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Elite Schooling and Social Inequality

by Aline Courtois

This book is the first significant sociological study of Ireland's elite private schools. It takes the reader behind the gates of these secretive institutions, and offers a compelling analysis of their role in the reproduction of social inequality in Ireland. From the selection process to past pupils' union events, from the dorms to the rugby pitch, the book unravels how these schools gradually reinforce exclusionary practices and socialize their students to power and privilege. It tackles the myths of meritocracy and classlessness in Ireland, while also providing keys to understanding the social practices and legitimacy of elites. By bringing out the voices of past pupils, parents and school staff and incorporating vivid ethnographic descriptions, the book provides a rare snapshot into a privileged world largely hidden from view. It offers a unique contribution to research on elite education as well as to the broader fields of sociology of education and inequality. As such, it will appeal to researchers, practitioners and the general public alike, in Ireland and beyond.

Elite Soccer Referees: Officiating in the Premier League, La Liga and Serie A (Routledge Research in Football)

by Tom Webb

Soccer is undeniably the most popular sport in the world. While we know much about its high-profile players and their increasing wealth and global influence, we know little about referees and the ways in which refereeing has changed throughout the history of the sport. This book provides an in-depth exploration of the evolution of the match official. It presents a comparative analysis of elite Association football referees in England, Spain and Italy, as well as offering insights into the involvement of UEFA and FIFA in referee training. Drawing on archive material, the book documents the historical development of refereeing and sheds new light on the practice of elite refereeing in the present day. Including exclusive interviews with elite and ex-elite referees, as well as with professional soccer managers and members of the broadcast media, it considers the current role of match officials and the challenges and controversies they encounter. Elite Soccer Referees: Officiating in the Premier League, La Liga and Serie A is fascinating reading for all students and scholars with an interest in soccer, sport history, sport policy, sport management and the sociology of sport.

Elite Sport and Sport-for-All: Bridging the Two Cultures? (ICSSPE Perspectives)

by Margaret Talbot Richard Bailey

Sport is often perceived as being divided into two separate domains: mass participation and elite . In many countries, policy and funding in these two fields are managed by separate agencies, and investment is often seen as a choice between the two. Elite Sport and Sport-for-All explores the points of connection and sources of tension between elite and mass participation sport. The book’s multi-disciplinary and international line-up of contributors seeks to define, examine, and develop solutions to this problematic relationship. Drawing on research and case studies from around the world—with examples from Denmark, Canada, South Africa and Israel—the book explores key contemporary issues including: does effective talent identification require depth of participation? do elite performances inspire greater participation? the role of the Paralympic movement in mass participation and elite sport; and the economic aspects of their co-existence. The first study of its kind, Elite Sport and Sport-for-All addresses a central dichotomy in sport policy and, as such, is important reading for all students, researchers, policy-makers or administrators working in sport development and policy.

Elite White Men Ruling: Who, What, When, Where, and How

by Joe R. Feagin Kimberley Ducey

This book examines the “who, what, when, where, and how” of elite-white-male dominance in U.S. and global society. In spite of their domination in the United States and globally that we document herein, elite white men have seldom been called out and analyzed as such. They have received little to no explicit attention with regard to systemic racism issues, as well as associated classism and sexism issues. Almost all public and scholarly discussions of U.S. racism fail to explicitly foreground elite white men or to focus specifically on how their interlocking racial, class, and gender statuses affect their globally powerful decisionmaking. Some of the power positions of these elite white men might seem obvious, but they are rarely analyzed for their extraordinary significance. While the principal focus of this book is on neglected research and policy questions about the elite-white-male role and dominance in the system of racial oppression in the United States and globally, because of their positioning at the top of several societal hierarchies the authors periodically address their role and dominance in other oppressive (e.g., class, gender) hierarchies.

