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Verstehen: Entwicklung, Theorien und Anwendungen der Interpretativen Sozialwissenschaft

by Martin Elbe

Dieses Buch bietet einen Überblick über das sozialwissenschaftliche Verstehen. Es werden die philosophischen Grundlagen, zentrale theoretische Ansätze der Interpretativen Sozialforschung sowie soziologische und psychologische Anwendungsfelder diskutiert. Hierbei wird der Anspruch erhoben, nicht nur eine Einführung in das sozialwissenschaftliche Verstehen zu bieten, sondern dieses auch in Theorie und Anwendung weiterzuentwickeln.

Verteiltes Arbeiten kompakt: Virtuelle Projekte und Teams. Homeoffice. Digitales Arbeiten. (IT kompakt)

by Christof Ebert

(Autor) Christof Ebert (Titel) Outsourcing kompakt (Copy) Dieser Titel führt in die aktuellen Techniken und Trends des Outsourcing und Offshoring von IT-Projekten und -Aktivitäten ein. Er zeigt konkret nutzbare Vorgehensweisen in Abhängigkeit von den Projektcharakteristika auf. Praxiserprobte Verfahren werden vorgestellt und in einem gemeinsamen Kontext gebracht, der es ermöglicht, das Gelernte erfolgreich umzusetzen. Sie erfahren wie komplexe Anforderungen von Offshoring oder Outsourcing von allen Projektbeteiligten verstanden und umgesetzt werden können. (Biblio)

Vertere – Paradigmen des Übersetzens in der Kultur der Antike

by Maurizio Bettini

Maurizio Bettinis Buch schildert die Praktiken und Paradigmen des Übersetzens in der griechischen und römischen Antike bis hin zu den Bibelübersetzungen des hellenistischen Judentums und der christlichen Spätantike. Es ist zugleich eine materialreiche historische Studie und ein kluger Essay über die Dimensionen des Übersetzens als Akt der kreativen Aneignung des Fremden. Im Kontrast zum modernen „postkolonialen“ Übersetzungsverständnis – das letztlich auf die monotheistische Schrift-Übersetzung zurückgeht – versteht Bettini die Übersetzungspraxis der Antike als Teil einer Kultur der sprachlich-literarischen Umwandlung, als Akt des (Nach-) Erzählens, zugleich auch als ein der Ökonomie des (sprach-)grenzüberschreitenden Austauschs verpflichtetes Handeln.

Vertical: The City from Satellites to Bunkers

by Stephen Graham

A revolutionary reimagining of the cities we live in, the air above us, and what goes on in the earth beneath our feet Today we live in a world that can no longer be read as a two-dimensional map, but must now be understood as a series of vertical strata that reach from the satellites that encircle our planet to the tunnels deep within the ground. In Vertical, Stephen Graham rewrites the city at every level: how the geography of inequality, politics, and identity is determined in terms of above and below.Starting at the edge of earth's atmosphere and, in a series of riveting studies, descending through each layer, Graham explores the world of drones, the city from the viewpoint of an aerial bomber, the design of sidewalks and the hidden depths of underground bunkers. He asks: why was Dubai built to be seen from Google Earth? How do the super-rich in São Paulo live in their penthouses far above the street? Why do London billionaires build vast subterranean basements? And how do the technology of elevators and subversive urban explorers shape life on the surface and subsurface of the earth?Vertical will make you look at the world around you anew: this is a revolution in understanding your place in the world.From the Hardcover edition.

Vertical Mosaic

by John Porter

John Porter's landmark study of social and ethnic inequality, The Vertical Mosaic, became an instant classic when it was first published in 1965. A national best seller that sold more than 100,000 copies, the book was the first major study of Canada's class structure and one of the foundational texts in Canadian sociology. Sociologist Irving Louis Horowitz described it as "the sociological study of present-day Canada."Fifty years later, the book retains vast significance both for its powerful critique of social exclusivity in a country that prides itself on equality and diversity and for its influence on generations of sociological researchers. The 50th Anniversary Edition features new material which contextualizes the legacy of this important book: a foreword by Porter's colleague, Wallace Clement, and his biographer, Rick Helmes-Hayes, and a new introductory essay by historian Jack Jedwab and sociologist Vic Satzewich.

