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by Juan Moises de la Serna Conchi FuentesCyberbullying is a modern form of harassment that anyone can suffer, but the situation is especially worrying when dealing with minors.This short guide presents answers to some of the most important questions on this subject that any parent with children of school age should bear in mind, such as: What is cyberbullying? How does cyberbullying affect people? Can cyberbullying be prevented? And, above all, what to do if your child is suffering from cyberbullying? Discover all the facts about cyberbullying, based on results from the latest research in the field of psychology on this matter.
by Juan Moises de la Serna Beatriz Sosa RebeloO cyberbullying é uma nova modalidade de assédio que qualquer pessoa pode vir a sofrer, mas a situação é especialmente preocupante quando se trata de menores. Neste breve manual são respondidas as perguntas mais importantes sobre este tema que todo pai com filhos em idade escolar deve ter em mente: O que é o Cyberbullying? Quais os efeitos do Cyberbullying? Pode se prevenir o Cyberbullying? e principalmente, O que fazer se nosso filho for vítima do Cyberbullying? Descubra todos os segredos sobre o Cyberbullying com os resultados das últimas pesquisas realizadas no âmbito da psicologia sobre o assunto.
Cyberbullying: From Theory to Intervention (Bullying And Victimization Ser.)
by Trijntje Völlink Francine Dehue Conor GuckinThe study of cyberbullying has exploded since its first appearance in a peer-reviewed journal article in 2005. Cyberbullying: From theory to intervention aims to make clear and practical sense of this proliferation of coverage by defining the problem of cyberbullying and examining its unique features. The volume provides a thorough overview of state-of-the-art research into the phenomenon, and discusses the development and evaluation of interventions to prevent and combat it. Whereas most research papers offer limited space to describe actual intervention methods, this book provides tremendous insight into the different theoretical methods and practical strategies available to combat cyberbullying. Part One provides readers with a critical review of the existing research literature and collects insights from international researchers involved in bullying and cyberbullying research, tackling key questions such as: how is cyberbullying defined, what is the overlap with traditional bullying, and what are the negative consequences of cyberbullying? Part Two gives an overview of the development and content of evidence-based ICT interventions aimed at preventing and combating bullying and cyberbullying. In addition, some of the important outcomes of the effect evaluations will be described. The book's final chapter integrates the information from Part One with advice regarding practical applications from Part Two. Cyberbullying: From theory to intervention is essential reading for academics and researchers concerned with both cyberbullying and traditional bullying. It can be used in graduate seminars or advanced undergraduate courses in cyberbullying and will also be of interest to teachers, field experts and organisations involved and disseminating cyberbullying solutions.
Cyberbullying and Online Harms: Preventions and Interventions from Community to Campus
by Helen Cowie Carrie-Anne MyersCyberbullying and Online Harms identifies online harms and their impact on young people, from communities to campuses, exploring current and future interventions to reduce and prevent online harassment and aggression. This important resource brings together eminent international researchers whose work shines a light on social issues such as bullying/cyberbullying, racism, homophobia, hate crime, and social exclusion. The text collates into one volume current knowledge and evidence of cyberbullying and its effect on young people, facilitating action to protect victims, challenge perpetrators and develop policies and practices to change cultures that are discriminatory and divisive. It also provides a space where those who have suffered online harms and who have often been silenced in the past may have a voice in telling their experiences and recounting interventions and policies that helped them to create safer spaces in which to live in their community, study in their educational institutions and socialise with their peer group. This is essential reading for researchers, academics, undergraduates and postgraduates in sociology, psychology, criminology, media and communication studies, as well as practitioners and policymakers in psychology, education, sociology, criminology, psychiatry, counselling and psychotherapy, and anyone concerned with the issue of bullying, cyberbullying and online harms among young people in higher education.
