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Demons of Urban Reform
by Laura StokesA comparative analysis of early witch trials in Lucerne, Nuremberg and Basel, within the context of criminal justice and social control. The case of Lucerne presents a fascinating interplay between witch trials and a transformation in the city's criminal procedure on one hand, and between witchcraft fears and social control on the other.
The Demons of William James: Religious Pragmatism Explores Unusual Mental States
by Tadd RuetenikThis book is a psychological exploration of unusual minds, a religious exploration of demonological myth, and a philosophical exploration of the reaches of pragmatism. It uses topics such as hypnotism, mediumship, and mass possession to argue for a comprehensive understanding of the demonic that acknowledges not only the creativity which it encourages, but also the danger it can bring. Professor Ruetenik uses James’ religious pragmatism to evaluate the relevance of psychical research, and to explain common beliefs regarding demons, spirits, and other controlling personalities. The conclusion of this interdisciplinary research is as alarming as it is fascinating: When exploring the demons of William James, we discover that ordinary personality cannot be clearly separated from what we consider the demonic.
The Demonstration Society (Infrastructures)
by Claude RosentalToday, as in the past, public demonstrations are not only tools to prove, persuade, and promote, but also fundamental forms of social interaction and exchange.YouTube demos of makeup products by famous influencers, demonstrations of strength during street protests, demonstrations of military might in North Korea: public demonstrations are omnipresent in social life. Yet they are often perceived as isolated events, unworthy of systematic examination. In The Demonstration Society, Claude Rosental explores the underlying dynamics of what he calls a &“demonstration society.&” He shows how, both in today&’s world and historically, public demonstrations constitute not only tools to prove, persuade, and promote, but fundamental forms of interaction and exchange, and, in some cases, attempts to lead the world. Rosental compares demos with other forms of public demonstrations, drawing out both their peculiarities and common features. He analyzes the processes through which demonstrations are conceived and carried out, as well as the skills of their producers. He also compares contemporary demos with historical demonstrations including theaters of machines in the Renaissance, public demonstrations of natural philosophy in the seventeenth century, and demonstrations of the magic lantern in the nineteenth century. Above and beyond the entertainment they sometimes provide, demonstrations are experienced as intense moments that broadly involve alliances, material and symbolic goods, and, more generally, the future of individuals and collectives. Rosental elucidates the many ways in which we live today, as in the past, in a society of demonstration.
Demoralized: Why Teachers Leave the Profession They Love and How They Can Stay
by Doris A. SantoroDemoralized: Why Teachers Leave the Profession They Love and How They Can Stay offers a timely analysis of professional dissatisfaction that challenges the common explanation of burnout. Featuring the voices of educators, the book offers concrete lessons for practitioners, school leaders, and policy makers on how to think more strategically to retain experienced teachers and make a difference in the lives of students. Based on ten years of research and interviews with practitioners across the United States, the book theorizes the existence of a &“moral center&” that can be pivotal in guiding teacher actions and expectations on the job. Education philosopher Doris Santoro argues that demoralization offers a more precise diagnosis that is born out of ongoing value conflicts with pedagogical policies, reform mandates, and school practices. Demoralized reveals that this condition is reversible when educators are able to tap into authentic professional communities and shows that individuals can help themselves. Detailed stories from veteran educators are included to illustrate the variety of contexts in which demoralization can occur. Based on these insights, Santoro offers an array of recommendations and promising strategies for how school leaders, union leaders, teacher groups, and individual practitioners can enact and support &“re-moralization&” by working to change the conditions leading to demoralization.
The Demotivated Employee: Helping Leaders Solve The Motivation Crisis That Is Plaguing Business
by Cathy Bush Tara PetersDo you ever wonder why employees are not as motivated and productive as you would like for them to be? Do you find yourself thinking that some employees are just “lazy slackers”? You may be surprised to learn that there are other explanations for employee demotivation that you may not be thinking about when you are leading people. Authors Tara Peters and Cathy Bush have worked with thousands of leaders who are shocked to learn that managers and leaders play a significant role in causing employees to lose motivation. Without even realizing it, we take all sorts of actions during the process of leading people and organizations, and many of these actions actually deflate the motivation that people bring with them to work. In The Demotivated Employee, readers will learn what leadership behaviors they are engaging in that might demotivate their employees; how to better communicate with employees so this doesn’t happen; and how to work within the constraints of organizational culture to help employees thrive.
