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Customers at Work

by Wolfgang Dunkel Frank Kleemann

Explores the ongoing transformation of service relationships, focusing on the incorporation of the customer's active contribution to virtually all aspects and stages of the production process. This volume illuminates social relations and interaction between customers and service providers as well as between the users of web-based services.

Cut: The True Story of an Abandoned, Abused Little Girl Who Was Desperate to Be Part of a Family

by Cathy Glass

Dawn was the first girl Cathy Glass ever fostered. A sweet and seemingly well balanced girl, Dawn's outward appearance masked a traumatic childhood so awful, that even she could not remember it. During the first night, Cathy awoke to see Dawn looming above Cathy's baby's cot, her eyes staring and blank. She sleepwalks--which Cathy learns is often a manifestation in disturbed children. It becomes a regular and frightening occurrence, and Cathy is horrified to find Dawn lighting a match whilst mumbling "It's not my fault" in her sleep one night. Cathy discovers Dawn is playing truant from school, and struggling to make friends. More worryingly she finds her room empty one night, and her pillow covered in blood. Dawn has been self-harming in order to release the pain of her past. When Dawn attempts suicide, Cathy realises that she needs more help than she can give. Dawn's mother eventually confides in her that Dawn was sent away to relatives in Ireland between the ages of 5 and 9, and came back very disturbed. She also sheds light on the reason for Dawn's fascination with matches and Cathy's baby. *SPOILER ALERT*SPOILER INFO FOLLOWS* Eventually Dawn is placed in a psychiatric home for children, and five years later she gets in touch with Cathy. She has been reconciled with her mother and is now training to become a teacher.

Cut It Out: The C-Section Epidemic in America

by null Theresa Morris

Cut It Out examines the exponential increase in the United States of the most technological form of birth that exists: the cesarean section. While c-section births pose a higher risk of maternal death and medical complications, can have negative future reproductive consequences for the mother, increase the recovery time for mothers after birth, and cost almost twice as much as vaginal deliveries, the 2011 cesarean section rate of 33 percent is one of the highest recorded rates in U.S. history, and an increase of 50 percent over the past decade. Further, once a woman gives birth by c-section, her chances of having a vaginal delivery for future births drops dramatically. This decrease in vaginal births after cesarean sections (VBAC) is even more alarming: one third of hospitals and one half of physicians do not even allow a woman a trial of labor after a c-section, and 90 percent of women will go on to have the c-section surgery again for subsequent pregnancies. Of comparative developed countries, only Brazil and Italy have higher c-section rates; c-sections occur in only 19% of births in France, 17% of births in Japan, and 16% of births in Finland.How did this happen? Theresa Morris challenges most existing explanations of the unprecedented rise in c-section rates, which locate the cause of this trend in physicians practicing defensive medicine, women choosing c-sections for scheduling reasons, or women’s poor health and older ages. Morris’s explanation of the c-section epidemic is more complicated, taking into account the power and structure of legal, political, medical, and professional organizations; gendered ideas that devalue women; hospital organizational structures and protocols; and professional standards in the medical and insurance communities. She argues that there is a new culture within medicine that avoids risk or unpredictable outcomes and instead embraces planning and conservative choices, all in an effort to have perfect births. Based on 130 in-depth interviews with women who had just given birth, obstetricians, midwives, and labor and delivery nurses, as well as a careful examination of local and national level c-section rates, Cut It Out provides a comprehensive, riveting look at a little-known epidemic that greatly affects the lives, health, and families of each and every woman in America.

Cut Loose

by Victor Tan Chen

Years after the Great Recession, the economy is still weak, and an unprecedented number of workers have sunk into long spells of unemployment. Cut Loose provides a vivid and moving account of the experiences of some of these men and women, through the example of a historically important group: autoworkers. Their well-paid jobs on the assembly lines built a strong middle class in the decades after World War II. But today, they find themselves beleaguered in a changed economy of greater inequality and risk, one that favors the well-educated--or well-connected.Their declining fortunes in recent decades tell us something about what the white-collar workforce should expect to see in the years ahead, as job-killing technologies and the shipping of work overseas take away even more good jobs. Cut Loose offers a poignant look at how the long-term unemployed struggle in today's unfair economy to support their families, rebuild their lives, and overcome the shame and self-blame they deal with on a daily basis. It is also a call to action--a blueprint for a new kind of politics, one that offers a measure of grace in a society of ruthless advancement.

