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Senizid und Altentötung: Ein überfälliger Diskurs (essentials)
by Raimund PoussetRaimund Pousset gibt in diesem essential eine knappe Darstellung des Senizids, die moderne Form der kulturellen Altentötung. Er beleuchtet sowohl die Geschichte als auch die aktuelle Situation einer uralten Methode. Diese seit Jahrtausenden fast überall auf der Welt praktizierte Sitte, alte ‚nutzlose‘ Menschen aktiv zu beseitigen oder sich passiv selbst zu Tode zu befördern, wird heute zunehmend wiederbelebt. Der Senizid ist in unserer modernen, aufgeklärten Gesellschaft ein namenloser und stiller Skandal. Der Autor möchte diesen stillen Tod in den Fokus einer achtsamen Fachöffentlichkeit stellen, denn die Segregation des Alters und die Kostenlawine im Gesundheitswesen lassen vermuten, dass der Senizid weiter an trauriger Bedeutung gewinnen wird.
Señoras que se empotraron en el siglo XIX
by Cristina Domenech¿Dónde están las lesbianas en el siglo XIX? Este flash ensayo forma parte del celebrado libro Señoras que se empotraron hace mucho, en el que se presenta a mujeres que, de un modo u otro, desafiaron las convenciones sociales a través de expresar abiertamente su sexualidad. En este caso, hallamos una selección de algunas de las señoras que amaron a otras mujeres en el siglo XIX, entre las cuales podríamos destacar a Anne Lister y sus diarios codificados, a la actriz Charlotte Cushman o a la anarquista Marie Equi, que luchó por los derechos de obreros, mujeres y el colectivo LGTBQ. Así pues, a través de esta brillante recopilación de señoras que se empotraron, queda claro que, tal como la misma autora afirma, «la historia es mucho menos heterosexual de lo que nos pensamos».
Señoras que se empotraron hace mucho
by Cristina Domenech¿Dónde están las lesbianas en la historia? Mujeres que se rebelaron contra el matrimonio y rompieron las reglas de etiqueta. Rebeldes, genias, decadentes, artistas... Señoras que, pese a todas las dificultades de su tiempo, se atrevieron a expresar su sexualidad y desafiar a su época. Este libro, que contempla desde el siglo XVII hasta el siglo XX, explora la historia pública y privada de estas fascinantes mujeres que amaban a otras -Anne Seymour Damer, Anne Lister o Josephine Baker, entre tantas otras-, para visibilizar y sacar a la luz una realidad que nunca debería haber sido secreta.
Los señores de la guerra
by Gustavo Duncan#Y es que quien quiera que reduzca el fenómeno de las autodefensasa un simple proyecto contrainsurgente, o a purosnarcotra?cantes, o a facciones criminales que se despojarondel control del establecimiento, está pasando por alto susprofundas implicaciones en la con?guración del Estado y lasociedad en Colombia durante los inicios del siglo XXI. Desdeque Carlos Castaño y los demás miembros de las AutodefensasCampesinas de Córdoba y Urabá (ACCU), a mediadosde los noventa, introdujeron una nueva doctrina parala construcción de ejércitos privados al servicio de los #hombresfuertes# de las comunidades y difundieron su creación,un nuevo orden social se impuso en muchas de las regionesrurales y semiurbanas del país". Gustavo Duncan
Los señores de la guerra
by Gustavo DuncanUn completo análisis sobre los grupos paramilitares "Y es que quien quiera que reduzca el fenómeno de las autodefensas a un simple proyecto contrainsurgente, o a puros narcotraficantes, o a facciones criminales que se despojaron del control del establecimiento, está pasando por alto sus profundas implicaciones en la configuración del Estado y la sociedad en Colombia durante los inicios del siglo XXI. Desde que Carlos Castaño y los demás miembros de las Autodefensas Campesinas de Córdoba y Urabá (ACCU), a mediados de los noventa, introdujeron una nueva doctrina para la construcción de ejércitos privados al servicio de los "hombres fuertes" de las comunidades y difundieron su creación, un nuevo orden social se impuso en muchas de las regiones rurales y semiurbanas del país". Gustavo Duncan
The Sensation of Security: Private Guards and Social Order in Brazil (Police/Worlds: Studies in Security, Crime, and Governance)
by Erika Robb LarkinsThe Sensation of Security explores how private security guards are a permanent, conspicuous fixture of everyday life in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro. Drawing on long-term ethnographic research with security laborers, managers, company owners, and elite global consultants, Erika Robb Larkins examines the provision of security in Rio from the perspective of security personnel, providing an analysis of the racialized logics that underpin the ongoing work of securing the city. Larkins shows how guards communicate a sensação de segurança (a sensation of security) to clients and customers who have the capital to pay for it. Cultivated through performances by security laborers, the sensation of security is a set of culturally shaped racialized and gendered impressions related to safety, order, well-being, and cleanliness. While the sensação de segurança indexes an outward-facing task of allaying fears of crime and maintaining order in elite spaces, it also refers to the emotional labor and embodied worlds that security workers navigate.
