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Delaying Retirement: Progress and Challenges of Active Ageing in Europe, the United States and Japan
by Dirk Hofäcker, Moritz Hess and Stefanie KönigTo a backdrop of ageing societies, pension crises and labour market reforms, this book investigates how the policy shift from early retirement to active ageing has affected individual retirement behaviour. Focusing on eleven European countries, the United States and Japan, it brings together leading international experts to analyze recent changes in pension systems. Their findings demonstrate that there has been a fundamental transition in pension policies and a steep increase in older workers’ retirement ages and employment rates. Yet changes in retirement behavior are not evenly distributed across all societal strata. This raises the serious concern that an overall rise in the retirement age will be accompanied by the re-emergence of social inequality in the transition from work to retirement. This innovative edited collection will appeal to students and scholars of sociology, economics, political science, human resources management, gerontology and social policy, and also to policy-makers and professionals dealing with older workers.
Deleuze and Guattari: An Introduction to the Politics of Desire (Published in association with Theory, Culture & Society #44)
by Dr Philip GoodchildThis accessible book examines critically the writings of Deleuze and Guattari, clarifying the ideas of these two notoriously difficult thinkers without over-simplifying them. Divided into three sections - Knowledge, Power, and Liberation of Desire - the book provides a systematic account of the intellectual context as well as an exhaustive analysis of the key themes informing Deleuze and Guattari's work. It provides the framework for reading the important and influential study Capitalism and Schizophrenia and, with the needs of students in mind, explains the key concepts in Deleuze and Guattari's discussion of philosophy, art and politics. Definitive and incisive, the book will be invaluable in situating the philosophy of these two major figures within the perspective of the social and human sciences.
Deleuze and Guattari's Anti-Oedipus: Introduction to Schizoanalysis
by Eugene W. HollandEugene W. Holland provides an excellent introduction to Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's Anti-Oedipus which is widely recognized as one of the most influential texts in philosophy to have appeared in the last thirty years. He lucidly presents the theoretical concerns behind Anti-Oedipus and explores with clarity the diverse influences of Marx, Freud, Nietzsche and Kant on the development of Deleuze & Guattari's thinking. He also examines the wider implications of their work in revitalizing Marxism, environmentalism, feminism and cultural studies.
Deleuze and Lifelong Learning
by Christian BeightonThis book examines Gilles Deleuze's ideas about creativity in the context of lifelong learning, offering an original take on this important contemporary topic using cinematic parallels. Discussing Deleuze's difficult notion of 'counter-actualization' as a form of creative practice, it draws practical consequences for those across a diverse sector.
Deleuze and the Physically Active Body (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)
by Pirkko MarkulaThis volume examines Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy as it relates to the study of the physically active body. It explores theoretical and practical examples of how the physically active body can be examined as a material, social, political, and cultural entity using a Deleuzian perspective. Examining topics such as, the formation of thought within a capitalist system; sport, exercise, and dance as cultural arrangements; researching the physically active body from a Deleuzian perspective; and Deleuze on Foucault, this book shows ways of investigating the moving body as an agent for initiating social change. This is fascinating reading for students and researchers working in the fields of the Sociology of Sport, Sport and Politics, and Sport and Social Theory.
Deleuze, Marx and Politics (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought #Vol. 38)
by Nicholas ThoburnA critical and provocative exploration of the political, conceptual and cultural points of resonance between Deleuze's minor politics and Marx's critique of capitalist dynamics, engaging with Deleuze's missing work, The Grandeur of Marx. This book explores the core categories of communism and capital in conjunction with a wealth of contemporary and historical political concepts and movements - from the lumpenproletariat and anarchism, to Italian autonomia and Antonio Negri, immaterial labour and the refusal of work. This book will serve as an introduction to Deleuze's politics and the contemporary vitality of Marx for students and will challenge scholars in the fields of social and political theory, sociology and cultural studies.
A Deleuzian Approach to Curriculum
by Jason J. WallinThis work examines the impoverished image of life presupposed by the legacy of transcendent and representational thinking that continues to frame the limits of curricular thought. Analyzing the ways in which modern institutions colonize desire and overdetermine the life of its subject, this book draws upon the anti-Oedipal philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, revolutionary artistic practice, and an unorthodox curriculum genealogy to rethink the pedagogical project as a task of concept creation for the liberation of life and instantiation of a people yet to come. This book invites academics, artists, and graduate students to engage the contemporary struggles of curriculum theory, educational philosophy, and pedagogical practice with a new set of conceptual tools for thinking radical difference.