Cutaneous Haptic Feedback in Robotic Teleoperation (Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems #0)

by Claudio Pacchierotti

This work addresses the challenge of providing effective cutaneous haptic feedback in robotic teleoperation, with the objective of achieving the highest degree of transparency whilst guaranteeing the stability of the considered systems. On the one hand, it evaluates teleoperation systems that provide only cutaneous cues to the operator, thus guaranteeing the highest degree of safety. This cutaneous-only approach shows intermediate performance between no force feedback and full haptic feedback provided by a grounded haptic interface, and it is best suitable for those scenarios where the safety of the system is paramount, e. g. , robotic surgery. On the other hand, in order to achieve a higher level of performance, this work also investigates novel robotic teleoperation systems with force reflection able to provide mixed cutaneous and kinesthetic cues to the operator. Cutaneous cues can compensate for the temporary reduction of kinesthetic feedback necessary to satisfy certain stability conditions. This state-of-the-art volume is oriented toward researchers, educators, and students who are interested in force feedback techniques for robotic teleoperation, cutaneous device design, cutaneous rendering methods and perception studies, as well as readers from different disciplines who are interested in applying cutaneous haptic technologies and methods to their field of interest.

Cutting-Edge Social Policy Research

by Richard Hoefer

Apply knowledge from the latest research to urgent social problems and programsCutting-Edge Social Policy Research is a careful selection of the finest papers from the 2004 Social Policy Conference held in Charleston, South Carolina. These presentations from respected experts spotlight the latest and best research on a wide variety of crucial social policy issues. Explanations are provided on how to use qualitative and quantitative methods to research social policy questions, with a clear view on how to apply research results to today&’s social problems and programs.Cutting-Edge Social Policy Research discusses various social policy topics, approaches, and the latest high-quality research and findings. Students learn how others have researched the topics using different approaches, while practitioners gain important new information relevant to their jobs and practice areas. Chapters explore vital perspectives, such as how to link program evaluation to policy practice, how clients&’ "in their own voices" views bring more convincing rationale to policymakers, and how the "trauma perspective" can spotlight the true effects of poverty, inequality, and oppression in our society. The text includes extensive up-to-date bibliographies and literature reviews.Topics in Cutting-Edge Social Policy Research include: measuring program implementation-to differentiate between theories that don&’t work and programs that aren&’t effective inclusion of qualitative methods into research in social policy the latest quality-of-life research for the elderly in nursing homes effective intervention practices for deaf and hard of hearing children susceptible to abuse in-depth analysis of the eight variables of the Section 8 Housing Program policy process trauma theory and its application to poverty policy the impact of work incentive policies examination of state and local governments granting large tax breaks to corporations-and the implications for social welfare practitionersCutting-Edge Social Policy Research is stimulating, insightful reading for practitioners, educators, and students in social policy, social work, sociology, and political science.

Cutting Edge Technologies And Microcomputer Applications For Developing Countries

by Tien-tung Hsueh

This report is based on a conference on the applications of microcomputers in development sponsored by the U.S. Agency for International Development and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences in collaboration with a host country.

