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Untapped Agility: Seven Leadership Moves to Take Your Transformation to the Next Level
by Jesse FewellThis balanced guide to agility gets past the hype and frustration to help frustrated leaders transform their agile transformations. Agile transformations are supposed to make organizations modern, competitive, and relevant. But in the well-intentioned effort to move into the future, change leaders find themselves frustrated by pushback, limited impact, poor practices, and unfair criticism. What's going on? Jesse Fewell's book cuts through the "quick-fix" hype of agile theory and explains a recurring transformational pattern that unpacks what holds organizations back. The boost is the initial gains from logical first steps; the barrier is the unavoidable roadblock that must come next; and the rebound is the way forward to further gains by leaning against the concept of the original boost. With these counterintuitive rebounds, Fewell identifies seven leadership moves that can be used to unblock stalled agile transformations. No, your transformation is not a failure. It turns out the buy-in, the talent, the alignment, and the growth you need to break through are already in front of you; it's all simply hidden under the surface—undiscovered, unutilized, and untapped.
The Untapped Power of Discovery: How to Create Change That Inspires a Better Future
by Karen Golden-BiddleDespite being a game-changer in powering human growth, discovery remains a mystery. How can it produce ahas and insights to meet the challenge of new realities and reimagine organizational management? This book lays out a process of inquiry that drives belief change and leads to discoveries, empowering leaders, groups, and the organization with a powerful tool for navigating an uncertain future. Discovery lights the intellectual spark for every breakthrough in science, technology, pharmaceuticals, and more—but fear and inertia can harden beliefs and practices that no longer fit the new realities. To counter this, discovery can be cultivated rather than suppressed, using a new, three-phase process, a management practice that consistently generates the ahas and insights that underpin all transformation. Based on years of research and real-world observation, this book inspires and equips leaders at all levels to champion this discovery process and fuel genuine, sustained change in their communities and organizations.Accompanied by a website that includes proprietary tools, audio and video clips, and a downloadable workbook, this book is an enriching resource for current and aspiring leaders and managers across industries, as well as management consultants, HR professionals, corporate educators, and business students.
The Untapped Power of Discovery: How to Create Change That Inspires a Better Future
by Karen Golden-BiddleDespite being a game-changer in powering human growth, discovery remains a mystery. How can it produce ahas and insights to meet the challenge of new realities and reimagine organizational management?This book lays out a process of inquiry that drives belief change and leads to discoveries, empowering leaders, groups, and the organization with a powerful tool for navigating an uncertain future. Discovery lights the intellectual spark for every breakthrough in science, technology, pharmaceuticals, and more—but fear and inertia can harden beliefs and practices that no longer fit the new realities. To counter this, discovery can be cultivated rather than suppressed, using a new, three-phase process, a management practice that consistently generates the ahas and insights that underpin all transformation. Based on years of research and real-world observation, this book inspires and equips leaders at all levels to champion this discovery process and fuel genuine, sustained change in their communities and organizations.Accompanied by a website that includes proprietary tools, audio and video clips, and a downloadable workbook, this book is an enriching resource for current and aspiring leaders and managers across industries, as well as management consultants, HR professionals, corporate educators, and business students..
Untenable: The True Story of White Ethnic Flight from America's Cities
by Jack CashillLong accused of racism and &“white flight,&” the ethnic Americans driven from their homes and neighborhoods—the author included—finally get the chance to tell their side of the story.&“A startlingly honest and poignant look at &‘white flight&’ from the white perspective. A necessary and overdue corrective.&” —Brent Bozell III, founder and president of the Media Research Center I asked one lifelong friend, a rare Democrat among the displaced, why he and his widowed mother finally left our block in the early 1970s, twenty years after the first African-American families moved in. He searched a minute for the right set of words, and then simply said, &“It became untenable.&” When I asked what he meant by &“untenable,&” he answered, &“When your mother gets mugged for the second time, that&’s untenable. When your home gets broken into for the second time, that&’s untenable.&” In researching this project, I found myself repeatedly stunned by the failure of self-described experts on white flight to ask those accused of fleeing why it was they fled. The reason the experts didn&’t ask, I discovered, is that they were afraid of what they might learn.
