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Showing 10,051 through 10,075 of 51,106 results

Curriculum Making, Reciprocal Learning, and the Best-Loved Self (Intercultural Reciprocal Learning in Chinese and Western Education)

by Cheryl J. Craig

This book revolves around curriculum making, reciprocal learning, and the best-loved self. It draws on extensive school-based studies conducted with teachers in the United States, China, and Canada, and weaves in experiences from other cross-national projects, keynote addresses, archival research, and editorial work. The elucidation of the ‘best-loved self’ drives home the point that teachers are more than the subject matter they teach: they are students’ role models and allies. Curriculum making and reciprocal learning relationships enrich teachers’ and students’ being and becoming as they live curriculum alongside one another—with the goal of more satisfying lives held firmly in view.

A Curriculum of Fear: Homeland Security in U.S. Public Schools

by Nicole Nguyen

Welcome to Milton High School, where fear is a teacher's best tool and every student is a soldier in the war on terror. A struggling public school outside the nation's capital, Milton sat squarely at the center of two trends: growing fear of resurgent terrorism and mounting pressure to run schools as job training sites. In response, the school established a specialized Homeland Security program. A Curriculum of Fear takes us into Milton for a day-to-day look at how such a program works, what it means to students and staff, and what it says about the militarization of U.S. public schools and, more broadly, the state of public education in this country. Nicole Nguyen guides us through a curriculum of national security-themed classes, electives, and internships designed through public-private partnerships with major defense contractors like Northrop Grumman and federal agencies like the NSA. She introduces us to students in the process of becoming a corps of "diverse workers" for the national security industry, learning to be "vigilant" citizens; and she shows us the everyday realities of a program intended to improve the school, revitalize the community, and eliminate the achievement gap. With reference to critical work on school militarization, neoliberal school reform, the impact of the global war on terror on everyday life, and the political uses of fear, A Curriculum of Fear maps the contexts that gave rise to Milton's Homeland Security program and its popularity. Ultimately, as the first ethnography of such a program, the book provides a disturbing close encounter with the new normal imposed by the global war on terror--a school at once under siege and actively preparing for the siege itself.

The Curriculum of the Body and the School as Clinic: Histories of Public Health and Schooling (Critical Studies in Health and Education)

by Kellie Burns Helen Proctor

This collection brings together cutting-edge research on the history of embodiment, health and schooling in an international context. The book distinguishes a set of educational technologies, schooling practices and school-based public health programmes that organise and influence the bodies of children and young people, defining the curriculum of the body. Taking a historical approach, with a focus on the period in which mass schooling became an international phenomenon, the book is organised according to four major themes. The first positions the school as a modern clinical space, followed by the second that explores programmes and curricula which influence the discipline of and care for the body. The third section examines the role of the built environment on the organisation and experience of children’s bodies, and the final section outlines the pedagogies, rules and routines that determine how the body is treated and experienced in school. International and multidisciplinary in scope, this unique collection is of interest to postgraduate students and researchers in education and public health, as well as history, policy studies and sociology.

The Curriculum of the Body and the School as Clinic: Histories of Public Health and Schooling (Critical Studies in Health and Education)

by Helen Proctor

This collection brings together cutting-edge research on the history of embodiment, health and schooling in an international context. The book distinguishes a set of educational technologies, schooling practices and school-based public health programmes that organise and influence the bodies of children and young people, defining the curriculum of the body.Taking a historical approach, with a focus on the period in which mass schooling became an international phenomenon, the book is organised according to four major themes. The first positions the school as a modern clinical space, followed by the second that explores programmes and curricula which influence the discipline of and care for the body. The third section examines the role of the built environment on the organisation and experience of children’s bodies, and the final section outlines the pedagogies, rules and routines that determine how the body is treated and experienced in school.International and multidisciplinary in scope, this unique collection is of interest to postgraduate students and researchers in education and public health, as well as history, policy studies and sociology.