Cyberbullying and Values Education: Implications for Family and School Education (Routledge Series on Life and Values Education)
by Angel Nga Man Leung Kevin Ka Shing Chan Catalina Sau Man Ng John Chi-Kin LeeWritten by scholars from both the Western and Chinese contexts, this monograph discusses the relation between cyberbullying and socio-emotional-moral competencies, feasible interventions by integrating values education, and provides future directions in the field of cyberpsychology. Cyberbullying has become a growing concern in the digital age as it brings devastating impacts on its victims. Educating the younger generation, particularly through values education, also known as character, moral, or social-emotional learning, helps equip children and adolescents with the necessary ethical and moral attitudes, and foster the necessary socio-emotional competencies for them to navigate the digital world as responsible cyber-citizens. A central focus of the book is intervention and education. Cultivating competences and responsible use of technology in the younger generation through values education and evidence-based intervention helps combat cyberbullying. Families, schools, and communities can work together with suitable school programs, teacher education, and parents/school collaboration to help students cope with cyberbullying and create safer online spaces for them. Technology itself is not inherently good or bad but shaped by human choices and values. Supported by empirical evidence and theoretical insights, this book suggests ways to promote moral and emotional skills, foster digital citizenship, and encourage ethical technology design. This book provides a comprehensive understanding of cyberbullying. This timely resource will contribute to creating a safer and more positive online environment for all. It will inform researchers, educators, parents, and the community in combating cyberbullying by enabling children and adolescents to be responsible, ethical, and happy netizens.
Cyberbullying at University in International Contexts
by Wanda Cassidy Chantal Faucher Margaret JacksonCyberbullying is a problem that is being increasingly investigated by researchers, however, much of the cyberbullying research literature to date has focused on children and youth. Cyberbullying at University in International Contexts fills the gap in the research literature by examining the nature, extent, impacts, proposed solutions, and policy and practice considerations of bullying in the cyber-world at post-secondary institutions, where reports of serious cyberbullying incidents have become more prevalent. This book brings together cutting-edge research from around the world to examine the issue of cyberbullying through a multi-disciplinary lens, offering an array of approaches, interpretations, and solutions. It is not solely focused on cyberbullying by and against students, but also includes cyberbullying by and against faculty members, and permutations involving both students and faculty, as well as institutional staff, presenting perspectives from students, practitioners and senior university policy makers. It draws on research from education, criminology, psychology, sociology, communications, law, health sciences, social work, humanities, labour studies and is valuable reading for graduate students in these fields. It is also essential reading for policymakers, practitioners and University administrators who recognize their responsibility to provide a healthy workplace for their staff, as well as a safe and respectful environment for their students.
Cyberbullying in Schools, Workplaces, and Romantic Relationships: The Many Lenses and Perspectives of Electronic Mistreatment
by Gary W. Giumetti Robin M. KowalskiThis volume brings together research on cyberbullying across contexts, age groups, and cultures to gain a fuller perspective of the prevalence and impact of electronic mistreatment on individual, group, and organizational outcomes. This is the first book to integrate research on cyberbullying across three contexts: schools, workplaces, and romantic relationships, providing a unique synthesis of lifespan contexts.For each context, the expert chapter authors bring together three different 'lenses': existing research on the predictors and outcomes of cyberbullying within that context; a cross-cultural review across national borders and cultural boundaries; and a developmental perspective that examines age-related differences in cyberbullying within that context. The book closes by drawing commonalities across these different contexts leading to a richer understanding of cyberbullying as a whole and some possible avenues for future research and practice.This is fascinating reading for researchers and upper-level students in social psychology, counseling, school psychology, industrial-organizational psychology, and developmental psychology, as well as educators and administrators.
Cyberbullying through the New Media: Findings from an international network
by Peter K. Smith Georges SteffgenCyberbullying is one of the darker and more troubling aspects to the growing accessibility of new media technologies. Children in developed countries engage with cyberspace at younger and younger ages, and the use of the internet as a means to bully and harass has been greeted with alarm by educationalists, parents, the media, and governments. This important new book is the result of a four-year international collaboration, funded by the EU, to better understand how we can cope and confront cyberbullying, and how new media technologies can be used to actually support the victims of such abuse. The articles initially define the historical and theoretical context to cyberbullying, before examining key issues involved in managing this pervasive phenomenon. Coverage includes: The definition and measurement of cyberbullying. The legal challenges in tackling cyberbullying across a number of international contexts. The role of mobile phone companies and Internet service providers in monitoring and prevention How the media frame and present the issue, and how that influences our understanding. How victims can cope with the effects of cyberbullying, and the guidelines and advice provided in different countries. How cyber-bullying can continue from school into further education, and the strategies that can be used to prevent it. The ways in which accessing 'youth voice', or maximising the contribution of young people themselves to the research process, can enhance our understanding The book concludes with practical guidance to help confront the trauma that cyberbullying can cause. It will be a valuable resource for researchers, students, policy makers and administrators with an interest in how children and young people are rendered vulnerable to bullying and harassment through a variety of online channels.
