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St Petersburg
by Dr Catriona KellyFragile, gritty, and vital to an extraordinary degree, St. Petersburg is one of the world's most alluring cities--a place in which the past is at once ubiquitous and inescapably controversial. Yet outsiders are far more familiar with the city's pre-1917 and Second World War history than with its recent past. In this beautifully illustrated and highly original book, Catriona Kelly shows how creative engagement with the past has always been fundamental to St. Petersburg's residents. Weaving together oral history, personal observation, literary and artistic texts, journalism, and archival materials, she traces the at times paradoxical feelings of anxiety and pride that were inspired by living in the city, both when it was socialist Leningrad, and now. Ranging from rubbish dumps to promenades, from the city's glamorous center to its grimy outskirts, this ambitious book offers a compelling and always unexpected panorama of an extraordinary and elusive place.
St Petersburg and the Russian Court, 1703–1761
by Paul KeenanThis book focuses on the city of St Petersburg, the capital of the Russian empire from the early eighteenth century until the fall of the Romanov dynasty in 1917. It uses the Russian court as a prism through which to view the various cultural changes that were introduced in the city during the eighteenth century.
St. Petersburg's Historic African American Neighborhoods: Community, Culture, and Connection (American Heritage)
by Jon Wilson Rosalie PeckPepper Town, Methodist Town, the Gas Plant district and the 22nd Street South community--these once segregated neighborhoods were built by African Americans in the face of injustice. The resilient people who lived in these neighbourhoods established strong businesses, raised churches, created vibrant entertainment spots and forged bonds among family and friends for mutual well-being. <p><p> After integration, the neighbourhoods eventually gave way to decay and urban renewal, and tales of unquenchable spirit in the face of adversity began to fade. In this companion volume to St. Petersburg's Historic 22nd Street South, Rosalie Peck and Jon Wilson share stories of people who built these thriving communities, and offer a rich narrative of hardships overcome, leaders who emerged and the perseverance of pioneers who kept the faith that a better day would arrive.
Staatliche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in Deutschland: Eine Bestandsaufnahme des BMZ 1961-2021 ((Re-)konstruktionen - Internationale und Globale Studien)
by Wolfgang Gieler Meik NowakSeit der Gründung des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) am 14. November 1961 wurde es von 13 Minister*innen geleitet. Die deutsche staatliche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (EZ) der vergangenen 60 Jahre wurde von diesen Persönlichkeiten unterschiedlicher biographischer Herkunft und parteipolitischer Zugehörigkeit aufgebaut, weiterentwickelt und mitunter entscheidend geprägt. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes bieten einen fundierten Überblick über die Biographie aller Minister*innen, stellen ihre spezifischen entwicklungspolitischen Konzeptionen dar und analysieren deren Verwirklichung und Bewährung. In einer abschließenden Würdigung wird jeweils der Versuch unternommen, den individuellen Einfluss auf die nationale und internationale Entwicklungspolitik zu bestimmen. Ergänzt werden die ministeriellen Porträts um die institutionelle Rolle des BMZ – von der Entwicklungshilfe über Entwicklungspolitik bis zur Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in zeithistorischer Perspektive. Abgerundet wird dieses Grundlagenwerk mit umfangreichen Daten und Fakten zur staatlichen deutschen EZ.
Staatsbildung und Legitimation im Himalaya: Eine Verflechtungsgeschichte des Gorkhā-Staates im überlangen 19. Jahrhundert
by Stefan LüderMit diesem Open-Access-Buch zeigt Stefan Lüder auf, dass die Geschichte der Himalaya-Region mit der übrigen Welt weitaus verflochtener ist als bisher angenommen wird.Die historische Legitimationsforschung ist bisher durch europa- und amerikazentrische Perspektiven geprägt. Auch wenn in den letzten Jahren vereinzelt auch die Zentren Asiens, insbesondere China und Indien, zunehmend in den Fokus genommen werden, bleibt die Himalaya-Region, trotz ihrer steigenden Bedeutung für Geopolitik und Klimawandel, in dieser Hinsicht bisher gänzlich unerforscht und wird in Medien, Politik und Wissenschaft weiterhin als unzugängliche Grenzregion wahrgenommen. Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.