Curriculum Renewal for Islamic Education: Critical Perspectives on Teaching Islam in Primary and Secondary Schools (Routledge Research in Religion and Education)

by Nadeem A. Memon

This book demonstrates why and how it is necessary to redesign Islamic Education curriculum in the K-12 sector globally. From Western public schools that integrate Muslim perspectives to be culturally responsive, to public and private schools in Muslim minority and majority contexts that teach Islamic studies as a core subject or teach from an Islamic perspective, the volume highlights the unique global and sociocultural contexts that support the disparate trajectories of Islamic Education curricula. Divided into three distinct parts, the text discusses current Islamic education curricula and considers new areas for inclusion as part of a general renewal effort that includes developing curricula from an Islamic worldview, and the current aspirations of Islamic education globally. By providing insights on key concepts related to teaching Islam, case studies of curriculum achievements and pitfalls, and suggested processes and pillars for curriculum development, contributors present possibilities for researchers and educators to think about teaching Islam differently. This text will benefit researchers, doctoral students, and academics in the fields of secondary education, Islamic education, and curriculum studies. Those interested in religious education as well as the sociology and theory of religion more broadly will also enjoy this volume.

Curriculum Studies as an International Conversation: Educational Traditions and Cosmopolitanism in Latin America (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series)

by Daniel F. Johnson-Mardones

Examining Curriculum Studies from an international perspective, this book focuses on the relations between the Anglo-Saxon and Latin American educational traditions. Informed by William F. Pinar’s conceptualization of curriculum as currere, Johnson-Mardones reconsiders curriculum as an international conversation and advances an intercultural dialogue among educational traditions to put forth a more comprehensive and inclusive theory of curriculum. Moving beyond the Anglo-Saxon space and into the Global South, Johnson-Mardones brings in his own non-Western educational experience to the center of this inquiry, and situates cosmopolitanism as a necessary but complex component of Curriculum Studies.

Curriculum Studies Handbook - The Next Moment (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series)

by Erik Malewski

What comes after the reconceptualization of curriculum studies? What is the contribution of the next wave of curriculum scholars? Comprehensive and on the cutting edge, this Handbook speaks to these questions and extends the conversation on present and future directions in curriculum studies through the work of twenty-four newer scholars who explore, each in their own unique ways, the present moment in curriculum studies. To contextualize the work of this up-and-coming generation, each chapter is paired with a shorter response by a well-known scholar in the field, provoking an intra-/inter-generational exchange that illuminates both historical trajectories and upcoming moments. From theorizing at the crossroads of feminist thought and post-colonialism to new perspectives that include critical race, currere, queer southern studies, Black feminist cultural analysis, post-structural policy studies, spiritual ecology, and East-West international philosophies, present and future directions in the U.S. American field are revealed.

Curriculum Studies in Canada: Present Preoccupations

by William F. Pinar Anne M. Phelan

The largest specialization in faculties of education in Canada is curriculum studies. Curriculum Studies in Canada represents the present preoccupations of curriculum scholars in Canada. Set against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, contributors engage with significant themes, among them ongoing efforts at justice for Indigenous Peoples, the continuing arrival of immigrants and refugees, Canada’s complex relationship to the United States, and issues related to the climate crisis. Addressing such realities through the field of curriculum studies and the school curriculum is critical at this historical conjuncture given the complex and shifting intersections of local and global dynamics restricting education. To this end, contributing scholars serve as intellectual activists to address the critical need for understanding curriculum responsive to the vexed relations among schools, nation-building, social reconstruction, and identity development. Their activism yields more sophisticated understandings of what it means to be educated in Canada. Contributors trace the legacy of their work and reflect on their present scholarly preoccupations in light of their past endeavours. In doing so, Curriculum Studies in Canada offers an invitation to readers: to study, remember, dialogue, and navigate an uncertain world with them.

Curriculum Studies in the United States

by William F. Pinar

Pinar documents that the field of curriculum studies in the United States is in the early stages of a second paradigm shift, this time stimulated by present political circumstances. He explains why their acceptance in contemporary scholarship signals their conceptual exhaustion and how recent work in the field begins to surpass them.

Curriculum Theory: Conflicting Visions and Enduring Concerns

by Michael Stephen Schiro

The Second Edition of Curriculum Theory: Conflicting Visions and Enduring Concerns by Michael Stephen Schiro presents a clear, unbiased, and rigorous description of the major curriculum philosophies that have influenced educators and schooling over the last century. The author analyzes four educational visions—Scholar Academic, Social Efficiency, Learner Centered, and Social Reconstruction—to enable readers to reflect on their own educational beliefs and more productively interact with educators who might hold different beliefs.

The Curse of Cain: The Violent Legacy of Monotheism

by Regina M. Schwartz

The Curse of Cain confronts the inherent ambiguities of biblical stories on many levels and, in the end, offers an alternative, inspiring reading of the Bible that is attentive to visions of plenitude rather than scarcity, and to an ethics based on generosity rather than violence.

