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Suspended Lives: Navigating Everyday Violence in the US Asylum System (Critical Refugee Studies #4)
by Bridget Marie HaasSuspended Lives explores the experiences of asylum seekers in the midwestern United States in vivid detail. Drawing on long-term ethnographic fieldwork among Cameroonian and other African asylum seekers, Bridget M. Haas traces the emotional and social effects of being embedded in the US asylum regime. Appealing to the United States for protection, asylum seekers are cast into a complex and protracted bureaucratic system that increasingly treats them as suspect. Haas shows how the US asylum system both serves as a potential refuge from past violence and creates new forms of suffering. She takes readers into the intimate spaces of asylum seekers’ homes and communities, in addition to legal and bureaucratic settings that are often inaccessible to the public. Poignantly foregrounding the lives and voices of asylum seekers, Suspended Lives exposes the asylum system as a site of multiple, yet often hidden and normalized, forms of violence. Haas also illuminates how asylum seekers respond to these harms to actively endure the asylum process.
Suspense: Conceptualizations, Theoretical Analyses, and Empirical Explorations (Routledge Communication Series)
by Mike Friedrichsen Peter Vorderer Hans J. WulffThis volume begins with the general assumption that suspense is a major criterion for both an audience's selection and evaluation of entertaining media offerings. This assumption is supported not only by the popularity of suspenseful narratives, but also by the reasons users give for their actual choice of media contents. Despite this, there is no satisfying theory to describe and explain what suspense actually is, how exactly it is caused by films or books, and what kind of effect it has on audiences. This book's main objective is to provide that theory by bringing together scholars from different disciplines who are working on the issue. The editors' goal is to reflect the "state of the art" as much as it is to highlight and encourage further developments in this area. There are two ways of approaching the problem of describing and explaining suspense: an analysis of suspenseful texts or the reception process. Researchers who follow the more text-oriented approach identify the uncertainty of the narrative outcome, the threat or danger for the protagonist, the play with time delay, or other factors as important and necessary for the production of suspense. The more reception-oriented scholar focuses on the cognitive activities of audiences, readers' expectations, the curiosity of onlookers, their emotions, and their relationships with the protagonists. A correspondence between the two seems to be quite difficult, though necessary to determine. Both perspectives are important in order to describe and explain suspense. Thus, the editors utilize the thesis that suspense is an activity of the audience (reader, onlooker, etc.) that is related to specific features and characteristics of the text (books, films, etc.). Their question is: What kind of relation? The answer comes from finding out how, why, and which elements of the text cause effects that are experienced as suspense. Scholars from semiotics, literary criticism, cultural studies, and film theory assess the problem from a text-oriented point of view, dealing primarily with the how and which. Other scholars present the psychological perspective by focusing on the cognitive and emotional processes that underlie viewers' experience of suspense; that is, the reception theory tries to answer the question of why suspenseful texts may be experienced as they are.