Staatsbürgerschaft im Spannungsfeld von Inklusion und Exklusion: Internationale Perspektiven (Studien zur Migrations- und Integrationspolitik)
by Sarah J. Grünendahl Andreas Kewes Emmanuel Ndahayo Jasmin Mouissi Carolin NieswandtStaatsbürgerschaft gilt in soziologischer Theorie und politischer Praxis als Ausdruck gesellschaftlicher Zugehörigkeit und politischer Teilhabe. Der Band lädt dazu ein, sich dem Konzept der Staatsbürgerschaft als einem wandelbaren und spannungsreichen Konzept zu nähern. Einerseits zeigen die Beiträge, wie die Ergänzung und praktische Inanspruchnahme von (Staats-)Bürgerschaft auf lokaler Ebene und in zivilgesellschaftlichen Kontexten geschieht. Andererseits gerät auch die exklusive Wirkung von Staatsbürgerschaft in gesellschaftlichen Aushandlungen, rechtlicher Praxis und (Bildungs-) Politiken in den Blick.
Stabile UnGleichheiten: Eine praxeologische Sozialstrukturanalyse
by Christoph WeischerDas Buch befasst sich mit Praktiken und Strukturen, die soziale Ungleichheiten hervorbringen und reproduzieren. Es wird ein theoretisches Konzept entwickelt, das verschiedene Ansätze (Sozialstrukturanalyse, intersektionale Forschung, Lebensverlaufsforschung, Migrationsforschung, Sozialgeschichte) zusammenführt und zeigt, wie positions- und lagespezifische Ungleichheiten mit Prozessen des Othering verwoben sind. Auf dieser Basis wird zum einen die längerfristige Genese sozialer Ungleichheiten seit dem 19. Jahrhundert analysiert; zum anderen wird ein Bild der Ungleichheiten in der transformierten Industriegesellschaft der letzten Jahrzehnte gezeichnet.
Stabilität auf schwankendem Boden - Reifer Umgang mit den Unsicherheiten unserer Zeit
by Christoph Seidenfus Ute Hagehülsmann Rolf BallingDie gegenwärtigen Krisen, Bedrohungen und Unsicherheiten verursachen einen Dauerstress, der die menschliche Lebensqualität, Gesundheit und personale Problemlösungs-Kompetenz immer mehr reduziert. In diesem Buch geht es darum zu diskutieren und aufzuzeigen, welche Sichtweisen/Ansätze hilfreich sein können, um Resilienz zu entwickeln, die erwachsene Problemlösungskompetenz zu erhöhen, (z.B. im Verständnis der Transaktionsanalyse) und gleichzeitig eine hohe Lebensqualität zu gewinnen - und dies auf den Ebenen von Person, Beziehung/Gruppe und Gesellschaft.
Stabilizing Authoritarianism: The Political Echo in Pan-Arab Satellite TV News Media
by Hussein AlAhmadThe book explores the close relationship between media institutions and power elites in Arab societies. This relationship exists within an unprecedented state of competition among global powers for influence and control over necessary resources and consumer markets in the Middle East. These conflicts still ravage these societies, including Palestinian society, designated as a region characterized by "organized chaos," dominated by multiple forms of increasing political instability and complex sources of internal turmoil. Taking the specificity of the Palestinian internal conflict as a case study, the book explores the interrelationships between power elites at the three levels of international, regional, and domestic politics, via the news message of satellite TV news media outlets. This book will interest scholars of the Middle East, of media and authoritarianism, and of the sociology of the Arab world.
