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Foucault and Lifelong Learning: Governing the Subject

by Andreas Fejes Katherine Nicoll

Over the last twenty years there has been increasing interest in the work of Michel Foucault in the social sciences and in particular with relation to education. This, the first book to draw on his work to consider lifelong learning, explores the significance of policies and practices of lifelong learning to the wider societies of which they are a part. With a breadth of international contributors and sites of analysis, this book offers insights into such questions as: What are the effects of lifelong learning policies within socio-political systems of governance? What does lifelong learning do to our understanding of ourselves as citizens? How does lifelong learning act in the regulation and re-ordering of what people do? The book suggests that understanding of lifelong learning as contributory to the knowledge economy, globalisation or the new work order may need to be revised if we are to understand its impact more fully. It therefore makes a significant contribution to the study of lifelong learning.

Foucault and Managerial Governmentality: Rethinking the Management of Populations, Organizations and Individuals (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

by Alan McKinlay Eric Pezet

In the last two decades there has been an explosion of research inspired by Michel Foucault’s suggestion of a new concept, ‘governmentality’. The distinctive feature of modern governmentality is that across all sorts of fields, rule is predicated upon the active subject as the vehicle through which—and by which—power is exercised. The appeal of governmentality is that, whether we are considering the workplace, the school or welfare regimes, it opens up new ways of looking at familiar institutions. Foucault and Managerial Governmentality is about Michel Foucault’s concept of governmentality. The novelty of this concept is that looks at the ways that populations and organisations are imagined in ways that premise collective gains through expanding individual freedoms. Specifically, how are technologies of freedom devised that improve the overall performance—health, productivity, or parental responsibility—of a given population? Understanding the operation of technologies of control is a simple enough task, argues Foucault, but also one that blinds us to the increasing prevalence of technologies of freedom. Foucault and Managerial Governmentality aims not just to locate this concept in Foucault’s wider research project but to apply it to all sorts of management techniques. By applying governmentality to questions of management and organization we will also develop Foucault’s original, somewhat sketchy concept. This book has three innovative narratives: an awareness of the historicity of the concept; the application of governmentality to specific forms of management means that we escape the temptation to read any and all forms of technology and organization as an expression of neoliberalism; and, finally, the interviews with Peter Miller and Nikolas Rose provide unique intellectual and personal insights into the development of the governmentalist project over the last thirty years.

Foucault and Post-Financial Crises: Governmentality, Discipline and Resistance (International Political Economy Series)

by John G. Glenn

This title explains the causes of the financial crisis and the economic reforms that were created subsequently through a Foucauldian philosophical lens. The author sets out the approaches established by Foucault – namely governmentality, biopolitics and disciplinary mechanisms – explaining how these influenced the shift of production from a local to a global level, alongside a shift towards financialisation. Glenn applies Foucauldian principles to aid understanding of the self-corrective mechanisms applied to the financial system, and the interpellative processes that led to the emergence of a new mode of subjectification. Concurrently, this title examines the retreat of the state from the financial sphere. This shift, the author posits, did not mean the complete absence of governance; rather governance became more concerned with ensuring that financial behaviour was contained within certain limits.

Foucault and the Human Subject of Science

by Garðar Árnason

​This book offers a clear analysis of Foucault’s work on scientific knowledge and its relationship to individuals and society. It suggests a way of using Foucault’s tools for science criticism and resistance, while avoiding the pitfalls of vulgar relativism or irrational anti-science views. Two cases of scientific conflict are considered. The first considers left-handers as subjects of science, in particular studies which purport to show that left-handers die on average younger than right-handers. The second case considers Icelanders as subjects of science in the context of a partly failed attempt to construct a genetic database encompassing the entire nation.The book will be of interest to bioethicists and philosophers who are concerned with the interaction between science and its human subjects, as well as scholars concerned with Foucault’s work on science.