Cybercrime and Digital Deviance
by Roderick S. Graham 'Shawn K. SmithCybercrime and Digital Deviance, Second Edition, combines insights from sociology, criminology, psychology, and cybersecurity to explore cybercrimes such as hacking, identity theft, and romance scams, along with forms of digital deviance such as pornography addiction, trolling, and “canceling” people for perceived violations of norms.Other issues are explored including cybercrime investigations, nation-state cybercrime, the use of algorithms in policing, cybervictimization, and expanded discussion of the theories used to explain cybercrime. Graham and Smith conceptualize the online space as a distinct environment for social interaction, framing their work with assumptions informed by their respective work in urban sociology and spatial criminology, and offering an engaging entry point for understanding what may appear to be a technologically complex course of study. The authors apply a modified version of a typology developed by David Wall: cybertrespass, cyberfraud, cyberviolence, and cyberpornography. This typology is simple enough for students just beginning their inquiry into cybercrime, while its use of legal categories of trespassing, fraud, violent crimes against persons, and moral transgressions provides a solid foundation for deeper study. In this edition each chapter includes a new “Current Events and Critical Thinking” section, using concepts from the chapter to explore a specific event or topic like the effect of disinformation on social cohesion and politics.Taken together, Graham and Smith’s application of a digital environment and Wall’s cybercrime typology makes this an ideal upper-level text for students in sociology and criminal justice. It is also an ideal introductory text for students within the emerging disciplines of cybercrime and cybersecurity.
Cybercrime and Digital Deviance
by Roderick Graham 'Shawn SmithCybercrime and Digital Deviance is a work that combines insights from sociology, criminology, and computer science to explore cybercrimes such as hacking and romance scams, along with forms of cyberdeviance such as pornography addiction, trolling, and flaming. Other issues are explored including cybercrime investigations, organized cybercrime, the use of algorithms in policing, cybervictimization, and the theories used to explain cybercrime. Graham and Smith make a conceptual distinction between a terrestrial, physical environment and a single digital environment produced through networked computers. Conceptualizing the online space as a distinct environment for social interaction links this text with assumptions made in the fields of urban sociology or rural criminology. Students in sociology and criminology will have a familiar entry point for understanding what may appear to be a technologically complex course of study. The authors organize all forms of cybercrime and cyberdeviance by applying a typology developed by David Wall: cybertrespass, cyberdeception, cyberviolence, and cyberpornography. This typology is simple enough for students just beginning their inquiry into cybercrime. Because it is based on legal categories of trespassing, fraud, violent crimes against persons, and moral transgressions it provides a solid foundation for deeper study. Taken together, Graham and Smith’s application of a digital environment and Wall’s cybercrime typology makes this an ideal upper level text for students in sociology and criminal justice. It is also an ideal introductory text for students within the emerging disciplines of cybercrime and cybersecurity.
by Juan Moisés de la Serna Sara CaceffoLa tecnologia è ogni giorno più presente nelle nostre vite. Questo comporta un evidente progresso, ma anche un pericolo, specialmente fra i più giovani, che possono cadere nella cosiddetta cyberdipendenza . Questa si è convertita in una realtà del giorno d'oggi, un problema di salute che non esisteva affatto appena una decina di anni fa, e che ogni giorno provoca nuove vittime, sempre più giovani. Sebbene le conseguenze a lungo termine siano ancora sconosciute, alcuni studi rivelano che il fenomeno riguarda un 30% dei giovani che usano Internet quotidianamente, presupponendo così che un giovane su tre sia a rischio di sviluppare una dipendenza di tipo comportamentale. Nonostante alcuni paesi stiano iniziando ad adottare misure per prevenire il problema, altri ancora non percepiscono la gravità della situazione, di qui segue la necessità di divulgare i risultati delle ultime indagini in tema e dare visibilità a un problema sociale che richiede misure tanto preventive quanto terapeutiche.