The Vertical Mosaic Revisited

by Rick Helmes-Hayes James Curtis

When The Vertical Mosaic first appeared in 1965, it became an instant classic. Its key message was that Canada was not the classless democracy it fancied itself to be. In fact, Canada was a highly inegalitarian society comprising a 'vertical mosaic' of distinct classes and ethnic groups. This collection of papers by five of Canada's top sociologists subjects John Porter's landmark study to renewed scrutiny and traces the dramatic changes since Porter's time - both in Canadian society and in the agenda of Canadian sociology. Based on papers written for a conference held in commemoration of the thirtieth anniversary of The Vertical Mosaic's publication, the five essays revisit the central themes of the original work, including gender and race inequality; citizenship and social justice; and class, power, and ethnicity from the viewpoint of political economy. An introduction by the editors provides a historical biography of Porter and discusses his influence on Canadian sociology.

Vertrauen in der Beziehung zwischen Lehrenden und Lernenden: Eine theoretische und empirische Studie

by Silke Grinke

Dieser Band analysiert im ersten Teil verschiedene ausgewählte theoretische Ansätze zur Vertrauensforschung. Der zweite Teil beschreibt eine qualitative empirische Studie an berufsbildenden mittleren und höheren Schulen sowie allgemeinbildenden höheren Schulen in Österreich. Aus den Ergebnissen der empirischen Untersuchung wurde ein Handlungsmodell zum Vertrauensaufbau als praktische Implikation für Lehrende abgeleitet.

Vertrauen in Künstliche Intelligenz: Eine multi-perspektivische Betrachtung

by Rainer Hofmann Franz-Josef Schmitt Katrin Böhme Katharina Weitz Derya Gür-Seker Peter Rötzel Ines Langemeyer Daniel Glinz Janne Mesenhöller Johannes Schrumpf Johannes Schleiß Gergana Baeva Benjamin Paaßen Janine Strotherm Anders Madsen Johanna Gröpler Magret Mundorf

Der vorliegende Band markiert einen initialen Schritt zur umfassenden Erörterung des Themenfelds ‚Vertrauen in KI‘ aus vielfältigen Blickwinkeln. Dabei wird eine Herangehensweise sowohl aus wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftlicher als auch aus informationstechnischer Perspektive gewählt, die zudem interdisziplinäre Aspekte einbezieht. Insgesamt präsentiert der Band fünfzehn Beiträge von 25 renommierten Autorinnen und Autoren, die ihre Expertise aus vierzehn unterschiedlichen Einrichtungen einbringen. Ziel dieser Debatten ist es, Lernende, Lehrende, Forschende sowie Entscheidungsträgerinnen und -träger aus Politik und Wirtschaft dazu zu befähigen, auf Basis von Fakten eine fundierte Meinung zu bilden. Auf dieser Grundlage sollen sie in der Lage sein, gut durchdachte persönliche Entscheidungen im Umgang mit KI zu treffen.

Vertrauen in Zeiten einer Pandemie: Entwicklungsprozesse, Krisenwahrnehmung und Protest im Kontext von COVID-19 (BestMasters)

by Jakob Richter

Mit der Ausbreitung einer neuartigen Lungenerkrankung und der damit in Verbindung stehenden Pandemie kommt es zu einer grundlegenden Veränderung der Organisation des sozialen Zusammenlebens. Die Veränderungsprozesse betreffen viele Lebensbereiche und führen in Jahren beständig wechselnder Restriktionen und Hygienemaßnahmen zu einem zunehmenden Widerstand innerhalb der Bevölkerung. Vertrauen wird dabei eine bedeutsame Frage für die effektive Umsetzung von Maßnahmen, für die Einhaltungsbereitschaft und für das Protestverhalten während der Pandemie. Vertrauen in andere Menschen, aber auch in die Institutionen der Gesellschaft, ist ein wichtiges Bindeglied für den sozialen Zusammenhalt. Um das Zusammenspiel des Vertrauens mit pandemiebedingten Veränderungsprozessen sowie den darin inbegriffenen Widerstand gegen die Maßnahmen in Österreich aufarbeiten zu können, werden die Daten des „Austria Corona Panel Projects“ herangezogen. Die Paneldaten untersuchen den Zeitraum der Pandemie von März 2020 bis Februar 2022. In diesem Zeitraum kann für das soziale Vertrauen ein signifikanter Anstieg festgestellt werden. Institutionelles Vertrauen verringert sich dahingegen. Protestverhalten wirkt sich mindernd auf das Institutionsvertrauen aus, während soziales Vertrauen davon nicht direkt beeinflusst ist.