Suspicion: Vaccines, Hesitancy, and the Affective Politics of Protection in Barbados
by Nicole CharlesIn 2014 Barbados introduced a vaccine to prevent certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV) and reduce the risk of cervical cancer in young women. Despite the disproportionate burden of cervical cancer in the Caribbean, many Afro-Barbadians chose not to immunize their daughters. In Suspicion, Nicole Charles reframes Afro-Barbadian vaccine refusal from a question of hesitancy to one of suspicion. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork, black feminist theory, transnational feminist studies and science and technology studies, Charles foregrounds Afro-Barbadians' gut feelings and emotions and the lingering trauma of colonial and biopolitical violence. She shows that suspicion, far from being irrational, is a fraught and generative affective orientation grounded in concrete histories of mistrust of government and coercive medical practices foisted on colonized peoples. By contextualizing suspicion within these longer cultural and political histories, Charles troubles traditional narratives of vaccine hesitancy while offering new entry points into discussions on racialized biopolitics, neocolonialism, care, affect, and biomedicine across the Black diaspora.Duke University Press Scholars of Color First Book Award recipient
Suspicion Nation: The Inside Story of the Trayvon Martin Injustice and Why We Continue to Repeat It
by Lisa BloomMany thought the election of our first African American president put an end to the conversation about race in this country, and that America had moved into a post-racial era of equality and opportunity. Then, on the night of February 26, 2012, a black seventeen-year-old boy walking to a friend's home carrying only his cell phone, candy, and a fruit drink, was shot and killed by a neighborhood watch coordinator.And in July 2013, the trial of Zimmerman for murder captivated the public, as did his eventual acquittal.In her provocative and landmark book, Suspicion Nation, Lisa Bloom, who covered the trial from gavel to gavel, posits that none of this was a surprise: Our laws, culture, and blind spots created the conditions that led to Trayvon Martin's death, and made George Zimmerman's acquittal by far the most likely outcome.America today holds an unhealthy preoccupation with firearms that has led to the expansion of gun rights to surreal extremes. America now has not only the highest per capita gun ownership rate in the world (almost one gun per American), but the highest rate of gun deaths. Despite the strides America has made, fighting a bloody Civil War to end slavery, eradicating Jim Crow laws, teaching tolerance, and electing an African American president, racial inequality persists throughout our country, in employment, housing, education, the media, and most institutions. And perhaps most destructively of all, racial biases run deep in every level of our criminal justice system. Suspicion Nation captures a court system and a country conflicted and divided over issues of race, violence, and gun legislation.
Suspicious Minds: Why We Believe Conspiracy Theories
by Rob BrothertonConspiracy theorists do not wear tin-foil hats (for the most part). They are not just a few kooks lurking on the paranoid fringes of society with bizarre ideas about shape-shifting reptilian aliens running society in secret. They walk among us. They are us. Everyone loves a good conspiracy. Yet conspiracy theories are not a recent invention. And they are not always a harmless curiosity. In Suspicious Minds, Rob Brotherton explores the history and consequences of conspiracism, and delves into the research that offers insights into why so many of us are drawn to implausible, unproven and unproveable conspiracy theories. They resonate with some of our brain's built-in quirks and foibles, and tap into some of our deepest desires, fears, and assumptions about the world. The fascinating and often surprising psychology of conspiracy theories tells us a lot – not just why we are drawn to theories about sinister schemes, but about how our minds are wired and, indeed, why we believe anything at all. Conspiracy theories are not some psychological aberration – they're a predictable product of how brains work. This book will tell you why, and what it means.
Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities (Sustainable Development Goals Series)
by Venkatesh Dutta Priyanka GhoshThis book is an interdisciplinary work that reveals the contemporary sustainability narratives in India within the context of various SDGs. Several case studies are presented, each of which sheds light on the challenges and constraints that are impeding the process of achieving SDGs and investigates potential long-term answers to socio-economic and environmental issues. Through empirical case studies from different parts of India, the book explores the current status of achieving sustainable development goals in India. The volume immensely benefits scientists, researchers, policymakers and practitioners as it offers a thematic and comprehensive understanding of challenges associated with mainstreaming SDGs at national, sub-national, and micro scales in India.
Sustainability (Key Ideas)
by Thomas Pfister Martin Schweighofer André ReichelSustainability as a reference frame for dealing with the interconnection of environmental, economic and social issues on a global scale is not only characterized by complex problems and long-term strategies but also by differences and disagreements with regard to its meanings and how they should be realised. Therefore, Rather than seeking a single most appropriate definition of Sustainability, the main focus of this book is on how specific Sustainability problems are defined by whom and in which contexts, what solutions are pursued to tackle them, and which effects they have in practice. This account of the social nature of Sustainability is intended to assist its readers to better understand the complexities, dynamism, and ambivalence of this concept as well as to find their own position in relation to it. For this purpose, the book traces the historical development of the larger discourse on Sustainability and investigates responses to three grand Sustainability challenges: climate change, energy, and agricultural food production. It suggests that promoting Sustainability requires continuous and active care and is inseparable from political debate about the normative foundations of society.