Unterbrochene Karrieren
by Elisabeth SchillingDas Buch analysiert, wie Beschäftigte der öffentlichen Verwaltung mit unterbrochenen Erwerbsverläufen ihr Arbeitsleben gestalten, welche Bedeutung Partizipation in der Arbeitswelt für sie hat, wie sie beruflichen Erfolg definieren und die Balance zwischen dem Beruflichen und dem Privaten herstellen. Der Analyse liegt eine qualitative Studie mit biographischen Interviews zugrunde. Frauen erzählten über ihre Erfahrungen des Aus- und Wiedereinstiegs, über ihre Wünsche, Hindernisse auf dem Weg zur Verwirklichung dieser Wünsche und Realitäten im Arbeitsalltag. Durch die Vorstellung der Typologie von Übergangserfahrungen werden diese Erkenntnisse systematisiert und für den Leser greifbar gemacht. Zum Schluss werden Vorschläge für spezifische Personalentwicklungsmaßnahmen gemacht.
Unternehmenserfolg in den USA
by Ralf Drews Melissa LamsonDie USA ist nach wie vor die erste Anlaufstelle für europäische Investoren und wird dies auch in Zukunft bleiben. Obwohl viele Firmen dies erkannt haben, zeigt eine Studie, dass 70% aller Auslandsinvestitionen scheitern - zumeist aufgrund von Fehlkommunikation und mangelndem kulturellen Verständnis. In ihrem Buch bringen Ralf Drews und Melissa Lamson die Bedürfnisse US-amerikanischer Kunden mit europäischen Go-to-Market-Strategien zusammen. Sie vermitteln anschaulich, wie die US-amerikanische Kultur das Geschäftsleben und damit Entscheidungsprozesse, Kaufinteresse und Kundenloyalität beeinflusst. Abgeleitet aus Interviews mit Managern führender europäischer Unternehmen mit Tätigkeitsfeldern in den USA, bietet das Buch zahlreiche praktische Tipps und Erkenntnisse. Darüber hinaus werden Umsetzungstools, wie das US Buying-Decision Model (tm), das Organizational Readiness Survey (tm) und das Go-To Market Decision Diamond Tool (tm) vorgestellt. Vielen europäischen Manager, die auf dem US-amerikanischen Market aktiv werden wollen, ist nicht bewusst, wie groß ihre Wissenslücke eigentlich ist. Dieses Buch hilft Ihnen ihre Lernkurve erheblich zu verkürzen!
Unternehmerische Resilienz: So werden Organisationen agil und widerstandsfähig
by Uwe RühlWas bedeutet es für ein Unternehmen, wenn seine Lieferkette durch eine Naturkatastrophe oder durch Krieg dauerhaft unterbrochen wird? Was passiert, wenn das zentrale Bürogebäude über Nacht abbrennt? Wenn eine Cyberattacke die IT lahmlegt oder ein Shitstorm das Image zu schädigen droht? Und wie sieht eine vernünftige Prävention, wie sehen schlagkräftige Reaktions- und Krisenmanagementmuster aus, die die Handlungsfähigkeit in einer solchen Krise schnell wiederherstellen und gewährleisten? Unter diesen Voraussetzungen vollzieht sich unaufhaltsam der Shift eines in der Psychologie für Individuen seit mehr als zehn Jahren präsenten Mega-Trends in Richtung Unternehmen und Organisationen: Resilienz ist gefragt! Doch das komplexe Wesen von Unternehmen verbietet einen abziehbildartigen Transfer der in der individuellen Psychologie genutzten Resilienz-Prinzipien. Lösungsansätze für diese Herausforderung liegen nur zum Teil in der Normenwelt, mit der Gesetzgeber und befugte Institutionen das Business Contuinity Management, die Cyber Security, Qualitätsstandards und ein funktionierendes Krisenmanagement in Wirtschaft und Business verankern möchten. Hier kommen Uwe Rühl und sein Team mit ihrem Buch ins Spiel: Als Normenexperten wissen sie, wie wichtig ein tragfähiges und starkes "Skelett" für einen resilienten Körper ist. Und als Katastrophenschützer, Leitstellenchef und gestandener Krisenmanager hat Uwe Rühl gelernt, dass es essenziell ist, unter Druck im Ernstfall mit viel Kraft und Flexibilität gut trainierte Muskeln spielen lassen zu können sowie den "Unternehmenskörper" schon im Vorfeld gegen mögliche Risiken zu impfen und so eine Immunisierung in die Wege zu leiten. Organisationale Resilienz ist kein Hexenwerk, sondern hat vielmehr mit solidem Handwerk zu tun. Das Buch vermittelt dieses Handwerk auf der Basis einer gelungenen Symbiose zwischen den Anforderungen der Normen- und Managementsystemwelt und ganz praktischen Ansätzen und Tipps, die "das Fleisch an den Knochen" geben und darauf abzielen, das starre Skelett zu einem agilen und widerstandsfähigen Körper zu machen. Geschichten aus der Berater- und Unternehmenspraxis, Tipps, Tricks und Handlungsempfehlungen aus Uwe Rühls "Leitstellen-Toolbox" sowie plakative Exkurse zum Thema Krisenhandwerk machen das Buch zu einer äußerst nützlichen und spannenden Lektüre.