Vertrieb und Marketing in der digitalen Welt: So schaffen Unternehmen die Business Transformation in der Praxis

by Hartmut Biesel Hartmut Hame

Die Digitalisierung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft ist das Top-Thema in einer zunehmend global agierenden Welt. Diese Entwicklungen haben auch Konsequenzen f#65533;r den Vertrieb und das Marketing in Unternehmen. Das Buch beschreibt den Stand der heutigen digitalen Anwendungen in Vertrieb und Marketing und liefert Ideen, wie Unternehmen sich aufstellen k#65533;nnen, um k#65533;nftig zu den Gewinnern im digitalen Wandel zu z#65533;hlen. Die Autoren sind Experten f#65533;r Markt- und Kundenmanagement sowie f#65533;r digitale Gesch#65533;ftsmodelle und bringen jahrzehntelange Erfahrung in der Wirtschaft und in der Beratung mit. Sie zeigen insbesondere, wie sich kleinere und mittelst#65533;ndische Unternehmen angesichts des digitalen Wandels transformieren k#65533;nnen. So erl#65533;utern sie, wie Unternehmen durch das richtige Datenmanagement gesellschaftliche Trends erkennen, um schneller als bisher M#65533;rkte mit genau darauf abgestimmten Produkten und Dienstleistungen zu begeistern. In weiteren Kapiteln diskutieren sie, inwieweit Vertriebsorganisationen neu ausgerichtet werden m#65533;ssen, um die Mitarbeiter f#65533;r den notwendigen Wandel zu begeistern oder wie Content-Marketing-Strategien aussehen, die Interesse f#65533;r das Unternehmen generieren. Wie sollten Kundenmanagement und Vertriebsstrategie angepasst werden und welche digitalen Werkzeuge stehen daf#65533;r zur Verf#65533;gung? Diese und weitere Themen greifen die Autoren in dem Buch auf und analysieren sie anhand konkreter Beispiele. Checklisten erleichtern Lesern die Umsetzung der Ideen in der Praxis. Das Buch richtet sich an Unternehmer und an Fachkr#65533;fte f#65533;r Marketing und Vertrieb in kleinen und mittelgro#65533;en Unternehmen.

Verwaltete Biografien

by Elisabeth Schilling

Das Buch adressiert das zentrale Problem der Postmoderne: die Beziehung zwischen den sich langsam wandelnden Strukturen einerseits und den unbeständigen Subjektivitäten andererseits. Es analysiert Wechselwirkungen zwischen den biografiegestaltenden Aufgaben der Verwaltung und individuellen biografischen Identitätsfindungsprozessen. Mit der fortschreitenden Individualisierung vervielfältigen sich die Lebensentwürfe. Es wird schwerer durchschaubar: Wer strebt wann was und auf welche Weise an? Welche Chancen wofür sollen wem ermöglicht werden? Und welche Verteilung von was kann als legitim, gerecht und kompatibel mit bestehenden Rechtsnormen gelten? Öffentliche Verwaltungen, die ihren Legitimitätsanspruch aus dem Verständnis dieser Fragen und einer adäquaten Reaktion darauf beziehen, sehen sich nun vielfach mit einer gefahrvollen Unsicherheit konfrontiert. Der Band bietet eine Orientierungshilfe in einem expandierenden Feld.

Very Brief Cognitive Behavioural Coaching (Coaching Psychology)

by Windy Dryden

In Very Brief Cognitive Behavioural Coaching Windy Dryden presents VBCBC: a unique approach to coaching from a cognitive behavioural perspective which takes place over the course of one to three sessions. The approach is designed to help coachees identify at least one major objective, discuss and select ways to achieve it and, if necessary, deal with obstacles that they experience in pursuing it. The book presents the basic assumptions of the Very Brief Cognitive Behavioural Coaching (VBCBC) approach, how it can be understood from the perspective of working alliance theory and recommendations concerning when it can be used and when not. Dryden begins by defining coaching and explaining the aims of VBCBC, before examining the input factors which can increase its effectiveness and concluding with a seven-stage process view. The book also includes a transcript of a real VBCBC session, with commentary. Written clearly and accessibly, this will be essential reading for coaches of all backgrounds interested in brief approaches, including those in training, coaching psychologists and coach supervisors.