Sustainability: Life Chances and Livelihoods
by Michael RedcliftThe concept of sustainability is traditionally viewed in exclusively environmental terms. Sustainability: Life Chances and Livelihoods links peoples livelihoods and life chances to the concept of sustainability by examining the way in which social and economic processes complement and compound environmental change. Looking at the main ingredients of sustainable development - health, economic policy, land use, ethics and education, in both the north and south, this book demonstrates the way in which the life chances of individuals both effect and are affected by, their environments.Sustainability: Life Chances and Livelihoods shows that the scope of sustainability thinking needs to be widened to embrace public policies and experiences in both developed and developing countries.By providing a comparative focus, both spatially and temporally, the contributors demonstrate how the environmental concerns of the northern developed world are culturally translated into the south, often into immediate survival questions.
Sustainability and Degradation in Less Developed Countries: Immolating the Future? (Routledge Revivals Ser.)
by Sarah LumleyThis title was first published in 2002. The concept of sustainable development has increasingly gained currency as a policy determination tool, yet its interpretation and application is widely contested, especially with respect to the role of economics in the facilitation of environmentally and socially sustainable outcomes. Sarah Lumley assesses some of the fundamental assumptions of mainstream economic theory as part of an analysis of farmers' motives in adopting soil conservation on degraded lands in the Philippines. The text has a strong focus on the theoretical and practical interactions between environmental, economic and social aspects of sustainable development; it is both multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary, and draws on conceptually important points of each discipline that it encompasses.
Sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals in Cultural Clusters: A Comparative Analysis of Concepts, Influences, and Attainability (Sustainable Development Goals Series)
by Jang SinghThis book examines the three pillars of sustainability (physical environment, social issues, and economic justice) and the progress and achievability of the United Nations’ (UN) 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Canada, Guyana, India, Sri Lanka, and the USA. It presents data from interviews with 41 political and business leaders in these five countries to examine the political and professional effects on sustainability. In addition to the three pillars of sustainability, the author briefly examines the role of religion in sustainability as a potential fourth pillar. The UN SDGs represent minimum targets for the global environmental, economic, and social pillars that underpin a sustainable future for our planet. The data presented in this book combined with the themes uncovered with the SDGs adds to our understanding of how we can potentially influence and achieve these targets and create a sustainable future for the world.
Sustainability and Water Management in the Maya World and Beyond
by Jean T. Larmon Lisa J. Lucero Fred Valdez Jr.Sustainability and Water Management in the Maya World and Beyond investigates climate change and sustainability through time, exploring how political control of water sources, maintenance of sustainable systems, ideological relationships with water, and fluctuations in water availability have affected and been affected by social change. Contributors focus on and build upon earlier investigations of the global diversity of water management systems and the successes and failures of their employment, while applying a multitude of perspectives on sustainability. The volume focuses primarily on the Precolumbian Maya but offers several analogous case studies outside the ancient Maya world that illustrate the pervasiveness of water’s role in sustainability, including an ethnographic study of the sustainability of small-scale, farmer-managed irrigation systems in contemporary New Mexico and the environmental consequences of Angkor’s growth into the world’s most extensive preindustrial settlement. The archaeological record offers rich data on past politics of climate change, while epigraphic and ethnographic data show how integrated the ideological, political, and environmental worlds of the Maya were. While Sustainability and Water Management in the Maya World and Beyond stresses how lessons from the past offer invaluable insight into current approaches of adaptation, it also advances our understanding of those adaptations by making the inevitable discrepancies between past and present climate change less daunting and emphasizing the sustainable negotiations between humans and their surroundings that have been mediated by the changing climate for millennia. It will appeal to students and scholars interested in climate change, sustainability, and water management in the archaeological record. Contributors: Mary Jane Acuña, Wendy Ashmore, Timothy Beach, Jeffrey Brewer, Christopher Carr, Adrian S. Z. Chase, Arlen F. Chase, Diane Z. Chase, Carlos R. Chiriboga, Jennifer Chmilar, Nicholas Dunning, Maurits W. Ertsen, Roland Fletcher, David Friedel, Robert Griffin, Joel D. Gunn, Armando Anaya Hernández, Christian Isendahl, David Lentz, Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach, Dan Penny, Kathryn Reese-Taylor, Michelle Rich, Cynthia Robin, Sylvia Rodríguez, William Saturno, Vernon Scarborough, Payson Sheets, Liwy Grazioso Sierra, Michael Smyth, Sander van der Leeuw, Andrew Wyatt
