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Showing 10,601 through 10,625 of 51,080 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Decarbonising Cities 1377822 Vanessa Rauland Peter Newman 9783319155067 2015 Contains images
Decarbonising the Built Environment: Charting the Transition 2603054 Peter Newton Deo Prasad Alistair Sproul Stephen White 9789811379406 2019 Contains images
Decency and Excess: Global Aspirations and Material Deprivation on a Caribbean Sugar Plantation 5284857 Samuel Martinez 9781317261506 2008 Contains images
Decent People, Decent Company: How to Lead with Character at Work and in Life 4128766 Robert L. Turknett Carolyn N. Turknett Kent C. Nelson 9780891062899 1765 Contains images
The Decent Society: Planning for Social Quality (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 4939084 Roger Sapsford Pamela Abbott Claire Wallace 9781317438274 2016 Contains images
Decent Work, Green Jobs and the Sustainable Economy: Solutions for Climate Change and Sustainable Development 5597486 Peter Poschen 9781351283984 2015 Contains images
Decentering Biotechnology: Assemblages Built and Assemblages Masked 5506821 Michael S. Carolan 9781317154082 2010 Contains images
Decentering Whiteness in the Workplace: A Guide for Equity and Inclusion 5682649 Janice Gassam Asare 9781523005574 2023 Contains images
Decentralization and the Social Economics of Development: Lessons from Kenya 321768 John M. Omiti Andrew G. Mude Christopher B. Barrett 9781845932695 2007
Decentralized Applications: Harnessing Bitcoin's Blockchain Technology 6422255 Siraj Raval 9781491924501 2016 Contains images
Decentring Development: Understanding Change In Agrarian Society (Anthropology, Change And Development Ser.) 2570316 Tanya Jakimow 9781137466440 2015
Deception In The Marketplace: The Psychology of Deceptive Persuasion and Consumer Self-Protection 4806998 David M. Boush Marian Friestad Peter Wright 9781136648687 2009
Deception in Selection: Interviewees and the Psychology of Deceit 5288593 Max A. Eggert 9781317153993 2014 Contains images
Decided Return Migration: Emotions, Citizenship, Home and Belonging in Bosnia and Herzegovina (IMISCOE Research Series) 6090711 Aida Ibričević 9783031583476 2024 Contains images
Deciphering Culture: Ordinary Curiosities and Subjective Narratives 5081939 Gillian Swanson Jane Crisp Kay Ferres 9781136154560 2000 Contains images
Deciphering Goffman: The Structure of his Sociological Theory Revisited (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought) 2528848 Ramon Vargas Maseda 9781317153962 2017
Deciphering the City 3630691 William A. Schwab 9781000153415 2004 Contains images
Deciphering the Global: Its Scales, Spaces and Subjects 4931183 Saskia Sassen 9781135908331 2007
Deciphering Violence: The Cognitive Structure of Right and Wrong 5266737 Karen A. Cerulo 9781000947403 1998 Contains images
Decision and Game Theory for Security: 12th International Conference, GameSec 2021, Virtual Event, October 25–27, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13061) 4299580 Branislav Bošanský Cleotilde Gonzalez Stefan Rass Arunesh Sinha 9783030903701 2021 Contains images
Decision Costs and Democracy: Trade-offs in Institutional Design (Routledge Revivals) 5391080 Robert A. Bohrer 9781351734929 2001 Contains images
Decision Intelligence dt. 5718458 Thorsten Heilig Ilhan Scheer 9783527843770 2024 Contains images
Decision Leadership: Empowering Others to Make Better Choices 4515513 Don A. Moore Max H. Bazerman 9780300265521 2022 Contains images
Decision-making in Deng's China: Perspectives from Insiders (Studies On Contemporary China) 5511355 A. Doak Barnett Suisheng Zhao Carol Lee Hamrin 9781315286594 1995 Contains images
Decision-Making in Management: Methods and Behavioral Tools (Contributions to Management Science) 4314300 Kesra Nermend Małgorzata Łatuszyńska Eleftherios Thalassinos 9783030670207 2021 Contains images

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