Elite Youth Sport Policy and Management: A comparative analysis (Routledge Research in Sport Business and Management)

by Barrie Houlihan Milena M. Parent Elsa Kristiansen

Elite youth sport competitions have increased significantly in number in recent years, with the Youth Olympic Games representing the high point of this phenomenon. This book examines the global context within which elite youth sport has emerged and continues to grow. It explores elite youth sport policy across fifteen countries, in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia, addressing the questions of how youth talent development is organised and why elite youth sport has become so popular. Taking a comparative global perspective, the book analyses the growth in more systematic approaches to young athlete development and the increasing emphasis on early talent identification. It discusses the attitude of stakeholders (such as NGBs, governments and sponsors) towards elite youth sport, while also considering how young elite athletes’ interests are protected and how the growth in elite youth sport affects a sport’s development strategy. Written by a team of internationally renowned researchers, Elite Youth Sport Policy and Management: A comparative analysis is fascinating reading for all students, scholars, managers, policy-makers and coaches with an interest in youth sport, elite sport development, talent identification and sports policy.

Eliten und zivile Gesellschaft

by Helmut Fehr

In dieser Studie werden Eliten in Ostmitteleuropa unter vergleichenden Gesichtspunkten untersucht. Das Spektrum der Eliten reicht von den kommunistischen Führungsgruppen bis zu neuen Machteliten und Gegeneliten, der Untersuchungszeitraum von 1968 bis 2013. Auf breiter empirischer Basis (ausführliche Interviews, Dokumente, Printmedien) beleuchtet der Autor den Elitenwandel in Polen, der Tschechischen Republik und der DDR/Ostdeutschland. Dabei geht es um ein tieferes Verständnis der Demokratisierung, der Elitenbildung und der Legitimitätskonflikte vor und nach den revolutionären Umbrüchen von 1989.

Elites and Society

by Tom Bottomore

In this substantially revised and enlarged second edition of a classic text that has been used throughout the world in numerous translations, Tom Bottomore reconsiders élite theory in the light of more recent studies. He examines the role and significance of élites in relation to classes and class structure in both advanced industrial and developing countries, and expounds the criticism of élites and élitism that have been formulated by democratic and socialist thinkers and movements. In a new concluding chapter, Professor Bottomore considers the prospect, as humanity approaches the millenium, for a renewed advance towards more egalitarian forms of society, in which all citizens would be able to participate more fully and effectively in the shaping of their social world. Tom Bottomore taught at the London School of Economics 1952-64, was Head of the Department of Political Science, Sociology and Anthropology at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver 1965-67, and Professor of Sociology at the University of Sussex 1968-85 where he is now Professor Emeritus. He is the author of numerous books, most recently: Theories of Modern Capitalism, Allen and Unwin (1985); Classes in Modern Society, Routledge (2nd edition, 1991) and Between Marginalism and Marxism: The Economic Sociology of J A Schumpter, Harvester Wheatsheaf (1992).

Elites in an Egalitarian Society: Support for the Nordic Model

by Trygve Gulbrandsen

Based on two unique survey studies of elites in Norway, this book examines whether elite attitudes towards central national issues have changed in the wake of international and national events and developments since 2000. The chapters examine elite integration and relations between elites and citizens in Norway as a means to discuss the continued viability of the Nordic welfare state model. This insight into how elites relate to central issues in Norwegian society and how they look upon citizens’ political interest and competence in general, will be of interest to academics within sociology and political science, as well as journalists and commentators and policy makers.

Elizabeth Gaskell: Electronic Edition (Routledge Library Editions: The Nineteenth-Century Novel #11)

by Angus Easson

First published in 1979, this book looks at every aspect of the life and work of Elizabeth Gaskell, including her lesser known novels and writings — especially those concerning life in the industrial north of Victorian England. It shows how her work springs from a culture and society which pervades all she thought and wrote. An opening chapter explores her religion, culture, friendships and family. The major works are considered in turn and background material relevant to the novels’ industrial scenes is presented. The process of literary creation is charted in material drawn from letters and by examination of the manuscripts. Her short stories, journalism and letters are also considered.