Unterricht findet Stadt: Demokratiebildende Koordinaten sozialräumlichen Lernens (Bürgerbewusstsein)
by Carolin KiehlDas vorliegende Buch untersucht das Verhältnis zwischen demokratiebildendem Lernen und sozialräumlichen Spezifika im Kontext einer Gesellschaft der Vielfalt. Ausgehend vom Verständnis einer reflexiven, heterogenen und zu Teilen widersprüchlichen Gesellschaft werden fächerübergreifende Kompetenzen erhoben, welche als Facetten von Mündigkeit verstanden werden können. Dabei wird der Begriff des "Sozialraums" über das Quartierverständnis hinaus erweitert als relationaler Raum und figurativer Ausschnitt von Gesellschaft beschrieben. Im Bewusstsein einer lebensweltnahen Demokratiebildung entwickelt sich der Sozialraum dabei zum Koordinatensystem, aus welchem sich Gütekriterien, fördernde, aber auch hemmende Faktoren eines demokratiebildenden, sozialräumlichen Unterrichts ableiten lassen. Ausgehend von Prozessen der produktiven Realitätsverarbeitung und einer Theorie reflexiver Modernisierung wird Lernen als reflexiver und bewusster Vorgang im Verhältnis von innerer und äußerer Realität sowie im Kontext von Wissen und Nicht-Wissen untersucht. Die Analyse gibt Empfehlungen für verschiedene Fachdidaktiken, beschreibt sozialräumliches Lernen jedoch zugleich als reflektierenden Sozialisationsprozess, der zwar in Schule Verankerung findet, aber zugleich für ein lebenslanges Lernen außerhalb des schulischen Sozialraums spricht.
Unterstütztes Wohnen und Teilhabe (Beiträge zur Teilhabeforschung)
by Friedrich Dieckmann Theresia Heddergott Antonia ThimmDas Buch fasst die Forschung zum unterstützten Wohnen und zur Teilhabe von Menschen mit intellektueller Beeinträchtigung zusammen und weist Richtungen für die inhaltliche und methodische Weiterentwicklung. Im ersten Teil wird die Forschung zum Wohnen mit Unterstützung in der Teilhabeforschung verortet und ein Überblick über die Entwicklung und den Stand der deutschsprachigen und internationalen Wohnforschung gegeben. Der zweite Teil setzt mit der partizipativen Forschung und der Zusammenstellung internationaler standardisierter Erhebungsinstrumente forschungsmethodische Impulse. Im dritten Teil werden innovative Themenfelder (Sozialraum, Organisationskultur, technisch unterstützte Teilhabe, Menschen mit komplexem Unterstützungsbedarf) mit ihren Erkenntnissen und Herausforderungen vorgestellt.Dies ist ein Open-Access-Buch.
Unterstützung in der Nachbarschaft: Struktur und Potenzial für gesellschaftliche Kohäsion
by Sabine Fromm Doris RosenkranzErstmals in Deutschland wird hier eine Studie vorgelegt, die Strukturen, Bedingungen und Potenziale informeller – privater – nachbarschaftlicher Unterstützungen detailliert und repräsentativ für eine Kommune untersucht und darüber hinaus ihr Potenzial für soziale Kohäsion analysiert. Es zeigt sich, dass informelle nachbarschaftliche Unterstützung weit verbreitet ist bzw. ein großes Potenzial dafür existiert. Gleichzeitig wird deutlich, dass sie weder andere private Netzwerke ersetzt, noch sich sozialplanerisch einfordern lässt. Unterstützung in der Nachbarschaft stellt vielmehr eine eigenständige Dimension des Sozialen dar – und eine Komponente gesellschaftlicher Kohäsion.