Demystifying Emotions: A Typology of Theories in Psychology and Philosophy (Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction)
by Agnes MoorsDemystifying Emotions provides a comprehensive typology of emotion theories in psychology (evolutionary, network, appraisal, goal-directed, psychological constructionist, and social) and philosophy (feeling, judgmental, quasi-judgmental, perceptual, embodied, and motivational) in a systematic manner with the help of tools from philosophy of science, allowing scholars in both fields to understand the commonalities and differences between these theories. Agnes Moors also proposes her own novel, skeptical theory of emotions, called the goal-directed theory, based on the central idea that all kinds of behaviors and feelings are grounded in goal-striving. Whereas most scholars of emotion do not call the notion of emotion itself into question, this review engages in a critical examination of its scientific legitimacy. This book will appeal to readers in psychology, philosophy, and related disciplines who want to gain a deeper understanding of the controversies at play in the emotion domain.
Demystifying Myanmar’s Transition and Political Crisis
by Chosein Yamahata Bobby AndersonThis book offers the assessment of Myanmar’s societal changes, development aspects, and political situation over the course of the nation’s short lived democratic transition disrupted by the coup d’état on 1 February 2021. A multitude of authors with different expertise add new dimensions of analysis to provide a foundation for any future international cooperation in Myanmar’s center and peripheries. The military’s institutionalization of its influence and control in political, economic and social affairs has negatively affected the safety, security and peace of people and their communities at the periphery. This in turn has led the people to undertake local grassroots initiatives towards securing a genuine democratic transition at the local and national level. The chapters probe into Myanmar’s transition and political crisis through in-depth discussion on the issues such as, but not limited to, state fragility, community resilience, political leadership, ethnic women’s organizations, human security, education equality, IDPs and non-state actors, ethnic community-based health organizations, the 2020 election, peace process, development issues, the coup’s destruction, and a new-born unity. The book covers an important collection of inputs from young and prominent scholars alike, offering a valuable resource for general readers, students, and practitioners. The editors present this volume as a vital collection to literature at a time of heated political crisis and societal responses on her current course since the contributors highlight the state of Myanmar by also focusing on the margins, the grassroots, and the recent coup.
Demystifying Organizational Learning
by Raanan Lipshitz Professor Victor J. Friedman Micha PopperThis book presents a solid, research-based conceptual framework that demystifies organizational learning and bridges the gap between theory and practice. Using an integrative approach, authors Raanan Lipshitz, Victor Friedman and Micha Popper provide practitioners and researchers with tools for understanding organizational learning under real-world conditions.
Den Dingen auf der Spur: Zum Umgang mit Gegenständen in Kindheit und Jugend
by Petra Götte Wiebke WaburgIm Band wird die Frage nach der Verankerung von Dingen in sozialen und kulturellen Praxen von (und mit) Kindern, aber auch von (und mit) Jugendlichen in den Fokus gerückt. Es geht darum, wie sich im Umgang mit den Dingen leibliches Erleben entfaltet, wie Dingen Bedeutung zugeschrieben wird, wie sie zu Symbolen werden, wie mit ihnen Übergänge, Rollen- und Geschlechterstereotype, generationale und kulturelle Differenzen, Machtverhältnisse und Regierungsspielräume konstituiert, aber auch verschoben werden.
Den Ozean forschend entdecken: Experimente aus dem Lehr- und Lern-Labor Wattenmeer der Universität Oldenburg
by Corinna Hößle Holger Winkler Anja WübbenDer Ozean ist die Grundlage alles Lebendigen auf dieser Erde und stellt uns eine Vielzahl an Ressourcen zur Verfügung. Und doch ist dieses System massiv gefährdet durch die anthropogene Nutzung. In diesem Lehrwerk erfahren Sie anhand einfacher Experimente und gut strukturierter Anleitungen wichtige chemische, physikalische und biologische Hintergründe zum komplexen und empfindlichen System des Ozeans. Erstmals werden die mehrfach erprobten und optimierten Experimente eines Schülerlabors veröffentlicht, basierend auf langjähriger Zusammenarbeit von Meereswissenschaftler*innen und Fachdidaktiker*innen. Das Lehr- und Lernlabor Wattenmeer der Universität Oldenburg stellt hiermit allen Interessierten ihr fächerübergreifendes und fachdidaktisch reflektiertes Experimentierangebot zur Verfügung. Zusätzlich erhalten Sie Materialien zur Förderung des verantwortungsbewussten Urteilens und Handelns in Bezug auf die Ozeannutzung. Diese ermöglichen eine einfache Integration in den Unterricht und entfachen spannende Diskussionen. Sie werden in eine Methode eingeführt, die eine ethische Bewertung anthropogener Nutzungsweisen des Ozeans ermöglicht und dabei ökologische, soziale und ökonomische Aspekte berücksichtigt. Dabei werden Methoden zur Wertanalyse, Argumentationsweise und Folgenanalyse sowie zum Perspektivwechsel vorgestellt, die eine direkte praktische Umsetzung in unterschiedlichen Bildungseinrichtungen ermöglichen. Das Buch greift damit die Ziele der Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung konkret auf und bietet Ihnen viele wertvolle und sehr gut ausgearbeitete Möglichkeiten, diese am Beispiel des Themas Ozean in Ihrem Bildungsbereich handlungsorientiert umzusetzen. Nutzen Sie dieses umfassende Angebot, um relevante Themen in Ihrem Lehrplan zu integrieren.