Sensational Flesh: Race, Power, and Masochism (Sexual Cultures #43)
by null Amber Jamilla MusserIn everyday language, masochism is usually understood as the desire to abdicate control in exchange for sensation—pleasure, pain, or a combination thereof. Yet at its core, masochism is a site where power, bodies, and society come together. Sensational Flesh uses masochism as a lens to examine how power structures race, gender, and embodiment in different contexts. Drawing on rich and varied sources—from 19th century sexology, psychoanalysis, and critical theory to literary texts and performance art—Amber Jamilla Musser employs masochism as a powerful diagnostic tool for probing relationships between power and subjectivity. Engaging with a range of debates about lesbian S&M, racialization, femininity, and disability, as well as key texts such as Sacher-Masoch’s Venus in Furs, Pauline Réage’s The Story of O, and Michel Foucault's History of Sexuality, Musser renders legible the complex ways that masochism has been taken up by queer, feminist, and critical race theories. Furthering queer theory’s investment in affect and materiality, she proposes “sensation” as an analytical tool for illustrating what it feels like to be embedded in structures of domination such as patriarchy, colonialism, and racism and what it means to embody femininity, blackness, and pain. Sensational Flesh is ultimately about the ways in which difference is made material through race, gender, and sexuality and how that materiality is experienced.
Sensational Movies
by Birgit MeyerTracing the rise and development of the Ghanaian video film industry between 1985 and 2010, Sensational Movies examines video movies as seismographic devices recording a culture and society in turmoil. This book captures the dynamic process of popular filmmaking in Ghana as a new medium for the imagination and tracks the interlacing of the medium's technological, economic, social, cultural, and religious aspects. Stepping into the void left by the defunct state film industry, video movies negotiate the imaginaries deployed by state cinema on the one hand and Christianity on the other. Birgit Meyer analyzes Ghanaian video as a powerful, sensational form. Colliding with the state film industry's representations of culture, these movies are indebted to religious notions of divination and revelation. Exploring the format of "film as revelation," Meyer unpacks the affinity between cinematic and popular Christian modes of looking and showcases the transgressive potential haunting figurations of the occult. In this brilliant study, Meyer offers a deep, conceptually innovative analysis of the role of visual culture within the politics and aesthetics of religious world making.
Sensationalism: Murder, Mayhem, Mudslinging, Scandals, and Disasters in 19th-Century Reporting (Journalism Ser.)
by David B. SachsmanDavid B. Sachsman and David W. Bulla have gathered a colourful collection of essays exploring sensationalism in nineteenth-century newspaper reporting. The contributors analyse the role of sensationalism and tell the story of both the rise of the penny press in the 1830s and the careers of specific editors and reporters dedicated to this particular journalistic style.Divided into four sections, the first, titled "The Many Faces of Sensationalism," provides an eloquent Defense of yellow journalism, analyses the place of sensational pictures, and provides a detailed examination of the changes in reporting over a twenty-year span. The second part, "Mudslinging, Muckraking, Scandals, and Yellow Journalism," focuses on sensationalism and the American presidency as well as why journalistic muckraking came to fruition in the Progressive Era.The third section, "Murder, Mayhem, Stunts, Hoaxes, and Disasters," features a ground-breaking discussion of the place of religion and death in nineteenth-century newspapers. The final section explains the connection between sensationalism and hatred. This is a must-read book for any historian, journalist, or person interested in American culture.
