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Doing Critical Research (Sage Series In Management Research Ser.)

by Mats Alvesson Stanley Deetz

This title builds on the success of Doing Critical Management Research which has proven to be a seminal text in the 20 years since publication. In 2020, Alvesson and Deetz have broadened their focus and updated the original book to offer relevance to critical research across all of the social sciences. In reflecting contemporary theoretical and methodological turns over the past few decades, it includes coverage of key contemporary topics such as race, gender, postmodernism and intersectionality. With examples throughout, the authors provide an authoritative and insightful framework for navigating critical theories and methods and sets out a new agenda for critical research undertaken today.

Doing Data Science in R: An Introduction for Social Scientists

by Mark Andrews

This approachable introduction to doing data science in R provides step-by-step advice on using the tools and statistical methods to carry out data analysis. Introducing the fundamentals of data science and R before moving into more advanced topics like Multilevel Models and Probabilistic Modelling with Stan, it builds knowledge and skills gradually. This book: Focuses on providing practical guidance for all aspects, helping readers get to grips with the tools, software, and statistical methods needed to provide the right type and level of analysis their data requires Explores the foundations of data science and breaks down the processes involved, focusing on the link between data science and practical social science skills Introduces R at the outset and includes extensive worked examples and R code every step of the way, ensuring students see the value of R and its connection to methods while providing hands-on practice in the software Provides examples and datasets from different disciplines and locations demonstrate the widespread relevance, possible applications, and impact of data science across the social sciences.

Doing Data Science in R: An Introduction for Social Scientists

by Mark Andrews

This approachable introduction to doing data science in R provides step-by-step advice on using the tools and statistical methods to carry out data analysis. Introducing the fundamentals of data science and R before moving into more advanced topics like Multilevel Models and Probabilistic Modelling with Stan, it builds knowledge and skills gradually. This book: Focuses on providing practical guidance for all aspects, helping readers get to grips with the tools, software, and statistical methods needed to provide the right type and level of analysis their data requires Explores the foundations of data science and breaks down the processes involved, focusing on the link between data science and practical social science skills Introduces R at the outset and includes extensive worked examples and R code every step of the way, ensuring students see the value of R and its connection to methods while providing hands-on practice in the software Provides examples and datasets from different disciplines and locations demonstrate the widespread relevance, possible applications, and impact of data science across the social sciences.

Doing Democracy: The MAP Model for Organizing Social Movements

by Bill Moyer Joann Macallister Mary Lou Finley Steve Soifer

This book clarifies the nature and dynamics of social movements and provides a framework for organizing and building them and thus contributes to the effectiveness of social activism.

Doing Design Ethnography

by Peter Tolmie Mark Rouncefield Andrew Crabtree

Ethnography is now a fundamental feature of design practice, taught in universities worldwide and practiced widely in commerce. Despite its rise to prominence a great many competing perspectives exist and there are few practical texts to support the development of competence. Doing Design Ethnography elaborates the ethnomethodological perspective on ethnography, a distinctive approach that provides canonical 'studies of work' in and for design. It provides an extensive treatment of the approach, with a particular slant on providing a pedagogical text that will support the development of competence for students, career researchers and design practitioners. It is organised around a complementary series of self-contained chapters, each of which address key features of doing the job of ethnography for purposes of system design. The book will be of broad appeal to students and practitioners in HCI, CSCW and software engineering, providing valuable insights as to how to conduct ethnography and relate it to design.

Doing Equity and Diversity for Success in Higher Education: Redressing Structural Inequalities in the Academy (Palgrave Studies in Race, Inequality and Social Justice in Education)

by Jason Arday Dave S. P. Thomas

This book provides a forensic and collective examination of pre-existing understandings of structural inequalities in Higher Education Institutions. Going beyond the current understandings of causal factors that promote inequality, the editors and contributors illuminate the dynamic interplay between historical events and discourse and more sophisticate and racialized acts of violence. In doing so, the book crystallises myriad contemporary manifestations of structural racism in higher education. Amidst an upsurge in racialized violence, civil unrest, and barriers to attainment, progression and success for students and staff of colour, doing equity and diversity for success in higher education has become both politically urgent and morally imperative. This book calls for a redistribution of power across intersectional and racial lines as a means of decentering whiteness and redressing structural inequalities in the academy. It is essential reading for scholars of sociology and education, as well as those interested in equality and social justice.