Elizabeth Gaskell (Routledge Library Editions: The Nineteenth-Century Novel #26)

by John McVeagh

First published in 1970, this study demonstrates both the range and essential unity of the works of Mrs. Gaskell. The author analyses the novels of social criticism, the biography of Charlotte Brontë and the novels of country life as distinct expressions of her genius, commenting on recurrent themes, typical methods of presentation and consistent attitudes as they appear in each of the works. The differences of subject and intention between the three kinds of writing will be seen in the extracts which indicate the range of her ability and interests. The final section summarises her range and success and failure. This book will be of interest to students of literature and sociological history.

The Elmhirsts of Dartington: The Creation Of A Utopian Community (Routledge Library Editions: Utopias #6)

by Michael Young

Dorothy and Leonard Elmhirst were the founders of Dartington - she the daughter of an American millionaire who was once Secretary to the US Navy; he the son of a Yorkshire parson and secretary to Rabindranath Tagore in Bengal before he married Dorothy. They were the twentieth century’s most substantial private patrons of architecture in England as well as of the arts and education. Dartington School was one of the most famous experimental schools in the world. Bertrand Russell sent his children there, as did Aldous Huxley and the Freuds. Dartington College of Arts and its associated Summer School of Music were equally famous in the world of the arts. Bernard Leach taught pottery, Mark Tobey painting, and Imogen Holst music. The Amadeus Quartet was formed there. Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears were frequent performers. In a setting of great beauty, school and college belonged to a general experiment in rural reconstruction. Dartington Glass was made in the Devonshire countryside and exported world-wide. So were Dartington Textiles, Dartington Furniture and Dartington Pottery. This book, originally published in 1982 (and reissued in 1996), describes how a unique combination of education, arts, industry and agriculture came to be put together. The result was one of the hardiest Utopian communities of modern times. It eventually overcame the strong local opposition to such a daring undertaking. The author finds the origins of modern Dartington in the founders’ hopes that mankind would be liberated through education; that a new flowering of the arts would transform a society impoverished by industrialisation and secularisation; and that a society seeking to draw together town and country would combine the best of both worlds. This book is an extraordinary memoir of two people and the place they made.

Elon Musk (edición en español)

by Walter Isaacson

Del autor de Steve Jobs y otras grandes biografías, todas ellas éxitos internacionales de ventas, esta es la historia asombrosamente íntima del innovador más fascinante y polémico del mundo, un visionario que ha roto todos los moldes y ha conducido al mundo a la era de los vehículos eléctricos, la exploración espacial privada y la inteligencia artificial. Ah, y el mismo que compró Twitter.Cuando Elon Musk era un niño en Sudáfrica, sufría a menudo acoso escolar. Un día un grupo de niños lo empujó por unas escaleras de hormigón y le patearon hasta que su cara se hinchó como una pelota. Pasó una semana en el hospital. Pero las cicatrices físicas fueron insignificantes comparadas con las emocionales, las que le había causado su padre, un canalla, ingeniero carismático y fantasioso. Cuando Elon llegó a casa tras ser dado de alta del hospital, su padre le reprendió. «Tuve que escucharlo durante una hora mientras me gritaba, me llamaba idiota y me decía que era un inútil», recuerda. El impacto psicológico que su padre le causó perduró. Se convirtió en un joven fuerte pero vulnerable al mismo tiempo, propenso a bruscos cambios de humor -a lo Jekyll y Hyde-, con una gran tolerancia al riesgo, ansias de drama, un épico sentido de misión y una intensidad maníaca, cruel y a veces destructiva.A principios de 2022, después de un año marcado por el lanzamiento de treinta y un satélites de SpaceX, la venta de un millón de coches de Tesla y de convertirse en el hombre más rico de la tierra, Musk confesó con arrepentimiento su impulso por provocar el drama. «Necesito cambiar mi forma de pensar para que deje de estar en modo crisis, como lo he estado en los últimos catorce años, o probablemente toda mi vida», explicó.Fue un comentario melancólico, no un propósito de año nuevo. Cuando hizo la promesa, estaba comprando en secreto acciones de Twitter, el patio de recreo por excelencia. Con los años, cuando se encontraba en un momento difícil, se veía transportado de nuevo al acoso que sufrió en el patio del colegio. Ahora tenía la oportunidad de poseerlo. Durante dos años, Isaacson fue la sombra de Musk, asistió a sus reuniones, recorrió juntos sus fábricas, y pasó horas entrevistándolo a él, a su familia, amigos, compañeros y adversarios. El resultado es un relato íntimo y revelador, repleto de historias asombrosas, triunfos y perturbaciones, que aborda la pregunta: ¿son los demonios que mueven a Musk también lo que se necesita para impulsar la innovación y el progreso?