Denial: How We Hide, Ignore, and Explain Away Problems
by Jared Del RossoFrom climate change to fake news, an entertaining and enlightening look at the widespread phenomenon of denial in our societyDonald Trump won the election; climate change isn’t real; America is a color-blind country. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, why do so many of us refuse to admit the truth? In fact, as Jared Del Rosso argues in this thought-provoking book, denial is so much a part of our lives that we deny its existence all the time, even when this works against our best interest, even when we are being choked by its very fumes. Denial is one of those rare books that will change the way you think. In a highly readable style that draws on examples from current events, politics, and pop culture, Del Rosso teases out the complexities of denial, from “not noticing” that someone has food stuck in their teeth, to companies that engage in widespread fraud, like Enron and Wells Fargo, to the much larger-scale denials of climate change or systemic racism. Drawing on classic studies in the social sciences and his own research of the denial of torture, Del Rosso builds a fascinating typology of the forms and meanings of denial, exploring the behavior of those who refuse to acknowledge their actions, and what it means to live in a society where such lying, fraud, and corruption is commonplace.In wide-ranging examples, Del Rosso explores the causes, strategies, and consequences of denial. When scandal hits and accusations of misconduct are made, he argues that individuals like Harvey Weinstein or Brett Kavanaugh, or organizations like the Catholic Church or Penn State, go through a series of moves to try to avoid accountability. Del Rosso focuses on the individuals involved but also asks: how could so many people not know what their priests, or their coaches, or their coworkers were doing? Del Rosso effectively argues that recognizing what denial looks like is the crucial first step in mitigating its effects on us and society as a whole. At a time when powerful people and institutions are increasingly being held accountable for their actions, Denial provides an undeniable reality check.
Denial and Deprivation: Indian Muslims after the Sachar Committee and Rangnath Mishra Commission Reports
by Abdur RahmanThe volume attempts to gauge and analyse the level of denial and deprivation faced by Indian Muslims by evaluating their status after a gap of several years of Sachar Committee (2006) and Rangnath Mishra Commission (2007) Reports. It presents and discusses the current conditions with respect to outcome indicators such as population, education, economy, poverty, unemployment, consumption level, availability of bank loans, infrastructure and civic facilities and representation in government employment. By placing facts in perspective, it also discusses community-specific issues such as use of Urdu, madrasa education and Waqf.In the post-Sachar era, governments started many schemes to improve the condition of Muslims whose reach and impact is assessed with the help of latest data. It presents the social structure of Muslims, presence of OBCs and Dalits and suggests a practical pattern for reservation. It follows up the process of implementation of recommendations of these reports and highlights how the governments adopted tokenism, attempted to implement minor recommendations and shied away from major ones.The volume highlights the lopsided attitude of the previous UPA governments, hostile attitude of the present NDA regime and accelerated marginalization of Muslims in today’s scenario due to open discrimination, mob-violence, lynching and hate crimes in the name of various communal issues.Please note: Taylor & Francis does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
The Denial of Nature: Environmental philosophy in the era of global capitalism
by Arne Johan VetlesenA study of the increasingly precarious relationship between humans and nature, this book seeks to go beyond work already contributed to the environmental movement. It does so by highlighting the importance of experiencing, rather than merely theorizing nature, while realizing that such experience is becoming increasingly rare, thus reinforcing the estrangement from nature that is a source of its ongoing human-caused destruction. In his original approach to environmental philosophy, the author argues for the reinstatement of nature's value outside of its exploitative usefulness for human ends. Such a perspective emphasizes the extent to which the environmental problem is a concrete reality requiring urgent action, based on a multi-sensuous appreciation of humans' dependence on nonhuman lifeforms. Designed as an accompaniment to undergraduate and postgraduate research, The Denial of Nature draws on empirically informed literature from the social sciences to examine what life is really like for humans and nature in the era of global capitalism. The book contends that capitalist society exploits nature - both in the form of human capital and natural capital - more relentlessly than any other and offers an environmental philosophy which actively opposes current developments. Through discussions of the work of Teresa Brennan, Theodor Adorno, Martin Heidegger and Hans Jonas, and through a radical critique of the nature deficit in Jürgen Habermas' theory of capitalist modernity, The Denial of Nature relies on insights from Critical Realism to bring together several, seldom-linked philosophies and suggest a new approach to the heavily-discussed question of environmental ethics. Arne Johan Vetlesen is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oslo, Norway and the author of twenty books among them Perception, Empathy and Judgment: An Inquiry into the Preconditions of Moral Performance (1994), Closenes: An Ethics (with H. Jodalen; 1997), Evil and Human Agency (2005) and A Philosophy of Pain (2010). .