Sustainability Assessment: Pluralism, practice and progress (Natural and Built Environment Series)
by Alan Bond Angus Morrison-Saunders Richard HowittSustainability Assessment is an increasingly important tool for informing planning and development decisions across the globe. Required by law in some countries, strongly recommended in others, a comprehensive analysis of why Sustainability Assessment is needed and clarification of the value-laden and political nature of assessments is long overdue. Currently the writing on the subject is limited and comprises, for the most part, guidance documents and completed assessments. This book overcomes these shortcomings by simultaneously providing the knowledge, inspiration and range of assessment tools in decision-making students require to tackle Sustainability Assessment challenges nested within wide-ranging values and sustainability-grounded evidence. The collection details the current state-of-the art in relation to Sustainability Assessment theory and practice, and considers the pluralistic nature of the tool and the implications for achieving sustainable decision-making. The contributors set out the context for Sustainability Assessment and then outline some contested issues which can affect interpretations of whether the decision tool has been effective. Current practice worldwide is assessed against a consistent framework and then solutions to some of the inherent weaknesses and causes of conflict in relation to the perceived sustainability of outcomes are put forward. The book is unique in setting out state-of-the-art in terms of Sustainability Assessment practice by focusing on those countries with developing experience. It also covers emerging factors influencing effectiveness of decision-making tools and evaluates how they affect the performance of Sustainability Assessment. Written by authors among the leading university academics teaching impact assessment courses in the most acclaimed universities worldwide operating in this field, it is ideally suited for the growing numbers of courses in impact assessment education and training.
Sustainability Assessment of Built Environment: A Holistic Approach for Urban Development
by null Gopal Alapure null Abraham GeorgeThis book focuses on developing a holistic sustainability assessment model for built environment that can help in identifying sustainability issues and parameters for the built environment. It covers a wide range of sustainable built form issues in the local and regional contexts.The volume identifies significant built form sustainability indicators, criteria and sub-criterion while highlighting the importance of incorporating sustainability principles and assessment of sustainability. It also discusses the data collection process for defining priorities of sustainability parameters using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique. The book presents information to obtain fuzzy weights to classify assessed built form. The chapters in this book explain the development of an integrated built environment assessment system for infrastructure projects.This book will be of interest to students, teachers and researchers of planning, architecture, construction, urban studies, interior designing, urban planning and civil engineering. It will also be useful for architects, planners, civil engineers, interior designers, builders, developers, green building assessors and those interested in the sustainable assessment-built environment and urban development.
Sustainability, Capabilities and Human Security
by Andrew CrabtreeAmartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum have made major contributions to development studies and social philosophy, yet sustainability issues have largely remained outside their domain despite sustainability’s significance and complex relation to their central value of freedom. This volume explores sustainability from a capabilities perspective, with the motif of human security, inviting a lively discussion within the human development family. After introducing the two approaches, authors conceptualize relationships between capabilities and the environment, examine the scientific and normative validity of environmental indicators and analyse intergenerational justice. Climate change is used to exemplify that a human security approach can add an explanatory ontology to the ethical criticisms of contemporary ways of life that champion consumerism. That ontology recognizes shared life experiences, problems and life challenges - a community of fate. The volume ends with a discussion of how the approaches can inform and sometimes critique the Sustainable Development Goals.