Cutting Green Tape: Pollutants, Environmental Regulation and the Law

by Richard L. Stroup Roger E. Meiners

Hundreds of hazardous waste sites are on the Superfund National Priority List in the United States, and thousands more could become eligible. The Superfund has spent or ordered the spending of billions of dollars, with little apparent impact on human health risks. While public perception of the real or imagined hazardous nature of consumer and industrial substances has resulted in widespread attention to the issue, lawsuits have proliferated with liability aimed at "deep pockets" instead of individual agents who may be responsible. Contributors to Cutting Green Tape carefully examine the existence and severity of the toxic harms and liability problem, the erosion of a clear tort legal system to settle disputes, and whether a clearly defined system of property rights could be developed to reduce the dangers from toxic substances.Cutting Green Tape rethinks the nature and impact of today's environmental bureaucracy. Rather than continue unworkable, cumbersome, and often contradictory regulations, Cutting Green Tape prescribes a clearer tort legal system to settle disputes and demonstrates that clearly defined environmental property rights would reduce the threat of toxic substances. Among the many topics addressed are: air toxins policy; pollution, damages, and tort law; risk assessment, insurance, and public information; protecting groundwater; regulation of carcinogens; contracting for health and safety; and toxin torts by government.The book converges on a central theme: when common law remedies, with their burden of proof and standards of evidence, are replaced by the legislatively mandated regulatory regimes described, a problem emerges. The bureaucratic "tunnel vision" described by Justice Stephen Breyer, tends to take over. The police powers of the state are given to bureaucratic decision makers who are limited only by the blunt instrument of political influence, rather than by the need to show harm or wrongdoing in an unbiased court (as the police are), or by a budget on expenditures set by the Congress (as most bureaus are). The excesses described in the chapters thus result not from incompetence in the bureaus, but from the expansive powers granted to decision makers who are tightly focused on the narrow mission they see before them.

Cutting Into the Meatpacking Line

by Deborah Fink

The nostalgic vision of a rural Midwest populated by independent family farmers hides the reality that rural wage labor has been integral to the region's development, says Deborah Fink. Focusing on the porkpacking industry in Iowa, Fink investigates the experience of the rural working class and highlights its significance in shaping the state's economic, political, and social contours. Fink draws both on interviews and on her own firsthand experience working on the production floor of a pork-processing plant. She weaves a fascinating account of the meatpacking industry's history in Iowa--a history, she notes, that has been experienced differently by male and female, immigrant and native-born, white and black workers. Indeed, argues Fink, these differences are a key factor in the ongoing creation of the rural working class. Other writers have denounced the new meatpacking companies for their ruthless destruction of both workers and communities. Fink sustains this criticism, which she augments with a discussion of union action, but also goes beyond it. She looks within rural midwestern culture itself to examine the class, gender, and ethnic contradictions that allowed--indeed welcomed--the meatpacking industry's development.

Cutting the Cost of Confusion: Eliminate the High Price of Failure to Communicate

by Richard Layton

Confusion is more than just another daily inconvenience, though its impacts are often hidden in metrics such as market share, productivity, and ROI. This book shows how to identify and eliminate the Cost of Confusion in workplaces, marketplaces, and communities.Cutting that cost demands the ability to distill, integrate, and synthesize ever more complex information from a broad range of perspectives and disciplines. Any gaps in understanding can and do negatively impact performance. Based on Richard Layton’s 20 years of experience helping organizations to be heard and understood, this book offers a powerful universal lens to view the costly impacts of confusion, and provides a framework to identify and manage the risk of failure to communicate with a range of stakeholders and audiences – and save millions of dollars in the process. Decision-makers, practitioners, and students in marketing and advertising, organizational development, knowledge management, information technology, project management, and other fields will appreciate this unique set of insights and tools they can employ to great effect within their companies, organizations, and public institutions.

Cutting the Cost of Confusion: Eliminate the High Price of Failure to Communicate

by Richard A. Layton

Confusion is more than just another daily inconvenience, though its impacts are often hidden in metrics such as market share, productivity, and ROI. This book shows how to identify and eliminate the Cost of Confusion in workplaces, marketplaces, and communities. Cutting that cost demands the ability to distill, integrate, and synthesize ever more complex information from a broad range of perspectives and disciplines. Any gaps in understanding can and do negatively impact performance. Based on Richard Layton’s 20 years of experience helping organizations to be heard and understood, this book offers a powerful universal lens to view the costly impacts of confusion, and provides a framework to identify and manage the risk of failure to communicate with a range of stakeholders and audiences – and save millions of dollars in the process. Decision-makers, practitioners, and students in marketing and advertising, organizational development, knowledge management, information technology, project management, and other fields will appreciate this unique set of insights and tools they can employ to great effect within their companies, organizations, and public institutions.