CyberGenetics: Health genetics and new media (Genetics and Society)
by Susan Kelly Anna Harris Sally WyattOnline genetic testing services are increasingly being offered to consumers who are becoming exposed to, and knowledgeable about, new kinds of genetic technologies, as the launch of a 23andme genetic testing product in the UK testifies. Genetic research breakthroughs, cheek swabbing forensic pathologists and celebrities discovering their ancestral roots are littered throughout the North American, European and Australasian media landscapes. Genetic testing is now capturing the attention, and imagination, of hundreds of thousands of people who can not only buy genetic tests online, but can also go online to find relatives, share their results with strangers, sign up for personal DNA-based musical scores, and take part in research. This book critically examines this market of direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing from a social science perspective, asking, what happens when genetics goes online?With a focus on genetic testing for disease, the book is about the new social arrangements which emerge when a traditionally clinical practice (genetic testing) is taken into new spaces (the internet). It examines the intersections of new genetics and new media by drawing from three different fields: internet studies; the sociology of health; and science and technology studies. While there has been a surge of research activity concerning DTC genetic testing, particularly in sociology, ethics and law, this is the first scholarly monograph on the topic, and the first book which brings together the social study of genetics and the social study of digital technologies. This book thus not only offers a new overview of this field, but also offers a unique contribution by attending to the digital, and by drawing upon empirical examples from our own research of DTC genetic testing websites (using online methods) and in-depth interviews in the United Kingdom with people using healthcare services.
Cyberkids: Youth Identities and Communities in an On-line World
by Gill Valentine Sarah HollowayAs Tony Blair has said, "Technology has revolutionised the way we work and is now set to transform education. Children cannot be effective in tomorrow's world if they are trained in yesterday's skills."Cyberkids draws together research in the sociology of childhood and social studies of technology to explore children's experiences in the Information Age. The book addresses key policy debates about social inclusion and exclusion, children's identities and friendships in on-line and off-line worlds and their relationships with families and teachers. It counters contemporary moral panics about children's risk from dangerous strangers on-line, about corruption and lost innocence from adult-centred material on the web and about the addiction to life on the screen. Instead, by showing how children use ICT in balanced and sophisticated ways, the book draws out the importance of everyday uses of technology and the ways in which children's local experiences are embedded within, and in part, constitute the global.
Cyberlibertarianism: The Right-Wing Politics of Digital Technology
by David GolumbiaAn urgent reckoning with digital technology&’s fundamentally right-wing legal and economic underpinnings In a timely challenge to the potent political role of digital technology, Cyberlibertarianism argues that right-wing ideology was built into both the technical and social construction of the digital world from the start. Leveraging more than a decade of research, David Golumbia traces how digital evangelism has driven the worldwide shift toward the political right, concealing inequality, xenophobia, dishonesty, and massive corporate concentrations of wealth and power beneath the utopian presumption of digital technology as an inherent social good. Providing an incisive critique of the push for open access and open-source software and the legal battles over online censorship and net neutrality, Cyberlibertarianism details how the purportedly democratic internet has been employed as an organizing tool for terror and hate groups and political disinformation campaigns. As he unpacks our naively utopian conception of the digital world, Golumbia highlights technology&’s role in the advancement of hyperindividualist and antigovernment agendas, demonstrating how Silicon Valley corporations and right-wing economists; antiestablishment figures such as Julian Assange, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Edward Snowden, and Mark Zuckerberg; and seemingly positive voices such as John Perry Barlow, Cory Doctorow, the Electronic Freedom Foundation, and Wikipedia all have worked to hamper regulation and weaken legal safeguards against exploitation. Drawing from a wide range of thought in digital theory, economics, law, and political philosophy as well as detailed research and Golumbia&’s own experience as a software developer, Cyberlibertarianism serves as a clarion call to reevaluate the fraught politics of the internet. In the hope of providing a way of working toward a more genuinely democratic and egalitarian future for digital technology, this magisterial work insists that we must first understand the veiled dogmas from which it has been constructed. Retail e-book files for this title are screen-reader friendly.
A Cybernetic Approach To The Assessment Of Children: Toward A More Humane Use Of Human Beings
by Mark OzerThis collection addresses the application of the principles of cybernetics to the methodology of assessment of function in children. The authors suggest that an awareness of the issues of control and informational feedback exemplified by cybernetics leads to new ways of thinking about both the process of gathering data and the type of data sought.
Cybernetic Avatar
by Hiroshi Ishiguro Fuki Ueno Eiki TachibanaThis open access book presents a vision of a future, where avatars play an integral role in shaping the fabric of our interconnected society. The book introduces the authors’ ongoing efforts to advance avatar technologies and is structured into nine chapters. Chapter 1 discusses the potentially revolutionary impact of cybernetic avatars (CAs) as a new medium of communication, liberating individuals from physical barriers and creating more flexible work environments. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 present developments in CAs with advanced autonomous functionality. Chapters 5 and 6 discuss the creation of a CA platform that connects multiple operators and CAs. Chapter 7 explores the physiological and neuroscientific effects of avatars and other media on operators and users. Finally, Chapters 8 and 9 discuss the societal implementation of CAs. This book is stemmed from one of the Moonshot R&D projects funded by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).
