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Theoretical Anthropology or How to Observe a Human Being

by Albert Piette

It may seem obvious that the human being has always been present in anthropology. This book, however, reveals that he has never really been a part of it. <P><P> Theoretical Anthropology or How to Observe a Human Being establishes the foundations and conditions, both theoretical and methodological, which make it possible to consider the human being as a topic of observation and analysis, for himself as an entity, and not in the perspective of understanding social and cultural phenomena. <P><P> In debate with both anthropologists and philosophers, this book describes and analyzes the human being as a "volume". To this end, a specific lexicon is built around the notions of volume, volumography and volumology. These notions are further illustrated and enriched by several drawings.

Theoretical Approaches in Bioarchaeology

by Colleen M Cheverko

Theoretical Approaches in Bioarchaeology emphasizes how several different theoretical perspectives can be used to reconstruct the biocultural experiences of humans in the past. Over the past few decades, bioarchaeology has been transformed through methodological revisions, technological advances, and the inclusion of external theoretical frameworks from the social and natural sciences. These interdisciplinary perspectives became the backbone of bioarchaeology and strengthened the discipline’s ability to address questions about past biological and social dynamics. Consequently, how, why, and when to apply external theory to studies of past populations are central and timely questions tied to future developments of the discipline. This book facilitates ongoing dialogues about theoretical applications within the field and interdisciplinary connections between bioarchaeology, biological anthropology, and other disciplines. Each chapter highlights how a theoretical framework originating from a social or natural science connects to past and future bioarchaeological research. For scholars and archaeologists interested in the theoretical applications of bioarchaeology, this book will be an excellent resource.

Theoretical Approaches to the Archaeology of Ancient Greece: Manipulating Material Culture

by Lisa Nevett

In the modern world, objects and buildings speak eloquently about their creators. Status, gender identity, and cultural affiliations are just a few characteristics we can often infer about such material culture. But can we make similar deductions about the inhabitants of the first millennium BCE Greek world? Theoretical Approaches to the Archaeology of Ancient Greece offers a series of case studies exploring how a theoretical approach to the archaeology of this area provides insight into aspects of ancient society. An introductory section exploring the emergence and growth of theoretical approaches is followed by examinations of the potential insights these approaches provide. The authors probe some of the meanings attached to ancient objects, townscapes, and cemeteries, for those who created, and used, or inhabited them. The range of contexts stretches from the early Greek communities during the eighth and seventh centuries BCE, through Athens between the eighth and fifth centuries BCE, and on into present day Turkey and the Levant during the third and second centuries BCE. The authors examine a range of practices, from the creation of individual items such as ceramic vessels and figurines, through to the construction of civic buildings, monuments, and cemeteries. At the same time they interrogate a range of spheres, from craft production, through civic and religious practices, to funerary ritual.

Theoretical Archaeology

by K. R. Dark

An introduction to the central concepts of archaeological theory and its competing schools of thought, including processual, post-processual, culture-historical, and Marxist viewpoints.

Theoretical Exploratns In Africa

by Van

First published in 1985. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Theoretical Foundations of Criminology: Place, Time and Context

by Jayne Mooney

To confront the challenges criminologists face today and to satisfactorily critique the theories on which criminology is founded, we need to learn from the past. To do this we must give context to both theorist and theory. Written from a critical perspective, this book brings criminological theory to life. It presents the core theories of criminology as historical and cultural products and theorists as producers of culture located in particular places, writing in specific historical periods and situated in precise intellectual networks and philosophical controversies. This book illustrates that theory does not arise ‘out of the blue’ and highlights the importance of understanding how and why ideas emerge at certain points in time, why they gained currency and the influence that they have had. It follows the trajectory of criminology from pre-Enlightenment society through to the present day and the proliferation of criminological thinking. It explores: Setting the Stage for the Emergence of Criminology Classicist Criminology: The Search for Justice, Equality and the Rational ‘Man’ The Positivist Revolution, Physiognomy, Phrenology and the Science of ‘Othering’ Chicago School of Sociology: An Explosion of Ideas Developing a Sociological Criminology: Durkheim, Du Bois, Merton and Tannenbaum Feminism: Redressing the Gender Imbalance Confronting the Establishment: The Emergence of Critical Criminology From Theoretical Innovations to Political Engagement The Theoretical Foundations of Criminology provides an invaluable contribution to the growing conversation about criminology’s ‘origin story’ and the level that this is grounded in the idiosyncrasies of the North Atlantic world and its historical development. This book will be invaluable reading to students and academics engaged in studies of criminology and criminal justice.

