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Data Practices: Making Up a European People
by Evelyn RuppertHow EU data practices establish and assign people to categories, and how this matters in enacting--"making up"--Europe as a population and people.What is "Europe" and who are "Europeans"? Data Practices approaches this contemporary political and theoretical question by treating it as a practical problem of counting. Only through the myriad data practices that make up methods such as censuses can EU member states know their national populations, and this in turn is utilized by the EU to understand the population of Europe. But this volume approaches data practices not simply as reflecting populations but as performative in two senses: they simultaneously enact--that is, "make up"--a European population and, by so doing--intentionally or otherwise--also contribute to making up a European people.The book develops a conception of data practices to analyze and interpret findings from collaborative ethnographic multisite fieldwork conducted by an interdisciplinary team of social science researchers as part of a five-year project, Peopling Europe: How Data Make a People. The book focuses on data practices that involve establishing and assigning people to categories and how this matters in enacting Europe as a population and people. Five core chapters explore key categories of people--usual residents, refugees, homeless people, migrants, and ethnic minorities--and how they come into being through specific data practices such as defining, estimating, recalibrating and inferring. Two additional chapters address two key subject positions that data practices produce and require: the data subject and the statistician subject.
Data Privacy Management, Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology: ESORICS 2019 International Workshops, DPM 2019 and CBT 2019, Luxembourg, September 26–27, 2019, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11737)
by Cristina Pérez-Solà Guillermo Navarro-Arribas Alex Biryukov Joaquin Garcia-AlfaroThis book constitutes the refereed conference proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management, DPM 2019, and the Third International Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology, CBT 2019, held in conjunction with the 24th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, ESORICS 2019, held in Luxembourg in September 2019. For the CBT Workshop 10 full and 8 short papers were accepted out of 39 submissions. The selected papers are organized in the following topical headings: lightning networks and level 2; smart contracts and applications; and payment systems, privacy and mining. The DPM Workshop received 26 submissions from which 8 full and 2 short papers were selected for presentation. The papers focus on privacy preserving data analysis; field/lab studies; and privacy by design and data anonymization.Chapter 2, “Integral Privacy Compliant Statistics Computation,” and Chapter 8, “Graph Perturbation as Noise Graph Addition: a New Perspective for Graph Anonymization,” of this book are available open access under a CC BY 4.0 license at link.springer.com.
Data Quality in Southeast Asia: Analysis of Official Statistics and Their Institutional Framework as a Basis for Capacity Building and Policy Making in the ASEAN
by Manuel StagarsThis book explores the reliability of official statisticaldata in the ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations), and thebenefits of a better vocabulary to discuss the quality of publicly availabledata to address the needs of all users. It introduces a rigorous method todisaggregate and rate data quality into principal factors containing a total often dimensions, which serves as the basis for a discussion on the opportunitiesand challenges for data quality, capacity building programs and data policy in SoutheastAsia. Tools to standardize and monitor statistical capacity and data qualityare presented, as well as methods and data sources to analyse data quality. Thebook analyses data quality in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines,Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar, before concluding withthoughts on Open Data and the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
Data Science: Create Teams That Ask the Right Questions and Deliver Real Value
by Doug RoseLearn how to build a data science team within your organization rather than hiring from the outside. Teach your team to ask the right questions to gain actionable insights into your business. Most organizations still focus on objectives and deliverables. Instead, a data science team is exploratory. They use the scientific method to ask interesting questions and run small experiments. Your team needs to see if the data illuminate their questions. Then, they have to use critical thinking techniques to justify their insights and reasoning. They should pivot their efforts to keep their insights aligned with business value. Finally, your team needs to deliver these insights as a compelling story. Insight!: How to Build Data Science Teams that Deliver Real Business Value shows that the most important thing you can do now is help your team think about data. Management coach Doug Rose walks you through the process of creating and managing effective data science teams. You will learn how to find the right people inside your organization and equip them with the right mindset. The book has three overarching concepts: You should mine your own company for talent. You can't change your organization by hiring a few data science superheroes. You should form small, agile-like data teams that focus on delivering valuable insights early and often. You can make real changes to your organization by telling compelling data stories. These stories are the best way to communicate your insights about your customers, challenges, and industry. What Your Will Learn: Create data science teams from existing talent in your organization to cost-efficiently extract maximum business value from your organization's data Understand key data science terms and concepts Follow practical guidance to create and integrate an effective data science team with key roles and the responsibilities for each team member Utilize the data science life cycle (DSLC) to model essential processes and practices for delivering value Use sprints and storytelling to help your team stay on track and adapt to new knowledge Who This Book Is For Data science project managers and team leaders. The secondary readership is data scientists, DBAs, analysts, senior management, HR managers, and performance specialists.