Stable Views: Stories and Voices from the Thoroughbred Racetrack (Folklore Studies in a Multicultural World Series)
by Ellen E. McHaleStable Views offers an inside look at the thoroughbred racing industry through the words and perspectives of those who labor within its stables. In more than fourteen years of field research, Ellen E. McHale has traveled throughout the Eastern Seaboard, Kentucky, and Louisiana to gather oral narratives from those most intimately involved with racing: the stable workers, exercise riders, and horse trainers who form the backbone of the industry. She interviewed workers at Saratoga, Belmont, Tampa Bay Downs, Keeneland, the Evangeline Training Center in Louisiana, and the Palm Meadows Training Center in Florida.Workers within all sectors of the thoroughbred world have long histories of involvement in the racing industry, with many individuals shifting occupational roles throughout their lifetimes. The thoroughbred racetrack operates as a multicultural workplace that relies upon apprenticeship and mentoring. Many workers speak to the history, the joys, the hardships, and the miracles of horse racing along with the changes that they have experienced through their long careers. Included in the book are discussions about luck, the occupational language of the racetrack, race and gender, and recent changes in the industry, all in the words and voices of the stable workers.
Stacked Decks: Building Inspectors and the Reproduction of Urban Inequality
by Robin BartramA startling look at the power and perspectives of city building inspectors as they navigate unequal housing landscapes. Though we rarely see them at work, building inspectors have the power to significantly shape our lives through their discretionary decisions. The building inspectors of Chicago are at the heart of sociologist Robin Bartram’s analysis of how individuals impact—or attempt to impact—housing inequality. In Stacked Decks, she reveals surprising patterns in the judgment calls inspectors make when deciding whom to cite for building code violations. These predominantly white, male inspectors largely recognize that they work within an unequal housing landscape that systematically disadvantages poor people and people of color through redlining, property taxes, and city spending that favor wealthy neighborhoods. Stacked Decks illustrates the uphill battle inspectors face when trying to change a housing system that works against those with the fewest resources.
Stadt. Raum. Institution
by Daniela Hunold Eva Brauer Tamara DangelmaierAn der Strukturierung der Stadt nach neoliberalen und auf Standortvorteile abzielende Marktmechanismen sind viele verschiedene Akteur:innen, Behörden, Institutionen und „beschwerdemächtige“ Interessengruppen beteiligt. Auf der Grundlage von Theorien zu sozialen bzw. relationalen Räumen, die der bloßen Vorstellung von Raum als feste Größe, als Container, in dem sozialen Prozesse lediglich verortet werden, den Rücken kehren, soll in den Beiträgen des Bandes nach den räumlichen Praxen, den Wissensbeständen und Diskursen über Räume und damit nach den Konstitutionen von Raum gefragt werden, die in der Stadt wirksam werden und städtische Inklusions- sowie Exklusionsmechanismen produzieren.
Stadtgeographie: Aktuelle Themen und Ansätze
by Yvonne Franz Anke StrüverStädte sind Gamechanger globaler wie lokaler Veränderungsprozesse geworden. Ob Klimakrise, Mobilitäts- und Energiewende, Digitalisierung oder demographischer Wandel – Städte sind nicht nur Orte, an denen diese Themen stattfinden, sie versprechen oftmals auch die notwendigen Hebelwirkungen, um Wandel, Wende und Transformation zu verorten und umzusetzen. Das im Jahr 2007 eingeläutete „urbane Zeitalter“ benennt einen zentralen globalen Wendepunkt: Weltweit leben mehr Einwohner*innen in Städten als in ländlich-peripheren Räumen.Dieser Band zeigt die Stadt als Ermöglichungsraum für gesellschaftliche Veränderung auf. Das Lehrbuch ist explizit mit interdisziplinärer Betrachtungsweise raumrelevanter Gesellschaftsprozesse konzipiert. Es erweitert die Stadtgeographie und versteht sich als Plädoyer für ein gleichermaßen komplexes wie relationales und prozessuales Denken in der stadtgeographischen Lehre und Forschung.Folgende aktuelle Themen und Ansätze der Stadtgeographie werden anhand vielschichtiger und kritischer Fragen behandelt:Welche gesellschaftlichen Alltagspraktiken prägen aktuell städtisches Zusammenleben, welche werden dominant, welche bleiben unsichtbar?Wie und wodurch findet Aneignung im urbanen Raum statt – und wer ist davon ausgeschlossen?Wie gelingt Teilhabe in der Stadt und welche Rolle spielen Infrastrukturen wie Wohnraum, Frei- und Grünräume, Verkehr und Digitalisierung?Dieses Lehrbuch unterstützt Studierende der Geographie und der sozialwissenschaftlichen Nachbardisziplinen auf Einsteiger*innen- als auch Fortgeschrittenenniveau in der Auseinandersetzung mit stadtrelevanten Themen.