Cybernetic Psychology and Mental Health: A Circular Logic Of Control Beyond The Individual (Concepts for Critical Psychology)
by Timothy J. BeckThis book explores the cultural importance of cybernetic technologies and their relationship to human experience through a critical theoretical lens. Bringing several often-marginalized histories of cybernetics, psychology, and mental health into dialogue with one another, Beck questions common assumptions about human life such as that our minds operate as information processing machines and our neurons communicate with one another. Rather than suggest that such ideas are either right or wrong, however, this book analyzes how and why we have come to frame questions about ourselves in these ways, as if our brains were our own personal computers. Here, the rationality underlying information theories in psychology is followed to its logical conclusion, only to find it circles back to where it began: engineered methods of human control. After tracing a series of recent developments in this vein across fields related to mental health, Beck highlights emerging psychosocial alternatives by incorporating recent work of scholars and activists who have already begun creating collective support networks in radical ways. Their work overlaps fruitfully with ideas from those, including Gilbert Simondon and Fernand Deligny, who foresaw many of the current problems with how information theories have been coupled with psychology and mental health care. This book is fascinating reading for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students across psychology, mental health programs, and digital media studies, and academics and researchers with a theoretical interest in the philosophy of technology. It’s also an interesting resource for professionals with a practical interest in organizing care services under the data-driven imperatives of contemporary capitalism.
Cybernetics and the Constructed Environment: Design Between Nature and Technology
by Zihao ZhangGrounded in contemporary landscape architecture theory and practice, Cybernetics and the Constructed Environment blends examples from art, design, and engineering with concepts from cybernetics and posthumanism, offering a transdisciplinary examination of the ramifications of cybernetics on the constructed environment. Cybernetics, or the study of communication and control in animals and machines, has grown increasingly relevant nearly 80 years after its inception. Cyber-physical systems, sensing networks, and spatial computing—algorithms and intelligent machines—create endless feedback loops with human and non-human actors, co-producing a cybernetic environment. Yet, when an ecosystem is meticulously managed by intelligent machines, can we still call it wild nature? Posthumanism ideas, such as new materialism, actor-network theory, and object-oriented ontology, have become increasingly popular among design disciplines, including landscape architecture, and may have provided transformative frameworks to understand this entangled reality. However, design still entails a sense of intentionality and an urge to control. How do we, then, address the tension between the designer’s intentionality and the co-produced reality of more-than-human agents in the cybernetic environment? Is posthumanism enough to develop a framework to think beyond our all-too-human ways of thinking? For researchers, scholars, practitioners, and students in environmental design and engineering disciplines, this book maps out a paradigm of environmentalism and ecological design rooted in non-communication and uncontrollability, and puts a speculative turn on cybernetics.Chapters 8 and 9 of this book are freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at http://www.taylorfrancis.com under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.
Cybernics: Fusion of human, machine and information systems
by Yoshiyuki Sankai Kenji Suzuki Yasuhisa HasegawaCybernics plays a significant role in coping with an aging society using state-of-the-art technologies from engineering, clinical medicine and humanities. This new interdisciplinary field studies technologies that enhance, strengthen, and support physical and cognitive functions of human beings, based on the fusion of human, machine, and information systems. The design of a seamless interface for interaction between the interior and exterior of the human body is described in this book from diverse aspects such as the physical, neurophysiological, and cognitive levels. It is the first book to cover the many aspects of cybernics, allowing readers to understand the life support robotics technology for the elderly, including remote, in-home, hospital, institutional, community medical welfare, and vital-sensing systems. Serving as a valuable resource, this volume will interest not only graduate students, scientists, and engineers but also newcomers to the field of cybernics.
Cyberpower: An Introduction to the Politics of Cyberspace
by Tim JordanThis is the first complete introduction to and analysis of the politics of the internet. Chapters are arranged around key words and use case studies to guide the reader through a wealth of material.Cyberpower presents all the key concepts of cyberspace including:* power and cyberspace* the virtual individual* society in cyberspace* imagination and the internet.