The Theoretical Framework in Phenomenological Research: Development and Application

by Henrik Gert Larsen Philip Adu

The Theoretical Framework in Phenomenological Research: Development and Application is an introduction to phenomenology in which the authors overview its origin, main ideas and core concepts. They show the application and relevancy of phenomenological tenets in practical qualitative research, as well as demonstrate how aligning theory and method enhances research credibility. In this detailed but digestible explanation of phenomenological theories, the authors explore the ideas of the main founders pertaining to the meaning of perceived reality and the meaning of being, and how these founders articulated their methodologies. In doing so, The Theoretical Framework in Phenomenological Research fills the well-documented gap between theory and practice within phenomenology by providing a much-needed bridge between the foundational literature and applied research on the subject, focusing equally on theory and practice. The book includes practical demonstrations on how to create theoretical/conceptual frameworks in applied phenomenological research. It also features detailed, step-by-step illustrations and examples regarding how researchers can develop frameworks and use their concepts to inform the development of themes at the data analysis stage. A reliable guide underpinned by foundational phenomenology literature, The Theoretical Framework in Phenomenological Research is an essential text for researchers, instructors, practitioners and students looking to design and conduct phenomenological studies in a manner that ensures credible outcomes.

Theoretical Frameworks in Qualitative Research

by Dr Vincent A. Anfara Dr Norma T. Mertz

The Second Edition of Theoretical Frameworks in Qualitative Research, by Vincent A. Anfara, Jr. and Norma T. Mertz, brings together some of today’s leading qualitative researchers to discuss the frameworks behind their published qualitative studies. They share how they found and chose a theoretical framework, from what discipline the framework was drawn, what the framework posits, and how it influenced their study. Both novice and experienced qualitative researchers are able to learn first-hand from various contributors as they reflect on the process and decisions involved in completing their study. The book also provides background for beginning researchers about the nature of theoretical frameworks and their importance in qualitative research; about differences in perspective about the role of theoretical frameworks; and about how to find and use a theoretical framework.

Theoretical Frameworks in Qualitative Research

by Dr Vincent A. Anfara Dr Norma T. Mertz

The Second Edition of Theoretical Frameworks in Qualitative Research, by Vincent A. Anfara, Jr. and Norma T. Mertz, brings together some of today’s leading qualitative researchers to discuss the frameworks behind their published qualitative studies. They share how they found and chose a theoretical framework, from what discipline the framework was drawn, what the framework posits, and how it influenced their study. Both novice and experienced qualitative researchers are able to learn first-hand from various contributors as they reflect on the process and decisions involved in completing their study. The book also provides background for beginning researchers about the nature of theoretical frameworks and their importance in qualitative research; about differences in perspective about the role of theoretical frameworks; and about how to find and use a theoretical framework.

Theoretical Issues in Dakota Phonology and Morphology (Routledge Library Editions: Phonetics and Phonology #20)

by Patricia A. Shaw

First published in 1980. This study has two basic goals. The first is to provide an explicit and coherent analysis of a variety of phonological and morphological processes within the grammars of a number of different dialects of Dakota. The second is to investigate the relevance of certain aspects of the proposed analysis to particular tenets of the general theory of transformational generative phonology and of recent proposals regarding the role of morphology within a generative framework. This title will be of great interest to students of linguistics.

