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Debating Durkheim: A Century Of Research And Debate (Routledge Studies In Social And Political Thought Ser. #Vol. 28)
by W. S. F. Pickering H. MartinsFirst published in 1994. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Debating Early Child Care
by Robert Crosnoe Tama LeventhalThroughout distressing cultural battles and disputes over child care, each side claims to have the best interests of children at heart. While developmental scientists have concrete evidence for this debate, their message is often lost or muddied by the media. To demonstrate why this problem matters, this book examines the extensive media coverage of the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development - a long-running government-funded study that provides the most comprehensive look at the effects of early child care on American children. Analyses of newspaper articles and interviews with scientists and journalists reveal what happens to science in the public sphere and how children's issues can be used to question parents' choices. By shining light on these issues, the authors bring clarity to the enduring child care wars while providing recommendations for how scientists and the media can talk to - rather than past - each other.
Debating European Citizenship (IMISCOE Research Series)
by Rainer BauböckThis open access book raises crucial questions about the citizenship of the European Union. Is it a new citizenship beyond the nation-state although it is derived from Member State nationality? Who should get it? What rights and duties does it entail? Should EU citizens living in other Member States be able to vote there in national elections? If there are tensions between free movement and social rights, which should take priority? And should the European Court of Justice determine what European citizenship is about or the legislative institutions of the EU or national parliaments? This book collects a wide range of answers to these questions from legal scholars, political scientists, and political practitioners. It is structured as a series of three conversations in which authors respond to each other. This exchange of arguments provides unique depth to the debate.
Debating ‘Homo Academicus’ in Management and Organization: Ontological Assumptions and Practical Implications (Palgrave Debates in Business and Management)
by Silvia Cinque Daniel EricssonIn the fields of management and organization, there is an ongoing debate about different ontological assumptions about people in and around organizations, and the dangers of self-fulling prophecies, i.e., the phenomena in which unsubstantiated, unethical, or dysfunctional assumptions about people can lead to adverse practical consequences. This open access book advances this debate, but in a self-reflexive direction, asking: Who do we, as scholars in the fields of management and organization, think we are? What ontological assumptions about ourselves do we live by? Do we think we are something “special”, a 'Homo Academicus', distinctively separated from the life-world of managers and employees but linked with other academics such as, say, philosophers and sociologists? If so, what are the consequences and implications of such assumptions? Part of the popular Palgrave Debates in Business and Management series, each of the chapters disclose, problematize, and criticize different ontological assumptions about 'Homo Academicus' that underpins research in the fields of management and organization. It will be of great interest to management and organization scholars and students, as well as those with a broader interest in methodology and critical studies.
Debating Human Genetics: Contemporary Issues in Public Policy and Ethics (Genetics and Society)
by Alexandra PlowsDebating Human Genetics is based on ethnographic research focusing primarily on the UK publics who are debating and engaging with human genetics, and related bio and techno-science. Drawing on recent interviews and data, collated in a range of public settings, it provides a unique overview of multiple publics as they ‘frame’ the stake of the debates in this emerging, complex and controversial arena. The book outlines key sites and applications of human genetics that have sparked public interest, such as biobanks, stem cells, genetic screening and genomics. It also addresses the ‘scientific contoversies’ that have made considerable impact in the public sphere – the UK police DNA database, gene patenting, ‘saviour siblings’, and human cloning. By grounding the concepts and issues of human genetics in the real life narratives and actions of patient groups, genetic watchdogs, scientists, policy makers, and many other public groups, the book exemplifies how human genetics is a site where public knowledge and value claims converge and collide, and identifies the emergence of ‘hybrid publics’ who are engaging with this hybrid science.
Debating Multiculturalism in the Nordic Welfare States
by Peter Kivisto �sten WahlbeckThis collection addresses the ways that Nordic countries have approached the issue of bringing ethnic minorities into the societal mainstream. With multicultural incorporation as an option, the authors explore the potential impact of the politics of identity in societies with social democratic welfare states committed to redistributive politics.
Debating Sharia
by Jennifer Selby Anna KortewegWhen the Islamic Institute of Civil Justice announced it would begin offering Sharia-based services in Ontario, a subsequent provincial government review gave qualified support for religious arbitration. However, the ensuing debate inflamed the passions of a wide range of Muslim and non-Muslim groups, garnered worldwide attention, and led to a ban on religiously based family law arbitration in the province. Debating Sharia sheds light on how Ontario's Sharia debate of 2003-2006 exemplified contemporary concerns regarding religiosity in the public sphere and the place of Islam in Western nation states.Focusing on the legal ramifications of Sharia law in the context of rapidly changing Western liberal democracies, Debating Sharia approaches the issue from a variety of methodological perspectives, including policy and media analysis, fieldwork, feminist examinations of the portrayals of Muslim women, and theoretical examinations of religion, Sharia, and the law. This volume is an important read for those who grapple with ethnic and religio-cultural diversity while remaining committed to religious freedom and women's equality.