Städtische Mega-Projekte in China: Der Fall Hongqiao
by Yanpeng JiangDieses Buch ist die erste systematische Darstellung von städtischen Megaprojekten in China, die sich mit deren Bau, Betrieb und Planung befasst. Es ist eine detaillierte Untersuchung der Planung und des Baus von Hongqiao und seiner Auswirkungen auf die Anwohner. Kurz gesagt, das Ziel dieses Buches ist es, den Planungs- und Entwicklungsprozess der Verkehrs- und Handelszone Hongqiao zu untersuchen, ihre Beziehung zur Stadtentwicklung und zur räumlichen Umstrukturierung in Shanghai zu erforschen und dabei die Art des städtischen Wandels im heutigen China zu kommentieren und zu kritisieren, der als eigentums- und infrastrukturgetrieben charakterisiert wird. Städtische Megaprojekte sind wohl das Symbol des unternehmerischen Urbanismus schlechthin, und es ist kein Zufall, dass sie in der ganzen Welt, nicht zuletzt in Ostasien, zu einem vertrauten Bestandteil der städtischen Szene geworden sind. Sie können sowohl als Folge der Deindustrialisierung führender Städte, zunächst in Nordamerikaund Europa und dann in Ostasien, als Reaktion auf den Übergang der Volkswirtschaften zum globalisierten Neoliberalismus betrachtet werden. Dieses Buch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die Hauptmerkmale der in Hongqiao gebildeten landbasierten städtischen Wachstumskoalition, indem es das Hongqiao-Projekt im Detail vorstellt und das jüngste Beispiel des wettbewerbsorientierten Ansturms auf städtische Projekte in Chinas größten Städten skizziert, der zur Ausbreitung neuer Finanzdistrikte in Beijing und Guangzhou geführt hat.
Staff and Student Supervision: A Task-Centred Approach (National Institute Social Services Library)
by Dorothy E. PettesOriginally published in 1979, this successor volume to Dorothy Pettes’ earlier Supervision in Social Work volume aimed to provide supervisors and team leaders with the information they needed to function more effectively as either staff or student supervisors in both individual and group supervision. It covers the role and function of supervision in modern day social service organisations and compares and contrasts supervision in casework, group work, community organisation and residential work. A final section reports developments in the preparation and teaching of prospective supervisors. Staff and Student Supervision was the most up-to-date and comprehensive book on supervision to be published at the time. It provides detailed analysis of the tasks undertaken and the problems faced by both staff and student supervisors, while at the same time moving into new and experimental areas. The task-centred approach, as presented by Miss Pettes, closely links in with new developments in social work practice and provides the supervisor with a firm base from which to maintain professional accountability and responsible involvement. It also suggests ways of involving workers in a flexible two-way partnership with the supervisor. This approach would have appealed to those preparing to become supervisors for the first time as well as to experienced supervisors ready to develop their skills further; to tutors and to training officers who would find much of value in the book; and to practitioners generally who would welcome Miss Pettes’ concise account of the supervisor’s role in relation to social work practice and administration.
The Staff of Oedipus: Transforming Disability in Ancient Greece
by Rose Martha L.Ancient Greek images of disability permeate the Western consciousness: Homer, Teiresias, and Oedipus immediately come to mind. But The Staff of Oedipus looks at disability in the ancient world through the lens of disability studies, and reveals that our interpretations of disability in the ancient world are often skewed. These false assumptions in turn lend weight to modern-day discriminatory attitudes toward disability. Martha Rose considers a range of disabilities and the narratives surrounding them. She examines not only ancient literature, but also papyrus, skeletal material, inscriptions, sculpture, and painting, and draws upon modern work, including autobiographies of people with disabilities, medical research, and theoretical work in disability studies. Her study uncovers the realities of daily life for people with disabilities in ancient Greece, and challenges the translation of the termadunatos(unable) as "disabled," with all its modern associations. Martha Rose is Associate Professor of History, Truman State University.