Foucault and the Modern International: Silences and Legacies for the Study of World Politics (The Sciences Po Series in International Relations and Political Economy)

by Philippe Bonditti, Didier Bigo and Frédéric Gros

This book addresses the possibilities of analyzing the modern international through the thought of Michel Foucault. The broad range of authors brought together in this volume question four of the most self-evident characteristics of our contemporary world-'international', 'neoliberal', 'biopolitical' and 'global'- and thus fill significant gaps in both international and Foucault studies. The chapters discuss what a Foucauldian perspective does or does not offer for understanding international phenomena while also questioning many appropriations of Foucault's work. This transdisciplinary volume will serve as a reference for both scholars and students of international relations, international political sociology, international political economy, political theory/philosophy and critical theory more generally.

Foucault as Educator

by Stephen J. Ball

This book considers Foucault as educator in three main ways. First, through some consideration of what his work says about education as a social and political practice. That is, education as a form of what Allen (2014) calls benign violence – which operates through mundane, quotidian disciplinary technologies and expert knowledges which together construct a ‘pedagogical machine’. Second, through an exploration of his ‘method’ as a form of critique. That is, as a way of showing that things are ‘not as necessary as all that’, a way of addressing what is intolerable. This suggests that critique is education of a kind. Third, through a discussion of some of Foucault's later work on subjectivity and in particular on ‘the care of the self’ or what we might call ‘a pedagogy of the self’. Each chapter introduces and discusses some relevant examples from educational settings to illustrate and enact Foucault’s analytics.

Foucault, Douglass, Fanon, and Scotus in Dialogue

by Cynthia R. Nielsen

Through examining Douglass's and Fanon's concrete experiences of oppression, Cynthia R. Nielsen demonstrates the empirical validity of Foucault's theoretical analyses concerning power, resistance, and subject-formation. Going beyond merely confirming Foucault's insights, Douglass and Fanon expand, strengthen, and offer correctives to the emancipatory dimensions of Foucault's project. Unlike Foucault, Douglass and Fanon were not hesitant to make transhistorical judgments condemning slavery and colonization. Foucault's reticence here signals a weakness in his account of human being. This weakness sets him at cross-purposes not only with Scotus, but also with Douglass and Fanon. Scotus's anthropology provides a basis for transhistorical moral critique; thus he is a valuable dialogue partner for those concerned about social justice and human flourishing.

Foucault, Governmentality, and Critique

by Thomas Lemke

Michel Foucault is one of the most cited authors in social science. This book discusses one of his most influential concepts: governmentality. Reconstructing its emergence in Foucault's analytics of power, the book explores the theoretical strengths the concept of governmentality offers for political analysis and critique. It highlights the intimate link between neoliberal rationalities and the problem of biopolitics including issues around genetic and reproductive technologies. This book is a useful introduction to Foucault's work on power and governmentality suitable for experts and students alike

Foucault, Health and Medicine

by Alan Petersen Robin Bunton

The reception of Michel Foucault's work in the social sciences and humanities has been phenomenal. Foucault's concepts and methodology have encouraged new approaches to old problems and opened up new lines of enquiry. This book assesses the contribution of Foucault's work to research and thinking in the area of health and medicine, and shows how key researchers in the sociology of health and illness are currently engaging with his ideas. Foucault, Health and Medicine explores such important issues as: Foucault's concept of 'discourse', the critique of the 'medicalization' thesis, the analysis of the body and the self, Foucault's concept of 'bio-power' in the analysis of health education, the implications of Foucault's ideas for feminist research on embodiment and gendered subjectivities, the application of Foucault's notion of governmentality to the analysis of health policy, health promotion, and the consumption of health. Foucault, Health and Medicine offers a `state of the art' overview of Foucaldian scholarship in the area of health and medicine. It will provide a key reference for both students and researchers working in the areas of medical sociology, health policy, health promotion and feminist studies.

Foucault lesen (essentials)

by Frieder Vogelmann

Dieses essential stellt einen systematischen und philosophischen Lekturevorschlag zur Diskussion: Systematisch werden Foucaults Schriften von seiner methodologischen Perspektive her als nihilistische, nominalistische und historizistische Analyse von Praktiken und den in ihnen produzierten Wirklichkeiten entlang der drei Achsen des Wissens, der Macht und der Selbstverhaltnisse gedeutet. Die Konsequenzen dieser Interpretation werden anhand der Positionen umrissen, die sich in Bezug auf Foucaults Kritikbegriff, seine Attacke auf die Human- und, als Teil davon, die Sozialwissenschaften und sein Verhaltnis zum Neoliberalismus ergeben. Philosophisch ist dieser Lekturevorschlag, weil er die Historisierung von Wahrheit als Kern von Foucaults philosophischem Verfahren behauptet. "