Debating Social Problems
by Leonard A. Steverson Jennifer MelvinDebating Social Problems emphasizes the process of debate as a means of addressing social problems and helps students engage in active learning. The debate format covers sensitive material in a way that encourages students to talk about this material openly in class. This succinct text includes activities that promote critical thinking and includes examples from current events.
Debating the Drug War: Race, Politics, and the Media (Framing 21st Century Social Issues)
by Michael RosinoSince President Nixon coined the phrase, the "War on Drugs" has presented an important change in how people view and discuss criminal justice practices and drug laws. The term evokes images of militarization, punishment, and violence, as well as combat and the potential for victory. It is no surprise then that questions such as whether the "War on Drugs" has "failed" or "can be won" have animated mass media and public debate for the past 40 years.Through analysis of 30 years of newspaper content, Debating the Drug War examines the social and cultural contours of this heated debate and explores how proponents and critics of the controversial social issues of drug policy and incarceration frame their arguments in mass media. Additionally, it looks at the contemporary public debate on the "War on Drugs" through an analysis of readers’ comments drawn from the comments sections of online news articles.Through a discussion of the findings and their implications, the book illuminates the ways in which ideas about race, politics, society, and crime, and forms of evidence and statistics such as rates of arrest and incarceration or the financial costs of drug policies and incarceration are advanced, interpreted, and contested. Further, the book will bring to light how people form a sense of their racial selves in debates over policy issues tied to racial inequality such as the "War on Drugs" through narratives that connect racial categories to concepts such as innocence, criminality, free will, and fairness. Debating the Drug War offers readers a variety of concepts and theoretical perspectives that they can use to make sense of these vital issues in contemporary society.
Debating Transformations of National Citizenship (IMISCOE Research Series)
by Rainer BauböckThis open access book discusses how national citizenship is being transformed by economic, social and political change. It focuses on the emergence of global markets where citizenship is for sale and on how new reproduction technologies impact citizenship by descent. It also discusses the return of banishment through denationalisation of terrorist suspects, and the impact of digital technologies, such as blockchain, on the future of democratic citizenship. The book provides a wide range of views on these issues from legal scholars, political scientists, and political practitioners. It is structured as a series of four conversations in which authors respond to each other. This exchange of arguments provides unique depth to current debates about the future of citizenship.
Debordering Europe: Migration and Control Across the Ventimiglia Region (Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship)
by Livio Amigoni Silvia Aru Ivan Bonnin Gabriele Proglio Cecilia VergnanoThis contributed volume analyzes in depth how a border area is constantly reshaped as migration policies harden, and what kind of social, political and economic impacts are produced at local and international level. The study is focused on Ventimiglia, an Italian town located 6 km away from the French-Italian border on the gulf of Genoa with a long story of commerce, custom and smuggling activities related to its proximity to the frontier. While several projects have analyzed other symbolic places of the EU migration crisis such as Lampedusa, Calais and Lesvos, there is a severe empirical gap regarding Ventimiglia, a border town at the very geographic core of the Schengen area. This case study may provide emblematic insights into what European migratory movements are currently revealing in terms of the lack of shared responsibility between EU Member States, the EU common asylum system and respect for human rights, with increasing claims for national sovereignty by some Member States.
Debt: Ethics, the Environment, and the Economy
by Peter Y. Paik Merry Wiesner-HanksFrom personal finance and consumer spending to ballooning national expenditures on warfare and social welfare, debt is fundamental to the dynamics of global capitalism. The contributors to this volume explore the concept of indebtedness in its various senses and from a wide range of perspectives. They observe that many views of ethics, citizenship, and governance are based on a conception of debts owed by one individual to others; that artistic and literary creativity involves the artist's dialogue with the works of the past; and that the specter of catastrophic climate change has underscored the debt those living in the present owe to future generations.