Sense and Essence: Heritage and the Cultural Production of the Real (Material Mediations: People and Things in a World of Movement #9)
by Birgit Meyer Mattijs van de PortContrary to popular perceptions, cultural heritage is not given, but constantly in the making: a construction subject to dynamic processes of (re)inventing culture within particular social formations and bound to particular forms of mediation. Yet the appeal of cultural heritage often rests on its denial of being a fabrication, its promise to provide an essential ground to social-cultural identities. Taking this paradoxical feature as a point of departure, and anchoring the discussion to two heuristic concepts—the "politics of authentication" and "aesthetics of persuasion"—the chapters herein explore how this tension is central to the dynamics of heritage formation worldwide.
Sense and Sensibility
by Jane AustenMarianne Dashwood wears her heart on her sleeve, and when she falls in love with the dashing but unsuitable John Willoughby she ignores her sister Elinor's warning that her impulsive behaviour leaves her open to gossip and innuendo. Meanwhile Elinor, always sensitive to social convention, is struggling to conceal her own romantic disappointment, even from those closest to her. Through their parallel experience of love - and its threatened loss - the sisters learn that sense must mix with sensibility if they are to find personal happiness in a society where status and money govern the rules of love.
The Sense of an Interior: Four Rooms and the Writers that Shaped Them
by Diana FussThe Sense of an Interior is a fascinating exploration of domestic space and of the ways it determines how writers work. The book looks at four famous figures - Emily Dickinson, Sigmund Freud, Helen Keller, and Marcel Proust, and examines the relationship between their work and the spaces where they wrote.
The Sense of Beauty: Being The Outlines Of Aesthetic Theory (classic Reprint)
by George SantayanaFrom antiquity to the present, many have written on the subject of beauty, but precious few have done so with the capacity themselves to write beautifully. The Sense of Beauty is that rare exception. This remarkable early work of the great American philosopher, George Santayana, features a quality of prose that is as wondrous as what he had to say. Indeed, his summation remains a flawless classical statement. "Beauty seems to be the clearest manifestation of perfection, and the best evidence of its possibility. If perfection is, as it should be, the ultimate justification of being, we may understand the ground of the moral dignity of beauty. Be'auty is a pledge of the possible conformity between the soul and nature, and consequently a ground of faith in the supremacy of the good." The editor of this new edition, John McGormick, reminds us that The Sense of Beauty is the first work in aesthetics written in the United States. Santayana was versed in the history of his subject, from Plato and Aristotle to Schopenhauer and Taine in the nineteenth century. Santayana took as his task a complete rethinking of the idea that beauty is embedded in objects. Rather beauty is an emotion, a value, and a sense of the good. In this, aesthetics was unlike ethics: not a correction of evil or pursuit of the virtuous. Rather it is a pleasure that resides in the sense of self. The work is divided into chapters on the materials of beauty, form and expression. A good many of Santayana's later works are presaged by this early effort. And this volume also anticipates the development of art as a movement as well as a value apart from other aspects of life. The work is written without posturing, without hectoring. Santayana is nonetheless able to give expression to strong views. His preferences are made perfectly plain. Perhaps the key is a powerful belief that beauty is an adornment not a material necessity. But that does mean art is trivial. Quite the contrary, the good life is precisely the extent to which such "adornments" as painting, poetry or music come to define the lives of individuals and civilizations alike. This is, in short, a major work that can still inform and move us a century after its first composition.
