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Demographic Analysis (Routledge Revivals)
by Bernard BenjaminFirst published in 1968, Demographic Analysis was written to provide a comprehensive account of demographic methods for those with a need to understand population movements. The book provides an introduction to some of the key tools used by demographers and the principal sources of population data. Beginning with an overview of the scope, content and use of the population census, it then examines methods for measuring births, deaths, and migration before setting out the methodology for determining the contributions of these elements to population change and estimating past or future changes. The book also explores sickness as a population characteristic and a way of better understanding mortality variations.
Demographic Analysis: Projections on Natality, Fertility and Replacement
by Roland PressatPopulation control requires that the birth rate equal to the death rate. If it is too low population will decline; if it is too high, population will increase. If either condition persists long enough the population will diminish towards zero or increase towards infinity. Fortunately, the birth trajectory does not have to be set once and for all, but can be adjusted within limits. Since birth and death rates determine whether we are heading for population extinction or explosion, they are well designated "vital statistics." Their understanding and use are a central theme of demographic analysis."Demographic Analysis" presents those techniques that are often called for in the study of demographic problems. Such techniques permit researchers to fill the gap between the large amounts of data made available by censuses and the theoretical and practical questions that need to be answered; the techniques of this book effectively bring the data into confrontation with the problems. In his treatment of population projection, Pressat applies methods developed in earlier sections for mortality arid fertility. The emphasis is on population projection and accords with its usefulness in demographic analysis. The meaning of a demographic rate or trend is brought out by seeing to what condition it would lead if continued. No assumption is made that the concrete future will follow either path.The substance of the book is devoted to the main themes of mortality and fertility. Underlying these as well as nearly every other kind of data with which the demographer deals is the problem of location in time - the relation of vital events to the calendar, and also to the age of the persons undergoing them. Pressat's detailed attention to this problem forms a solid basis for how current methodology accounts of demographic changes.
The Demographic and Development Divide in India: A District-Level Analyses
by Sanjay K. Mohanty Udaya S. Mishra Rajesh K. ChauhanThis book is the first-ever volume which provides comprehensive information on demographic, health and development at the level of 640 districts in India. Central and state governments, developmental organizations, national and international NGOs and researchers require disaggregated data at the district level for many practical purposes. However, such information is not readily available for use. The editors, with a close-knit group of collaborators, have compiled data from reliable sources for each district of India and present the results in the form of composite indexes. The chapters rank districts within the state and vis-à-vis all districts of India to help readers understand intra-district and inter-district developmental disparities. They present spatial analyses that depict clustering of development. It is a ready reference for planners, researchers and students and provides scientific analyses that depict the clustering of development parameters at the district level. This volume is meant for a wide readership interested in development in India, across population studies, sociology, economics, statistics, to regional development, and from academics, researchers, and planners to policy makers.
Demographic and Family Transition in Southeast Asia
by Wei-Jun Jean YeungThis open access book presents the trends and patterns of demographic and family changes from all eleven countries in the region for the past 50 years. The rich data are coupled with historical, cultural and policy background to facilitate an understanding of the changes that families in Southeast Asia have been going through. The book is structured into two parts. Part A includes three segments preceded by a briefing on Southeast Asia. The first segment focuses on marital and partnership status in the region, particularly marriage rates, age at marriage, incidence of singlehood, cohabitation, and divorce. The second segment focuses on fertility indicators such as fertility rates (total, age-specific, adolescent), age at childbearing, and childlessness. The third presents information on household structures in the region by examining household sizes, and incidence of one-person households, single-parent families, as well as extended and composite households. Part B presents indicators of children and youth’s well-being.
The Demographic Masculinization of China: Hoping for a Son
by Isabelle AttanéThis book describes the shortage of girls and women in present day China and focuses on two important features: the sex imbalance in childhood and youth, and the excess mortality of women at various stages of their life. The author analyzes the causes and the processes of a strong preference for sons, which generates discrimination toward females and results in a shortage of girls and women. China's higher proportion of men than women is a population characteristic that is shared by very few countries in the world. This demographic masculinity is unprecedented in the documented history of human populations, both in scale and its lasting impact on the numbers and the structure of the population. Despite the economic boom of recent years, many families in China still consider girls to be less important than boys. Although Chinese women have become largely emancipated since the 1950s, they still do not have the same opportunities for social achievement as men, and Chinese society remains fundamentally rooted in highly gendered social and family roles. As a consequence, Chinese girl babies who have the misfortune to be born instead of a long-awaited son go by various names, such as Pandi (literally "awaiting a son"), Laidi ("a son will follow"), or Yehao ("she'll do too"). The book provides a comprehensive review of the situation of women in China's society and shows that discrimination against girls and women is part of a system of norms and values that traditionally favours males.