The Debt Age
by Jeffrey R Di Leo Peter Hitchcock Sophia A McClennenThis collection of essays, by some of the most distinguished public intellectuals and cultural critics in America explores various dimensions of what it means to live in the age of debt. They ask, what is the debt age? For that matter, what is debt? Is its meaning transhistorical or transcultural? Or is it imbued in ideology and thus historically contingent? What is the relationship between debt and theory? Whose debt is acknowledged and whose is ignored? Who is the paradigmatic subject of debt? How has debt affected contemporary academic culture? Their responses to these and other aspects of debt are sure to become required reading for anyone who wants to understand what it means to live in the debt age.
Debt and Adjustment: Social and Environmental Consequences in Jamaica (Routledge Revivals)
by Patricia LundyPublished in 1999, this text is based on original research carried out during 13 months fieldwork in Jamaica. The first key theme is an examination of the damage to the social environment and ecology of the island, which has resulted from IMF/World Bank prescribed structural adjustment policies. The second is the identification of a social movement in Jamaica of community environmental groups, some based in ultra-poor squatter communities. The study presents data and case studies which are characteristic of many "third world" countries, and links Jamaica's heavy external indebtedness to its deteriorating social environment and ecology.
Debt And Disorder: External Financing For Development
by John LoxleyOne of the most important and controversial challenges feeing the international financial and trading system is the need for developing countries to meet their high and rapidly growing external debt obligations and foreign exchange requirements. Developing countries have suffered major shocks in the form of global recession, high real interest rates, weakened terms of trade, and rising protectionism against their exports. The International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, Western central banks, and private financial institutions are seeking to avoid a collapse of the international financial system, and developing countries are seeking to grow through increased trade and access to external financing. Yet the fragility of current international trade and monetary systems seriously threatens the achievement of both sets of objectives. Professor Loxley integrates the structural adjustment experience of Third World countries with the policies, practices, and relationships of external financial agents in his discussion of options for reforming policy and of the limitations inherent in implementing these reforms.
Debt And The Less Developed Countries
by Jonathan David AronsonScholars and practitioners from the fields of economics, political science, sociology, and government discuss the nature and importance of debt in the international system and question whether international debt is a necessary element of international development or a potential root of international economic collapse (and of the demise of the dollar as denominator of the monetary realm). They then turn specifically to the impact of external debt on developing countries, exploring the potential for both positive and negative effects. In the final section of the book they look at the interactions between debtors and creditors when loans begin to sour.
The Debt Boomerang: How Third World Debt Harms Us All (Transnational Institute Ser.)
by Susan GeorgeThis book examines six major 'Debt Connections'; six ways in which the third world 'Debt Boomerang' strikes the North as it flies back from the South: environmental destruction, drugs, costs to taxpayers, lost jobs and markets, immigration pressures, and heightened conflict and war.
Debunked EBK: Separate the Rational from the Irrational in Influential Conspiracy Theories
by Casey LytleHead down the rabbit hole and feed your fascination for conspiracy and controversy. Conspiracy theories-they're influential and spread to sometimes irrational extremes. Why do people cling to conspiracy theories so powerfully? Is there a way to separate the possible from the impossible? Yes. Enter: Debunked.Conspiracy theories pop up surrounding every major national and global event-some are possible, some are not. TikTok influencer and psychology professor Casey Lytle will teach you how to be an intelligent consumer of "alternative" theories. Lytle's trademark "project management approach" will help you discern possible from impossible in the popular and controversial theories surrounding 10 national and global events.9/11-No fewer than 10 alternative theories have gained traction. But let's evaluate: Did the Twin Towers really look like a controlled demolition? Would jet fuel have to melt steel for the towers to collapse? What would it take in hours and people to secretly plant enough explosives to bring the buildings down without being discovered, and without being set off by the impact and fires from the planes? All this and more in Chapter 7.COVID-19-The vaccine implants a microchip used to track people; the fatality rate has been wildly inflated; oh, and Bill Gates is not only responsible for the virus but also the head of a plot to use the virus as population control.School shooters-why are they so easy to explain, but so hard to predict? In what ways has the profile of a school shooter changed over the last 25 years, and what has caused those changes? Are school shootings a new phenomenon, or does the media simply make us more aware of them when they happen? The chapter will cover Sandy Hook conspiracy theories, as well as the psychology behind "truthers."