The Sense of Brown (Perverse Modernities: A Series Edited by Jack Halberstam and Lisa Lowe)
by José Esteban MuñozThe Sense of Brown is José Esteban Muñoz's treatise on brownness and being as well as his most direct address to queer Latinx studies. In this book, which he was completing at the time of his death, Muñoz examines the work of playwrights Ricardo Bracho and Nilo Cruz, artists Nao Bustamante, Isaac Julien, and Tania Bruguera, and singer José Feliciano, among others, arguing for a sense of brownness that is not fixed within the racial and national contours of Latinidad. This sense of brown is not about the individualized brown subject; rather, it demonstrates that for brown peoples, being exists within what Muñoz calls the brown commons—a lifeworld, queer ecology, and form of collectivity. In analyzing minoritarian affect, ethnicity as a structure of feeling, and brown feelings as they emerge in, through, and beside art and performance, Muñoz illustrates how the sense of brown serves as the basis for other ways of knowing and being in the world.
Sense of History: The Place of the Past in American Life
by David GlassbergAs Americans enter the new century, their interest in the past has never been greater. In record numbers they visit museums and historic sites, attend commemorative ceremonies and festivals, watch historically based films, and reconstruct family genealogies. The question is, Why? What are Americans looking for when they engage with the past? And how is it different from what scholars call "history"? In this book, David Glassberg surveys the shifting boundaries between the personal, public, and professional uses of the past and explores their place in the broader cultural landscape. Each chapter investigates a specific encounter between Americans and their history: the building of a pacifist war memorial in a rural Massachusetts town; the politics behind the creation of a new historical festival in San Francisco; the letters Ken Burns received in response to his film series on the Civil War; the differing perceptions among black and white residents as to what makes an urban neighborhood historic; and the efforts to identify certain places in California as worthy of commemoration. Along the way, Glassberg reflects not only on how Americans understand and use the past, but on the role of professional historians in that enterprise. Combining the latest research on American memory with insights gained from Glassberg's more than twenty years of personal experience in a variety of public history projects, Sense of History offers stimulating reading for all who care about the future of history in America.
A Sense of Justice: Legal Knowledge and Lived Experience in Latin America
by Sandra Brunnegger Karen FaulkThroughout Latin America, the idea of "justice" serves as the ultimate goal and rationale for a wide variety of actions and causes. In the Chilean Atacama Desert, residents have undertaken a prolonged struggle for their right to groundwater. Family members of bombing victims in Buenos Aires demand that the state provide justice for the attack. In Colombia, some victims of political violence have turned to the courts for resolution, while others reject the state's ability to fairly adjudicate their grievances and have constructed a non-state tribunal. In each of these examples, the protagonists seek one main thing: justice. A Sense of Justice ethnographically explores the complex dynamics of justice production across Latin America. The chapters examine (in)justice as it is lived and imagined today and what it means for those who claim and regulate its parameters, including the Brazilian police force, the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal in Colombia, and the Argentine Supreme Court. Inextricable as "justice" is from inequality, violence, crime, and corruption, it emerges through memory, in space, and where ideals meet practical limitations. Ultimately, the authors show how understanding the dynamic processes of constructing justice is essential to creating cooperative rather than oppressive forms of law.
The Sense of Mission in Russian Foreign Policy: Destined for Greatness! (Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series)
by Alicja CuranovićThis book explores how far messianism, the conviction that Russia has a special historical destiny, is present in, and affects, Russian foreign policy. Based on extensive original research, including analysis of public statements, policy documents and opinion polls, the book argues that a sense of mission is present in Russian foreign policy, that it is very similar in its nature to thinking about Russia’s mission in Tsarist times, that the sense of mission matters more for Russia’s elites than for Russia’s masses, and that Russia’s special mission is emphasised more when there are questions about the regime’s legitimacy as well as great power status. Overall, the book demonstrates that a sense of mission is an important factor in Russian foreign policy.