Doing Excellent Social Research with Documents: Practical Examples and Guidance for Qualitative Researchers

by Aimee Grant

In today’s society we increasingly create and consume written content and images. This includes a range of sources, from social media posts to records held within organisations, and everything in between, including news articles, blogs, shopping lists and official government documents. Critically reading these ‘documents’ can help us to understand a huge amount about society. Doing Excellent Social Research with Documents includes guidance on how to ‘read between the lines’, and provides an overview of six research projects which use documents as data. The substantive chapters are organised in two sections, with each chapter focused on a specific type of data. Section one focuses on documents that are found in isolation from their authors, including official and historical documents, traditional media, diaries and online content. Section two focuses on using documents in addition to existing data from primary research, including the role of documents in ethnography and visual research methods. In each chapter, you will be guided through the process of: Developing research questions, and how this impacts on which documents are selected; Considering aspects of bias and quality within the documentary sources; Undertaking analysis using six different strategies including thematic analysis, framework analysis, content analysis, discourse analysis and narrative analysis. Drawing on research projects which reflect real world situations, you will be methodically guided through the research process in detail, enabling you to examine and understand the practices and value of a range of documentary analysis approaches. Doing Excellent Social Research with Documents is a practical how-to guide for students (final year undergraduates onwards) and researchers using documents as data.

Doing Fandom: Lessons from Football in Gender, Emotions, Space

by Tamar Rapoport

Doing Fandom presents a body of knowledge essential to football fandom research, and the study of gender, space, emotions and culture more generally. The analytical framework follows the theory of practice, drawing on three acclaimed sociological concepts to expand current scholarship on fandom: habitus, doing gender, and claiming the right to space. The authors apply these perspectives to interrogate the development, performative and experiential aspects of fandom, and inform analysis of fans' social and political activism beyond the stadium. Drawing on several case studies conducted among fans in the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe, the anthology provides substantial insight into the construction of fandom, and will be invaluable for students and scholars across sociology, anthropology of sport, and cultural studies.

Doing Feminist Research

by H. Roberts

First Published in 1981. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Doing Gender Diversity: Readings in Theory and Real-world Experience

by Rebecca F. Plante Lis M. Maurer

This cutting-edge reader demonstrates the multiple ways in which the universe of gender is socially, culturally, and historically constructed. The selections focus on gender itself—how gender operates socioculturally, exists, functions, and is presented in micro and macro interactions. In order to avoid balkanization, the authors examine the various ways in which culture intersects with individuals to produce the range of presentations of self that we call “gender,” from people born male who become adult men to lesbian women to transmen, and everyone else on the diverse gender spectrum.

Doing Gender, Doing Difference: Inequality, Power, and Institutional Change

by Sarah Fenstermaker Candace West

For the first time the anthologized works of Sarah Fenstermaker and Candace West have been collected along with new essays to provide a complete understanding of this topic of tremendous importance to scholars in social science.

Doing Gender, Doing Geography: Emerging Research in India

by Saraswati Raju Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt

Until the 1970s gender had been invisible in analyses of social space and place in the androcentric discipline of geography. While recent contributions to feminist geography have challenged this, in India the engagement of geographers with gender, by being conservative in its choice of focus and orthodox in methodology, has been unable to destabilise the established disciplinary order. However, with younger scholars becoming increasingly interested in studying gender in geography, novel and innovative methods that include combinations of quantitative and qualitative analyses, visual sources and in-depth case studies are being tried out and accepted in geography despite its masculine legacy. This pioneering study brings together Indian geographers’ contributions to understanding gender, and through them, seeks to enrich the discipline of geography. It engages with the recent ‘spatial turn’ in the social sciences, which has reclaimed the explanatory power of space and place in social theory that had been nearly lost to deconstructive postmodernist scholarship. The volume draws entirely from the Indian scholarship, showcasing contextualised knowledge production, but hopes to initiate a a dialogue with scholars elsewhere working with feminist methodologies.