Cuz: The Life And Times Of Michael A.

by Danielle Allen

So tender yet courageous is this fierce family memoir that it makes mass incarceration nothing less than a new American tragedy. In a shattering work that shifts between a woman’s private anguish over the loss of her beloved baby cousin and a scholar’s fierce critique of the American prison system, Danielle Allen seeks answers to what, for many years, felt unanswerable. Why? Why did her cousin, a precocious young man who dreamed of being a firefighter and a writer, end up dead? Why did he languish in prison? And why, at the age of fifteen, was he in an alley in South Central Los Angeles, holding a gun while trying to steal someone’s car? Cuz means both “cousin” and “because.” In this searing memoir, Allen unfurls a "new American story" about a world tragically transformed by the sudden availability of narcotics and the rise of street gangs—a collision, followed by a reactionary War on Drugs, that would devastate not only South Central L.A. but virtually every urban center in the nation. At thirteen, sensitive, talkative Michael Allen was suddenly tossed into this cauldron, a violent world where he would be tried at fifteen as an adult for an attempted carjacking, and where he would be sent, along with an entire generation, cascading into the spiral of the Los Angeles prison system. Throughout her cousin Michael’s eleven years in prison, Danielle Allen—who became a dean at the University of Chicago at the age of thirty-two—remained psychically bonded to her self-appointed charge, visiting Michael in prison and corresponding with him regularly. When she finally welcomed her baby cousin home, she adopted the role of "cousin on duty," devotedly supporting Michael’s fresh start while juggling the demands of her own academic career. As Cuz heartbreakingly reveals, even Allen’s devotion, as unwavering as it was, could not save Michael from the brutal realities encountered by newly released young men navigating the streets of South Central. The corrosive entanglements of gang warfare, combined with a star-crossed love for a gorgeous woman driving a gold Mercedes, would ultimately be Michael’s undoing. In this Ellisonian story of a young African American man’s coming-of-age in late twentieth-century America, and of the family who will always love Michael, we learn how we lost an entire generation.

Cyber and Face-to-Face Aggression and Bullying among Children and Adolescents: New Perspectives, Prevention and Intervention in Schools (Routledge Studies in Asian Behavioural Sciences)

by FUNG, Annis Lai Chu

The shift from face-to-face communication since the start of the global pandemic has resulted in more conflicts among children and adolescents on social media, and aggressive and bullying behaviour becoming more severe on online platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter/X, WhatsApp, and Signal. This book holistically discusses the theoretical foundations underlying face-to-face and cyberaggression and provides practical advice for preventing and intervening in both forms of aggression and bullying among schoolchildren and adolescents across different countries.It offers practical tools to address notable shifts in expressions of aggression from offline to online settings since the COVID-19 outbreak in both Eastern and Western contexts. With nine chapters contributed by experts from the USA, Canada, Spain, United Kingdom, Taiwan, Mainland China, and Hong Kong, the chapters offer cross-cultural insights, new definitions, theoretical frameworks, plus preventative and intervention strategies. The book also covers protective factors and issues related to both cyber and traditional forms of bullying and aggression. The book ends by forecasting future trends regarding online and offline aggression and bullying.The prevention and intervention strategies contained within for reducing both face-to-face and cyber aggression and bullying among children and adolescents provide invaluable insights to frontliners such as educators, teachers, social workers, counsellors, psychologists, parents, and policymakers. It will also appeal to researchers by providing cutting-edge knowledge and conceptualisation of online and traditional aggressive and bullying behaviour.

Cyber Conflicts and Small States

by null Lech J. Janczewski null William Caelli

The probability of a world-wide cyber conflict is small. Yet the probability of forms of cyber conflict, regional or even global, could be argued as being very high. Small countries are usually signatories to military and economic alliances with major world powers but rely heavily on the technical ability of these powers in protecting their own national interests. They may be considered to be IT ’technology colonies’. Their cyber infrastructure is usually fully imported and their ability to assess it is limited. This book poses the question: to what extent should, or can, a small country prepare itself for handling the broad range of cyber threats? Looking at cyber-warfare, cyber-terrorism, cyber-crime and associated concerns, national experts from New Zealand, Australia, The Netherlands, and Poland present analyses of cyber-defence realities, priorities and options for smaller countries. They show that what is needed is the ability of small nations to be able to define and prepare appropriate responses such as the role of military/law enforcement/business entities, continuity and resilience strategies, incident response and business continuity plans and more for handing nationally-aimed cyber-attacks particularly where these address national critical infrastructures.