The Cursillo Movement in America

by Kristy Nabhan-Warren

The internationally growing Cursillo movement, or "short course in Christianity," founded in 1944 by Spanish Catholic lay practitioners, has become popular among American Catholics and Protestants alike. This lay-led weekend experience helps participants recommit to and live their faith. Emphasizing how American Christians have privileged the individual religious experience and downplayed denominational and theological differences in favor of a common identity as renewed people of faith, Kristy Nabhan-Warren focuses on cursillistas--those who have completed a Cursillo weekend--to show how their experiences are a touchstone for understanding these trends in post-1960s American Christianity. Drawing on extensive ethnographic fieldwork as well as historical research, Nabhan-Warren shows the importance of Latino Catholics in the spread of the Cursillo movement. Cursillistas' stories, she argues, guide us toward a new understanding of contemporary Christian identities, inside and outside U.S. borders, and of the importance of globalizing American religious boundaries.

Custom: An Essay on Social Codes

In Custom , Ferdinand Tonnies illustrates the relationship of custom to various aspects of culture, such as religion, gender, and family. Tonnies argues that all social norms are evolved from a basic sense of order, which is largely derived from customs. As such, custom refers to the ideal, and the desirable, and it mediates subjective aspects of social life. Tonnies makes observations in Custom that are just as true today as when they were written over a century ago. The pivotal idea in Tonnies work is the observation that custom, like its individual counterpart habit, has three distinct aspects: a fact--an actual way of conduct; a norm--a general rule of conduct; and a will. The analysis, extended into the field of collective behaviour, helps to explain how far custom can be regarded as a manifestation of a common will. Custom is a classic contribution in the grand canon of law and society scholarship. Moreover, the volume introduces several key elements of Tonnies' work focusing on broader sociological thought, which benefits both the theoretical understanding of law as an object of social science reflection, as well as provides empirical insights into the roles of law in society.

Custom and Conflict in Africa

by Max Gluckman

A distinguished British anthropologist, Max Gluckman (1911-1975) pioneered the study of traditional African legal systems. His research stressed social conflict and mechanisms for conflict resolution while studying urbanization and social change in colonial Africa.

Custom and Politics in Urban Africa: A Study of Hausa Migrants in Yoruba Towns (Routledge Classic Ethnographies Ser.)

by Abner Cohen

This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1969.

The Custom-Fit Workplace

by Nanette Fondas Joan Blades

Ideas for transforming the workplace to fit today's workforceIn this book, Blades and Fondas offer business professionals an indispensable handbook for transforming the way we work and breaking free from the old, inflexible, 40-hour workweek. The authors show creative ways for individuals to fit work requirements with life obligations, and persuade managers to adopt these custom-fit work strategies to improve their bottom line. Readers will finish the book convinced of the place of custom-fit work arrangements in today's workplace--and of how honoring employees' lives outside of work is an effective and innovative strategy for both managers and organizations. Featuring compelling stories of companies like Jet Blue, Ernst & Young, and Best Buy, the book profiles strategies that are gaining traction in workplaces across the country: · New twists on traditional flexible hours and part-time work strategies· Virtual workplaces· Results-Only Work Environments (ROWEs)· "Babies at Work" programs· "On ramp and off ramp" opportunitiesPractical and engaging, The Custom-Fit Workplace provides individuals and employers the tools they need to be successful and happy both at work and in life.

Custom, Law and the Colonial State in Northeast India: Dynamics and Challenges for the Postcolonial State

by Nandini Bhattacharyya Panda

This volume presents a multidimensional analysis of the current operational law – both constitutional and customary – in Northeast India. It looks at how colonialism redesigned and redefined extant customary practices, leaving a permanent legacy on the legal governance and societal structure of the post-colonial Indian state.The book interrogates “law” through a broad spectrum of issues including gender, partition, the legacy of colonial structures, and religion as a form of resistance against land grabbing and censorship. It delineates a distinct historical process of the evolution of law and custom and focuses on the intimate links between law and the dynamics of state, ethnicity, and governance.As a unique contribution, the book offers new insights into how and why the continuity of colonial law within a democratic framework perpetuates deep-rooted problems in governance and the psyche of the people. It will be indispensable for students and researchers of history, law, anthropology, legal anthropology, sociology, Indian politics, and South Asian studies.