Doing Gender in Media, Art and Culture: A Comprehensive Guide to Gender Studies

by Rosemarie Buikema and Liedeke Plate and Kathrin Thiele

Doing Gender in Media, Art and Culture, 2nd edition is a comprehensive gender studies textbook with an international focus and relevance across a broad range of academic disciplines. Covering an array of topics, theories and approaches to gender studies, it introduces students to the study of gender through geographically diverse case studies on different historical and contemporary figures. The volume covers the established canon of gender studies, including questions of representation, standpoints and intersectionality. It addresses emerging areas including religion, technology and online feminist engagement, as well as complex contemporary phenomena such as globalization, neoliberalism and ‘fundamentalism’. Core figures ranging from Simone de Beauvoir to Gloria Anzaldua and from Florence Nightingale to Malala Yousafzai serve as prisms of gender-sensitive analysis for each chapter. This vibrant textbook is essential reading for anyone in need of an accessible yet sophisticated guide to gender studies today.

Doing Global Urban Research

by John Harrison Michael Hoyler

Whether you are an urban geographer, an urban sociologist or an urban political scientist, and whether you take a qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods approach, the challenge that confronts researchers of our increasingly "globalized" urban studies remains fundamentally the same—how to make sense of urban complexity. This book confronts this challenge by exploring the various methodological approaches for doing global urban research, including Comparative Urbanism, Social Network Analysis, and Data Visualization. With contributions from leading scholars across the world, Doing Global Urban Research offers a key forum to discuss how the practice of research can deepen our knowledge of globalized urbanization.

Doing Global Urban Research

by John Harrison Michael Hoyler

Whether you are an urban geographer, an urban sociologist or an urban political scientist, and whether you take a qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods approach, the challenge that confronts researchers of our increasingly "globalized" urban studies remains fundamentally the same—how to make sense of urban complexity. This book confronts this challenge by exploring the various methodological approaches for doing global urban research, including Comparative Urbanism, Social Network Analysis, and Data Visualization. With contributions from leading scholars across the world, Doing Global Urban Research offers a key forum to discuss how the practice of research can deepen our knowledge of globalized urbanization.

The Doing Good Model: Activate Your Goodness in Business

by Shari Arison

There is now proof that business and philanthropy form a powerful platform for positive change. Shari Arison has shown this through her leadership in over three decades of philanthropy and 15 years of running her own global business, the Arison Group. In her previous New York Times bestseller, Activate Your Goodness, Shari revealed the ways doing good enriches the lives of individuals and those around them. Now, in The Doing Good Model, Shari's vision and insights have been applied to the corporate world to illustrate how everyone benefits when companies value people and the planet alongside profit. Learning about the 13 values within The Doing Good Model will enable business owners to rethink their impact on every level, from the individual, all the way through to our collective well-being.The Doing Good Model is a guide that will enable you to infuse your business with the power of doing good. And more than that, it's a call to action for business owners, leaders, and employees in all industries across the world to become agents for change. Companies of any size can benefit from Shari's vision. Her sustainable values-based business model can easily be introduced and implemented in any organization.It's time to revitalize modern business for the good of humanity. Let The Doing Good Model open your eyes and become a catalyst for corporate transformation.

‚Doing Inequality‘: Prozesse sozialer Ungleichheit im Blick qualitativer Sozialforschung (Sozialstrukturanalyse)

by Peter A. Berger Andreas Gefken Falk Eckert Laura Behrmann

Die Beiträge des Bandes zeigen und diskutieren das Potenzial einer mikrosoziologischen, prozessorientierten – qualitativen – Ungleichheitsforschung. Sie spüren Praktiken sozialer Besser- und Schlechterstellung in den Bereichen Bildung, Arbeit, soziale Beziehungen und Migration auf. Mit der interpretativen, handlungstheoretischen oder praxissoziologischen Perspektive machen sie das „Doing Inequality“, die Gemachtheit und die Vollzugswirklichkeit sozialer Ungleichheit sowie die Rolle von Akteuren bei der Herstellung, der Reproduktion und dem Wandel von sozialen Ungleichheiten zentral. Soziale Ungleichheiten ergeben sich aus der regelmäßig ungleichen Verteilung „wertvoller Güter“ einer Gesellschaft. Doch wie werden diese zugeteilt, angeeignet oder vorenthalten?