Staff Training and Special Educational Needs (Routledge Library Editions: Special Educational Needs #56)
by Graham UptonFirst published in 1991. This work is about training and special education needs in the international arena. The book was commissioned as a result of the 1990 International Special Education Conference in Cardiff. The contributors, from the USA, Canada, Africa and the United Kingdom, have focused on innovative approaches to staff training. The identification of a contribution as innovatory has been done on the basis of either the description of an alternative method of planning or delivery, a focus of a frequently ignored client group or in relation to the existence of specific problems which affect the provision of training.
The Stag Hunt and the Evolution of Social Structure
by Brian SkyrmsBrian Skyrms' study of ideas of cooperation and collective action explores the implications of a prototypical story found in Rousseau's A Discourse on Inequality. It is therein that Rousseau contrasts the pay-off of hunting hare (where the risk of non-cooperation is small and the reward equally small) against the pay-off of hunting the stag (where maximum cooperation is required but the reward is much greater. ) Thus, rational agents are pulled in one direction by considerations of risk and in another by considerations of mutual benefit. Written with Skyrms' characteristic clarity and verve, The Stage Hunt will be eagerly sought by readers who enjoyed his earlier work Evolution of the Social Contract. Brian Skyrms, distinguished Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science and Economics at the University of California at Irvine and director of its interdisciplinary program in history and philosophy of science, has published widely in the areas of inductive logic, decision theory, rational deliberation and causality. Seminal works include Evolution of the Social Contract (Cambridge, 1996), The Dynamics of Rational Deliberation (Harvard, 1990), Pragmatics and Empiricism (Yale, 1984), and Causal Necessity (Yale, 1980).
Stage Designers in Early Twentieth-Century America: Artists, Activists, Cultural Critics (Palgrave Studies in Theatre and Performance History)
by E. EssinBy casting designers as authors, cultural critics, activists, entrepreneurs, and global cartographers, Essin tells a story about scenic images on the page, stage, and beyond that helped American audiences see the everyday landscapes and exotic destinations from a modern perspective.
Staged Seduction: Selling Dreams in a Tokyo Host Club
by Akiko TakeyamaIn the host clubs of Tokyo's Kabuki-cho red-light district, ambitious young men seek their fortunes by selling love, romance, companionship, and sometimes sex to female consumers for exorbitant sums of money. Staged Seduction reveals a world where all intimacies and feigned feelings are fair game for the hosts who employ feathered bangs, polished nails, fine European suits, and the sensitivity of the finest salesmen to create a fantasy for wealthy women seeking an escape from the everyday. Akiko Takeyama's investigation of this beguiling underground "love business" provides an intimate window into Japanese host clubs and the lives of hosts, clients, club owners, and managers. The club is a place where fantasies are pursued and the art of seduction isn't merely about romance; a complex set of transactions emerges. Like a casino of love, the host club is a site of desperation, aspiration, and hope, in which both hosts and clients are eager to roll the dice. Takeyama reveals the aspirational mode not only of the host club, but also of a Japanese society built on the commercialization of aspiration, seducing its citizens out of the present and into a future where hopes and dreams are imaginable--and billions of dollars can be made.
Stages of Reckoning: Antiracist and Decolonial Actor Training (Routledge Series in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Theatre and Performance)
by Amy Mihyang GintherStages of Reckoning is a crucial conversation about how racialized bodies and power intersect within actor training spaces. This book provokes embodied and intellectual discomfort for the reader to take risks with their ideologies, identities, and practices and to make new pedagogical choices for students with racialized identities. Centering the voices of actor trainers of color to acknowledge their personal experience and professional pedagogy as theory, this volume illuminates actionable ideas for text work, casting, voice, consent practices, and movement while offering decolonial approaches to current Eurocentric methods. These offerings invite the reader to create spaces where students can bring more of themselves, their communities, and their stories into their training and as fodder for performance making that will lead to a more just world. This book is for people in high/secondary schools, higher education, and private training studios who wish to teach and direct actors of color in ways that more fully honor their multiple identities.