Demographic Patterns in Developed Societies (Routledge Library Editions: Demography #7)
by R. W. HiornsOriginally published in 1980, this volume reviews the demographic patterns of fertility, marriage and mortality with reference to developed societies in the 19th and 20th centuries in Western Europe and North America. New (at the time of publication) data and methodology are considered and discussed, while maintaining the historical perspective.
The Demographic Transition and Development in Africa
by Charles Teller Assefa Hailemariam"The heated Malthusian-Bosrupian debates still rage over consequences of high population growth, rapid urbanization, dense rural populations and young age structures in the face of drought, poverty, food insecurity, environmental degradation, climate change, instability and the global economic crisis. However, while facile generalizations about the lack of demographic change and lack of progress in meeting the MDGs in sub-Saharan Africa are commonplace, they are often misleading and belie the socio-cultural change that is occurring among a vanguard of more educated youth. Even within Ethiopia, the second largest country at the Crossroads of Africa and the Middle East, different narratives emerge from analysis of longitudinal, micro-level analysis as to how demographic change and responses are occurring, some more rapidly than others. The book compares Ethiopia with other Africa countries, and demonstrates the uniqueness of an African-type demographic transition: a combination of poverty-related negative factors (unemployment, disease, food insecurity) along with positive education, health and higher age-of-marriage trends that are pushing this ruggedly rural and land-locked population to accelerate the demographic transition and stay on track to meet most of the MDGs. This book takes great care with the challenges of inadequate data and weak analytical capacity to research this incipient transition, trying to unravel some of the complexities in this vulnerable Horn of Africa country: A slowly declining population growth rates with rapidly declining child mortality, very high chronic under-nutrition, already low urban fertility but still very high rural fertility; and high population-resource pressure along with rapidly growing small urban places"
Demographics: A Guide to Methods and Data Sources for Media, Business, and Government
by Beverly Pecotte Steven H. Murdock Chris Kelley Jeffrey L. Jordan Alvin LuedkeDemographics has become a critical dimension of the work of many journalists, business professionals, and government analysts and managers. Yet those who are not professional demographers often find locating and effectively using demographics difficult. Written by leading authorities, Demographics provides a single-volume resource that is readily understandable by everyone. It describes and demonstrates how students and working professionals can obtain, use, and communicate demographic information effectively. Consisting of ten chapters organized into four sections on basic demographic concepts, definitions, and methods, this book includes sources of demographic and economic data as well as explanations and examples of how to effectively and accurately use them.
Demography and Health Issues: Population Aging, Mortality And Data Analysis (The\springer Series On Demographic Methods And Population Analysis Ser. #46)
by Charilaos Skiadas Christos H. SkiadasThis book provides new theories, applications and quantitative methods in demography, population studies and statistics. It presents and applies data analysis, statistics and stochastic modeling techniques focusing on demography, population aging, mortality and health sciences. The book describes diverse stochastic processes as well as Markov and semi-Markov models in demography and population studies, along with chapters on statistical models and methods in biostatistics and epidemiology. As such the book will be a valuable source to demographers, health scientists, statisticians, economists and sociologists.
Demography and the Anthropocene (SpringerBriefs in Environment, Security, Development and Peace #35)
by Larry D. BarnettEnvironmentalists devote little attention at the moment to the size and growth of the human population. To counter this neglect, the monograph (i) includes original graphs showing population size and growth since 1920 in the world as a whole and the United States; (ii) assembles evidence tying the increasing number of people to ecosystem deterioration and its societal consequences; and (iii) analyzes sample-survey data to ascertain whether the current disregard of population pressures by U.S. environmentalists reflects the thinking of Americans generally. However, even if a nation took steps primarily intended to lower childbearing and immigration, the findings of social science research indicate that the steps would not have a substantial, lasting impact. The discussion, which suggests an indirect way by which government may reduce fertility, underlines for environmental scholars the importance of studying their subject in a multidisciplinary, collaborative setting.