Doing language im Deutschunterricht: Eine Analyse sprachbezogener Adressierungen in diskursiver Praxis

by Denise Büttner

Die Studie leistet einen empirisch-rekonstruktiven Beitrag zu einer machtkritisch ausgerichteten Fachdidaktik. Sie fokussiert den Deutschunterricht und die darin stattfindenden Interaktionen als diskursive Praxis, in der ein spezifisches Wissen in, über und angesichts von Sprache relevant gemacht wird. Für Subjektivierung ist jenes Wissen hochgradig wirkmächtig und bleibt den Akteur*innen im Prozess der schulischen Enkulturation doch größtenteils unbewusst. Darin liegt ein hohes Potential für die institutionelle (Re-)Produktion von Linguizismus.Vor diesem Hintergrund eröffnet die Studie einen Blick auf sprachbezogene Adressierungen, die in charakteristischer Weise vom Fach selbst ausgehen. Sie werden in (fach)didaktischen und pädagogischen Programmatiken breit kommuniziert und zeichnen sich bis auf die Ebene unterrichtlicher Praktiken ab. Um das Zusammenspiel von fachspezifischer Adressierung und Praktiken des ‚doing language‘ möglichst eng aufeinander beziehen und in rekonstruktionslogisch plausibilisierte Zusammenhänge bringen zu können, liegt der Arbeit ein wissenssoziologisch-diskursanalytischer Ansatz zugrunde.

Doing Organizational Ethnography: A Focus on Polyphonic Ways of Organizing (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society #38)

by Anne Reff Pedersen Didde Maria Humle

This book presents a new way of understanding organizational ethnography due to its strong emphasis on what the word organizational means in organizational ethnography. In the past five years, a new organizational studies research field has developed involving organizational ethnographies, which is when organizations are studied using ethnographical methods. This development has shed light on the methods and difficulties of organizational ethnography, and yet we argue that confusion still remains as to what organizational ethnographical approaches are. This edited volume offers students and scholars a profound understanding of organizational ethnography by presenting concrete examples, reflections and discussions of how to understand and adequately conceptualize the word organizational in organizational ethnography. All the chapters illustrate the work of analytically combining different organizational phenomena (e.g. strategy making, policymaking), analytical perspectives (e.g. sensemaking, narratives) and ethnographical methods (e.g. texts, observations, shadowing, interviews) and demonstrate different ways of doing organizational ethnography. At the end of each chapter, an experienced researcher in the field offers comments and discussion on the contributions of the chapter, providing reflections on the implications for research in the field to which they ascribe. In Doing Organizational Ethnography, organizational is defined as polyphonic ways of organizing based on the interactions of the many voices, discourses, practices and narratives in and around organizations and the book provides readers with in-depth reflections on what organizing and organizations become when doing organizational ethnography.

Doing Our Own Thing: The Degradation of Language and Music and Why We Should, Like, Care

by John McWhorter

Encourages readers to establish a boundary between an acceptable evolution of language and outright language misuse, predicting the consequences of the overuse of street English in today's writing, music, and society. By the author of The Power of Babel. 50,000 first printing.

Doing Psychoanalysis in Tehran

by Gohar Homayounpour

Is psychoanalysis possible in the Islamic Republic of Iran? This is the question that Gohar Homayounpour poses to herself, and to us, at the beginning of this memoir of displacement, nostalgia, love, and pain. Twenty years after leaving her country, Homayounpour, an Iranian, Western-trained psychoanalyst, returns to Tehran to establish a psychoanalytic practice. When an American colleague exclaims, "I do not think that Iranians can free-associate!" Homayounpour responds that in her opinion Iranians do nothing but. Iranian culture, she says, revolves around stories. Why wouldn't Freud's methods work, given Iranians' need to talk? Thus begins a fascinating narrative of interlocking stories that resembles--more than a little--a psychoanalytic session. Homayounpour recounts the pleasure and pain of returning to her motherland, her passion for the work of Milan Kundera, her complex relationship with Kundera's Iranian translator (her father), and her own and other Iranians' anxieties of influence and disobedience. Woven throughout the narrative are glimpses of her sometimes frustrating, always candid, sessions with patients. Ms. N, a famous artist, dreams of abandonment and sits in the analyst's chair rather than on the analysand's couch; a young chador-clad woman expresses shame because she has lost her virginity; an eloquently suicidal young man cannot kill himself. As a psychoanalyst, Homayounpour knows that behind every story told is another story that remains untold. Doing Psychoanalysis in Tehran connects the stories, spoken and unspoken, that ordinary Iranians tell about their lives before their hour is up.