Foucault, Management and Organization Theory: From Panopticon to Technologies of Self (Organization Studies)

by Ken P Starkey Professor Alan McKinlay

This volume draws together critical assessments of Michel Foucault's contribution to our understanding of the making and remaking of the modern organization. The volume provides a valuable summary of Foucault's contribution to organization theory, which also challenges the conventions of traditional organizational analysis. By applying Foucauldian concepts such as discipline, surveillance and power/knowledge, the authors shed new light on the genesis of the modern organization and raise fresh questions about organization theory. The bureaucratic career is, for example, analyzed as a disciplinary device, a mechanism that seeks to alter rational choice rather than constrain bodies. This raises questions about Foucault's linking of the modern organization's birth with the enlightenment. Other contributions review the impact of totalizing managerial discourses and the limits and possiblities of resistance, and question the profound pessimism of Foucault. The volume concludes by examining the implications of Foucault's later work in which he suggests that people are much freer than they feel.

Foucault, Marxism and Critique (Routledge Library Editions: Michel Foucault)

by Barry Smart

In this work, originally released in 1983, Barry Smart examines the relevance of Foucault's work for developing an understanding of those issues which lie beyond the limits of Marxist theory and analysis - issues such as 'individualising' forms of power, power-knowledge relations, the rise of 'the social', and the associated socialisation of politics. He argues that there exist clear and substantial differences between Foucault's genealogical analysis and that of Marxist theory. Smart thus presents Foucault's work as a new form of critical theory, whose object is a critical analysis of rationalities, and of how relations of power are rationalised.

Foucault on Leadership: The Leader as Subject (Routledge Studies in Leadership, Work and Organizational Psychology)

by Nathan W. Harter

Michel Foucault, one of the most cited scholars in the social sciences, devoted his last three lectures to a study of leader development. Going back to pagan sources, Foucault found a persistent theme in Hellenistic antiquity that, in order to qualify for leadership, a person must undergo processes of subjectivation, which is simply the way that a person becomes a Subject. From this perspective, an aspiring leader first becomes a Subject who happens to lead. These processes depend on a condition of parresia, which is truth-telling at great risk that is for the edification of the other person. A leader requires a mentor and advisors in order to lead successfully, while also developing the capacity in one’s own mind to heed the truth. In other words, a leader must learn how to guide oneself. A valuable contribution to the field of leadership studies, this book summarizes these last lectures as they pertain to the study and practice of leadership, emphasizing the role of ethics and truth-telling as a check on power. It then presents several other contexts where these same lessons can be seen in practice, including in the life of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, whose career as a writer epitomized speaking truth to power, and somewhat surprisingly in the United States military, in response to its twenty-first century mission of counterinsurgency.


by Sophie Fuggle

What is power? Where does it come from and who is in possession of it? How should we think about power and authority in a post-secular society in which traditional boundaries between individual and collective faith and secular governments and institutions are becoming increasingly blurred? The way which we conceive of power in the twenty-first century will effectively determine how we approach issues such as market reform and environmental disaster. Placing the twentieth-century French philosopher Michel Foucault into critical conjunction with the apostle Paul, Foucault/Paul re-evaluates the way in which power operates within society and underpins our ethical and political actions.

Foucault, Sexuality, Antiquity

by Sandra Boehringer

Foucault, Sexuality, Antiquity, published for the first time in English, takes an interdisciplinary approach to exploring how the work of Michel Foucault has influenced studies of ancient Greece and Rome. Foucault’s The History of Sexuality has had a profound and lasting impact across the humanities and social sciences. In the two volumes dedicated to pagan antiquity, Foucault provided scholars with new questions for addressing ancient Greek and Roman societies, and an original epistemological framework for thinking about eroticism and about the processes by which individuals are led to recognize themselves as the subjects of their desires. Now, decades later, the scholars in this volume explore Foucault’s role in shaping and reorienting discussions of antiquity in the fields of philosophy, gender studies, and psychoanalysis, among others. A multidisciplinary exploration of Foucault’s work and its relationship to our understanding of ancient Greco-Roman societies, Foucault, Sexuality, Antiquity will be of interest to students and scholars in classical studies, philosophy, gender studies, and ancient history.