Data Science and Analytics Strategy: An Emergent Design Approach (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Science Series)
by Kailash Awati Alexander ScrivenThis book describes how to establish data science and analytics capabilities in organisations using Emergent Design, an evolutionary approach that increases the chances of successful outcomes while minimising upfront investment. Based on their experiences and those of a number of data leaders, the authors provide actionable advice on data technologies, processes, and governance structures so that readers can make choices that are appropriate to their organisational contexts and requirements. The book blends academic research on organisational change and data science processes with real-world stories from experienced data analytics leaders, focusing on the practical aspects of setting up a data capability. In addition to a detailed coverage of capability, culture, and technology choices, a unique feature of the book is its treatment of emerging issues such as data ethics and algorithmic fairness. Data Science and Analytics Strategy: An Emergent Design Approach has been written for professionals who are looking to build data science and analytics capabilities within their organisations as well as those who wish to expand their knowledge and advance their careers in the data space. Providing deep insights into the intersection between data science and business, this guide will help professionals understand how to help their organisations reap the benefits offered by data. Most importantly, readers will learn how to build a fit-for-purpose data science capability in a manner that avoids the most common pitfalls.
Data Science and Social Research II: Methods, Technologies and Applications (Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization)
by Paolo Mariani Mariangela ZengaThe peer-reviewed contributions gathered in this book address methods, software and applications of statistics and data science in the social sciences. The data revolution in social science research has not only produced new business models, but has also provided policymakers with better decision-making support tools. In this volume, statisticians, computer scientists and experts on social research discuss the opportunities and challenges of the social data revolution in order to pave the way for addressing new research problems. The respective contributions focus on complex social systems and current methodological advances in extracting social knowledge from large data sets, as well as modern social research on human behavior and society using large data sets. Moreover, they analyze integrated systems designed to take advantage of new social data sources, and discuss quality-related issues. The papers were originally presented at the 2nd International Conference on Data Science and Social Research, held in Milan, Italy, on February 4-5, 2019.
The Data Shake: Opportunities and Obstacles for Urban Policy Making (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by Grazia Concilio Paola Pucci Lieven Raes Geert MareelsThis open access book represents one of the key milestones of PoliVisu, an H2020 research and innovation project funded by the European Commission under the call “Policy-development in the age of big data: data-driven policy-making, policy-modelling and policy-implementation”. It investigates the operative and organizational implications related to the use of the growing amount of available data on policy making processes, highlighting the experimental dimension of policy making that, thanks to data, proves to be more and more exploitable towards more effective and sustainable decisions. The first section of the book introduces the key questions highlighted by the PoliVisu project, which still represent operational and strategic challenges in the exploitation of data potentials in urban policy making. The second section explores how data and data visualisations can assume different roles in the different stages of a policy cycle and profoundly transform policy making.