Until Choice Do Us Part: Marriage Reform in the Progressive Era
by Clare Virginia EbyFor centuries, people have been thinking and writingOCoand fiercely debatingOCoabout the meaning of marriage. Just a hundred years ago, Progressive era reformers embraced marriage not as a time-honored repository for conservative values, but as a tool for social change. In Until Choice Do Us Part, Clare Virginia Eby offers a new account of marriage as it appeared in fiction, journalism, legal decisions, scholarly work, and private correspondence at the turn into the twentieth century. She begins with reformers like sexologist Havelock Ellis, anthropologist Elsie Clews Parsons, and feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman, who argued that spouses should be OC class equalsOCO joined by private affection, not public sanction. aThen Eby guides us through the stories of three literary couplesOCoUpton and Meta Fuller Sinclair, Theodore and Sara White Dreiser, and Neith Boyce and Hutchins HapgoodOCowho sought to reform marriage in their lives and in their writings, with mixed results. With this focus on the intimate side of married life, Eby views a historical moment that changed the nature of American marriageOCoand that continues to shape marital norms today. "
Until We Are Strong Together: Women Writers In The Tenderloin (Language And Literacy Ser.)
by Caroline HellerIn her extraordinary book about the members of the Tenderloin Women Writers Workshop, Caroline Heller witnesses the power of literacy in the lives of these women who gathered weekly in one of San Francisco's roughest neighborhoods, to share their writing and life experiences. In telling their stories as she came to know them during her three years of attendance. Heller brings the group to life and explores the functions the workshop served for its participant, functions that were social, political, and deeply educational. Her eloquent narrative contributes a fresh conception of critical literacy and liberation education, drawing on the words and perceptions of some of those outside the mainstream of American life, enriching our understanding of how we might more effectively learn in community with one anothe, and how to connect writing to real life, to our neighborhood, and to social justice and social change.
The Untimely Art of Scribble (Landscapes: the Arts, Aesthetics, and Education #34)
by Victoria de RijkeThis book offers new definitions, vocabularies and insights for “scribbling”, viewing it as a fascinating and revealing process shared by many different disciplines and practices. The book provides a fresh and timely perspective on the nature of mark making and the persistence of the gestural impulse from the earliest graphic marks to the most sophisticated artistic production. The typical treatment of scribbling in the literature of artistic development has cast the practice as a prelude to representation in drawing and writing, with only occasional acknowledgment of the continuing joy and experiment of making marks across many arts practices. The continuous line the author traces between the universal practice of scribbling in infancy and early childhood and the work of radical creativity for contemporary and historical artists is original and clarifying, expanding the range of drawing behaviors to that of avant-garde painters, performance and the digital.
Unto Others: The Evolution and Psychology of Unselfish Behavior
by Elliot Sober David Sloan WilsonNo matter what we do, however kind or generous our deeds may seem, a hidden motive of selfishness lurks—or so science has claimed for years. This book, whose publication promises to be a major scientific event, tells us differently. In Unto Others philosopher Elliott Sober and biologist David Sloan Wilson demonstrate once and for all that unselfish behavior is in fact an important feature of both biological and human nature. Their book provides a panoramic view of altruism throughout the animal kingdom—from self-sacrificing parasites to insects that subsume themselves in the superorganism of a colony to the human capacity for selflessness—even as it explains the evolutionary sense of such behavior. Explaining how altruistic behavior can evolve by natural selection, this book finally gives credence to the idea of group selection that was originally proposed by Darwin but denounced as heretical in the 1960s. With their account of this controversy, Sober and Wilson offer a detailed case study of scientific change as well as an indisputable argument for group selection as a legitimate theory in evolutionary biology. Unto Others also takes a novel evolutionary approach in explaining the ultimate psychological motives behind unselfish human behavior. Developing a theory of the proximate mechanisms that most likely evolved to motivate adaptive helping behavior, Sober and Wilson show how people and perhaps other species evolved the capacity to care for others as a goal in itself. A truly interdisciplinary work that blends biology, philosophy, psychology, and anthropology, this book will permanently change not just our view of selfless behavior but also our understanding of many issues in evolutionary biology and the social sciences.