Denken wir noch oder fühlen wir schon?: Emotionen als Schlüsselfaktor für beruflichen Erfolg - ein Businessroman und Sachbuch zum "Globe of Emotions"
by Nadja Kahn Christoph TheileMaxi van Weller ist ein ganz normaler Mensch. Mit einem Job, Kollegen, Kolleginnen und ihrem Chef. Von einem Tag auf den anderen bricht ihre bisher heile Welt in der PR-Agentur Clarke zusammen. Das Unternehmen wird verkauft. Vermeintlich nichts Besonderes, denn das passiert jeden Tag in deutschen Unternehmen. Maxi van Weller allerdings lässt den Leser teilhaben an dem, was in ihrem Inneren passiert, denn sie hat zwei Begleiter im Kopf: Ratio und Emotia. Die Leser erfahren durch den inneren Dialog von Ratio & Emotia aus erster Hand, wie Maxi denkt und fühlt sowie mit ihren täglichen Herausforderungen umgeht. Ratio und Emotia begleiten sie durch sämtliche sieben Basis-Emotionen, die Maxi und generell wir Menschen durchleben können und nehmen dabei kein Blatt vor den Mund. Das Buch von Nadja Kahn und Christoph Theile zeigt, dass sowohl Denken als auch Fühlen zusammengehören. Es inspiriert die Leser, Situationen aus dem (unternehmerischen) Alltag zu reflektieren: Denken wir vermeintlich nur oder fühlen wir gerade? Wie spielt beides im unternehmerischen Umfeld zusammen? Durch die spannende Geschichte von Maxi van Weller und ihren beiden Begleitern Ratio & Emotia werden die Leser vom Erkennen zum Verstehen bis hin zum Aktivieren aller Emotionen geführt. Sie erfahren, dass Verstand und Gefühl einander brauchen und Hand in Hand gehen. Abgerundet wird die Story durch einen erläuternden Fachteil, in dem durch den Globe of Emotions®, ein einzigartiges System zur Einordnung der sieben Basis-Emotionen, aufgezeigt wird, dass alle Emotionen ihre Berechtigung in unserem Leben haben. Die fiktiven Textpassagen werden hier aufgegriffen, das emotionale Problem damit gezeigt. Dann folgen eine Situationsbeschreibung sowie eine klare Idee, wie diese Situation mit dem Globe of Emotions besser gelöst werden könnte und auch, was dazu notwendig ist. Nach der Lektüre gehen die Leser gelassener mit Alltagssituationen um und können sich selbst und ihr Gegenüber besser einschätzen. Sie erfahren, dass alle unsere Emotionen ihre Berechtigung haben, auch die vermeintlich negativen, wie etwa Zorn und Ekel.