Delhi's Changing Built Environment (Routledge Studies in International Real Estate)
by Piyush Tiwari Jyoti RaoThe rapid expansion, urban form and development of the built environment in the world’s second most populous city, Delhi, has been the consequence of social, political, economic, planning and architectural traditions that have shaped the city over thousands of years. Whilst seamless at times, these traditions have often resulted in the fragmented development of the city’s built environment. This book charts the political, economic and social forces that drove development in India generally and in Delhi in particular, and investigates the drivers and constituents of Delhi’s urban landscape. The book provides a lens through which to examine the development path of a mega-city, which can be used as a guide in the development of emerging urban centres. Furthermore, the strengths and weaknesses of Delhi's built environment are critically analysed, with consideration to the role of the market, finance and policy over time. This book not only provides valuable insight into the physical evolution of Delhi and its surrounds, but it also asks broader questions about how people, power and politics interact with urban environments. It is essential reading for planners, architects, urbanists and social historians.
Deliberate Calm: How to Learn and Lead in a Volatile World
by Jacqueline Brassey Aaron De Smet Michiel KruytA trio of McKinsey & Company veterans draws from a unique combination of psychology, neuroscience, and consciousness practices plus a combined 50-plus years of international board room experience to offer a unique approach to learning and leading with awareness and intentional choice, even amidst the most challenging circumstances.As the speed of change in our increasingly complex world accelerates daily, leaders are tasked with performing outside of their familiar zones both in their personal and professional lives. This requires us to adapt. Yet, the same conditions that make adapting so important can also trigger fear, leading us to resist change and default to reactive behavior. The authors call this the “adaptability paradox”: when we most need to learn and change, we stick with what we know, often in ways that stifle learning and innovation. To avoid this trap, leaders must become proactive so they can lead ahead of the curve.Enter Deliberate Calm, a tangible guide that combines cutting-edge neuroscience, psychology, and consciousness practices, along with the authors’ decades of experience working with leaders around the globe. By practicing Dual Awareness, which integrates our internal and external experiences, leaders can become fluid and respond to challenges with intentional choice instead of being limited by their old success models. With Deliberate Calm, anyone can lead and learn with awareness and choice to realize their full potential, even in times of uncertainty, complexity, and change.
Deliberate Ignorance: Choosing Not to Know (Strüngmann Forum Reports #29)
by Ralph Hertwig Christoph EngelPsychologists, economists, historians, computer scientists, sociologists, philosophers, and legal scholars explore the conscious choice not to seek information.The history of intellectual thought abounds with claims that knowledge is valued and sought, yet individuals and groups often choose not to know. We call the conscious choice not to seek or use knowledge (or information) deliberate ignorance. When is this a virtue, when is it a vice, and what can be learned from formally modeling the underlying motives? On which normative grounds can it be judged? Which institutional interventions can promote or prevent it? In this book, psychologists, economists, historians, computer scientists, sociologists, philosophers, and legal scholars explore the scope of deliberate ignorance.
Deliberative Democracy for Diabolical Times: Confronting Populism, Extremism, Denial, and Authoritarianism
by null André Bächtiger null John S. DryzekDemocracy today faces deep and complex challenges, especially when it comes to political communication and the quality of public discourse. Dishonest and manipulative communication amplified by unscrupulous politicians and media pervades these diabolical times, enabling right-wing populism, extremism, truth denial, and authoritarianism to flourish. To tackle these issues, we need to encourage meaningful deliberative communication – creating spaces for reflective and constructive dialogue, repairing unhealthy public spheres while preserving healthier ones, and building discursive bridges across deep divides. Citizens who see through elite manipulations should be at the core of this response, especially if bad elite behavior is to be effectively constrained. Democratic activists and leaders, diverse interpersonal networks, resilient public spheres, deliberative innovations and clever communication strategies all have vital roles to play in both defending and renewing democracy. Healthy discursive infrastructures can make democracies work again.