Very Important People: Status and Beauty in the Global Party Circuit

by Ashley Mears

A sociologist and former fashion model takes readers inside the elite global party circuit of "models and bottles" to reveal how beautiful young women are used to boost the status of menMillion-dollar birthday parties, megayachts on the French Riviera, and $40,000 bottles of champagne. In today's New Gilded Age, the world's moneyed classes have taken conspicuous consumption to new extremes. In Very Important People, sociologist, author, and former fashion model Ashley Mears takes readers inside the exclusive global nightclub and party circuit—from New York City and the Hamptons to Miami and Saint-Tropez—to reveal the intricate economy of beauty, status, and money that lies behind these spectacular displays of wealth and leisure.Mears spent eighteen months in this world of "models and bottles" to write this captivating, sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking narrative. She describes how clubs and restaurants pay promoters to recruit beautiful young women to their venues in order to attract men and get them to spend huge sums in the ritual of bottle service. These "girls" enhance the status of the men and enrich club owners, exchanging their bodily capital for as little as free drinks and a chance to party with men who are rich or aspire to be. Though they are priceless assets in the party circuit, these women are regarded as worthless as long-term relationship prospects, and their bodies are constantly assessed against men's money.A story of extreme gender inequality in a seductive world, Very Important People unveils troubling realities behind moneyed leisure in an age of record economic disparity.

Very Recent History: An Entirely Factual Account of a Year (c. AD 2009) in a Large City

by Choire Sicha

Very Recent History by Choire Sicha is an idiosyncratic and elegant narrative that follows a handful of young men in New York City as they navigate the ruins of money and power--in search of love and connection. After the Wall Street crash of 2008, the richest man in town is the mayor. Billionaires shed apartments like last seasons fashions, even as the countrys economy turns inside out. The young and careless go on as they always have, getting laid and getting laid off, falling in and out of love, and trying to navigate the strange world they traffic in: the Internet, complex financial markets, credit cards, pop stars, micro-plane cheese graters, and sex apps. A true-life fable of money, sex, and politics, Choire Sichas Very Recent History: An Entirely Factual Account of a Year (c. AD 2009) in a Large City turns our focus to a year in the life of a great city.

The Very Secret Sex Lives of Medieval Women: An Inside Look At Women And Sex In Medieval Times (true Stories, Women In History)

by Rosalie Gilbert

A “wickedly entertaining, informative and thought-provoking” look at romance, courtship, and other intimacies behind closed Medieval doors (Dr. Markus Kerr, PhD, MDR).Were medieval women slaves to their husband’s desires, jealously secured in a chastity belt in his absence? Was sex a duty or could it be a pleasure? Did a woman have a say about her own female sexuality, body, and who did or didn’t get up close and personal with it? No. And yes. It’s complicated.The intimate lives of medieval women were as complex as for modern women. They loved and lost, hoped and schemed, were lifted up and cast down. They were hopeful and lovelorn. Some had it forced upon them, others made aphrodisiacs and dressed for success. Some were chaste and some were lusty. Having sex was complicated. Not having sex, was even more so.Inside The Very Secret Sex Lives of Medieval Women, a fascinating book about life during medieval times, you will discover tantalizing true stories about medieval women and a myriad of historical facts. Learn about:The true experiences of women from all classes, including women who made historyThe dos and don’ts in the bedroomSexy foods and how to have themAll you need to know for your wedding night, and well as insider medical adviceHow to get pregnant (and how not to), and more“Quite compelling and hilariously funny. I have been chuckling out loud and my husband says he thinks he ought to read it if it’s such a tonic. God forbid!” —Susanna Newstead, author of the Savernake Novels

A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Organizations (Very Short, Fairly Interesting & Cheap Books)

by Chris Grey

The first two editions of this book were a runaway success with students who loved the lively, focused and challenging discussion of classical and current ideas about organizations and their management.<P><P> This new edition, which can be used across a range of management courses, has been updated in light of the continuing financial and economic crisis. It shows how this grew out of a thirty year experiment in 'new capitalism' and links this to changes in the world of work organizations in terms of growing insecurity and inequality and to shifts in the status of management. Containing a new foreword, the third edition provides a challenging discussion of core, classical ideas but also covers issues such as new forms of control, identity regulation and the ethics and politics of studying organizations.<P> Chris Grey shies away from the sterility of conventional textbooks, offering students an accessible and palatable overview of the field of organization studies that questions and challenges the traditional literature.