Data Stream Mining & Processing: Third International Conference, DSMP 2020, Lviv, Ukraine, August 21–25, 2020, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1158)
by Sergii Babichev Dmytro Peleshko Olena VynokurovaThis book constitutes the proceedings of the third International Conference on Data Stream and Mining and Processing, DSMP 2020, held in Lviv, Ukraine*, in August 2020.The 36 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 134 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections of hybrid systems of computational intelligence; machine vision and pattern recognition; dynamic data mining & data stream mining; big data & data science using intelligent approaches.*The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction
by Kieran HealyAn accessible primer on how to create effective graphics from dataThis book provides students and researchers a hands-on introduction to the principles and practice of data visualization. It explains what makes some graphs succeed while others fail, how to make high-quality figures from data using powerful and reproducible methods, and how to think about data visualization in an honest and effective way.Data Visualization builds the reader’s expertise in ggplot2, a versatile visualization library for the R programming language. Through a series of worked examples, this accessible primer then demonstrates how to create plots piece by piece, beginning with summaries of single variables and moving on to more complex graphics. Topics include plotting continuous and categorical variables; layering information on graphics; producing effective “small multiple” plots; grouping, summarizing, and transforming data for plotting; creating maps; working with the output of statistical models; and refining plots to make them more comprehensible.Effective graphics are essential to communicating ideas and a great way to better understand data. This book provides the practical skills students and practitioners need to visualize quantitative data and get the most out of their research findings.Provides hands-on instruction using R and ggplot2Shows how the “tidyverse” of data analysis tools makes working with R easier and more consistentIncludes a library of data sets, code, and functions
Data Visualization: Principles and Practice, Second Edition
by Alexandru C. TeleaDesigning a complete visualization system involves many subtle decisions. When designing a complex, real-world visualization system, such decisions involve many types of constraints, such as performance, platform (in)dependence, available programming languages and styles, user-interface toolkits, input/output data format constraints, integration wi
The Data Welfare State (Data Justice)
by null Anne Kaun null Anu MassoAutomation is a reality of the modern world, yet it is fraught with contradictions. On the surface it appears sleek, efficient and seamlessly integrated, and yet it is also changing, uncertain, troubling. This book delves into that frictional interface, exploring themes like welfare automation experiments, citizen resistance, and the invisible technology woven into our lives. In this book you will encounter: - An international perspective, with examples drawn from Germany, Sweden and Estonia - Diverse viewpoints, from welfare professionals to citizens who rely on welfare services - A bold vision and urgent call to action, advocating for the reorganization of the data welfare state Fascinating and timely, this book is essential reading for anyone interested in data welfare. Published in collaboration with the Data Justice Lab as part of the Data Justice Series (Editors: Lina Dencik, Arne Hintz, Joanna Redden and Emiliano Treré)
The Data Welfare State (Data Justice)
by null Anne Kaun null Anu MassoAutomation is a reality of the modern world, yet it is fraught with contradictions. On the surface it appears sleek, efficient and seamlessly integrated, and yet it is also changing, uncertain, troubling. This book delves into that frictional interface, exploring themes like welfare automation experiments, citizen resistance, and the invisible technology woven into our lives. In this book you will encounter: - An international perspective, with examples drawn from Germany, Sweden and Estonia - Diverse viewpoints, from welfare professionals to citizens who rely on welfare services - A bold vision and urgent call to action, advocating for the reorganization of the data welfare state Fascinating and timely, this book is essential reading for anyone interested in data welfare. Published in collaboration with the Data Justice Lab as part of the Data Justice Series (Editors: Lina Dencik, Arne Hintz, Joanna Redden and Emiliano Treré)
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 31st International Conference, DEXA 2020, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 14–17, 2020, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12392)
by Sven Hartmann Josef Küng Gabriele Kotsis A Min Tjoa Ismail KhalilThe double volumes LNCS 12391-12392 constitutes the papers of the 31st International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2020, which will be held online in September 2020. The 38 full papers presented together with 20 short papers plus 1 keynote papers in these volumes were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 190 submissions.
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 31st International Conference, DEXA 2020, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 14–17, 2020, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12391)
by Sven Hartmann Josef Küng Gabriele Kotsis A Min Tjoa Ismail KhalilThe double volumes LNCS 12391-12392 constitutes the papers of the 31st International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2020, which will be held online in September 2020. The 38 full papers presented together with 20 short papers plus 1 keynote papers in these volumes were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 190 submissions.
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 33rd International Conference, DEXA 2022, Vienna, Austria, August 22–24, 2022, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13427)
by Christine Strauss Alfredo Cuzzocrea Gabriele Kotsis A Min Tjoa Ismail KhalilThis two-volume set, LNCS 13426 and 13427, constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2022, held in Vienna in August 2022.The 43 full papers presented together with 20 short papers in these volumes were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 120 submissions. The papers are organized around the following topics: Big Data Management and Analytics, Consistency, Integrity, Quality of Data, Constraint Modelling and Processing, Database Federation and Integration, Interoperability, Multi-Databases, Data and Information Semantics, Data Integration, Metadata Management, and Interoperability, Data Structures and much more.