Theoretical Perspectives on Human Rights and Literature (Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature)

by Elizabeth Swanson Goldberg Alexandra Schultheis Moore Joseph R. Slaughter

What can literary theory reveal about discourses and practices of human rights, and how can human rights frameworks help to make sense of literature? How have human rights concerns shaped the literary marketplace, and how can literature impact human rights concerns? Essays in this volume theorize how both literature and reading literarily can shape understanding of human rights in productive ways. Contributors to Theoretical Perspectives on Human Rights and Literature provide a shared history of modern literature and rights; theorize how trauma, ethics, subjectivity, and witnessing shape representations of human rights violations and claims in literary texts across a range of genres (including poetry, the novel, graphic narrative, short story, testimonial, and religious fables); and consider a range of civil, political, social, economic, and cultural rights and their representations. The authors reflect on the imperial and colonial histories of human rights as well as the cynical mobilization of human rights discourses in the name of war, violence, and repression; at the same time, they take seriously Gayatri Spivak’s exhortation that human rights is something that we "cannot not want," exploring the central function of storytelling at the heart of all human rights claims, discourses, and policies.

Theoretical Scholarship and Applied Practice (Studies in Public and Applied Anthropology #11)

by Sarah Pink Vaike Fors Tom O’Dell

Academics across the globe are being urged by universities and research councils to do research that impacts the world beyond academia. Yet to date there has been very little reflection amongst scholars and practitioners in these fields concerning the relationship between the theoretical and engaged practices that emerge through such forms of scholarship. Theoretical Scholarship and Applied Practice investigates the ways in which theoretical research has been incorporated into recent applied practices across the social sciences and humanities. This collection advances our understanding of the ethics, values, opportunities and challenges that emerge in the making of engaged and interdisciplinary scholarship.

Theoretical Studies Towards a Sociology of Language

by Basil Bernstein

The papers in this volume show the origin and development of Bernstein's theoretical studies into the relationships between social class, patterns of language use and the primary socialization of the child.'Bernstein's hypothesis will require [teachers] to look afresh not only at their pupils' language but at how they teach and how their pupils learn.'Douglas Barnes, Times Educational Supplement'His honesty is such that it illuminates several aspects of what it is to be a genius.'Josephine Klein, British Journal of Educational Studies

Theorie der Gruppenidentitäts-Fabrikation: Ein kommunikationsökologischer Entwurf mit sozialtheoretischen Implikationen

by Robin Kurilla

Bisher gibt es keine umfassende und kohärente Annäherung an die Bestimmung der an der Konstruktion von Gruppenidentitäten beteiligten kommunikativen und präkommunikativen Prozesse. Die vorliegende Untersuchung schließt diese Lücke durch die Entwicklung einer einheitlichen theoretischen Grundlage, mit der sich empirische Konstruktionsprozesse erfassen lassen. Überdies leistet sie einen Beitrag zur Domäne der Gruppenkommunikationsforschung. Es wird ein grundlagentheoretisches Flussbett geschaffen, das eine begriffliche Fundierung der Konzeption von Inter- und Intragruppenkommunikation liefert, die nicht von ‚objektiven’ Kategorien ihren Ausgang nimmt, sondern von de facto stattfindenden Vergesellschaftungsprozessen. Zudem wird am Beispiel der Gruppenidentitätskonstruktion die Architektur einer innovativen Sozialtheorie vorgestellt, die den Ansprüchen kommunikationswissenschaftlicher und womöglich auch in anderen Disziplinen zu verortender Erkenntnisinteressen genügt.

Theorie praktischer Probleme

by Jürgen Ritsert

Der Problembegriff findet mit ebenso großer Selbstverständlichkeit wie Häufigkeit sowohl in der Alltagssprache als auch in der Wissenschaftssprache Verwendung. Es handelt sich um einen Allerweltsbegriff für vielfältige Arten theoretischer und praktischer Schwierigkeiten. Das Buch diskutiert Ansätze, worin der Problembegriff eine zentrale Rolle spielt. Es wird deutlich: Kant hat Recht, wenn er trotz aller Unterschiede und Gegensätze zwischen Theorie und Praxis auf der Unhaltbarkeit des "Gemeinspruchs" besteht: "Das mag in der Theorie richtig sein, taugt aber nicht für die Praxis.