Foucault's New Domains

by Terry Johnson Mike Gane

This major collection brings Foucault's later work into sharp focus and illustrates some of the ways in which it is informing developments in the social sciences. Concise, clear and wide-ranging it provides an essential accessory to the understanding one of the key thinkers in the twentieth century.

Foucault's Orient: The Conundrum of Cultural Difference, From Tunisia to Japan

by Marnia Lazreg

Foucault lived in Tunisia for two years and travelled to Japan and Iran more than once. Yet throughout his critical scholarship, he insisted that the cultures of the "Orient" constitute the "limit" of Western rationality. Using archival research supplemented by interviews with key scholars in Tunisia, Japan and France, this book examines the philosophical sources, evolution as well as contradictions of Foucault's experience with non-Western cultures. Beyond tracing Foucault's journey into the world of otherness, the book reveals the personal, political as well as methodological effects of a radical conception of cultural difference that extolled the local over the cosmopolitan.

The Foundation and Future of Feminist Therapy

by Mary Ballou Marcia Hill

Explore the obstacles and challenges involved in bringing feminist values and techniques into mainstream therapyFeminist therapy has been challenging mainstream therapy thinking and practice for the past thirty years. The Foundation and Future of Feminist Therapy is the first book to provide a summary and compilation of that history. It describes the work of the major contributors, early and recent, and gives a terrific overview of the rich and radical development of feminist therapy from a variety of perspectives.The Foundation and Future of Feminist Therapy honors the work of women such as Laura Brown, Iris Fodor, Miriam Greenspan, Hannah Lerman, and Lenore Walker, who developed, and who continue to develop, feminist therapy theory and practice. This book breaks new ground by envisioning a feminist-informed future in the areas of therapy practice, the education of therapists, and community. It also provides an unflinching look at the challenges and threats to developing that future and offers suggestions for action.The Foundation and Future of Feminist Therapy includes the work of past and present contributors to feminist theory on topics such as: the complex intertwining of gender and other oppressions the impact of race and ethnicity the effects of sexual orientation, age, class, disability, and refugee and immigrant status discussions about violence against women feminist theory from a wide range of perspectives, from relational-cultural to multicultural theory perspectives on trauma the discussions at a conference that imagined a future informed by feminist principles and much more!For those interested in feminist therapy theory, The Foundation and Future of Feminist Therapy is an excellent starting point, and many references are provided for readers who want to pursue specific topics further. This book will interest practicing therapists at all levels, including psychologists, counselors, and social workers. It is also appropriate as a textbook for women&’s studies, psychology of women, counseling, psychology, and social work classes.

Foundation, Architecture, and Prototyping of Humanized AI: A New Constructivist Approach

by Mark Chang

Humanized AI (HAI), emerging as the next of the AI waves, refers to artificial social beings that are very close to humans in various aspects, beings who are machine-race humans, not digital slaves. Foundation, Architecture, and Prototyping of HAI deploy a novel smalldata approach to vertically explore the spectrum of HAI. Different from the popular big-data philosophy that is based on the rigid notion that the connotation of each concept is fixed and the same to everyone, this book treats understanding as a process from simple to complex, and uses the similarity principle to effectively deal with novelties. Combining the efficiency of the Behaviorists’ goal-driven approach and the flexibility of a Constructivists’ approach, both the architecture of HAI and the philosophical discussions arising from it are elaborated upon. Advancing a unique approach to the concept of HAI, this book appeals to professors and students of both AI and philosophy, as well as industry professionals looking to stay at the forefront of developments within the field.

Foundation of Ethics-Based Practices: Annals of Theoretical Psychology Vol. 18 (Annals of Theoretical Psychology #18)

by Birthe Loa Knizek Sven Hroar Klempe

This book contrasts earlier textbooks on “evidence-based practices.” Whereas the latter is a slogan that call for scientific evidence to be used in standardized treatment manuals, ethics-based practices call for individualized treatment that makes the situation meaningful for the patient. The main argument for changing the treatment design from being evidence-based to one based on ethics, is the hypothesis that good health care is based on treatment which makes the situation positive and meaningful for the patient. The awareness for this is primarily provided by ethical considerations.