Cyber-Development, Cyber-Democracy and Cyber-Defense: Challenges, Opportunities and Implications for Theory, Policy and Practice

by Elias G. Carayannis David F. J. Campbell Marios Panagiotis Efthymiopoulos

In this volume, contributors from academia, industry, and policy explore the inter-connections among economic development, socio-political democracy and defense and security in the context of a profound transformation, spurred by globalization and supported by the rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT). This powerful combination of forces is changing the way we live and redefining the way companies conduct business and national governments pursue strategies of innovation, economic growth and diplomacy. Integrating theoretical frameworks, empirical research and case studies, the editors and contributors have organized the chapters into three major sections, focusing on cyber-development, cyber-democracy and cyber-defense. The authors define cyber-development as a set of tools, methodologies and practices that leverage ICT to catalyze and accelerate social, political and economic development, with an emphasis on making the transition to knowledge-based economies. One underlying understanding here is that knowledge, knowledge creation, knowledge production and knowledge application (innovation) behave as crucial drivers for enhancing democracy, society, and the economy. By promoting dissemination and sharing of knowledge, cyber-democracy allows a knowledge conversion of the local into the global (gloCal) and vice versa, resulting in a gloCal platform for communication and knowledge interaction and knowledge enhancement Meanwhile, technology-enabled interconnectivity increases the need to adopt new methods and actions for protection against existing threats and possible challenges to emerge in the future The final section contemplates themes of cyber-defense and security, as well as emerging theories and values, legal aspects and trans-continental links (NATO, international organizations and bilateral relations between states) Collectively, the authors present a unique collection of insights and perspectives on the challenges and opportunities inspired by connectivity.

The Cyber Effect: A Pioneering Cyberpsychologist Explains How Human Behavior Changes Online (Not A Ser.)

by Mary Aiken

A groundbreaking exploration of how cyberspace is changing the way we think, feel, and behave Mary Aiken is the world's leading expert in forensic cyberpsychology--a discipline that combines psychology, criminology, and technology to investigate the intersection where technology and human behavior meet. In this, her first book, Aiken has created a starting point for all future conversations about how the Internet is shaping development and behavior, societal norms and values, children, safety, security, and our perception of the world. Cyberspace is an environment full of surveillance, but who is looking out for us? The Cyber Effect offers a fascinating and chilling look at a future we can still do something about. Drawing on her own research and extensive experience with law enforcement, Mary Aiken covers a wide range of subjects from the impact of screens on the developing child to the explosion of teen sexting, and the acceleration of compulsive and addictive behaviors online (gaming, shopping, pornography). She examines the escalation of cyberchondria (anxiety produced by self-diagnosing online), cyberstalking, and organized cybercrime in the Deep Web. Aiken provides surprising statistics and incredible-but-true case studies of hidden trends that are shaping our culture and raising troubling questions about where the digital revolution is taking us. The Cyber Effect will upend your assumptions about your online life and forever change the way you think about the technology you, your friends, and family use. Readers will gain a new understanding of the rapid change taking shape around us and come away with critical tools to become part of this very necessary conversation.Advance praise for The Cyber Effect"Just as Rachel Carson launched the modern environmental movement with her Silent Spring, Mary Aiken delivers a deeply disturbing, utterly penetrating, and urgently timed investigation into the perils of the largest unregulated social experiment of our time."--Bob Woodward "Mary Aiken takes us on a fascinating, thought-provoking, and at times scary journey down the rabbit hole to witness how the Internet is changing the human psyche. A must-read for anyone who wants to understand the temptations and tragedies of cyberspace."--John R. Suler, PhD, author of The Psychology of Cyberspace"Drawing on a fascinating and mind-boggling range of research and knowledge, Mary Aiken has written a great, important book that terrifies then consoles by pointing a way forward so that our experience online might not outstrip our common sense. A must-read for this moment in time."--Steven D. Levitt, co-author of the New York Times bestseller Freakonomics"Figuring out how to guide kids in a hyperconnected world is one of the biggest challenges for today's parents. Mary Aiken clearly and calmly separates reality from myth. She clearly lays out the issues we really need to be concerned about and calmly instructs us on how to keep our kids safe and healthy in their digital lives."--Peggy Orenstein, author of the New York Times bestseller Girls & Sex "Having worked with law enforcement groups from INTERPOL and Europol as well as the U.S. government, Aiken knows firsthand how today's digital tools can be exploited by criminals lurking in the Internet's Dark Net."--NewsweekFrom the Hardcover edition.