The Delicious History of the Holiday
by Fred InglisOur holidays lie near the heart of our emotional life, enjoyed for a fortnight, fed on imagination for eleven months of the year. What we want from our holidays tells a lot about who we are and what we wish we were.In this charming account, Fred Inglis traces the rise of the holiday from its early roots in the Grand Tour, through the coming of Thomas Cook and his Blackpool packages, to sex tourism and the hippie trail to Kathmandu. He celebrates the bodily pleasures of generations of tourists - from Edwardian banquets in Paris to fish and chips on the beach, from the Bright Young Things on the Riviera to the chosen hardships of the sea, the desert wastes and the mountain tops. He considers the ideals and the spiritual aspirations which are part of what we look for in a holiday, but he also warns of a darker current - how we have increasingly destroyed what we take most pleasure in and how the dealings between those who have much and those who have little, can seldom, however good our intentions, avoid the taint of exploitation.
Delinquency and Child Neglect (Sir Halley Stewart Trust: Publications)
by Harriett WilsonOriginally published in 1962, this was the first comprehensive study of a group of families often referred to as ‘problem families’. Harriett Wilson shows that they are not a homogenous group, and furthermore, that they do not possess any unique personality traits. On the contrary, the disabilities which are found among the families who took part in this investigation are also found in the general run of the population. The main disabling factor turned out to be the social isolation to which these families are subjected.This isolation affects not only the personality of father and mother, but it also has a profound effect on the character formation of their children, who tend to become delinquent. The child from this environment has not learnt to control their impulses effectively enough to take part in social life on a normal basis. They are handicapped from an early age.Harriett Wilson concludes that the delinquency found in this environment is a symptom of a total family situation which can only be treated at the family level by preventative family services. Today it can be read and enjoyed in its historical context.This book is a re-issue originally published in 1962. The language used and views portrayed are a reflection of its era and no offence is meant by the Publishers to any reader by this re-publication.
Delinquency and Opportunity: A Study of Delinquent Gangs (International Library of Sociology)
by Richard A. Cloward L.E. OhlinFirst published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Delinquency Research: An Appraisal of Analytic Methods
by Travis Hirschi Hanan C. SelvinThis remarkable guide to delinquency studies was co-winner of the 1968 C. Wright Mills Award for the best book in the field of social problems. The work is in effect three books in one: a forthright account of how to analyze survey data, a penetrating critique of delinquency research, and a set of original essays on methodology. It is a landmark work that continues to serve as an essential tool for those who both study and want to learn about deviance. In the new introduction, Travis Hirschi describes the setting in which 'Delinquency Research' was written, noting that it exudes a confident optimism that well-conducted research and analysis will quickly lead to important advances in the field. Hirschi maintains that twenty-eight years after 'Delinquency Research' was first published the validity of its optimistic view has been confirmed by the fact that the field of criminology is among the leading producers of high quality research. As a result, we know more about crime and delinquency than ever before. 'Delinquency Research' forms the basis for present and future studies of criminology and is a necessary addition to the libraries of sociologists, criminologists, scholars in the area of delinquency, and students interested in research methods.
Delinquency Theories: Appraisals and applications
by John P. HoffmannDelinquency Theories: Appraisals and applications provides a fulsome and accessible overview of contemporary theories of juvenile delinquency. The book opens with a comprehensive description of what a theory is, and explains how theories are created in the social sciences. Following on, each subsequent chapter is dedicated to describing an individual theory, broken down and illustrated within four distinct sections. Initially, each chapter tells the tale of a delinquent youth, and from this example a thorough review of the particular theory and related research can be undertaken to explain the youth’s delinquent behaviour. The third and fourth sections of each chapter critically analyze the theories, and provide a straightforward discussion of policy implications of each, thus encouraging readers to evaluate the usefulness of these theories and also to consider the relationship between theory and policy. This text is an invaluable resource for both undergraduate and graduate students of subjects such as youth justice, delinquency, social theory, and criminology.
Delinquent: Inside America's Debt Machine
by Elena BotellaA consumer credit industry insider-turned-outsider explains how banks lure Americans deep into debt, and how to break the cycle. Delinquent takes readers on a journey from Capital One’s headquarters to street corners in Detroit, kitchen tables in Sacramento, and other places where debt affects people's everyday lives. Uncovering the true costs of consumer credit to American families in addition to the benefits, investigative journalist Elena Botella—formerly an industry insider who helped set credit policy at Capital One—reveals the underhanded and often predatory ways that banks induce American borrowers into debt they can’t pay back. Combining Botella’s insights from the banking industry, quantitative data, and research findings as well as personal stories from interviews with indebted families around the country, Delinquent provides a relatable and humane entry into understanding debt. Botella exposes the ways that bank marketing, product design, and customer management strategies exploit our common weaknesses and fantasies in how we think about money, and she also demonstrates why competition between banks has failed to make life better for Americans in debt. Delinquent asks: How can we make credit available to those who need it, responsibly and without causing harm? Looking to the future, Botella presents a thorough and incisive plan for reckoning with and reforming the industry.