Untold Stories: Legacies of Authoritarianism among Spanish Labour Migrants in Later Life (Anthropological Horizons)
by David DivitaForgetting about Spain’s civil war (1936–9) and subsequent dictatorship was long seen as a necessary safeguard for the democracy that emerged after General Francisco Franco’s death in 1975. Since the early 2000s, however, public discussion of historical memory has awakened efforts to remember this past through the personal testimonies of Spaniards who experienced it firsthand. Untold Stories expands accounts of twentieth-century Spain by presenting an ethnography of an ignored population: the impoverished men and women who fled Franco’s dictatorship in the 1960s, participating in a wave of labour migration to northern Europe. Now in their eighties, they were born around the time of the civil war and came of age during its repressive aftermath before leaving Spain as young adults. The book features a community of such Spaniards, who gather regularly at a senior centre on the outskirts of Paris. Drawing on concepts from linguistic anthropology, David Divita analyses conversational encounters recorded among the seniors to demonstrate how a turbulent past shapes mundane moments of social interaction in the present. Documenting what is said as well as what is not, Divita reveals through detailed textual analysis how silence can pervade the creation of social meanings – such as belonging, authority, and legitimacy. Untold Stories illuminates the impact of a harrowing historical period on some of Spain’s most marginal citizens in the early years of the dictatorship.
Untold Stories in Organizations (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)
by David Anderson Michal Izak Linda HitchinThe field of organizational storytelling research is productive, vibrant and diverse. Over three decades we have come to understand how organizations are not only full of stories but also how stories are actively making, sustaining and changing organizations. This edited collection contributes to this body of work by paying specific attention to stories that are neglected, edited out, unintentionally omitted or deliberately left silent. Despite the fact that such stories are not voiced they have a role to play in organizational analysis. The chapters in this volume variously explore how certain realities become excluded or silenced. The stories that remain below the audible range in organizations offer researchers an access to study political practices which marginalise certain organisational realities whilst promoting others. This volume offers a further contribution by paying heed to silence and the processes of silencing. These silences influence the choice of issues on organisational agendas, the choice of audience(s) to which these discourses are addressed and the ways of addressing them. In exploring these relatively understudied terrains, Untold Stories in Organizations comprises an important contribution to the organizational storytelling space, opening paths for new trajectories in storytelling research.
Untouchability in Rural India
by Ghanshyam Shah Harsh Mander Sukhadeo Thorat Satish Deshpande Amita BaviskarThis book is focused and systematic documentation of the incidence and extent of the practice of untouchability in contemporary India. Based on the results of a large survey covering 565 villages in 11 states, it reveals that untouchability continues to be widely prevalent and is practiced in one form or another in almost 80 per cent of the villages. Field data is supplemented by information about the forms of discrimination which Dalits face in everyday life, such as: – The ‘unclean’ occupations open to them – The double burden of Dalit women, who suffer both gender and caste discrimination – The upper-caste violence with which any Dalit self-assertion is met The authors also describe Dalit efforts to overcome deeply entrenched caste hierarchies and assert their right to live with dignity. While the evidence presented here suggests that the more blatant and extreme forms of untouchability appear to have declined, discrimination continues and is most prevalent in the religious and personal spheres. The authors show that the notion of untouchability continues to pervade the public sphere, including a host of state institutions and the interactions that occur within them.
Untying the Knot: Marriage, the State, and the Case for Their Divorce
by Tamara MetzMarriage is at the center of one of today's fiercest political debates. Activists argue about how to define it, judges and legislators decide who should benefit from it, and scholars consider how the state should protect those who are denied it. Few, however, ask whether the state should have anything to do with marriage in the first place. In Untying the Knot, Tamara Metz addresses this crucial question, making a powerful argument that marriage, like religion, should be separated from the state. Rather than defining or conferring marriage, or relying on it to achieve legitimate public welfare goals, the state should create a narrow legal status that supports all intimate caregiving unions. Marriage itself should be bestowed by those best suited to give it the necessary ethical authority--religious groups and other kinds of communities. Divorcing the state from marriage is dictated by nothing less than basic commitments to freedom and equality. Tracing confusions about marriage to tensions at the heart of liberalism, Untying the Knot clarifies today's debates about marriage by identifying and explaining assumptions hidden in widely held positions and common practices. It shows that, as long as marriage and the state are linked, marriage will be a threat to liberalism and the state will be a threat to marriage. An important and timely rethinking of the relationship between marriage and the state, Untying the Knot will interest political theorists, legal scholars, policymakers, sociologists, and anyone else who cares about the fate of marriage or liberalism.