Theorie- und Modellbildung: Mikrofundierende Erklärungen und die Methodologie sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschungsprogramme (Neue Bibliothek der Sozialwissenschaften)

by Michael Schmid

Der Band geht der Frage nach, unter welchen epistemologischen wie methodologischen Bedingungen es möglich sein könnte, die Sozialwissenschaften im Allgemeinen und die Soziologie im Besonderen – trotz des starken systemtheoretischen, pragmatistischen, narrativistischen bzw. cultural-studies-geprägten, praxeologischen, zeitdiagnostischen wie phänomenologisch-hermeneutischen oder poststrukturalistischen Gegenwinds – als eine „erklärende Handlungswissenschaft“ zu etablieren und voranzutreiben.

Theorie und Moderne – Soziologische Essays: Herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Gerhard Preyer (Klassiker der Sozialwissenschaften)

by Shmuel N. Eisenstadt

Der Band versammelt wichtige Texte von Eisenstadt zum Thema "Soziologische Theorie und Moderne", die das gesamte Spektrum der umfassenden Forschungen von Eisenstadt repräsentieren.

Theorie und Praxis soziosensitiver und sozioaktiver Systeme

by Friederike Eyssel Bruno Gransche Jacqueline Bellon Sebastian Nähr-Wagener Ricarda Wullenkord

Interaktive technische Systeme sind zunehmend Teil unseres Alltags. Wie aber kann gelingende Mensch-Technik-Interaktion gestaltet werden? Welche Rolle spielen Aspekte sozial angemessenen Umgangs? Für das menschliche Zusammenleben haben sich in jeder Gesellschaft Kulturtechniken des Verhaltens und des Umgangs entwickelt. Wer sie beherrscht, weiß, wann bestimmte soziale Praktiken wie etwa Entschuldigungen angebracht sind und wie sie vollzogen werden. Können und sollten auch Assistenzsysteme mit derartigen Fähigkeiten ausgestattet werden? Das in diesem Buch vorgestellte, interdisziplinär orientierte Rahmenmodell der „FAktoren der Sozialen Angemessenheit“ (FASA-Modell) bietet eine strukturierte Annäherung an die Thematik und liefert eine Grundlage für eine hinsichtlich sozialer Angemesseneheit reflektierte Gestaltung soziosensitiver und soziaktiver Assistenzsysteme.

Theorie und Theater: Zum Verhältnis von wissenschaftlichem Diskurs und theatraler Praxis (Kulturelle Figurationen: Artefakte, Praktiken, Fiktionen)

by Astrid Hackel and Mascha Vollhardt

Die Theaterwissenschaft beruft sich gern auf den gemeinsamen Ursprung von Theorie und Theater. Ein Grund zu fragen, auf welche Weise akademische Diskurse Eingang in zeitgenössische Performances, Tanz- und Theaterinszenierungen finden und was diese umgekehrt zur Vermittlung oder sinnlichen Fremdwerdung theoretischen Wissens beitragen können. Untersucht werden die zahlreichen Verflechtungen und Unwägbarkeiten zwischen Theorie und Theater, die szenische Selbstreferenzialität und Widerständigkeit gegen die eigene Theoretisierbarkeit, die Herausforderungen im Umgang mit humanwissenschaftlichen, (post-)feministischen und queeren Theorien sowie der Stellenwert von Sprache, Sinn und Sinnlichkeit in zeitgenössischen Inszenierungen.

Theorien der Sozialen Arbeit für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Daniela Voigt

Theorien – ganz schön schlau und gar nicht grau Die Soziale Arbeit ist eine Handlungswissenschaft, vergleichbar mit einem Werkzeugkasten. Aber was nutzen die Werkzeuge, ohne zu verstehen warum? In diesem Buch erhalten Sie eine breite Auswahl an theoretischem Wissen, das auf den Arbeitsalltag in sozialen Berufen zugeschnitten ist. Egal, ob Sie ein Neuling, erfahrener Profi oder Studierender sind, hier finden Sie präzise und verständliche Informationen, die Ihnen helfen, die Theorien der Sozialen Arbeit zu verstehen und auf Ihre Praxis zu übertragen. Sie erfahren Was sich hinter Begriffen wie Empowerment, Capability oder Lebensweltorientierung verbirgt Welche traditionellen Theorien, angepasst auf die heutige Praxis, noch aktuell wichtig sind Was für konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen sich aus den Theorien ableiten lassen