The Eloquence of Silence: Algerian Women in Question

by Marnia Lazreg

The Eloquence of Silence, first published in 1994, is considered a seminal text in the scholarship of women and North Africa. Marnia Lazreg makes a critical departure from more traditional studies of Algerian women, which usually examine female roles in relation to Islam – and instead takes an interdisciplinary approach, arguing that Algerian women's roles are shaped by a variety of structural and symbolic factors. These include colonial domination, demographic change, nationalism, family formation, the turn to culturalism, and the progressive shift to a capitalist economy. Grounded in archival research supplemented by interviews, and adopting a historico-critical method, the book identifies and examines the significance of an enduring feature of women’s journey: their instrumental use as tropes in struggles between groups of men opposed to one another during political crises. It demonstrates that despite being central to contentious political issues, women’s needs and aspirations were obscured just as their voices have traditionally been silenced. This new edition is thoroughly updated throughout to connect the original material to major political disruptions in the twenty-first century, such as the 9/11 attacks on New York and events around the "Arab Spring." The book foregrounds women’s determination to forge ahead, as well as their activism, which led to progress in fighting rape and other forms of violence made banal in the wake of the civil war (1992–2002). It also calls for a "decolonization" of concepts and theoretical systems used in accounting for women’s lived reality, and a questioning of facile postfeminist discourses in their manifold expressions.

Elsewhere, U.S.A.

by Dalton Conley

Over the past three decades, our daily lives have changed slowly but dramatically. Boundaries between leisure and work, public space and private space, and home and office have blurred and become permeable. InElsewhere, U. S. A. , acclaimed sociologist Dalton Conley connects our day-to-day experiences with occasionally overlooked sociological changes, from women's increasing participation in the labor force to rising economic inequality among successful professionals. In doing so, he provides us with an X-ray view of our new social reality.

Elterliche Skills in Organisationen: Ressourcenzentrierte Führung und Mitarbeit

by Joachim E. Lask Nina M. Junker

Elterliche Skills in Organisationen - Ressourcenzentrierte Führung und Mitarbeit Basierend auf aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen verdeutlicht „Elterliche Skills in Organisationen“, wie sich Organisationen und jeder Einzelne die aus der Elternrolle erworbenen Kompetenzen ressourcenorientiert nutzbar machen können. Denn es ist nachgewiesen, dass zahlreiche Ähnlichkeiten zwischen der Elternrolle und der Rolle als Mitarbeitende und Führungskräfte bestehen. Dadurch kann beachtlicher gegenseitiger Kompetenzerwerb ermöglicht werden. Wie dies möglich ist, welche Skills für Führungskräfte besonders relevant sind und wie der positive Transfer der Kompetenzen aus der Elternrolle unterstützt und für die Tätigkeit im Unternehmen noch besser eingesetzt werden kann, erfahren Sie in diesem Buch. Zielgruppen: Führungskräfte, HRM-Fachleute, Coaches, TrainerInnen, PsychologInnen, WirtschaftswissenschaftlerInnen, sowie Eltern. Zu den Autoren: Dipl.-Psych. Joachim E. Lask, Wirtschafts- und Familien-Psychologe und Leiter des WorkFamily-Instituts, berät Organisationen und forscht zum Work-Family Enrichment. Dr. Nina M. Junker, Associate Professor an der University of Oslo, ist Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologin. Sie forscht und publiziert unter Berücksichtigung sozialpsychologischer Konzepte seit vielen Jahren zur Schnittstelle von Beruf und Privatleben.