Denkmäler für Deserteure: Ein Überblick über ihren Einzug in die Erinnerungskultur (essentials)
by Marco DrägerMarco Dräger thematisiert in diesem essential nicht allein die Errichtung von Denkmälern für Deserteure in den letzten ca. 35 Jahren, sondern allgemeiner den öffentlichen Diskurs über das Phänomen Desertion in Deutschland − insbesondere im Kontext der Rezeption des Nationalsozialismus. Der Autor analysiert den Wandel dieses Diskurses von der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus bis in die unmittelbare Gegenwart. Im Kontext von Nachrüstungsdebatte und Friedensbewegung kam zu Beginn der 1980er Jahre in einigen Städten die Forderung nach der Errichtung von Denkmälern für Deserteure auf. Das kontrastierte scharf mit der bisherigen Sichtweise auf Deserteure: Bis dato wurden sie in der Öffentlichkeit nämlich vor allem als Feiglinge und Drückeberger betrachtet.
Denying Death: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Terror Management Theory (The\enlightenment World Ser.)
by Lindsey A. Harvell Gwendelyn S. NisbettThis volume is the first to showcase the interdisciplinary nature of Terror Management Theory, providing a detailed overview of how rich and diverse the field has become since the late 1980s, and where it is going in the future. It offers perspectives from psychology, political science, communication, health, sociology, business, marketing and cultural studies, among others, and in the process reveals how our existential ponderings permeate our behavior in almost every area of our lives. It will interest a wide range of upper-level students and researchers who want an overview of past and current TMT research and how it may be applied to their own research interests.
Denying Death: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Terror Management Theory
by Lindsey A. Harvell Gwendelyn S. NisbettThis volume is the first to showcase the interdisciplinary nature of Terror Management Theory, providing a detailed overview of how rich and diverse the field has become since the late 1980s, and where it is going in the future. It offers perspectives from psychology, political science, communication, health, sociology, business, marketing and cultural studies, among others, and in the process reveals how our existential ponderings permeate our behavior in almost every area of our lives. It will interest a wide range of upper-level students and researchers who want an overview of past and current TMT research and how it may be applied to their own research interests.
The Dependency Agenda
by Kevin D. WilliamsonEach year, the United States spends $65,000 per poor family to "fight poverty" - in a country in which the average family income is just under $50,000. Meanwhile, most of that money goes to middle-class and upper-middle-class families, and the current U.S. poverty rate is higher than it was before the government began spending trillions of dollars on anti-poverty programs.In this eye-opening Broadside, Kevin D. Williamson uncovers the hidden politics of the welfare state and documents the historical evidence that proves Lyndon B. Johnson's "Great Society" was designed to do one thing: maximize the number of Americans dependent upon the government. The welfare state was never meant to eliminate privation; it was created to keep Democrats in power.
Dependency Culture
by Peter Taylor-Gooby Hartley DeanFirst published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Dependency Theories in Latin America: An Intellectual Reconstruction (Classic and Contemporary Latin American Social Theory)
by André Magnelli, Felipe Maia and Paulo Henrique MartinsThis book offers a discussion of the origins of Latin American dependency theories and their implications for contemporary social theory. The book explores the conditions of emergence of this intellectual movement, the trajectories of some of its main formulators, as well as the circulation of their ideas, their reception in other contexts, and their influence on other theoretical formulations and problems of the present. The book is aimed at social scientists interested in broadening the scope of social theory towards the Global South, in processes of knowledge circulation between central and semi-peripheral regions, as well as in understanding the problems of dependency, modernisation, and development processes in Latin America. The book can be used both as an introduction to these themes and to delve deeper into specific issues.
The Dependent City Revisited: The Political Economy Of Urban Development And Social Policy
by Paul KantorHere is a book that makes sense of the L.A. riots, homelessness, tax giveaways, and the other big urban issues that are back in the national spotlight. In this streamlined and updated new edition of his classic book, The Dependent City, Paul Kantor now focuses on economic development and social welfare policies to reveal the key dilemmas of American urban politics. Returning to a political economy theme, Kantor explores how city governments have struggled to escape and accommodate the reality of their economic dependency in the policies that they've pursued. Revisiting cities across the nation, Kantor finds not only that they have become more dependent but also that the character of this dependency has changed and deepened. Exploring local regimes in the Frostbelt and Sunbelt and in suburbia, he finds that they frequently act more like captives of big business rather than as representatives of citizens. Local attempts to promote social justice increasingly run up against a wall of economic dependency created by federal policies and business power. This book signals how American cities can find ways of overcoming this dependency by working together with states and the federal government to promote healthy, democratic urban politics. The Dependent City Revisited is an accessible, provocative supplement for a wide variety of courses in urban studies and political economy as well as stimulating reading for anyone who is interested in understanding America's urban mosaic.