Debunking Seven Terrorism Myths Using Statistics (ASA-CRC Series on Statistical Reasoning in Science and Society)
by Andre PythonWhat is terrorism? What can we learn and what cannot we learn from terrorism data? What are the perspectives and limitations of the analysis of terrorism data? Over the last decade, scholars have generated unprecedented insight from the statistical analysis of ever-growing databases on terrorism. Yet their findings have not reached the public. This book translates the current state of knowledge on global patterns of terrorism free of unnecessary jargon. Readers will be gradually introduced to statistical reasoning and tools applied to critically analyze terrorism data within a rigorous framework. Debunking Seven Terrorism Myths Using Statistics communicates evidence-based research work on terrorism to a general audience. It describes key statistics that provide an overview of the extent and magnitude of terrorist events perpetrated by actors independent of state governments across the world. The books brings a coherent and rigorous methodological framework to address issues stemming from the statistical analysis of terrorism data and its interpretations. Features Uses statistical reasoning to identify and address seven major misconceptions about terrorism. Discusses the implications of major issues about terrorism data on the interpretation of its statistical analysis. Gradually introduces the complexity of statistical methods to familiarize the non-statistician reader with important statistical concepts to analyze data. Use illustrated examples to help the reader develop a critical approach applied to the quantitative analysis of terrorism data. Includes chapters focusing on major aspects of terrorism: definitional issues, lethality, geography, temporal and spatial patterns, and the predictive ability of models.
DEC Is Dead, Long Live DEC: The Lasting Legacy of Digital Equipment Corporation
by Edgar H. Schein Paul J. Kampas Peter S. DeLisi Michael M. SonduckFrom an insider, the forty-year saga of the rise and fall of Digital Equipment Corporation, one of the pioneering companies of the computer age. Digital Equipment Corporation created the minicomputer, networking, the concept of distributed computing, speech recognition, and other major innovations. It was the number-two computer maker behind IBM. Yet it ultimately failed as a business and was sold to Compaq Corporation. What happened? Edgar Schein consulted to DEC throughout its history and so had unparalleled access to all the major players, and an inside view of all the major events. He shows how the unique organizational culture established by DEC's founder, Ken Olsen, gave the company important competitive advantages in its early years, but later became a hindrance and ultimately led to its downfall. Coauthors Schein, Kampas, DeLisi, and Sonduck explain in detail how a particular culture can become so embedded that an organization is unable to adapt to changing circumstances even though it sees the need very clearly. The essential elements of DEC&’s culture are still visible in many other organizations today, and most former employees are so positive about their days at DEC that they attempt to reproduce its culture in their current work situations. In the era of post-dotcom meltdown, raging debate about companies &“built to last&” vs. &“built to sell,&” and more entrepreneurial startups than ever, the rise and fall of DEC is the ultimate case study.
A Decade of MOOCs and Beyond: Platforms, Policies, Pedagogy, Technology, and Ecosystems with an Emphasis on Greater China
by Irwin King Wei-I LeeThis book is an academic publication about the global development of massive open online courses (MOOCs) and major MOOC platforms worldwide in the past decade, as well as the outlook of MOOCs in the future, with an emphasis on Greater China. The book also discusses the upsurge of the demand for online learning and MOOCs during the COVID-19 pandemic.The book is divided into three main parts - Part I: Overview of MOOCs introduces the origin and history of MOOCs and the development of MOOC platforms in Greater China and the global context; Part II: Key Issues discuss the MOOC policies, innovative pedagogy, technology, and ecosystems worldwide; and Part III: Beyond MOOCs probes into the roles and benefits of MOOCs in times of crises, as well as the outlook of MOOCs in the future. In terms of topic diversity, the book contains a comprehensive investigation of the past and latest MOOC developments, extracting and elaborating on relevant information regarding platforms, policies, pedagogy, technology, and ecosystems. Subsequently, in-depth analyses of MOOC data are utilized to deduce the current trends related to the MOOC movement and to extrapolate the likeliest direction of development for MOOCs in the years to come. The book can inform policymakers, education institutions, course instructors, platform developers, investors, researchers, and individual learners of MOOCs about critical information on the present and future of MOOC development, assisting them in making crucial decisions on what initiatives can optimize their advantages in the sector.
A Decade of Research Activities at the Department of Industrial Engineering: From Five Existing Departments to the Excellence in Research (Springer Aerospace Technology)
by Sergio De Rosa Nicola Bianco Agostino De Marco Michele GrassiThis open access book celebrates the decennial of the Department of Industrial Engineering of Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy. It covers the main research achievements developed at the department in the fields of aerospace, marine, energy, statistical, mechanical and management engineering. Five pre-existing departments merged in 2013, and the research results are here summarized to certify how important it was to join skills, expertise, and projects. The industrial engineering area is huge, but it is now dominated by the need to conceive and analyze new solutions, human and climate oriented to face with the actual challenges which dictate the new paradigm, which evolved from “is it feasible?” to “is it compatible with the environment and the human beings?”. There is still a lot to do, but the contents of this book demonstrate that the first steps have been done. All the researchers of the department have contributed to this book, more than 140 authors, and thus, it isthe collective outcome of the path they were able to perform all together, including administrative officers and technicians. It highlights the international relevance and multidisciplinarity of research at the university as well as the planned research lines for the next years.