A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Organizations (Very Short, Fairly Interesting & Cheap Books)

by Chris Grey

'Indispensable and subversive' - Simon Caulkin, The Observer 'A highly entertaining polemic.... This slim volume more than lives up to its title' - Stefan Stern, Financial Times The Fourth Edition of Studying Organizations explains the unfolding consequences for organizations of the global financial and economic crisis, has been updated with examples from the biggest recent news events, and incorporates the latest research studies and up-to-date statistics. Conceived by Chris Grey as an antidote to conventional textbooks, each book in the ‘Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap’ series takes a core area of the curriculum and turns it on its head by providing a critical and sophisticated overview of the key issues and debates in an informal, conversational and often humorous way. Suitable for students of organizational studies and management, professionals working in organizations and anyone curious about the workings of organizations. The accompanying regularly updated blog, read by thousands of people worldwide, keeps the book bang up to date:

A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Organizations (Very Short, Fairly Interesting & Cheap Books)

by Chris Grey

′Indispensable and subversive′ - Simon Caulkin, The Observer ′A highly entertaining polemic.... This slim volume more than lives up to its title′ - Stefan Stern, Financial Times Conceived by Chris Grey and written to get you thinking, the ′Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap’ series offers informal, conversational and critical overviews of popular areas of study. Updated throughout with examples from the biggest global news events, including the Trump presidency, cost-cutting at Boeing, working conditions at Sports Direct and the fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic, the fifth edition explores contemporary developments in organizations. This book is ideal for students of organizational studies, management professionals and anyone curious about the workings of organizations. Chris Grey is Emeritus Professor of Organization Studies at the School of Business and Management at Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.

A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Organizations (Very Short, Fairly Interesting & Cheap Books)

by Chris Grey

′Indispensable and subversive′ - Simon Caulkin, The Observer ′A highly entertaining polemic.... This slim volume more than lives up to its title′ - Stefan Stern, Financial Times Conceived by Chris Grey and written to get you thinking, the ′Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap’ series offers informal, conversational and critical overviews of popular areas of study. Updated throughout with examples from the biggest global news events, including the Trump presidency, cost-cutting at Boeing, working conditions at Sports Direct and the fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic, the fifth edition explores contemporary developments in organizations. This book is ideal for students of organizational studies, management professionals and anyone curious about the workings of organizations. Chris Grey is Emeritus Professor of Organization Studies at the School of Business and Management at Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.

A Very Social Time: Crafting Community in Antebellum New England

by Karen V. Hansen

Karen Hansen's richly anecdotal narrative explores the textured community lives of New England's working women and men—both white and black—n the half century before the Civil War. Her use of diaries, letters, and autobiographies brings their voices to life, making this study an extraordinary combination of historical research and sociological interpretation.Hansen challenges conventional notions that women were largely relegated to a private realm and men to a public one. A third dimension—the social sphere—also existed and was a critical meeting ground for both genders. In the social worlds of love, livelihood, gossip, friendship, and mutual assistance, working people crossed ideological gender boundaries.The book's rare collection of original writings reinforces Hansen's arguments and also provides an intimate glimpse into antebellum New England life.

Vespas, Cafes, Singlespeed Bikes, and Urban Hipsters: Gentrification, Urban Mission, and Church Planting

by Sean Benesh

Gentrification is a complex process that historically has created dividing lines between the haves and have-nots. In urban renewal, there are clear winners and losers as neighborhoods and districts become revitalized. On the plus side, there is a reclamation and preservation of grand historic buildings, homes and edifices alongside renewed economic vitality. On the negative side, gentrification means many minorities and lower-income families, who for years had called the old neighborhood home, are getting pushed to the urban periphery because they cannot afford to live there anymore. In light of these competing if not contradictory values, how should Christians respond? Is there a biblical and theological foundation on which to build such a response? Vespas, Cafes, Singlespeed Bikes, and Urban Hipsters takes a look beneath the surface of this phenomenon to uncover and present a Christian response to this city-changing movement.