Sustainability Challenges and Solutions at the Base of the Pyramid: Business, Technology and the Poor
by Minna Halme Prabhu KandacharAround the turn of the millennium it had become painfully evident that development aid, charity or "global business-as-usual" were not going to be the mechanisms to alleviate global poverty. Today, there is little dispute that poverty remains the most pressing global problem calling for innovative solutions. One recent strategy is the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) concept developed by Prahalad and Hart, which relies on entrepreneurial activity tapping into the previously ignored markets of the economically most disadvantaged. It is a process requiring innovations in several disciplines: technological, social and business.This book covers a number of areas. First, much of the current BoP discussion emphasises targeting products to the needs of the poor. But do we actually know what the real needs of the poor are? This book takes a bottom-up human-centred approach and examines examples that truly engage the poor in BoP product and service development. What types of needs assessment methodologies are indicated considering the cultural differences in BoP countries? Are the existing methodologies adequate? Do they need to be redefined and redeveloped? Second, the book considers how we can balance poverty alleviation and stimulate economic growth without stressing the ecosystem. Tragically, the poor are hardest hit by the adverse effects of environmental deterioration such as water shortages, climate change or the destruction of habitats. While the economic welfare of the poor is critical, the BoP approach must balance its inherent paradox of encouraging greater consumption while avoiding further pressures on environmental sustainability. The link between the BoP approach and sustainable development is a key feature of this book. Third, it looks at innovation and asks what kinds of"bottom-up" innovation (open source, technological, social and business) support BoP initiatives (and sustainable development)?Fourth, the book deals with the relationship between development assistance and BoP. Is a BoP strategy the antithesis to development aid or can these two co-exist or even complement each other?Finally, the book raises questions about the relationship between corporate responsibility and BoP. Is BoP a new form of corporate neo-colonialism or a new form of corporate responsibility? Although the BoP concept has unleashed an extensive and generally enthusiastic response from academics, businesses, NGOs and governments, the knowledge domain around this concept is still in the early stages of development. This book addresses that need with a focus on the needs of the end-users – the poor – as a starting point for BoP products and innovations. With contributions from both supporters and critics, it provides a treasure trove of global knowledge on how the concept has developed, what its successes and failures have been and what promise it holds as a long-term strategy for alleviating poverty and tackling global sustainability.
Sustainability Challenges in the Fashion Industry: Civilization Crisis, Decolonization, Cultural Legacy, and Transitions (Sustainable Textiles: Production, Processing, Manufacturing & Chemistry)
by Miguel Ángel Gardetti Rosa Patricia Larios-FranciaFashion, and the growth of fashion, are presented as the manifestation of a process of civilization, within a capitalist culture (capital understood as material possessions) that has become global and imperialist, of which - in an economic sense - the industry (or the fashion system?) functions as one of its main instruments of exploitation. And with respect to design, Arturo Escobar said: "Can design detach itself from its roots in modernist practices of unsustainability and defuturization and reorient itself towards other commitments, practices, narratives and ontological enactions? Moreover, can design be part of the toolkit for the transition to the pluriverze (i.e. a world in which many worlds can fit)?" This book presents the importance of cultural sustainability in the textiles and fashion industry, decolonizing fashion system and promotes the design for transitions.
Sustainability Communication
by Gerd Michelsen Jasmin GodemannModern and professional communication is required to realise the goal of sustainability in society. This book develops a theoretical and empirical framework, integrating interdisciplinary perspectives from communications theory, psychology, sociology, educational sciences, systems theory and constructivism. Its aim is to inform the establishment of sustainability communication. Complementing this theoretical framework, the book provides methods and concepts in a range of fields such as corporate practice, education and media. The book addresses the scientific community and students as well as communicators in all categories of sustainability communication.