Foundations and Fundamentals in Human-Computer Interaction

by Constantine Stephanidis Gavriel Salvendy

This book serves as a foundation to the field of HCI, equipping readers with the necessary knowledge and skills to engage in this field. This book Discusses human functionalities and characteristics relevant to interaction, including sensory perception, attention and memory, language and communication, emotions, decision-making, as well as mental models, human error, and human actions. Explores the evolution of HCI design approaches and the role of social and organizational psychology in HCI Discusses key concepts and societal aspects of interactive technologies, such as user acceptance, ethics, privacy, and trust. Covers the historical background, contributing disciplines, essential concepts, and theories within the domain. This book will appeal to individuals interested in Human–Computer Interaction research and applications.

Foundations and Futures in the Sociology of Religion (Theology and Religion in Interdisciplinary Perspective Series in Association with the BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group)

by Luke Doggett Alp Arat

Since the sociology of religion became recognised as a distinct sub-discipline over the last century, the dominance of approaches taking their inspiration from the sociological classics has increasingly been challenged. Empirical findings have brought the notion of secularisation into question; and theorists have sought to deconstruct how we think of ‘religion.’ This collection appraises the continuing influence of the foundational approaches and places these in relation to newly emerging directions in the field. The book is divided into four sections, each section containing one ‘foundational’ chapter written by an established academic followed by two ‘futures’ chapters contributed by emerging scholars in the sub-discipline. These chapters complement one another by placing the overview of future directions in the context of a survey of the development of the sociology of religion over the last century. Topics discussed in these chapters include lived religion, sexuality, ritual, religion and the media. Combining erudite examinations of the British Sociological Association Sociology of Religion Study Group’s work so far with explorations of the future directions its research might take, this book is vital reading for any scholar whose work combines religious studies and sociology.

Foundations and Practice of Security

by Abdessamad Imine José M. Fernandez Jean-Yves Marion Luigi Logrippo Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro

This book constitutes revised selected papers from the 10th International Symposium on Foundations and Practice of Security, FPS 2017, held in Nancy, France in October 2017. The 20 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 53 submissions. The papers were organized in topical sections named: access control; formal verification; privacy; physical security; network security, encrypted DBs and blockchain; vulnerability analysis and deception systems; and defence against attacks and anonymity.

Foundations and Theoretical Perspectives of Distributed Team Cognition

by Michael D. McNeese; Eduardo Salas; Mica R. Endsley

The background and interwoven streams of team cognition and distributed cognition fermenting together has wielded new nuances of exploration, which continue to be relevant for a theoretical understanding of team phenomena. Foundations and Theoretical Perspectives of Distributed Teams Cognition looks at fundamentals, theoretical concepts, and how theory informs perspectives of thinking for distributed team cognition. The chapters yield a broad understanding of the nature of diverse thinking and insights into technologies, foundations, and theoretical perspectives of distributed team cognition. Features Generates historical patterns and significance that compose developmental trajectories Explains multiple perspectives that incorporate an interdisciplinary understanding that specifies diverse theories Identifies and develops particular challenges resident within team simulation studies and then illustrates research frameworks Highlights and reviews how team simulations are used to produce dynamic experimental results Investigates and studies research variables within distributed team cognition

Foundations in Sociolinguistics: An ethnographic approach (Conduct And Communication Ser.)

by Dell Hymes

Tavistock Press was established as a co-operative venture between the Tavistock Institute and Routledge & Kegan Paul (RKP) in the 1950s to produce a series of major contributions across the social sciences. This volume is part of a 2001 reissue of a selection of those important works which have since gone out of print, or are difficult to locate. Published by Routledge, 112 volumes in total are being brought together under the name The International Behavioural and Social Sciences Library: Classics from the Tavistock Press. Reproduced here in facsimile, this volume was originally published in 1977 and is available individually. The collection is also available in a number of themed mini-sets of between 5 and 13 volumes, or as a complete collection.

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