Cyber-Enabled Intelligence

by Liming Chen Huansheng Ning Ata Ullah Xiong Luo

The book provides an advanced vision and trends of computational intelligence in cyberspace and cyber-enabled spaces. It reviews architectures and models, as well as state-of-the-art computational and interpretation capabilities for social, industrial, and multimedia applications. Cyber-enabled intelligence involves the design and development of intelligent and innovative application scenarios in social networks, computer vision, multimedia, and image processing. Application scenarios can also cover the applicability of intelligent sensing, data collection and predictive analysis in Internet of Things.

Cyber Minds: Insights on cybersecurity across the cloud, data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and IoT to keep you cyber safe

by Shira Rubinoff

Cyber Minds brings together an unrivalled panel of international experts who offer their insights into current cybersecurity issues in the military, business, and government. Key Features Explore the latest developments in cybersecurity Hear expert insight from the industry's top practitioners Dive deep into cyber threats in business, government, and military Book Description Shira Rubinoff's Cyber Minds brings together the top authorities in cybersecurity to discuss the emergent threats that face industries, societies, militaries, and governments today. With new technology threats, rising international tensions, and state-sponsored cyber attacks, cybersecurity is more important than ever. Cyber Minds serves as a strategic briefing on cybersecurity and data safety, collecting expert insights from sector security leaders, including: General Gregory Touhill, former Federal Chief Information Security Officer of the United States Kevin L. Jackson, CEO and Founder, GovCloud Mark Lynd, Digital Business Leader, NETSYNC Joseph Steinberg, Internet Security advisor and thought leader Jim Reavis, Co-Founder and CEO, Cloud Security Alliance Dr. Tom Kellerman, Chief Cybersecurity Officer for Carbon Black Inc and Vice Chair of Strategic Cyber Ventures Board Mary Ann Davidson, Chief Security Officer, Oracle Dr. Sally Eaves, Emergent Technology CTO, Global Strategy Advisor – Blockchain AI FinTech, Social Impact award winner, keynote speaker and author Dr. Guenther Dobrauz, Partner with PwC in Zurich and Leader of PwC Legal Switzerland Barmak Meftah, President, AT&T Cybersecurity Cleve Adams, CEO, Site 1001 (AI and big data based smart building company) Ann Johnson, Corporate Vice President – Cybersecurity Solutions Group, Microsoft Barbara Humpton, CEO, Siemens USA Businesses and states depend on effective cybersecurity. This book will help you to arm and inform yourself on what you need to know to keep your business – or your country – safe. What you will learn The threats and opportunities presented by AI How to mitigate social engineering and other human threats Developing cybersecurity strategies for the cloud Major data breaches, their causes, consequences, and key takeaways Blockchain applications for cybersecurity Implications of IoT and how to secure IoT services The role of security in cyberterrorism and state-sponsored cyber attacks Who this book is for This book is essential reading for business leaders, the C-Suite, board members, IT decision makers within an organization, and anyone with a responsibility for cybersecurity.

Cyber Physical Systems. Model-Based Design: 8th International Workshop, CyPhy 2018, and 14th International Workshop, WESE 2018, Turin, Italy, October 4–5, 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11615)

by Roger Chamberlain Walid Taha Martin Törngren

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Design, Modeling, and Evaluation of Cyber Physical Systems, CyPhy 2018 and 14th International Workshop on Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems Education, WESE 2018, held in conjunction with ESWeek 2018, in Torino, Italy, in October 2018.The 13 full papers presented together with 1 short paper in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 18 submissions. The conference presents a wide range of domains including Modeling, simulation, verification, design, cyber-physical systems, embedded systems, real-time systems, safety, and reliability.

Cyber Security: Second International Symposium, CSS 2015, Coeur d'Alene, ID, USA, April 7-8, 2015, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #589)

by Kristin Haltinner Dilshani Sarathchandra Jim Alves-Foss Kevin Chang Daniel Conte de Leon Jia Song

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Cyber Security, CSS 2015, held in Coeur d'Alene, ID, USA, in April 2015. The 9 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 20 papers. The papers reflect four areas of scholarly work: permissions and trust evaluation, implementation and management; cloud and device security and privacy; social implications of networked and mobile applications; system and process assessments for improved cybersecurity.