The Demography of Disasters: Impacts for Population and Place
by Dávid Karácsonyi Andrew Taylor Deanne BirdThis open access book provides worldwide examples demonstrating the importance of the interplay between demography and disasters in regions and spatially. It marks an advance in practical and theoretical insights for understanding the role of demography in planning for and mitigating impacts from disasters in developed nations. Both slow onset (like the of loss polar ice from climate change) and sudden disasters (such as cyclones and man-made disasters) have the capacity to fundamentally change the profiles of populations at local and regional levels. Impacts vary according to the type, rapidity and magnitude of the disaster, but also according to the pre-existing population profile and its relationships to the economy and society. In all cases, the key to understanding impacts and avoiding them in the future is to understand the relationships between disasters and population change. In most chapters in this book we compare and contrast studies from at least two cases and summarize their practical and theoretical lessons.
The Demography of Europe
by Gunnar Andersson Gerda Neyer Laura Bernardi Christoph Bühler Hill KuluOver the past decades Europe has witnessed fundamental changes of its population dynamics and population structure. Fertility has fallen below replacement level in almost all European countries, while childbearing behavior and family formation have become more diverse. Life expectancy has increased in Western Europe for both females and males, but has been declining for men in some Eastern European countries. Immigration from non-European countries has increased substantially, as has mobility within Europe. These changes pose major challenges to population studies, as conventional theoretical assumptions regarding demographic behavior and demographic development seem unfit to provide convincing explanations of the recent demographic changes. This book, derived from the symposium on "The Demography of Europe" held at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany in November 2007 in honor of Professor Jan M. Hoem, brings together leading population researchers in the area of fertility, family, migration, life-expectancy, and mortality. The contributions present key issues of the new demography of Europe and discuss key research advances to understand the continent's demographic development at the turn of the 21st century.
The Demography of Health and Healthcare
by Richard K. Thomas Louis G. PolIn this 3rd edition of the definitive work on health demography, Pol and Thomas offer an updated view of the field and a current perspective on the applications of health demography to contemporary issues. The significance of health demography within the field of population studies has continued to increase and this work provides background on the healthcare arena and systematically presents the various aspects of demography as they relate to healthcare. This addition has been streamlined to focus on the important aspects of health demography and enhanced through the addition of charts, maps and other graphics. All statistics and tables have been updated and the most current references are included. A separate chapter on morbidity has been included and the final chapter focuses on the public policy interface with health demography. Case studies and sidebars are included throughout the book to illustrate the applications of demography within the healthcare arena. Recent developments in U.S. healthcare are highlighted to give the text a very contemporary presence.
The Demography of Remarriage in Japan (SpringerBriefs in Population Studies)
by James M. Raymo Miho Iwasawa Erika Teramoto Shohei Yoda Setsuya FukudaThis book provides the first comprehensive demographic overview of remarriage in Japan. Despite the fact that nearly one in five marriages in Japan now involves at least one formerly married spouse, very little is known about the nature of remarriages and how they differ from first marriages. One important focus of this book is to examine fertility intentions and outcomes in remarriages and to compare them with marriages in which both partners are in their first marriage. It is well known that low rates of first marriage contribute to Japan’s very low total fertility rate (TFR), but there is currently no theoretical or empirical basis for understanding how levels and patterns of remarriage are related to the TFR. To understand trends and patterns of remarriage in Japan, the book begins with an overview of the voluminous research literature on remarriage in the USA and other Western countries. This overview consists of a summary of trends and theoretical frameworks for understanding remarriage and is followed by a summary of existing research on correlates of remarriage and outcomes associated with higher-order marriages. Of particular importance is the attention paid to stepfamily fertility and the extent to which remarriage is associated with overall levels of fertility. An important contribution of this book is its presentation of basic descriptive information about levels and correlates of remarriage in Japan. These descriptive analyses are based on published data in the vital statistics reports and individual-level data from the National Fertility Surveys conducted by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research and the National Survey of Households with Children conducted by the Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training.