Veterans' Journeys Home: Life After Afghanistan and Iraq

by Lori Holyfield

Veterans' Journeys Home is a vivid portrayal of military life and its aftermath for US troops who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Highlighting the challenges US veterans face in today's changing military culture, the book depicts the haunting and visceral memories of returning soldiers, conversations with mental health providers, and offers an alternative approach to healing the emotional wounds of war. For anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the human costs of recent wars this book is invaluable. It combines a moving narrative with a penetrating analysis of the welfare and post-conflict treatment of veterans.

Veterans with a Vision: Canada's War Blinded in Peace and War

by Serge Marc Durflinger

Durflinger (history, the University of Ottawa, Canada) chronicles advocacy by Canadian servicemen blinded in war, highlighting their efforts to help Canadian veterans and all blind citizens. The book begins with the establishment of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind in 1918 by 200 Canadian servicemen blinded in WWI, then continues with the formation of the Sir Arthur Pearson Association of War Blinded, which advocated for government benefits, job retraining, and other social programs. Key figures are profiled, and issues such as physical and psychological rehabilitation are discussed. The book is based on archival material from both organizations.

Vi Insegnerò a Diventare Ricchi: Non Cercate Lavoro, Createne Uno!

by Dave McAllen

Una guida semplice per fare soldi con la creazione di prodotti digitali per un mercato già esistente. Vi insegnerò a diventare ricchi Le persone non danno quello che non hanno. Dave McAllen ha delle attività. A coloro che lo ascoltano, egli dà lavoro. Dave fa un sacco di soldi dopo aver cercato nelle più profonde insoddisfazioni e sofferenze delle persone e creando dei prodotti specifici non ancora utilizzati per aiutarle a trovare risposte e soluzioni. Quindi, se siete qui, sicuramente otterrete il lavoro dei vostri sogni. Egli vi mostrerà esattamente come guadagna migliaia di dollari ogni settimana grazie a questi prodotti, nella sua coscienza della ricchezza. Vi insegnerò a diventare ricchi, è un libro sui segreti della ricchezza di chi ha successo e su come attingere ad essi. Dave si presenta ai lettori con una guida pratica e collaudata per puntare al reddito richiesto a livello globale, 24/7. Egli vi insegnerà come realizzare questi prodotti che apportano denaro e a creare il vostro lavoro. Con questo libro, non sarete alla ricerca di 50 modi per ottenere un lavoro. Questa è una garanzia di lavoro. Che siate un giovane e vivace uomo o donna, o un 50enne, in cerca di un reddito dopo la pensione, o qualcuno che cerca di creare un reddito secondario, questo sistema di gestione patrimoniale e di rifacimento dei soldi vi metterà sulla strada per arrivare alla ricchezza.

Viability and Sustainability of Small-Scale Fisheries in Latin America and The Caribbean (MARE Publication Series #19)

by Silvia Salas María José Barragán-Paladines Ratana Chuenpagdee

One of the main goals in fisheries governance is to promote viability and sustainability in small-scale fishing communities. This is not an easy task given external and internal pressure, including environmental change and competition with other economic sectors searching for development in the coastal region. A comprehensive understanding of small-scale fisheries in their own context, and from a regional perspective, is an important step in supporting the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF Guidelines). This book contributes to the global effort by offering knowledge, insights and lessons about small-scale fisheries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The 20 case studies included in the book make explicit the various dimensions that are intrinsic to small-scale fisheries in the region, and identify conditions and situations that affect the wellbeing of fishing communities. The book offers insights regarding the challenges faced by small-scale fisheries in the region, and, aligning with the objectives of the SSF Guidelines, provides lessons and experiences about how to make small-scale fishing communities viable while maintaining sustainable fisheries. This important book illustrates the complexity, diversity, and dynamics of small-scale fisheries in the Latin American and Caribbean region and presents experiences, tools, and approaches to lead towards sustainable and viable fisheries. The reader will gain a new understanding on the range of actions, approaches, and information needed for their successful management. John F. Caddy, International Fisheries ExpertThis book, prepared by the Too Big To Ignore partnership, constitutes a very valuable resource for policy makers, fisheries scientists, non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, and fishing communities interested in putting in place sound management strategies, research, and actions to contribute to the sustainability of small-scale fisheries and food security in Latin America and the Caribbean region. Juan Carlos Seijo, Professor of Fisheries Bioeconomics at Marist University of Merida

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