Sense of Origins: A Study of New York's Young Italian Americans (SUNY series in Italian/American Culture)
by Rosemary SerraIn Sense of Origins, Rosemary Serra explores the lives of a significant group of self-identified young Italian Americans residing in New York City and its surrounding areas. The book presents and examines the results of a survey she conducted of their values, family relationships, prejudices and stereotypes, affiliations, attitudes and behaviors, and future perspectives of Italian American culture. The core of the study focuses on self-identification with Italian cultural heritage and analyzes it according to five aspects—physical, personality, cultural, psychological, and emotional/affective.The data provides insights into today's young Italian Americans and the ways their perception of reality in everyday interactions is affected by their heritage, while shedding light on the value and symbolic references that come with an Italian heritage. Through her rendering of relevant facets that emerge from the study, Serra constructs interpretative models useful for outlining the physiognomy and characterization of second, third, fourth, and fifth generations of Italian Americans. In the current climate, questions of ethnicity and migrant identity around the world make Sense of Origins useful not only to the Italian American community but also to the descendants of the innumerable present-day migrants who find themselves living in countries different from those of their ancestors. The book will resonate in future explorations of ethnic identity in the United States.
A Sense of the Future: Essays in Natural Philosophy
by Jacob BronowskiScientist, humanist, optimist, the late Jacob Bronowski in these essays explores the singularity of humankind, the essence of science, and the idea of a life force antecedent to nature.
A Sense of Viidu: The (Re)creation of Home by the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora in Australia
by Niro Kandasamy Nirukshi Perera Charishma RatnamThis book is the first compilation of the experiences of the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora in Australia. It explores the theme of home—from what is left behind to what is brought or (re)created in a new space—and all the complex processes that ensue as a result of leaving a land defined by conflict. The context of the book is unique since it focuses on the ten-year period since the Sri Lankan civil war ended in 2009. Although the war has officially come to an end, conflict continues in diverse and insidious forms, which we present from the point of view of those who have left Sri Lanka. The multidisciplinary nature of the book means that various aspects of Sri Lankan Tamil experiences are documented including trauma, violence, resettlement, political action, cultural and religious heritage, and intergenerational transmission. This book draws on qualitative methods from the fields of history, geography, sociology, sociolinguistics, psychology and psychiatry. Methodological enquiries range from oral histories and in-depth interviews to ethnography and self-reflexive accounts. To complement these academic chapters, creative contributions by prominent Sri Lankan artists in Australia seek to provide personalised and alternative interpretations on the theme of home. These include works from playwrights, novelists and community arts practitioners who also identify as human rights activists.
Sense of Wonder: My Life in Comic Fandom--The Whole Story
by Bill SchellyA fascinating story of growing up as a gay fan of comic books in the 1960s, building a fifty-year career as an award-winning writer, and interacting with acclaimed comic book legendsAward-winning writer Bill Schelly relates how comics and fandom saved his life in this engrossing story that begins in the burgeoning comic fandom movement of the 1960s and follows the twists and turns of a career that spanned fifty years. Schelly recounts his struggle to come out at a time when homosexuality was considered a mental illness, how the egalitarian nature of fandom offered a safe haven for those who were different, and how his need for creative expression eventually overcame all obstacles. He describes living through the AIDS epidemic, finding the love of his life, and his unorthodox route to becoming a father. He also details his personal encounters with major talents of 1960s comics, such as Steve Ditko (co-creator of Spider-Man), Jim Shooter (writer for DC and later editor-in-chief of Marvel Comics), and Julius Schwartz (legendary architect of the Silver Age of comics).