Demography of the Dobe !Kung
by Robert GutmanFirst published in 1979, this is a classic study of the population of the Bushmen of the Kalahari Deselt of Botswana. Using methods that are simple and fully illustrated, the author presents empirical descriptions of the fertility, mortality, and marriage patterns of the now famous !Kung hunter-gatherers.The !King "Bushman" people of the Kalahari desert in Africa occupy an anomalous position in the world of science. They have been selected for intensive study precisely because they are geographically, socially, and economically removed from modern, industrialized society, living in a sparsely settled and remote portion of an enormous semidesert. The !Kung maintain the language and culture of a fully develop hunting and gathering society with (until very recently) no dependence on cultivated plants, no domesticated animals other than the dog, no stratification system based on kinship or occupation, no power or authority structure extending further than the local bands composed of a few related families, no wage labor, no use of money, and no settled sites of occupation.At the same time, the !Kung have become well-known figures to students—both undergraduate and professional—of Western social science. The faces of !Kung informants gaze from the covers and the illustrations of many texts in anthropology and sociology.Why has all this attention been developed around the !Kung people? Part of the answer lies in the people themselves. The !Kung are a physically attractive people, with slender, graceful bodies and open small-featured faces that are appealing and photogenic. Their culture is simple and has its striking features. The struggle for subsistence, the click language, the emphasis on sharing and humility, the drama of the curing dances in which individuals go into trance and speak directly to spirits to cure sickness, and the pervasive humor, teasing, and playfulness of the !Kung style are all features that are relatively easy to convey and interesting to l earn about.This work covers areas such as marriage, fertility, disease, mortality, history, and the projected future of the !Kung. This book will be of interest to students of demographic studies, anthropology, and African studies.
The Demography of Transforming Families (The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis #56)
by Robert SchoenThis book provides an up-to-date survey on the nature, causes, and patterns of family change. The traditional nuclear family has been replaced by a multiplicity of other forms, as widespread cohabitation, high levels of divorce and union dissolution, rising childlessness, and far below replacement fertility have emerged to an extent never before seen. Theoretical perspectives on this “Second Demographic Transition” are presented, highlighting the dramatic changes in gender roles. New methodological strategies for assessing family dynamics are presented, from multistate models of marriage and divorce combined with fertility to improved techniques for combining census and survey data on the family to a new approach for disentangling age, period, and cohort effects. While the volume emphasizes Western nations, insightful case studies range from analyzing family complexity in cohorts of parents and children in the UK to the impact of interpartner violence on family formation, to the emergence of a “gender war” in South Korea. By providing new insights into where we are today and how we got here, the book will be of value to all those interested in the contemporary family."Delayed Fertility as a Driver of Fertility Decline?" available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.
Demokratie braucht Medien
by Melanie Magin Uta Rußmann Birgit StarkFreie und unabhängige Medien sind die Grundlage einer lebendigen Demokratie. In normativen Demokratiemodellen wird die „Wächterrolle“ von Medien betont, weil neben der Kontroll- und Informationsfunktion der Medien ihr Beitrag zur Legitimierung politischer Prozesse als zentral angesehen wird. Medien unterliegen jedoch im digitalen Wandel einem hohen Anpassungsdruck: Sie drohen ihre traditionelle Gatekeeper-Rolle zu verlieren und konkurrieren mit globalen Tech-Giganten wie Facebook und Google um Werbegelder und die Aufmerksamkeit des Publikums. Die Plattformisierung der Medien stellt nicht nur die Vermittlungsleistungen professioneller journalistischer Informationsanbieter in Frage, sondern auch die Rolle der Medien in der Herstellung von Öffentlichkeit. Der Band hinterfragt die sich wandelnde Rolle der Medien im politischen System sowie das Verhältnis von Medien und Politik kritisch. Funktionen und Autonomiegrad von Medien und Journalismus werden analysiert. Mithilfe von Zeitvergleichen werden tiefgreifende Veränderungen wie auch Konstanten herausgearbeitet. Nicht zuletzt gilt es zu erörtern, welche Akteure welche Verantwortung tragen und welche Privilegien sie genießen (sollten).
Demokratie im Alltag: Zum Bürger*innenbewusstsein Wiener Jugendlicher (Citizenship. Studien zur Politischen Bildung)
by Tobias Doppelbauer Dirk LangeDas Buch entwickelt die empirische Basis der politischen Bildung aus der Perspektive einer kritisch-konstruktivistischen und qualitativen Politikdidaktik. Neben Rekonstruktionen von Demokratievorstellungen werden vielfältige Zugänge zu Demokratie aufgezeigt und didaktische Implikationen für die Praxis politischer Bildung exploriert. Untersucht werden die Demokratievorstellungen Wiener Jugendlicher im Kontext der postdemokratischen Konstellation ‚westlicher‘ und liberaler Demokratien.