The Sustainability Communication Reader: A Reflective Compendium
by Larissa Krainer Matthias Karmasin Franzisca WederThe Textbook seeks for an innovative approach to Sustainability Communication as transdisciplinary area of research. Following the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which are intended to transform the world as it is known, we seek for a multidisciplinary discussion of the role communication plays in realizing these goals. With complementing theoretical approaches and concepts, the book offers various perspectives on communication practices and strategies on an individual, organizational, institutional, as well as public level that contribute, enable (or hinder) sustainable development. Presented case studies show methodological as well as issue specific challenges in sustainability communication. Therefore, the book introduces and promotes innovative methods for this specific area of research.
Sustainability, Emerging Technologies, and Pan-Africanism
by Thierno Thiam Gilbert RochonThis book examines the historical antecedents of Pan-Africanism as a driving force of African Unity, carefully studying its major contributors, current institutional status, and potential future growth. It analyzes the facilitative role of emerging technologies, such as high performance computing, telecommunications, and satellite remote sensing in enabling African sustainable development. Finally, the authors discuss possible ways that the vision of Pan-Africanism can be used today in Africa’s efforts towards unity and sustainable development.
Sustainability in Agricultural and Rural Development (Routledge Revivals)
by Tesfa G. Gebremedhin Gerard E. D'SouzaFirst published in 1998, this book provides a broad but in-depth description of the issues, concepts, methods of analysis, and empirical results related to the sustainable development of agriculture and rural communities. Specifically, it examines the relationships between sustainability and individual topics such as technology, information, population, gender, land use, community, and public policy. A unique aspect of this book is that the topics addressed have not previously been explored together in one publication. With sustainability as the common link, data and evidence are presented and then interpreted in light of individual perspective and experience, in the process advancing our knowledge of this important field. The book comprises of 12 chapters written by prominent authors who come from government and non-government organizations as well as from various academic institutions and disciplines. This book is ideal for a seminar course. It is particularly intended for students in production agriculture, rural sociology, economics and public policy, environmental sciences, geography and land use planning, and other social sciences. Its rich insights make it a useful source of information for policy makers. It can also be used as a reference by professional economists and other researchers interested in issues relating to sustainable agricultural and rural development. While the coverage of some topics is, by necessity, more technical, the book is compiled with a general audience in mind. Thus, it should be of interest to anyone concerned with agriculture, natural resources and rural issues, particularly as they relate to the future of agriculture and of rural communities.
Sustainability in Ancient Island Societies: An Archaeology of Human Resilience (Society and Ecology in Island and Coastal Archaeology)
by Scott M. Fitzpatrick Jon M. Erlandson Kristina M. GillExamining dynamic interactions between humans and island environments This volume explores the impacts humans have made on island and coastal ecosystems and the ways these environments have adapted to anthropogenic changes over the course of millennia. Case studies highlight how island populations developed social and political strategies to effectively manage their ecosystems, ensuring the long-term survival of their societies and the persistence of their cultural traditions. In case studies from islands in the Pacific, the Caribbean, and the Atlantic, contributors apply resilience theory, historical ecology, niche construction theory, and human behavioral ecology to foreground Indigenous resiliency and sustainability. Modern island and coastal societies face daunting challenges in the decades to come, including climate change, sea level rise, and the loss of habitable lands and heritage resources. Sustainability in Ancient Island Societies argues that the study of past human responses to such changes, especially practices rooted in Indigenous traditional ecological knowledge, can inform solutions to manage these threats today.Contributors: Rebecca Boger | Emira Ibrahimpasic | Frederique Valentin | Stuart Bedford | Davide Marco Zori | William Jeffery | Denise Elena | Edith Gonzalez | Mark Horrocks | Anaëlle Jallon | Sophia Perdikaris | Iarowoi Philip | Takaronga Kuautonga | Lindsey E. Cochran | Christopher Wolff | Todd Braje | Craig Shapiro | Allison Bain | Dr. Torben C. Rick | James Flexner | Tim Denham | Jon M. Erlandson | Robert Williams | Victor D. Thompson | Scott M. Fitzpatrick | Julie Field | Kristina M. Gill | Sandrine Grouard A volume in the series Society and Ecology in Island and Coastal Archaeology, edited by Victor D. Thompson and Scott M. Fitzpatrick
Sustainability in Business Education, Research and Practices (World Sustainability Series)
by Tony Wall Laís Viera Trevisan Walter Leal Filho Adam ShoreThe connections between sustainability and business education are becoming increasingly important due to the growing recognition of environmental and social challenges, as well as the role that businesses play in addressing these challenges. Businesses have a significant impact on the environment, society, and the economy. Issues such as climate change, resource depletion, social inequality, and ethical concerns directly affect business operations and performance. Business education needs to equip future leaders with the knowledge and skills to navigate these challenges responsibly. This book provides a platform for the dissemination of information on the latest initiatives and practices in these areas, and promotes future cooperation between universities and business schools across the globe.