Sensemaking and Neuroaesthetics: Neuroarts and the Spectrum of Neurodiverse Experiences
by James Hutson Piper Hutson Morgan Harper-NicholsThis book investigates the complex interrelationships between neuroscience, arts, technical design, and the spectrum of neurodivergent conditions, introducing the emerging topic of neuroarts. It emphasizes the power of art and technologies as a multisensory tool for helping neurodivergent individuals discover their sensory preferences, and for neurotypical individuals to broaden their understanding of the world by simulating different sensory experiences. Drawing on the enactivism theory, which posits that cognitive processes are inherently shaped through the dynamic interplay between an organism and its environmental context, the authors discuss the applications of emerging technologies and propose a new theory to discuss and identify ‘neurotribes’ based on their relation to sense making or the body.A timely and well-needed resource for scholars in the fields of neuroaesthetics and neurodiversity, as well as art therapists, clinical psychologists, and medical practitioners specializing in neurodiversity and sensory perception disorders, this book can also serve cultural institutions developing inclusive experiences for a neurodiverse public, and professionals in the tech industry focusing on AI, augmented reality, and sensory technology.
Senses and Citizenships: Embodying Political Life (Routledge Studies in Anthropology #10)
by Julie Park Susanna Trnka Christine DureauWhat does disgust have to do with citizenship? How might pain and pleasure, movement, taste, sound and smell be configured as aspects of national belonging? Senses and Citizenships: Embodying Political Life examines the intersections between sensory phenomena and national and supra-national forms of belonging, introducing the new concept of sensory citizenship. Expanding upon contemporary understandings of the rights and duties of citizens, the volume presents anthropological investigations of the sensory aspects of participation in collectivities such as face-to-face communities, ethnic groups, nations and transnational entities. Rethinking relationships between ideology, aesthetics, affect and bodily experience, the authors reveal the multiple political effects of the senses. The book demonstrates how various elements of political life, including some of the most fundamental aspects of citizenship, rest not only upon our senses, but on their perceived naturalization. Vivid ethnographic examples of sensory citizenship in Europe, the United States, the Pacific, Asia and the Middle East explore themes such as sight in political constructions; smell and ethnic conflict; pain in the constitution of communities; national soundscapes; taste in national identities; movement, memory and emplacement.
The Senses of Humor: Self and Laughter in Modern America
by Daniel WickbergWhy do modern Americans believe in something called a sense of humor, and how did they come to that belief? Daniel Wickberg traces the relatively short cultural history of the concept to its British origins as a way to explore new conceptions of the self and social order in modern America. More than simply the history of an idea, Wickberg's study provides new insights into a peculiarly modern cultural sensibility. The expression "sense of humor" was first coined in the 1840s, and the idea that such a sense was a personality trait to be valued developed only in the 1870s. What is the relationship between medieval humoral medicine and this distinctively modern idea of the sense of humor? What has it meant in the past 125 years to declare that someone lacks a sense of humor? Why do modern Americans say it is a good thing not to take oneself seriously? How is the joke, as a twentieth-century quasi-literary form, different from the traditional folktale? Wickberg addresses these questions among others and in the process uses the history of ideas to throw new light on the way contemporary Americans think and speak about humor and laughter. The context of Wickberg's analysis is Anglo-American; the specifically British meanings of humor and laughter from the sixteenth century forward provide the framework for understanding American cultural values in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The genealogy of the sense of humor is, like the study of keywords, an avenue into a significant aspect of the cultural history of modernity. Drawing on a wide range of sources and disciplinary perspectives, Wickberg's analysis challenges many of the prevailing views of modern American culture and suggests a new model for cultural historians.
Senses of Place (School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar)
by Steven Feld Keith H. BassoThe complex relationship of people to places has come under increasing scholarly scrutiny in recent years as acute global conditions of exile, displacement, and inflamed borders-to say nothing of struggles by indigenous peoples and cultural minorities for ancestral homelands, land rights, and retention of sacred places-have brought the political question of place into sharp focus. But to date, little attention has been paid to the ethnography of place, to how people actually live in, perceive, and invest with meaning the places they call home. In this compelling new volume, eight respected ethnographers explore and lyrically evoke the ways in which people experience, express, imagine, and know the places in which they live. <p><p>Case studies range from the Apaches of Arizona's White Mountains to the residents of backwoods "hollers" in Appalachia and the Kaluli people of New Guinea's rain forests. As these writers confront the dilemmas and possibilities of an anthropological consideration of place, they make an important and moving contribution to our understanding of ourselves.