Database Computing for Scholarly Research: Case Studies Using the Online Cultural and Historical Research Environment (Quantitative Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences)
by Sandra R. Schloen Miller C. ProsserThis book discusses in detail a series of examples drawn from scholarly projects that use the OCHRE database platform (Online Cultural and Historical Research Environment). These case studies illustrate the wide range of data that can be managed with this platform and the wide variety of problems solved by OCHRE’s item-based graph data model. The unique features and design principles of the OCHRE platform are explained and justified, helping readers to imagine how the system could be used for their own data.Data generated by studies in the humanities and social sciences is often semi-structured, fragmented, highly variable, and subject to many interpretations, making it difficult to represent adequately in a conventional database. The authors examine commonly used methods of data management in the humanities and offer a compelling argument for a different approach that takes advantage of powerful computational techniques for organizing scholarly information.This book is a challenge to scholars in the humanities and social sciences, asking them to expect more from technology as they pursue their research goals. Written jointly by a software engineer and a research scholar, each with many years of experience in applying database methods to diverse kinds of scholarly data, it shows how scholars can make the most of their existing data while going beyond the limitations of commonly used software tools to represent their objects of study in a more accurate, nuanced, and flexible way.
Database Nation: The Death of Privacy in the 21st Century
by Simson GarfinkelFifty years ago, in 1984, George Orwell imagined a future in which privacy was demolished by a totalitarian state that used spies, video surveillance, historical revisionism, and control over the media to maintain its power. Those who worry about personal privacy and identity--especially in this day of technologies that encroach upon these rights--still use Orwell's "Big Brother" language to discuss privacy issues. But the reality is that the age of a monolithic Big Brother is over. And yet the threats are perhaps even more likely to destroy the rights we've assumed were ours.Database Nation: The Death of Privacy in the 21st Century shows how, in these early years of the 21st century, advances in technology endanger our privacy in ways never before imagined. Direct marketers and retailers track our every purchase; surveillance cameras observe our movements; mobile phones will soon report our location to those who want to track us; government eavesdroppers listen in on private communications; misused medical records turn our bodies and our histories against us; and linked databases assemble detailed consumer profiles used to predict and influence our behavior. Privacy--the most basic of our civil rights--is in grave peril.Simson Garfinkel--journalist, entrepreneur, and international authority on computer security--has devoted his career to testing new technologies and warning about their implications. This newly revised update of the popular hardcover edition of Database Nation is his compelling account of how invasive technologies will affect our lives in the coming years. It's a timely, far-reaching, entertaining, and thought-provoking look at the serious threats to privacy facing us today. The book poses a disturbing question: how can we protect our basic rights to privacy, identity, and autonomy when technology is making invasion and control easier than ever before?Garfinkel's captivating blend of journalism, storytelling, and futurism is a call to arms. It will frighten, entertain, and ultimately convince us that we must take action now to protect our privacy and identity before it's too late.
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 26th International Conference, DASFAA 2021, Taipei, Taiwan, April 11–14, 2021, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12681)
by Christian S. Jensen Ee-Peng Lim De-Nian Yang Wang-Chien Lee Vincent S. Tseng Vana Kalogeraki Jen-Wei Huang Chih-Ya ShenThe three-volume set LNCS 12681-12683 constitutes the proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2021, held in Taipei, Taiwan, in April 2021. The total of 156 papers presented in this three-volume set was carefully reviewed and selected from 490 submissions. The topic areas for the selected papers include information retrieval, search and recommendation techniques; RDF, knowledge graphs, semantic web, and knowledge management; and spatial, temporal, sequence, and streaming data management, while the dominant keywords are network, recommendation, graph, learning, and model. These topic areas and keywords shed the light on the direction where the research in DASFAA is moving towards. Due to the Corona pandemic this event was held virtually.
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 26th International Conference, DASFAA 2021, Taipei, Taiwan, April 11–14, 2021, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12682)
by Ee-Peng Lim Vincent S. Tseng Christian S. Jensen De-Nian Yang Jen-Wei Huang Chih-Ya Shen Wang-Chien Lee Vana KalogerakiThe three-volume set LNCS 12681-12683 constitutes the proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2021, held in Taipei, Taiwan, in April 2021. The total of 156 papers presented in this three-volume set was carefully reviewed and selected from 490 submissions. The topic areas for the selected papers include information retrieval, search and recommendation techniques; RDF, knowledge graphs, semantic web, and knowledge management; and spatial, temporal, sequence, and streaming data management, while the dominant keywords are network, recommendation, graph, learning, and model. These topic areas and keywords shed the light on the direction where the research in DASFAA is moving towards. Due to the Corona pandemic this event was held virtually.