Dependent Data in Social Sciences Research: Forms, Issues, and Methods of Analysis
by Mark Stemmler Wolfgang Wiedermann Francis L. HuangThis book covers the following subjects: growth curve modeling, directional dependence, dyadic data modeling, item response modeling (IRT), and other methods for the analysis of dependent data (e.g., approaches for modeling cross-section dependence, multidimensional scaling techniques, and mixed models). It presents contributions on handling data in which the postulate of independence in the data matrix is violated. When this postulate is violated and when the methods assuming independence are still applied, the estimated parameters are likely to be biased, and statistical decisions are very likely to be incorrect. Problems associated with dependence in data have been known for a long time, and led to the development of tailored methods for the analysis of dependent data in various areas of statistical analysis. These include, for example, methods for the analysis of longitudinal data, corrections for dependency, and corrections for degrees of freedom. Researchers and graduate students in the social and behavioral sciences, education, econometrics, and medicine will find this up-to-date overview of modern statistical approaches for dealing with problems related to dependent data particularly useful.
Depersonalized Bullying at Work
by Premilla D'CruzThe book advances the nascent concept of depersonalized workplace bullying, highlighting its distinctive features, proposing a theoretical framework and making recommendations for intervention. Furthering insights into depersonalized bullying at work is critical due to the anticipated increased incidence of the phenomenon in the light of the competitive contemporary business economy, which complicates organizational survival. Drawing on two hermeneutic phenomenological inquiries set in India focusing on targets and bullies, the book evidences that depersonalized bullying is a sociostructural entity that resides in an organization's structural, processual and contextual design. Enacted by supervisors and managers through the engagement of abusive and aggressive behaviours, depersonalized bullying is resorted to in the pursuit of competitive advantage as organizations seek to ensure their continuity and success. Given the instrumentalism associated with the world of work, targets and bullies encountering depersonalized bullying display largely ambivalent responses to their predicament. Ironically, then, organizations' gains in terms of effectiveness are offset by the strains experienced by these protagonists. The theoretical generalizability of the findings reported in the book facilitates the development of an integrated framework of depersonalized workplace bullying, laying the foundations for forthcoming empirical and measurement endeavours that progress the concept. The book recognizes that whereas primary level interventions mandate repositioning the extra-organizational environment and/or recasting organizational goals to balance business and employee interests, secondary level and tertiary level interventions encompass various types of formal and informal social support to address targets' and bullies' interface with depersonalized bullying at work.
Depicting the Consumer of Experiential Luxury: Identities, Values and Consumption Goals in Online Reviewer Discourse on Wine, Perfume and Chocolate
by Charlotte Hommerberg Maria LindgrenThis book sheds light on the addressees of online reviewer discourse on wine, perfume and chocolate in order to explore how the discourse construes the consumer of experiential luxury. In the 21st century, luxury is more complex than ever before. Luxury products have become more affordable and hence accessible to new markets and consumer segments, and the groups of consumers seeking luxury experiences are more heterogeneous than ever. Yet, consumption choices as well as how these are thought about, evaluated and talked about still function to position consumers with respect to both how they see themselves and how they want others to see them. Many consumers seek to consume in subtle and sophisticated ways. They strive to develop consumption expertise with a view to maximizing their enjoyment from the luxury experience, avoiding overt displays of wealth while signalling status by means of luxury insight only available to the cognoscenti. One way for aficionados to develop their insight into the diversified and elusive realm of contemporary luxury is to engage with online reviewer discourse. The authors take a discourse analytic approach informed by the Appraisal model to expose the imagined addressees’ characteristics and behaviour, the luxury values they embrace and the goals of their luxury consumption. The authors argue that the activity of online reviewers is such a crucial arena in contemporary luxury that a new form of luxury consumption has emerged, which they label review-based luxury. This book will be of interest to students and academics in the fields of Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Communication, Argumentation, Media Studies and Marketing, as well as anyone with a general interest in wine, perfume and chocolate as experiential luxury.
Deployable Machine Learning for Security Defense: First International Workshop, MLHat 2020, San Diego, CA, USA, August 24, 2020, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1271)
by Gang Wang Arridhana Ciptadi Ali AhmadzadehThis book constitutes selected papers from the First International Workshop on Deployable Machine Learning for Security Defense, MLHat 2020, held in August 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held online. The 8 full papers were thoroughly reviewed and selected from 13 qualified submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: understanding the adversaries; adversarial ML for better security; threats on networks.