Delinquent Daughters: Protecting and Policing Adolescent Female Sexuality in the United States, 1885-1920
by Mary E. OdemDelinquent Daughters explores the gender, class, and racial tensions that fueled campaigns to control female sexuality in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century America. Mary Odem looks at these moral reform movements from a national perspective, explores the local enforcement of regulatory legislation in Alameda and Los Angeles Counties in California and shows that the paradoxical consequences of reform often resulted in coercive and discriminatory policies toward working-class girls.
Delinquent Girls
by Leslie D. Leve Shari Miller Patricia K. KerigTraditionally, delinquent girls were considered an anomaly, a rare phenomenon attracting little scholarly notice. Today, more than one in four youth offenders is female, and researchers and practitioners alike are quickly turning their attention and resources to address this challenging situation. Delinquent Girls: Contexts, Relationships, and Adaptation synthesizes what is known about girls involved in delinquent behavior and their experiences at different points in the juvenile justice system. This breakthrough volume adds to the understanding of this population by offering empirical analysis not only of how these behaviors develop but also about what is being done to intervene. Employing multiple theoretical models, qualitative and quantitative data sources, law enforcement records, and insights across disciplines, leading scholars review causes and correlates; the roles of family and peers; psychological and legal issues; policy changes resulting in more arrests of young women; and evidence-based prevention and intervention strategies. Each chapter covers its subject in depth, providing theory, findings, and future directions. Important topics addressed include: Narrowing the gender gap - trends in girls' delinquency.Girls at the intersection of juvenile justice, criminal justice, and child welfare.Trauma exposure, mental health issues, and girls' delinquency.Beyond the stereotypes: girls in gangs.Intervention programs for at-risk and court-involved girls.Implications for practice and policy.With its broad scope and solution-oriented focus, Delinquent Girls: Contexts, Relationships, and Adaptation is a must-have volume for researchers, professionals, graduate students, and social policy experts in clinical child and school psychology, social work, juvenile justice, criminology, developmental psychology, and sociology.
Delinquent Youth in a Transforming China
by Wan-Ning BaoThis book explores two major social problems facing Chinese society today: increased strain in the lives of young people and heightened rates of crime and delinquency, ultimately examining the links between them. More broadly, it draws on Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory and Agnew's general strain theory to examine the factors and processes affecting young people, leading to life strain and delinquency. It represents the first study of this kind and involves the most systematic and comprehensive literature review of studies on major social, economic, political and cultural changes, as well as youth crime in contemporary China. Bao's arguments are supported by empirical evidence including data findings and over a decade's worth of observational research. Shedding new light on the nature of youth crime in a rapidly changing society, this methodical study will benefit policy makers and researchers, helping them to develop tactics and methods to reduce strain in the lives of young people, and thus effectively prevent delinquency in China.
Delirious Naples: A Cultural History of the City of the Sun
by Pellegrino D'Acierno Stanislao G. Pugliese Theresa Aiello B. Amore Andrea Baldi Angelo Cannavacciuolo Joseph Connors Rose DeAngelis Erri De Luca John Domini Valerio Caprara Simona Frasca Jonathan Galassi Fred Gardaphe Patrizia La Trecchia Ilaria Marchesi Simone Marchesi Nick Napoli Salvatore Napolitano Jason Pine Joseph Rescigno Gabriella Romani Gioia Timpanelli Terrence Ward Robert Zweig Francesco Durante Gregory Pell Charles Sant'EliaThis book is addressed to “lovers of paradoxes” and we have done our utmost to assemble a stellar cast of Neapolitan and American scholars, intellectuals, and artists/writers who are strong and open-minded enough to wrestle with and illuminate the paradoxes through which Naples presents itself. Naples is a mysterious metropolis. Difficult to understand, it is an enigma to outsiders, and also to the Neapolitans themselves. Its very impenetrableness is what makes it so deliriously and irresistibly attractive. The essays attempt to give some hints to the answer of the enigma, without parsing it into neat scholastic formulas. In doing this, the book will be an important means of opening Naples to students, scholars and members of the community at large who are engaged in “identity-work.” A primary goal has been to establish a dialogue with leading Neapolitan intellectuals and artists, and, ultimately, ensure that the “deliriously Neapolitan” dance continues.