Elternschaft als Othering: Zur Subjektivation von Paaren als Eltern eines Kindes mit Behinderung (Subjektivierung und Gesellschaft/Studies in Subjectivation)

by Judith Tröndle

Die Studie widmet sich der Erforschung doppelerwerbstätiger Paare, deren Kind als ‚behindert‘ markiert wurde. Paararrangements werden in ihrer paargeschichtlichen und interaktiven Dynamik rekonstruiert, wobei deutlich wird, gegenüber welchen Widerständen ein solches Modell der doppelten Erwerbstätigkeit behauptet werden muss. Gesellschaftliche Barrieren wirken entlang der Differenzlinien Behinderung und Geschlecht intersektional. Sie werden jedoch unsichtbar durch die Verlagerung in den privaten Raum, innerhalb dessen sie durch partnerschaftliche Arbeitsteilung beantwortet werden. Es steht dabei weniger die vermeintlich ‚besondere’ Gruppe im Fokus der Analyse, als Prozesse der Besonderung, Adressierung und Subjektivation als ‚andere Eltern’. Die Subjektivation eines Paares als ‚Eltern eines Kindes mit Behinderung’ beschränkt zugleich Chancen der (An-)Erkennbarkeit als Paar sowie als Individuum. Sie trägt zudem zur Reproduktion vergeschlechtlichter Sorgearrangements bei und verdeutlicht gesellschaftliche Prozesse der Grenzziehung und Bedingungen von (An-)Erkennbarkeit.

Elton Mayo: The Humanist Temper

by Richard C. Trahair Abraham Zaleznik

The definitive biography of the life and work of Elton Mayo (1880-1949) is the first full, accurate account of the activities and intimate life of one of Australia and America's pioneering social scientists. Mayo, who established the scientifi c study of organizational behavior, was highly infl uential in American social science and business management theory, following his work at the Harvard Business School and the Western Electric Company.

Elucidating Social Science Concepts: An Interpretivist Guide (Routledge Series on Interpretive Methods)

by Frederic Charles Schaffer

Concepts have always been foundational to the social science enterprise. This book is a guide to working with them. Against the positivist project of concept "reconstruction"—the formulation of a technical, purportedly neutral vocabulary for measuring, comparing, and generalizing—Schaffer adopts an interpretivist approach that he calls "elucidation." Elucidation includes both a reflexive examination of social science technical language and an investigation into the language of daily life. It is intended to produce a clear view of both types of language, the relationship between them, and the practices of life and power that they evoke and sustain. After an initial chapter explaining what elucidation is and how it differs from reconstruction, the book lays out practical elucidative strategies—grounding, locating, and exposing—that help situate concepts in particular language games, times and tongues, and structures of power. It also explores the uses to which elucidation can be put and the moral dilemmas that attend such uses. By illustrating his arguments with lively analyses of such concepts as "person," "family," and "democracy," Schaffer shows rather than tells, making the book both highly readable and an essential guide for social science research.

Elusive Promises

by Simone Abram Gisa Weszkalnys

Planning in contemporary democratic states is often understood as a range of activities, from housing to urban design, regional development to economic planning. This volume sees planning differently-as the negotiation of possibilities that time offers space. It explores what kind of promise planning offers, how such a promise is made, and what happens to it through time. The authors, all leading anthropologists, examine the time and space, creativity and agency, authority and responsibility, and conflicting desires that plans attempt to control. They show how the many people involved with planning deal with the discrepancies between what is promised and what is done. The comparative essays offer insight into the expected and unexpected outcomes of planning (from visionary utopias to bureaucratic dystopia or something in-between), how the future is envisioned at the outset, and what actual work is done and how it affects people's lives.

Email and the Everyday: Stories of Disclosure, Trust, and Digital Labor

by Esther Milne

An exploration of how email is experienced, understood, and materially structured as a practice spanning our everyday domestic and work lives.Despite its many obituaries, email is not dead. As a global mode of business and personal communication, email outstrips newer technologies of online interaction; it is deeply embedded in our everyday lives. And yet--perhaps because the ubiquity of email has obscured its study--this is the first scholarly book devoted to email as a key historical, social, and commercial site of digital communication in our everyday lives. In Email and the Everyday, Esther Milne examines how email is experienced, understood, and materially structured as a practice spanning the domestic and institutional spaces of daily life.