A Staggering Revolution: A Cultural History of Thirties Photography
by John RaeburnDuring the 1930s, the world of photography was unsettled, exciting, and boisterous. John Raeburn's A Staggering Revolution recreates the energy of the era by surveying photography's rich variety of innovation, exploring the aesthetic and cultural achievements of its leading figures, and mapping the paths their pictures blazed public's imagination. While other studies of thirties photography have concentrated on the documentary work of the Farm Security Administration (FSA), no previous book has considered it alongside so many of the decade's other important photographic projects. A Staggering Revolution includes individual chapters on Edward Steichen's celebrity portraiture; Berenice Abbott's Changing New York project; the Photo League's ethnography of Harlem; and Edward Weston's western landscapes, made under the auspices of the first Guggenheim Fellowship awarded to a photographer. It also examines Margaret Bourke-White's industrial and documentary pictures, the collective undertakings by California's Group f.64, and the fashion magazine specialists, as well as the activities of the FSA and the Photo League.
Staging a Comeback: Broadway, Hollywood, and the Disney Renaissance
by Peter C. KunzeIn the early 1980s, Walt Disney Productions was struggling, largely bolstered by the success of its theme parks. Within fifteen years, however, it had become one of the most powerful entertainment conglomerates in the world. Staging a Comeback: Broadway, Hollywood, and the Disney Renaissance argues that far from an executive feat, this impressive turnaround was accomplished in no small part by the storytellers recruited during this period. Drawing from archival research, interviews, and textual analysis, Peter C. Kunze examines how the hiring of theatrically trained talent into managerial and production positions reorganized the lagging animation division and revitalized its output. By Aladdin, it was clear that animation—not live action—was the center of a veritable “renaissance” at Disney, and the animated musicals driving this revival laid the groundwork for the company’s growth into Broadway theatrical production. The Disney Renaissance not only reinvigorated the Walt Disney Company but both reflects and influenced changes in Broadway and Hollywood more broadly.
Staging Age
by Valerie Barnes Lipscomb Leni MarshallThis text explores how performers offer conscious-and unconscious-portrayals of the spectrum of age to their audiences. It considers a variety of media, including theatre, film, dance, advertising, and television, and offers critical foundations for research and course design, sound pedagogical approaches, and analyses.
Staging and Stagers in Modern Jewish Palestine: The Creation of Festive Lore in a New Culture, 1882-1948 (Raphael Patai Series in Jewish Folklore and Anthropology)
by Chaya Naor Yaacov Shavit Shoshana SittonThis fascinating case study describes the work of the people responsible for creating festive lore and its system of ceremonies and festivities--an inseparable part of every culture. In the case of the new modern Hebrew culture of Eretz Israel (modern Jewish Palestine)--a society of immigrants that left behind most of their traditional folkways--the creation of festival lore was a conscious and organized process guided by a national ideology and aesthetic values. This creative effort in a secular national society served as an alternative to the traditional religious system, adapted the ceremonies and festivals to a new historical reality, and created a new festival cycle that would give expression and joy to the values and symbols of the new Jewish society.Staging and Stagers in Modern Jewish Palestine claims that the system of ceremonies and festivals, in general, and each separate ceremony and festival were staged according to the staging instructions written by a defined group of cultural activists. The book examines three main stages--the educational network, rural society (particularly the cooperative sector), and urban society (most notably Tel Aviv)--and looks at the stagers themselves, who were schoolteachers, writers, artists, and cultural activists. Though cultural systems of festivals and ceremonies are often researched and described, scholarly literature rarely identifies their creators or studies in detail the manner in which these systems are created. Staging and Stagers in Modern Jewish Palestine sheds important light on the stagers of modern Jewish Palestine and also on the processes and mechanisms that created the performative lore in other cultures, in ancient as well as modern times.