Customer Accounting: Creating Value With Customer Analytics (Springerbriefs In Accounting Ser.)

by Massimiliano Bonacchi Paolo Perego

This book is designed to meet the needs of CFOs, accounting and financial professionals interested in leveraging the power of data-driven customer insights in management accounting and financial reporting systems. While academic research in Marketing has developed increasingly sophisticated analytical tools, the role of customer analytics as a source of value creation from an Accounting and Finance perspective has received limited attention. The authors aim to fill this gap by blending interdisciplinary academic rigor with practical insights from real-world applications. Readers will find thorough coverage of advanced customer accounting concepts and techniques, including the calculation of customer lifetime value and customer equity for internal decision-making and for external financial reporting and valuation. Beyond a professional audience, the book will serve as ideal companion reading for students enrolled in undergraduate, graduate, or MBA courses.

Customer Analytics For Dummies

by Jeff Sauro

The easy way to grasp customer analyticsEnsuring your customers are having positive experiences with your company at all levels, including initial brand awareness and loyalty, is crucial to the success of your business. Customer Analytics For Dummies shows you how to measure each stage of the customer journey and use the right analytics to understand customer behavior and make key business decisions.Customer Analytics For Dummies gets you up to speed on what you should be testing. You'll also find current information on how to leverage A/B testing, social media's role in the post-purchasing analytics, usability metrics, prediction and statistics, and much more to effectively manage the customer experience. Written by a highly visible expert in the area of customer analytics, this guide will have you up and running on putting customer analytics into practice at your own business in no time.Shows you what to measure, how to measure, and ways to interpret the dataProvides real-world customer analytics examples from companies such as Wikipedia, PayPal, and WalmartExplains how to use customer analytics to make smarter business decisions that generate more loyal customersOffers easy-to-digest information on understanding each stage of the customer journeyWhether you're part of a Customer Engagement team or a product, marketing, or design professional looking to get a leg up, Customer Analytics For Dummies has you covered.

The Customer-Base Audit: The First Step on the Journey to Customer Centricity

by Peter Fader Bruce G.S. Hardie Michael Ross

As a leader in your organization, you will be very familiar with your organization’s key financial statements and monthly management reports. You may have spent countless hours discussing budgets and expenditures.But how much time have you spent reflecting on the fact that these revenues are generated by actual customers—the people who pull out their wallets and pay for your products and services? In The Customer-Base Audit: The First Step on the Journey to Customer Centricity, experts Peter Fader, Bruce Hardie, and Michael Ross start you on the path toward really getting to understand your customers’ buying behavior as well as the health of your overall customer base.A customer-base audit is a systematic review of the buying behavior of a firm’s customers using data captured by its transaction systems. It will help you answer questions such as:-- How healthy is your customer base? How realistic are your growth objectives?-- How do your customers differ in terms of their behavior and value?-- How has the quality of your customers changed over time?-- What changes in customer behavior lie behind period-to-period changes in firm performance?-- What is important to your high-value customers? Which products help you acquire and retain your best customers?Fader, Hardie, and Ross present five “lenses” through which an executive can address questions like those above. The answers are often lurking in various parts of the organization, but it is rare to find all the relevant analyses in one place, let alone performed on a regular basis (as an audit should be). Yet without such a basic, systematic understanding of the foundations of the firm’s primary source of cash flow, how can executives make informed decisions?Fader, a Wharton professor, is the author of Customer Centricity and coauthor of The Customer Centricity Playbook, both of which have helped businesses radically rethink how they relate to customers. In this first step of the journey, Fader, Hardie, and Ross assist leaders in gaining a fundamental understanding of their customers’ buying behavior—and thus their company as a whole.

Customer-Centric Marketing

by Aldo Cundari

The practical, expert guide to reaching the new consumer Customer-Centric Marketing is a comprehensive game plan on succeeding in the new marketing landscape by focusing on the customer. Written by one of Canada's top communications pioneers, this book examines the complex forces influencing the rise of empowered and demanding customers and outlines a framework that helps marketers exploit these forces to engage them. You'll find actionable advice to help you pull together these seemingly independent elements to create a customer-centric business model that is ideally positioned to take on the dynamic requirements of today's marketing environment, and learn the strategic rules that CMOs can use to model their organizations to win. Valuable insights on customer experience, innovation, content, social media, and operating strategies will help you formulate a workable plan, and when combined with the practical guidance and expert advice, enable you to put your plan into action today. The new purchasing journey has created a whole new set of customer touch points with unique needs, and has identified key activity areas that drive success or failure in the marketplace. This guide helps you sort it all out, and make your organization rise to the top. Define the new customer-purchasing journey Identify and influence the new consumer Engage, nurture, and utilize brand advocates to spread your message Position your organization to win in the new marketplace As customers evolve, smart companies evolve with them, and, with a track record that speaks for itself, putting the customer at the center of strategic thinking is the key to a winning plan,. Consumer evolution is happening more rapidly than ever before, and keeping your organization out in front has never been more important. Customer-Centric Marketing provides the concrete framework, expert insight, and actionable advice that turns strategy into reality.