Unveiling Inequality: A World-Historical Perspective
by Timothy Patrick Moran Roberto Patricio KorzeniewiczDespite the vast expansion of global markets during the last half of the twentieth century, social science still most often examines and measures inequality and social mobility within individual nations rather than across national boundaries. Every country has both rich and poor populations making demands--via institutions, political processes, or even conflict--on how their resources will be distributed. But shifts in inequality in one country can precipitate accompanying shifts in another. Unveiling Inequality authors Roberto Patricio Korzeniewicz and Timothy Patrick Moran make the case that within-country analyses alone have not adequately illuminated our understanding of global stratification. The authors present a comprehensive new framework that moves beyond national boundaries to analyze economic inequality and social mobility on a global scale and from a historical perspective. Assembling data on patterns of inequality in more than ninety-six countries, Unveiling Inequality reframes the relationship between globalization and inequality within and between nations. Korzeniewicz and Moran first examine two different historical patterns--"High Inequality Equilibrium" and "Low Inequality Equilibrium"--and question whether increasing equality, democracy, and economic growth are inextricably linked as nations modernize. Inequality is best understood as a complex set of relational interactions that unfold globally over time. So the same institutional mechanisms that have historically reduced inequality within some nations have also often accentuated the selective exclusion of populations from poorer countries and enhanced high inequality equilibrium between nations.
Unveiling the Gender Paradox: Dynamics of Power, Sexuality and Property in Kerala
by Lekha N.B. Antony PalackalBoth nationally and internationally, the south Indian state of Kerala has been an object of study for its matrilineal kinship organization among some communities, as well as its achievements in education, literacy, and life expectancy for women against a weak economic base. Nonetheless, scholars have drawn attention to a paradox in Kerala’s model of development, namely women’s deteriorating social position in Kerala and the rise in violence against women. Against this backdrop, this book explores the intersections of gender, sexuality, marriage, family and kinship as related to the matrilineal Nayar community in Kerala. Chapters unravel the interplay between the triple categories of gender, power and social development as they play out at the micro, meso, and macro levels of society, probing the ways in which Nayar women practice agency. Ultimately, the authors explore how the strength of the Nayar community can be used as a case study toward circumventing the prevailing gender paradox and re-imagine a more liberated, empowered and self-reliant woman not only in Kerala, but in India at large. This book will be of interest to scholars in sociology, gender studies, and development studies, particularly those with a focus on South Asia.
Unverstandene Union: Eine organisationswissenschaftliche Analyse der EU (essentials)
by Marcel Schütz Finn-Rasmus BullMarcel Sch#65533;tz und Finn-Rasmus Bull gewinnen in einer organisationswissenschaftlichen Analyse neue Erkenntnisse #65533;ber die besonderen Organisationsmerkmale der oft als politisches B#65533;ndnis oder Projekt umschriebenen Europ#65533;ischen Union (EU). Hierzu bedienen sie sich eines bew#65533;hrten Strukturansatzes aus der Systemtheorie Niklas Luhmanns und verbinden diesen mit dem Konzept der Metaorganisation. Dargelegt wird, welche erschwerten Bedingungen der Steuerung und Ver#65533;nderung in solchen Organisationen auftreten, deren Mitglieder nicht Individuen, sondern ebenfalls Organisationen sind. Die Autoren zeigen, dass vermeintliche St#65533;rungen und Defizite der organisierten Staatengemeinschaft sich hintergr#65533;ndig als elementare St#65533;rken und Vorz#65533;ge erweisen k#65533;nnen.
The Unwanted: Stories of the Syrian Refugees
by Don BrownSibert Honor Medalist · New York Public Library Best Of 2018 · The Horn Book&’s Fanfare 2018 list · Kirkus Best Books of 2018 · YALSA Excellence in Nonfiction WinnerIn the tradition of two-time Sibert honor winner Don Brown&’s critically acclaimed, full-color nonfiction graphic novels The Great American Dust Bowl and Drowned City, The Unwanted is an important, timely, and eye-opening exploration of the ongoing Syrian refugee crisis, exposing the harsh realities of living in, and trying to escape, a war zone. Starting in 2011, refugees flood out of war-torn Syria in Exodus-like proportions. The surprising flood of victims overwhelms neighboring countries, and chaos follows. Resentment in host nations heightens as disruption and the cost of aid grows. By 2017, many want to turn their backs on the victims. The refugees are the unwanted. Don Brown depicts moments of both heartbreaking horror and hope in the ongoing Syrian refugee crisis. Shining a light on the stories of the survivors, The Unwanted is a testament to the courage and resilience of the refugees and a call to action for all those who read.