Cyberprotest: New Media, Citizens and Social Movements
by Wim Van De Donk Brian D. Loader Paul G. Nixon Dieter RuchtEver since the anti-globalisation protests in Seattle in 1999 the adoption of new information and communications technologies (ICTs) by social movement activists has offered the prospect for the development of global cyberprotest. The Internet with its transnational many-to-many communication facility offers a revolutionary potential for social movements to go online and circumvent the 'official' messages of political and commercial organisations and the traditional media, by speaking directly to the citizens of the world. Furthermore the use of electronic mail (e-mail), mailing lists, websites, electronic forums and other online applications provide powerful media tools for co-ordinating the activity of often physically dispersed movement actors. Moreover, ICTs may also contribute to the important function of social movements of shaping collective identity and countering the claims and arguments of established political interests. A growing body of literature during the last decades of the twentieth century attests to the significant impact SMs have had upon the restructuring of the political landscape. Most of that literature addresses the more traditional actors and institutions (e.g. parliaments, political parties, bureaucracy etc.). Less attention has been devoted to those manifestations of political action that are concentrated around social movements and all kinds of more or less institutionalised and sustainable forms of citizen mobilisation. This book is a collection of cases that take a critical look into the way ICTs are finding their way into the world of social movements
Cyberpsychology: An Introduction to Human–Computer Interaction
by Norman Kent L.This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the human-computer interface in clear, non-technical language, making it an ideal introduction for students of both psychology and computer science. Covering the past, present, and future developments in technology and psychology, it combines cutting-edge academic research with engaging illustrations and examples that show students how the material relates to their lives. Topics addressed include: human factors of input devices, and the basics of sensation and perception; memory and cognitive issues of users navigating their way through interfaces; communication via programming languages and natural speech interaction; cyberpathologies such as techno-stress and Internet addiction disorders; and challenges surrounding automation and artificial intelligence. This thoroughly updated second edition features new chapters on virtual reality and cybersecurity; expanded coverage of social media, mobile computing, e-learning, and video games; and end-of-chapter review questions that ensure students have mastered key objectives.
Cyberpsychology: The Study of Individuals, Society and Digital Technologies
by Monica T. Whitty Garry YoungAn important new BPS Textbook in Psychology exploring the interactions between individuals, societies, and digital technologies Outlines key theories and empirical research within cyberpsychology and provides critical assessments of this rapidly changing field Identifies areas in need of further research and ways to use digital technologies as a research tool Covers topics such as online identity, online relationships and dating, pornography, children's use of the internet, cyberbullying, online games and gambling, and deception and online crime Engaging and accessible for students at the undergraduate and graduate level with real life examples, activities, and discussion questions
Cyberpsychology and New Media: A thematic reader
by Andrew Power Gráinne KirwanCyberpsychology is the study of human interactions with the internet, mobile computing and telephony, games consoles, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and other contemporary electronic technologies. The field has grown substantially over the past few years and this book surveys how researchers are tackling the impact of new technology on human behaviour and how people interact with this technology. Examining topics as diverse as online dating, social networking, online communications, artificial intelligence, health-information seeking behaviour, education online, online therapies and cybercrime, Cyberpsychology and New Media book provides an in-depth overview of this burgeoning field, and allows those with little previous knowledge to gain an appreciation of the diversity of the research being undertaken in the area. Arranged thematically and structured for accessibility, Cyberpsychology and New Media will be essential reading for researchers and students in Social Psychology and Cyberpsychology, and in Communication and Media Studies.
Cyberpsychology and Society: Current Perspectives
by Andrew Dr PowerHuman interaction with technology is constantly evolving, with rapid developments in online interaction, gaming, and artificial intelligence all impacting upon and altering our behaviour. The speed of this change has led to an urgent need for a new field of study, cyberpsychology, in order to investigate the ways in which human behaviour is affected by the addition of technology, and the benefits and risks thereof. Cyberpsychology and Society does not offer a description of or justification for the field of study, but is rather a presentation of some of the most recent research in many key sub-topics within the area. Based on the work being done in the Institute of Art, Design and Technology (IADT) in Dublin, Ireland, Cyberpsychology and Society brings together a unique collection of writings by contributors on cyberpsychology in relation to health, education, gaming, consumer behaviour, and social change in an online world. The book focuses on the impact of societies’ increasing interaction with technology, and is a presentation of some of the most recent research in the area. Describing cutting-edge research while employing a tone which is accessible to both students and academic staff, this book is an invaluable resource for students, researchers and academics of cyberpsychology and related areas.