Sustainability in Contemporary Rural Japan: Challenges and Opportunities (Routledge Studies in Asia and the Environment)
by Stephanie AssmannRural communities in Japan have suffered from significant depopulation and economic downturn in post-war years. Low birth rates, aging populations, agricultural decline and youth migration to large cities have been compounded by the triple disaster of 11 March 2011, which destroyed farming and fishing communities and left thousands of people homeless. This book identifies these challenges and acknowledges that an era of post-growth has arrived in Japan. Through exploring new forms of regional employment, community empowerment, and reverse migration, the authors address potential opportunities and benefits that may help to create and ensure the quality of life in depopulating areas and post-disaster scenarios. This book will be of interest not only to students of Japanese society, but also to those outside of Japan who are seeking new approaches for tackling depopulation challenges.
Sustainability in Creative Industries: Integrating Design, Culture, and Urban Solutions—Volume 2 (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)
by Muhammad Nawaz Tunio Jorge Chica-Olmo Rafael Cano-Guervos Juan Gabriel González Morales Fabio Humberto Sepúlveda Murillo Marina Checa Olivas Ayman M. Zakaria EraqiThis book discusses the dynamic interplay of creativity and sustainability in the realm of design, offering a captivating exploration of innovative practices and their environmental impact. From biomimetic inspirations to biophilic designs, it unveils a spectrum of ideas in sustainable architecture. It further dives into inclusive and creative designs, social sustainability for the elderly amid the pandemic. This book casts a spotlight on the intricate synergy between preserving cultural heritage and fostering creative industries. It explores the profound significance of architectural lighting, the innovative reinterpretation of traditional motifs, and the enduring allure of heritage design within its chapters, creating an engaging and thought-provoking journey. Moreover, it ventures into the Integration of Creative Design in Urban Planning, presenting a futuristic outlook that seamlessly blends technology, sustainability, and human-centric solutions. Designed for a wide audience, including professionals, educators, and students, this book is a compelling resource for those passionate about the intersection of creativity and sustainability. It offers thought-provoking ideas, informative case studies, and a glimpse into the future of design that transcends boundaries.
Sustainability in Creative Industries: Innovations in Fashion and Visual Media—Volume 3 (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)
by Muhammad Nawaz Tunio Jorge Miguel Chica Garcia Ayman M. Zakaria Yasmin Moanis Latif HatemIn this volume, sustainable creative industries become a beacon for innovative change, forging a path towards a conscious, harmonious world. This volume offers a panoramic view of the future, where innovations in fashion and visual media blend seamlessly with a commitment to a more sustainable and impactful world. More specifically, this volume explores the compelling interplay of sustainability, creativity, and advocacy, casting a spotlight on the transformative potential within fashion and visual media. It embarks on a journey through the innovative landscapes of fashion, where sustainability takes center stage, through an exploration of genderless mode development, contemporary patterns, and reimagined design strategies that breathe new life into tradition. As readers explore the chapters within, the symbiotic relationship between visual media and sustainability emerges, further delve into the evolution of visual communication design and the potency of Instagram microblogs in shaping perceptions and awareness. Furthermore, the role of design in disseminating critical information during disasters is unveiled and the ways in which narrative methods can ignite meaningful change explored.