Demokratie und Soziale Arbeit: Sensibilisierung für die Wahrnehmung und Veränderung von Ungleichheiten in unserer Gesellschaft
by Monika Alamdar-Niemann Bärbel Schomers Marion TackeDer Tagungsband „Demokratie und Soziale Arbeit“ befasst sich aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven mit zentralen aktuellen Fragen der Sozialen Arbeit. Wie kann Teilhabe und Partizipation in der Gesellschaft ungeachtet der sozialen Lage der Adressat*innen, ihres Geschlechts, ihrer sexuellen Orientierung, ihrer ethnischen Herkunft und Hautfarbe, ihrer Religion und Sprache, ihres Alters und rechtlichen Status ermöglicht werden? Soziale Arbeit mit Blick auf die zugrundeliegenden strukturellen Mechanismen von Ausgrenzung und Abwertung zielt auf eine Humanisierung der deutschen Gesellschaft. Es geht um nicht weniger als die Professionalisierung einer Arbeit gegen Diskriminierung zur Wahrung demokratischer Prinzipien, denen sich die hier versammelten Autor*innen widmen.
Demokratieförderung von Europarat und OSZE
by Andrea GawrichEuroparat und OSZE werden in der öffentlichen und wissenschaftlichen Debatte selten als Akteure der europäischen Integration wahrgenommen. Dabei stellen sie eine bedeutende Brücke zwischen dem EU-Europa und dem erweiterten Europa sowie den Regionen der europäischen Nachbarschaft dar. Zwar gilt das Demokratisierungspotential von Europarat und OSZE im Vergleich zur EU-Beitrittskonditionalität als gering, gleichzeitig mangelt es bislang jedoch an Analysen zu den Demokratisierungsbemühungen von Europarat und OSZE. Dieses Buch unternimmt vor diesem Hintergrund eine umfassende Analyse der Demokratieförderung des Europarats in seinen 47 Mitgliedsstaaten und der OSZE in ihren 57 teilnehmenden Staaten zwischen 1990 und 2012.
Demokratische Bildung im Unterricht: Schulische Engagement-Projekte und ihr Beitrag zu Demokratiekompetenz (essentials)
by Anne Seifert Franziska NagyWer gestaltet unsere Demokratie? Wie werden Jugendliche zu Gestaltern ihrer eigenen Gegenwart und Zukunft in einer demokratischen Gesellschaft? Und welche Rolle können Erfahrungen in der Schule dabei spielen? Mit diesen Fragen beschäftigt sich dieser Beitrag. Am Beispiel der Lehr- und Lernform Service-Learning untersuchen die Autorinnen, ob und wie sich Demokratiekompetenz bereits in jungen Jahren erlernen lässt.
Demokratische Integration in Deutschland: Monitoring der Raumordnungsregionen in Deutschland (Bürgergesellschaft und Demokratie)
by Thomas KlieDieser Band legt – basierend auf der Wahlbeteiligung, dem Engagement der Bürgerinnen und Bürger sowie dem Systemvertrauen – ein Modell für ein regionales Maß für das vor, was die Autoren und Autorin "Demokratische Integration" nennen. Das eingeführte Strukturgleichungsmodell zeigt mit hoher empirischer Evidenz relevante Einflussgrößen auf das unterschiedliche Maß an demokratischer Integration in den europäischen Staaten sowie in den Regionen Deutschlands. Es konnte gezeigt werden: Nicht Personenmerkmale, sondern Merkmale von Regionen erklären das Ausmaß, aber auch die Gefährdung demokratischer Integration und damit der demokratischen Resilienz. Die Ergebnisse dieses Bandes bilden die Grundlage für ein dauerhaftes regionalisiertes Demokratie-Monitoring in Deutschland. Der Inhalt · Einführung: Sozialstruktur und demokratische Integration · Demokratische Integration in Europa: Deutschland im europäischen Vergleich · Demokratische Integration in den Raumordnungsregionen von Deutschland · Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Die Zielgruppen · Studierende und Lehrende der Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften · Politische Akteur*innen Der Autor Prof. Dr. habil. Thomas Klie ist Professor für öffentliches Recht und Verwaltungswissenschaft an der Evangelischen Hochschule Freiburg i. Br., Privatdozent an der Universität Klagenfurt/IFF-Wien und Leiter des Zentrums für zivilgesellschaftliche Entwicklung (zze) Freiburg/Berlin.