A Decade of Upheaval: The Cultural Revolution in Rural China (Princeton Studies in Contemporary China #12)
by Dong Guoqiang Andrew G. WalderA revealing exploration of political disruption and violence in a rural Chinese county during the Cultural RevolutionA Decade of Upheaval chronicles the surprising and dramatic political conflicts of a rural Chinese county over the course of the Cultural Revolution. Drawing on an unprecedented range of sources—including work diaries, interviews, internal party documents, and military directives—Dong Guoqiang and Andrew Walder uncover a previously unimagined level of strife in the countryside that began with the Red Guard Movement in 1966 and continued unabated until the death of Mao Zedong in 1976.Showing how the upheavals of the Cultural Revolution were not limited to urban areas, but reached far into isolated rural regions, Dong and Walder reveal that the intervention of military forces in 1967 encouraged factional divisions in Feng County because different branches of China’s armed forces took various sides in local disputes. The authors also lay bare how the fortunes of local political groups were closely tethered to unpredictable shifts in the decisions of government authorities in Beijing. Eventually, a backlash against suppression and victimization grew in the early 1970s and resulted in active protests, which presaged the settling of scores against radical Maoism.A meticulous look at how one overlooked region experienced the Cultural Revolution, A Decade of Upheaval illuminates the all-encompassing nature of one of the most unstable periods in modern Chinese history.
Decadence and Objectivity: Ideals for Work in the Post-consumer Society
by Lawrence HaworthHaworth's concerns are urgent. Modern society, he argues, threatens to collapse under the burden of mindless growth. Its demands have begun to exhaust the world's resources. The pursuit of growth has hollowed out our social foundations. Advanced technology has emancipated us from toil but condemned us to work that is perceived as meaningless. The dissolution of traditional communities has resulted in a society which has no sense of common concern or public purpose. Most people live largely in private spheres, and value the public sphere only for its capacity to improve their private lives, a function which is exercised unevenly and is largely incidental to its purpose. Modern urban society is characterized by its 'decadence,' a pervasive lack of inspiring vision. In this book Haworth concerns himself with the conceptual foundations of social order and the options for a future society. He analyses two sharply contrasting systems, the one committed to individual satisfaction and independence and the other based on collective values and rewards. Both would retain advanced technology but restrain consumption. The leisure-oriented society would reduce the hours of work at a sacrifice of efficiency and at the expense of individual determination. This analysis provides the basis for a new model of what Haworth calls an 'objective' society, based on the ideals of responsibility, leisureliness, and professionalism. These ideals imply a sympathetic yet not strictly custodial attitude towards the natural world, a responsible use of human creativity and natural potential, a sense of absorption in the present (in the original Greek sense of leisure which is contrasted with the more recent association of leisure with discretionary time), and above all a sense of professional commitment. Commitment links individuals who locate the point of their lives outside themselves and their private interests in some work for which they have a distinctive talent and in the pursuit of which they experience a meaningful, shared existence. Lawrence Howarth offers a model, not a blueprint, but it is one that political scientists, economists, sociologists, urban planners, and all who are committed to improving the design of our society should consider carefully.
Decarbonisation Pathways for African Cities (Palgrave Studies in Climate Resilient Societies)
by Smith I Azubuike Ayodele Asekomeh Obindah GershonThis book examines the pathways to decarbonising African cities, structured around strategies and applications in renewable energy, waste management, healthcare, telecommunication, education and governance reconfigurations for Petro-cities. Throughout the book the authors highlight infrastructural, governance and policy approaches to drive decarbonisation. Opening with chapters focused on propositions for solar urban planning and scope for decarbonisation in waste management the book then moves on to examine innovative strategies for a low-carbon healthcare sector. The authors then discuss the use of hybrid power systems at remote telecommunication sites, their deployment on university campuses, and how this can be optimised to reduce carbon emissions. Further chapters explore government, private sector and civil society actions for decarbonising Kenyan cities and an overview of the political economic choices for decarbonising Petro-cities. Finally, closing chapters propose mechanisms for translating COP26 takeaways to decarbonisation policies and a low-carbon framework for African cities.