Doing Public Ethnography: How to Create and Disseminate Ethnographic and Qualitative Research to Wide Audiences (Routledge Advances in Research Methods)

by Phillip Vannini

Ethnography and qualitative research methodology in general have witnessed a staggering proliferation of styles and genres over the last three decades. Modes and channels of communication have similarly expanded and diversified. Now ethnographers have the opportunity to disseminate their work not only through traditional writing but also through aural, visual, performative, hypertext, and many diverse and creative multimodal documentation strategies. Yet, many ethnographers still feel insufficiently proficient with these new literacies and opportunities for knowledge mobilization, and they therefore still limit themselves to traditional modes of communication in spite of their desire for innovation. As university-based, community-driven and politically mandated agendas for broader knowledge transfer keep increasing worldwide, the demand for public scholarship continues to grow. Arguing for the need to disseminate innovative ethnographic knowledge more widely and more effectively, this book outlines practical strategies and tools for sharing ethnographic and qualitative research through widely accessible media such as magazines, trade books, blogs, newspapers, video, radio, and social media. Drawing from practical experiences and hands-on lessons, Doing Public Ethnography provides social scientists across all disciplines with concrete tactics for mobilizing knowledge beyond the academic realm.

Doing Public Scholarship: A Practical Guide to Media Engagement (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Christopher J. Schneider

A basic premise of public scholarship is making academic work and related ideas accessible and available to publics. Media engagement, whether interviews with news journalists, or the use of hashtags, is a necessary feature of any public scholarship. Media formats play a fundamental and interactive role in how people ultimately come to view and understand the social world, having had a discernable influence on election outcomes, responses to global pandemics, and so on. The question is not whether scholars should engage with media but how to do so. Drawing on fifteen years of experience that includes hundreds of print, radio, and television news interviews, dozens of published opinion pieces, and the use of social media for public engagement, this book outlines a practical, easy-to-follow approach to doing public sociology in media that consists of, and brings together, interrelated forms of media engagement. This book also offers some advice pertaining to career advancement and provides strategies to avoid negative experiences. Doing Public Scholarship will be of general interest to those wanting to go public with their research.

Doing Real World Research in Sports Studies

by Andy Smith Ivan Waddington

Traditional research methods textbooks tend to present an idealized and simplistic picture of the research process. This ground-breaking text however, features leading international sport researchers explaining how they actually carried out their real life research projects, highlighting the practical day-to-day problems, false starts and setbacks that are a normal part of the research process. This book focuses on ten pieces of research that have made a distinctive and valuable contribution to the study of sport. For each one the author of that research explains how the project was conducted and the issues that they faced. In addition, each piece of research has a commentary from a leading sport scholar outlining why it is regarded as being an important contribution to the discipline of sport studies and how that research can inform studies being carried out today. Contributors to the book describe how in their own real life research projects, they initially conceptualized and defined their research projects secured funding and/or sponsorship from relevant bodies handled enforced changes to the research plans confronted/overcame obstacles presented by outside bodies managed inter-personal/emotional relationships in the research encounter managed possible threats to their personal safety or physical integrity managed good luck, bad luck and serendipitous findings dealt with favourable and hostile media reaction to research findings. Doing Real World Research in Sport Studies enables students and researchers to develop a more realistic understanding of what the research process actually involves. It charts the development of key research projects in sport and should be essential reading for any sport research methods course.

Doing reflexivity: An Introduction

by Jon Dean

Reflexivity is vital in social research projects, but there remains relatively little advice on how to execute it in practice. This book provides social science researchers with both a strong rationale for the importance of thinking reflexively and a practical guide to doing reflexivity within their research. The first book on the subject to build primarily on the theoretical and empirical contributions of Pierre Bourdieu's reflexive work, it combines academic analysis with practical examples and case studies, drawing both on recent reflexive research projects and original empirical data from new projects conducted by the author. Written in an engaging and accessible style, the book will be of interest to researchers from all career stages and disciplinary backgrounds, but especially early-career researchers and students who are struggling with subjectivity, positionality, and the realities of being reflexive.

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