The Customer Centricity Ebook Collection (3 Books): Customer Centricity, The Customer Centricity Playbook, and The Customer-Base Audit

by Peter Fader Michael Ross Sarah E. Toms Bruce G. Hardie

Available for the First Time—Three Books in One!The Customer Centricity Ebook Collection is a must-have for any business leader looking to understand and implement customer-centric strategies. This collection includes three essential books by renowned experts Peter Fader, Bruce Hardie, Michael Ross, and Sarah Toms, all of whom are leaders in the field of customer centricity.The collection includes three books in a single volume:> Customer Centricity, by Peter Fader> The Customer Centricity Playbook, by Peter Fader and Sarah Toms> The Customer-Base Audit, by Peter Fader, Bruce Hardie, and Michael RossThe Customer Centricity Ebook Collection offers a comprehensive guide to understanding, implementing, and measuring the impact of customer-centric strategies.

Customer Centricity in der Neuproduktentwicklung: Radikale Kundenorientierung als Schlüssel für potenzialstarke Innovationen (essentials)

by Ute Rademacher

Der Innovationsdruck auf Unternehmen steigt. Die Marktbedingungen werden volatiler. Die Zahl der Mitbewerber:innen steigt. Neue Geschäftsmodelle wirbeln alte Strukturen durcheinander. Und Kund:innen sind immer besser informiert und digital vernetzt. Nur Angebote, die verständliche und glaubwürdige Lösungen für die eigenen „Pain Points“ liefern, können sich durchsetzen.

Customer Centricity in New Product Development: Radical Customer Orientation as the Key to High-potential Innovations (essentials)

by Ute Rademacher

The pressure on companies to innovate is increasing. Market conditions are becoming more volatile. The number of competitors is increasing. New business models are upsetting old structures. And customers are increasingly well informed and digitally connected. Only offers that provide comprehensible and credible solutions for a company's own pain points can prevail.

The Customer Centricity Playbook: Implement a Winning Strategy Driven by Customer Lifetime Value

by Peter Fader Sarah Toms

2019 AXIOM BUSINESS BOOK AWARD WINNER Featured in Forbes, NPR’s Marketplace, and a Google Talk, The Customer Centricity Playbook offers “actionable insights to drive immediate value,” according to Neil Hoyne, Head of Customer Analytics and Chief Analytics Evangelist, Google. How did global gaming company Electronic Arts go from being named “Worst Company in America” to clearing a billion dollars in profit? They discovered a simple truth—and acted on it: Not all customers are the same, regardless of how they appear on the surface. In The Customer Centricity Playbook, Wharton School professor Peter Fader and Wharton Interactive’s executive director Sarah Toms help you see your customers as individuals rather than a monolith, so you can stop wasting resources by chasing down product sales to each and every consumer. Fader and Toms offer a 360-degree analysis of all the elements that support customer centricity within an organization. In this book, you will learn how to: Develop a customer-centric strategy for your organization Understand the right way to think about customer lifetime value (CLV) Finetune investments in customer acquisition, retention, and development tactics based on customer heterogeneity Foster a culture that sustains customer centricity, and also understand the link between CLV and market valuation Understand customer relationship management (CRM) systems, as they are a vital underpinning for all these areas through the valuable insights they provide Fader’s first book, Customer Centricity, quickly became a go-to for readers interested in focusing on the right customers for strategic advantage. In this new book, Fader and Toms offer a true playbook for companies of all sizes that want to create and implement a winning strategy to acquire, develop, and retain customers for the greatest value. “A must-read.” —Aimee Johnson, Chief Marketing Officer, Zillow “The Customer Centricity Playbook offers fundamental insights to point organizations of any size in the right direction.” —Rob Markey, Partner, Bain & Company, Inc., and coauthor, The Ultimate Question 2.0“Peter Fader and Sarah Toms offer transformative insights that light the path for business leaders.”—Susan Johnson, Chief Marketing Officer, SunTrust Banks

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Showing 10,051 through 10,075 of 51,106 results