Delivering Benefits in Old Age: The Take up of the Minimum Income Guarantee (Studies In Cash And Care Ser.)
by Paul DornanAlthough means-testing for Social Security transfers is economical, it hasn't proven to be very effective. The Minimum Income Guarantee (MIG) and the Pension Credit initiatives implemented by the Labour Government in the UK have both suffered from low levels of take up amongst entitled pensioners. This book sheds important new light on this pressing problem, examining existing research on take-up and highlighting gaps in understanding. It explores the strengths and weaknesses of the theoretical base, drawing on European theory and applying it to the UK. Socio-economic, demographic and attitudinal trends are analyzed to elucidate the impact they have had, and will have, on the proportion entitled to MIG and its take-up rate. Current policy is also analyzed to explore the importance of take-up for the Labour government and the prospects of improving it. As high take-up would be an important step in combating poverty, this book offers solutions and options to tackle these problems. It is therefore of critical interest to academics and policy makers in the UK and around the world.
Delivering Family Justice in Late Modern Society in the wake of Legal Aid Reform
by Mavis MacleanLegal aid for family cases in private law, mainly divorce and separation, where the state is not directly involved as it is in public law cases where there are issues of domestic violence or neglect or abuse of children, came to an abrupt end together with help for welfare and immigration cases on April 1 2013 when the Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPO) came into effect. This book presents an account of the wide ranging problems which the researchers and practitioners expected to ensue. Sadly, their fears have been realised in many areas of legal help and advice. The National Audit Office was to take the view in 2014 that although the Ministry of Justice had succeeded in making considerable savings in the cause of austerity that they had failed to investigate or understand the impact of these cuts on the individuals concerned and society as a whole. This book was previously published as a special issue of the Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law.
Delivering Fantastic Customer Experience: How to Turn Customer Satisfaction Into Customer Relationships
by Daniel LafrenièreIf you don’t offer great customer experience, your main competitors will take away 50% of your business. Period. Gone are the days in which businesses could simply offer an "OK" experience and get away with it. In today’s hypercompetitive environment, companies can no longer be just B2C or B2B. They must become B2Me – more personal, more relevant. With customers having higher expectations and access to more information than ever before, companies must create stellar, frictionless, personalized, and memorable customer experiences, if they plan to stay in the game. In this book, you will learn: • What customer experience truly is. • How emotions can increase customer loyalty…or make customers ditch a brand. • Which behaviors and attitudes lose customers. • Ten easy, practical, and proven ways to immediately improve your customer experience. • What renowned companies do to offer the best customer experience. This book is for anyone who works serving customers in a B2C company or other businesses in a B2B environment. Everyone has an important role to play in creating a good customer experience, whether it be managers, associates, sales reps, marketing professionals, web strategists, accountants, customer service reps, delivery people, or installers. No matter what role you play, this book offers easy tips, recommendations, and examples to help improve customer experience, realistically, sustainably, and affordably.
Delivering Motherhood: Maternal Ideologies and Practices in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Routledge Revivals)
by Katherine Arnup Andrée Lévesque Ruth Roach PiersonIn the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, motherhood in Canada, as elsewhere in the western world, became contested terrain. Male medical practitioners vied with midwives, and midwives with nurses, while reform-minded middle-class women joined with the eugenically minded state officials in efforts to control the quantity and quality of the population. As reproduction gained in importance as a political as well as a religious issue, motherhood became the centre of debate over public health and welfare policies and formed the cornerstone of feminist and anti-feminist, as well as nationalist and pacifist ideologies.Originally published in 1990, Delivering Motherhood (now with a new preface by Katherine Arnup) is the first comprehensive study on the history of this complex development in Canada, where control over the different stages of reproduction, from conception, to delivery, to childcare, shifted from the central figure of the mother to experts and professionals. The contributions range from the treatment of single mothers in Montreal in the Depression to La Leche League in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s.This book will be an essential read for students and researchers of women’s studies, feminist studies, women’s history, and sociology.