Cyber Security: Ein Einblick für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler (essentials)

by Sebastian Klipper

In diesem Buch erfahren Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, wie Firmen nach Hackerangriffen vom Markt verschwinden und wie Hacker Aktienkurse beeinflussen können. Lernen Sie, wie Homo oeconomicus beim Thema Cyber Security zum Homo carens securitate wird und wie es gelingt, mithilfe der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen ,,Brille" (oder: Perspektive/Sicht) ganz neue Lösungsansätze und Sichtweisen im Kampf gegen Wirtschaftsspione, Hacker und Cyber-Kriminelle zu erkennen. Cyber Security bzw. IT-Sicherheit ist ein Zukunftsthema, an dem kaum jemand vorbeikommt. Dieses Buch beschreibt anhand aktueller Vorfälle - ohne technisches Grundwissen vorauszusetzen -, was Ökonomen wissen müssen, um sich am Gespräch über eines der wichtigsten Zukunftsthemen unserer Zeit beteiligen zu können.

Cyber Security and Computer Science: Second EAI International Conference, ICONCS 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 15-16, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering #325)

by Touhid Bhuiyan Md. Mostafijur Rahman Md. Asraf Ali

This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the Second International Conference on Cyber Security and Computer Science, ICONCS 2020, held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in February 2020. The 58 full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 133 submissions. The papers detail new ideas, inventions, and application experiences to cyber security systems. They are organized in topical sections on optimization problems; image steganography and risk analysis on web applications; machine learning in disease diagnosis and monitoring; computer vision and image processing in health care; text and speech processing; machine learning in health care; blockchain applications; computer vision and image processing in health care; malware analysis; computer vision; future technology applications; computer networks; machine learning on imbalanced data; computer security; Bangla language processing.

Cyber Security Cryptography and Machine Learning: Second International Symposium, CSCML 2018, Beer Sheva, Israel, June 21–22, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10879)

by Itai Dinur Shlomi Dolev Sachin Lodha

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Cyber Security Cryptography and Machine Learning, CSCML 2018, held in Beer-Sheva, Israel, in June 2018. The 16 full and 6 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 44 submissions. They deal with the theory, design, analysis, implementation, or application of cyber security, cryptography and machine learning systems and networks, and conceptually innovative topics in the scope.

Cyber Security Cryptography and Machine Learning: Third International Symposium, CSCML 2019, Beer-Sheva, Israel, June 27–28, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11527)

by Shlomi Dolev Danny Hendler Sachin Lodha Moti Yung

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Cyber Security Cryptography and Machine Learning, CSCML 2019, held in Beer-Sheva, Israel, in June 2019.The 18 full and 10 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 36 submissions. They deal with the theory, design, analysis, implementation, or application of cyber security, cryptography and machine learning systems and networks, and conceptually innovative topics in these research areas.

Cyber Security for Next-Generation Computing Technologies

by Inam Ullah Khan Mariya Ouaissa Mariyam Ouaissa Zakaria Abou El Houda Muhammad Fazal Ijaz

This book sheds light on the cyber security challenges associated with nextgeneration computing technologies, emphasizing the serious threats posed to individuals, businesses, and nations. With everything becoming increasingly interconnected via the Internet, data security becomes paramount. As technology advances, people need to secure their data communication processes. Personal data security, including data integrity and confidentiality, is particularly vulnerable. Therefore, the concept of cyber security forensics emerges to ensure data security for everyone, addressing issues such as data control, hijacking, and threats to personal devices such as mobile phones, laptops, and other smart technologies. This book covers key topics related to cyber security in next-generation computing technologies, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for citizens, facilitating interaction with smart governments, and promoting secure communication processes. KEY FEATURES • Highlights innovative principles and practices using next generation computing technologies based cybersecurity. • Presents an introduction to recent trends regarding the convergence of AI/ML in cybersecurity • Offers an overview of theoretical, practical, simulation concepts of cybersecurity

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