Theories About and Strategies Against Hegemonic Social Sciences (Beyond the Social Sciences #1)

by Michael Kuhn Shujiro Yazawa

This innovative book provides new perspectives on the globalization of knowledge and the notion of hegemonic sciences. Tying together contributions of authors from all across the world, it challenges existing theories of hegemonic sciences and sheds new light on how they have been and are being constructed. Examining more closely the notions of 'human rights' and 'individualization', this much-needed volume offers new and alternative ideas on how to transform the universalization of the Western model of science and can serve as an eye-opener for all those interested in non-hegemonic scientific discourse.

Theories and Methodologies in Postgraduate Feminist Research: Researching Differently (Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality)

by Rosemarie Buikema Gabriele Griffin Nina Lykke

This volume centers on theories and methodologies for postgraduate feminist researchers engaged in interdisciplinary research. In the context of globalization, this book gives special attention to cutting-edge approaches at the borders between humanities and social sciences and specific discipline-transgressing fields, such as feminist technoscience studies.

Theories and Practices of Development (Routledge Perspectives on Development)

by Katie Willis

Global economic crisis and the implications of global environmental change have led academics and policy-makers to consider how 'development' in all parts of the world should be achieved. However, 'development' has always been a contested idea. While often presented as a positive process to improve people's lives, the potential negative dimensions of 'development' on people and environments must also be recognized. Theories and Practices of Development provides a clear and user-friendly introduction to the complex debates around how development has been understood and achieved. The second edition has been fully updated and expanded to reflect global political and economic shifts, as well as new approaches to development. The rise of China and India is given particular attention, as is the global economic crisis and its implications for development theories and practice. There are new sections on faith-based development, and the development dimensions of climate change, as well as greater engagement with development theories as they are put into practice in the Global North. The book deals with the evolution of development ideas and policies, focusing on economic, political, social, environmental and spatial dimensions. It highlights how development cannot be considered as a neutral concept, but is entwined with inequalities in power at local, as well as national and global scales. The use of boxed examples, tables and illustrations helps students understand complex theoretical ideas and also demonstrates how development theories are put into practice in the real world. Each chapter ends with a summary section, discussion topics, suggestions for further reading and website resources.

Theories and Practices of Development (Routledge Perspectives on Development)

by Katie Willis

The newly updated third edition provides a clear and user-friendly introduction to the complex debates around how development has been understood and achieved. It has been fully updated and expanded to reflect global political and economic shifts, as well as new approaches to development. The book deals with the evolution of development ideas and policies, focusing on economic, political, social, environmental and spatial dimensions. It highlights how development cannot be considered as a neutral concept, but is entwined with inequalities in power at local as well as national and global scales. A new chapter on politics and development presents debates around development and democracy, civil society organizations and human rights. Sections on diversity and development have been expanded, and the book considers the future of development in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The use of boxed examples, tables and illustrations helps students understand complex theoretical ideas and also demonstrates how development theories are put into practice in the real world. Each chapter ends with a summary section, discussion topics, suggestions for further reading and website resources. This key text provides a clear and thorough explanation of key development theories and practices. The third edition will remain an invaluable resource for undergraduate students in geography, politics and development studies.

Theories and Practices of Scientific Socialism (China Perspectives)

by Zhao Jiaxiang

In the four volumes of The Development Trajectory of Eastern Society and the Theories and Practices of Socialism, the author re-examines Marx and Engel’s theories on the development trajectory of the Eastern societies by integrating theoretical analysis of Marxist theories and a historical investigation of socialist revolution and construction around the world. This volume discusses the victories and failures of the 100-year trajectory of socialism. Since the Russian Revolution of October 1917, socialism has been practiced for nearly a hundred years in countries at various stages of development. The author provides a proper synthesis of the lessons derived from socialism’s first hundred years as well as China's reforms and interaction with the world. In addition, he analyzes Marx and Engels' socialist theories and their significance for contemporary social development in Eastern societies. Readers who study Marxism, Marxist philosophy, philosophical history and the history of philosophy will find this volume of immense interest.

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