Demolition Means Progress: Flint, Michigan, and the Fate of the American Metropolis (Historical Studies of Urban America)
by Andrew R. HighsmithIn 1997, after General Motors shuttered a massive complex of factories in the gritty industrial city of Flint, Michigan, signs were placed around the empty facility reading, "Demolition Means Progress," suggesting that the struggling metropolis could not move forward to greatness until the old plants met the wrecking ball. Much more than a trite corporate slogan, the phrase encapsulates the operating ethos of the nation's metropolitan leadership from at least the 1930s to the present. Throughout, the leaders of Flint and other municipalities repeatedly tried to revitalize their communities by demolishing outdated and inefficient structures and institutions and overseeing numerous urban renewal campaigns--many of which yielded only more impoverished and more divided metropolises. After decades of these efforts, the dawn of the twenty-first century found Flint one of the most racially segregated and economically polarized metropolitan areas in the nation. In one of the most comprehensive works yet written on the history of inequality and metropolitan development in modern America, Andrew R. Highsmith uses the case of Flint to explain how the perennial quest for urban renewal--even more than white flight, corporate abandonment, and other forces--contributed to mass suburbanization, racial and economic division, deindustrialization, and political fragmentation. Challenging much of the conventional wisdom about structural inequality and the roots of the nation's "urban crisis," Demolition Means Progress shows in vivid detail how public policies and programs designed to revitalize the Flint area ultimately led to the hardening of social divisions.
Demon Camp: The Strange and Terrible Saga of a Soldier's Return from War
by Jennifer PercyA “chilling” (O, The Oprah Magazine), “darkly brilliant” (Bookforum) account of “the effects of war on the psyches of the soldiers who fight” (Esquire).In 2005 a Chinook helicopter carrying sixteen Special Ops soldiers crashed during a rescue mission in Afghanistan, killing everyone on board. In that instant, machine gunner Caleb Daniels lost his best friend, Kip, and seven members of his unit. Back in the US, Caleb begins to see them everywhere—dead Kip, with his Alice in Wonderland tattoos, and the rest of them, their burned bodies always watching him. But there is something else haunting Caleb, too—a presence he calls the Black Thing, or the Destroyer, a paralyzing horror that Caleb comes to believe is a demon. Alone with these apparitions, Caleb considers killing himself. There is an epidemic of suicide among veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, men and women with post-traumatic stress disorder who cannot cope with ordinary life in the aftermath of explosions and carnage. Author Jen Percy finds herself drawn to their stories. Her main subject, Caleb, has been bringing damaged veterans to a Christian exorcism camp in Georgia that promises them deliverance from the war. As Percy spends time with these soldiers and exorcists—finding their beliefs both repellant and magnetic—she enters a world of fanaticism that is alternately terrifying and welcoming. With “beautiful, lucid” (Los Angeles Times) lyricism, Demon Camp is the riveting true story of a veteran with PTSD and an exploration of the battles soldiers face after the war is over. As The New York Times Book Review said, “Percy’s narrative may confirm clichés about war’s costs, but it artfully upsets a common misconception that all veterans’ experiences are alike.”
Demonic Grounds: Black Women and the Cartographies of Struggle
by Katherine MckittrickIn a long overdue contribution to geography and social theory, Katherine McKittrick offers a new and powerful interpretation of black women's geographic thought. In Canada, the Caribbean, and the United States, black women inhabit diasporic locations marked by the legacy of violence and slavery. Analyzing diverse literatures and material geographies, McKittrick reveals how human geographies are a result of racialized connections, and how spaces that are fraught with limitation are underacknowledged but meaningful sites of political opposition. Demonic Grounds moves between past and present, archives and fiction, theory and everyday, to focus on places negotiated by black women during and after the transatlantic slave trade. Specifically, the author addresses the geographic implications of slave auction blocks, Harriet Jacobs's attic, black Canada and New France, as well as the conceptual spaces of feminism and Sylvia Wynter's philosophies. Central to McKittrick's argument are the ways in which black women are not passive recipients of their surroundings and how a sense of place relates to the struggle against domination. Ultimately, McKittrick argues, these complex black geographies are alterable and may provide the opportunity for social and cultural change. Katherine McKittrick is assistant professor of women's studies at Queen's University.