelong friend Provincetown's remarkable community response to the AIDS epidemicA collection of chapters written by the colleagues and former students of John P. De Cecco, pioneering editor of the Journal of Homosexuality, A Sea of Stories takes its title from a phrase Dr. De Cecco used in his keynote address to the “History and Memory” conference at Allegheny College in 1997. This conference sparked the idea for this collection of essays that examine the homosexual experience through historical, psychological, and sociological viewpoints and homosexuality in literature. These courageous stories will assist readers to know themselves more deeply, to identify wih others, and to interpret gay and lesbian experiences in different narrative forms.

Sea of Storms

by Stuart B. Schwartz

The diverse cultures of the Caribbean have been shaped as much by hurricanes as they have by diplomacy, commerce, or the legacy of colonial rule. In this panoramic work of social history, Stuart Schwartz examines how Caribbean societies have responded to the dangers of hurricanes, and how these destructive storms have influenced the region's history, from the rise of plantations, to slavery and its abolition, to migrations, racial conflict, and war.Taking readers from the voyages of Columbus to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, Schwartz looks at the ethical, political, and economic challenges that hurricanes posed to the Caribbean's indigenous populations and the different European peoples who ventured to the New World to exploit its riches. He describes how the United States provided the model for responding to environmental threats when it emerged as a major power and began to exert its influence over the Caribbean in the nineteenth century, and how the region's governments came to assume greater responsibilities for prevention and relief, efforts that by the end of the twentieth century were being questioned by free-market neoliberals. Schwartz sheds light on catastrophes like Katrina by framing them within a long and contentious history of human interaction with the natural world.Spanning more than five centuries and drawing on extensive archival research in Europe and the Americas, Sea of Storms emphasizes the continuing role of race, social inequality, and economic ideology in the shaping of our responses to natural disaster.Some images inside the book are unavailable due to digital copyright restrictions.

A Sea of Transience: Poetics, Politics and Aesthetics along the Black Sea Coast

by Tamta Khalvashi Martin Demant Frederiksen

Transience is found in every meeting and form of coexistence between people and things that live and exist by, or move across or along, the Black Sea. It may come in various forms and guises, from de facto states, tourism, migration, trafficking or military troops, and it needs to be written and captured in sensuous, affective and imaginative ways. With particular attention to poetics, politics and aesthetics, this volume focuses on the scales of transient moments and histories, and enables readers to see and sense the many forms of transience that occur in a given landscape, sea or space.

Sea People: The Puzzle of Polynesia

by Christina Thompson

A blend of Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs, and Steel and Simon Winchester’s Pacific, a thrilling intellectual detective story that looks deep into the past to uncover who first settled the islands of the remote Pacific, where they came from, how they got there, and how we know. For more than a millennium, Polynesians have occupied the remotest islands in the Pacific Ocean, a vast triangle stretching from Hawaii to New Zealand to Easter Island. Until the arrival of European explorers they were the only people to have ever lived there. Both the most closely related and the most widely dispersed people in the world before the era of mass migration, Polynesians can trace their roots to a group of epic voyagers who ventured out into the unknown in one of the greatest adventures in human history. How did the earliest Polynesians find and colonize these far-flung islands? How did a people without writing or metal tools conquer the largest ocean in the world? This conundrum, which came to be known as the Problem of Polynesian Origins, emerged in the eighteenth century as one of the great geographical mysteries of mankind.For Christina Thompson, this mystery is personal: her Maori husband and their sons descend directly from these ancient navigators. In Sea People, Thompson explores the fascinating story of these ancestors, as well as those of the many sailors, linguists, archaeologists, folklorists, biologists, and geographers who have puzzled over this history for three hundred years. A masterful mix of history, geography, anthropology, and the science of navigation, Sea People combines the thrill of exploration with the drama of discovery in a vivid tour of one of the most captivating regions in the world.Sea People includes an 8-page photo insert, illustrations throughout, and 2 endpaper maps.

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