Emancipatory Change in US Higher Education

by Zachary S. Ritter Kenneth R. Roth Felix Kumah-Abiwu

This edited volume explores and deconstructs the possibilities of higher education beyond its initial purpose. The book contextualizes and argues for a more robust interrogation of persistent patterns of campus inequality driven by rapid demographic change, reduced public spending in higher education, and an increasingly polarized political landscape. It offers contemporary views and critiques ideas and practices such as micro-aggressions, implicit and explicit bias, and their consequences in reifying racial and gender-based inequalities on members of nondominant groups. The book also highlights coping mechanisms and resistance strategies that have enabled members of nondominant groups to contest primarily racial- and gender- based inequity. In doing so, it identifies new ways higher education can do what it professes to do better, in all ways, from providing real benefit to students and communities, while also setting a bar for society to more effectively realize its stated purpose and creed.

Emanzipation und Gewalt: Feministische Rechtskritik mit Karl Marx, Jacques Derrida und Gilles Deleuze (Philosophie & Kritik. Neue Beiträge zur politischen Philosophie und Kritischen Theorie)

by Liza Mattutat

Soziale Bewegungen stehen seit jeher in einem ambivalenten Verhältnis zum Recht. Einerseits versuchen sie oft, ihre Ansprüche als Rechte geltend zu machen, andererseits kritisieren sie die entpolitisierenden, gewaltsamen und repressiven Aspekte des Rechts. Liza Mattutat fragt deshalb, ob Rechtspolitiken möglich sind, die nicht nur die Inhalte des Rechts, sondern zugleich seine Form verändern. Dazu rekonstruiert sie die rechtskritischen Argumente von Karl Marx, Jacques Derrida und Gilles Deleuze und deutet mit ihnen zeitgenössische Auseinandersetzungen um die Ehe für alle, die Reform des Sexualstrafrechts und die Elternschaft von trans* Personen. Wo sind philosophische Rechtskritiken für die feministische Rechtspolitik einschlägig? Wo steht das bürgerliche Recht emanzipatorischen Bewegungen entgegen?

Embarrassment of Product Choices 2: Towards a Society of Well-being

by Michel Millot

Product information is excessively commercial and technical. There is no single best product for all, and the price/quality ratio can be deceptive. Word of mouth is growing with opinions shared on the internet. This book calls for the reinvention of a new economy based on real requirements, not only for profit or “technology” but for qualities of use and the environment. A product’s use is its purpose. An innovation must always be an improvement to qualities of use. The emergence of new technologies, such as connected objects and the autonomous car, form a new trap for innovation, and progress has been limited to the perfection of technique. Marketing must no longer confuse the consumer (the customer) and the user. Complete with methodology for the reader to follow, this book describes how the ecology of use can become the main wealth of an economy based on quality of life and well-being.

The Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Culture in the Golden Age

by Simon Schama

In a brilliantly inventive work, bestselling author Simon Schama explores the enigma of 17th-century Holland, a nation that attained an unprecedented level of affluence, yet lived in constant dread of being corrupted by prosperity.

Embattled Dreamlands: The Politics of Contesting Armenian, Kurdish and Turkish Memory

by David Leupold

Embattled Dreamlands explores the complex relationship between competing national myths, imagined boundaries and local memories in the threefold-contested geography referred to as Eastern Turkey, Western Armenia or Northern Kurdistan. Spatially rooted in the shatter zone of the post-Ottoman and post-Soviet space, it sheds light on the multi-layered memory landscape of the Lake Van region in Southeastern Turkey, where collective violence stretches back from the Armenian Genocide to the Kurdish conflict of today. Based on his fieldwork in Turkey and Armenia, the author examines how states work to construct and monopolize collective memory by narrating, silencing, mapping and performing the past, and how these narratives might help to contribute and resolve present-day conflicts. By looking at how national discourses are constructed and asking hard questions about why nations are imagined as exclusive and hostile to others, Embattled Dreamlands provides a unique insight into the development of national identity which will provide a great resource to students and researchers in sociology and history alike.

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