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 28th International Conference, DASFAA 2023, Tianjin, China, April 17–20, 2023, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13943)
by Xin Wang Maria Luisa Sapino Wook-Shin Han Amr El Abbadi Gill Dobbie Zhiyong Feng Yingxiao Shao Hongzhi YinThe four-volume set LNCS 13943, 13944, 13945 and 13946 constitutes the proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2023, held in April 2023 in Tianjin, China.The total of 125 full papers, along with 66 short papers, are presented together in this four-volume set was carefully reviewed and selected from 652 submissions. Additionally, 15 industrial papers, 15 demo papers and 4 PhD consortium papers are included. The conference presents papers on subjects such as model, graph, learning, performance, knowledge, time, recommendation, representation, attention, prediction, and network.
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 28th International Conference, DASFAA 2023, Tianjin, China, April 17–20, 2023, Proceedings, Part III (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13945)
by Xin Wang Maria Luisa Sapino Wook-Shin Han Amr El Abbadi Gill Dobbie Zhiyong Feng Yingxiao Shao Hongzhi YinThe four-volume set LNCS 13943, 13944, 13945 and 13946 constitutes the proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2023, held in April 2023 in Tianjin, China.The total of 125 full papers, along with 66 short papers, are presented together in this four-volume set was carefully reviewed and selected from 652 submissions. Additionally, 15 industrial papers, 15 demo papers and 4 PhD consortium papers are included. The conference presents papers on subjects such as model, graph, learning, performance, knowledge, time, recommendation, representation, attention, prediction, and network.
Databases and Information Systems: 14th International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 2020, Tallinn, Estonia, June 16–19, 2020, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1243)
by Raimundas Matulevičius Tarmo Robal Hele-Mai Haav Jaan PenjamThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems, DB&IS 2020, held in Tallinn, Estonia, in June 2020.*The 22 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 52 submissions. The papers are centered around topics like architectures and quality of information systems, artificial intelligence in information systems, data and knowledge engineering, enterprise and information systems engineering, security of information systems.*The conference was held virtully due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Databases Theory and Applications: 32nd Australasian Database Conference, ADC 2021, Dunedin, New Zealand, January 29 – February 5, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12610)
by Miao Qiao Gottfried Vossen Sen Wang Lei LiThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 32nd Australasian Database Conference, ADC 2021, held in Dunedin, New Zealand, in January/February 2021. The 17 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 21 submissions. The Australasian Database Conference is an annual international forum for sharing the latest research advancements and novel applications of database systems, data-driven applications, and data analytics between researchers and practitioners from around the globe, particularly Australia and New Zealand. ADC shares novel research solutions to problems of todays information society that fullfil the needs of heterogeneous applications and environments and to identify new issues and directions for future research and development work.
Datacloud: Toward a New Theory of Online Work
by Johndan Johnson-EilolaThis book offers new dimensions in Computers and Composition. It expands on: The Changing Shapes of Computer Spaces; Tendential Forces; Changing Articulations of Interface Design; and Interface Overflow.
Dataclysm: Love, Sex, Race, and Identity--What Our Online Lives Tell Us about Our Offline Selves
by Christian RudderAn audacious, irreverent investigation of human behavior--and a first look at a revolution in the making Our personal data has been used to spy on us, hire and fire us, and sell us stuff we don't need. In Dataclysm, Christian Rudder uses it to show us who we truly are. For centuries, we've relied on polling or small-scale lab experiments to study human behavior. Today, a new approach is possible. As we live more of our lives online, researchers can finally observe us directly, in vast numbers, and without filters. Data scientists have become the new demographers. In this daring and original book, Rudder explains how Facebook "likes" can predict, with surprising accuracy, a person's sexual orientation and even intelligence; how attractive women receive exponentially more interview requests; and why you must have haters to be hot. He charts the rise and fall of America's most reviled word through Google Search and examines the new dynamics of collaborative rage on Twitter. He shows how people express themselves, both privately and publicly. What is the least Asian thing you can say? Do people bathe more in Vermont or New Jersey? What do black women think about Simon & Garfunkel? (Hint: they don't think about Simon & Garfunkel.) Rudder also traces human migration over time, showing how groups of people move from certain small towns to the same big cities across the globe. And he grapples with the challenge of maintaining privacy in a world where these explorations are possible. Visually arresting and full of wit and insight, Dataclysm is a new way of seeing ourselves--a brilliant alchemy, in which math is made human and numbers become the narrative of our time.From the Hardcover edition.