The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America, First Edition
by George PackerA riveting examination of a nation in crisis, from one of the finest political journalists of our generation.<P><P> American democracy is beset by a sense of crisis. Seismic shifts during a single generation have created a country of winners and losers, allowing unprecedented freedom while rending the social contract, driving the political system to the verge of breakdown, and setting citizens adrift to find new paths forward. In The Unwinding, George Packer, author of The Assassins' Gate: America in Iraq, tells the story of the United States over the past three decades in an utterly original way, with his characteristically sharp eye for detail and gift for weaving together complex narratives.<P> The Unwinding journeys through the lives of several Americans, including Dean Price, the son of tobacco farmers, who becomes an evangelist for a new economy in the rural South; Tammy Thomas, a factory worker in the Rust Belt trying to survive the collapse of her city; Jeff Connaughton, a Washington insider oscillating between political idealism and the lure of organized money; and Peter Thiel, a Silicon Valley billionaire who questions the Internet's significance and arrives at a radical vision of the future. Packer interweaves these intimate stories with biographical sketches of the era's leading public figures, from Newt Gingrich to Jay-Z, and collages made from newspaper headlines, advertising slogans, and song lyrics that capture the flow of events and their undercurrents.<P> The Unwinding portrays a superpower in danger of coming apart at the seams, its elites no longer elite, its institutions no longer working, its ordinary people left to improvise their own schemes for success and salvation. Packer's novelistic and kaleidoscopic history of the new America is his most ambitious work to date. <P>National Book Award 2013
Unwinding Madness: What Went Wrong with College Sportsand How to Fix It
by Gerald Gurney Andrew Zimbalist Donna A. LopianoA critical look at the tension between the larger role of the university and the commercialization of college sportsUnwinding Madness is the most comprehensive examination to date of how the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) has lost its way in the governance of intercollegiate athletics-and why it is incapable of achieving reform and must be replaced. The NCAA has placed commercial success above its responsibilities to protect the academic primacy, health and well-being of college athletes and fallen into an educational, ethical, and economic crisis.As long as intercollegiate athletics reside in the higher education environment, these programs must be academically compatible with their larger institutions, subordinate to their educational mission, and defensible from a not-for-profit organizational standpoint. The issue has never been a matter of whether intercollegiate athletics belongs in higher education as an extracurricular offering. Rather, the perennial challenge has been how these programs have been governed and conducted.The authors propose detailed solutions, starting with the creation of a new national governance organization to replace the NCAA. At the college level, these proposals will not diminish the revenue production capacity of sports programs but will restore academic integrity to the enterprise, provide fairer treatment of college athletes with better health protections, and restore the rights and freedoms of athletes, which have been taken away by a professionalized athletics mentality that controls the cost of its athlete labor force and overpays coaches and athletic directors.Unwinding Madness recognizes that there is no easy fix to the problems now facing college athletics. But the book does offer common sense, doable solutions that respect the rights of athletes, protects their health and well-being while delivering on the promise of a bona fide educational degree program.
Unwired: Gaining Control over Addictive Technologies
by Gaia BernsteinOur society has a technology problem. Many want to disconnect from screens but can't help themselves. These days we spend more time online than ever. Some turn to self-help-measures to limit their usage, yet repeatedly fail, while parents feel particularly powerless to help their children. Unwired: Gaining Control over Addictive Technologies shows us a way out. Rather than blaming users, the book shatters the illusion that we autonomously choose how to spend our time online. It shifts the moral responsibility and accountability for solutions to corporations. Drawing lessons from the tobacco and food industries, the book demonstrates why government regulation is necessary to curb technology addiction. It describes a grassroots movement already in action across courts and legislative halls. Groundbreaking and urgent, Unwired provides a blueprint to develop this movement for change, to one that will allow us to finally gain control.